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Locate the center of mass of the homogeneous rod bent y

into the shape of a circular arc.


300 mm

dL = 300 d u
' 30!
x = 300 cos u
y = 300 sin u


' 300 cos u (300du)
x dL
x = =


dL 300d u

(300)2 C sin u D -3 2p3
300 a pb

= 124 mm Ans.

y = 0 (By symmetry) Ans.

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Locate the center of gravity x of the homogeneous rod bent y

in the form of a semicircular arc. The rod has a weight per
unit length of 0.5 lb>ft. Also, determine the horizontal A
reaction at the smooth support B and the x and y
components of reaction at the pin A.

2 ft

x = 2 cos u
y = 2 sin u B

dL = 2 du

L L- p2
' 2
2 cos u 2du
x = =


dL 2du

4 C sin u D -2 p2

C 2u D -2 p2

= ft Ans.

Arc length = pr = 2p

W = 2p(0.5) lb

a + ©MA = 0; - 2p (0.5) a b + Bx (4) = 0

Bx = 1 lb Ans.

+ ©F = 0;
x A x = 1 lb Ans.

+ c ©Fy = 0; A y = 3.14 lb Ans.

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Locate the distance x to the center of gravity of the y

homogeneous rod bent into the parabolic shape. If the rod
has a weight per unit length of 0.5 lb>ft, determine the
reactions at the fixed support O.
y 0.5x2
0.5 ft

1 ft
dL = 2dx 2 + dy 2

dy = x dx

L L0
x dL x 2dx2 + x2 dx2
x = = 1

L L0
dL 2dx2 + x2 dx2

Let x = tan u

dx = sec2 u du

tan u 21 + tan2 u sec2 ud u
x = p

21 + tan2 u sec 2 udu
C sec3 u D 04

C sec u2tan u + 12 {ln | sec u + tan u|} D 04

x = 0.531 ft Ans.


dL = 2dx 2 + dy 2

dy 2
L = 1 + a b dx

= 21 + x2 dx

= 1.148 ft

L L0
xdL = x 21 + x 2 dx

= 0.6095

x = = 0.531 ft Ans.

+ ©F = 0;
x Ox = 0 Ans.

+ c ©Fy = 0; Oy - 0.5(1.148) = 0

Oy = 0.574 lb Ans.

a + ©MO = 0; MO - 0.5(1.148)(0.531) = 0

MO = 0.305 lb # ft Ans.
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Locate the distance y to the center of gravity of the y

homogeneous rod bent into the parabolic shape.

y 0.5x2
0.5 ft

1 ft
dL = 2dx2 + dy2

dy 2
L = 1 + a b dx

= 21 + x 2 dx

= 1.148 ft

L L0
ydL = 0.5x2 21 + x2 dx

= 0.2101 ft

y = = 0.183 ft Ans.

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Locate the centroid ( x, y ) of the uniform rod. Evaluate the y

integrals using a numerical method.

y ! a cos ––
Differential Element. The length of the element shown shaded in Fig. a is

dy 2
dL = 2dx2 + dy2 = 1 + a b dx
C dx

dy p p p x
Here, = a a - sin x b a b = - p sin x
dx a a a a
p p
dL = 1 + a -p sin x b dx = 1 + p2 sin2 x dx
C a C a
The centroid of the element is located at xc = x and yc = y = a cos x. Applying
Eq. 9–5 we have


2 p
x~ dL x 1 + p 2 sin x dx
B a 0.3444a2
x = = = = 0.299a Ans.

a>2 1.1524a
dL p 2 2
1 + p sin x dx
B a


p 2 p
y~ dL a cos x 1 + p 2 sin x dx
a B a 0.6191a2
y = = = = 0.537a Ans.

a>2 1.1524a
dL p
1 + p 2 sin 2 x dx
B a

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Locate the centroid y of the area. y

y 1 – – x2

Area and Moment Arm: The area of the differential element is
1 ' y 1 1
dA = ydx = a1 - x2 b dx and its centroid is y = = a 1 - x2 b .
4 2 2 4
Centroid: Due to symmetry

x = 0 Ans.

Applying Eq. 9–4 and performing the integration, we have


L- 2m 2
1 1 2 1
' ¢1 - x ≤ ¢ 1 - x 2 ≤ dx
ydA 4 4
y = =


L- 2m
dA 1 2
¢1 - x ≤ dx

x x3 x 5 2m
¢ - + ≤`
2 12 160 - 2m 2
= = m Ans.
x 3 2m 5
¢x - ≤`
12 - 2m

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Determine the area and the centroid x of the parabolic area. y

h x2

Differential Element:The area element parallel to the x axis shown shaded in Fig. a
will be considered. The area of the element is

dA = x dy = y 1>2 dy
' x a '
Centroid: The centroid of the element is located at x = = y 1>2 and y = y.
2 2h1>2

Area: Integrating,
h h

LA L0 h
a 2a 2
A = dA = y 1>2 dy = A y3>2 B 2 = ah Ans.
3h 1>2
0 3
a2 y2 h
a a h 2

LA L0 2h
' ¢ y1>2 ≤ ¢ y 1>2 dy ≤ a ¢ ≤`
xdA 1>2 1>2 y dy 2h 2 0
2h h 3
x = = = = = a Ans.

2 2 2 8
dA ah ah ah
3 3 3

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Locate the centroid y of the parabolic area. y

Differential Element: The area element parallel to the x axis shown shaded in Fig. a
will be considered. The area of the element is h

a h x2
y ! ––
dA = x dy = y1>2 dy a2
' x a 1>2 ' x
Centroid: The centroid of the element is located at x = = y and y = y. a
2 1>2
Area: Integrating,

h h

LA L0 h
a 2a 2
A = dA = y1>2 dy = A y3>2 B 2 = ah Ans.
3h 1>2
0 3

h h

a 2a
L0 h1>2
a 5>2 2

' 1>2 3>2
y dA ya y dy b y dy y
1>2 1>2
h 5h 0 3
y = = = = = h Ans.
2 2 2 5
dA ah ah ah
3 3 3

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Locate the centroid x of the area. y

y ! x3
Differential Element: The differential area element parallel to the y axis shown 4 in.
shaded in Fig. a will be considered. The area of the element is
dA = y dx = x2>3 dx
8 in.
Area: Integrating the area of the differential elements gives

8 in. 8 in.

A = dA = x2>3 dx = c x5>3 d 2 = 19.2 in.2 Ans.
5 0

Centroid: The centroid of the element is located at x = x. Applying Eq. 9–4, we have

8 in. 8 in. 8 in.

LA L0 L0
3 >
c x8 3d 2
' 2>3 5>3
x dA xAx dx B x dx
8 0
x = = = = = 5 in. Ans.
19.2 19.2 19.2

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Locate the centroid y of the area. y

y ! x3
Area: Integrating the area of the differential element gives 4 in.

8 in. 8 in. x

A = dA = x 2>3
dx = c x5>3 d 2 = 19.2 in.2 Ans.
5 0 8 in.
1 '
Centroid: The centroid of the element is located at y = y>2 = x2>3. Applying
Eq. 9–4, we have

8 in. 8 in.

LA L0 L0 2
' 1 2>3 2>3 1 4>3
y dA x A x B dx x dx
y = = =
19.2 19.2

8 in.
3 7>3 2
c x d
14 0
= = 1.43 in. Ans.

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Locate the centroid x of the area. y

SOLUTION y ! —2 x2
dA = y dx
x = x
h 4 b
' h 3
x dA x dx B x R
b 2 4b2 0 3
x = = = = b Ans.

b b 4
dA h 2 h
x dx B 2 x3 R
b 3b 0

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Locate the centroid y of the shaded area. y

SOLUTION y ! —2 x2
dA = y dx
' y
y =
2 x
b 2 2 b b
' h 4
y dA x dx B x5 R
2b 4 10b4 0 3
y = = = = h Ans.

b b 10
L0 b
dA h 2 h
x dx B 2 x3 R
3b 0

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Locate the centroid x of the shaded area. y

y ! 4 " –– x2
16 x
1 8m
dA = 14 - y2dx = a x2 b dx
x = x
xdA xa b dx
x = = 8

dA 1 2
a x b dx
x = 6.00 m Ans.

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Locate the centroid y of the shaded area. y

y ! 4 " –– x2
16 x
1 2 8m
dA = 14 - y2dx = a x b dx
4 + y
y =
x2 x2
2 L0
' ¢8 - b a b dx
ydA 16 16
y = = 8

dA 1 2
a x b dx
y = 2.80 m Ans.

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Locate the centroid x of the area. y

Differential Element: The element parallel to the y axis shown shaded in Fig. a will
be considered. The area of the element is xy ! c2

dA = y dx = dx
Centroid: The centroid of the element is located at x = x x

Area: Integrating,
b 2 b

LA La x
c b
A = dA = dx = c2 ln x 2 = c2 ln

We have

b b b
LA La La
' c 2x 2
x dA xa
dx b c2 dx
x a b - a
x = = = = = Ans.

b b b b
dA c2 ln c2 ln c2 ln ln
a a a a

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Locate the centroid y of the area. y

Differential Element: The element parallel to the y axis shown shaded in Fig. a will
be considered. The area of the element is xy ! c2

dA = y dx = dx
' y c
Centroid: The centroid of the element is located at y = = . x
2 2x
Area: Integrating,
b 2 b

LA La x
c b
A = dA = dx = c2 ln x 2 = c2 ln Ans.

We have

b b
c2 c2 c4
LA La La 2x
yc dA a b a dx b 2
2x x
y = = =

b b
dA c2 ln c2 ln
a a
- 3
a c2(b - a)
= = Ans.
b b
c2 ln 2ab ln
a a

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Locate the centroid x of the shaded area. y

SOLUTION y = ahn xn
Area and Moment Arm: T he area of the differential element is a
xn '
dA = 1h - y2dx = h ¢ 1 - n ≤ dx and its centroid is x = x.

Centroid: Applying Eq. 9–4 and performing the integration, we have

' xBh¢1 - ≤ dx R
xdA an
x = =

dA h¢1 - ≤ dx

x2 xn + 2 a
h¢ - n≤ `
2 1n + 22a 0
xn + 1 a
h x - n `
1n + 12a 0

n + 1
= a Ans.
2 n + 2

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Locate the centroid x of the shaded area. y

y ! h " —n x n


dA = y dx
' a
x = x

h n+1
' ¢ hx - x ≤ dx
x dA an
x = =


dA h n
¢h - x ≤ dx

h h1xn + 22 a
B x2 - n R
2 a 1n + 22 0
= n+1
h1x 2 a
B hx - R
an1n + 12 0

h h
a - b a2
2 n + 2 n + 1
x = = a Ans.
h 21n + 22
ah - ba
n + 1

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Locate the centroid y of the shaded area. y

y ! h " —n x n


dA = y dx
' y a
y =

h2 h2
2 L0
' ¢ h2 - 2 n xn + 2n x2n ≤ dx
y dA a a
y = =


dA h n
¢h - x ≤ dx

1 2 2h21xn + 12 h21x2n + 12 a
Bh x - n + 2n R
2 a 1n + 12 a 12n + 12 0
h1xn + 12 a
B hx - n R
a 1n + 12 0

21n + 1212n + 12 n
y = = h Ans.
n 2n + 1
n + 1

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Locate the centroid y of the area. y

y h xn
dA = y dx x
y a
y =

' 1 h2
ydA 2 a 2n x 2n dx h2(a 2n + 1)
2a 2n(2n + 1) n + 1
y = = a = = h Ans.

h(a n + 1) 2(2n + 1)
dA an xn dx a n(n + 1)

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Locate the centroid x of the area. y


dA = x dy 1
y ! – x2
x x
' a
x =

a a

LA L0 L0
2 2
dA = x dy = 1ay1>2dy = 1a a a3>2 b = a2
3 3

a a
LA L0 2 L0 2
' a 1
x dA = dy = y dy = a3

' 1 3
x dA a
4 3
x = = = a Ans.

2 2 8
dA a

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Locate the centroid y of the area. y

dA = x dy
y ! – x2
' x
y = y a
a a

LA L0 L0
' 2 2
y dA = xy dy = 1ay3>2dy = 1a a a5>2 b = a3
5 5

' 2 3
y dA a
5 3
y = = = a Ans.

2 2 5
dA a

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Locate the centroid x of the quarter elliptical area. y

x2 # —
y2 ! 1

a2 b2


dA = y dx x
' x
x =
y = y

b2 2 x a
b p
dA = b2 - 2
x dx = c x 2a2 - x2 + a2 sin-1 d = ab
a 2a a 0 4

a2 a2 b

' 1 1 1
x dA = ¢ a2 - 2 y2 ≤ dy = B a2y - 2 y3 R = a2b
2 b 2 3b 0 3

x dA 1 2
3a b 4a
x = = p = Ans.

4 ab 3p

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Locate the centroid y of the quarter elliptical area. y

x2 # —
y2 ! 1

a2 b2


dA = y dx x

' a
x = x

' y
y =

b2 2 x a
b p
dA = b2 - 2
x dx = c x 2a2 - x2 + a2 sin-1 d = ab
a 2a a 0 4

b2 b2 a

LA 2 L0
' 1 1 1
y dA = ¢ b2 - 2 x2 ≤ dx = B b2x - 2 x3 R = ab2
a 2 3a 0 3

y dA 1 2
3 ab 4b
y = = p = Ans.

4 ab 3p

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The plate has a thickness of 0.25 ft and a specific weight of z

g = 180 lb>ft3. Determine the location of its center of
gravity. Also, find the tension in each of the cords used to
support it.

16 ft
1 y
Area and Moment Arm: Here, y = x - 8x + 16. The area of the differential
A 1 1
1 ' y2 # x2 !4
element is dA = ydx = 1x - 8x2 + 162dx and its centroid is x = x and x
' 1 1
y = 1x - 8x2 + 162. Evaluating the integrals, we have

16 ft

A = dA = 1x - 8x2 + 162dx

16 ft
1 16 3
= a x2 - x2 + 16x b ` = 42.67 ft2
2 3 0

16 ft

' 1
xdA = x31x - 8x2 + 162dx4

16 ft
1 16 5
= a x3 - x2 + 8x2 b ` = 136.53 ft3
3 5 0

16 ft

' 1 1 1
ydA = 1x - 8x2 + 16231x - 8x2 + 162dx4

16 ft
1 1 3 32 5 512 3
= a x - x2 + 48x2 - x2 + 256xb `
2 3 5 3 0

= 136.53 ft3

Centroid: Applying Eq. 9–6, we have

x = = = 3.20 ft Ans.


y = = = 3.20 ft Ans.


Equations of Equilibrium: The weight of the plate is W = 42.6710.25211802 = 1920 lb.

©Mx = 0; 192013.202 - TA1162 = 0 TA = 384 lb Ans.

©My = 0; TC1162 - 192013.202 = 0 TC = 384 lb Ans.

©Fz = 0; TB + 384 + 384 - 1920 = 0

TB = 1152 lb = 1.15 kip Ans.

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Locate the centroid x of the area. y

y ! a cos ––
Differential Element: The element parallel to the y axis shown shaded in Fig. a will
be considered. The area of the element is

dA = y dx = a cos x dx
Centroid: The centroid of the element is located at x = x.
Area: Integrating, 2

a2 p 2 a>2 a2
A = dA = a cos x dx = sin x = Ans.
a p a 0 p
We have

a>2 a>2 a>2

L0 L0 L0
' p p
x dA x a a cos x dx b ax cos x dx
a a
x = = =
a2 a2
p p

a2 p a3 p a>2
x sin x + 2 cos x 2
p a p a 0 p - 2
= = a ba Ans.
a2 2p

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Locate the centroid y of the area. y

y ! a cos ––
Differential Element: The element parallel to the y axis shown shaded in Fig. a will
be considered. The area of the element is

dA = y dx = a cos x dx
' y a p
Centroid: The centroid of the element is located at y = = cos x. x
2 2 a
Area: Integrating, 2

a2 p a>2 a2
A = dA = a cos x dx = sin x 2 = Ans.
a p a 0 p
We have

a>2 a>2 2

LA L0 L0
' a p p a p
y dA a cos x b a a cos x dx b cos2 x dx
2 a a 2 a
y = = =
a2 a2
p p

a2 a 2p a>2

4 L0
a cos x + 1 b dx a sin x + xb 2
a 4 2p a 0 p
= = = a Ans.
a2 a2 8
p p

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Locate the centroid x of the area. y

y ! x3

Differential Element: The differential element parallel to the y axis shown shaded 1m
in Fig. a will be considered. The area of the element is
2>3 3>2
y ! x2
dA = (y1 - y2) dx = (x - x ) dx
Centroid: The centroid of the element is located at x = x. 1m

1m 1

3 2 1
A = dA = (x2>3 - x3>2) dx = ¢ x5>3 - x5>2 ≤ ` = m2 Ans.
5 5 0 5

We have

1m 1m

LA L0 L0
x dA x(x2>3 - x3>2) dx (x5>3 - x5>2) dx
x = = =

1 1
5 5

3 2 7>2 1m
¢ x8>3 - x ≤`
8 7 0 25
= = m Ans.
1 56

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Locate the centroid y of the area. y

y ! x3

Differential Element: The differential element parallel to the y axis shown shaded 1m
in Fig. a will be considered. The area of the element is
y ! x2
2>3 3>2
dA = (y1 - y2) dx = (x - x ) dx

' 1 1 1m
Centroid: The centroid of the element is located at y = (y1 + y2) = (x2>3 + x3>2).
2 2
1m 1

3 2 1
A = dA = (x2>3 - x3>2) dx = ¢ x5>3 - x5>2 ≤ ` = m2 Ans.
5 5 0 5

We have

1m 1m

LA L0 L0
' 1 2>3 1 4>3
y dA (x + x 3>2)(x2>3 - x 3>2) dx (x - x3) dx
- 2 2
y = = =

1 1
5 5

1 3 7>3 x4 1 m
B x - R`
2 7 4 0
= m Ans.

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Locate the centroid x of the area. y

Differential Element: The element parallel to the y axis shown shaded in Fig. a will 1x
y ! ––
be considered. The area of the element is 1m 2

1 x2
y ! ––
1 1
dA = (y1 - y2) dx = ¢ x - x2 ≤ dx x
2 4
Centroid: The centroid of the element is located at x = x.

Area: Integrating,

1 322 m
1 1 2 1
A = dA = ¢ x - x ≤ dx = x2 - x = 0.3333m2
2 4 4 12 0

= 0.333 m2 Ans.

We have
2m 2m

L0 L0
1 1 1 1 3
xc dA x ¢ x - x2 ≤ dx ¢ x2 - x ≤ dx
2 4 2 4
x = = =

0.3333 0.3333

1 3 1 422 m
x - x
6 16 0
= = 1m Ans.

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Locate the centroid y of the area. y

Differential Element: The element parallel to the y axis shown shaded in Fig. a will 1x
y ! ––
be considered. The area of the element is 1m 2

1 x2
y ! ––
1 1 4
dA = (y1 - y2) dx = ¢ x - x2 ≤ dx x
2 4
' 1
Centroid: The centroid of the element is located at y = (y1 - y2)
1 1 1 2
= ¢ x + x ≤
2 2 4

Area: Integrating,

1 322m
1 1 2 1
A = dA = ¢ x- x ≤ dx = x2 - x
2 4 4 12 0

= 0.3333 m2 = 0.333 m2 Ans.

We have
2m 2m

L0 L0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
' ¢ x + x2 ≤ ¢ x - x2 ≤ dx ¢ x - x4 ≤ dx
y dA 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 16
y = = =

0.3333 0.3333

1 1 3 1
¢ x - x5 ≤ 2
2 12 80 0
= = 0.4 m Ans.

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Locate the centroid x of the shaded area. y

y ! a sin a


Area and Moment Arm: The area of the differential element is x

x ap
dA = ydx = a sin dx and its centroid are x = x

' x
xdA x a a sin dx b
x = =


dA a sin dx
x x
c a3 sin - x a a2 cos b d `
a a 0
x pa
a - a2 cos b`
a 0

= a Ans.

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Locate the centroid y of the shaded area. y

y ! a sin a


Area and Moment Arm: The area of the differential element is x

x y a x
dA = ydx = a sin dx and its centroid are y = = sin . ap
a 2 2 a
1 2 1 2x pa

y = LA L0 2
a x x
ydA sin aa sin dx b c a a x - a sin bd`
a a 4 2 a 0 p
= = = a Ans.

x x pa
dA a sin dx 2
a -a cos b `
a a 0

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The steel plate is 0.3 m thick and has a density of y

7850 kg>m3. Determine the location of its center of mass.
Also compute the reactions at the pin and roller support. y2 ! 2x


y1 = - x1 A

y 22 = 2x2 2m
y ! "x
dA = 1y2 - y12 dx = A 22x + x B dx
x = x
' y2 + y1 22x - x
y = =
2 2
2 2

' 2 22 5>2 1
x dA x A 22x + x B dx c x + x3 d
5 3 0
x= = 2
= = 1.2571 = 1.26 m Ans.


2 22 3>2 1
dA A 22x + x B dx c x + x2 d
3 2 0
x2 2

' 22x - x 1
y dA A 22x + x B dx c - x3 d
2 2 6 0
y = = 2
= = 0.143 m Ans.


2 22 3>2 1
dA A 22x + x B dx c x + x2 d
3 2 0

A = 4.667 m2

W = 785019.81214.667210.32 = 107.81 kN

a + ©MA = 0; -1.25711107.812 + NB A 222 B = 0

NB = 47.92 = 47.9 kN Ans.

+ ©F = 0; -A x + 47.92 sin 45° = 0

A x = 33.9 kN Ans.

+ c ©Fy = 0; A y + 47.92 cos 45° - 107.81 = 0

A y = 73.9 kN Ans.

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Locate the centroid x of the shaded area. y

y x2


dA = y dx = x 2 dx

x = x
1 in.

x dA x dx x
x = = 2
= 1.61 in. Ans. 1 in. 1 in.
dA x2 dx

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Locate the centroid y of the shaded area. y

y x2


dA = y dx = x 2 dx

y x2
y = = 1 in.
2 2
2 x

1 4
y dA 2 x dx 1
C (2) - (1)
5 5 1 in. 1 in.
y = = 2
= = 1.33 in. Ans.

C (2)3 - (1)3 D
dA 2 3
x dx

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If the density at any point in the quarter circular plate is
defined by r = r0xy, where r0 is a constant, determine the
x2 # y2 ! r 2
mass and locate the center of mass (x, y) of the plate. The
plate has a thickness t.


Differential Element: The element parallel to the y axis shown shaded in Fig. a will
be considered. The mass of this element is

dm = r dV = r0 xy(ty dx)

= r0 txy2dx

= r0 t(r 2x - x 3) dx

Mass: Integrating,

r2x2 x4 2 r
Lm L0
m = dm = r0 t(r2x - x3) dx = r0 ta - b = r0 r4 t Ans.
2 4 0 4

Center of Mass: The center of mass of the element is located at xc = x. Applying

Eq. 9–2 we have

r r

Lm L0 L0
x~ dm x cr0 t(r2x - x3)dx d r0 t ar2x2 - x4 bdx
x = = =

1 1
dm r r4 t r r4t
4 0 4 0

r2x3 x5 2 r
r0 t a - b
3 5 0 8
= = r Ans.
1 15
r r 4t
4 0

By considering the element parallel to the x axis shown shaded in Fig. b,

dm = r dV = r0xy(tx dy) = r0 tx2y dy = r0 t(r 2y - y 3) dy. In this case, yc = y.
Applying Eq. 9–2, we have

r r

Lm L0 L0
y~ dm y c r0 t(r2y - y3)dy d r0 t(r2y2 - y4) dy
y = = = = rAns.

1 1 15
dm r r4 t r r4t
4 0 4 0

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Determine the location r of the centroid C of the cardioid,

r = a11 - cos u2.

1 2
dA = r du

1 2 3
A = 2 (a )(1 - cos u)2 du = p a 2
2 2

LA L0 3
2 1
rx dA = 2 a r cos u b a b (a 2)(1 - cos u)2 du

3 L0
2 3
= a (1 - cos u)3 cos u du = -3.927 a 3

- LA
rx dA
~ 3.927 a 3
r = = = 0.833 a Ans.

dA p a2

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Locate the centroid y of the paraboloid. z

z2 = 4y


Volume and Moment Arm: The volume of the thin disk differential element is
dV = pz2dy = p14y2dy and its centroid y = y.

Centroid: Applying Eq. 9–3 and performing the integration, we have


ydV y3p14y2dy4
y = = 4m

dV p14y2dy

y3 4m
3 0
= = 2.67 m Ans.
2 4m
2 0

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Locate the center of gravity of the volume. The material is z



y 2 = 2z
Volume and Moment Arm: The volume of the thin disk differential element is
' y
dV = py2dz = p12z2dz = 2pzdz and its centroid z = z.

Centroid: Due to symmetry about z axis

' '
x = y = 0 Ans.

Applying Eq. 9–3 and performing the integration, we have


Lv L0
z dV z12pzdz2
z = = 2m

Lv L0
dV 2pzdz

z3 2m
3 0 4
= = m Ans.
z 2 2m 3
2 0

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Locate the centroid z of the hemisphere. z

y2 + z2 = a2

Volume and Moment Arm: The volume of the thin disk differential element is
' x
dV = py2dz = p1a2 - z22dz and its centroid z = z.

Centroid: Applying Eq. 9–3 and performing the integration, we have


z dV z3p1a2 - z22dz4
z = = a

dV p1a2 - z22dz

a2z2 z4 a
p -
2 4 0 3
= = a Ans.
z 3 a 8
p az -
3 0

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Determine the centroid y of the solid. z

z ! –– (y " 1)

Differential Element: The thin disk element shown shaded in Fig. a will be considered. The x
volume of the element is
3 ft
y 2
2 p 4
dV = pz dy = pc (y - 1) d dy = (y - 2y3 + y2)dy
6 36
Centroid: The centroid of the element is located at yc = y. We have

3 ft 3 ft
p y6 2 y4 3 ft
LV L0 L0
~ dV p 4 p 5
y yc A y - 2y3 + y2 B dy d A y - 2y4 + y3 B dy c - y5 + d2
36 36 36 6 5 4 0
y = = 3 ft
= 3 ft

p y5 y4 y 3 3 ft
L0 L0
p 4 p 4
dV A y - 2y3 + y2 B dy A y - 2y3 + y2 B dy c - + d2
36 36 36 5 2 3 0

= 2.61 ft Ans.

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Locate the center of gravity z of the solid. z

z ! 4y 3 16 in.
Differential Element: The thin disk element shown shaded in Fig. a will be
considered. The volume of the element is
1 p 3
dV = py dz = pc z3>2 d dz =
z dz 8 in.
8 64
Centroid: The centroid of the element is located at zc = z. We have

16 in. 16 in.
p z5 16 in.
LV L0 L0
~ p 3 p 4
z dV zc z dz d z dz a b2
64 64 64 5 0
z = = = = = 12.8 in. Ans.

16 in. 16 in.
p z4 2 16 in.
L0 L0
dV p 3 p 3
z dz z dz a b
64 64 64 4 0

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Locate the centroid of the ellipsoid of revolution. z

y2 z2
" !1
b2 a 2

x y
dV = p z2 dy
y2 y3 b
L L0
dV = p a2 a 1 - 2
b dy = p a2 c y - 2
d =
b 3b 0 3
b 2 2
y y y4 b p a2b2
L L0
ydV = p a2ya 1 - 2
b dy = p a2 c - 2
d =
b 2 4b 0 4

4 3
y = = 2
= b Ans.

2pa b 8

x = z = 0 (By symmetry) Ans.

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Locate the centroid z of the right-elliptical cone. z

x 4
Volume and Moment Arm: From the geometry, = , x = 0.4(10 - z) and
10 - z 10 10 ft
y 3
= , y = 0.3(10 - z). The volume of the thin disk differential element is
10 - z 10 x2# y2 ! 1
dV = pxydz = p30.4(10 - z)430.3(10 - z)4dz = 0.12p(z2 - 20z + 100) dz and 16 9

4 ft y
its centroid z = z. 3 ft
Centroid: Applying Eq. 9–5 and performing the integration, we have

10 ft

z dV z30.12p1z2 - 20z + 1002 dz4
z = = 10 ft

dV 0.12p1z2 - 20z + 1002 dz

z4 20z3 10 ft
0.12p ¢ - + 50z2 ≤ `
4 3 0
= = 2.50 ft Ans.
z3 10 ft
0.12p ¢ - 10z2 + 100z ≤ `
3 0

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The hemisphere of radius r is made from a stack of very thin z

plates such that the density varies with height r = kz,
where k is a constant. Determine its mass and the distance
to the center of mass G.

r z
Mass and Moment Arm: The density of the material is r = kz. The mass of the thin
disk differential element is dm = rdV = rpy2dz = kz3p(r2 - z2) dz4 and its
centroid z = z. Evaluating the integrals, we have

Lm L0
m = dm = kz3p(r2 - z2) dz4

r2z2 z4 r pkr4
= pk ¢ - ≤` = Ans.
2 4 0 4

Lm L0
z dm = z5kz3p(r2 - z2) dz46

r2z3 z5 r 2pkr5
= pk ¢ - ≤` =
3 5 0 15

Centroid: Applying Eq. 9–3, we have

z dm
2pkr5>15 8
z = = = r Ans.

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Locate the centroid of the quarter-cone. z

z = z y

a x
r = (h - z)

p 2 p a2
dV = r dz = (h - z)2 dz
4 4 h2
p a2 p a2 2 z3 h
L 4 h L0
dV = 2
(h2 - 2hz + z2) dz = 2
c h z - hz2 + d
4h 3 0

p a2 h3 pa2 h
= 2
a b =
4h 3 12
2 h
p a 2 2 z2 z3 z4 h
L 4 h L0
' pa
z dV = 2
(h2 - 2hz + z2) z dz = 2
ch - 2h + d
4h 2 3 4 0

p a 2 h4 pa2h2
= a b =
2 12
4h 48

p a2 h2
z dV
48 h
z = = 2
= Ans.

pa h 4
h h
pa 2 pa2
L 4 h L0 3p 4 h2 L0 3 p h
' 4r 4a
xdV = 2
(h - z)2 dz = (h3 - 3h2 z + 3hz2 - z3) dz

p a 2 4a 3h4 h4
= 2
a h4 - + h4 - b
4 h 3ph 2 4

p a2 a h3 a3 h
= 2
a b =
4h 3p 12

a3 h
12 a
x = y = = = Ans.
p a2h

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Locate the centroid z of the frustum of the right-circular z


y - r h - z x y
Volume and Moment Arm: From the geometry, = ,
R - r h
1r - R2z + Rh
y = . The volume of the thin disk differential element is

1r - R2z + Rh 2
dV = py2dz = pc a b d dz

= c1r - R22z2 + 2Rh1r - R2z + R2h2 ddz

and its centroid z = z.

Centroid: Applying Eq. 9–3 and performing the integration, we have


' p
z dV zb 31r - R22z2 + 2Rh1r - R2z + R2h24dz r
' h2
z = =


dV p
31r - R22z2 + 2Rh1r - R2z + R2h24dz

p z4 z3 z2 h

1r - R22 ¢ ≤ + 2Rh1r - R2 ¢ ≤ + R2h2 ¢ ≤ R `
h 4 3 2 0
p z3 z2 h

1r - R22 + 2Rh1r - R2 + R2h21z2 `
h 3 2 0

R 2 + 3r2 + 2rR
= h Ans.
4 R2 + r2 + rR

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The king’s chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza is located z

at its centroid. Assuming the pyramid to be a solid, prove
that this point is at z = 14 h, Suggestion: Use a rectangular
differential plate element having a thickness dz and area

a a
a a y
dV = 12x212y2 dz = 4xy dz x

x = y = 1h - z2
4 a2 4 a2 2 z3 h 4 a2 h
L L0 h
2 2
dV = 2
1h - z2 dz = B h z - hz + R =
h2 3 0 3
4 a2 4 a2 z2 z3 z4 h a2 h2
L L0 h
z dV = 2
1h - z22z dz = 2 B h2 - 2h + R =
h 2 3 4 0 3

z dV a 2 h2
' 3 h
z = = = (QED)

4 a2 h 4
dV 3

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Determine the location z of the centroid for the z

tetrahedron. Hint: Use a triangular “plate” element parallel
to the x–y plane and of thickness dz.



1 1 y
z = ca1 - yb = ca 1 - x b
b a
c c

L L0 L0
1 1 z z abc x
dV = (x)(y)dz = a a 1 - b ba 1 - b dz =
2 2 c c 6
a b c2
L 2 L0
' 1 z z
z dV = z a a 1 - b ba 1 - bdz =
c c 24

a b c2
z dV
24 c
z = = = Ans.

abc 4

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The truss is made from five members, each having a length y

of 4 m and a mass of 7 kg>m. If the mass of the gusset plates
at the joints and the thickness of the members can be
neglected, determine the distance d to where the hoisting
cable must be attached, so that the truss does not tip d 4m C
(rotate) when it is lifted.

4m 4m
©xM = 4(7)(1 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 5) = 420 kg # m
A 4m D
©M = 4(7)(5) = 140 kg
©xM 420
d = x = = = 3m Ans.
©M 140

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Locate the centroid for the wire. Neglect the thickness of y

the material and slight bends at the corners.

1 in. 1 in.

3 in.

Centroid: The length of each segment and its respective centroid are tabulated below.
' '
Segment L (in.) y (in.) y L (in2) 5 in. 5 in.
1 3 9.5 28.5
2 5 9.5 47.5
3 8 4 32.0
4 10 0 0
5 8 4 32.0
6 5 9.5 47.5
7 3 9.5 28.5
© 42.0 216.0

Due to symmetry about y axis, x = 0 Ans.

©yL 216.0
y = = = 5.143 in. = 5.14 in. Ans.
©L 42.0

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Locate the centroid (x, y) of the cross section. All the y

dimensions are measured to the centerline thickness of each
thin segment.

Centroid: The centroid of each composite segment is shown in Fig. a. 300 mm

' 100(200) + 200(100) + 100 a 22002 + 2002 b + 0(300)

©x L 100 mm
x = = x
©L 200 + 100 + 22002 + 2002 + 300 200 mm

= = 77.3 mm Ans.

' 0(200) + 50(100) + 200 a 22002 + 2002 b + 150(300)

©y L
y = =
©L 200 + 100 + 22002 + 2002 + 300

= = 121 mm Ans.

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Locate the centroid (x, y) of the metal cross section. Neglect y

the thickness of the material and slight bends at the corners.

50 mm

150 mm
Centroid: The length of each segment and its respective centroid are tabulated below. x

' '
Segment L (mm) y (mm) y L (mm2) 50 mm 100 mm 100 mm 50 mm
1 50p 168.17 26415.93
2 180.28 75 13520.82
3 400 0 0
4 180.28 75 13520.82

© 917.63 53457.56

- = 0
Due to symmetry about y axis, x Ans.
©yL 53457.56
y = = = 58.26 mm = 58.3 mm Ans.
©L 917.63

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The three members of the frame each have a weight per y

unit length of 4 kg>m. Locate the position 1x, y2 of the
center of gravity. Neglect the size of the pins at the joints
and the thickness of the members. Also, calculate the E
reactions at the fixed support A.
3 ft
60 lb
3 ft

©xW = 1.5(4)245 + 3(4) 272 = 142.073 lb # ft

3 ft
©W = 4(7) + 4245 + 4 272 = 88.774 lb
©x W 142.073 4 ft
x = = = 1.60 ft Ans.
©W 88.774 A x
©yW = 3.5(4)(7) + 7(4) 245 + 10(4) 272 = 625.241 lb # ft
3 ft 3 ft
©yW 625.241
y = = = 7.04 ft Ans.
©W 88.774

+ ©F = 0;
x Ax = 0 Ans.

+ c ©Fy = 0; A y = 88.774 + 60 = 149 lb Ans.

a + ©MA = 0; - 60(6) - 88.774(1.60) + MA = 0

MA = 502 lb # ft Ans.

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The steel and aluminum plate assembly is bolted together y

and fastened to the wall. Each plate has a constant width in
the z direction of 200 mm and thickness of 20 mm. If the
density of A and B is rs = 7.85 Mg>m3, and for C,
ral = 2.71 Mg>m3, determine the location x of the center of 100 mm
mass. Neglect the size of the bolts. 200 mm
300 mm
©m = 2 C 7.85(10)3(0.3)(0.2)(0.02) D + 2.71(10)3(0.3)(0.2)(0.02) = 22.092 kg
©xm = 150{2 C 7.85(10)3(0.3)(0.2)(0.02) D } +350 C 2.71(10)3(0.3)(0.2)(0.02) D

= 3964.2
©xm 3964.2
x = = = 179 mm Ans.
©m 22.092

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To determine the location of the center of gravity of the

automobile it is first placed in a level position, with the two
wheels on one side resting on the scale platform P. In this
position the scale records a reading of W1. Then, one side is – G
elevated to a convenient height c as shown. The new
reading on the scale is W2. If the automobile has a total
weight of W, determine the location of its center of gravity c P
G(x, y). x–


Equation of Equilibrium: First,we will consider the case in which the automobile is
in a level position. Referring to the free-body diagram in Fig. a and writing the
moment equation of equilibrium about point A,

a + ©MA = 0; W1(b) - W(x) = 0 x = b Ans.

c 2b2 - c2
From the geometry in Fig. c, sin u = and cos u = . Using the result of x
b b
and referring to the free-body diagram in Fig. b, we can write the moment equation
of equilibrium about point A¿ .

2b2 - c2 2b2 - c2 W1 c
a + ©MA¿ = 0; W2 B b ¢ ≤ R - W¢ ≤ a bb - Wa b y = 0
b b W b

b(W2 - W1) 2b2 - c2

y = Ans.

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Determine the location y of the centroidal axis x - x of the 150 mm

beam’s cross-sectional area. Neglect the size of the corner 15 mm
welds at A and B for the calculation. B

150 mm 15 mm

x x
©yA = 7.5(15) (150) + 90(150) (15) + 215(p) (50)2

= 1 907 981.05 mm2 50 mm

©A = 15(150) + 150(15) + p(50)2

= 12 353.98 mm2
©yA 1 907 981.05
y = = = 154 mm Ans.
©A 12 353.98

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Locate the centroid (x, y) for the angle’s cross-sectional y y¿


Centroid: The area of each segment and its respective centroid are tabulated below. C
2 ' ' ' ' 6 in.
Segment A (in ) x (in.) y (in.) x A (in3) y A (in3)
1 6(2) 1 3 12.0 36.0 2 in.
2 6(2) 5 1 60.0 12.0 6 in.
2 in.
© 24.0 72.0 48.0
©xA 72.0
x = = = 3.00 in. Ans.
©A 24.0
©yA 48.0
y = = = 2.00 in. Ans.
©A 24.0

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Locate the centroid y of the channel’s cross-sectional area.

2 in. 2 in.
12 in.

2 in. y
4 in. C

Centroid: The area of each segment and its respective centroid are tabulated below.
Segment A(in2) y (in.) yA(in3)
1 6(4) 3 72.0
2 12(2) 1 24.0
© 48.0 96.0


©yA 96.0
y = = = 2.00 in. Ans.
©A 48.0

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Locate the centroid (x, y) of the member’s cross-sectional y

30 mm

40 mm

50 mm
Centroid: The area of each segment and its respective centroid are tabulated below. x

' ' ' ' 60 mm 100 mm

Segment A (mm2) x (mm) y (mm) x A (mm3) y A (mm3)
1 13021902 20 30 27 000 40 500
2 30(90) 45 45 121 500 121 500

3 100(50) 110 25 550 000 125 000

© 9 050 698 500 287 000

©xA 698 500
x = = = 77.18 mm = 77.2 mm Ans.
©A 9 050
©yA 287 000
y = = = 31.71 mm = 31.7 mm Ans.
©A 9 050

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Locate the centroid y of the bulb-tee cross section.

225 mm 225 mm

50 mm

400 mm

Centroid: The area of each segment and its respective centroid are tabulated below.
y 75 mm
' '
Segment A 1mm22 y 1mm2 y A 1mm32
100 mm
1 450(50) 600 13 500 000 x
300 mm
2 475(75) 337.5 12 023 437.5

3 122521752 125 1 054 687.5
4 300(100) 50 1 500 000

© 96 562.5 28 078 125

©yA 28 078 125
y = = = 290.78 mm = 291 mm Ans.
©A 96 562.5

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Determine the location (x, y) of the centroid C of the cross- y

sectional area for the structural member constructed from
two equal-sized channels welded together as shown.
Assume all corners are square. Neglect the size of the welds.
0.5 in.

' _
©x A = 1.510.5210.252 + 1010.52152 + 1.510.5219.752
1.5 in. y
+ 1.510.5215.252122 + 1010.5214.252
0.5 in.
= 61.625 in3 4 in.
2 in.
4 in. x
©A = 31.510.52 + 1010.52 + 1.510.524122 = 13 in
© xA 61.625
x = = = 4.74 in. Ans.
©A 13
© yA = 1.510.5211.252122 + 1010.5210.252 + 1.510.5210.752

+ 1010.5215.52 + 1.510.52110.252

= 38.875 in3
© yA 38.875
y = = = 2.99 in. Ans.
©A 13

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Locate the centroid y of the concrete beam having the 300 mm

tapered cross section shown. 300 mm
300 mm

C 80 mm

100 mm
' 1
© y A = 900(80) (40) + 100(360) (260) + 2c (100) (360) (200) d = 19.44(106) mm3

©A = 900(80) + 100(360) + 2 c (100) (360) d = 0.144(106) mm2
© yA 19.44(106)
y = = = 135 mm Ans.
©A 0.144(106)

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Locate the centroid y of the beam’s cross-section built up

from a channel and a wide-flange beam. 15.3 in.
0.40 in.

0.65 in. 3.40 in.

0.76 in.

16 in.
SOLUTION 0.56 in. _
Centroid: The area of each segment and its respective centroid are tabulated below.

Segment A 1in22 y 1in.2 yA 1in32
1 14.0(0.4) 16.20 90.72 0.76 in.
10.3 in.
2 3.40(1.30) 14.70 64.97

3 10.3(0.76) 15.62 122.27

4 14.48(0.56) 8.00 64.87

5 10.3(0.76) 0.38 2.97

© 33.78 345.81

©yA 345.81
y = = = 10.24 in. = 10.2 in. Ans.
©A 33.78

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Locate the centroid y of the cross-sectional area of the

beam constructed from a channel and a plate. Assume all
corners are square and neglect the size of the weld at A.
20 mm y
350 mm
10 mm

70 mm

SOLUTION 325 mm 325 mm

Centroid: The area of each segment and its respective centroid are tabulated below.

' '
Segment A (mm2) y (mm) y A (mm3)
1 350(20) 175 1 225 000
2 630(10) 355 2 236 500
3 70(20) 385 539 000

© 14 700 4 000 500

' ©yA 4 000 500
y = = = 272.14 mm = 272 mm Ans.
©A 14 700

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An aluminum strut has a cross section referred to as a deep

30 mm 30 mm
hat. Locate the centroid y of its area. Each segment has a
thickness of 10 mm.


C 100 mm

Centroid: The area of each segment and its respective centroid are tabulated below.

' 80 mm
Segment '
A (mm2) y (mm) y A (mm3)
1 40(10) 5 2 000
2 100(20) 50 100 000
3 60(10) 95 57 000

© 3 000 159 000

©yA 159 000
y = = = 53.0 mm Ans.
©A 3000

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Locate the centroid y of the beam’s cross-sectional area. y

50 mm 50 mm

10 mm
10 mm
10 mm 10 mm 75 mm
10 mm
SOLUTION 100 mm 100 mm
Centroid: The centroid of each composite segment is shown in Fig. a. We have
©y A 5(180)(10) + 2[37.5(75)(10)] + 2[70(40)(10)]
y = = = 29.6 mm Ans.
©A 180(10) + 2(75)(10) + 2(40)(10)

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Determine the location x of the centroid C of the shaded y

area which is part of a circle having a radius r.

Using symmetry, to simplify, consider just the top half:
' 1 2r 1 2
©xA = r 2 aa sin a b - (r sin a) (r cos a) a r cos ab
2 3a 2 3

r3 r3
= sin a - sin a cos2 a
3 3

r3 3
= sin a

1 2 1
©A = r a - (r sin a) (r cos a)
2 2

1 2 sin2a
= r aa - b
2 2
' r3
sin3 a 2
r sin3a
©xA 3 3
x = = = Ans.
©A 1
r2 A a - sin 2 a
B a - sin 2a
2 2 2

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Locate the centroid y for the cross-sectional area of the


a a


Centroid : The area and the centroid for segments 1 and 2 are

A 1 = t1a - t2

' a - t t t 22
y1 = a + b cos 45° + = 1a + 2t2
2 2 2cos 45° 4

A 2 = at

' a t t 22
y2 = a - b cos 45° + = 1a + t2
2 2 2cos 45° 4

Listed in a tabular form, we have

' '
Segment A y yA

1 t1a - t2 22 22t 2
1a + 2t2 1a + at - 2t22
4 4

2 at 22 22t 2
1a + t2 1a + at2
4 4

© t12a - t2 22t 2
1a + at - t22


22t 2
' 1a + at - t22
©yA 2
y = =
©A t12a - t2
22 a2 + at - t2
= Ans.
2 2a - t

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Determine the location y of the centroid of the beam’s cross-

sectional area. Neglect the size of the corner welds at A and B
for the calculation.

35 mm

' 35 2 35 C
©yA = p(25)2(25) + 15(110)(50 + 55) + pa b a50 + 110 + b = 393 112 mm3
2 2 15 mm
35 B
©A = p(25)2 + 15(110) + pa b = 4575.6 mm2 y
50 mm
©yA 393 112
y = = = 85.9 mm Ans.
©A 4575.6

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A triangular plate made of homogeneous material has a z

constant thickness which is very small. If it is folded over as 1 in.
shown, determine the location y of the plate’s center of 1 in.
gravity G. 3 in.

1 z
©A = (8) (12) = 48 in2 6 in. 1 in.
3 in.
' 1 1 y
©yA = 2(1) a b (1)(3) + 1.5(6)(3) + 2(2) a b(1)(3) 3 in.
2 2
x 3 in. 1 in.
= 36 in3
©yA 36
y = = = 0.75 in. Ans.
©A 48

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A triangular plate made of homogeneous material has a z

constant thickness which is very small. If it is folded over as 1 in.
shown, determine the location z of the plate’s center of 1 in.
gravity G. 3 in.

1 z
©A = (8)(12) = 48 in2 6 in. 1 in.
3 in.
' 1 1 y
© z A = 2(2) a b (2)(6) + 3(6)(2) + 6 a b (2)(3) 3 in.
2 2
x 3 in. 1 in.
= 78 in3
©zA 78
z = = = 1.625 in. Ans.
©A 48

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The sheet metal part has the dimensions shown. Determine z

the location 1x, y, z2 of its centroid.

3 in.
1 x
©A = 4(3) + (3)(6) = 21 in2
2 y

' 1 6 in.
©xA = - 2(4)(3) + 0a b (3)(6) = - 24 in3

' 2 1
©yA = 1.5(4)(3) + (3) a b (3)(6) = 36 in3
3 2

' 1 1
© z A = 0(4)(3) - (6) a b (3)(6) = - 18 in3
3 2
©xA - 24
x = = = - 1.14 in. Ans.
©A 21
©yA 36
y = = = 1.71 in. Ans.
©A 21
© zA - 18
z = = = - 0.857 in. Ans.
©A 21

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The sheet metal part has a weight per unit area of 2 lb>ft2 z
and is supported by the smooth rod and at C. If the cord is
cut, the part will rotate about the y axis until it reaches
equilibrium. Determine the equilibrium angle of tilt,
measured downward from the negative x axis, that AD
makes with the -x axis. D
3 in.
Since the material is homogeneous, the center of gravity coincides with the centroid. x
See solution to Prob. 9-74.
6 in.
u = tan - 1 a b = 53.1° Ans.

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The wooden table is made from a square board having a

4 ft
weight of 15 lb. Each of the legs weighs 2 lb and is 3 ft long.
Determine how high its center of gravity is from the floor.
4 ft
Also, what is the angle, measured from the horizontal,
through which its top surface can be tilted on two of its
legs before it begins to overturn? Neglect the thickness of
each leg. 3 ft

© zW 15(3) + 4(2) (1.5)
z = = = 2.48 ft Ans.
©W 15 + 4(2)

u = tan - 1 a b = 38.9° Ans.

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Determine the location (x, y) of the center of gravity of the 1. Rear wheels 18 lb
three-wheeler. The location of the center of gravity of each y 2. Mechanical components 85 lb
3. Frame 120 lb
component and its weight are tabulated in the figure. If the
4. Front wheel 8 lb
three-wheeler is symmetrical with respect to the x–y plane,
determine the normal reaction each of its wheels exerts on
the ground.

' 4 1
1 ft 1.50 ft 2 ft 1.30 ft
©xW = 4.51182 + 2.31852 + 3.111202
= 648.5 lb # ft A B

2.30 ft 1.40 ft
©W = 18 + 85 + 120 + 8 = 231 lb 0.80 ft
©xW 648.5
x = = = 2.81 ft Ans.
©W 231
©yW = 1.301182 + 1.51852 + 211202 + 1182

= 398.9 lb # ft
©yW 398.9
y = = = 1.73 ft Ans.
©W 231

a + ©MA = 0; 21NB214.52 - 23112.812 = 0

NB = 72.1 lb Ans.

+ c ©Fy = 0; NA + 2172.12 - 231 = 0

NA = 86.9 lb Ans.

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Locate the center of gravity of the two-block assembly. The z

specific weights of the materials A and B are gA = 150 lb>ft3
and gB = 400 lb>ft3, respectively. 6 in.

B 6 in.

2 in.
6 in.

SOLUTION x 2 in.
1 6 6 2
Centroid: The weight of block A and B are WA = a b a b a b11502 = 3.125 lb
2 12 12 12
6 6 2
and WB = a b a b a b 14002 = 16.67 lb. The weight of each block and its
12 12 12
respective centroid are tabulated below.

x W (lb # in) y W (lb # in) z W (lb # in)

' ' ' ' ' '
Block W (lb) x (in.) y (in.) z (in.)
A 3.125 4 1 2 12.5 3.125 6.25
B 16.667 1 3 3 16.667 50.0 50.0

© 19.792 29.167 53.125 56.25

©xW 29.167
x = = = 1.474 in. = 1.47 in. Ans.
©W 19.792
©yW 53.125
y = = = 2.684 in. = 2.68 in. Ans.
©W 19.792
© zW 56.25
z = = = 2.842 in. = 2.84 in. Ans.
©W 19.792

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Locate the center of mass of the block. Materials 1, 2, and 3 z

have densities of 2.70 Mg> m3, 5.70 Mg> m3, and 7.80 Mg> m3,
20 mm
30 mm

40 mm 2

3 y
20 mm
Centroid: We have 60 mm

' 0.01c 2700 a (0.03)(0.06)(0.02) b d + 0.01 C 5700 A 0.04(0.06)(0.02) B D + 0.03 C 7800 A 0.06(0.06)(0.02) B D

x = =
2700 a (0.03)(0.06)(0.02) b + 5700 A 0.04(0.06)(0.02) B + 7800 A 0.06(0.06)(0.02) B
20.07(10 - 3)
= = 0.02271 m = 22.7 mm Ans.

gy m
' 0.02 c 2700 a (0.03)(0.06)(0.02) b d + 0.03 C 5700 A 0.04(0.06)(0.02) B D + 0.03 C 7800 A 0.06(0.06)(0.02) B D

y = =
2700 a (0.03)(0.06)(0.02) b + 5700 A 0.04(0.06)(0.02) B + 7800 A 0.06(0.06)(0.02) B
26.028(10 - 3)
= = 0.02945 m = 29.5 mm Ans.

gz m
' 0.07 c 2700 a (0.03)(0.06)(0.02) b d + 0.04 C 5700 A 0.04(0.06)(0.02) B D + 0.01 C 7800 A 0.06(0.06)(0.02) B D

z = =
2700 a (0.03)(0.06)(0.02) b + 5700 A 0.04(0.06)(0.02) B + 7800 A 0.06(0.06)(0.02) B
19.962(10 - 3)
= = 0.02259 m = 22.6 mm Ans.

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Locate the centroid z of the homogenous solid formed by z

boring a hemispherical hole into the cylinder that is capped
with a cone.

300 mm

150 mm 400 mm
Centroid: Since the solid is made of a homogeneous material, its center of mass
coincides with the centroid of its volume. The centroid of each composite segment is
shown in Figs. a and b. Since segment (3) is a hole, its volume should be considered 150 mm
negative. We have y

1 3 2
' p(0.2)(0.152)(0.4) + p(0.4 + 0.075)(0.152)(0.3) + a (0.15)b a - p(0.153)b
©z V 3 8 3
z = =
©V 1 2
p(0.152)(0.4) + p(0.152)(0.3) + a - p(0.153) b
3 3

2.7422(10 - 3)p
= = 0.3047 m = 305 mm Ans.
9(10 - 3)p

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Locate the center of mass z of the solid formed by boring a z

hemispherical hole into a cylinder that is capped with a cone.
The cone and cylinder are made of materials having densities
of 7.80 Mg>m3 and 2.70 Mg>m3, respectively.

300 mm

SOLUTION 150 mm 400 mm

Centroid: The center of mass of each composite segment is shown in Figs. a and b. 150 mm
Since segment (3) is a hole, its mass should be considered negative. We have x

1 3 2
' 0.2 c 2700c p(0.152)(0.4) d d + (0.4 + 0.075)7800c p(0.152)(0.3) d + a (0.15) b c -2700 a p(0.153)b d
©z m a 3 8 3
z = =
©m 1 2
2700 cp(0.152)(0.4) d + 7800c p(0.152)(0.3) d + c -2700a p(0.153) b d
3 3

= = 0.3593 m = 359 mm Ans.

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Determine the distance h to which a 100-mm diameter hole z

must be bored into the base of the cone so that the center of
mass of the resulting shape is located at z = 115 mm. The
material has a density of 8 Mg>m3.

1 0.5
A B - p10.05221h2 A h2 B
3 p10.152 10.52 4
1 2
= 0.115 500 mm
3 p10.152 10.52 - p10.05221h2

0.4313 - 0.2875 h = 0.4688 - 1.25 h2

h C _
h2 - 0.230 h - 0.0300 = 0 50 mm
150 mm

Choosing the positive root,

h = 323 mm Ans.

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Determine the distance z to the centroid of the shape which z

consists of a cone with a hole of height h = 50 mm bored into
its base.

500 mm
' 1 0.5 0.05
© z V = p (0.15)2 A 0.5 B a b - p (0.05)2 (0.05) a b h C
3 4 2 y
50 mm
= 1.463(10 ) m 4 150 mm

©V = p (0.15)2 (0.5) - p (0.05)2 (0.05)
= 0.01139 m3
©z V 1.463 (10 - 3)
z = = = 0.12845 m = 128 mm Ans.
©V 0.01139

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The buoy is made from two homogeneous cones each

having a radius of 1.5 ft. If h = 1.2 ft, find the distance z to h
the buoy’s center of gravity G.
1.5 ft

4 ft
' 1 1.2 1 4
© z V = p (1.5)2 (1.2) a- b + p(1.5)2 (4) a b
3 4 3 4

= 8.577 ft4

1 1
©V = p (1.5)2 (1.2) + p(1.5)2 (4)
3 3

= 12.25 ft3
' © zV 8.577
z = = = 0.70 ft Ans.
©V 12.25

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The buoy is made from two homogeneous cones each

having a radius of 1.5 ft. If it is required that the buoy’s h
center of gravity G be located at z = 0.5 ft, determine the
height h of the top cone.
1.5 ft

4 ft
' 1 h 1 4
© z V = p (1.5)2 (h) a- b + p(1.5)2 (4) a b
3 4 3 4

= -0.5890 h2 + 9.4248

1 1
©V = p (1.5)2 (h) + p(1.5)2 (4)
3 3

= 2.3562 h + 9.4248
' © zV - 0.5890 h2 + 9.4248
z = = = 0.5
©V 2.3562 h + 9.4248

-0.5890 h2 + 9.4248 = 1.1781 h + 4.7124

h = 2.00 ft Ans.

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Locate the center of mass z of the assembly. The assembly z

consists of a cylindrical center core, A, having a density of
7.90 Mg/m3, and a cylindrical outer part, B, and a cone cap,
C, each having a density of 2.70 Mg> m3.

400 mm
Center of mass: The assembly is broken into four composite segments, as shown in 400 mm
Figs. a, b, and c. Since segment (3) is a hole to segments (1) and (2), its mass should
be considred negative. We have
100 mm
600 mm
x 300 mm

g zcm
2700(0.3)c p(0.32)(0.6) d + 2700(0.6 + 0.2)c p(0.32)(0.8) d + (0.5) c -2700 cp(0.12)(1) d d + 7900(0.5)c p(0.12)(1) d

z = =
2700 c p(0.32)(0.6) d + 2700 c p(0.32)(0.8) d + c - 2700cp(0.12)(1) d d + 7900cp(0.12)(1) d

= = 0.4630 m = 463 mm Ans.

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The assembly consists of a 20-in. wooden dowel rod and a 5 in.

tight-fitting steel collar. Determine the distance x to its 5 in.
center of gravity if the specific weights of the materials are 10 in.
gw = 150 lb>ft3 and gst = 490 lb>ft3. The radii of the dowel G
and collar are shown. x
2 in.
1 in.

©xW = E 10p (1)2 (20)(150) + 7.5p (5)(2 2 - 12)(490) F

= 154.8 lb # in.

©W = E p (1)2 (20)(150) + p (5)(2 2 - 12)(490) F

= 18.82 lb

©xW 154.8
x = = = 8.22 in. Ans.
©W 18.82

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A hole having a radius r is to be drilled in the center of the a a

homogeneous block. Determine the depth h of the hole so 2 2 a
that the center of gravity G is as low as possible. a 2
2 r h

G a

©V = a3 - pr2h

©zV = A a2 B a3 - A h2 B C pr2 h D = 12(a4 - pr2 h2)

1 4
©zV 2 (a - pr2 h2) a4 - pr2h2
z = = 3 2
©V a - pr h 2(a3 - pr2h)

dz 1 (a3 - pr2h)( -2pr2h) - (a4 - pr2h2)( - pr2)

= B R = 0
dh 2 (a3 - pr2h)2

pr2h2 - 2a3 h + a4 = 0

Solving for the smaller root,

2a3 - 2(2a3)2 - 4(pr2)a4

h =

a3 - a2 2a2 - pr2
= Ans.

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Locate the center of mass z of the assembly. The cylinder z

and the cone are made from materials having densities of
5 Mg>m3 and 9 Mg>m3, respectively.

0.4 m 0.6 m
Center of mass: The assembly is broken into two composite segments, as shown in
Figs. a and b.
0.2 m 0.8 m
' 5000(0.4) C p(0.2 )(0.8) D + 9000(0.8 + 0.15)c p(0.4 2)(0.6) d
© zm 3
z = = x
©m 1 y
5000 C p(0.2 2)(0.8) D + 9000c p(0.4 2)(0.6) d

= = 0.754 m = 754 mm Ans.

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Determine the outside surface area of the storage tank. 15 ft

4 ft

30 ft

Surface Area: Applying the theorem of Pappus and Guldinus, Eq.9–7. with u = 2p,
L1 = 2152 + 4 2 = 2241 ft, L2 = 30 ft, r1 = 7.5 ft and r2 = 15 ft, we have

A = u©r~L = 2p C 7.5 A 2241 B + 15(30) D = 3.56 A 103 B ft2 Ans.

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Determine the volume of the storage tank. 15 ft

4 ft

30 ft

Volume: Applying the theorem of Pappus and Guldinus, Eq. 9–8 with u = 2p,
r1 = 5 ft, r2 = 7.5 ft, A 1 = (15)(4) = 30.0 ft2 and A 2 = 30(15) = 450 ft2, we have

V = u©rA = 2p[5(30.0) + 7.5(450)] = 22.1 A 103 B ft3 Ans.

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Determine the outside surface area of the hopper. z

1.5 m

Surface Area: Applying Theorem of Pappus and Guldinus, Eq. 9–9, with
u = 2p rad, L1 = 4m, L2 = 21.2 2 + 1.32 = 23.13 m, N1 = 1.5 m and
0.2 + 1.5
N2 = = 0.85 m as indicated in Fig. a, 1.2 m
0.2 m
A = u©NL = 2p [1.5(4) + 0.85 23.13]

= 47.15 m2 = 47.1 m2 Ans.

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The hopper is filled to its top with coal. Determine the z

volume of coal if the voids (air space) are 35 percent of the
volume of the hopper.
1.5 m


V = ©u~
r A = 2p [(0.75)(1.5)(4) + (0.1)(.2)(1.2) + (0.6333) a b(1.3)(1.2)](0.65) 1.2 m

V = 20.5 m3 Ans. 0.2 m

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The rim of a flywheel has the cross section A–A shown. A

Determine the volume of material needed for its construction.

60 mm
300 mm
20 mm
40 mm
' 20 mm
V = ©ur A = 2p(350)(60)(20) + 2p(320)(40)(20)
Section A–A
V = 4.25(106) mm3 Ans.

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Determine the surface area of the concrete sea wall,

excluding its bottom.

8 ft

30 ft
Surface Area: Applying Theorem of Pappus and Guldinus, Eq. 9–9 with
50 5 60 ft
u = a bp = p rad, L1 = 30 ft, L2 = 8 ft, L3 = 272 + 302 = 2949 ft,
180 18 50$ 15 ft
N1 = 75 ft, N2 = 71 ft and N3 = 63.5 ft as indicated in Fig. a,

A 1 = u©NL = p [75(30) + 71(8) + 63.5(2949)]
= 4166.25 ft2

The surface area of two sides of the wall is

A 2 = 2 c (8 + 15)(30) d = 690 ft2
Thus the total surface area is

A = A 1 + A 2 = 4166.25 + 690

= 4856.25 ft2

= 4856 ft2 Ans.

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A circular sea wall is made of concrete. Determine the total

weight of the wall if the concrete has a specific weight of
gc = 150 lb>ft3.
8 ft

30 ft


50° 2 1 50 15 ft
V = ©ur~ A = a b p[a 60 + (7)b a b (30) (7) + 71(30)(8)]
180° 3 2

= 20 795.6 ft3

W = gV = 150(20 795.6) = 3.12(106) lb Ans.

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The process tank is used to store liquids during 3m 3m

manufacturing. Estimate the outside surface area of the
tank. The tank has a flat top and the plates from which the
tank is made have negligible thickness.

Surface Area: Applying Theorem of Pappus and Guldinus, Eq. 9–9 with u = 2p, 4m
L1 = 3 m, L2 = 6 m, L3 = 232 + 4 2 = 5 m, N1 = 1.5 m, N2 = 3 m and N3 = 1.5 m
as indicated in Fig. a,

A = u©NL = 2p [1.5(3) + 3(6) + 1.5(5)]

= 188.49 m2 = 188 m2 Ans.

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The process tank is used to store liquids during 3m 3m

manufacturing. Estimate the volume of the tank. The tank
has a flat top and the plates from which the tank is made
have negligible thickness.

~ = 2p B 1 a 1 b (3) (4) + 1.5(3)(6)R
V = ©urA

V = 207.3 m3 = 207 m3 Ans.

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The V-belt has an inner radius of 6 in. and a cross-sectional 30$

area as shown. Determine the outside surface area of the

Surface Area: Applying Theorem of Pappus and Guldinus, Eq. 9–9 with u = 2p,
0.25 0.25>tan 15°
L1 = 0.5 in, N1 = 6 in, L2 = = 0.9659 in, N2 = 6 + = 6.4665 in
sin 15° 2
, L3 = 0.5 + 0.25 + 0.25 = 1 in, N3 = 6 + = 6.9330 in as indicated in Fig.
tan 15° 0.5 in.
a. 0.25 in. 0.25 in.

A = u©NL = 2p [6(0.5) + 2(6.4665) (0.9659) + 6.9330(1)]

= 140.90 in2 = 141 in2 Ans.

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A V-belt has as inner radius of 6 in., and a cross-sectional 30°

area as shown. Determine the volume of material used in
making the V-belt.

Volume: Applying the theorem of Pappus and Guldinus, Eq. 9–10, with
' '
u = 2p, r1 = 6.4665 in., r2 = 6.6220 in., A 1 = 0.510.93302 = 0.4665 in2 and
1 0.5 in.
A 2 = 10.5210.93302 = 0.2333 in2, we have 0.25 in.
2 0.25 in.
V = u© r A = 2p36.466510.46652 + 6.622010.233324

= 28.7 in3 Ans.

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Determine the surface area and the volume of the ring

formed by rotating the square about the vertical axis.


~ = 2 c 2pa b - a a
A = ©urL sin 45°b (a) d + 2c 2p ab + sin 45°b(a) d
2 2

a2 a2
= 4p cba - sin 45° + ba + sin 45° d
2 2

= 8pba Ans.

A = ©urL = 2p(b)(4a) = 8pba

~ = 2p(b)(a)2 = 2pba 2
V = ©urA Ans.

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Determine the surface area of the ring. T he cross section is

circular as shown.

8 in.

4 in.

A = ur L = 2p (3) 2p (1)

= 118 in2 Ans.

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The water-supply tank has a hemispherical bottom and

cylindrical sides. Determine the weight of water in the tank 6 ft
when it is filled to the top at C. Take gw = 62.4 lb>ft3. C

8 ft

6 ft
4162 1
~ = 2p e 3182162 +
V = ©urA a b 1p21622 f
3p 4

V = 1357.17 ft3

W = g V = 62.411357.172 = 84.7 kip Ans.

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Determine the number of gallons of paint needed to paint

the outside surface of the water-supply tank, which consists 6 ft
of a hemispherical bottom, cylindrical sides, and conical top. C
Each gallon of paint can cover 250 ft2.
8 ft

6 ft
2162 2162p
~ = 2p e 3 A 6 22 B + 6182 +
A = ©urL a bf
p 4

= 687.73 ft2

687.73 ft2
Number of gal. = = 2.75 gal. Ans.
250 ft2>gal.

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The full circular aluminum housing is used in an automotive 2.00 in.

brake system. The cross section is shown in the figure.
0.25 in.
Determine its weight if aluminum has a specific weight of
169 lb/ft3.

SOLUTION 0.15 in. 4.00 in.

Volume: Applying the theorem of Pappus and Guldinus, Eq. 9–10, with u = 2p, 3.25 in.
r1 = 0.875 in., ~
r2 = 0.825 in., ~r3 = 0.45 in., A 1 = 0.2510.52 = 0.125 in2,
A 2 = 0.1513.252 = 0.4875 in and A 3 = 0.2510.92 = 0.225 in2, we have

V = u© r A = 2p30.87510.1252 + 0.82510.48752 + 0.4510.22524

= 3.850 in3 0.25 in.

The weight of the housing is

W = g V = 169 ¢ ≤ = 0.377 lb Ans.
12 3

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Determine the volume of an ellipsoid formed by revolving y

the shaded area about the x axis using the second theorem
x2 # ––
of Pappus–Guldinus. The area and centroid y of the shaded –– !1
a2 b2
area should first be obtained by using integration.


Area and Centroid: The differential element parallel to the x axis is shown shaded
in Fig. a. The area of this element is given by
dA = xdy = 2b2 - y2 dy
b a

a pab
A = dA = 2b2 - y2 dy =
b 4
The centroid y can be obtained by applying Eq. 9–4 with y = y.

' a
ydA y c 2b2 - y2 dy d
b 4b
y = = =

pab 3p

Volume: Applying the second theorem of Pappus–Guldinus and using the results
obtained above, we have

4b pab 2
V = 2pyA = 2pa ba b = pab2 Ans.
3p 4 3

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Using integration, determine both the area and the y

centroidal distance x of the shaded area. Then, using the
second theorem of Pappus–Guldinus, determine the
volume of the solid generated by revolving the area about
the y axis.

y2 = 2x

' x
x =
y = y

dA = x dy
y2 y3 2
L L0 2
A = dA = dy = c d = 1.333 = 1.33 m2 Ans.
6 0
y4 y5 2
L L0 8
xdA = dy = c d = 0.8 m3
40 0

x dA
' 0.8
x = = = 0.6 m Ans.


V = ur A = 2p 0.6 1.333 = 5.03 m3 Ans.

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Determine the height h to which liquid should be poured 100 mm

into the conical paper cup so that it contacts half the surface
area on the inside of the cup.

150 mm
Surface Area: This problem requires that A = A 2. Applying the theorem of
2 1
Pappus and Guldinus, Eq. 9–7, with u = 2p, L1 = 2502 + 1502 = 158.11 mm,
h 2 210 h
L2 = h2 + a b = h, r1 = 25 mm and r2 = , we have
C 3 3 6

(ur1 L1) = ur2 L2

1 h 210
[2p(25)(158.11)] = 2p a b ¢ h≤
2 6 3

h = 106 mm Ans.

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Determine the volume of the solid formed by revolving the y
shaded area about the u–u axis using the second theorem of
Pappus–Guldinus. The area and centroid of the area should u
first be obtained by using integration.
1 x3
y ! ––

Area and Centroid: The differential element parallel to the y axis is shown shaded in x
Fig. a. The area of this element is given by

1 3
dA = y dx = x dx
9 3 ft 2 ft

Integrating, u

3 ft
1 4 2 3 ft
1 3
A = dA = x dx = x = 2.25 ft2
9 36 0

The centroid x can be obtained by applying Eq. 9–4 with x = x.

3 ft 3 ft 1 5 3 ft
LA L0 L0 9
' 1 3 1 4
x dA xa x dx b x dx x 2
9 45 0
x = = = = = 2.40 ft

2.25 2.25 2.25

Volume: Applying the second theorem of Pappus-Guldinus and using the results
obtained above, we have

V = 2p rA = 2p(3 - 2.4 + 2)(2.25) = 36.8 ft3 Ans.

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Determine the volume of material needed to make the 2 in.


6 in. 6 in. 4 in.

SOLUTION Side View Front View

V = ©uAy

1 4(6) 1 4(2)
= 2 p c2a pb(6)2 a b + 2(6)(4) (3) - 2 a pb (2)2 a6 - bd
4 3p 2 3p

= 1402.8 in3

V = 1.40(103) in3 Ans.

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Determine the height h to which liquid should be poured into

the cup so that it contacts half the surface area on the inside
of the cup. Neglect the cup’s thickness for the calculation. 30 mm

50 mm

A = uz ~
rL = 2p{202(20)2 + (50)2 + 5(10)}

= 2p(1127.03) mm2

20h 2h
x = =
50 5

h 2h 2 1
2p b 5(10) + a 10 + b a b + h2 r = (2p)(1127.03)
5 B 5 2

10.77h + 0.2154h2 = 513.5

h = 29.9 mm Ans.

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The water tank has a paraboloid-shaped roof. If one liter of y

paint can cover 3 m2 of the tank, determine the number of
liters required to coat the roof.
1 (144 " x2)
y ! ––


Length and Centroid: The length of the differential element shown shaded in 12 m
Fig. a is

dy 2
dL = 2dx2 + dy2 = 1 + a b dx
A dx

dy 1
where = - x. Thus,
dx 48
1 x2 1
dL = 1 + a- x b dx = 1 + 2 dx = 2482 + x2 dx
B 48 B 48 48

12 m

L = dL = 2482 + x2 dx = 12.124 m

The centroid x of the line can be obtained by applying Eq. 9–5 with xc = x.
12 m

x~ dL xc 2482 + x2 dx d
48 73.114
x = = = = 6.031 m

12.124 12.124

Surface Area: Applying the first theorem of Pappus and Guldinus and using the
results obtained above with r = x = 6.031 m, we have

A = 2prL = 2p(6.031)(12.124) = 459.39 m2

Thus, the amount of paint required is

# of liters = = 153 liters Ans.

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A steel wheel has a diameter of 840 mm and a cross section 100 mm

as shown in the figure. Determine the total mass of the A 30 mm 60 mm
wheel if r = 5 Mg>m3.
420 mm
250 mm
30 mm

840 mm
80 mm

Volume: Applying the theorem of Pappus and Guldinus, Eq. 9–12, with u = 2p, A Section A–A
r1 = 0.095 m, r2 = 0.235 m, r3 = 0.39 m, A 1 = 0.110.032 = 0.003 m2,
A 2 = 0.2510.032 = 0.0075 m and A 3 = 10.1210.062 = 0.006 m2, we have

V = u©rA = 2p30.09510.0032 + 0.23510.00752 + 0.3910.00624

= 8.775p110-32m3

The mass of the wheel is

m = rV = 51103238.775110-32p4

= 138 kg Ans.

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Determine the surface area of the roof of the structure if it y

is formed by rotating the parabola about the y axis.
y 16 (x2/16)

16 m


Centroid: The length of the differential element is dL = 2dx2 + dy 2 16 m

dy 2 dy x
= ¢ 1 + a b ≤ dx and its centroid is x = x. Here, = - . Evaluating the
C dx dx 8
integrals, we nave

16 m
L L0
L = dL = ¢ 1 + ≤ dx = 23.663 m
C 64
16 m
' '
xdL = x¢ 1 + ≤ dx = 217.181 m2
C 64

Applying Eq. 9–5, we have

x = = = 9.178 m


Surface Area: Applying the theorem of Pappus and Guldinus, Eq. 9–7, with u = 2p,
L = 23.663 m, r = x = 9.178, we have

A = urL = 2p(9.178) (23.663) = 1365 m2 Ans.

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The pressure loading on the plate is described by the p y

function p = 10[6>1x + 12 + 8] lb>ft2. Determine the
magnitude of the resultant force and the coordinates
1x, y2 of the point where the line of action of the force 100 lb/ft2
intersects the plate.
140 lb/ft2

3 ft

6 x
p = 10 c + 8d
1x + 12

FR = p dA = 10 c + 8 d 3 dx
1x + 12

FR = 3036 ln1x + 12 + 8x4 ƒ 20 = 677.75 lb = 678 lb Ans.


~ dA = 6
xp x1102 c + 8 d 3 dx
1x + 12

= 30361x - ln11 + x22 + 4x2420 = 642.250 lb · ft

~ dA
x = = = 0.948 ft Ans.

p dA

y = 1.50 ft by symmetry Ans.

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The loading acting on a square plate is represented by a p

parabolic pressure distribution. Determine the magnitude 4 kPa
of the resultant force and the coordinates 1x, y2 of the point
where the line of action of the force intersects the plate. p 2y1/2 y
Also, what are the reactions at the rollers B and C and the
ball-and-socket joint A? Neglect the weight of the plate.
y = y
dA = p dy

x = 0 (Due to symmetry) Ans.

4 4

L L0
dA = 2y1/2 dy = B y 3/2 R = 10.67 kN/m
3 0

4 5/2 4
L L0
' 3/2
ydA = 2y dy = B y R = 25.6 kN
5 0

y dA
y = = = 2.40 m Ans.


FR = 10.67(4) = 42.7 kN Ans.

© My = 0; By = Cy

©Mx = 0; 42.67(2.40) - 2By (4) = 0

By = Cy = 12.8 kN Ans.

+ c ©F = 0; A y - 42.67 + 12.8 + 12.8 = 0

A y = 17.1 kN Ans.

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The load over the plate varies linearly along the sides of the p
plate such that p = 23[x14 - y2] kPa. Determine the resultant
force and its position 1x, y2 on the plate. 8 kPa y



Resultant Force and its Location: The volume of the differential element is
2 ' '
dV = d FR = pdxdy = (xdx)[(4 - y)dy] and its centroid is at x = x and y = y.
3m 4m

LFk L0 L0
FR = dFR = (xdx) (4 - y)dy

2 x2 3 m y2 4 m
= Ba b 2 a 4y - b 2 R = 24.0 kN Ans.
3 2 0 2 0
3m 4m

2 2
xdFR = (x dx) (4 - y)dy

x3 3 m y2 4 m
b 2 R = 48.0 kN # m
= Ba b 2 a 4y -
3 3 0 2 0
3m 4m

' 2
ydFR = (xdx) y(4 - y)dy

x2 3 m y3 4 m
B a b 2 a 2y2 - b 2 R = 32.0 kN # m
3 2 0 3 0

x = = = 2.00 m Ans.


y = = = 1.33 m Ans.


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The rectangular plate is subjected to a distributed load over p

its entire surface. The load is defined by the expression
p = p0 sin (px>a) sin (py>b), where p0 represents the
pressure acting at the center of the plate. Determine the
magnitude and location of the resultant force acting on
the plate. p0

Resultant Force and its Location: The volume of the differential element is
px py
dV = dFR = pdxdy = p0 a sin dx b a sin dy b .
a b
a b

px py
FR = dFR = p0 a sin dx b a sin dy b
a b

a px 2 a b px 2 b
= p0 B a - cos b a - cos b R
p a 0 p b 0

= p0 Ans.

Since the loading is symmetric, the location of the resultant force is at the center of
the plate. Hence,

a b
x = y = Ans.
2 2

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The wind blows uniformly on the front surface of the metal y

building with a pressure of 30 lb/ft2. Determine the resultant
force it exerts on the surface and the position of this

8 ft x
y = – 1– x2

3 ft
8 8 ft

Fp = 3012 x dy2 8 ft

= 60 28 y1>2 dy

= 6028 a b 1823>2 = 2560 lb
8 8

L0 L0
y 130212 x dy2 60 28 y 3>2 dy
y = =
2560 2560
60 28 A 25 B 1825>2
y = = 4.80 ft

Also, from table in back of text:

2 4
FP = p a abb = 30 a b 182182 = 2560
3 3

y = 182 = 4.80 ft

FR = 2560 + 301321162 = 4000 lb = 4.00 kip Ans.

40001y2 = 4.80125602 + 9.513021321162

y = - 6.49 ft Ans.

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The tank is filled with water to a depth of d = 4 m.

Determine the resultant force the water exerts on side A and 3m 2m
side B of the tank. If oil instead of water is placed in the tank,
to what depth d should it reach so that it creates the same
resultant forces? ro = 900 kg>m3 and rw = 1000 kg>m3.

For water

At side A:

wA = b rw g d

= 2(1000)(9.81) (4)

= 78 480 N/m

FRA = (78 480)(4) = 156 960 N = 157 kN Ans.

At side B:

wB = b rw g d

= 3(1000)(9.81)(4)

= 117 720 N>m

FRB = (117 720)(4) = 235 440 N = 235 kN Ans.

For oil

At side A:

wA = b ro g d

= 2(900)(9.81)d

= 17 658 d

FRA = (17 658 d)(d) = 156 960 N

d = 4.22 m Ans.

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When the tide water A subsides, the tide gate automatically

swings open to drain the marsh B. For the condition of high
tide shown, determine the horizontal reactions developed C
at the hinge C and stop block D. The length of the gate is
6 m and its height is 4 m. rw = 1.0 Mg/m3. 4m
A 3m
Fluid Pressure: The fluid pressure at points D and E can be determined using
Eq. 9–13, p = rgz.

pD = 1.01103219.812122 = 19 620 N>m2 = 19.62 kN>m2

pE = 1.01103219.812132 = 29 430 N>m2 = 29.43 kN>m2


wD = 19.62162 = 117.72 kN>m

wE = 29.43162 = 176.58 kN>m

Resultant Forces:

FR1 = 1176.582132 = 264.87 kN

FR2 = 1117.722122 = 117.72 kN

Equations of Equilibrium:

a + ©MC = 0; 264.87132 - 117.7213.3332 - Dx 142 = 0

Dx = 100.55 kN = 101 kN Ans.

+ ©F = 0;
x 264.87 - 117.72 - 100.55 - Cx = 0

Cx = 46.6 kN Ans.

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Determine the resultant horizontal and vertical force y = 0.25 x 2

components that the water exerts on the side of the dam.
The dam is 25 ft long and gw = 62.4 lb>ft3.

25 ft

Fluid Pressure: The fluid pressure at the bottom of the dam can be determined
using Eq. 9–13, p = gz. x
10 ft
p = 62.41252 = 1560 lb>ft2 = 1.56 kip>ft2


w = 1.561252 = 39.0 kip>ft

Resultant Force: From the inside back cover of the text, the area of the semiparabolic
2 2
area is A = ab = 11021252 = 166.67 ft2. Then, the vertical component of the
3 3
resultant force is

FRw = gV = 62.43166.6712524 = 260 000 lb = 260 kip Ans.

and the horizontal component of the resultant force is

FRh = 39.0 25 = 487.5 kip Ans.

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Determine the magnitude of the resultant hydrostatic

force acting on the dam and its location, measured from
the top surface of the water. The width of the dam is 8 m;
rw = 1.0 Mg>m3.


p = 6(1)(103)(9.81) = 58 860 N/m2

F = (6)(8)(58 860) = 1.41(106) N = 1.41 MN Ans.

h = (6) = 4 m Ans.

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The concrete dam in the shape of a quarter circle.

Determine the magnitude of the resultant hydrostatic force
that acts on the dam per meter of length. The density of
water is rw = 1 Mg>m3.

Loading: The hydrostatic force acting on the circular surface of the dam consists of
the vertical component Fv and the horizontal component Fh as shown in Fig. a.

Resultant Force Component: The vertical component Fv consists of the weight

of water contained in the shaded area shown in Fig. a. For a 1-m length of dam,
we have

p 2
Fv = rgAABCb = (1000)(9.81) B (3)(3) - (3 ) R (1) = 18947.20 N = 18.95 kN

The horizontal component Fh consists of the horizontal hydrostatic pressure.

Since the width of the dam is constant (1 m), this loading can be represented
by a triangular distributed loading with an intensity of wC = rghCb =
1000(9.81)(3)(1) = 29.43 kN>m at point C, Fig. a.

Fh = (29.43)(3) = 44.145 kN
Thus, the magnitude of the resultant hydrostatic force acting on the dam is

FR = 3F h 2 + F v 2 = 344.1452 + 18.952 = 48.0 kN Ans.

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The storage tank contains oil having a specific weight of 10 ft

go = 56 lb>ft3. If the tank is 6 ft wide, calculate the resultant A
force acting on the inclined side BC of the tank, caused by
2 ft
the oil, and specify its location along BC, measured from B. B
Also compute the total resultant force acting on the bottom
of the tank.
8 ft

wB = b go h = 6(56)(2) = 672 lb/ft 4 ft
wC = b go h = 6(56)(10) = 3360 lb/ft

Fh 1 = 8(672) = 5376 lb 4 ft 3 ft

Fh 2 = (3360 - 672)(8) = 10 752 lb

Fv1 = 3(2)(6)(56) = 2016 lb

Fv2 = (3)(8)(6)(56) = 4032 lb

+ ©F = ©F ;
Rx x FRx = 5376 + 10 752 = 16 128 lb

+ T ©FRy = ©Fy ; FRy = 2016 + 4032 = 6048 lb

FR = 2(16 128)2 + (6048)2

= 17 225 lb = 17.2 kip Ans.

u = tan-1 a b = 20.56°
16 128

Since tan-1 = 20.56°, FR is to BC

a + ©MRB = FR (d) ;

17 225 d = 10 752a b (8) + 5376(4) + 2016(1.5) + 4032(2)

d = 5.22 ft Ans.

FR = 4(14)(6)(56) = 18 816 lb = 18.8 kip Ans.

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The tank is filled to the top 1y = 0.5 m2 with water having

a density of rw = 1.0 Mg/m3. Determine the resultant force
of the water pressure acting on the flat end plate C of the y
tank, and its location, measured from the top of the tank.
x2 + y2 = (0.5)2


dF = p dA = 11219.81210.5 - y2 2x dy

F = 219.812 10.5 - y21210.522 - y2 dy

y 0.5
= c y210.522 - y2 + 0.52 sin-1 a bd
2 0.5 -0.5

+ C 2510.522 - y263 D 0.5

F = 3.85 kN Ans.
0.5 0.5

LA L-0.5
y dF = 219.812 10.5y - y221 210.522 - y2dy = 19.62 b c - 2510.522 - y263 d +
3 -0.5

y 10.522 y 0.5
C 2510.522 - y263 D 0.5
-0.5 - cy 210.522 - y2 + 10.522 sin-1 d r
4 8 0.5 -0.5

= - 0.481 kN m

F1-d2 = y dF

- 0.481
d = = - 0.125 m

Hence, measured from the top of the tank,

d¿ = 0.5 + 0.125 = 0.625 m Ans.

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The tank is filled with a liquid which has a density of y

900 kg>m3. Determine the resultant force that it exerts on
the elliptical end plate, and the location of the center of 1m 1m
pressure, measured from the x axis.
4 y2 x2 1

0.5 m
0.5 m

Fluid Pressure: The fluid pressure at an arbitrary point along y axis can be
determined using Eq. 9–13, p = g(0.5 - y) = 900(9.81)(0.5 - y) = 8829(0.5 - y).

Resultant Force and its Location: Here, x = 21 - 4y2. The volume of the
differential element is dV = dFR = p(2xdy) = 8829(0.5 - y)[221 - 4y 2] dy. the
Evaluating integrals using Simpson’s rule, we have
0.5 m

LFR L-0.5 m
FR = d FR = 17658 (0.5 - y)(21 - 4y2)dy

= 6934.2 N = 6.93 kN Ans.

0.5 m

LFR L-0.5 m
yd FR = 17658 y(0.5 - y)( 21 - 4y2)dy

= -866.7 N # m

- 866.7
y = = = - 0.125 m Ans.


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The semicircular drainage pipe is filled with water.

Determine the resultant horizontal and vertical force
components that the water exerts on the side AB of the
2 ft
pipe per foot of pipe length; gw = 62.4 lb>ft3.

Fluid Pressure: The fluid pressure at the bottom of the drain can be determined
using Eq. 9–13, p = gz.

p = 62.4(2) = 124.8 lb>ft2


w = 124.8(1) = 124.8 lb>ft w

1 2 1
Resultant Forces: The area of the quarter circle is A = pr = p(2 2) = p ft2.
4 4
Then, the vertical component of the resultant force is

FR v = gV = 62.4[p(1)] = 196 lb Ans.

and the horizontal component of the resultant force is

FR h = (124.8)(2) = 125 lb Ans.

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The semicircular tunnel passes under a river which is 9 m deep.

Determine the vertical resultant hydrostatic force acting per
meter of length along the length of the tunnel. The tunnel is 6
m wide; rw = 1.0 Mg/m3.


F = 9.81112162162 + 211219.812c 3132 - 1322 d

F = 391 kN>m Ans.

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The arched surface AB is shaped in the form of a quarter

circle. If it is 8 m long, determine the horizontal and vertical
components of the resultant force caused by the water
acting on the surface. rw = 1.0 Mg>m3.

F3 = 1000(9.81)(3)(2)(8) = 470.88 kN 2m
F2 = 1000(9.81)(3)(2)(8) = 470.88 kN

F1 = 1000(9.81)(2)a b (2)(8) = 156.96 kN

w = c (2)2 - p(2)2 d (8)(1000)(9.81) = 67.37 kN

Fx = 156.96 + 470.88 = 628 kN Ans.

Fy = 470.88 + 67.37 = 538 kN Ans.

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A circular V-belt has an inner radius of 600 mm and a cross-

sectional area as shown. Determine the volume of material
required to make the belt.
75 mm

50 mm
25 mm 25 mm
V = ©urA

= 2p C 0.65(2)a b (0.025)(0.075) + 0.6375(0.05)(0.075) D

= 22.7(10)-3 m3 Ans.

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A circular V-belt has an inner radius of 600 mm and a

cross-sectional area as shown. Determine the surface area
of the belt.
75 mm

50 mm
25 mm 25 mm
A = ©urL

= 2 p[0.6(0.05) + 2(0.6375)(2(0.025)2 + (0.075)2) + 0.675(0.1)]

= 1.25 m2 Ans.

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Locate the centroid y of the beam’s cross-sectional area. y

50 mm 50 mm
75 mm 75 mm

25 mm

100 mm
Centroid: The area of each segment and its respective centroid are tabulated below. 25 mm 25 mm
' '
Segment A (mm 2) y (mm) y A (mm3)
1 300(25) 112.5 843 750
2 100(50) 50 250 000
© 12 500 1 093 750

©yA 1 093 750
y = = = 87.5 mm Ans.
©A 12 500

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Locate the centroid of the solid. z

y2 ! a (a $ )

Volume and Moment Arm: The volume of the thin disk differential element is y
z z '
dV = py2 dz = x ca a a- b d dz = paa a - b dz and its centroid is at z = z.
2 2

Centroid: Due to symmetry about the z axis

' '
x = y = 0 Ans.

Applying Eq. 9–5 and performing the integration, we have


' z
z dV z c pa a a - b dz d
' 2
z = = 2a

dV z
paa a - bdz
az2 z3 2a
pa a - b`
2 6 0 2
= = a Ans.
z 2 2a 3
pa a az- b `
4 0

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Determine the magnitude of the hydrostatic force acting y

per foot of length on the seawall. gw = 62.4 lb>ft3.
y 2 x2

8 ft

0 0
2 30
LA L-2 L-2
A = dA = -ydx = 2x 2 dx = x 2 = 5.333 ft2
3 -2 2 ft

w = b g h = 1(62.4)(8) = 499.2 lb>ft

Fy = 5.333(1)(62.4) = 332.8 lb

Fx = (499.2)(8) = 1997 lb

FR = 2(332.8)2 + (1997)2 = 2024 lb = 2.02 kip Ans.

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The rectangular bin is filled with coal, which creates a

distribution along wall A that varies as shown, i.e.,
p = 4z3 lb>ft2, where z is in feet. Compute the resultant
force created by the coal, and its location, measured from
the top surface of the coal.
8 ft
p ! 4z1/3

dF = fdA = 4Z3(3)dz
3 ft

F = 12 Z dz3

3 4 8
= 12 c Z3 d
4 0

= 144 lb Ans.

Z dF = 12 Z3dz

3 7 8
= 12 c Z3 d
7 0

= 658.29 lb # ft

z = = 4.57 ft Ans.

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The thin-walled channel and stiffener have the cross section 3 in. 3 in. 3 in.
shown. If the material has a constant thickness, determine
the location y of its centroid. The dimensions are indicated 1 in.
2 in. 2 in.
to the center of each segment. _

1 in. 1 in.

' 102192 + 2112122 + 122122112 + 210.52112 + 112132
' ©yL
y = =
©L 192 + 2122 + 2112 + 2112 + 3

y = 0.600 in. Ans.

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Locate the center of gravity of the homogeneous rod. The z

rod has a weight of 2lb>ft. Also, compute the x, y, z
components of reaction at the fixed support A.

4 ft

' 4 ft
©xL = 0142 + 21p2122 = 12.5664 ft2

' 2122 2 ft
©yL = 0142 + 1p2122 = 8 ft2 y
p A
© z L = 2142 + 01p2122 = 8 ft2

©L = 4 + p122 = 10.2832 ft
' ©xL 12.5664
x = = = 1.22 ft Ans.
©L 10.2832
' ©yL 8
y = = = 0.778 ft Ans.
©L 10.2832
' © zL 8
z = = = 0.778 ft Ans.
©L 10.2832

W = 12 lb>ft2110.2832 ft2 = 20.566 lb

©Mx = 0; MAx - 0.778120.5562 = 0

MAx = 16.0 lb # ft Ans.

©My = 0; MAy - 14 - 1.222120.5662 = 0

MAy = 57.1 lb # ft Ans.

©Mz = 0; MAz = 0 Ans.

©Fx = 0; Ax = 0 Ans.

©Fy = 0; Ay = 0 Ans.

©Fz = 0; A z = 2 10.2832 = 20.6 lb Ans.

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The gate AB is 8 m wide. Determine the horizontal and

vertical components of force acting on the pin at B and the
vertical reaction at the smooth support A. rw = 1.0 Mg>m3.


Fluid Pressure: The fluid pressure at points A and B can be determined using 4m
Eq. 9–15, p = rgz.
PA = 1.0(103)(9.81)(9) = 88 290 N/m2 = 88.29 kN/m2

PB = 1.0(103)(9.81)(5) = 49 050 N/m2 = 49.05 kN/m2 3m


wA = 88.29(8) = 706.32 kN/m

wB = 49.05(8) = 392.40 kN/m

Resultant Forces:

FR1 = 392.4(5) = 1962.0 kN

FR2 = (706.32 - 392.4)(5) = 784.8 kN

Equations of Equilibrium:

+ ©MB = 0; 1962.0(2.5) + 784.8(3.333) - A y(3) = 0

A y = 2507 kN = 2.51 MN Ans.

+ ©F = 0; 4 4
x 784.8 a b + 1962 a b - Bx = 0
5 5

Bx = 2197 kN = 2.20 MN Ans.

3 3
+ c ©Fy = 0; 2507 - 784.8 a b - 1962 a b - By = 0
5 5

By = 859 kN Ans.

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The pressure loading on the plate is described by the function y

p = 5 -240>1x + 12 + 3406 Pa. Determine the magnitude p 300 Pa
of the resultant force and coordinates of the point where the
line of action of the force intersects the plate.
100 Pa


Resultant Force and its Location: The volume of the differential element is
240 '
dV = dFR = 6pdx = 6 a - + 340 b dx and its centroid in x = x.

FR = dFR = 6a - + 340 b dx
x + 1

= 6[ - 240 In(x + 1) + 340x2]|50 m

= 7619.87 N = 7.62 kN Ans.


xd FR = 6x a - + 340 b
x + 1

= [ - 1440[x - In(x + 1)] + 1020x2]|50 m

= 20880.13 N # m

20 880.13
x = = = 2.74 m Ans.


Due to symmetry,

y = 3.00 m Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area about y

the x axis.

x (x " 8)
y ! ––
5 in.
Differential Element: The area of the rectangular differential element in Fig. a is
dA = y dx. The moment of inertia of this element about the x axis is
' 1 y 2 1 1 x 3
dIx = dIx¿ + dAy 2 = dx y3 + ydx a b = y3 dx = c (x - 8) d dx
12 2 3 3 4
1 x
= (x6 - 24x5 + 192x4 - 512x3) dx.
2 in.
Moment of Inertia: Performing the integration, we have

L L- 2 in.
Ix = dIx = (x6 - 24x5 + 192x4 - 512x3) dx
1 x7 192 5
= c - 4x6 + x - 128x4 d `
192 7 5 - 2 in.
= 18.5 in4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area about the y axis. y

SOLUTION x (x " 8)
y ! ––
Differential Element: The area of the rectangular differential element in 5 in.

x x2
Fig. a is dA = y dx = (x - 8)dx = ¢ - 2x ≤ dx.
4 4

Moment of Inertia: Applying Eq. 10–1, we have x

LA L- 2 in.
Iy = x2 dA = x2 ¢ - 2x ≤ dx 2 in.
L- 2 in.
= ¢ - 2x3 ≤ dx
x5 x4 0
= ¢ - ≤`
20 2 - 2 in.
= 9.6 in4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area about y

the x axis.
2 in.

1 in.
4y = x 2

Differential Element: Here, x = 2y2. The area of the differential element parallel to
x axis is dA = xdy = A 2y2 B dy.

Moment of Inertia: Applying Eq. 10–1 and performing the integration, we have
1 in.

Ix = y2dA = y2 A 2y2 B dy

4 7 1 in.
= a y2 b `
7 0

= 0.571 in4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area about y

the y axis.
2 in.

1 in.
4y = x 2

Differential Element: The area of the differential element parallel to y axis is
dA = 11 - y2dx = a 1 - x2 b dx.

Moment of Inertia: Applying Eq. 10–1 and performing the integration, we have
2 in.

1 2
Iy = x2 dA = x2 a1 - x b dx

1 1 5 2 in.
= a x3 - x b`
3 20 0

= 1.07 in4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia for the shaded area about y

the x axis.
y 4 x2


4 4

L0 L0
2m 2m
Ix = y2 dA = 2 y2 (x dy)

= 2 y2 24 - y dy

2(15 y2 + 12(4)(y) + 8(4)2) 2(4 - y)3 4

Ix = 2 B R
-105 0

Ix = 39.0 m4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia for the shaded area about y

the y axis.
y ! 4 " x2



2m 2m
Iy = x2 dA = 2 x2 (4 - x2) dx

4x x 2
= 2B - R
3 5 0

Iy = 8.53 m4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia for the shaded area about y

the x axis.
y2 1 0.5x


d Ix = dx (2y)3

Ix = d Ix

L0 3
= (1 - 0.5 x)3>2 dx

2 2
= B (1 - 0.5x)5>2R
3 5(-0.5) 0

= 0.533 m4 Ans.


dA = x dy = 2(1 - y2) dy

Ix = y2 dA

= 2 y2 (1 - y2) dy

y3 y5 1
= 2B - R
3 5 -1

= 0.533 m4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia for the shaded area about y

the y axis.
y2 1 0.5x


dA = 2y dx

Iy = x2 dA

= 2 x2 (1 - 0.5x)1/2 dx

2(8 - 12( - 0.5)x + 15( -0.5)2 x2) 2(1 - 0.5x)3 2

= 2B 3 R
105( -0.5) 0

= 2.44 m4 Ans.


Iy = d Iy

L0 3
1 3
= 2 x dy

L0 3
= 2 (1 - y2)3 dy

8 3 1
= 2 a b B y - y3 + y5 - y7 R
3 5 7 0

= 2.44 m4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia for the shaded area about y

the x axis.
y2 h2

1 3
d Ix = y dx

Ix = d Ix

b 3 b
y 1 h2 3>2 3>2
L0 3 L0 3 b
= dx = a b x dx

1 h2 3>2 2 5>2 b
= a b a b x ]0
3 b 5

= bh3 Ans.


b 2
dA = (b - x) dy = (b - y ) dy

Ix = y2 dA

b 2
= y2 (b - y ) dy

b b 5 h
= c y3 - y d
3 5h2 0

= bh3 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the area about the x y

axis. Solve the problem in two ways, using rectangular
differential elements: (a) having a thickness dx and y = 2.5 – 0.1x2
(b) having a thickness of dy.
2.5 ft
5 ft

(a) Differential Element: The area of the differential element parallel to y axis is
dA = ydx. The moment of inertia of this element about x axis is
dIx = dIx¿ + dAy 2

1 y 2
= 1dx2y3 + ydx a b
12 2

= 12.5 - 0.1x223 dx

= 1 - 0.001x6 + 0.075x4 - 1.875x2 + 15.6252 dx

Moment of Inertia: Performing the integration, we have

5 ft

L 3 L-5 ft
Ix = dIx = 1- 0.001x6 + 0.075x4 - 1.875x2 + 15.6252 dx

5 ft
1 0.001 7 0.075 5 1.875 3
= a- x + x - x + 15.625xb `
3 7 5 3 -5 ft

= 23.8 ft4 Ans.

(b) Differential Element: Here, x = 225 - 10y. The area of the differential
element parallel to x axis is dA = 2xdy = 2 225 - 10y dy.

Moment of Inertia: Applying Eq. 10–1 and performing the integration, we have

Ix = y2dA

2.5 ft

= 2 y2 225 - 10ydy

y2 3 2y 3 2 7
2.5 ft
= 2c - 125 - 10y22 - 125 - 10y22 - 125 - 10y22 d `
15 375 13125 0

= 23.8 ft4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia for the area about the y

x axis.

y2 ! 2x

dA = x dy = dy

Ix = y2 dA

L0 2
= dy

y5 2
= B R
10 0

= 3.20 m4 Ans.


dA = (2 - 22x)dx

dIx = dIx + dA y 2
1 2 - 22x
= dx(2 - 22x)3 + (2 - 22x)dx a + 22xb
12 2

1 1
= (2 - 22x)3 dx + (2 - 22x)(2 + 22x)2 dx
12 4

Ix = dIx

1 1
= B (2 - 22x)3 + (2 - 22x)(2 + 22x)2 R dx
12 4

= 3.20 m4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the area about the y

y axis.

y2 ! 2x
Differential Element: The area of the differential element parallel to the y-axis is 2m
dA = (2 - y) dx = (2 - 22x2 )dx.

Moment of Inertia: Applying Eq. 10–1 and performing the integration,


Iy = x2dA = x (2 - 22x2) dx


= (2x2 - 22x2)dx

2 2 22 7 2 m
= B x3 - x2 R `
3 7 0

= 0.762 m4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the area about the y

x axis. Solve the problem in two ways, using rectangular
differential elements: (a) having a thickness of dx, and
(b) having a thickness of dy. y 4 – 4x 2

4 in.

(a) Differential Element: The area of the differential element parallel to y axis is
dA = ydx. The moment of inertia of this element about x axis is 1 in. 1 in.

dIx = dIx¿ + dAy2

1 y 2
= (dx) y3 + ydx a b
12 2

= A 4 - 4x2 B 3 dx

= A - 64x6 + 192x4 - 192x2 + 64 B dx

Moment of Inertia: Performing the integration, we have

1 in.

L 3 L-1 in. 3
1 1
Ix = dIx = A -64x6 + 192x4 - 192x2 + 64 B dx

1 in.
1 64 192 5 192 3
= a - x7 + x - x + 64xb `
3 7 5 3 -1 in.

= 19.5 in4 Ans.

(b) Differential Element: Here, x = 24 - y. The area of the differential element
parallel to x axis is dA = 2xdy = 24 - ydy.

Moment of Inertia: Applying Eq. 10–1 and performing the integration, we have

Ix = y2 dA

4 in.

= y 24 - ydy

2y2 3 8y 3 16 7
4 in.
= B- (4 - y)2 - (4 - y)2 - (4 - y)2 R `
3 15 105 0

= 19.5 in4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the area about the y

y axis. Solve the problem in two ways, using rectangular
differential elements: (a) having a thickness of dx, and
(b) having a thickness of dy. y 4 – 4x 2

4 in.

(a) Differential Element: The area of the differential element parallel to y axis is
dA = ydx = A 4 - 4x2 B dx. 1 in. 1 in.

Moment of Inertia: Applying Eq. 10-1 and performing the integration, we have

LA L-1in.
Iy = x2dA = x A 4 - 4x2 B dx

1 in.
4 4
= B x 3 - x5 R 2
3 5 -1in.

= 1.07 in4 Ans.

(b) Differential Element: Here, x = 24 - y. The moment of inertia of the
differential element about y axis is

1 2 1 3
dIy = (dy) A 2x B 3 = x3dy = (4 - y)2 dy
12 3 12

Moment of Inertia: Performing the integration, we have


L 12 L0
1 3
Iy = dIy = (4 - y)2 dy

4 in.
1 2
B - (4 - y)2 R 2
12 5 0

= 1.07 in4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia for the shaded area about y

the y axis. Use Simpson’s rule to evaluate the integral.

y ! ex

Area of the differential element (shaded) dA = ydx where y = ex , hence, 1m
dA = ydx = ex dx.
1 1m

Iy = x2 dA = x2 (ex )dx

Use Simpson’s rule to evaluate the integral: (to 500 intervals)

Iy = 0.628 m4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia for the shaded area about y

the x axis. Use Simpson’s rule to evaluate the integral.

y ! ex

dIx = dIx + dAy2 1m

y 2 x
1 1
= dxy3 + y dx a b = y3 dx 1m
12 2 3
1 1

3 L0 3 L0
1 1 2
Ix = y3 dx = (ex )3dx = 1.41 m4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area about y

the x axis.

y ! a sin p

–– a
Differential Element: The area of the rectangular differential element in Fig. a 2 2
is dA = y dx. The moment of inertia of this element about the x axis is
' 1 y 2 1 1 p 3 a3 p
dIx = dIx ¿ + dAy 2 = (dx)y3 + ydx ¢ ≤ = y3 dx = ¢ a sin x ≤ dx = sin3 ¢ x ≤ dx.
12 2 3 3 a 3 a

Moment of Inertia: Performing the integration, we have

a 3

L L0 3
a p
Ix = dIx = sin3 ¢ x ≤ dx
a3 1 p p a
= bc- cos ¢ x ≤ d c sin2 a xb + 2 d r `
3 3(p>a) a a 0
= Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area y

about the y axis.

y ! a sin p
Differential Element: The area of the rectangular differential element in Fig. a is a

dA = y dx = a sin ¢ x ≤ dx.

Moment of Inertia: Applying Eq. 10–1, we have

–– a
a 2 2

Iy = x2dA = x2 ¢ a sin x ≤ dx

a p a2 p 2a3 p a
= a B - ¢ x2 cos x ≤ + 2 ¢ 2x sin x ≤ + 3 cos x R `
p a p a p a 0

p2 - 4 4
= ¢ ≤a Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area about y

the x axis.

4m xy ! 4
Here, the area must be divided into two segments as shown in Fig. a. The
moment of inertia of segment (2) about the x axis can be determined using
1 3 h 2 1m
(Ix)2 = bh + A 2 ¢ ≤ , while the moment of inertia of segment (1) about the x axis
12 2 x
can be determined by applying Eq. 10–1. The area of the rectangular differential
4 4 4m
element in Fig. a is dA = (x - 1)dy. Here, x = . Thus, dA = ¢ - 1 ≤ dy.
y y
Applying Eq. 10–1 to segment (1) about the x axis

4m 4m

LA L1 m L1 m
(Ix)1 = y2dA = y2 ¢ - 1 ≤ dy = a 4y - y2 bdy

y3 4 m
= ¢ 2y2 - ≤` = 9 m4
3 1m

The moment of inertia of segment (2) about the x axis is

(Ix)2 = (3)(13) + (3)(1)(0.52) = 1 m4

Thus, Ix = (Ix)1 + (Ix)2 = 9 + 1 = 10 m4 Ans.

The area of the rectangular differential element in Fig. b is dA = y dx.

The moment inertia of this element about the x axis is dIx = dIx ¿ + dAy 2
1 y 2 1 4 1 4 3 64
= dxy3 + ydx ¢ ≤ = y3dx. Here, y = . Thus, dIx = ¢ ≤ dx = dx.
12 2 3 x 3 x 3x3

Performing the integration, we have

32 4 m
L L1 m 3x
Ix = dlx = 3
dx = ¢ - ≤` = 10 m4 Ans.
3x2 1 m

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Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area about y

the y axis.

4 4m xy ! 4
The area of the rectangular differential element in Fig. a is dA = y dx. Here, y = .
Thus, dA = dx.
Applying Eq. 10–1, x
4m 4m 4m

LA L1 m L1 m
Iy = x2 dA = x2 a b dx = 4x dx = a2x2 b ` = 30 m4 Ans. 1m
x 1m 4m
Here, the area must be divided into two segments as shown in Fig. b. The moment
of inertia of segment (2) about the y axis can be determined using
1 3 h 2
(Ix)2 = bh + A 2 ¢ ≤ , while the moment of inertia of segment (1) about the
12 2
x axis can be determined by computing the moment of inertia of the element
parallel to the x axis shown in Fig. b. The area of this element is dA = (x - 1) dy
and its moment of inertia about the y axis is
'2 1 2
(dy)(x - 1) + (x - 1)dy B 1 (x + 1) R
dIy = dIy¿ + dAx =
12 2
1 1
= a x3 - ≤ dy
3 3
Here, x = . Thus,
1 4 3 1 64 1
dly = B ¢ ≤ - R dy = ¢ 3 - ≤ dy
3 y 3 3y 3

Performing the integration, the moment of inertia of segment (1) about the y axis is
4m 4m

L L1 m
64 1 32 1
(Iy)1 = dIy = ¢ 3
- ≤ dy = ¢ - 2 - y ≤ ` = 9 m4 Ans.
3y 3 3y 3 1m

The moment of inertia of segment (2) about the y axis is

(Iy)2 = (1)(33) + (1)(3)(2.52) = 21 m4


Iy = (Iy)1 + (Iy)2 = 9 + 21 = 30 m4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area about y

the x axis.

a x
Differential Element: The area of the rectangular differential element in Fig. a is
a a y ! h2 x2
dA = (x2 - x1) dy. Here, x2 = 1>2 y1>2 and x1 = y. a
h h
a 1>2 a
Thus, dA = ¢ 1>2 y - y ≤ dy. x
h h
Moment of Inertia: Applying Eq. 10–1, we have

a a
Ix = y2dA = y2 ¢ 1>2
y1>2 - y ≤ dy
h h

a a 3
= ¢ 1>2
y5>2 - y ≤ dy
h h

a 2 a y4 h
= B ¢ y7>2 ≤ - ¢ ≤R `
h 1>2 7 h 4 0

= Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area about y

the y axis.

a x
Differential Element: The area of the rectangular differential element in Fig. a is
h h y ! h2 x2
dA = (y2 - y1) dx = ¢ x - 2 x2 ≤ dx.
a a

Moment of Inertia: Applying Eq. 10–1, we have x


h h
Iy = x2dA = x2 ¢ x - 2 x2 ≤ dx
a a

h h 4
= ¢ x3 - x ≤ dx
a a2

h x4 h x5 a
= B ¢ ≤ - 2¢ ≤ R `
a 4 a 5 0

= Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area about y

the x axis.

x2 " y2 ! r02

Differential Element: The area of the differential element shown shaded in Fig. a is x
dA = (rdu) dr. 2

Moment of Inertia: Applying Eq. 10–1, we have

a> 2 r0

LA L- a>2 L0
Ix = y2dA = r2 sin2 u(rdu)dr

a>2 r0

L- a>2 L0
= r3 sin2 udrdu

r4 r0 2

L- a>2
= ¢ ≤ ` sin udu
4 0

r 04 2
L- a>2
= sin udu

However, sin2 u = (1 - cos 2u). Thus,

r0 4
L- a>2
Ix = (1 - cos 2u)du

r0 4 1 a>2 r0 4
= B u - sin 2u R ` = (a - sin a) Ans.
8 2 - a>2 8

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Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area about y

the y axis.

x2 " y2 ! r02

Differential Element: The area of the differential element shown shaded in Fig. a is
dA = (rdu)dr.
Moment of Inertia: Applying Eq. 10–1, we have
a>2 r0

LA L- a>2 L0
Iy = x2dA = r2 cos2 u(rdu)dr
a>2 r0

L- a>2 L0
= r3 cos2 udrdu

r4 r0

L- a>2
= ¢ ≤ ` cos2 udu
4 0
r0 4

L- a>2 4
= cos2 udu

However, cos2 u = ( cos 2u + 1). Thus,
a>2 4

L- a>2 8
Iy = ( cos 2u + 1)du

r0 4 1 a>2 r0 4
= B sin 2u + u R ` = ( sin a + a) Ans.
8 2 - a>2 8

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Determine the moment of inertia of the composite area y

about the x axis.
3 in. 6 in.


Composite Parts: The composite area can be subdivided into three segments as
shown in Fig. a. The perpendicular distance measured from the centroid of each 3 in.
segment to the x axis is also indicated.
Moment of Inertia: The moment of inertia of each segment about the x axis can be
determined using the parallel-axis theorem. Thus,
Ix = Ix¿ + A(dy)2

1 1 1
= B (3)(33) + (3)(3)(4)2 R + B (3)(33) + 3(3)(1.5)2 R
36 2 12
1 1
+ B (6)(63) + (6)(6)(2)2 R
36 2
= 209 in4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the composite area y

about the y axis.
3 in. 6 in.

3 in.
Composite Parts: The composite area can be subdivided into three segments as
shown in Fig. a. The perpendicular distance measured from the centroid of each 3 in.
segment to the x axis is also indicated.

Moment of Inertia: The moment of inertia of each segment about the y axis can be
determined using the parallel-axis theorem. Thus,
Iy = Iy ¿ + A(dx)2
1 1 1
= B (3)(33) + (3)(3)(2)2 R + B (3)(33) + 3(3)(1.5)2 R
36 2 12
1 1
+ B (6)(63) + (6)(6)(5)2 R
36 2
= 533 in4 Ans.

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Determine the radius of gyration kx for the column’s cross- x

sectional area.

200 mm
50 mm 100 mm
200 mm
200 mm
200 mm
x 50 mm
1 1
Ix = (500)(100)3 + 2 B (100)(200)3 + (100)(200)(150)2 R
12 12

= 1.075(109) mm4

kx = = 109 mm Ans.
A 90(103)

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Determine the moment of intertia of the beam’s cross-sectional

area about the x axis.

a # x)
y ! ( ––
a a
3 2
1 a 1 a 1 a
Ix = 2 B ¢ 22 a ≤ ¢ ≤ + a 22 a b ¢ ≤¢ ≤ R
36 22 2 22 3 22 x
1 4
= a Ans.
a a

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Locate the centroid y of the channel’s cross-sectional area,

2 in.
and then determine the moment of inertia with respect to
the x¿ axis passing through the centroid. 12 in. 2 in.


C 2 in.
4 in.
©yA (1)(12)(2) + 2[(3)(6)(2)]
y = =
©A 12(2) + 2(6)(2)

= 2 in. Ans.

1 1
Ix¿ = (12)(2)3 + 12(2)(1)2 + 2 (2)(6)3 + 6(2)(3 - 2)2
12 12

Ix¿ = 128 in4 Ans.

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Determine the distance x to the centroid of the beam’s y y'

cross-sectional area: then find the moment of inertia about
the y¿ axis. –x

40 mm

C x'
Centroid: The area of each segment and its respective centroid are tabulated below.
40 mm
Segment A (mm2) x (mm) xA (mm3)
40 mm
1 160(80) 80 1.024(106) x

2 40(80) 20 64.0(103) 120 mm

40 mm
© 16.0(103) 1.088(106)


©xA 1.088 (106)

x = = = 68.0 mm Ans.
©A 16.0(103)

Moment of Inertia: The moment of inertia about the y¿ axis for each segment can be
determined using the parallel–axis theorem Iy¿ = Iy¿ + Ad2x.

Segment Ai (mm2) (dx )i (mm) (Iy ¿)i (mm4) (Ad 2x )i (mm4) (Iy¿)i (mm4)
1 3
1 80(160) 12.0 12 (80)(160 ) 1.8432(106) 29.150(106)
1 3
2 80(40) 48.0 12 (80)(40 ) 7.3728(106) 7.799(106)


Iy¿ = © A Iy¿ B i = 36.949 A 106 B mm4 = 36.9 A 106 B mm4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia for the beam’s cross- y y'

sectional area about the x¿ axis.

40 mm

40 mm
C x'
40 mm

40 mm
120 mm

Moment of Inertia: The moment inertia for the rectangle about its centroidal axis
1 3
can be determined using the formula, Ix¿ = bh , given on the inside back cover of
the textbook.

1 1
Ix¿ = (160) A 1603 B - (120) A 803 B = 49.5 A 106 B mm4 Ans.
12 12

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Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area about y

the x axis.

1 1
Ix = c r4 au - sin 2u b d
4 2 r
1 1 1
-2c (r cos u)(r sin u)3 + (r cos u)(r sin u)a r sin ub d
36 2 3

1 4 1 1 4 1
= r a u - sin 2ub - r cos u sin3 u - r4 cos u sin3 u
4 2 18 9

= (6u - 3 sin 2u - 4 cos u sin3 u) Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area about y

the y axis.

1 1 θ
Iy = c r4 a u + sin 2u b d
4 2
1 1 2
- c (2r sin u)(r cos u)3 + (2r sin u)(r cos u)a r cos u b d
36 2 3

1 4 1 1
= r au + sin 2u b - c r4 sin u cos3u + r3 sin u cos3 u d
4 2 18

r4 1
= u + sin 2u - 2 sin u cos3 u Ans.
4 2

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Determine the moment of inertia of the beam’s cross- y

sectional area about the y axis.

150 mm
50 mm 150 mm
Moment of Inertia: The dimensions and location of centroid of each segment are
shown in Fig. a. Since the y axis passes through the centroid of both segments, the x¿
moment of inertia about y axis for each segment is simply (Iy)i = (Iy¿)i. 250 mm

Iy = g (Iy)i =
1 1
(50)(3003) + (250)(503) _
12 12 y
6 4 6 4
= 115.10(10 ) mm = 115(10 ) mm Ans.
25 mm x
25 mm

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Determine y, which locates the centroidal axis x¿ for the y

cross-sectional area of the T-beam, and then find the
moment of inertia about the x¿ axis.

150 mm
50 mm 150 mm

250 mm
©yA 125(250)(50) + (275)(50)(300) C
y = =
©A 250(50) + 50(300) x¿

= 206.818 mm y

y = 207 mm Ans.
25 mm x
25 mm
Ix¿ = c (50)(250)3 + 50(250)(206.818 - 125)2 d

+c (300)(50)3 + 50(300)(275 - 206.818)2 d

I x¿ = 222(106) mm4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia Ix for the shaded area y

about the x axis. 6 in. 3 in.

6 in.

6 in.
Ix = c (6)(6)3 + 6(6)(3)2 d

1 1
+c (3)(6)3 + a b (3)(6)(2)2 d
36 2

1 1
+c (9)(6)3 + (6)(9)(2)2 d
36 2

Ix = 648 in4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia Iy for the shaded area y

about the y axis. 6 in. 3 in.

6 in.

6 in.
1 1 1
Iy = B (6)(6)3 + 6(6)(3)2 R + B (6)(3)3 + (6)(3)(6 + 1)2 R
12 36 2

1 1
+ B (6)(9)3 + (6)(9)(6)2 R = 1971 in4 Ans.
36 2

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The beam is constructed from the two channels and two y

cover plates. If each channel has a cross-sectional area of 1 in.
A c = 11.8 in2 and a moment of inertia about a horizontal
axis passing through its own centroid, Cc, of
1Ix2Cc = 349 in4, determine the moment of inertia of the
beam about the x axis. 10 in.
1.28 in.

SOLUTION 10 in. x
lx = 2 c 11221123 + 1121122110.522 d + 213492
1 in. 6 in.
= 3.35 103 in4 Ans. 6 in.

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The beam is constructed from the two channels and two y

cover plates. If each channel has a cross-sectional area of 1 in.
A c = 11.8 in2 and a moment of inertia about a vertical axis
passing through its own centroid, Cc, of 1Iy2Cc = 9.23 in4,
determine the moment of inertia of the beam about the
y axis. 10 in.
1.28 in.

SOLUTION 10 in. x
Iy = 2 c 11211223 d + 2319.232 + 11.816 - 1.28224
1 in. 6 in.
= 832 in4 Ans. 6 in.

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Locate the centroid y of the composite area, then determine y

the moment of inertia of this area about the centroidal x¿

3 in.
Composite Parts: The composite area can be subdivided into three segments as 5 in. 1 in. 1 in.
shown in Figs. a and b. Since segment (3) is a hole, it should be considered a negative
part. 2 in.
Centroid: The perpendicular distances measured from the centroid of each segment 3 in. 3 in.
to the x axis are indicated in Fig. a.

g (y)A
4(3) p 2
' a5 + b a (3 ) b + 2.5 A 6(5) B + 3.5 A - 4(3) B

3p 2
y = =
p 2
(3 ) + 6(5) + A -4(3) B
= = 3.789 in. = 3.79 in. Ans.

Moment of Inertia: The moment of inertia of each segment about the x¿ axis can be
determined using the parallel-axis theorem. The perpendicular distance measured
from the centroid of each segment to the x¿ axis is indicated in Fig. b. The moment of
inertia of the semicircular segment (1) about its centroidal axis is given by
p p 4r 2 9p2 - 64 4 9p2 - 64
(Ix¿)1 = r4 - (r2)a b = a br = a b (34) = 8.8903 in4.
8 2 3p 72p 72p

Ix¿ = Ix¿ + A(dy¿)2

p 1
= c 8.8903 + a (32) b(2.487)2 d + c (6)(53) + 6(5)(1.286)2 d
2 12
+ c - (4)(33) + A - 4(3) B (0.286)2 d

= g (Ix¿) = 198 in4


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Determine the moment of inertia of the composite area y

about the centroidal y axis.


Composite Parts: The composite area can be subdivided into three segments x¿
as shown in Fig. a. Since segment (3) is a hole, it contributes a negative moment 5 in. 1 in. 1 in.
of inertia.
2 in.
Moment of Inertia: Since the y axis passes through the centroid of all segments x
3 in. 3 in.
Iy = (Ix)1 + (Ix)2 - (Iy)3
1 1 1
= p(34) + (5)(63) - (3)(4 3)
8 12 12
= 106 in4 Ans.

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Compute the moments of inertia Ix and Iy for the beam’s y y¿

cross-sectional area about the x and y axes.
30 mm

30 mm
70 mm

140 mm x
30 mm
1 x¿
Ix = (170)(30)3 + 170(30)(15)2
30 mm 170 mm
1 x
+ (30)(170)3 + 30(170)(85)2

+ (100)(30)3 + 100(30)(185)2

Ix = 154(106) mm4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the beam’s cross- y y¿

sectional area about the y axis.
30 mm

30 mm
1 140 mm x
Iy = (30)(170)3 + 30(170)(115)2 C
1 30 mm _
+ (170)(30)3 + 30(170)(15)2 y
12 x¿
+ (30)(100)3 + 30(100)(50)2 30 mm 170 mm
Iy = 91.3(106) mm4 Ans.

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Determine the distance y to the centroid C of the beam’s y y¿

cross-sectional area and then compute the moment of
inertia Ix¿ about the x¿ axis. 30 mm

30 mm
70 mm

140 mm x
30 mm
170(30)(15) + 170(30)(85) + 100(30)(185) y
y = x¿
170(30) + 170(30) + 100(30)
30 mm 170 mm
= 80.68 = 80.7 mm Ans. x

Ix¿ = c (170)(30)3 + 170(30)(80.68 - 15)2 d

+c (30)(170)3 + 30(170)(85 - 80.68)2 d

+ (100)(30)3 + 100(30)(185 - 80.68)2

Ix¿ = 67.6(106) mm4 Ans.

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Determine the distance x to the centroid C of the beam’s y y¿

cross-sectional area and then compute the moment of
inertia Iy¿ about the y¿ axis. 30 mm

30 mm
70 mm

140 mm x
30 mm
170(30)(115) + 170(30)(15) + 100(30)(50) y
x = x¿
170(30) + 170(30) + 100(30)
30 mm 170 mm
= 61.59 = 61.6 mm Ans. x

Iy¿ = c (30)(170)3 + 170(30)(115 - 61.59)2 d

+c (170)(30)3 + 30(170)(15 - 61.59)2 d

+ (30)(100)3 + 100(30)(50 - 61.59)2

Iy¿ = 41.2(106) mm4 Ans.

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Determine the distance y to the centroid of the beam’s 25 mm 25 mm

cross-sectional area; then determine the moment of inertia
about the x¿ axis.
100 mm
C x¿
25 mm
75 mm 75 mm
50 mm 50 mm
100 mm

Centroid: The area of each segment and its respective centroid are tabulated below. 25 mm

Segment A (mm2) y (mm) yA (mm3)

1 50(100) 75 375(103)
2 325(25) 12.5 10l.5625(103)
3 25(100) –50 –125(103)

© 15.625(103) 351.5625(103)


©yA 351.5625(103)
y = = = 22.5 mm Ans.
©A 15.625(103)

Moment of Inertia: The moment of inertia about the x¿ axis for each segment can be
determined using the parallel-axis theorem Ix¿ + Ix¿ + Ad2y.

Segment Ai (mm2) A dy B i (mm) A Ix–B i (mm4) A Ad2y B i (mm4) A Ix¿ B i (mm4)

1 3
1 50(100) 52.5 12 (50) (100 ) 13.781(106) 17.948(106)
1 3
2 325(25) 10 12 (325) (25 ) 0.8125(106) 1.236(106)
1 3
3 25(100) 72.5 12 (25) (100 ) 13.141(106) 15.224(106)


Ix¿ = ©(Ix¿)i = 34.41 A 106 B mm4 = 34.4 A 106 B mm4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the beam’s cross- y

sectional area about the y axis. 25 mm 25 mm

100 mm
C x¿
25 mm
75 mm 75 mm
50 mm 50 mm
100 mm

25 mm
Moment of Inertia: The moment of inertia about the y¿ axis for each segment can be
determined using the parallel-axis theorem Iy¿ = Iy¿ + Ad2x.

Segment Ai (mm2) A dx B i (mm) A Iy–B i (mm4) A Ad2x B i (mm4) A Iy–B i (mm4)

1 2[100(25)] 100 2 C 3
12 (100) (25 ) D 50.0(106) 50.260(106)
1 3
2 25(325) 0 12 (25) (325 ) 0 71.517(106)
3 100(25) 0 1 3
12 (100) (25 ) 0 0.130(106)


Iy¿ = ©(Iy¿)i = 121.91 A 106 B mm4 = 122 A 106 B mm4 Ans.

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Determine the moments of inertia for the shaded area y

about the x and y axes.
3 in. 3 in.

6 in.
1 1 1
Ix = B (6)(10)3 + 6(10)(5)2 R - B (3)(6)3 + a b (3)(6)(8)2 R
12 36 2 2 in.
4 in.
- B p (2)4 + p(2)2(4)2 R = 1.19(103) in4 Ans.
4 x

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Determine the moment of inertia of the area about the y

y axis.
3 in. 3 in.

1 1 1
Iy = c (10)(6)3 + 6(10)(3)2 d - c (6)(3)3 + a b6(3)(5)2 d 6 in.
12 36 2
- c p(2)4 + p(2)2(3)2 d = 365 in4 Ans.
2 in.
4 in.

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Locate the centroid y of the cross section and determine the

moment of inertia of the section about the x¿ axis.

0.4 m x'
0.05 m

0.3 m
0.2 m 0.2 m 0.2 m 0.2 m
Centroid: The area of each segment and its respective centroid are tabulated below.

Segment A (m2) y (m) yA (m3)

1 0.3(0.4) 0.25 0.03
2 2 10.4210.42 0.1833 0.014667

3 1.1(0.05) 0.025 0.001375

© 0.255 0.046042


©yA 0.046042
y = = = 0.1806 m = 0.181 m Ans.
©A 0.255

Moment of Inertia: The moment of inertia about the x¿ axis for each segment can be
determined using the parallel-axis theorem Ix¿ = Ix¿ + Ad2y.

Segment Ai (m2) (dy)i (m) (Ix¿)i (m4) (Ad 2y)i (m4) (Ix¿)i (m4)
1 0.3(0.4) 0.06944 3
12 10.3210.4 2 0.5787110-32 2.1787110-32
1 1
2 2 10.4210.42 0.002778 3
36 10.4210.4 2 0.6173110-62 0.7117110-32
3 1.1(0.05) 0.1556 3
12 11.1210.05 2 1.3309110-32 1.3423110-32


Ix¿ = © Ix¿ i = 4.233 10 -3 m4 = 4.23 10 -3 m4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia for the beam’s cross-

sectional area with respect to the x¿ centroidal axis. Neglect
the size of all the rivet heads. R, for the calculation.
Handbook values for the area, moment of inertia, and R
location of the centroid C of one of the angles are listed in
the figure.
15 mm
275 mm

1 275 2 (Ia)xa¿ ! 1.32(106) mm4
Ix ¿ = (15)(275)3 + 4 B 1.32 A 106 B + 1.36 A 103 B a - 28b R C
12 2 Aa ! 1.36(103) mm2 xa¿
28 mm
20 mm
1 275
+ 2B (75)(20)3 + (75)(20)a + 10 b R = 162 A 106 B mm4 Ans. 75 mm
12 2

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Determine the moment of inertia for the parallelogram y y¿

about the x¿ axis, which passes through the centroid C of
the area.

a x¿

h = a sin u b

1 3 1 1 3
Ix¿ = bh = (b)(a sin u)3 = a b sin3u Ans.
12 12 12

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Determine the moment of inertia for the parallelogram y y¿

about the y¿ axis, which passes through the centroid C of
the area.

a x¿

b - a cos u 1 b
x = a cos u + = (a cosu + b)
2 2
1 1 b a 2
Iy¿ = 2 B (a sin u)(a cos u)3 + (a sin u)(a cos u) a + cos u - a cos u b R
36 2 2 2 3

+ (a sin u)(b - a cosu)3

ab sin u 2
= (b + a2 cos2 u) Ans.

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10–54. y

Determine the product of inertia of the thin strip of area t

with respect to the x and y axes. The strip is oriented at an
angle u from the x axis. Assume that t V l.

l 1 u

LA L0 L0
2 x
lxy = xydA = (s cos u)(s sin u)tds = sin u cos ut s ds

1 3 -
= l t sin 2u Ans.

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Determine the product of inertia for the shaded area with y

respect to the x and y axes.

y h x3
' x b
x =
y = y

dA = x dy

d Ixy = dy

Ixy = d Ixy

1 b 2 5>3
L0 2 h
= a 1>3 b y dy

1 b2 3 h
= B a 2>3 b a b y8>3R
2 h 8 0

3 2 2
= b h Ans.

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Determine the product of inertia of the shaded area with y

respect to the x and y axes.

y ! 1 x3
SOLUTION 3 in. 9

Differential Element: The area of the differential element parallel to the y axis
shown shaded in Fig. a is dA = y dx = x3 dx. The coordinates of the centroid of
9 x
3 in.
y 1 3
this element are xc = x and yc = = x . Thus, the product of inertia of this
2 18
element with respect to the x and y axes is

dIxy = dIx¿y¿ + dAx y
1 1
= 0 + a x3dx b (x) a x3 b
9 18
1 7
= x dx
Product of Inertia: Performing the integration, we have

3 in 3 in.

L L0
1 7 1
Ixy = dIxy = x dx = (x8) 2 = 5.06 in4 Ans.
162 1296 0

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Determine the product of inertia for the shaded area with y

respect to the x and y axes.

y ! bn xn
a b

dIxy = dIxy + x y dA
a a
y b2
L0 2 L0 a
Ixy = 0 + (x) ¢ ≤ (y dx) = a 2n bx2n + 1 dx

b2 1 a
b2a2n + 2
= ¢ ≤ ¢ ≤ x2n + 2
` =
2a2n 2n + 2 0 4(n + 1)a2n

= Ans.
4(n + 1)

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Determine the product of inertia of the shaded area with y y¿

respect to the x and y axes, and then use the parallel-axis
theorem to find the product of inertia of the area with
respect to the centroidal x¿ and y¿ axes.
y2 ! x

Differential Element: The area of the differential element parallel to the y axis 4m
shown shaded in Fig. a is dA = y dx = x1>2 dx. The coordinates of the centroid of
' ' y 1 1>2
this element are x = x and y = = x Thus, the product of inertia of this
2 2
element with respect to the x and y axes is

dIxy = dIx¿y¿ + dAx y

= 0 + A x1>2 dx B (x)a x1>2 b
1 2
= x dx
Product of Inertia: Performing the integration, we have

4m 4m

L L0
1 2 1
Ixy = dIxy = x dx = a x3 b 2 = 10.67 m4 = 10.7 m4 Ans.
2 6 0

Using the information provided on the inside back cover of this book, the location of
2 3
the centroid of the parabolic area is at x = 4 - (4) = 2.4 m and y = (2) = 0.75 m
5 8
and its area is given by A = (4)(2) = 5.333 m2. Thus,

Ixy = Ix¿y¿ + Adxdy

10.67 = Ix¿y¿ + 5.333(2.4)(0.75)
Ix¿y¿ = 1.07 m4 Ans.

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Determine the product of inertia for the shaded area with y

respect to the x and y axes. Use Simpson’s rule to evaluate
the integral.
y 0.8e x

x = x 1m

y =

d A = ydx

dIxy = dx

Ixy = dIxy

L0 2
1 2
= x(0.8 ex )2 dx

= 0.32 xe2x dx

= 0.511 m4 Ans.

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Determine the product of inertia for the area with respect y

to the x and y axes.
y2 1 0.5x


x = x

' y
y =

dA = y dx

d Ixy = dx

Ixy = d Ixy

L0 2
= (x - 0.5x2) dx

1 x2 1 2
= c - x3 d
2 2 6 0

= 0.333 m4 Ans.

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Determine the product of inertia of the parallelogram with y

respect to the x and y axes.

Product of Inertia of the Triangle: The product of inertia with respect to x and y
axes can be determined by integration. The area of the differential element parallel
to y axis is dA = ydx = a h + x b dx [Fig. (a)]. The coordinates of the centroid for

' ' y 1 h
this element are x = x, y = = ¢h + x b. Then the product of inertia for
2 2 b
this element is
dIxy = dIx¿y¿ + dA x y

h 1 h
= 0 + c ah + x bdx d1x2 B a h + xb R
b 2 b

1 2 h2 2h2 2
= ¢ h x + 2 x3 + x ≤ dx
2 b b
Performing the integration, we have
h2 2h2 2 b2h2
L 2 L-b
Ixy = dIxy = ¢ h2x + 2 x3 + x ≤ dx = -
b b 24

The product of inertia with respect to centroidal axes, x¿ and y¿, can be determined
by applying Eq. 10–8 [Fig. (b) or (c)].

Ixy = Ix¿y¿ + Adxdy

b2h2 1 b h
- = Ix¿y¿ + bh ¢ - b a b
24 2 3 3
Ix¿y¿ =
a4 sin2 u cos2 u
Here, b = a cos u and h = a sin u. Then, Ix¿y¿ = .

Product of inertia of the parallelogram [Fig. (d)] with respect to centroidal x¿ and y¿
axes, is

a4 cos2 u sin2 u 1 3c - a cos u a sin u

Ix¿y¿ = 2 B + 1a sin u21a cos u2a ba bR
72 2 6 6
a3c sin2 u cos u
The product of inertia of the parallelogram [Fig. (d)] about x and y axes is

Ixy = Ix¿y¿ + Adxdy

a3c sin2 u cos u c + a cos u a sin u

= + 1a sin u21c2a ba b
12 2 2
a2c sin2 u
= 4a cos u + 3c Ans.

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Determine the product of inertia for the area with respect y

to the x and y axes.

y3 x
2 in.
8 in.

x = x

y =

dA = y dx

d Ixy = dx

Ixy = d Ixy

2 L0
= x5>3 dx

1 3 8
= a b C x8>3 D
2 8 0

= 48 in4 Ans.

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Determine the product of inertia for the beam’s cross- y

sectional area with respect to the u and v axes.
150 mm
150 mm

Moments of inertia Ix and Iy 20 mm
200 mm
1 1
Ix = (300)(400)3 - (280)(360)3 = 511.36(10)6 mm4
12 12 20 mm

1 1
Iy = 2 c (20)(300)3 d + (360)(20)3 = 90.24(10)6 mm4
12 12

The section is symmetric about both x and y axes; therefore Ixy = 0.

I x - Iy
Iuv = sin 2u + Ixy cos 2u

511.36 - 90.24
= a sin 40° + 0 cos 40°b 106

= 135(10)6 mm4 Ans.

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Determine the moments of inertia for the shaded area with y

respect to the u and v axes.
0.5 in.

30 0.5 in.
5 in. x
Moment and Product of Inertia about x and y Axes: Since the shaded area is 0.5 in.
symmetrical about the x axis, Ixy = 0.

1 1
Ix = (1)(53) + (4)(13) = 10.75 in4
12 12 4 in.
1 in.
1 1
Iy = (1)(43)+1(4)(2.5)2 + (5)(13) = 30.75 in4
12 12

Moment of Inertia about the Inclined u and v Axes: Applying Eq. 10-9 with
u = 30°, we have
I x + Iy I x - Iy
Iu = + cos 2u - Ixy sin 2u
2 2

10.75 + 30.75 10.75 - 30.75

= + cos 60° - 0(sin 60°)
2 2

= 15.75 in4 Ans.

Ix + Iy Ix - Iy
Iv = - cos 2u + Ixy sin 2u
2 2

10.75 + 30.75 10.75 - 30.75

= - cos 60° + 0(sin 60°)
2 2

= 25.75 in4 Ans.

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Determine the product of inertia for the beam’s cross- y

sectional area with respect to the x and y axes that have
their origin located at the centroid C.

5 in. 0.5 in.

1 in.

Ixy = 5(1)(5.5)(-2) + 5(1)(-5.5)(2) 1 in. 5 in. 5 in. 5 in.

= -110 in4 Ans.

1 in.

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Determine the product of inertia of the cross-sectional area y

with respect to the x and y axes.

100 mm

20 mm


Product of Inertia: The area for each segment, its centroid and product of inertia
with respect to x and y axes are tabulated below. C

Segment Ai (mm2) (dx)i (mm) (dy)i (mm) (Ixy)i (mm4)

400 mm
1 100(20) 60 410 49.211062
2 840(20) 0 0 0
20 mm
3 100(20) - 60 - 410 49.211062 100 mm 20 mm


Ixy = ©1Ixy2i = 98.411062mm4 Ans.

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Determine the product of inertia for the angle with respect y

to the x and y axes passing through the centroid C. Assume
all corners to be square.
0.25 in.

' - 0.125 10.252132 - 1.625 10.25212.752 x
©xA C
x = = = - 0.8424 in
©A 0.25132 + 0.2512.752 0.25 in.
' 1.510.252132 + 0.12510.25212.752 3 in.
y = = = 0.8424 in
©A 0.25132 + 0.2512.752

Product of inertia about x and y axes:

Ixy = 0.2513210.7174210.65762 + 0.2512.7521 -0.782621-0.71742

= 0.740 in4 Ans.

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Determine the distance y to the centroid of the area and y

then calculate the moments of inertia Iu and Iv for the v
channel’s cross-sectional area. The u and v axes have their
origin at the centroid C. For the calculation, assume all
corners to be square.
10 mm 10 mm

50 mm C 20 x
10 mm y
150 mm 150 mm
300(10)(5) + 2[(50)(10)(35)]
y = = 12.5 mm Ans.
300(10) + 2(50)(10)

Ix = c (300)(10)3 + 300(10)(12.5 - 5)2 d

+ 2c (10)(50)3 + 10(50)(35 - 12.5)2 d

= 0.9083(106) mm4

1 1
Iy = (10)(300)3 + 2 c (50)(10)3 + 50(10)(150 - 5)2 d
12 12

= 43.53(106) mm4

Ixy = 0 (By symmetry)

Ix + Iy Ix - Iy
Iu = + cos 2u - Ixy sin 2u
2 2

0.9083(106) + 43.53(106) 0.9083(106) - 43.53(106)

= + cos 40° - 0
2 2

= 5.89(106) mm4 Ans.

Ix + Iy Ix - Iy
Iv = - cos 2u + Ixy sin 2u
2 2

0.9083(106) + 43.53(106) 0.9083(106) - 43.53(106)

= - cos 40° +0
2 2

= 38.5(106) mm4 Ans.

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Determine the moments of inertia Iu and Iv of the y

shaded area.
20 mm

20 mm
SOLUTION 200 mm 20 mm

Moment and Product of Inertia about x and y Axes: Since the shaded area is
symmetrical about the x axis, Ixy = 0.

1 1 200 mm
Ix = 1200214032 + 1402120032 = 27.7311062 mm4
12 12 40 mm

1 1
Iy = 1402120032 + 4012002112022 + 1200214032
12 12

= 142.9311062 mm4

Moment of Inertia about the Inclined u and v Axes: Applying Eq. 10–9 with
u = 45°, we have
Ix + Iy Ix - Iy
Iu = + cos 2u - Ixy sin 2u
2 2

27.73 + 142.93 27.73 - 142.93

= a + cos 90° - 01sin 90°2b11062
2 2

= 85.311062 mm4 Ans.

Ix + Iy Ix - Iy
Iv = - cos 2u + Ixy sin 2u
2 2

27.73 + 142.93 27.73 - 142.93

= a - cos 90° - 01sin 90°2b11062
2 2

= 85.3 106 mm4 Ans.

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Determine the moments of inertia and the product of v
inertia of the beam’s cross sectional area with respect to the
u and v axes.

300 mm
Moments and product of Inertia with Respect to the x and y Axes: The x
perpendicular distances measured from the centroid of the triangular segment to 150 mm
the y axis are indicated in Fig. a.
Ix = (400)(4503) = 1012.5(106) mm4 200 mm 200 mm
1 1
Iy = 2 B (450)(2003) + (450)(200)(66.672) R = 600(106) mm4
36 2

Since the cross-sectional area is symmetrical about the y axis, Ixy = 0.

Moment and product of Inertia with Respect to the u and v Axes: Applying
Eq. 10–9 with u = 30°, we have

Ix + Iy Ix - Iy
Iu = + cos 2u - Ixy sin 2u
2 2
1012.5 + 600 1012.5 - 600
= B + ¢ ≤ cos 60° - 0 sin 60° R (106)
2 2

= 909.375(106) mm4 = 909(106) mm4 Ans.

Ix + Iy Ix - Iy
Iv = - cos 2u + Ixy sin 2u
2 2
1012.5 + 600 1012.5 - 600
= B - ¢ ≤ cos 60° + 0 sin 60 R (106)
2 2

= 703.125(106) mm4 = 703(106) mm4 Ans.

Ix - Iy
Iuv = sin 2u + Ixy cos 2u
1012.5 - 600
= B¢ ≤ sin 60° + 0 cos 60° R (106)

= 178.62(106) mm4 = 179(106) mm4 Ans.

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Solve Prob. 10–70 using Mohr’s circle. Hint: Once the circle y
is established, rotate 2u = 60° counterclockwise from the v
reference OA, then find the coordinates of the points that
define the diameter of the circle. u

300 mm

Moments and product of Inertia with Respect to the x and y Axes: The C
perpendicular distances measured from the centroid of the triangular segment to the 150 mm
y axis are indicated in Fig. a.
1 200 mm 200 mm
Ix = (400)(4503) = 1012.5(106) mm4

1 1
Iy = 2 B (450)(2003) + (450)(200)(66.672) R = 600(106) mm4
36 2

Since the cross-sectional area is symmetrical about the y axis, Ixy = 0.

Construction of Mohr’s Circle: The center of C of the circle lies along the I axis at a

Ix + Iy 1012.5 + 600
Iavg = = a b (106)mm4 = 806.25(106) mm4
2 2

The coordinates of the reference point A are [1012.5, 0](106) mm4. The circle can be
constructed as shown in Fig. b. The radius of the circle is

R = CA = (1012.5 - 806.25)(106) = 206.25(106) mm4

Moment and Product of Inertia with Respect to the u and v Axes: By referring to
the geometry of the circle, we obtain

Iu = (806.25 + 206.25 cos 60°)(106) = 909(106) mm4 Ans.

Iv = (806.25 - 206.25 cos 60°)(106) = 703(106) mm4 Ans.
Iuv = 206.25 sin 60° = 179(106) mm4 Ans.

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Locate the centroid y of the beam’s cross-sectional area and y

then determine the moments of inertia and the product of u
inertia of this area with respect to the u and v axes.
v 0.5 in.
4.5 in.
4.5 in.

0.5 in.
4 in. x
0.5 in.
Centroid: The perpendicular distances measured from the centroid of each
subdivided segment to the bottom of the beam’s cross-sectional area are indicated y
8 in.
in Fig. a. Thus,

©yCA 12.25(10)(0.5) + 2[10(4)(0.5)] + 6(12)(1)

y = = = 8.25 in. Ans.
©A 10(0.5) + 2(4)(0.5) + 12(1)

Moment and Product of Inertia with Respect to the x and y Axes: The
perpendicular distances measured from the centroid of each segment to the x and
y axes are indicated in Fig. b. Using the parallel-axis theorem,

1 1 1
Ix = c (10)(0.53) + 10(0.5)(4)2 d + 2 c (0.5)(43) + 0.5(4)(1.75)2 d + c (1)(123) + 1(12)(2.25)2 d
12 12 12

= 302.44 in4

1 1 1
Iy = (0.5)(103) + 2 c (4)(0.53) + 4(0.5)(0.75)2 d + (12)(13)
12 12 12

= 45 in4

Since the cross-sectional area is symmetrical about the y axis, Ixy = 0.

Moment and Product of Inertia with Respect to theu and v Axes: With u = 60°,
Ix + Iy Ix - Iy
Iu = + cos 2u - Ixy sin 2u
2 2

302.44 + 45 302.44 - 45
= + cos 120° - 0 sin 120°
2 2

= 109.36 in4 = 109 in4 Ans.

Ix + Iy Ix - Iy
Iv = - cos 2u + Ixy sin 2u
2 2

302.44 + 45 302.44 - 45
= - cos 120° + 0 sin 120°
2 2

= 238.08 in4 = 238 in4 Ans.

Ix - Iy
Iuv = sin 2u + Ixy cos 2u

302.44 - 45
= sin 120° + 0 cos 120°

= 111.47 in4 = 111 in4 Ans.

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Locate the centroid y of the beam’s cross-sectional area and y

then use Mohr’s circle to determine the moments of inertia u
and the product of inertia of this area with respect to the u
and y axes. v 0.5 in.
4.5 in.
4.5 in.

0.5 in.
4 in. x

0.5 in.

8 in. y

Centroid: The perpendicular distances measured from the centroid of each
subdivided segment to the bottom of the beam’s cross-sectional area are indicated
in Fig. a. Thus,
' 12.25(10)(0.5) + 2 C 10(4)(0.5) D + 6(12)(1)
y = = = 8.25 in. Ans.
©A 10(0.5) + 2(4)(0.5) + 12(1)

Moment and Product of Inertia with Respect to the x and y Axes: The
perpendicular distances measured from the centroid of each segment to the x and
y axes are indicated in Fig. b. Using the parallel-axis theorem,

1 1 1
Ix = c (10)(0.53) + 10(0.5)(4)2 d + 2 c (0.5)(43) + 0.5(4)(1.75)2 d + c (1)(123) + 1(12)(2.25)2 d
12 12 12

= 302.44 in4

1 1 1
Iy = (0.5)(103) + 2 c (4)(0.53) + 4(0.5)(0.75)2 d + (12)(13)
12 12 12

= 45 in4

Since the cross-sectional area is symmetrical about the y axis, Ixy = 0.

Construction of Mohr’s Circle: The center C of the circle lies along the u axis at a
I x + Iy 302.44 + 45
Iavg = = = 173.72 in4
2 2

The coordinates of the reference point A are (302.44, 0) in4. The circle can be
constructed as shown in Fig. c. The radius of the circle is

R = CA = (302.44 - 173.72) = 128.72 in4

Moment and Product of Inertia with Respect to the u and v Axes: By referring to
the geometry of the circle,

Iu = 173.72 - 128.72 cos 60° = 109 in4 Ans.

Iv = 173.72 + 128.72 cos 60° = 238 in4 Ans.

Iuv = 128.72 sin 60° = 111 in4 Ans.

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Determine the principal moments of inertia for the beam’s y

cross-sectional area about the principal axes that have their
origin located at the centroid C. Use the equations
4 in.
developed in Section 10.7. For the calculation, assume all
corners to be square.
3 in.
8 4 in.
3 in.

1 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 6 3
Ix = 2 c (4) a b + 4 a b a 4 - b d + a b a8 - b 4 in.
12 8 8 16 12 8 8

= 55.55 in4
4 in.
1 3 3 3 3 3 4 - 38 3 2
Iy = 2 c a b a 4 - b + a4 - b e a b + f d
12 8 8 8 8 2 16

1 3 3
+ (8) a b
12 8

= 13.89 in4

Ixy = ©xy A

= - 2[(1.813 + 0.1875)(3.813)(3.625)(0.375)] + 0

= -20.73 in4
Ix + Iy Ix - Iy 2
Imax>min = ; a b + I2xy
2 C 2

55.55 + 13.89 55.55 - 13.89 2

= ; a b + (- 20.73)2
2 C 2

Imax = 64.1 in4 Ans.

Imin = 5.33 in4 Ans.

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Solve Prob. 10–74 using Mohr’s circle. y

4 in.

3 in.
8 4 in.
3 in.

1 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 6 3
Ix = 2 c (4) a b + 4 a b a 4 - b d + a b a8 - b = 55.55 in4 4 in.
12 8 8 16 12 8 8

1 3 3 3 3 3 4 - 38 3 2
Iy = 2 c a b a4 - b + a4 - b e a b + f d
12 8 8 8 8 2 16 4 in.

1 3 3
+ (8)a b = 13.89 in4
12 8

Ixy = ©xy A

= - 2[(1.813 + 0.1875)(3.813)(3.625)(0.375)] + 0

= - 20.73 in4

Center of circle:
Ix + Iy
= 34.72 in4

R = 2(55.55 - 34.72)2 + ( - 20.73)2 = 29.39 in4

Imax = 34.72 + 29.39 = 64.1 in4 Ans.

Imin = 34.72 - 29.39 = 5.33 in4 Ans.

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Determine the directions of the principal axes with origin y

located at point O, and the principal moments of inertia for
the rectangular area about these axes.
3 in.

6 in.
Ix = (3)(6)3 + (3)(6)(3)2 = 216 in4

Iy = (6)(3)3 + (3)(6)(1.5)2 = 54 in4
12 x
Ixy = x y A = (1.5)(3)(3)(6) = 81 in4
- 2Ixy -2(81)
tan 2u = = = -1
I x - Iy 216 - 54

u = -22.5° Ans.
I x + Iy Ix - Iy 2
216 + 54 216 - 54 2
Imax = ; a b + I2xy = ; a b + (81)2
min 2 C 2 2 C 2

Imax = 250 in4 Ans.

Imin = 20.4 in4 Ans.

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Solve Prob. 10−76 using Mohr’s circle. y

3 in.

6 in.
Ix = (3)(6)3 + (3)(6)(3)2 = 216 in4

Iy = (6)(3)3 + (3)(6)(1.5)2 = 54 in4
12 x
Ixy = x y A = (1.5)(3)(3)(6) = 81 in4
tan 2u = = -1
Ix - Iy

u = - 22.5° Ans.

Ix + Iy
Center of circle: = 135 in4

R = 2(216 - 135)2 + (81)2 = 114.55 in4

Imax = 135 + 114.55 = 250 in4 Ans.

Imin = 135 - 114.55 = 20.4 in4 Ans.

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Determine the principal moments of inertia for the angle’s y

cross-sectional area with respect to a set of principal axes 20 mm
that have their origin located at the centroid C. Use the
equation developed in Section 10.7. For the calculation,
assume all corners to be square.
32.22 mm

100 mm
32.22 mm


100 mm
Ix = c (20)(100)3 + 100(20)(50 - 32.22)2 d

+ c (80)(20)3 + 80(20)(32.22 - 10)2 d

= 3.142(106) mm4

Iy = c (100)(20)3 + 100(20)(32.22 - 10)2 d

+ c (20)(80)3 + 80(20)(60 - 32.22)2 d

= 3.142(106) mm4

Ixy = ©xy A

= - (32.22 - 10)(50- 32.22)(100)(20) - (60- 32.22)(32.22 -10)(80)(20)

= - 1.778(106) mm4
Ix + Iy Ix - Iy 2
Imax/min = ; a b + I2xy
2 C 2

= 3.142(106) ; 20 + {( - 1.778)(106)}2

Imax = 4.92(106) mm4 Ans.

Imin = 1.36(106) mm4 Ans.

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Solve Prob. 10–78 using Mohr’s circle. y

20 mm

32.22 mm

100 mm
SOLUTION 32.22 mm
Solve Prob. 10–78.
20 mm
Ix = 3.142(106) mm4
100 mm
Iy = 3.142(106) mm4

Ixy = –1.778(10 6) mm4

Center of circle:

Ix + I y
= 3.142(106) mm4

R = 2(3.142 - 3.142)2 + ( -1.778)2(106) = 1.778(106) mm4

Imax = 3.142(106) + 1.778(106) = 4.92(106) mm4 Ans.

Imin = 3.142(106) - 1.778(106) = 1.36(106) mm4 Ans.

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Determine the directions of the principal axes with origin y

located at point O, and the principal moments of inertia of
the area about these axes.

3 in.


Moments to inertia Ix and Iy :

Ix = Iy = p(3)4 = 15.90 in4

Product of inertial Ixy : From Prob. 10–59

1 4
Ixy = (3) = 10.125 in4

-Ixy - 10.125
tan 2up = Ix - Iy
= 15.90 - 5.90
= -q
2 2

2up = - 90° up = - 45° Ans.

Principal moments of inertia:

Ix + Iy Ix - Iy 2
Imax = ; a b + I2xy
min 2 C 2

15.90 + 15.90 15.90 - 15.90 2

= ; a b + 10.1252
2 C 2

Imax = 26.0 in4 Imin = 5.78 in4 Ans.

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Solve Prob. 10–80 using Mohr’s circle. y

3 in.


Moments to inertia Ix and Iy :

Ix = Iy = p(3)4 = 15.90 in4

Product of inertia Ixy : From Prob. 10–80

1 4
Ixy = (3) = 10.125 in4

Mohr’s circle:

OA = 10.125

Imax = 15.90 + 10.125 = 26.0 in4 Ans.

Imin = 15.90 - 10.125 = 5.78 in4 Ans.

2u = - 90° u = - 45° Ans.

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The area of the cross section of an airplane wing has the y

following properties about the x and y axes passing through
the centroid C: Ix = 450 in4, Iy = 1730 in4, Ixy = 138 in4.
Determine the orientation of the principal axes and the
principal moments of inertia.

- 2Ixy - 2(138)
tan 2u = =
Ix - Iy 450 - 1730

u = 6.08° Ans.
Ix + Iy Ix - Iy 2
Imax/min = ; a b + I2xy
2 A 2

450 + 1730 450 - 1730 2

= ; a b + 1382
2 A 2

Imax = 1.74(103) in4 Ans.

Imin = 435 in4 Ans.

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Solve Prob. 10–82 using Mohr’s circle. y

- 2Ixy - 2(138)
tan 2u = =
I x - Iy 450 - 1730

u = 6.08° Ans.

Ix + I y
Center of circle: 450 + 1730
= = 1090 in4
2 2
R = 2(1730 - 1090)2 + (138)2 = 654.71 in4

Imax = 1090 + 654.71 = 1.74(103) in4 Ans.

Imin = 1090 - 654.71 = 435 in4 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the thin ring about the y

z axis. The ring has a mass m.



Iz = r A(R du)R2 = 2p r A R3


m = r A R du = 2p r A R


Iz = m R2 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the semi-ellipsoid with y x2 y2

respect to the x axis and express the result in terms of the # !1
a2 b2
mass m of the semiellipsoid. The material has a constant
density r.

2 2 x
Differential Disk Element: Here, y = b a1 - b . The mass of the differential disk element is
dm = rdV = rp y2 dx = rp b2 a1 - b dx. The mass moment of inertia of this element is
1 1 x2 x2 rp b4 x4 2x2
dIx = dmy2 = c rp b2 a 1 - 2 b dx d c b2 a 1 - 2 b d = a 4 - 2 + 1 b dx.
2 2 a a 2 a a

Total Mass: Performing the integration, we have

x2 x3 a
Lm L0
m = dm = rp b2 a 1 - 2
b dx = rp b2 a x - b`
a 3a2 0

= rpab2

Mass Moment of Inertia: Performing the integration, we have

rp b4 x4 2x2
L L0 2
Ix = dIx = a 4 - 2 + 1b dx
a a

rp b4 x5 2x3 a
= a 4 - 2
+ xb `
2 5a 3a 0

= rp ab4

The mass moment of inertia expressed in terms of the total mass is.

2 2 2
Ix = a rp ab2 b b2 = mb2 Ans.
5 3 5

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Determine the radius of gyration kx of the body. The y

specific weight of the material is g = 380 lb>ft3.
y3 x

2 in.


dm = r dV = rp y2 dx

1 1
d Ix = (dm)y2 = pr y4 dx
2 2

L0 2
Ix = prx4>3 dx = 86.17r

m = prx2>3 dx = 60.32r

Ix 86.17r
kx = = = 1.20 in. Ans.
Am A 60.32r

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Determine the radius of gyration kx of the paraboloid. The y

density of the material is r = 5 Mg>m3.
y2 50 x

100 mm

Differential Disk Element: The mass of the differential disk element is
dm = rdV = rpy2 dx = rp(50x) dx. The mass moment of inertia of this element
1 1 rp
is dIx = dmy2 = [rp(50x) dx](50x) = (2500x2) dx.
2 2 2

Total Mass: Performing the integration, we have

200 mm

Lm L0
m = dm = rp(50x) dx = rp(25x2)|200
= 1(106)rp

Mass Moment of Inertia: Performing the integration, we have

200 mm

L L0
Ix = dIx = (2500x2) dx

rp 2500x3 200 mm
= a b`
2 3 0

= 3.333(109) rp

The radius of gyration is

Ix 3.333(109) rp
kx = = = 57.7 mm Ans.
Am A 1(106) rp

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Determine the moment of inertia of the ellipsoid with respect y

to the x axis and express the result in terms of the mass m of
the ellipsoid. The material has a constant density r. x2 y2
a2 b2


dm= py2dx

d Ix =
a 2

LV L-a
2 x 4 2
m = r dV = rp b a1 - 2
b dx = prab
a 3
x2 2
L-a 2
1 8
Ix = rpb4 a 1 - 2 b dx = prab4
a 15


Ix = mb2 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the homogenous z

triangular prism with respect to the y axis. Express the
result in terms of the mass m of the prism. Hint: For
integration, use thin plate elements parallel to the x-y plane z = –h
a (x – a)
having a thickness of dz.

Differential Thin Plate Element: Here, x = a a 1 - b. The mass of the x
h b a
differential thin plate element is dm = rdV = rbxdz = rab a1 - b dz. The mass
moment of inertia of this element about y axis is

dIy = dIG + dmr2

1 x2
= dmx2 + dm ¢ + z2 ≤
12 4

1 2
= x dm + z2 dm

a2 z 2 z
= B a 1 - b + z2 R B raba 1 - b dz R
3 h h

rab 2 3a2 3a2 a2 3z3

= ¢ a + 2 z2 - z - 3 z3 + 3z2 - b dz
3 h h h h

Total Mass: Performing the integration, we have

z2 h
Lm L0
z 1
m = dm = raba 1 - b dz = rab ¢ z - ≤ ` = rabh
h 2h 0 2

Mass Moment of Inertia: Performing the integration, we have

3a2 3a2 a2 3z3
L L0 3
rab 2
Iy = dIy = ¢ a + 2 z2 - z - 3 z3 + 3z2 - b dz
h h h h

rab 2 a2 3a2 2 a2 4 3z4 h

= ¢ a z + 2 z3 - z - 3
z + z3 - ≤`
3 h 2h 4h 4h 0

rabh 2
= 1a + h22

The mass moment of inertia expressed in terms of the total mass is

1 rabh m 2
Iy = a2 + h2 = a + h2 Ans.
6 2 6

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Determine the mass moment of inertia Iz of the solid z

formed by revolving the shaded area around the z axis. The
h (a2 " y2)
z ! ––
density of the materials is r. Express the result in terms of a2
the mass m of the solid.


Differential Element: The mass of the disk element shown shaded in Fig. a h
z z 2
is dm = rdV = rpr2dz. Here, r = y = a 1 - . Thus, dm = rpaa 1 - b dz
A h A h y
= rpa2 a 1 - b dz. The mass moment of inertia of this element about the z axis is
h a
1 1 rp 4 rp z 4 rpa4 z 2 x
dIz = dmr2 = a rpr2dz b r2 = r dz = a a 1 - b dz = a 1 - b dz.
2 2 2 2 A h 2 h

Mass: The mass of the solid can be determined by integrating dm. Thus,
z2 2 3rpa2h
L L0
m = dm = rpa2 a 1 - b dz = rpa2 az - b =
h 2h 8

Mass Moment of Inertia: Integrating dIz, we obtain

h>2 4 h>2
z 2 rpa4 1 z 3 7rpa4h
L L0
Iz = dIz = a 1 - b dz = c a 1 - b ( -h) d 2 =
2 h 2 3 h 0
From the result of the mass, we obtain rpa2h = . Thus, Iz can be written as
7 7 8m 2 7
Iz = (rpa2h)a2 = a ba = ma2 Ans.
48 48 3 18

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Determine the moment of inertia Ix of the sphere and

express the result in terms of the total mass m of the sphere. x2 ! y2 " r2
The sphere has a constant density r.


y2 dm
d Ix =

dm = r dV = r(py2 dx) = rp(r2 - x2)dx

d Ix = rp(r2 - x2)2 dx

L-r 2
Ix = rp(r2 - x2)2 dx

= prr5

m = rp(r2 - x2) dx

= rpr3


2 2
Ix = mr Ans.

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The concrete shape is formed by rotating the shaded area y

about the y axis. Determine the moment of inertia Iy. The
specific weight of concrete is g = 150 lb>ft3.
4 in.
6 in.

2 2 8 in.
y" x

1 1
d Iy = (dm)(10)2 - (dm)x2
2 2

1 1
= [pr (10)2 dy](10)2 - prx2 dyx2
2 2
8 8
9 2
L0 L0 2
Iy = pr B (10)4 dy - a b y2 dy R
2 p (150)
9 1
= 3 B (10)4(8) - a b a b (8)3 R
32.2(12) 2 3

= 324.1 slug # in2

Iy = 2.25 slug # ft2 Ans.

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Determine the mass moment of inertia Iy of the solid z

formed by revolving the shaded area around the y axis. The
density of the material is r. Express the result in terms of
the mass m of the solid. z 1 y2

Differential Element: The mass of the disk element shown shaded in Fig. a is x
1 1 rp 4 2m
dm = rdV = rpr2 dy. Here, r = z = y2. Thus, dm = rp a y2 b dy = y dy.
4 4 16
The mass moment of inertia of this element about the y axis is dIy = dmr2 =
4 2
1 1 1 1 rp 8
(rpr2dy)r2 = rpr4dy = rpa y2 b dy = y dy.
2 2 2 4 512
Mass: The mass of the solid can be determined by integrating dm. Thus,
rp y5
L L0
rp 4 2
m = dm = y dy = ¢ ≤` = rp
16 16 5 5

Mass Moment of Inertia: Integrating dIy,


L L0
rp 8
Iy = dIy = y dy
rp y9 pr
= ¢ ≤` =
512 9 9

From the result of the mass, we obtain pr = . Thus, Iy can be written as

1 5m 5
Iy = a b = m Ans.
9 2 18

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Determine the mass moment of inertia Iy of the solid z

formed by revolving the shaded area around the y axis. The
total mass of the solid is 1500 kg.

z2 1 y3
16 2m

O y

Differential Element: The mass of the disk element shown shaded in Fig. a is
1 1 rp 3
dm = rdV = rpr2dy. Here, r = z = y3>2.Thus, dm = rpa y3>2 b dy = y dy.
4 4 16
The mass moment of inertia of this element about the y axis is
1 1 rp 4 rp 1 3>2 4 rp 6
dIy = dmr2 = A rpr2dy B r2 = r dy = a y b dy = y dy.
2 2 2 2 4 512

Mass: The mass of the solid can be determined by integrating dm. Thus,
4m 4 4m
rp y
L L0
rp 3 = 4 pr
m = dm = y dy = ¢ ≤`
16 16 4 0

The mass of the solid is m = 1500 kg. Thus,

1500 = 4pr r = kg>m3

Mass Moment of Inertia: Integrating dIy,

rp y7 4 m
L L0
rp 6 32p
Iy = dIy = y dy = ¢ ≤` = r
512 512 7 0 7

Substituting r = kg>m3 into Iy,

b = 1.71(103) kg # m2
32p 375
Iy = a Ans.
7 p

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The slender rods have a weight of 3 lb>ft. Determine the

moment of inertia of the assembly about an axis A
perpendicular to the page and passing through point A.
2 ft

1 ft
1.5 ft 1.5 ft
1 3 1 3 3
IA = (3 a b ) (3)2 + (3 a b )(3)2 + (3 a b ) (2)2
3 32.2 12 32.2 32.2

= 2.17 slug # ft2 Ans.

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The pendulum consists of a disk having a mass of 6 kg and 0.8 m 0.5 m D

slender rods AB and DC which have a mass of 2 kg > m .
Determine the length L of DC so that the center of mass
0.2 m
is at the bearing O . What is the moment of inertia of the L
assembly about an axis perpendicular to the page and A O B
passing through point O?

Location of Centroid: This problem requires x = 0.5 m.

x =

1.5(6) + 0.65[1.3(2)] + 0[L(2)]

0.5 =
6 + 1.3(2) + L(2)

L = 6.39 m Ans.

Mass Moment of Inertia About an Axis Through Point O: The mass moment of inertia
of each rod segment and disk about an axis passing through the center of mass can be
1 1
determine using (IG)i = ml2 and (IG)i = mr2. Applying Eq. 10–15, we have
12 2

IO = ©(IG)i + mid2i

= [1.3(2)] A 1.32 B + [1.3(2)] A 0.152 B

+ [6.39(2)] A 6.392 B + [6.39(2)] A 0.52 B

+ (6) A 0.22 B + 6 A 12 B

= 53.2 kg # m2 Ans.

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The pendulum consists of the 3-kg slender rod and the 5-kg
thin plate. Determine the location y of the center of mass G
of the pendulum; then find the mass moment of inertia of O
the pendulum about an axis perpendicular to the page and
passing through G.


©ym 1(3) + 2.25(5) 0.5 m

y = = = 1.781 m = 1.78 m Ans.
©m 3 + 5
IG = ©IG¿ + md2

1 1
= (3)(2)2 + 3(1.781 - 1)2 + (5)(0.52 + 12) + 5(2.25 - 1.781)2
12 12

= 4.45 kg # m2 Ans.

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Determine the location of y of the center of mass G of the 400 mm

assembly and then calculate the moment of inertia about an
axis perpendicular to the page and passing through G. The
block has a mass of 3 kg and the mass of the semicylinder
is 5 kg. 300 mm

200 mm
Location of Centroid:

©ym 350132 + 115.12152

y = = = 203.20 mm = 203 mm Ans.
©m 3 + 5
Mass Moment of Inertia About an Axis Through Point G: The mass moment of
inertia of a rectangular block and a semicylinder about an axis passing through the
center of mass perpendicular to the page can be determined using
1 1 4r 2
1Iz2G = m1a2 + b22 and 1Iz2G = mr2 - ma b = 0.3199mr2 respectively.
12 2 3p
Applying Eq. 10–16, we have

IG = ©1Iz2Gi + mid2i

= c 13210.32 + 0.4 22 + 310.146822 d

+ C 0.319915210.2 22 + 510.0880822 D

= 0.230 kg # m2 Ans.

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If the large ring, small ring and each of the spokes weigh
100 lb, 15 lb, and 20 lb, respectively, determine the mass 4 ft
moment of inertia of the wheel about an axis perpendicular
to the page and passing through point A.
1 ft

Composite Parts: The wheel can be subdivided into the segments shown in Fig. a. A
The spokes which have a length of (4 - 1) = 3 ft and a center of mass located at a
distance of a1 + b ft = 2.5 ft from point O can be grouped as segment (2).
Mass Moment of Inertia: First, we will compute the mass moment of inertia of the
wheel about an axis perpendicular to the page and passing through point O.

100 1 20 20 15
IO = ¢ ≤ (42) + 8 B ¢ ≤ (32) + ¢ ≤ (2.52) R + ¢ ≤ (12)
32.2 12 32.2 32.2 32.2

= 84.94 slug # ft2

The mass moment of inertia of the wheel about an axis perpendicular to the page and
passing through point A can be found using the parallel-axis theorem IA = IO + md2,
100 20 15
where m = + 8¢ ≤ + = 8.5404 slug and d = 4 ft.Thus,
32.2 32.2 32.2

IA = 84.94 + 8.5404(42) = 221.58 slug # ft2 = 222 slug # ft2 Ans.

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Determine the mass moment of inertia of the assembly z

about the z axis. The density of the material is 7.85 Mg> m3.

100 mm

Composite Parts: The assembly can be subdivided into two circular cone segments (1)
and (3) and a hemispherical segment (2) as shown in Fig. a. Since segment (3) is a hole,
it should be considered as a negative part. From the similar triangles, we obtain 450 mm
z 0.1 300 mm
= z = 0.225m
0.45 + z 0.3
Mass: The mass of each segment is calculated as
300 mm
1 1
m1 = rV1 = r a pr2hb = 7.85(103) c p(0.32)(0.675) d = 158.9625p kg
3 3 x y

2 2
m2 = rV2 = r a pr3 b = 7.85(103) c p(0.33) d = 141.3p kg
3 3

1 1
m3 = rV3 = r a pr2h b = 7.85(103) c p(0.12)(0.225) d = 5.8875p kg
3 3

Mass Moment of Inertia: Since the z axis is parallel to the axis of the cone and the
hemisphere and passes through their center of mass, the mass moment of inertia can be
3 2 3
computed from (Iz)1 = m r12, (Iz)2 = m2r22, and m r32. Thus,
10 1 5 10 3

Iz = ©(Iz)i

3 2 3
= (158.9625p)(0.32) + (141.3p)(0.32) - (5.8875p)(0.12)
10 5 10

= 29.4 kg # m2 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia Iz of the frustum of the z

0.2 m
cone which has a conical depression. The material has a
density of 200 kg>m3.

0.8 m
0.6 m

3 1 0.4 m
Iz = c p (0.4)2 (1.6)(200) d (0.4)2
10 3

3 1
- c p(0.2)2(0.8)(200) d(0.2)2
10 3

3 1
- c p(0.4)2 (0.6)(200) d(0.4)2
10 3

Iz = 1.53 kg # m2 Ans.

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The pendulum consists of a plate having a weight of 12 lb O

and a slender rod having a weight of 4 lb. Determine the 1 ft
radius of gyration of the pendulum about an axis
perpendicular to the page and passing through point O. 1 ft
3 ft 2 ft

IO = ©IG + md2

1 4 4 1 12 12
= a b(5)2 + a b (0.5)2 + a b (12 + 12) + a b (3.5)2
12 32.2 32.2 12 32.2 32.2

= 4.917 slug # ft2

4 12
m = a b + a b = 0.4969 slug
32.2 32.2

IO 4.917
kO = = = 3.15 ft Ans.
Am A 0.4969

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The slender rods have a weight of 3 lb>ft. Determine the

moment of inertia of the assembly about an axis A
perpendicular to the page and passing through point A.

2 ft

1.5 ft 1.5 ft
1 3(2) 1 3(3) 3(3)
IA = c d (2)2 + c d (3)2 + c d (2)2 = 1.58 slug # ft2 Ans.
3 32.2 12 32.2 32.2

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Determine the moment of inertia Iz of the frustrum of the z

cone which has a conical depression. The material has a
density of 200 kg>m3.
200 mm

600 mm

z z + 1
Mass Moment of Inertia About z Axis: From similar triangles, = , 800 mm
0.2 0.8
z = 0.333 m. The mass moment of inertia of each cone about z axis can be
determined using Iz = mr2.

3 p
Iz = ©1Iz2i = c 10.82211.333212002 d10.822
10 3

3 p
- c 10.2 2210.333212002 d10.2 22
10 3

3 p
- c 10.2 2210.6212002 d10.2 22
10 3

= 34.2 kg # m2 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the wire triangle about

an axis perpendicular to the page and passing through
point O. Also, locate the mass center G and determine the
moment of inertia about an axis perpendicular to the page
and passing through point G.The wire has a mass of 0.3 kg/m. –y
Neglect the size of the ring at O.
60° 60°
100 mm
Mass Moment of Inertia About an Axis Through Point O: The mass for each wire
segment is mi = 0.310.12 = 0.03 kg. The mass moment of inertia of each segment
about an axis passing through the center of mass can be determined using
1IG2i = ml2. Applying Eq. 10–16, we have

IO = ©1IG2i + mi d2i

= 2c 10.03210.122 + 0.0310.0522 d

+ 10.03210.122 + 0.0310.1 sin 60°22

= 0.450110-32 kg # m2 Ans.

Location of Centroid:

©ym 230.05 sin 60°10.0324 + 0.1 sin 60°10.032

y = =
©m 310.032

= 0.05774 m = 57.7 mm Ans.

Mass Moment of Inertia About an Axis Through Point G: Using the result
IO = 0.450110-32 kg # m2 and d = y = 0.05774 m and applying Eq. 10–16, we have

IO = IG + md2

0.450110-32 = IG + 310.03210.05774 22

IG = 0.150 10 -3 kg # m2 Ans.

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The thin plate has a mass per unit area of 10 kg>m2. z

Determine its mass moment of inertia about the y axis.
200 mm
200 mm
100 mm

200 mm


Composite Parts: The thin plate can be subdivided into segments as shown in Fig. a. 200 mm
Since the segments labeled (2) are both holes, the y should be considered as 200 mm
negative parts. 200 mm y
x 200 mm
200 mm
Mass moment of Inertia: The mass of segments (1) and (2) are
m1 = 0.4(0.4)(10) = 1.6 kg and m2 = p(0.12)(10) = 0.1p kg. The perpendicular
distances measured from the centroid of each segment to the y axis are indicated in
Fig. a. The mass moment of inertia of each segment about the y axis can be
determined using the parallel-axis theorem.

Iy = © A Iy B G + md2

1 1
= 2c (1.6)(0.42) + 1.6(0.22) d - 2 c (0.1p)(0.12) + 0.1p(0.22) d
12 4

= 0.144 kg # m2 Ans.

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The thin plate has a mass per unit area of 10 kg>m2. z

Determine its mass moment of inertia about the z axis.
200 mm
200 mm
100 mm

200 mm


Composite Parts: The thin plate can be subdivided into four segments as shown in 200 mm
Fig. a. Since segments (3) and (4) are both holes, the y should be considered as 200 mm
negative parts. 200 mm y
x 200 mm
200 mm
Mass moment of Inertia: Here, the mass for segments (1), (2), (3), and (4) are
m1 = m2 = 0.4(0.4)(10) = 1.6 kg and m3 = m4 = p(0.12)(10) = 0.1p kg. The mass
moment of inertia of each segment about the z axis can be determined using the
parallel-axis theorem.

Iz = © A Iz B G + md2

1 1 1 1
= (1.6)(0.42) + c (1.6)(0.42 + 0.42) + 1.6(0.22) d - (0.1p)(0.12) - c (0.1p)(0.12) + 0.1p(0.22) d
12 12 4 2

= 0.113 kg # m2 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the wheel about the

x axis that passes through the center of mass G. The
material has a specific weight of g = 90 lb>ft3.

1 ft
G x x
0.25 ft 0.25 ft
2 ft
Mass Moment of Inertia About an Axis Through Point G: The mass moment of
inertia of each disk about an axis passing through the center of mass can be
1 0.5 ft x¿ x¿
determine using 1IG2i = mr2. Applying Eq. 10–16, we have O 1 ft

IG = ©1IG2i + mid2i
2 2
1 p12.5 21121902 1 p12 210.7521902
= B R 12.522 - B R 1222
2 32.2 2 32.2
1 p10.25 210.2521902 p10.252210.2521902
- 4b B R 10.2522 + B R 1122 r
2 32.2 32.2

= 118 slug # ft2 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia of the wheel about the x¿

axis that passes through point O. The material has a specific
weight of g = 90 lb>ft3.

1 ft
G x x
0.25 ft 0.25 ft
2 ft
Mass Moment of Inertia About an Axis Through Point G: The mass moment of
inertia of each disk about an axis passing through the center of mass can be
1 0.5 ft x¿ x¿
determine using 1IG2i = mr2. Applying Eq. 10–16, we have O 1 ft

IG = ©1IG2i + mid2i
2 2
1 p12.5 21121902 1 p12 210.7521902
= B R 12.522 - B R 1222
2 32.2 2 32.2
1 p10.25 210.2521902
- 4b B R 10.2522
2 32.2

+ B R 1122 r

= 118.25 slug # ft2

Mass Moment of Inertia About an Axis Through Point O: The mass of the wheel is

p12.5221121902 p122210.7521902 p10.252210.2521902

m = - - 4B R
32.2 32.2 32.2

= 27.989 slug

Using the result IG = 118.25 slug # ft2 and applying Eq. 10–16, we have

IO = IG + md2

= 118.25 + 27.98912.522

= 293 slug # ft2 Ans.

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Determine the moment of inertia for the shaded area about y

the x axis.

y! x 2 in.
dIz = dIx + dAy 2

1 y 2
= dx(y)3 + y dx a b x
12 2
4 in.
1 3
= y dx
4 4
1 1 3 3
LA L0 3 L0 3 32
1 3
Ix = dIx = y dx = a x b dx

1 x10 4
= a bc d
98 304 10 0

= 1.07 in4 Ans.

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Determine the area moment of inertia for the area about y

the x axis. Then, using the parallel-axis theorem, find the
area moment of inertia about the x¿ axis that passes
200 mm
through the centroid C of the area. y = 120 mm.

200 mm x¿
y y ! 1 x2
Differential Element: Here, x = 2200y 2 . The area of the differential element x

parallel to the x axis is dA = 2xdy = 22200y 2 dy.

Moment of Inertia: Applying Eq. 10–1 and performing the integration, we have
200 mm

Ix = y2 dA = y2 a 2 2200y 2 dy b

2 7 200 mm
= 2 2200a y2 b 2
7 0

= 914.29 A 106 B mm4 = 914 A 106 B mm4 Ans.

The moment of inertia about the x¿ axis can be determined using the parallel–axis
200 mm

theorem. The area is A = dA = 2 2200y2dy = 53.33 A 10 B mm2

Ix = Ix¿ + Ad2y

= 914.29 A 106 B = Ix¿ + 53.33 A 103 B A 1202 B

Ix¿ = 146 A 106 B mm4 Ans.

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Determine the product of inertia of the shaded area with respect y

to the x and y axes.

y x3
1 x
Differential Element: Here, x = y3 . The area of the differential element parallel to
1 1m
the x axis is dA = xdy = y3 dy. The coordinates of the centroid for this element are
x 1 1
x = = y3 , y = y. Then the product of inertia for this element is
2 2

dIxy = dIx¿y¿ + dAx y

1 1 1
= 0 + A y3 dy B a y3 b (y)

1 3
= y3 dy

Product of Inertia: Performing the integration, we have

3 3 1m
L L0
1 3
Ixy = dIxy = y3 dy = y5 2 = 0.1875 m4 Ans.
2 16 0

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Determine the area moment of inertia for the triangular y

area about (a) the x axis, and (b) the centroidal x¿ axis.

–h3 C

s b
h - y h

s = (h - y)

(a) dA = s dy = c (h - y) d dy

Ix = y2 dA

= y2 c (h - y) d dy

= Ans.

(b) Ix = Ix¿ + A d2

bh3 1 h 2
= Ix¿ + bha b
12 2 3

Ix¿ = Ans.

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Determine the mass moment of inertia Ix for the body and y y b

express the result in terms of the total mass m of the body. a x b

The density is constant.



b2 2 2b2
dm = rdV = rpy2 dx = rp a x + x + b2 b dx
a2 a
1 1
dIx = 2 dmy2 = 2 rpy4 dx

1 b4 4b4 6b4 4b4

dIx = rp a 4 x4 + 3 x3 + 2 x2 + x + b4 b dx
2 a a a a
b4 4 4b4 6b4 4b4
L L0
Ix = dIx = 2 rp a 4
x + 3 x3 + 2 x2 + x + b4 b dx
a a a a

= rpab4
b2 2 2b2
Lm L0
m = dm = r p a 2
x + x + b2 b dx = rpab2
a a 3

Ix = mb2 Ans.

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Determine the area moment of inertia of the shaded area y

about the y axis.

4y 4 – x2
1 ft

Differential Element: Here, y = A 4 - x2 B . The area of the differential element
parallel to the y axis is dA = ydx = A 4 - x2 B dx.

Moment of Inertia: Applying Eq. 10–1 and performing the integration, we have

LA 4 L- 2ft
Iy = x2dA = x2 A 4 - x2 B dx

1 4 3 1
= c x - x5 d 2
4 3 5 - 2ft

= 2.13 ft4 Ans.

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Determine the area moment of inertia of the shaded area y

about the x axis.

4y 4 – x2
1 ft

Differential Element: Here, y = A 4 - x2 B . The area of the differential element
parallel to the y axis is dA = ydx. The moment of inertia of this differential element
about the x axis is

dIx = dIx¿ + dAy 2

1 y 2
= (dx)y3 + ydx a b
12 2
1 1
= c A 4 - x2 B d dx
3 4

= A - x6 + 12x4 - 48x2 + 64 B dx

Moment of inertia: Performing the integration, we have


L 192 L- 2ft
Ix = dIx = A -x6 + 12x4 - 48x2 + 64 B dx

2 ft
1 1 12 5
= a - x7 + x - 16x3 + 64xb 2
192 7 5 - 2 ft

= 0.610 ft4 Ans.

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Determine the area moments of inertia Iu and Iv and the y

product of inertia Iuv for the semicircular area.


1 x
Ix = Iy = p(60)4 = 5 089 380.1 mm4

Ixy = 0 (Due to symmetry)

Ix + Iy Ix - Iy
Iu = + cos2u - Ixy sin2u
2 2

5 089 380.1 + 5 089 380.1

= + 0 - 0

Iu = 5.09(106) mm4 Ans.

Ix + Iy Ix - Iy
Iv = - cos2u + Ixy sin 2 u
2 2

5 089 380.1 + 5 089 380.1

= - 0 + 0

Iv = 5.09(106) mm4 Ans.

Ix - Iy
Iuv = sin2u + Ixy cos 2u

= 0 + 0

Iuv = 0 Ans.

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Determine the area moment of inertia of the beam’s cross- y

sectional area about the x axis which passes through the
centroid C.

2 60
d 60

Moment of Inertia: The moment of inertia about the x axis for the composite beam’s d d
cross section can be determined using the parallel-axis theorem Ix = © A Ix + Ad2y B i. 2 2

1 1 d 3 1 d d 2
Iy = c (d) A d3 B + 0 d + 4 B (0.2887d)a b + (0.2887d) a b a b R
12 36 2 2 2 6

= 0.0954d4 Ans.

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Determine the area moment of inertia of the beam’s cross- y

sectional area about the y axis which passes through the
centroid C.

2 60
d 60

Moment of Inertia: The moment of inertia about y axis for the composite beam’s d d
cross section can be determined using the parallel-axis theorem Iy = © A Iy + Ad2x B i. 2 2

1 1 1
Iy = c (d) A d3 B + 0 d + 2 c (d)(0.2887d)3 + (d)(0.2887d)(0.5962d)2 d
12 36 2

= 0.187d4 Ans.

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The scissors jack supports a load P. Determine the axial P

force in the screw necessary for equilibrium when the jack
is in the position u. Each of the four links has a length L and
is pin-connected at its center. Points B and D can move



x = L cos u, dx = - L sin u du u

y = 2L sin u, dy = 2L cos u du

dU = 0; - Pdy - Fdx = 0

-P(2L cos u du) - F( -L sin u du) = 0

F = 2P cot u Ans.

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Use the method of virtual work to determine the tensions in

cable AC. The lamp weighs 10 lb. B

45° A 30°
Free Body Diagram: The tension in cable AC can be determined by releasing
cable AC. The system has only one degree of freedom defined by the independent
coordinate u. When u undergoes a positive displacement du, only FAC and the weight
of lamp (10 lb force) do work.

Virtual Displacement: Force FAC and 10 lb force are located from the fixed point B
using position coordinates yA and xA.

xA = l cos u dxA = - l sin udu (1)

yA = l sin u dyA = l cos udu (2)

Virtual–Work Equation: When yA and xA undergo positive virtual displacements

dyA and dxA, the 10 lb force and horizontal component of FAC, FAC cos 30°, do
positive work while the vertical component of FAC, FAC sin 30°, does negative work.

dU = 0; 10dyA - FAC sin 30°dyA + FAC cos 30°, dxA = 0 (3)

Substituting Eqs. (1) and (2) into (3) yields

(10 cos u - 0.5FAC cos u - 0.8660FAC sin u)ldu = 0

Since ldu Z 0, then

10 cos u
0.5 cos u + 0.8660 sin u
At the equilibrium position u = 45°,

10 cos 45°
FAC = = 7.32 lb Ans.
0.5 cos 45° + 0.8660 sin 45°

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The vent plate is supported at B by a pin. If it weighs 15 lb

and has a center of gravity at G, determine the stiffness k of
the spring so that the plate remains in equilibrium at u = 30°.
The spring is unstretched when u = 0°.

0.5 ft
B 1 ft

Free Body Diagram: The system has only one degree of freedom defined by the 4 ft
independent coordinate u. When u undergoes a positive displacement du, only the
spring force Fsp and the weight of the vent plate (15 lb force) do work.

Virtual Displacements: The weight of the vent plate (15 lb force) is located from the
fixed point B using the position coordinate yG. The horizontal and vertical position
of the spring force Fsp are measured from the fixed point B using the position
coordinates xA and yA, respectively.

yG = 0.5 cos u dyG = - 0.5 sin udu (1)

yA = 1 cos u dyA = - sin udu (2)

xA = 1 sin u dxA = cos udu (3)

Virtual -Work Equation: When yG, yA and xA undergo positive virtual

displacements dyG, dyA and dxA, the weight of the vent plate (15 lb force), horizontal
component of Fsp, Fsp cos f, and vertical component of Fsp, Fsp sin f, do negative

dU = 0; -Fsp cos f dxA - Fsp sin f dyA - 15dyG = 0 [4]

Substituting Eqs. (1), (2) and (3) into (4) yields

A -Fsp cos u cos f + Fsp sin u sin f + 7.5 sin u B du = 0

A -Fsp cos (u + f) + 7.5 sin u B du = 0

Since du Z 0, then

- Fsp cos (u + f) + 7.5 sin u = 0

7.5 sin u
Fsp =
cos (u + f)

1 cos 30°
At equilibrium position u = 30°, the angle f = tan - 1 a b = 10.89°.
4 + 1 sin 30°

7.5 sin 30°

Fsp = = 4.961 lb
cos (30° + 10.89°)

Spring Formula: From the geometry, the spring stretches

x = 24 2 + 12 - 2(4)(1) cos 120° - 24 2 + 12 = 0.4595 ft.

Fsp = kx

4.961 = k(0.4595)

k = 10.8 lb>ft Ans.

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The spring has an unstretched length of 0.3 m. Determine C

the angle u for equilibrium if the uniform links each have a
mass of 5 kg.

0.6 m
θ θ

Free Body Diagram: The system has only one degree of freedom defined by the 0.1 m D
independent coordinate u. When u undergoes a positive displacement du, only the k = 400 N/m
spring force Fsp and the weights of the links (49.05 N) do work.

Virtual Displacements: The position of points B, D and G are measured from the
fixed point A using position coordinates xB , xD and yG , respectively.

xB = 0.1 sin u dxB = 0.1 cos udu (1)

xD = 210.7 sin u2 - 0.1 sin u = 1.3 sin u dxD = 1.3 cos udu (2)

yG = 0.35 cos u dyG = - 0.35 sin udu (3)

Virtual–Work Equation: When points B, D and G undergo positive virtual

displacements dxB , dxD and dyG , the spring force Fsp that acts at point B does
positive work while the spring force Fsp that acts at point D and the weight of link
AC and CE (49.05 N) do negative work.

dU = 0; 21- 49.05dyG2 + Fsp1dxB - dxD2 = 0 (4)

Substituting Eqs. (1), (2) and (3) into (4) yields

134.335 sin u - 1.2Fsp cos u2 du = 0 (5)

However, from the spring formula, Fsp = kx = 4003210.6 sin u2 - 0.34

= 480 sin u - 120. Substituting this value into Eq. (5) yields

134.335 sin u - 576 sin u cos u + 144 cos u2 du = 0

Since du Z 0, then

34.335 sin u - 576 sin u cos u + 144 cos u = 0

u = 15.5° Ans.

and u = 85.4° Ans.

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The pin-connected mechanism is constrained at A by a pin

and at B by a roller. If P = 10 lb, determine the angle u for A B P
equilibrium. The spring is unstretched when u = 45°. u
Neglect the weight of the members.
0.5 ft

x = 1 cos u
k 50 lb/ft
Fs = ks; F = 50(1 cos u - 1 cos 45°)
0.5 ft 0.5 ft
dU = 0; - F dx + P dx = 0

-50(1 cos u - 1 cos 45°) + 10 = 0

u = 24.9° Ans.

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The pin-connected mechanism is constrained by a pin at A

and a roller at B. Determine the force P that must be A B P
applied to the roller to hold the mechanism in equilibrium u
when u = 30°. The spring is unstretched when u = 45°.
Neglect the weight of the members. 0.5 ft

x = 1 cos u
k 50 lb/ft
dU = 0; P dx - F dx = 0
0.5 ft 0.5 ft
P = F

When u = 45°, x = 1 cos 45° = 0.7071 ft

When u = 30°, x = 1 cos 30° = 0.86602 ft

Fs = ks; F = 50(0.86602 - 0.7071) = 7.95 lb

P = 7.95 lb Ans.

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The 4-ft members of the mechanism are pin-connected at P1 P2

their centers. If vertical forces P1 = P2 = 30 lb act at C and
E as shown, determine the angle u for equilibrium. The
spring is unstretched when u = 45°. Neglect the weight of
the members. E C
k = 200 lb/ft

2 ft 2 ft

y = 4 sin u, x = 4 cos u 2 ft 2 ft

dy = 4 cos u du, dx = - 4 sin u du

dU = 0; - Fsdx - 30dy - 30dy = 0

3 -Fs1-4 sin u2 - 6014 cos u24du = 0

cos u
Fs = 60 a b
sin u

Since Fs = k14 cos u - 4 cos 45°2 = 20014 cos u - 4 cos 45°2

60 cos u = 8001cos u - cos 45°2sin u

sin u - 0.707 tan u - 0.075 = 0

u = 16.6° Ans.


u = 35.8° Ans.

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If each of the three links of the mechanism has a weight of 4 ft

20 lb, determine the angle u for equilibrium of the spring,
which, due to the roller guide, always remains horizontal
and is unstretched when u = 0°. k = 50 lb/ft 2 ft

4 ft

2 ft

x = 2 sin u, dx = 2 cos u du

y1 = 2 cos u, dy1 = - 2 sin u du

y2 = 4 cos u, dy2 = - 4 sin u du

¢x = 2 sin u

Fs = k¢x = 5012 sin u2 = 100 sin u

dU = 0; - 20dy2 - 2120dy12 - Fs dx = 0

32014 sin u2 + 2120212 sin u2 - Fs12 cos u24du = 0

3160 sin u - 200 sin u cos u4du = 0

Hence, sin u = 0; u = 0° Ans.

cos u = ; u = 36.9° Ans.

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When u = 20°, the 50-lb uniform block compresses the

two vertical springs 4 in. If the uniform links AB and CD
each weigh 10 lb, determine the magnitude of the applied
couple moments M needed to maintain equilibrium when k 2 lb/in. k 2 lb/ in.
u = 20°.
B D 1 ft
1 ft
1 ft
2 ft
Free Body Diagram: The system has only one degree of freedom defined by the M
4 ft
independent coordinate u. When u undergoes a positive displacement du, only the A C
spring forces Fsp, the weight of the block (50 lb), the weights of the links (10 lb) and
the couple moment M do work.

Virtual Displacements: The spring forces Fsp, the weight of the block (50 lb) and the
weight of the links (10 lb) are located from the fixed point C using position
coordinates y3, y2 and y1 respectively.

y3 = 1 + 4 cos u dy3 = -4 sin udu (1)

y2 = 0.5 + 4 cos u dy2 = -4 sin udu (2)

y1 = 2 cos u dy1 = - 2 sin udu (3)

Virtual–Work Equation: When y1, y2 and y3 undergo positive virtual displacements

dy1, dy2 and dy3, the spring forces Fsp, the weight of the block (50 lb) and the weights
of the links (10 lb) do negative work. The couple moment M does negative work
when the links undergo a positive virtual rotation du.

dU = 0; - 2Fspdy3 - 50dy2 - 20dy1 - 2Mdu = 0 (4)

Substituting Eqs. (1), (2) and (3) into (4) yields

(8Fsp sin u + 240 sin u - 2M) du = 0

Since du Z 0, then

8Fsp sin u + 240 sin u - 2M = 0

M = sin u(4Fsp + 120)

At the equilibrium position u = 20°, Fsp = kx = 2(4) = 8 lb.

M = sin 20°[4(8) + 120] = 52.0 lb # ft Ans.

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The thin rod of weight W rest against the smooth wall and
floor. Determine the magnitude of force P needed to hold it
in equilibrium for a given angle u. B


Free-Body Diagram: The system has only one degree of freedom defined by the
independent coordinate u. When u undergoes a positive displacement du, only the
weight of the rod W and force P do work.

Virtual Displacements: The weight of the rod W and force P are located from the
fixed points A and B using position coordinates yC and xA, respectively A θ

1 1
yC = sin u dyC = cos udu (1)
2 2

xA = l cos u dxA = - l sin udu (2)

Virtual-Work Equation: When points C and A undergo positive virtual displacements

dyC and dxA, the weight of the rod W and force F do negative work.

dU = 0; - WdyC - PdyA = 0 (3)

Substituting Eqs. (1) and (2) into (3) yields

aPl sin u - cos u b du = 0

Since du Z 0, then

Pl sin u - cos u = 0
P = cot u Ans.

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Determine the force F acting on the cord which is required

to maintain equilibrium of the horizontal 10-kg bar AB.
Hint: Express the total constant vertical length l of the cord
in terms of position coordinates s1 and s2. The derivative of s2
this equation yields a relationship between d1 and d2. s1


Free–Body Diagram: Only force F and the weight of link AB (98.1 N) do work.

Virtual Displacement: Force F and the weight of link AB (98.1 N) are located from
the top of the fixed link using position coordinates s2 and s1 . Since the cord has a
constant length, l, then

4s1 - s2 = l 4ds1 - ds2 = 0 (1)

Virtual–Work Equation: When s1 and s2 undergo positive virtual displacements ds1

and ds2 , the weight of link AB (98.1 N) and force F do positive work and negative
work, respectively.

dU = 0; 98.11ds12 - F1ds22 = 0 (2)

Substituting Eq. (1) into (2) yields

1 98.1 - 4F2 ds1 = 0

Since ds1 Z 0, then

98.1 - 4F = 0

F = 24.5 N Ans.

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Determine the angles u for equilibrium of the 1 ft

4-lb disk using the principle of virtual work. Neglect the 3 ft
weight of the rod.The spring is unstretched when u = 0° and B C
always remains in the vertical position due to the roller guide. A

k 50 lb/ft

Free Body Diagram: The system has only one degree of freedom defined by the
independent coordinate u. When u undergoes a positive displacement du, only the
spring force Fsp and the weight of the disk (4 lb) do work.

Virtual Displacements: The spring force Fsp and the weight of the disk (4 lb) are
located from the fixed point B using position coordinates yC and yA, respectively.

yC = 1 sin u dyC = cos udu (1)

yA = 3 sin u dyA = 3 cos udu (2)

Virtual -Work Equation: When points C and A undergo positive virtual

displacements dyC and dyA, the spring force Fsp does negative work while the weight
of the disk (4 lb) does positive work.

dU = 0; 4dyA - FspdyC = 0 (3)

Substituting Eqs. (1) and (2) into (3) yields

A 12 - Fsp B cos udu = 0 (4)

However, from the spring formula, Fsp = kx = 50(1 sin u) = 50 sin u. Substituting
this value into Eq. (4) yields

(12 - 50 sin u) cos udu = 0

Since du Z 0, then

12 - 50 sin u = 0 u = 13.9° Ans.

cos u = 0 u = 90° Ans.

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Each member of the pin-connected mechanism has a mass

of 8 kg. If the spring is unstretched when u = 0°, determine
the angle u for equilibrium. Set k = 2500 N>m and
M = 50 N # m.

300 mm B

300 mm
y1 = 0.15 sin u u
y2 = 0.3 sin u 300 mm C

dy1 = 0.15 cos u du

dy2 = 0.3 cos u du

dU = 0; 2(78.48) dy1 + 78.48dy2 - Fs dy2 + 50du = 0

[2(78.48)(0.15 cos u) + 78.48(0.3 cos u) - Fs(0.3 cos u) + 50] du = 0

47.088 cos u - Fs(0.3 cos u) + 50 = 0

Fs = 2500(0.3 sin u) = 750 sin u

47.088 cos u - 112.5 sin 2u + 50 = 0

Solving, u = 27.4° Ans.

or u = 72.7 Ans.

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Each member of the pin-connected mechanism has a mass

of 8 kg. If the spring is unstretched when u = 0°, determine
the required stiffness k so that the mechanism is in
equilibrium when u = 30°. Set M = 0. M

300 mm B

300 mm
y1 = 0.15 sin u, y2 = 0.3 sin u u
dy1 = 0.15 cos u du, dy2 = 0.3 cos u du 300 mm C

dU = 0; 2(78.48)dy1 + 78.48dy2 - Fs dy2 = 0

[2(78.48)(0.15 cos u) + 78.48(0.3 cos u) - Fs(0.3 cos u)] du = 0

u = 30°; Fs = k(0.3 sin 30°) = 0.15k

2(78.48)(0.15 cos 30°) + 78.48(0.3 cos 30°) - 0.15k(0.3 cos 30°) = 0

k = 1.05 kN>m Ans.

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The service window at a fast-food restaurant consists of glass

doors that open and close automatically using a motor which
supplies a torque M to each door. The far ends, A and B, a a a a
move along the horizontal guides. If a food tray becomes u u
stuck between the doors as shown, determine the horizontal
force the doors exert on the tray at the position u.

x = 2a cos u, dx = - 2a sin u du

dU = 0; -M du - F dx = 0

-M du + F (2a sin u)du = 0

F = Ans.
2a sin u

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If the spring is unstretched when u = 30°, the mass of the

cylinder is 25 kg, and the mechanism is in equilibrium when
u = 45°, determine the stiffness k of the spring. Rod AB
slides freely through the collar at A. Neglect the mass of the k
rods. A

B 0.6 m
Free-Body Diagram: When u undergoes a positive virtual angular displacement of du, u
the dash line configuration shown in Fig. a is formed. We observe that only the spring 0.45 m
force Fsp and the weight W of the cylinder do work when the virtual displacement C
takes place.
Virtual Displacement: The position of the point B at which WD and Fsp act is
specified by the position coordinates xB and yB, measured from the fixed point C.

xB = 0.45 sin u dxB = 0.45 cos udu (1)

yB = 0.45 cos u dyB = - 0.45 sin udu (2)

Virtual–Work Equation: In this case Fsp must be resolved into its horizontal and
vertical component, i.e. (Fsp)x = Fsp cos f and (Fsp)y = Fsp sin f. Since (Fsp)x and W
and act towards the negative sense of their corresponding virtual displacements, their
work is negative. However, (Fsp)y does positive work since it acts towards the positive
sense of its corresponding virtual displacement. Thus,

dU = 0; - Fsp cos fdxB + Fsp sin fdyB + (- WdyB) = 0 (3)

Substituting W = 25(9.81) = 245.25 N, Eqs. (1) and (2) into Eq. (3), we have

-Fsp cos f(0.45 cos udu) + Fsp sin f( -0.45 sin udu) - 245.25( -0.45 sin udu) = 0
du A 110.3625 sin u - 0.45Fsp( cos u cos f + sin u sin f) B = 0

Using the indentity cos (u - f) = cos u cos f + sin u sin f, the above equation can
be rewritten as

du A 110.3625 sin u - 0.45Fsp cos (u - f) B = 0

Since du Z 0, then

110.3625 sin u - 0.45Fsp cos (u - f) = 0

245.25 sin u
Fsp = (4)
cos (u - f)

Applying the law of cosines to the geometry shown in Fig. b, we have

AB = 20.452 + 0.62 - 2(0.45)(0.6) cos u

= 20.5625 - 0.54 cos u

Thus, the stretch of the spring is given by

x = 20.5625 - 0.54 cos 45° - 20.5625 - 0.54 cos 30°

= 0.1171 m

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11–16. (continued)

The magnitude of Fsp computed using the spring force formula is therefore

Fsp = kx = 0.1171 k

The angle f at u = 45° can be obtained by referring to the geometry shown in Fig. c.

0.6 - 0.45 cos 45°

tan f =
0.45 sin 45°
f = 41.53°

Substituting u = 45° and the results for Fsp and f into Eq. (4), we have

245.25 sin 45°

0.1171 k =
cos(45° - 41.53°)
k = 1484 N>m = 1.48 kN>m Ans.

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If the spring has a torsional stiffness of k = 300 N # m>rad k ! 300 N"m/rad

and it is unstretched when u = 90°, determine the angle u
when the frame is in equilibrium.

0.5 m
0.5 m
M ! 600 N"m
Free-Body Diagram: When u undergoes a positive virtual angular displacement of A C
du, the dash line configuration shown in Fig. a is formed. We observe that only
couple moment M and the torque M sp developed in the torsional spring do work
when the virtual displacement takes place. The magnitude of M sp can be computed
using the spring force formula,

Msp = k(2a) = 300 c 2a - u b d = 300(p - 2u)

Virtual Displacement: Since a = - u, then
da = - du (1)

Virtual–Work Equation: Since M and M sp act towards the negative sense of their
corresponding angular virtual displacements, their work is negative. Thus,

dU = 0; - Mdu + 2( -Mspda) = 0 (2)

Substituting M = 600 N # m, Msp = 300(p - 2u), and Eq. (1) into Eq. (2), we have

-600du - 2[300(p - 2u)](- du) = 0

du[-600 + 600(p - 2u)] = 0

Since du Z 0, then

-600 + 600(p - 2u) = 0

u = 1.071 rad = 61.4° Ans.

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A 5-kg uniform serving table is supported on each side by 250 mm 150 mm

pairs of two identical links, AB and CD, and springs CE. If
the bowl has a mass of 1 kg, determine the angle u where the
table is in equilibrium. The springs each have a stiffness of
k = 200 N>m and are unstretched when u = 90°. Neglect E
A C k
the mass of the links.

250 mm
u u
Free -Body Diagram: When u undergoes a positive virtual angular displacement of
du, the dash line configuration shown in Fig. a is formed. We observe that only the 150 mm
spring force Fsp, the weight Wt of the table, and the weight Wb of the bowl do work
when the virtual displacement takes place. The magnitude of Fsp can be computed
using the spring force formula, Fsp = kx = 200 A 0.25 cos u B = 50 cos u N.
Virtual Displacement: The position of points of application of Wb, Wt, and Fsp are
specified by the position coordinates yGb, yGt, and xC, respectively. Here, yGb and yGt
are measured from the fixed point B while xC is measured from the fixed point D.
yGb = 0.25 sin u + b dyGb = 0.25 cos udu (1)
yGt = 0.25 sin u + a dyGt = 0.25 cos udu (2)
xC = 0.25 cos u dxC = -0.25 sin udu (3)
Virtual Work Equation: Since Wb, Wt, and Fsp act towards the negative sense of
their corresponding virtual displacement, their work is negative. Thus,
dU = 0; -WbdyGb + A - WtdyGt B + A -FspdxC B = 0 (4)

1 5
Substituting Wb = a b(9.81) = 4.905 N, Wt = a b(9.81) = 24.525 N,
2 2
Fsp = 50 cos u N, Eqs. (1), (2), and (3) into Eq. (4), we have
-4.905(0.25 cos udu) - 24.525(0.25 cos udu) - 50 cos u( -0.25 sin udu) = 0
du A -7.3575 cos u + 12.5 sin u cos u B = 0
Since du Z 0, then
- 7.3575 cos u + 12.5 sin u cos u = 0
cos u( - 7.3575 + 12.5 sin u) = 0
Solving the above equation,
cos u = 0 u = 90° Ans.
- 7.3575 + 12.5 sin u = 0
u = 36.1° Ans.

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A 5-kg uniform serving table is supported on each side by 250 mm 150 mm

two pairs of identical links, AB and CD, and springs CE. If
the bowl has a mass of 1 kg and is in equilibrium when
u = 45°, determine the stiffness k of each spring. The springs
are unstretched when u = 90°. Neglect the mass of the links. E
A C k

250 mm
u u
Free -Body Diagram: When u undergoes a positive virtual angular displacement of
du, the dash line configuration shown in Fig. a is formed. We observe that only the 150 mm
spring force Fsp, the weight Wt of the table, and the weight Wb of the bowl do work
when the virtual displacement takes place. The magnitude of Fsp can be computed
using the spring force formula, Fsp = kx = k A 0.25 cos u B = 0.25 k cos u.
Virtual Displacement: The position of points of application of Wb, Wt, and Fsp are
specified by the position coordinates yGb, yGt, and xC, respectively. Here, yGb and yGt
are measured from the fixed point B while xC is measured from the fixed point D.
yGb = 0.25 sin u + b dyGb = 0.25 cos udu (1)
yGt = 0.25 sin u + a dyGt = 0.25 cos udu (2)
xC = 0.25 cos u dxC = -0.25 sin udu (3)
Virtual Work Equation: Since Wb, Wt, and Fsp act towards the negative sense of
their corresponding virtual displacement, their work is negative. Thus,
dU = 0; -WbdyGb + A - WtdyGt B + A -FspdxC B = 0 (4)

1 5
Substituting Wb = a b(9.81) = 4.905 N, Wt = a b(9.81) = 24.525 N,
2 2
Fsp = 0.25k cos u N, Eqs. (1), (2), and (3) into Eq. (4), we have
-4.905(0.25 cos udu) - 24.525(0.25 cos udu) - 0.25k cos u(-0.25 sin udu) = 0
du A -7.3575 cos u + 0.0625k sin u cos u B = 0
Since du Z 0, then
- 7.3575 cos u + 0.0625k sin u cos u = 0
k =
sin u
When u = 45°, then
k = = 166 N>m Ans.
sin 45°

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Determine the weight of block G required to balance the 4 in. 4 in. x

differential lever when the 20-lb load F is placed on the pan. C G
The lever is in balance when the load and block are not on A
the lever. Take x = 12 in. B


2 in.

Free-Body Diagram: When the lever undergoes a virtual angular displacement of F
du about point B, the dash line configuration shown in Fig. a is formed. We observe
that only the weight WG of block G and the weight WF of load F do work when the
virtual displacements take place.

Virtual Displacement: Since dyG is very small, the vertical virtual displacement of
block G and load F can be approximated as

dyG = (12 + 4)du = 16du (1)

dyF = 2du (2)

Virtual Work Equation: Since WG acts towards the positive sense of its
corresponding virtual displacement, its work is positive. However, force WF does
negative work since it acts towards the negative sense of its corresponding virtual
displacement. Thus,

dU = 0; WGdyG + A - WFdyF B = 0 (3)

Substituting WG = 20 lb and Eqs. (1) and (2) into Eq. (3),

WG A 16du B - 20(2du) = 0

du(16WG - 40) = 0

Since du Z 0, then

16WG - 40 = 0

WG = 2.5 lb Ans.

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If the load F weighs 20 lb and the block G weighs 4 in. 4 in. x

2 lb, determine its position x for equilibrium of the C G
differential lever. The lever is in balance when the load and A
block are not on the lever. B


2 in.

Free -Body Diagram: When the lever undergoes a virtual angular displacement of F
du about point B, the dash line configuration shown in Fig. a is formed. We observe
that only the weight WG of block G and the weight WF of load F do work when the
virtual displacements take place.

Virtual Displacement: Since dyG is very small, the vertical virtual displacement of
block G and load F can be approximated as

dyG = (4 + x)du (1)

dyF = 2du (2)

Virtual Work Equation: Since WG acts towards the positive sense of its
corresponding virtual displacement, its work is positive. However, force WF does
negative work since it acts towards the negative sense of its corresponding virtual
displacement. Thus,

dU = 0; WGdyG + A -WFdyF B = 0 (3)

Substituting WF = 20 lb, WG = 2 lb, Eqs.(1) and (2) into Eq. (3),

2(4 + x)du - 20(2du) = 0

du C 2(4 + x) - 40 D = 0

Since du Z 0, then

2(4 + x) - 40 = 0

x = 16 in. Ans.

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The dumpster has a weight W and a center of gravity at G.

Determine the force in the hydraulic cylinder needed to
hold it in the general position u.


s = 2a2 + c2 - 2a c cos (u + 90°)

= 2a2 + c2 + 2a c sin u
1 c
ds = (a2 + c2 + 2a c sin u)- 2 ac cos u du

y = (a + b) sin u + d cos u

dy = (a + b) cos u du - d sin u du

dU = 0; Fds - Wdy = 0
F(a2 + c2 + 2a c sin u)- 2 ac cos u du - W(a + b) cos u du + Wd sin u du = 0

W(a + b - d tan u)
F = a b 2a2 + c2 + 2a c sin u Ans.

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The crankshaft is subjected to a torque of M = 50 N # m.

Determine the horizontal compressive force F applied to
400 mm
the piston for equilibrium when u = 60°. 100 mm

(0.4)2 = (0.1)2 + x2 - 2(0.1)(x)(cos u)

0 = 0 + 2x dx + 0.2x sin u du - 0.2 cos u dx

dU = 0; -50du - Fdx = 0

For u = 60°, x = 0.4405 m

dx = - 0.09769 du Ans.

( -50 + 0.09769F) du = 0

F = 512 N Ans.

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The crankshaft is subjected to a torque of M = 50 N # m.

Determine the horizontal compressive force F and plot
400 mm
the result of F (ordinate) versus u (abscissa) for 100 mm
0° … u … 90°.

(0.4)2 = (0.1)2 + x 2 - 2(0.1)(x)(cos u) (1)

0 = 0 + 2x dx + 0.2x sin u du - 0.2 cos u dx

0.2x sin u
dx = a b du
0.2 cos u - 2x

dU = 0; -50du - Fdx = 0

0.2x sin u
-50du - Fa b du = 0, du Z 0
0.2 cos u - 2x

50(2x - 0.2 cos u)

F =
0.2x sin u

From Eq. (1)

x2 - 0.2x cos u - 0.15 = 0

0.2 cos u ; 20.04 cos2 u + 0.6

x = , since 20.04 cos2 u + 0.6 7 0.2 cos u

0.2 cos u + 20.04 cos2 u + 0.6

x =

500 20.04 cos2 u + 0.6

F = Ans.
(0.2 cos u + 20.04 cos2 u + 0.6) sin u

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Rods AB and BC have centers of mass located at their

midpoints. If all contacting surfaces are smooth and BC has C
a mass of 100 kg, determine the appropriate mass of AB
required for equilibrium.

1.5 m

0.75 m

1m 2m
x = 1.25 cos f; 3 - x = 2.5 cos u

3 - 1.25 cos f = 2.5 cos u

1.25 sin f df = - 2.5 sin u du

0.75 1.5
1.25a b df = - 2.5a bdu
1.25 2.5

0.75df = -1.5du

df = -2du

y1 = a b sin f

y2 = 1.25 sin u

dy1 = 0.625 cos f df

dy2 = 1.25 cos u du

dU = 0; -m(9.81)dy1 - 981dy2 = 0

- m(9.81)(0.625 cos f df) - 981( 1.25 cos u du) = 0

1 2
- m(9.81)(0.625)a b ( - 2du) - 981(1.25)a bdu = 0
1.25 2.5

[m(9.81) - 981]du = 0

m = 100 kg Ans.

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If the potential energy for a conservative one-degree-of-

freedom system is expressed by the relation
V = (4x 3 - x 2 - 3x + 10) ft # lb, where x is given in feet,
determine the equilibrium positions and investigate the
stability at each position.

V = 4x3 - x2 - 3x + 10

Equilibrium Position:

= 12x 2 - 2x - 3 = 0

2 ; 2(- 2)2 - 4(12)( -3)

x =

x = 0.590 ft and - 0.424 ft Ans.


d 2V
= 24x - 2
dx 2
At x = 0.590 ft = 24(0.590) - 2 = 12.2 7 0 Stable Ans.
d 2V
At x = - 0.424 ft = 24( -0.424) - 2 = - 12.2 6 0 Unstable Ans.
dx 2

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If the potential function for a conservative one-degree-of-

freedom system is V = 18x3 - 2x2 - 102 J, where x is
given in meters, determine the positions for equilibrium and
investigate the stability at each of these positions.

V = 8x3 - 2x2 - 10

= 24x2 - 4x = 0

124x - 42x = 0

x = 0 and x = 0.167 m Ans.

d 2V
= 48x - 4

d 2V
x = 0, = -4 6 0 Unstable Ans.

d 2V
x = 0.167 m, = 4 7 0 Stable Ans.

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If the potential function for a conservative one-degree-of-

freedom system is V = (12 sin 2u + 15 cos u) J,where
0° 6 u 6 180°, determine the positions for equilibrium and
investigate the stability at each of these positions.

V = 12 sin 2u + 15 cos u

= 0; 24 cos 2u - 15 sin u = 0

2411 - 2 sin2 u2 - 15 sin u = 0

48 sin2 u + 15 sin u - 24 = 0

Choosing the angle 0° 6 u 6 180°

u = 34.6° Ans.


u = 145° Ans.

= - 48 sin 2u - 15 cos u

u = 34.6°, = - 57.2 6 0 Unstable Ans.

d 2V
u = 145°, = 57.2 7 0 Stable Ans.

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The potential energy of a one-degree-of-freedom system is

defined by V = (20x3 - 10x2 - 25x - 10) ft # lb, where x is
in ft. Determine the equilibrium positions and investigate the
stability for each position.

Equilibrium Configuration: Taking the first derivative of V, we have
= 60x2 - 20x - 25
Equilibrium requires = 0. Thus,

60x 2 - 20x - 25 = 0
20 ; 3( -20)2 - 4(60)( - 25)
x =
x = 0.833 ft and - 0.5 ft Ans.
Stability: The second derivative of V is
= 120x - 20

At x = 0.8333 ft,

d2V 2
= 120(0.8333) - 20 = 80 7 0
dx2 x = 0.8333 ft

Thus, the equilibrium configuration at x = 0.8333 ft is stable. Ans.

At x = - 0.5ft,

d2V 2
= 120( - 0.5) - 20 = - 80 6 0
dx2 x = -0.5 ft

Thus, the equilibrium configuration at x = - 0.5 ft is unstable. Ans.

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If the potential function for a conservative one-degree-of-

freedom system is V = 110 cos 2u + 25 sin u2 J, where
0° 6 u 6 180°, determine the positions for equilibrium and
investigate the stability at each of these positions.

V = 10 cos 2u + 25 sin u

For equilibrium:

= - 20 sin 2u + 25 cos u = 0

1 -40 sin u + 252 cos u = 0

u = sin-1 a b = 38.7° and 141° Ans.


u = cos-1 0 = 90° Ans.


= - 40 cos 2u - 25 sin u

u = 38.7°, = - 24.4 6 0, Unstable Ans.

u = 141°, = - 24.4 6 0, Unstable Ans.

d 2V
u = 90°, = 15 7 0, Stable Ans.

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Determine the angle u for equilibrium and investigate the 600 mm

stability of the mechanism in this position. The spring has a
stiffness of k = 1.5 kN>m and is unstretched when u = 90°.
The block A has a mass of 40 kg. Neglect the mass of k
the links. B D

450 mm
C u E
Potential Function: With reference to the datum, Fig. a, the gravitational potential
energy of block A is positive since its center of gravity is located above the datum.
Here, y = (0.45 sin u + b) m, where b is a constant. Thus,

Vg = mgy = 40(9.81)(0.45 sin u + b) = 176.58 sin u + 392.4 b

1 2
The eleastic potential energy of spring BF can be computed using Ve = ks , where
s = 0.45 cos u m. Thus,
Ve = (1500)(0.45 cos u)2 = 151.875 cos2 u

The total potential energy of the system is

V = Vg + Ve = 176.58 sin u + 151.875 cos2 u + 392.4 b

Equilibrium Configuration: Taking the first derivative of V, we have

= 176.58 cos u - 303.75 cos u sin u

Equilibrium requires = 0. Thus,
176.58 cos u - 303.75 cos u sin u = 0
cos u(176.58 - 303.75 sin u) = 0
cos u = 0 u = 90° Ans.
176.58 - 303.75 sin u = 0
u = 35.54° = 35.5° Ans.
Stability: We can write = 176.58 cos u - 151.875 sin 2u. Thus, the second
derivative of V is

d 2V
= - 176.58 sin u - 303.75 cos 2u
d 2u
d2V 2
At u = 90°, = - 176.58 sin 90° - 303.75 cos 180° = 127.17 7 0
d2u u = 0°
= 127.17 7 0 Stable Ans.
d2V 2
At u = 35.54°, = - 176.58 sin 35.54° - 303.75 cos 71.09°
d2u u = 35.54°
= - 201.10 6 0 Unstable Ans.

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The spring of the scale has an unstretched length W

of a. Determine the angle u for equilibrium when a weight W
is supported on the platform. Neglect the weight of the
members. What value W would be required to keep
the scale in neutral equilibrium when u = 0°? L L

Potential Function: The datum is established at point A. Since the weight W is u u
above the datum, its potential energy is positive. From the geometry, the spring
stretches x = 2L sin u and y = 2L cos u.

V = Ve + Vg
1 2
= kx + Wy
= (k)(2 L sin u)2 + W(2L cos u)
= 2kL2 sin 2 u + 2WL cos u

Equilibrium Position: The system is in equilibrium if = 0.

= 4kL2 sin u cos u - 2WL sin u = 0

= 2kL2 sin 2u- 2WLsin u = 0


u = 0° or u = cos-1 a b Ans.

d2V 2
Stability: To have neutral equilibrium at u = 0°, = 0.
du2 u - 0°

d 2V
= 4kL2 cos 2 u - 2WL cos u

d 2V
2 = 4kL2 cos 0° - 2WLcos 0° = 0
du2 u - 0°

W = 2kL Ans.

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If the springs at A and C have an unstretched length of 10

in. while the spring at B has an unstretched length of 12 in.,
determine the height h of the platform when the system is
in equilibrium. Investigate the stability of this equilibrium
configuration. The package and the platform have a total
weight of 150 lb. h k1 20 lb/in.

SOLUTION k1 20 lb/in. k2 30 lb/in.

Potential Function: With reference to the datum, Fig. a, the gravitational potential
energy of the package and the platform is positive since their center of gravity is
located above the datum. Here, y = h + b where b is a constant. Thus,

Vg = Wy = 150(h + b) = 150h + 150b

1 2
The elastic potential energy for the springs can be computed using Ve =
ks . Here,
the compressions of the springs are sA = sC = (10 - h) in. and sB = (12 - h) in.

1 1
Ve = 2 c (20)(10 - h)2 d + (30)(12 - h)2
2 2

= 35h2 - 760h + 4160

The total potential energy of the system is

V = Vg + Ve = 35h2 - 760h + 4160 + 150h + 150b

Equilibrium Configuration: Taking the first derivative of V,

= 70h - 610

Equilibrium requires = 0. Thus,

70h - 610 = 0 h = 8.714 in. = 8.71 in. Ans.

Stability: The second derivative of V is

d 2V
= 70 7 0 Stable Ans.

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The spring is unstretched when u = 45° and has a stiffness 4 ft

of k = 1000 lb>ft. Determine the angle u for equilibrium if
each of the cylinders weighs 50 lb. Neglect the weight of the 2 ft D
members. 2 ft
u u
k E


Potential Function: With reference to the datum. Fig. a, the gravitational potential
energy of the cylinders is negative since their centers of gravity are located below
the datum. Here, y = 4 cos u + b, where b is constant. Thus,

Vg = ©Wy = - 2 C 50 A 4 cos u + b B D = - A 400 cos u + 100b B

The elastic potential energy of the spring can be computed using Vg = ks 2, where
s = 2 sin 45° - 2 sin u = 1.414 - 2 sin u. Thus,

Ve = (1000)(1.414 - 2 sin u)2 = 2000 sin2 u - 2828.43 sin u + 1000

The total potential energy of the system is

V = Vg + Ve = 2000 sin2 u - 2828.43 sin u - 400 cos u - 100b + 1000

Equilibrium Configuration: Taking the first derivative of V,

= 4000 sin u cos u - 2828.43 cos u + 400 sin u

Equilibrium requires = 0. Thus,

4000 sin u cos u - 2828.43 cos u + 400 sin u = 0

Solving by trial and error,

u = 38.8° Ans.

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The two bars each have a weight of 8 lb. Determine the

angle u for the equilibrium and investigate the stability at A
the equilibrium position. The spring has an unstretched
length of 1 ft.
2 ft

SOLUTION k = 30 lb/ft B

Potential Function: The datum is established at point A. Since the center of gravity
of the bars are below the datum, their potential energy is negative. Here,
y1 = 1 cos u ft, y2 = 2 cos u + 1 cos u = 3 cos u ft and the spring stretches 2 ft
x = 212 cos u2 - 1 = 14 cos u - 12 ft.

V = Ve + Vg
1 2
= kx - ©Wy

= 130214 cos u - 122 - 811 cos u2 - 813 cos u2

= 240 cos2 u - 152 cos u + 15

Equilibrium Position: The system is in equilibrium if = 0.

= - 480 sin u cos u + 152 sin u = 0

= - 240 sin 2u + 152 sin u = 0


u = 0° or u = 71.54° = 71.5°


= - 480 cos 2u + 152 cos u

d 2V
` = - 480 cos 0° + 152 cos 0° = -328 6 0
du2 u = 0°

Thus, the system is in unstable equilibrium at u = 0°. Ans.

` = - 480 cos 143° + 152 cos 71.54° = 431.23 7 0
du2 u = 71.54°

Thus, the system is in stable equilibrium at u = 71.5°. Ans.

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Determine the angle u for equilibrium and investigate the

stability at this position. The bars each have a mass of 3 kg
and the suspended block D has a mass of 7 kg. Cord DC has
a total length of 1 m. 500 mm 500 mm

u u


l = 500 mm
y1 = sin u
2 D
y2 = l + 2l(1 - cos u) = l(3 - 2 cos u)

V = 2Wy1 - WDy 2

= Wl sin u - WD l(3 - 2 cos u)

= l(W cos u - 2WD sin u) = 0
W 3(9.81)
tan u = = = 0.2143
2WD 14(9.81)

u = 12.1° Ans.

= l( -W sin u - 2WD cos u)

d 2V
u = 12.1°, = 0.5[-3(9.81) sin 12.1° - 14(9.81) cos 12.1°]

= - 70.2 6 0 Unstable Ans.

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The two bars each have a weight of 8 lb. Determine the B

required stiffness k of the spring so that the two bars are in
equilibrium when u = 30°. The spring has an unstretched
length of 1 ft.
2 ft 2 ft

u k
V = 2(8)(1 sin u) + k(4 cos u - 1)2

= 16 cos u + k(4 cos u - 1)( - 4 sin u)

= 16 cos u - 4k(4 cos u - 1) sin u

u = 30°, = 0

16 cos 30° - 4k(4 cos 30° - 1) sin 30° = 0

k = 2.81 lb>ft Ans.

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A homogeneous block rests on top of the cylindrical b

surface. Derive the relationship between the radius of the
cylinder, r, and the dimension of the block, b, for stable b
equilibrium. Hint: Establish the potential energy function
for a small angle u, i.e., approximate sin u L 0, and
cos u L 1 - u2>2.

Potential Function: The datum is established at point O. Since the center of gravity
for the block is above the datum, its potential energy is positive. Here,
y = a r + b cos u + ru sin u.

V = Wy = Wc a r + b cos u + ru sin u d [1]

For small angle u, sin u = u and u = 1 - . Then Eq. [1] becomes

b u2
V = WB ar + b ¢ 1 - ≤ + ru2 R
2 2

ru2 bu2 b
= Wa - + r + b
2 4 2

Equilibrium Position: The system is in equilibrium if = 0.

dV b
= W ar - b u = 0 u = 0°
du 2

Stability: To have stable equilibrium, 2 7 0.
du2 u = 0°

d2V b
2 = W ar - b 7 0
du2 u = 0° 2

ar - b 7 0

b 6 2r Ans.

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The assembly shown consists of a semicircular cylinder and

a triangular prism. If the prism weighs 8 lb and the cylinder
weighs 2 lb, investigate the stability when the assembly is
resting in the equilibrium position.
6 in.

8 in.
4 in.
OB = = 1.70 in.

OA = (6) = 2 in.

V = Vg = 8(4 + 2 cos u) + 2(4 - 1.70 cos u)

V = 40 + 12.6 cos u

= - 12.6 sin u = 0

u = 0° Ans. (for equilibrium)

d 2V
= - 12.6 cos u

At u = 0°,

d 2V
= - 12.6 6 0 Unstable Ans.

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A spring with a torsional stiffness k is attached tothe pin at

B. It is unstretched when the rod assembly is in the vertical
position. Determine the weight W of the block that results
in neutral equilibrium. Hint: Establish the potential energy L
function for a small angle u, i.e., approximate sin u L 0, and
cos u L 1 - u2>2.

Potential Function: With reference to the datum, Fig. a, the gravitational potential B

energy of the block is positive since its center of gravity is located above the datum. Here, L
L 3
the rods are tilted with a small angle u. Thus, y = cos u + L cos u = L cos u.
2 2 C
However, for a small angle u, cos u ! 1 -.Thus,
3 u2 3WL u2
Vg = Wy = W a Lb a 1 - b = a1 - b
2 2 2 2

The elastic potential energy of the torsional spring can be computed using
Ve = kb 2, where b = 2u. Thus,

Vg = k(2u)2 = 2ku2

The total potential energy of the system is

3WL u2
V = Vg + Ve = a 1 - b + 2ku2
2 2

Equilibrium Configuration: Taking the first derivative of V, we have

dV 3WL 3WL
= - u + 4ku = u a - + 4k b
du 2 2

Equilibrium requires = 0. Thus,
ua - + 4kb = 0
u = 0°

Stability: The second derivative of V is

d2V 3WL
= - + 4k
du2 2

d2V 2
To have neutral equilibrium at u = 0°, = 0. Thus,
du2 u = 0°
- + 4k = 0
W = Ans.

Note: The equilibrium configuration of the system at u = 0° is stable if

8k d2V 8k d2V
W< a 2 > 0 b and is unstable if W > a < 0b.
3L du 3L du2
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A spring having a stiffness k = 100 lb>ft and a cylinder A

weighing 100 lb are attached to the smooth collar. Determine
the smallest angle u for equilibrium and investigate the
stability at the equilibrium position. The spring has an
unstretched length of 2 ft. Neglect the weight of the collar. 2 ft k


Potential Function: With reference to the datum, Fig. a, the gravitational potential
energy of the cylinder is negative since its center of gravity is located below the
datum. Here, y = (b - 2 sin 2u) ft, where b is a constant.

Vg = - Wy = - 100(b - 2 sin 2u) = 200 sin 2u - 100b

1 2
The elastic potential energy of the spring can be computed using Ve = ks , where

s = AB - 2 = [2(2 cos u) - 2]ft = (4 cos u - 2)ft


Ve = (100)(4 cos u - 2)2 = 800 cos2 u - 800 cos u + 200

The total potential energy of the system is

V = Vg + Ve = 200 sin 2u + 800 cos2 u - 800 cos u - 100b + 200

Equilibrium Configuration: Taking the first derivative of V, we have

= 400 cos 2u - 1600 cos u sin u + 800 sin u

= 400 cos 2u - 800 sin u = 0

Equilibrium requires = 0. Thus,

400 cos 2u - 800 sin 2u + 800 sin u = 0

Solving by trial and error, we obtain

u = 23.91° = 23.9° Ans.

Stability: The second derivative of V is

= - 800 sin 2u - 1600 cos 2u + 800 cos u

At the equilibrium configuration of u = 23.91°,

d2V 2
= - 800 sin 47.82° - 1600 cos 47.82° + 800 cos 23.91°
du2 u = 23.91°
= - 935.83 > 0 Unstable Ans.
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The small postal scale consists of a counterweight W1,

connected to the members having negligible weight.
Determine the weight W2 that is on the pan in terms of the
angles u and f and the dimensions shown. All members are
pin connected. a f

y1 = b cos u
y2 = a sin f = a sin (90° - u - g)

where g is a constant and f = (90° - u - g)

V = -W1y1 + W2y2

= -W1 b cos u + W2 a sin (90° - u - g)

= W1 b sin u - W2 a cos (90° - u - g)

b sin u
W2 = W1 a b Ans.
a cos f

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If the spring has a torsional stiffness k = 300 N # m>rad and is

unwound when u = 90°, determine the angle for equilibrium
if the sphere has a mass of 20 kg. Investigate the stability at 300 mm
this position. Collar C can slide freely along the vertical guide. D
Neglect the weight of the rods and collar C.

C 300 mm

u k
Potential Function: With reference to the datum, Fig. a, the gravitational potential B
energy of the sphere is positive its center of gravity is located above the datum. Here,
y = (0.3 sin (u>2) + 0.6 sin (u>2))m = (0.9 sin (u/2)). Thus,
A 300 mm
Vg = mgy = 20(9.81)(0.9 sin u>2) = 176.58 sin (u>2)

The elastic potential energy of the torsional spring can be computed using Ve = kb 2,
where b = - u. Thus,
1 p
Ve = 300 ¢ - u ≤ = 150u2 - 150pu + 37.5p2
2 2
The total potential energy of the system is

V = Vg + Ve = 176.58 sin (u/2) + 150u2 - 150pu + 37.5p2

Equilibrium Configuration: Taking the first derivative of V, we have

= 88.29 cos (u/2) + 300u - 150p
Equilibrium requires = 0, Thus,

88.29 cos (u/2) + 300u - 150p = 0

Solving by trial and error, we obtain

u = 1.340 rad = 76.78° = 76.8° Ans.

Stability: The second derivative of V is
= - 44.145 sin (u/2) + 300

At the equilibrium configuration of u = 76.78°,

d 2V 2
= - 44.14 sin 38.39° + 300 = 272.58 7 0 Stable Ans.
du2 u = 76.78°

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The truck has a mass of 20 Mg and a mass center at G.

Determine the steepest grade u along which it can park
without overturning and investigate the stability in this

3.5 m

Potential Function: The datum is established at point A. Since the center of gravity 1.5 m
for the truck is above the datum, its potential energy is positive. Here, 1.5 m
y = (1.5 sin u + 3.5 cos u) m. u

V = Vg = Wy = W(1.5 sin u + 3.5 cos u)

Equilibrium Position: The system is in equilibrium if = 0

= W(1.5 cos u - 3.5 sin u) = 0

Since W Z 0,

1.5 cos u - 3.5 sin u = 0

u = 23.20° = 23.2° Ans.


= W(-1.5 sin u - 3.5 cos u)

2 = W(-1.5 sin 23.20° - 3.5 cos 23.20°) = -3.81W 6 0
du2 u = 23.20°

Thus, the truck is in unstable equilibrium at u = 23.2° Ans.

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The cylinder is made of two materials such that it has a mass

of m and a center of gravity at point G. Show that when G
lies above the centroid C of the cylinder, the equilibrium is
unstable. G

Potential Function: The datum is established at point A. Since the center of gravity
of the cylinder is above the datum, its potential energy is positive. Here,
y = r + d cos u.

V = Vg = Wy = mg(r + d cos u)

Equilibrium Position: The system is in equilibrium if = 0.

= - mgd sin u = 0

sin u = 0 u = 0°


d 2V
= - mgd cos u

d 2V 2
= - mgd cos 0° = - mgd 6 0
du2 u = 0°
Thus, the cylinder is in unstable equilibrium at u = 0° (Q.E.D.)

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If each of the three links of the mechanism has a weight W,

determine the angle u for equilibrium. The spring, which
always remains vertical, is unstretched when u = 0°.

y1 = a sin u dy1 = a cos u du

y2 = 2a + a sin u dy2 = a cos u du 2a

y3 = 2a + 2a sin u dy3 = 2a cos u du

Fs = ka sin u

dU = 0; (W - Fs)dy1 + Wdy2 + Wdy3 = 0

(W - ka sin u)a cos u du + Wa cos u du + W(2a)cos u du = 0

Assume u 6 90°, so cos u Z 0.

4W - ka sin u = 0

u = sin-1 a b Ans.


u = 90° Ans.

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If the uniform rod OA has a mass of 12 kg, determine the

mass m that will hold the rod in equilibrium when u = 30°. B
Point C is coincident with B when OA is horizontal. Neglect
the size of the pulley at B.

Geometry: Using the law of cosines, A
lA¿B = 212 + 32 - 2112132 cos190° - u2 = 210 - 6 sin u
2 2
lAB = 21 + 3 = 210 m

l = lAB - lA¿B = 210 - 210 - 6 sin u

Potential Function: The datum is established at point O. Since the center of gravity
of the rod and the block are above the datum, their potential energy is positive.

Here, y1 = 3 - l = 33 - 1 210 - 210 - 6 sin u24 m and y2 = 0.5 sin u m.

V = Vg = W1y1 + W2y2

= 9.81m33 - 1210 - 210 - 6 sin u24 + 117.7210.5 sin u2

= 29.43m - 9.81m1210 - 210 - 6 sin u2 + 58.86 sin u

Equilibrium Position: The system is in equilibrium if

` = 0.
du u = 30°

dV 1 1
= - 9.81m c - 110 - 6 sin u2- 21 -6 cos u2 d + 58.86 cos u
du 2

29.43m cos u
= - + 58.86 cos u
210 - 6 sin u

At u = 30°,

dV 29.43m cos 30°

` = - + 58.86 cos 30° = 0
du u = 30° 210 - 6 sin 30°
m = 5.29 kg Ans.

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The triangular block of weight W rests on the smooth

corners which are a distance a apart. If the block has three
equal sides of length d, determine the angle u for 60
G 60

AF = AD sin f = AD sin (60° - u)

AD a
sin a sin 60°

AD = (sin (60° + u))
sin 60°

AF = (sin (60° + u)) sin (60° - u)
sin 60°

= (0.75 cos2 u - 0.25 sin2 u)
sin 60°

y= cos u - AF

V = Wy

dV a
= Wc( -0.5774 d) sin u - ( -1.5 sin u cos u - 0.5 sin u cos u)d = 0
du sin 60°

Require, sin u = 0 u = 0° Ans.

or - 0.5774 d - ( - 2 cos u) = 0
sin 60°

u = cos-1 a b Ans.

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Two uniform bars, each having a weight W, are pin-

connected at their ends. If they are placed over a smooth
cylindrical surface, show that the angle u for equilibrium
must satisfy the equation cos u>sin3 u = a>2r. a a

V = 2Wa r csc u - cos u b

dV a
= 2W a - r csc u cot u + sin u b = 0
du 2

cos u a
ra 2
b = sin u
sin u 2

cos u a
= (Q.E.D)
sin3 u 2r

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The spring attached to the mechanism has an unstretched

length when u = 90°. Determine the position u for C
equilibrium and investigate the stability of the mechanism
at this position. Disk A is pin connected to the frame at B 1.25 ft
and has a weight of 20 lb.
u u
k 16 lb/ft


Potential Function: The datum is established at point C. Since the center of gravity 1.25 ft
of the disk is below the datum, its potential energy is negative. Here, A
y = 2(1.25 cos u) = 2.5 cos u ft and the spring compresses x = (2.5 - 2.5 sin u) ft. B

V = Ve + Vg

1 2
= kx - Wy

= (16)(2.5 - 2.5 sin u)2 - 20(2.5 cos u)

= 50 sin2u - 100 sin u - 50 cos u + 50

Equilibrium Position: The system is in equilibrium if = 0.

= 100 sin u cos u - 100 cos u + 50 sin u = 0

= 50 sin 2u - 100 cos u + 50 sin u = 0

Solving by trial and error,

u = 37.77° = 37.8°


= 100 cos 2u + 100 sin u + 50 cos u

d2V 2
= 100 cos 75.55° + 100 sin 37.77° + 50 cos 37.77°
du2 u = 37.77°

= 125.7 7 0

Thus, the system is in stable equilibrium at U = 37.8° Ans.

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If the potential energy for a conservative one-degree-

of- freedom system is expressed by the relation
V = 124 sin u + 10 cos 2u2 ft # lb, 0° … u … 180°, determine
the equilibrium positions and investigate the stability at each

V = 24 sin u+ 10 cos 2u

Equilibrium Position:

= 24 cos u - 20 sin 2u = 0
24 cos u - 40 sin u cos u = 0

cos u(24 - 40 sin u) = 0

cos u = 0 u = 90° Ans.

24 - 40 sin u = 0 u = 36.9° Ans.


= -40 cos 2 u - 24 sin u

At u = 90° = -40 cos 180° - 24 sin 90° = 16 7 0 Stable Ans.

At u = 36.9° = - 40 cos 73.7° - 24 sin 36.9 = - 25.6 6 0 Unstable Ans.

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The toggle joint is subjected to the load P. Determine the

compressive force F it creates on the cylinder at A as a
function of u.

x = 2L cos u

dx = - 2L sin u du

y = L sin u

dy = L cos u du

dU = 0; - Pdy - Fdx = 0

-PL cos u du - F1- 2L sin u2du = 0

- P cos u + 2F sin u = 0

F = Ans.
2 tan u

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The uniform right circular cone having a mass m is

suspended from the cord as shown. Determine the angle u
at which it hangs from the wall for equilibrium. Is the cone
in stable equilibrium?

3a a
V = - a cos u + sin ub mg
2 4
dV 3a a a
= - a - sin u + cos u b mg = 0
du 2 4

3 sin u = 0.5 cos u

tan u = 0.1667

u = 9.46° Ans.

d2V 3a a
= -a- cos u - sin u b mg
du 2 4

u = 9.46°, = 1.52 a mg 7 0

Stable Ans.

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The assembly shown consists of a semicylinder and a

rectangular block. If the block weighs 8 lb and the
semicylinder weighs 2 lb, investigate the stability when the
assembly is resting in the equilibrium position. Set h = 4 in.

10 in.

4 in.
d = = 1.698 in.

V = Vg = 2(4 - 1.698 cos u) + 8(4 + 2 cos u)

= 3.395 sin u - 16 sin u = 0

sin u = 0

u = 0° (equilibrium position)

= 3.395 cos u - 16 cos u

d 2V
At u = 0°, = - 12.6 6 0 Unstable Ans.

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The 2-lb semicylinder supports the block which has a

specific weight of g = 80 lb>ft3. Determine the height h of
the block which will produce neutral equilibrium in the
position shown.

10 in.

4 in.
d = = 1.698 in.

1 h
V = Vg = 2(4 - 1.698 cos u) + c 80 a 3
b h(8)(10) d a 4 + cos u b
12 2

= 3.395 sin u - 1.852 h2 sin u = 0

sin u = 0

u = 0° (equilibrium position)

d 2V
= 3.395 cos u - 1.852 h2 cos u = 0

h = = 1.35 in. Ans.
A 1.852

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If the potential energy for a conservative one-degree-of-

freedom system is expressed by the relation
V = (24 sin u + 10 cos 2u) ft # lb, 0° … u … 90°, determine
the equilibrium positions and investigate the stability at
each position.

V = 24 sin u + 10 cos 2u

Equilibrium Position:

= 24 cos u - 20 sin 2u = 0

24 cos - 40 sin u cos u = 0

cos u(24 - 40 sin u) = 0

cos u = 0 u = 90° Ans.

24 - 40 sin u = 0 u = 36.9° Ans.


d 2V
= -40 cos 2u - 24 sin u
At u = 90° = - 40 cos 180° - 24 sin 90° = 16 7 0 Stable Ans.
At u = 36.9° = - 40 cos 73.7° - 24 sin 36.9° = -25.6 6 0 Unstable Ans.

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If the potential energy for a conservative one-degree-of-

freedom system is expressed by the relation
V = (3y 3 + 2y2 - 4y + 50) J, where y is given in meters,
determine the equilibrium positions and investigate the
stability at each position.

Potential Function:

V = 3y3 + 2y2 - 4y + 50

Equilibrium Configuration: Taking the first derivative of V,

= 9y2 + 4y - 4 = 0


y = 0.481 m, y = - 0.925 m Ans.

Stability: The second derivative of V is

= 18y + 4

d 2V
At y = 0.481 m , = 12.6 7 0 Stable Ans.
d 2V
At y = -0.925 m , = - 12.6 6 0 Unstable Ans.

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The punch press consists of the ram R, connecting rod AB,

and a flywheel. If a torque of M = 50 N # m is applied to the B 0.4 m
flywheel, determine the force F applied at the ram to hold R
0.1 m
the rod in the position u = 60°. u


Free Body Diagram: The system has only one degree of freedom defined by the
independent coordinate u. When u undergoes a positive displacement du, only force
F and 50 N # m couple moment do work.

Virtual Displacements: The force F is located from the fixed point A using the
position coordinate xA. Using the law of cosines,

0.4 2 = x 2A + 0.12 - 2(xA)(0.1) cos u (1)

Differentiating the above expression, we have

0 = 2xA dxA - 0.2dxA cos u + 0.2xA sin udu

0.2xA sin u
dxA = du (2)
0.2 cos u - 2xA

Virtual -Work Equation: When point A undergoes positive virtual displacement

dxA, force F does negative work. The 50 N # m couple moment does negative work
when the flywheel undergoes a positive virtual rotation du.

dU = 0; - FdxA - 50du = 0 (3)

Substituting Eq. (2) into (3) yields

0.2xA sin u
a- F - 50 bdu = 0
0.2 cos u - 2xA

Since du Z 0, then

0.2xA sin u
- F - 50 = 0
0.2 cos u - 2xA

50(0.2 cos u - 2xA)

F = - (4)
0.2xA sin u

At the equilibrium position, u = 60°. Substituting into Eq. (1), we have

0.4 2 = x 2A + 0.12 - 2(xA)(0.1) cos 60°

xA = 0.4405 m

Substituting the above results into Eq. (4),we have

50[0.2 cos 60° - 2(0.4405)]

F = - = 512 N Ans.
0.2(0.4405) sin 60°

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The uniform bar AB weighs 100 lb. If both springs DE and

k 4 lb/in.
BC are unstretched when u = 90°, determine the angle u B
for equilibrium using the principle of potential energy. C
Investigate the stability at the equilibrium position. Both
springs always remain in the horizontal position due to the
roller guides at C and E.
4 ft
k 2 lb/in. D

Potential Function: The datum is established at point A. Since the center of gravity A 2 ft
of the beam is above the datum, its potential energy is positive. Here, y = (3 sin u) ft,
the spring at D stretches xD = (2 cos u) ft and the spring at B compresses
x = (6 cos u) ft.

V = Ve + Vg

= © kx2 + Wy

1 1
= (24) (2 cos u)2 + (48) (6 cos u)2 + 100(3 sin u)
2 2

= 912 cos2u + 300 sin u

Equilibrium Position: The system is in equilibrium if = 0.

= -1824 sin u cos u + 300 cos u = 0

= -912 sin 2u + 300 cos u = 0


u = 90° or u = 9.467° = 9.47°


= -1824 cos 2u - 300 sin u

d 2V
2 = -1824 cos 180° - 300 sin 90° = 1524 7 0
du2 u = 90°

Thus, the system is in stable equilibrium at u = 90°. Ans.

d 2V
2 = -1824 cos 18.933° - 300 sin 9.467° = -1774.7 6 0
du2 u = 9.467°

Thus, the system is in unstable equilibrium at u = 9.47°. Ans.

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The uniform bar AB weighs 10 lb. If the attached spring is

unstretched when u = 90°, use the method of virtual work
and determine the angle u for equilibrium. Note that the B
k ! 5 lb/ft
spring always remains in the vertical position due to the 4 ft
roller guide.
4 ft

y = 4 sin u

dy = 4 cos u du

Fs = 5(4 - 4sin u)

dU = 0; -10dy + Fsdy = 0

[- 10 + 20(1 - sin u)](4 cos u du) = 0

cos u = 0 and 10 - 20 sin u = 0

u = 90° u = 30° Ans.

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by
Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system,
or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to:
Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

The uniform bar AB has a weight of 10 lb. If the attached

spring is unstretched when u = 90°, use the principle of
potential energy and determine the angle u for equilibrium. B
k 5 lb/ft
Investigate the stability of the rod when it is in the 4 ft
equilibrium position. Note that the spring always remains in
the vertical position due to the roller guide.
4 ft

y = 4 sin u

V = 10(4 sin u) + (5)(4 - 4 sin u)2

= 40 cos u + 5(4 - 4 sin u)( -4 cos u)

Require, = 0

40 cos u - 20(4 - 4 sin u) cos u = 0

cos u = 0 or 40 - 80(1 - sin u) = 0

u = 90°, or u = 30° Ans.

d 2V
= -40 sin u + 5(4 - 4 sin u)(4 sin u) + 5( -4 cos u)(-4 cos u)

d 2V
= -40 sin u + 80(1 - sin u) sin u + 80 cos2 u

d 2V
u = 90°, = - 40 6 0 Unstable Ans.

d 2V
u = 30°, = 60 7 0 Stable Ans.

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by
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or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to:
Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

The uniform links AB and BC each weigh 2 lb and the B

cylinder weighs 20 lb. Determine the horizontal force P
required to hold the mechanism at u = 45°. The spring has
an unstretched length of 6 in.
10 in. 10 in.

u k = 2 lb/in. C
Free Body Diagram: The system has only one degree of freedom defined by the
independent coordinate u. When u undergoes a positive displacement du, only the
spring force Fsp, the weight of links (2 lb), 20 lb force and force P do work.

Virtual Displacements: The positions of points B, D and C are measured from the
fixed point A using position coordinates yB, yD and xC respectively.

yB = 10 sin u dyB = 10 cos udu (1)

yD = 5 sin u dyD = 5 cos udu (2)

xC = 2(10 cos u) dxC = - 20 sin udu (3)

Virtual -Work Equation: When points B, D and C undergo positive virtual

displacements dyB, dyD and dxC, spring force Fsp that acts at point C, the weight of
links (2 lb) and 20 lb force do negative work while force P does positive work.

dU = 0; - Fsp dxC - 2(2dyD) - 20dyB + PdxC = 0 (4)

Substituting Eqs. (1), (2) and (3) into (4) yields

A 20Fsp sin u - 20P sin u - 220 cos u B du = 0 (5)

However, from the spring formula, Fsp = kx = 2[2(10 cos u) - 6] = 40 cos u - 12.
Substituting this value into Eq. (5) yields

(800 sin u cos u - 240 sin u - 220 cos u - 20P sin u) du = 0

Since du Z 0, then

800 sin u cos u - 240 sin u - 220 cos u - 20P sin u = 0

P = 40 cos u - 11 cot u - 12

At the equilibrium position, u = 45°. Then

P = 40 cos 45° - 11 cot 45° - 12 = 5.28 lb Ans.

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by
Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system,
or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to:
Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

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