Artificer Handbook

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Artificers Handbook

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The Artificers Handbook

Enlightened Engineering

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Table of Contents 2: Subclasses

1: Artifice Steel Dragoon

The Spark
Solar Forger

Changing World, Industrious Soul


Quirky Lives
Crimson Scientist

Tools of Creation
Hive Lord/Lady

Volt Rider

Pyroclastic Firebug

1A Backgrounds
3: Tools of Inspiration

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The Spark
Artifice D6 Spark of Inspiration
The soul of innovation is often the spark of need, bolstered A visitor of to your village showed off a clockwork
with the desperation to act and build in ways that you would 1
artifact, it's perfection set you on it's current path.
see as dangerous, but always to advance.
Artificers work tirelessly to bring the magic to the masses, 2
During a fever-dream you saw patterns and designs
to spread the power among everyone, letting people learn that you are only now capable of making.
and find their place in a new world of brass and clockwork, You learned from a mage, but the skills you learned
steel and soul. 3 you could never apply directly. Your Devices allow you
Often it means they are against the powers that be that access to the magic you had learned.
hold the people to their standards, or want them to need A book in your families study kept you fascinated, yet
them. An Artificer can be anyone from a simple inventor that it wasn't the stories that kept you, it was the printing
just wants to help his people grow and not have to kill 4
press that made it. You want to make something as
themselves working to exhaustion, to a weapon inventor that world shaking as that.
crafts intricate designs to hunt and slay monsters and
magical beasts. You witnessed the use or a technological marvel and it
Artificers are often at the front lines of pushing 5
has stuck with you, captured your thoughts and
advancements in society and industry, ever seeking to change consumed your life until you managed to make
something similar.
the world around them for the better or at least that is the
hope. Better living though technology for all, rather than the You can't remember, but you know how things work,
limited scope of change that magic allows for. Mages often 6 how to put them together and how to make them do
limit the use of magic claiming it is only for those who have what you want. Its something you've always done.
learned it, those that have earned it.
Artificers often do not consider tradition while working, Changing World, Industrious soul
they are focused on the practicalities of making, the gathering
and advancement of the common people. The Devices of a single artificer may not seem to change the
world, but they can start the world on a path to change, as the
The Spark spark that inspired one can ignite the fire in others, inspiring
them to become more independant, skilled, focused and
Weather or not an artificer starts out with the ingenuity to driven.
change the world or not doesn't matter, what matters is drive. Better yet for the common people, many of the devices
A Wizard will study what has been written and understand it, aren't dependant on having knowledge of magic to use, and
even teach it to others who show promise. A Sorcerer will can be maintained with a little bit of skill and knowledge that
naturally come across their gifts and power and gain an can easily be shared. Some of the Devices barely even touch
understand on how to do things on their own. A Warlocks upon any magical principles at all and just function, because
Pact will grant them power that isn't their own, but still be they are made to do so.
available to any that wish to pay the price. Some races are more likely to embrace the skills and crafts
An Artificer doesn't have the advantage of a collage to turn of an artificer than some others, Humans and Dwarves are
to, a school to study from or even a patron to get greater races that embrace the items that come from development of
power from. They only have themselves and the scraps they artifice. Ranged weapons, industrial crafts and powered tools
can make for themselves, hard fought and earned. for mining and smelting would slowly be embraced by them.
All Artificers find that something begins their change, the Consider the level of industry in the culture you originate
power that comes from it being magical in nature only helps from, how mired in tradition they are or how much they push
them further. As Artificers gain knowledge and power, they progress, you might choose from one of the following or
focus and obsess on one subject beyond most others, make you own.
Alchemy because they want to help others, Artillery because Traditionalist: Your culture is slow to accept change and
they want to devastate creatures and monsters, Armour progress, you might have needed to keep your devices and
crafting because they don't want to feel vulnerable. But those learning a secret in fear of having them destroyed or worse
are not the only focuses of obsession that can fixate on, yourself exiled because you have broken away from tradition.
sometimes things more primal or dangerous can catch the Industrial: Your culture has embraced artifice, pushing
fancy of a fledging artificer. Sometimes that Focus can lead to everyone up to a standard of living that most wouldn't
a more dedicated specialization. normally be able to experiance. The cost of such however is
Consider Making or thinking about an event that Sparked the jealousy of other nations, and the loss of traditions in the
your interest into the world of Artifice and started your march of progress.
Artificer on the path to Invention, also consider how it might Balanced: Your culture isn't slow to move, but also isn't
effect your actions. particularily fast, it judges the changes and weighs them over
years, accepting some fields of study as useful, but rejecting
others as dangerous.

D6 Tools of design
Quirky lives
1 Wooden Tools, as little Metal and stone as possible.
Artificers slowly grow to become more and more quirky as
they learn and study, this is often not something they 2
Plain Tools, standard materials with little
themselves realise, as it is just something they do without personalization.
thinking about it. This often spills over into the things they 3 Filigreed Tools, made with some precious metals.
make and develop too, a stylish quirk and talent for engraving
are something common. 4
Fancy Tools, always clean and crisp, kept in a fancy
The more focused and eccentric the skills of the artificer toolcase.
the more strange and weird the artificer becomes. This leads 5
Simple tools, lightweight and balanced, good for use
into a unique style of Artifice for every Artificer, be it making by small hands.
their tools out of only wood, etching all the metals with an Exhaustive tools, never without something specifically
initial denoting their makers skills or something more 6 for the job, even if something else will do the job just
unusual. as easily.
You may consider developing your own style of equipment,
with it's own leanings and materials which grows and
changes with your own development. Consider choosing or Backgrounds
rolling from the following list or coming up with your own Artificers can come from any form of life, but sometimes they
style of equipment with your DM. come from the places you expect the most, engineers and
D6 Quirk of Style
architects, designers and crafters. The following
Backgrounds can be added to your game at the DM's
Style tends towards blending the natural materials permission.
1 with the made in a simple naturalistic way that tries to
capture the beauty of the world.
Style leans to the bland and functional, making sure it
2 does its job and not much more. Easily replaceable You always had the Spark for creation and would find
and rarely overly attached to them. inspiration in places near and far. You’d see lightning strike
and figure out how you could harness it, watch flames lick
Style leans to fanciful designs and elegant materials, across the surface of a building and wonder how to make the
always catching the eye when revealed to the public,
always fancy and interesting, maybe not always
materials more resistant to the flames, you’d watch the
blacksmiths work and wonder if you could make something
to help them work the metals better.
Style leans towards function and ease of use, fancy Inspiration comes from everywhere, you’ve decided to go
4 designs that take the users into account, practical and and seek it.
easy to use. Skill Proficiencies: Your natural tendency to curiosity
Style leans towards devices that are made as small and makes you very observant and attentive to the things around
light as possible, easy to hide and conceal if needed. you, you gain proficiency in Perception and Investigation.
5 Possibly made to look like other things so you can Tool Proficiencies: Your natural inclination to tinkering
sneak them into places you wouldn't normally take and making things means you are naturally drawn to many
them. tools, you gain proficiency with the Tinkerer’s Tools and one
Style leans towards overdesigning things, with most other artisan’s tool of your choice.
6 devices severing at least a dual purpose, often more Languages: Your curiosity mostly extends to mostly
than two. devices, but learning other peoples languages can also mean
learning other peoples perceptive, your learn one common
Tools of Creation language and one uncommon language.
Equipment: A Set of working clothes, a set of traveling
It is often said that a craftsman is only as good as their tools, clothes, a Tinkerer's Tools kit, a simple weapon, a set of light
which is sometimes correct, sometimes wrong. It can be said armour and a pouch containing 10 gold.
that a lot can be learned by the tools a craftsman has and
how they come to use them or how much care goes into the Inspirations
making of them or the care and upkeep of them. While growing up you found yourself drawn to tools, items
Every Artificer is a craftsman that works with their own and reactions that happened in the environment around
tools and learns to develop them more than most, even if the yourself, you still find yourself drawn to them even now often
tools themselves might be the same it is rare that two finding yourself drifting away from the party too look for them
Artificers use the same style of tool for the same job. if you have the time to do so. Roll or pick from the following
Consider developing your own style of tools and materials or table or discuss and come up with one of your own with the
rolling from the following table. DM.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
D6 Inspiration D6 Personality Trait
Chemical reactions: You loved watching chemicals Oh! Don’t kill them! I want to see how they work, also
and various items mix and react with each other, 1 I think they might be happy to help us with a little bit
exploding, neutralising themselves or other things. of electrical prompting!
They always help you think of new things.
Hmm, this is interesting! .... What? Wait we’re under
Lightning: You watched the rolling clouds and attack? When? How?
crashing flashes, heard the crashing thunder and
2 This is fascinating, did you know that if you apply a
smiled, hoping to tap into even a tiny amount of that
power. Lightning and thunder dance and sing too you. 3 little bit of mushroom gunk too this rock here it starts
to dissolve?
Explosions: You find explosions and the study of the
damage they leave behind fascinating, finding Come now? Do you honestly want to tell me that
3 inspiration from destruction. Shards and pieces that there are creatures are out there that can turn people
remain behind hold secrets that you find yourself to stone with a look? Next your’ll be telling me the
needing to explore. world is a sphere!

Craftmanship: You find devices and items made by You know we could mix some of this rust with some
others something to study and dismantle to figure out of that metal in there and make something that would
4 5
what they do and how they do it, be it with magic or burn though the floor..... What? No... I’m not
technology you have to know, you have to see. threatening anyone what do you mean?

Meditation: You find yourself inspired while taking Manical laughter, followed by insane giggling, followed
time out and just thinking about tech and the way by silence
things work, you just let yourself focus on the
connections and see how things work in your mind. D6 Ideal
Monsters: You study creatures and are inspired by “For Knowledge” Every piece of knowledge is useful
how they work, monsters and minions, fiends and 1 to understand and use to grow, there is no such thing
6 fallen all things that live are useful for you to examine. as a dangerous idea. (Neutral)
Pulling them apart and putting them back together, “For Society” Tempering the ideas I come up with is a
these are ways to understand them. 2 good idea, you never know just what you create could
be made into something you don’t want. (Lawful)
Feature: Tinker, Tailor “Experimentation” The World is a petri-dish and my
Your skills with tinkering have leant themselves towards you place is adding the elements too it and watching the
own sense of style, you always manage to lace your tools of 3
results. I am happy to see how things turn out without
items around yourself. You have made adjustments to what my interference (Chaotic)
you wear in such a way that you are never completely without
your tools unless you are completely removed from “Creation” I want to make something that will change
everything including your clothing. 4 the world, that will define a generation and help others
find their place (Good)
By spending 1 hour modifying your clothing or armour you
are always counted as having your tinkerer’s tools and one “Destruction” All that I make, all that i design is only
other artisan’s tool set of your choice, aslong as you are 5 for the goal of destroying that which opposes me, I
wearing the clothing or armour you have modified in this way. will destroy all of creation if I have to. (Evil)
“Truth” I want to understand the whole of reality, the
Suggested Characteristics way things work, how the magic effects it, how it
Inventors are unusual and strange in some ways and in other 6
effects reality and how it effects people. There has to
ways perfectly bland. You might dress in a fantastical manor, be a secret to why things are how they are..
or you might dress plainly, you might overthink a situation, or
you might decide that thinking too much about something is
just a waste of time.

D6 Bond Once per long rest you can temporarily create one tool or
The Friends I had at home, they were the ones who
device that you need from the scrap you keep with you or
told me how to look at the world with the beauty it items you find. It only lasts for 1d4 hours before it falls apart
has and not just look at it like it’s something to break and is destroyed taking all the junk and items used with it.
down and use. DM’s discretion as to what the device you craft does, but it
will always deal with a problem you are looking for the
I really can’t stop thinking about my first device, I lost solution too at the time you craft it, additionally it may require
2 it (or was it stolen) and I just can’t help it, I really want special materials if the device is being used for something
it back. It’s so sad that I’ve not been able to find it. exotic.
My Notebook, I use it to keep notes on all the devices
I’ve thought of, all the devices that failed and how I
could make them work. Everything I know is in there
in one way or another. The world is a resource ready and fit to be used. You simply
Ahh, My mentor, the one who gave me my first just have to find the best way to exploit it, for profit or
hammer and toolkit and showed me how to put things advancement; you want to build something that can give
together. They always knew just what was needed at everyone what they need, whether or not they believe you. You
the time, I wish i could keep up with them. aren’t evil or good, you simply understand that power lies in
the means of production and you wish to be the source of that
I have a friendly rivalry with a fellow inventor, they like
to show off all the things they have made and we even
5 made it into a competition! It’s fun too see them and Skill Proficiencies: You dream big and plot out things well
fight over the little things in a way we both in advance, but that requires understanding and observation,
understand. you gain proficiency in Insight and your choice of either
Religion or Nature.
Ah. Them. Gods willing they end up dying in a ditch Languages: Your understanding of industry leads you to
6 somewhere. I won’t forgive them doing what they needing to know more and understand people, you learn four
did... I can’t forgive them. common languages of your choice.
Equipment: A set of fancy clothes, a set of travelling
D6 Flaw clothes, a set of notes or a personal notebook, a simple
I didn’t understand the concepts I was working with weapon and a pouch containing 15 gold.
1 and it all went wrong... I can’t repay enough for all the
damage I caused. Builders Vision
Mages. They always seem to think they are better than You have a vision, a vision of a empire, a factory and a way of
anyone else, they think they are better just because producing things for people, things people need, be they
they had the advantage. We couldn’t all learn at a goods or services, food and drink. Your Vision of a means of
university or school. production is the inspiration for you to travel and explore.
Don’t talk to me about my family. Look... they sold me D6 Vision
for my brains. I don’t.. like to talk about it....
A Construct of metal and stone, smoky and pollutive,
Progress must be made, I don’t care what your gods 1 poisoning the land around it, it is a dark vision, but it
4 say, I will keep going, I will push the envelope, I won’t feels like it will happen, even if you don’t want it too.
stop unless I want too.
You barely recognise it as a factory, your vision is of
Look. I’m sorry. It’s just.. nice to see things go boom. something filled with crystals and golems, elementals
5 The pop and bang is just... enthralling. I... I’ll try to stop and magic, turning it towards the people, for the
it when it’s somewhere safe. people.
Why isn’t this working? Alright who touched it!? I You feel it in the air, a song, a dance, a movement. The
6 swear I’m going to hurt them... WHO MOVED MY 3 Factory you see is a concert of sounds, moving
TOOLS! WHERE IS THAT WRENCH!? together and singing out in harmony.
The thing echoes in the deep, the goods rolling out,
Variant Inventor: Scrapper 4 the resources flowing in, labour and goods, goods and
You find it fun to work with things people have broken or labour, always it must feed. Always it wants more.
discarded, the trash and waste of others are the perfect parts Your vision is natural, it restores as much as it takes,
for you to work with in crafting your own devices. Although 5 but it processes things fast and gives people a higher
they may not work exactly to the best capacity it doesn’t standard of living when they receive the goods.
matter, you just love putting things together to see what
happens. The webs weave and dance, the creatures feed in the
items, they take it and alter them, putting them into
Variant Feature: Kitbashing 6 nests and taking them deeper, the nests that return
Scrappers work so much with junk and trash that they know are very different. The workers know not to go too
deep or they may not return.
just how to put things together to get them working for a
short period of time.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Feature: Means of Production D6 Bond
You know how to make commodities quickly and efficiently, I cannot lose my tools. They have been with me from
you just need the workforce and space to do it. When you are 1 the beginning, they have grown and expanded as
leading a team of at least 3 or more in crafting you can allow much as I have.
them to produce twice the amount they normally would I need to make use of my skills and knowledge for
produce in the time needed to craft one batch of the items. 2 others. The community that raised me and took me
in... I must repay them somehow!
Suggested Characteristics
You feel yourself drawn ever forwards, looking for the place 3
I had a mentor and lost them, but their family is in
that will suit your dreams best, the location that you know need of help, I owe them.
will spawn the perfect factory. 4
No-one can know. No-one. I can’t let them know.... It’s
too much....
D6 Personality Trait
I can’t stop thinking about the singer that inspired me,
Hmm, yes this is just about right! Wait.. no, we’d need 5
their voice was so unique. It was lovely.
1 to move all the materials upstream. No.. not a good
idea... Industry is a Religion and I am its Prophet! Let us
explore its creed, its potential!
I’m sorry. I need to do this... the people need this.
Even if they don’t realise it yet..
D6 Flaw
Ahh this is perfect, we’re making more than enough
Control: I need to be in command of things when the
3 profit! We just need to keep this up to be able to 1
chance presents itself.
improve the lives of all the people!
Planner: I need to make sure we are ready for all the
Can we hurry this along? Time is money and we are 2
4 way, all the steps of the plan.
wasting time.
Dreamer: I can always see the things I can create, the
It’s perfect! Yes. Here... we need to build it here!
3 places that I make from it, the hopes and dreams... Its
5 What? It’s a Holy Site? Well then.. I wonder what we
getting others to see them that’s a problem.
can do about that....
Driven: I have to keep going, I have to make it, they
Constantly tinkering with plans and devices Hmm?
6 4 want me too. I need too. They won’t stop telling me to
Yes, yes, I’m sure it’s fine, whatever you say.
do it...
D6 Ideal Unorganised: I need to find it... where did I put it... My
5 Notes? Oh.. I left them at the inn? I thought I lost
Legacy: You want to build a legacy of engineering, them...
1 something that is going to define your name to the
future of the world. (Neutral) Callous: I sometimes come across like I don’t care. I..
6 Try to but sometimes I just don’t feel like it and can’t
Progress: You know you can change the world and you understand.
2 hope you get the chance to show the world the way.
Variant Industrialist: Prospector
Needs: You want to make sure everyone gets what You dream of finding a material vein that you can gain
3 they need, enough to survive and perhaps thrive. exclusive rights too, so you can develop it into a lifetime of
(Good) production. Your natural tendency towards seeking progress
Wants: You know what people want, they always need leads you ever deeper and further, pushing the boundaries of
things and those can easily be satisfied, but what they civilization.
want? You know what they want. You know how to
make it for them. (Evil) Variant Feature: Mineral Wealth
Profit: You want to profit, to produce for the lowest Once per seven in game days you can use your skills to seek a
5 cost while producing the most you can and selling it mineral seam to mine or a cluster of crystals to gather,
for the most possible. whatever suits the environment you are in (per DM's
Hope: You have seen so much destruction and death Roll a D20 and add your proficiency bonus, on a roll of 10
6 that you wish to see the tools of industry, of death to
save the people. (Chaotic)
or more you find a seam of common materials, on a 15 or
more you find a uncommon material and on a 20 or more a
rare seam of materials. Finding the materials does not mean
they are unprotected or unclaimed however so this could lead
into encounters as per the DM's choice.


ome Artificer's learn from study, some from Artificer's pick up knowledge and skills from all around
intuition, others learn from doing and acting, them, learning little pieces of knowledge that interest them
making the devices though a serious of Trail and and help build themselves into more interesting people than
Error, but they all develop over time and learn to Tinkering would normally allow. The Following subclasses
take advantage of magic and technology. are based on sets of esoteric and focused study into more
focused skill sets.

Steel Dragoon

hen Dragons rage, the lands do Slayer’s Tools
burn, the skies do crack and the Starting at 3rd level you learn how to craft various tools and
world turns” An old proverb, for a devices for use in hunting monsters, doing so requires a long
city long lost. rest and some scrap material available to work into the
When Dragons attack, rarely do device, these devices are only usable by you. You may craft 2
they leave survivors, and often those slayer’s tools of your choice at 3rd level, an additional 1 at 9th
few survivors never want to see level, and another 1 at 17th level. You may only build and
another Dragon, due in no small part to the primal fear they carry one of each Slayer's Tool that you know how to build.
are filled with after experiencing the destruction they can
wrought up close. Dragon-Firearm
However some survivors see the Dragons attack and pick At 5th level you begin the construction of a customised
out the weaknesses, they see them as a problem to solve, an firearm for use to hunt Dragons, and although effective
equation to puzzle out, a monster to slay. Some become against them, it is useful against other things. Select the form
fighters, paladins, rangers, learning to fight them on equal this firearm takes from the following options:
footing, with skill, faith and knowledge, others use trickery or Coachgun: A double barrelled short ranged scatter gun,
magic. the coachgun fires in a 20 foot cone, dealing 3D6 piercing
Those few who become Steel Dragoons, look at them and damage to all targets caught in the cone on a successful
see inspiration, and weaknesses, power to harness, shackle attack.
and control, they see designs to build and exploit. They Pump-Gun: A single barrelled tube gun with a cartridge
became monster slayers, aiming for the ultimate prey, pumping system that lets you swap between ammo types,
Dragons. Everything else is just practice and refinement of either a 45 foot range single target attack dealing 2D8
technique. bludgeoning damage round, or a 2D6 piercing damage 15
foot cone type.
Steel Dragoon Features Flachette Gun: A single barrelled rifle that fires thin
Bonus Proficiencies needles at long distances, has a range of 90 feet and deals
Starting at 3rd level when you pick this specialization you 4D6 slashing damage on a successful attack.
gain proficiency with smiths tools, if you already have To fire them, you make a ranged attack roll against your
proficiency with this tool proficiency you may pick one other target, you may fire these weapons the number of times equal
type of artisans tools of your choice. Additionally you gain to your intelligence modifier before needing to finish a short
proficiency with heavy armour and martial weapons. or long rest to re-arm. These weapons come with one
upgrade at 5th level and an additional upgrade at 13th level.
Steel Dragoon Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared
after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the
Steel Dragoon Spells table. These spells count as artificer
spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of
artificer spells you prepare.
Artificer level Spell
3rd zephyr strike, chromatic orb
5th calm emotions, dragon’s breath
9th counterspell, thunder step
13th fire shield, vitriolic sphere
17th circle of power, destructive wave

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Hardened Armour Kracker
Starting at 9th level you learn how to fortify your armour You build a high explosive, armour piercing grenade, to use it,
from blows and strengthen it in response to attacks. You may as an action you must make a melee attack and successfully
as an action fortify your worn armour to add your half your hit, if you miss you fail to plant the Kracker, if you hit you
proficiency bonus (rounded down) to your armour class, this plant the Kracker on the target. At the end of your next turn
counts as a magical bonus which cannot be stacked with the Kracker will detonate dealing (half artificer level)D6 fire
other magical bonuses, and is only active while you wear the damage to all people within 5 feet of the target. Once you
armour. have used this device you cannot do so again until you have
Additionally when attacked you may use your reaction to built a new one during a long rest.
gain resistance against the main type of damage that the
attack deals to you, if you are harmed by more than one Counterblast
damage type you gain resistance to the one that deals the You have built a device to slow and stop your falls or crashing
most damage, if both deals the same amount damage your into objects, reducing the damage you would take by half. To
DM picks, this resistance lasts until the end of your next turn. use this device you must be falling or being thrown by more
You may use this feature the amount of times equal to your then 60 feet and use your reaction when taking damage from
intelligence modifier before needing to finish a long rest. falling or being slammed into an object, the device explodes
At 13th level you further harden your armour from assault and deals 1D8 fire damage to the object and anything within
and the environment, while you are wearing heavy armour 5 feet but reduces your fall speed and damage to nominal
that includes a full face helmet you no longer need to breathe, amounts. You take half the damage you normally would.
as you have modified your armour to function in a vacuum. Falls and crashes into objects that would otherwise be fatal
This feature lasts for up to an hour before you need to vent instead leave you on 1 hit point.
and take a new breath of air into your suit and is activated as
a bonus action. Wrathful Harpoon (9th level onwards)
You build a retractable Harpoon and grapple line that can be
Dragoon-Heart used to pin an enemy, pull them closer or use to provide a
At 15th level you are immune to frightened, charm and cable to climb. The Harpoon has a range of 120 feet and
paralysis effects while you are in heavy armour, as an action requires an action to fire, if aimed at a target to pin or pull,
you may forge the armour you are wearing into a machine of make a ranged attack roll if you hit you may use your bonus
destruction in the shape of a humanoid Dragon. While in this action to pin them in place, tether them to the anchor cable
form you gain the following benefits: or pull them closer.
You gain a flight speed of 45 feet. This functions as a grapple, replacing your strength
You gain temporary hit points equal to half your artificer (athletics) with your intelligence (arcana) if you beat their roll
level + your proficiency bonus + your intelligence modifier, you may pull them 5 feet towards you, or leave them attached
these hit points refresh at the end of your turn every other at the same distance they are. Targets that are of 2 size
round while you maintain this form. categories larger than you may not be grappled and pulled
You gain advantage on grapple and strength (athletics) towards you but may be tethered or used to pull yourself
checks, and can lift and carry double your normal amount. towards them.
While in this form you cannot talk normally and can only To use it as a climbing rope/ascension cable you pick a spot
make guttural grunts and screams, you can maintain this within 120 feet and as an action roll to hit the square (armour
form for up to your intelligence modifier + your proficiency class depending on the material, harder materials will have
bonus rounds. Once you have used this feature you cannot higher armour, basic stone will be AC 10), if you hit the
use it again until you have finished a long rest. harpoon is anchored and can be used to climb by others or
retracted to pull yourself up. Climbing the cable counts as an
Slayer’s Tools easy athletics task, retracting the cable uses a bonus action
and pulls you 60 feet towards the square. You may detach the
Launch Braces cable from you at any point as a bonus action.
You build a pair of leg braces that strengthen your ability to You may use this device the number of times equal to your
move, while wearing them you may as a bonus action add 20 intelligence modifier before needing to make a new one on a
feet to your ground movement speed, you may use this device long rest.
the number of times equal to your intelligence modifier
before needing to finish a short or long rest.
Adamantine Claws
Your build a set of adamantine tipped claws, one for each
hand and foot, you gain a climbing speed equal to your base
ground speed, you are also never considered unarmed while
wearing the claws and may make claw attacks dealing 1D6
slashing damage.

Terror Pulse Grenade (9th level Past Scars
onwards) Some element of your past trauma, or that of your mentor
You build an explosive device that pulses with low sonic has found its way into your work, roll or pick one option from
vibrations, disorienting people before exploding. As an action the following table to choose the quirk of construction you
you may throw the device into a square within 60 feet of you have picked up.
(or further if dropped from height) at the end of you turn it
will pulse and effect everyone within 30 feet of landing point, D6 Quirk
requiring them to make a constitution save or take 2D4 Your devices are always constructed with the
thunder damage and be stunned for 1D4 turns on a failure, 1 colouring of a Dragon, possibly the colour that you or
on a success they are unaffected. At the end of your next turn your mentor witnessed.
the device explodes dealing 2D6 fire damage to all creatures
within 10 feet of its landing point. Your Devices have etchings and engraving that tells
You may use this device up to your intelligence modifier 2
the story of your past, the designs might be intricate
times before you need to finish a long rest and rebuild them. or plain, but every one of them has some form of tale
too them.
Dragon-Firearms Upgrades Your weapons are styled after a certain type of
creature or monster, it might be the one you or your
Lightning Rail 3
mentor witnessed or it could just be one that
You modify your Dragon-Firearm to include a magnetic stone fascinates you.
that charges your shot as you fire it, you add your proficiency Your armour is designed to mimic a dragon, or a half
bonus lightning damage to the damage of your firearm, dragon of some type, it may or may not have non-
incompatible with other upgrades that add elemental power. 4 functional wings on its back or it might be scaled and
have a non-functional tail hanging behind it (armoured
Volcano Breath tail if you are a race that has one)
You modify your Dragon-Firearm to include a molten crystal
that charges your shot as you fire it, you add your proficiency You name all of your weapons, talk to them and
bonus fire damage to the damage of your firearm, 5 attribute personality traits too them (“That Mirabelle,
incompatible with other upgrades that add elemental power. she’s a Firecracker!” for a Kracker as an example)
You do not personalise your equipment at all,
Maiden’s Heart 6 everything you build is bland and functional, designed
You modify your Dragon-Firearm to include a frozen core that to be expendable and easily replaced.
charges your shot as you fire it, you add your proficiency
bonus cold damage to the damage of your firearm,
incompatible with other upgrades that add elemental power.
Calibrated Scope
You modify your Dragon-Firearm with a highly accurate
scope to allow for ease of aiming, as a bonus action you may
add your intelligence modifier to attack rolls made with your
Dragon-Firearm, incompatible with Coachgun format.
Rifled Barrel
You modify your Dragon-Firearm with a rifled barrel to allow
for more rapid fire, as a bonus action you may make a second
shot at the same target with your Dragon-Firearm, you may
only use this modification once before needing to finish a
short rest.
Durable Frame
You modify your Dragon-Firearm with a weighted frame that
allows it to take a blow if needed in combat, being within 5
feet of a hostile creature doesn't impose disadvantage on your
ranged attacks, incompatible with flachette format.

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Solar Forger

he Sun: Lifebringer, heat giver, vital component At 5th level the weapons also ignite flammable materials
of the world. Oh to be the one that harnesses when they strike them, at 9th level they increase by 1 die of
its power for creation. Oh to be able to leash damage (3D8 for melee, 4D6 for ranged), at 13th level they
its power for destruction... double the amount of rounds or shots they have available per
Solar Forgers are those that study the sun charge, at 17th level they gain an additional die of damage
and wish to tap into its life giving powers, they (4D8 for melee, 5D6 for ranged)
understand that flying to close to the sun Additionally starting at 9th level you may supercharge your
would be a dangerous prospect and lead to them burning Radiant weapon by expending a higher level spell slot to
themselves out potentially, still, the power it symbolizes is too recharge it, you gain an additional die of damage per level
welcoming an idea to ignore. spell slot past 1st expended in this way. This damage die only
deals the increased damage on the next shot or attack made
Solar Forger Features with the Radiant weapon, it also fully recharges the weapon.
Bonus Proficiencies
Once you have chosen the form the weapon takes you can
build it and use it normally, but it only works in your hands,
When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain and you may only have one built at a time. Should you wish to
proficiency with glassblower’s tools. If you already have this change its form you may build a new one in the form that you
proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of wish but it takes 8 hours of craft to do so, you may not long
artisan’s tools of your choice. rest during this time. However if your one is damaged or
Solar Forger Spells
destroyed you may rebuild it in its current form during a long
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared
after you reach particular levels in this class as shown in the Radiant Corona
Solar Forger Spells table. These spells count as artificer At 5th level as a reaction to being attacked by hostile
spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of creatures within 30 feet lash out at them with your radiant
artificer spells you prepare. aura, once attacked by a ranged or melee attack you may lash
Artificer Level Spell out as a reaction, dealing your artificer level radiant damage
to the creature. At 9th level this damage may ignite
3rd guiding bolt, searing smite flammable materials that the creature might be wearing, at
5th flame blade, flaming sphere 17th level the range is increased to 60 feet.
You may use this feature the number of times equal to your
9th daylight, aura of vitality intelligence modifier before needing to finish a short or long
13th fire shield, sickening radiance rest.
17th flame strike, wall of light Lifebringer
At 9th level you gain the ability to harness the life giving
Radiant Lance energies of the sun alongside the destructive capabilities, as
At 3rd level you begin construction of your tool of choice, a an action you can expend a 1st level spell slot and pick to do
radiant weapon to harness the power of the sun, the weapon either of the following:
can take one of the following forms, you are proficient in its Radiant Burst: All friendly creatures within 60 feet gain
use regardless of form: temporary hit points equal to your intelligence modifier +
Radiant Blaster: Takes the form of a pistol/hand-crossbow, your proficiency bonus. These hit points fade after the
has a range of 30/60 feet, when fired make a ranged attack. number of rounds equal to your intelligence modifier.
Radiant Long-gun: Take the form of a rifle/longbow, has Radiant Warmth: All friendly creatures within 30 feet heal
the range of 60/120 feet, when fired make a ranged attack. for half your proficiency bonus in hit points for the number of
Radiant Spear: Takes the form of a polearm/spear, has the rounds equal to your intelligence modifier.
reach trait, when used make a melee attack. Higher level spell slots increase the amount of rounds the
Radiant Blade: Takes the form of a short sword/long temporary hit points or healing persist for, adding an
sword, has the finesse trait, when used make a melee attack. additional 2 rounds per level of spell slot consumed in this
Radiant Melee weapons can be used for your proficiency way.
bonus + your intelligence modifier rounds before you need to
finish a short rest or expend a 1st level spell slot to recharge
the weapon. They deal 2D8 radiant damage per successful
Radiant Ranged weapons can be fired the number of times
equal to your intelligence modifier before you need to finish a
short rest or expend a 1st level spell slot to recharge the
weapon. They deal 3D6 radiant damage per successful

Icarus D6 Quirk
At 15th level you gain the ability to grant others solar wings, You witnessed a ceremony by a priest or cleric of a
allowing them to move without impediment, granting them 1 light god, and the radiant light you witnessed brought
speed and power. You cannot harness this power for yourself you revelations of your own.
as it would be tempting fate to fly that close to the suns The folly of youth found you trapped in a dark place (A
power. 2 cave, basement or other lightless environment) and
As an action you may grant a friendly creature you can left you with the wish to never be without light again.
touch, wings of light that give them a flight speed of 45 feet,
and increases their armour class by +2. You may grant up to 3
In the past you were blind, weather though curse,
injury or birth. Since it was cured you have became
your intelligence modifier creatures these wings, and they infatuatied with the light you couldn't see before.
last for 1 minute. Once you have used this feature you may
not use it again until you have finished a long rest. You survived, but you lost a family member to the
Although you cannot grant yourself wings or fly using this 4 Darkness. Now you wish to be the Beacon in the dark
ability you do gain some small benefit, as a reaction to falling too never let others become lost in it again.
you may grant yourself the benefit of the feather fall spell, There is beauty all around, the light only helps
without the use of material components, or consuming a spell 5 illuminate it so others can see it better, you always
slot. This effect is always available as long as you remain want others to be able to see that beauty.
conscious. You know the dangers of the sun, although it may give
Additionally as a bonus action you may double your ground life if it is overexposed it can lead to death and
speed, allowing you to dash past hostile creatures and not 6
destruction, harnessing it is the only way to protect
trigger attacks of opportunity, while dashing you add your yourself.
proficiency bonus to your armour class, the bonus speed only
lasts until the end of your next turn. After using this ability
you cannot use it again until you have finished a short or long
Something in your past or training caused you to become
obsessed with harnessing the light, weather it be the light of
dawn, the holy light of an Angel or the sickening light of
Radience that burns away all weakness, roll or pick one
option from the following table to determine what the
obsession is.


he Cold: implacable, continuous, eternal. The Cryo-Tech Spells
Frozen wastes of the world hold many secrets, Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared
and draw many people into their chill embrace. after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the
Cyro-Techs hope to tap into some of the Cryo-Tech Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells
mystery the power and presence of the Ice for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer
Floes. spells you prepare.
Capturing the freezing winds, the blizzards
chill and the frozen desires of the wastes to build into devices Artificer Level Spell
allow them to flash freeze the environment, protect from the
heat and slide across the ice with control rarely held by 3rd armor of agathys, ice knife
others, Cyro-Techs embrace the Frigid temperatures to shape 5th dragon’s breath, misty step
the world around them. 9th gaseous form, sleet storm
Cryo-Tech Features 13th conjure minor elemental, ice storm
Bonus Proficiencies 17th cone of cold, control winds
When you adopt this proficiency at 3rd level, you gain
proficiency with jewelers tools. If you already have this
proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of
artisan’s tools of your choice.

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Arctic Capacity Arctic Advance
Starting at 3rd level when you pick this specialization, you At 15th level your arctic capacity grows into a never ending
have though trail and error developed or captured a means of gale, an eternal winter stored in your devices, you replenish
storing the essence of frost, this device however it is shaped all spent arctic die at the end of a short rest, also whenever
acts as a spellcasting focus, additionally you have a pool of you take cold damage from an external source and have
dice equal to your Artificer level that you can use for various expended die you may replenish 1 lost die.
effects. The following effects are possible starting at 3rd Additionally you may spend your arctic die on another
level: function:
Snowball: As an action you may spend a arctic die and Flash Freeze: As an action you may expend 5 arctic die
form a ball of ice that you may throw at an enemy within 30 and target an area within sight up to 120 feet away, all
feet, you make a ranged attack roll and if successful you hit creatures within 30 feet of the area you target must make a
the enemy for 1D4 cold damage, additionally the target is constitution save or be frozen solid for your intelligence
blind until it clears its vision with an action, creatures that do modifier rounds. Creatures frozen in this way count as
not need to see are immune to this effect. restrained. Creatures with resistance to cold have advantage
Skates: As an action you may spend a arctic die and on their save, creatures that immunity are immune, this does
generate a small frozen pathway and blades on your feet to not count as a charm effect.
skate along with, increasing your movement speed by 10 feet
for the next (intelligence modifier) rounds. You also leave Tundral Infusions
behind an icy patch in the squares you pass though that As a Cryo-Tech you learn how to manipulate ice and the cold
requires a dexterity save from enemies that pass though it, on in ways to empower items in more useful ways. The following
a failed save they slip and fall prone. are added to the infusion list for you to be able to pick from
Barrier: As a reaction to a ranged attack you may form a as you level.
thin barrier of ice around yourself to help protect from Thermoclime Shelter: You can craft or imbue an amulet
damage, spend an arctic die and reduce the following attacks or other piece of jewelry with the cooling effects of a breeze,
damage by your intelligence modifier. granting you or those attuned to it the ability to maintain their
Arctic Blessing ideal body temperture. Additionally it can be overloaded as a
Starting at 5th level you learn how to modify equipment to be bonus action to grant you or those attuned to it resistance to
resistant to the cold, during a long rest you may modify one fire damage for your intelligence modifier rounds. Once
suit of armour, clothing or cloaks to grant it resistance to cold overloaded in this way the item will need to be infused again
damage. Once you modify armour or clothes this way it before it can be made functional.
maintains this effect for 7 days before you need to perform Artic Blessing: You can infuse a weapon with a touch of
the modification again. Additionally you have an additional the Artic winds, allowing it to deal an additional 1D4 cold
ability to spend your Arctic Capacity on: damage.
Ice Javelin: As an action you may spend up to your At 10th level this damage increases to 2D4 cold damage.
proficiency bonus die on forming and throwing a javelin
made of hardened ice, make a ranged attack against a target
within 45 feet and deal D8 cold damage per die expended.
Wall of Frost
At 9th level you learn how to rapidly form a blockade of ice
that can be used to control the battlefield, as an action you
may form a blockade that covers a 5 foot square, stands no
less than 5 feet tall up to 10 feet tall, and can act as full cover
for 1 person or partial cover for up 2 people. The Wall may be
expanded using arctic die to increase it by another 5 feet
square and up to 10 feet tall, each die expended in this way
increases the size of the wall.
Each 5 foot square of the wall has an armour class of your
artificer level + proficiency bonus, and the amount of hit
points equal too your artificer level + your intelligence
modifier x 3, each wall lasts for 1 minute or until dismissed
as a bonus action.
You can expend no more than your proficiency bonus arctic
die to increase the size of your wall, you can use this feature
up to your intelligence moodier times before you need to
finish a long rest.

Crimson Scientist

mong the ranks of Artificers there are those Vitae Strike: As an action you can spend a Vitae point and
that study alchemy, producing great effects in attack a hostile enemy within 5 feet, on a successful attack
healing, helping and chemistry. Yet there is a you deal 1D10 poison damage and heal yourself for the
small sub-sect of those that take things further, damage dealt, you may spend up to your proficiency bonus
Blood. Blood is the vital powerhouse of the vitae points on this attack.
body, it transfers the humors around, takes on
the properties that one infuses into it and can Blood Boil
even bring life. At 5th level you learn how to spike Vitae inside a person and
Crimson Scientists are those that realise they can work strengthen them, or drive them temporarily insane. As an
great wonders by taking the blood of the unworthy and the Action you may target a friendly creature within 30 feet and
vile and filtering it for use in greater works, saving lives, spend a vitae point, they must make a constitution roll, if
making lives, working wonders. The price is high, but it is successful they gain advantage on their next attack action,
often worth paying... after all nothing worth doing is free. and add your intelligence modifier to any damage they deal. If
they fail they take your proficiency bonus in necrotic damage
Crimson Scientist Features and have disadvantage on their next action.
You may also target hostile creatures and try to drive them
Bonus Proficiencies insane, as an action target a hostile creature within 60 feet
When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain and spend a vitae point, the creature must make a
proficiency with alchemist’s tools and doctor’s toolkit. If you constitution roll if they fail they take 2D6 Necrotic damage
already have either of these proficiencies, you gain one and act under the effects of the confusion spell for the
proficiency with another artisan’s tools of your choice. amount of turns equal to your intelligence modifier.
Crimson Scientist Spells Vitae Homunculus
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared At 9th level you can produce a living blood doll that will latch
after you reach particular levels in this class as shown in the onto you or a friendly creature and assist it in any way it can,
Crimson Scientist Spells table. These spells count as artificer During a long rest you can create up to your intelligence
spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of modifier Vitae Dolls.
artificer spells you prepare. They have the amount of hit points equal to your
Artificer Level Spell intelligence modifier + your artificer level x 3, and an armour
class of 8 + your intelligence modifier, they are of tiny size.
3rd healing word, gift of alacrity Creating a Vitae Doll costs 2 vitae points per Doll.
5th blindness/deafness, prayer of healing As an action you may assign 1 Vitae Doll to a friendly
creature within 60 feet of you, it will always stay within 5 feet
9th life transference, vampiric touch of that creature, it has a movement speed of 30 feet, and will
13th aura of life, locate creature attempt to stay in the same square as them if it is possible.
When the creature it is attached to is injured it will transfer
17th contagion, greater restoration up to your intelligence modifier hit points of its own into its
partner, taking 3 times the amount in necrotic damage.
Vitae Vial If the creature it is attached to is knocked unconscious it
At 3rd level you learn how to construct a reservoir of the will transfer all of its remaining hit points too them and
most precious resource in peoples bodies, Vitae or Blood. dissipate into a puddle of blood, stabilizing its partner and
You gain a pool of dice that are used to power your abilities, healing them for half the amount it had left.
when you kill a hostile creature within 15 feet you may If the creature it is attached to is killed the Vitae Doll will
harvest a portion of their blood into your Vial, doing this costs enter into a rampage and charge towards the creature that
you your reaction. killed its attached partner, and explode into a mess of gore
Certain creatures do not have usable blood, these include, and pustule causing the same amount of damage as it has hit
living machines such as Warforged, undead such as skeletons points remaining to all creatures within 5 feet of it.
and zombies, and constructs such as golems. "Living"
undead, such as vampires, ghouls and ghasts are however
Your Vitae Vial can store up to your artificer level in Vitae
points, the pool degrades at a rate of 1 point per hour of rest.
While you have Vitae points you can spend them on the
following effects:
Vitae Heal: As an action you can spend a Vitae point and
heal a friendly creature for 1D4 + your intelligence modifier
hit points, you may spend up to your proficiency bonus on
healing in this way.

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Vitaeous Communion These effects last for the number of rounds equal to your
At 15th level you have learned to tap deeply into the veins of intelligence modifier, after you have used this effect a
old blood, allowing your Vitae pool to never degrade, and gain maximum of 3 times you cannot use it again until you have
new uses for it. You gain the following benefits: finished a long rest.
Vitae Royale: You may spend Vitae points to bolster your Vitae Tap: you may exchange your reserves of Vitae for
allies resolve and strengthen their powers, as an action you spell slots, doing so takes an action and uses 2 vitae per level
may target a friendly creature within 60 feet of you, you may of spell slot you wish to replenish, you may use this feature to
spend up to your proficiency bonus and roll a D8, adding the replenish no more than 3 spell slots before needing to finish
amount of points onto the result and check the following a long rest to recover.
table to see the effect: Additionally you may now draw Vitae Points from
creatures that die within 30 feet of you and may draw it for up
Result Effect to your intelligence modifier creatures that have died at the
You heal your target for 2D6 + your intelligence
same time.
modifier hit points.
Your target gains temporary hit points equal to your
intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus,
these points refresh at the end of your turn,
additionally they gain the previously listed effects.
Your target gains 10 feet bonus ground speed, and
6-9 may use disengage as a bonus action, additionally
they gain the previous effects on this list.
Your target gains a bonus to attack rolls equal to
your intelligence modifier, additionally they gain
the previous effects on this list.
Your target gains + 4 to their armour class and
14+ advantage on their next action, additionally they
gain the previous effects on this list.

Hive Lord/Lady

o much to do, so little time to do it, is it any Class Level Spell
wonder sometimes people want extra hands to 3rd command, hail of thorns
assist them? Hive Lords are Artificers who have
decided to follow insectoid hives as a solution to 5th detect thoughts, enthrall
their needs. 9th enemies abound, fly
Modifying themselves into the centre point of a
swarm of handmade drones, Hive Lords are 13th compulsion, faithful hound
always capable of thinking things though while taking action, 17th awaken, conjure volley
observing the battlefield from many eyes and seeing just what
can be done to bring themselves an advantage. Drone Controller
Hive Lord Features When you select this specialization at 3rd level you learn how
to construct drones, these drones can appear as anything, be
Tool Proficiency it as little helicopter blades attached to a claw, mechanical
When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain bees, bats and other small animals, or even floating silver
proficiency with clockmaker’s tools. If you already have this spheres. Regardless of the design they all share the same
proficiency, you gain proficiency with one type of artisan’s basic features.
tools of your choice. The drones have the number of hit points equal to your
artificer level and an armour class of 8 + your intelligence
Hive Lord/Lady Spells modifier + your proficiency bonus. If destroyed a mending
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared spell restores it to full hit points, they are immune to poison
after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the damage, psychic damage and all conditions.
Hive Lord/Lady Spells table. These spells count as artificer The Drones can go no more than your artificer level x 10
spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of feet from you, if they move outside this range they shut down,
artificer spells you prepare they have a flight speed of 30 feet and are of tiny size. Due to
their size and nature they may share the same 5 foot space
with another creature.

Swarm Drones Your drones automatically repair themselves to full health at
Starting at 3rd level when you pick this specialization you the end of your turn, destroyed ones are restored to
learn how to make a controller that lets you control multiple functional state.
drones. Each drone acts on your initiative, they follow simple You and your allies within your control range gain +2 to
commands issued using a bonus action, you may issue armour class.
commands to a single drone or to the swarm as a whole, they You may maintain Queen Form for the number of rounds
may carry lift or move objects within their carry weight. They equal to your intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus,
may be used to open objects, pick up and drop items, after which you need to finish a long rest to recharge your
stabilize people within your control range, use single use hive.
objects such as alchemist’s fire, vials of acid etc.
They may also be used to drop objects onto people or
places, shaping the battlefield with stones and steel plates if
you have them prepared, if you drop an object that doesn’t
have an effect on an occupied square, those inside the square
must make a dexterity save or take damage based on the
weight of the object dropped on them.The Base carry weight
of the Swarm Drones is 5 lbs each.
You may produce and control 2 drones at 3rd level, an
additional 2 at 9th level and an additional 2 at 15th level. The
drones strength is increased at 9th level and may carry up to
10 lbs of items individually.
Swarm Defenders
At 5th level you may produce up to 2 defensive drones that
intercept attacks aimed at you or an ally you assign a drone
too. As an action you may assign a drone to an ally within
your control range The Drone will move to intercept any
ranged attacks made against the one it is defending, reducing
the damage dealt by 2D6 + your intelligence modifier. It can
only make the number of interceptions equal to your
intelligence modifier before you need to finish a long rest to
recharge it.
Hunter Swarm
At 9th level you may produce 2 offensive drones that harry
and attack any target you choose. As an action you may send
a single drone or both drones at a target you can see within
60 feet, and they will continue to attack them as best as
possible. Once ordered to attack they move into range and
attack at the end of your turn, the drones use your
intelligence modifier and proficiency bonus to attack with,
and deal 2D6 + your intelligence modifier force damage on a
successful attack. They have an attack range of 30 feet.
Queen Form
At 15th level you have finished construction of your hive
controller and drones, and finalised the ability to become a
Queen/King for the hive. You may now see and cast spells
though your drones, each of them has darkvision of 15 feet,
and now has an additional 10 feet fly speed.
As an Action you may activate Queen Form and gain the
following benefits:
You gain a fly speed of 40 feet.
You and your allies within your control range gain
temporary hit points equal to your artificer level + your
proficiency bonus at the end of each turn while you are in
Queen Form.

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Volt Rider

Crash of thunder, a flash of lightning, a force of Lightning Dash: As a bonus action you may increase your
nature waiting to be harnessed, Volt Riders are base ground speed by 15 feet, this speed increases to 20 at
a sect of Artificers that focus on building 9th level and 25 at 15th level.
devices to harness and control the power of Sonic Crash: As an action you may target a hostile
storms, they believe there is nothing that creature you can see within 15 feet and launch a distorted
technology cannot be used to harness. ball of thunderous energy at them, make a ranged attack
Thunderous weapons, lightning speed, bolts against them, if successful they take 3D6 + your intelligence
of energy and summoning storms are all feats a well versed modifier thunder damage and must make a constitution save,
Volt Rider can accomplish. Woe betide those that oppose the if they fail they are knocked back 15 feet away from you, on a
storm. success they do not move.
Volt Rider Features Discharge/Redirection
At 9th level when you are struck by thunder or lightning
Tool Proficiency damage you may attempt to harmlessly discharge the damage
When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain or redirect it towards a nearby hostile creature. As a reaction
proficiency with smith’s tools. If you already have this to taking lightning or thunder damage you may roll 1D10 and
proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of add your intelligence modifier + your artificer level, this is
artisan’s tools of your choice. applied as damage reduction to the attack, if it negates the
attack completely you may attempt to redirect it to the
Volt Rider Spells nearest hostile creature you can see within 30 feet.
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared To redirect the damage make a ranged attack roll against
after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the the nearest hostile creature, if successful deal the amount
Volt Rider Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells that you negated to that target.
for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer
spells you prepare. Strikes Twice
Artificer Level Spell At 15th level you finish work on your Capacitor Harness and
gain increased knowledge of how to channel storms. The
3rd gift of alacrity, witch bolt ranges on all your Volt Rider abilities increase to 60 feet, also
5th shatter, dragon’s breath when you critically hit you may add your artificer level to the
damage as lightning or thunder damage. You additionally
9th call lightning, lightning bolt gain one final effect you can use:
13th galder’s speedy courier, storm sphere Coiled Lightning: As an action you can target a hostile
creature within 120 feet, that creature and up to your
17th destructive wave, circle of power intelligence modifier hostile creatures within 30 feet of that
creature must make a dexterity saving throw, they take 10D8
Capacitance on a failed save or half as much on a successful save. Once
When you join this specialization at 3rd level, you begin you have used this effect you cannot do so again until you
construction of a lightning powered rig to channel the storms have finished a long rest.
you wish to capture and emulate. You gain access to the
lightning lure cantrip.
You may also do the following effects:
Static Charge: As a bonus action you may charge your or a
friendly creature you can see within 30 feet weapon with
lightning or thunder damage. When you or that creature next
deals damage with a weapon it deals an additional 1D10
lightning or thunder damage, chosen when you use this
ability. At 9th level this increases to 2D10 damage.
Thunderstruck: As an action you may target up to your
intelligence modifier hostile creatures you can see within 30
feet, that target must take a dexterity save or take 1D8
lightning damage, on a successful save they take half.
This damage increases to 1D8 lightning and 1D8 thunder
at 5th level, and increases to 2D8 at 9th level and 3D8 at 15th
Static Leverage
At 5th level you gain resistance to lightning and thunder
damage, You also gain new effects:

Pyroclastic Firebug

lames creep along the walls and consume the Accelerant
walls of the building, taking the energy of the At 9th level you gain knowledge of how to make even the
material and converting it to heat, threatening most hardened and durable of materials to burn. As a bonus
other materials, melting them down, igniting action you target one enemy you can see within 30 foot and
others. mark them with an accelerant. If you do fire damage to them
Fire, Heat, Burning. Pyroclasts are obsessed they are ignited for the next intelligence modifier rounds,
with learning how to domesticate fire in anyway taking 2D8 fire damage per round.
possible, even if it means they will suffer for their art. Additionally targets marked with accelerant have
Captivated with the dancing shapes of flame and fires. vulnerability to the next instance of fire damage you deal to
them, if a target has resistance to fire damage the next
Pyroclastic Firebug Features instance of fire damage deals normal fire damage to them
Tool Proficency (not halved), if a target is immune to fire damage they instead
Starting at 3rd level when you pick this specialisation, you count as having resistance. You may only use this ability 3
gain proficiency with alchemists supplies. If you already have times before you need to finish a long rest.
this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of Erupting Presence
artisan’s tools of your choice. At 15th level your work with the fires and flames has had an
Pyroclastic Firebug Spells effect on you, altering the properties of magic aligned with
Starting at 3rd level when you pick this specialisation, you flames in your presence and warming your allies.
always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular Your allies have resistance to fire damage while within 60
levels in this class, as shown in the Alchemist Spells table. feet of you, as your presence draws the heat towards you.
These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t Your spells that deal fire damage ignite the target, burning
count against the number of artificer spells you prepare. them for 2D6 fire damage for the number of turns equal to
your intelligence modifier, unless those afflicted take an
Artificer Level Spell action to put themselves out.
3rd burning hands, absorb elements
Ignition Point
5th dragon’s breath, flame blade
As with most Artificers, Pyroclastic Firebugs start to develop
9th fireball, melf’s minute meteors their style after some form of trigger interests them and
13th fire shield, wall of fire
sparks their imagination. Roll or Pick from the Table Below
to see what your ignition point was.
17th immolation, flame strike
D4 Spark of Inspiration
Pyroclastic Array "Scarred" As a Child you got burned, sparking a
At 3rd level you begin to construct an ignition device, that 1 fascination with fire, flames and burning, It's ability to
controls and contains the fire you love to harness. The device destroy and create keeping you thinking and planning.
can take any wearable form, but usually includes a set of "Entranced" The Flames are so pretty, dancing,
gauntlets or gloves to protect your hands. While wearing the changing, flowing and flashing. All you want too do is
Array you have resistance to non-magical fire damage. At 5th 2
capture them and share them with everyone you
level you gain immunity to non- magical fire damage. At 15th know.
level you gain resistance to all forms of fire damage and "Fire is Purity" in your youth you witnessed the
immunity to the burning effects of spells. burning and destruction brought about by a religious
crusade. The Fire brought Purity of mind and purpose
Flowing like Flame to those that were preached to.
At 5th level you have learned to harness the excess energy
from magic that you use that taps into fire, whenever you cast "A Light in the Dark" Your people were once haunted
a spell that causes fire damage you gain 5 feet to your 4
by a creature in the dark, tormented and harried by the
movement per spell level until the end of your next turn, you creatures of the night. You seek to bring the light and
may use this ability up to you intelligence modifer times warmth of fire to the darkness.
before you need to finish a short or long rest.
At 9th level you may additionally wrap yourself in excess
fire energy while you move and burn those that try to strike
you while you rush around them, when you make the dash
action you gain temporary hit points equal to your
intelligence modifier + your proficency bonus, when you take
damage while shielded they take the up to the same amount
of damage as they deal to you in fire damage.
You may use this ability up to your intelligence modifier
times before you need to finish a long or short rest.
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Tools of Inspiration

rtificers create many devices and tools for their A Pistol Gun-Axe can be used as either a Pistol or a Hand
own use, and the advancement of society as a Axe, it can make a ranged attack out to 30 feet dealing 1D6
whole. Society advances with the might of piercing damage or a melee attack dealing 1D6 slashing
technology, the mystery of magic and the power damage. After making a ranged attack with it it needs to
of industry, pushing the limits available to it, reload to make another ranged attack, reloading takes an
testing its boundries. action.
Artificers are often the first too accept a new
technology, developing some of their own while refining Item Damage Range Traits
previous advancements. Gunaxe-
1D8 Piercing
75(150) Ranged, Loading,
The Following are some devices that may have been Rifle (R) feet Ammunition
developed and set loose into the wilds of the world. The Gunaxe- 1D8 (1D10)
following examples are all mundane versions of the devices, Rifle (M) Slashing
melee Versatile
some may have magical variants.
Gunaxe- 45(90) Ranged, Loading,
1D6 Piercing
Multi-Tools Pistol (R) feet Ammunition
In the Artificers toolkit, they often carry a lot of tools that Gunaxe-
carry over into the use of several different professions. Some Pistol (M)
1D6 Slashing melee Light
enterprising artificers have learned to craft their own variants
of tools that function as a kit for several professions. Ripper Blades
A Multi-Tool is the combination of two or more tool items, Industrialization leads to the creation of more refined and
that are made to work as one. Pick one tool item and add interesting tools. Mechanical tools that are easier to use for
50% to its cost and weight while allowing you to use it as one the general purpose of advancement. Then people will come
additional type of tool. A multi-tool kit can be made with up to to the realization that all weapons are tools. Which leads to
4 tools, adding 150% to the weight and cost of the base the decision that all tools are weapons. Such was the chain of
toolkit. thought that lead to the creation of the Ripper Blades.
Blasting Caps A Ripper is a tool that was designed to chew though wood
As a society develops it often comes across chemistry, and stone, by pulling a chain with strong metal teeth around
alchemy and various types of gunpowder and explosives. at a high speed, ripping into the wood and stone, tearing
These chemicals and powders can lead to innovation in chunks out of them at a time. A Ripper Blade is a modified
mining and building, allowing easier access to materials weapon that adds a Ripper component to a normal Axe or
underground and growing the process of industrial gathering. Sword, making them significantly more dangerous in the
Like many devices designed for industry though it is very hands of those trained to use them.
easy for them to be converted into a weapon. As an action you When a Ripper Blade scores a critical hit it rends a target
can light and throw one of these blasting caps, targeting a significantly more than normal, dealing a additional die of
space you can see within your strength x 3 feet. Next turn on damage equal to the die of the weapon. For example a Ripper
your inititive the cap will explode dealing 8D6 fire damage to Axe that critically hits would deal 3D6 slashing damage, 1D6
all creatures within 20 feet of the cap. Normal, 1D6 for the Critical and 1D6 for the Ripper Weapon.
Item Damage Traits Item Damage Traits

Blasting Cap 8D6 Fire Thrown, Special Ripper

1D6 Slashing Special, Light
Gun-Axe Ripper Sword 1D8 Slashing Special
The Invention of firearms is revolutionary in some cultures as Ripper 1D8 (1D10) Special, Versatile,
it allows just about anyone to have a ranged weapon that is Battleaxe Slashing Heavy
accurate with minimal training. However it does often lead to
a lack of utility, of use.
Some invent a "Gun-Sword" or "Gunblade" to be able to
utilize the base aspects of both, however the way many of
them are designed limits the capabilities of both weapons.
Combining the heft and weight of an Axe with the ranged
capabilities of a Rifle allows for the Gun-Axe to be used to its
fullest without damaging the aspects of either weapon.
A Rifle Gun-Axe can be used as either a Rifle or a
Battleaxe, it can make a ranged attack out to 60 feet dealing
1D8 piercing damage or a melee attack for 1D8 slashing
damage. After making a ranged attack with it it needs to
reload to make another ranged attack, reloading takes an

Creation: The action or process of bringing
something into existence.

Artificer: A skilled craftsman or inventor.

Artificers tap into the Soul of creation to create

wondrous devices and awe-inspiring mechanical
feats. This book hopes to provide more options
to those that hum with the spark of creation.

Inside you will find:

7 New Subclasses to provide options for the Artificer

2 New Backgrounds for Artificers and others.
Class specific tables to add to your Artificers.
Items for use for Artificers.


This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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