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UNIT 10 Coating Inspector Job & Responsibilities ‘The Pre-Job Conference Working with the team-objectives ® Pre-Job conference © Who should be there © Why it is useful 6 Teamwork o Whaatisit o Why important for coating inspector Working with the team Working with the team © Company management ® Other company personnel © Suppliers © Coating inspector The Coating Inspector's Relationship to the Team: ‘Company Management Coating Inspector Supervisor COMPANY MANAGEMENT QUALITY CONTROL ENGINEER CLIENT'S | SAFETY OFFICER PROCUREMENT OFFICER DESIGN ENGINEER ASSURANCE ENGINEER COATING CONTRACTOR COATING INSPECTOR COATING SUPPLIER/ MANUFACTURER Figure 1: Relationship between coating inspector and other parties. Other Company Personnel Coating Inspector Supplier Safety Engineer Fabricator Purchasing Engineer Design Engineer Coating Supplier Quality Control Coating Contractor The Coating Inspector: 8 8 6 Generally doesn’t supervise anyone May be asked to work directly with any or all of the other team members Should be aware that the other team members may interact with each other independently of the coating inspector Since the coating inspector can easily get caught in the middle of a disagreement, it is important for him to: 6 8 ° 6 Take accurate measurements and keep accurate records Be objective, logical, calm, fair Be sure he knows what he is talking about Earn the respect of everyone early in the project ‘You may come in direet contaet with: Direct contact: ‘Your supervisor ® Other company personnel & Supplices Things to help you to do a better ji Be sure to & Be accurate Be objective Know what you're talking about Eam respect Working smoothly with all the team members is one of the important tasks the coating inspector has. This can be improved if clear-cut organizational lines of authority and responsibility have been established. All reporting and decision making function should be kept within lines. Ideally, the inspector should be the company’s representative and have full authority for accepting and rejecting the work. It is recognized that the ideal is not always attained, The coating inspector is responsible for protection his employer’s interest by ensuring that the coating system is applied according to the The coating inspector can also be great help to the coating contractor by: 6 Early identification of poor practice, which can result in expensive redoing of work. 6 Fair and competent application of the coating specification. “The Truth Hurts” One day as President Harry Truman was walking up the steps of the U.S Capital on his way to address Congress; a reporter shouted to him “ Give ‘em hell, Harry!” President Truman replied,” I dont give ‘em hell. I just tell them the truth, and it sounds like hell.” Sometime the coating inspector finds himself in a position of having to tell other people on the team things they don’t want to hear. Bad News When the coating inspector breaks bad news to someone: Tn which case the The person mig! ating Inspector: 6 Work with the inspector 6 Help with the solution to to solve the problem the extended of his stated 6 Agree to do something, responsibility and authority 6 Restates the problem and works to get he other person’s commitment to follow through on the solution 6 Advise his supervisor 6 Asa last resort shuts down the jobs if the has authority to do so. then not do it 6 Ignore the situation entirely e Becomes hostile, Defensive, and argue Behavior which can cause defensiveness Critical or judgmental attitude Manipulative Authoritarian, bossy Lack of concern/indifference Superior, “Know it all”attitude Reducing defensiveness In order to avoid coming across as: 1. Critical, judgmental 2. Manipulative 3. Authoritarian, bossy 4, Uneoncerned, indifferent 5. Superior, “know it all” Try to be: 1, Objective, descriptive 2. Open, honest 3. Working toward solving the problem 4, Interested in the other person’s problem 5. Open to suggestions, listen The key: Concentrate on solving the problem Conflict One Opinion +A Different Opinion = CONFLICT Conflict is a daily reality for everybody. The ability to resolve conflict is one of the most important skills a coating inspector can have. Three ways of handling conflict 1. Avoid it 2. Smooth it over 3. Resolve it through: a Power b. Navigation Be prepared to listen Listen for main and supportive ideas Remain objective Be prepared; know your subject Concentrate Take notes Dont argue Read between the lines (non-verbal language) Put yourself in speaker's place Restate what you think you hear, make sure that what you think you heard is what other person thinks he said. i Sub arctic survival situation objectives: « Toexperience group behavior in a difficult problem 6 Analyze your team’s behavior 6 Learn skills/techniques for improving teamwork on the job as a coating inspector Effective groups Effective groups tend to: 1. Share and build each other’s ideas and information 2. Openly examine and resolve differences 3. Be conscious of their own operations/process 4. Discuss objectives/task of group until well understood and accepted wn Reach decisions through examination and comparison of differences and alternatives (consensus vs. voting or steam. rollering) 6. Develop supportive relation which promote: a. Listening to divergent ideas b. Suppressing of ridicule c. Respecting of others in giving and receiving information Achieving consen: Asa team 1. Decide whether to walk or stay 2. Rate the 15 items Definition of consensus: 1. Group solidarity in sentiment and belief 2. General agreement, the judgment arrived at by most of those concerned Guidelines for achieving consensus: 1. Avoid arguing for your position only because it is your opinion. However, accept the notion that it is okay to be influenced. 2. Change your opinion only when convinced. Persuade and be persuaded on the basis of logic. 3. Avoid conflict-reducing techniques such as voting, bargaining, compromising, coin tossing, averaging or with drawing. 4. View differences as helpful, rather than as obstacles. 5. Avoid accepting an individual decision solely on the basis of experience, position or aggressive behavior. 6. Accept the possibility that you as a group can do well on the task. Expert opinion? Teamwork----Summary 6 The coating inspector is part of a team ® Conflict © Willoccur 2 Can be good 6 Teams can sometimes produces better result than individuals

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