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innovation (n) oe ela [piracy (n) “214 /ike,2)| good-natured (ad) cheat (v/n) Aue / fia Sé/ 15) stereotype G]immersive(adj) ale ages] fomission (n) stam 33845 /Jtal| prejudice (n) 387 65] surround (v) Se lannounce(v) we 7 meu/ Stes] cheerful (adj) C/ eéise| immerse (v) celal pai) mislead (v) £8y/ Shay |grumpy (adj) __Bit+/4a7s&i]implement (v) 3 inaccurate (adj) Gx [petrified (adj) >= lar iF | mass-produced casualty o/s e904) 4 [patient (adj) ai/ se [approach (n) [claim (v/n) lea! oty/ clay | cross (adj) 3H) 048E|spectacularlylady) BJS demandivin) til xiley wiles qualified (adi) #i|inconvenientiadi) Ome ruin (vin) lar / ati] qualify (v) dai|process (mn) Sixt p+ Alaa alas compensate (v) ‘Bi, 2m confident (adj) Gy artificial intelligence =4a27e3 bias (v/n) iss ess Jab | confidence(n} ‘ilexperiment (vin) i /ao%e convict (win) G47 044] role model (n) | Sie7 isa sensor (n) lo Tier / pata violate(v) #u lecturer (n) 226 astronaut (n) aka trap wn) Saas $3 alsa’ jeu | tournament (n) is:| spacecraft (n) sae! investigate (v) [Grand Slams So universe (n) Ee) tabloid (n} round (n) 35,237 We | astronomer (n) saa broadsheet (n) impatient (adj) 2#228|solar system (n)___ =SIAeyal state (v/n) ——_»252/c may/20y9/Wl>| cruel (adj) ~4|surface (n) aa placement (nl 132i] contribution (nl Baakelchargev) Seon i ait incident (n) Sie Fay Gale laward(v)(n) _ site lay ALE se [records (nm) Beato highlight (w/in) 345>/eariia/in|obtain(v) tiny ole Jae | operation (n) Grip Aas mention (v) 223] spark(v) (n) ‘Js5y/3is2 surrounding (n) a whilst (conj) SV ily eal defylv) S4edy/ 4l| surgeon (surgery) (n)_ @>L2)c\| [celebrity (n) ye teat|challenginglad]) —_ =+/-a6|beyond imagination Jee. court (n) Basar) wal! rank (v/n) ua / 443,| curious(adj) oy support (v/n) seal dilay/ assy fascinating (adj) &[competitive(adj) at impact (v/n) 207 3i/impressive (adi) 2#+| distant (adj) spintv/n) —_38/Ga5/ Ga4/ 2944/40] well-behaved(ad)) ‘=3+| opportunities(n) ferme (n) ‘a2 [significant (adj) #13 audience (n) [criminal (n) (adj) aie fair(adj) (n) ee Jae visuals (n) objective (adj) =x inspire(v) | conquer(v) shocked(adj) #-4e+|inspiringladi) £4/ s¢¢| packaging (n) balanced (adj) ale Gils! graph (n) gm] display (v)(n) nosy (adj) aie | physics (n) +458 applications (n) lextract (v/n) ais zis] physicist (n) aul science fiction (n) factual (adj) ae / | treat (v) Blay eles] evidence (n) illegal (adj) +28 treatment (n) Asia ¢6| balance (viin) stressed (adj) 5s | mentallad)) ‘e8=| constantly(adv) strict (adj) eps survey (n) iia] permanent(adi) jafford (v) (Gil Juxiy| scholarship (n) ‘yale axis] survive(v) well-being (n) it pir aya chi| productive (adj) frown(v) ua! Mace lal sn / Sus| productivity (n) pout (vin) mute (adj) Cals / Spall <3] change (v/n) RE a 2a burnout (n) yet Shay! =! switch (turn) .... on Jez]assess (v) oh Sa d/l scold(v) ‘Ge switch(tumn)... off (als: [decline (vin) __ aia 70a pala [cope with (n) ‘eslity/turn .. down Zt efficient (adj) Tae alter (v) stg Joa a4| turn. UP syn Gee) ha] efficiency (n) aS self-care. Stay autall| catch up with hw 4] raise (v) ea) self-management (mn) 4013)4!| look into ations / Gay! sardi| vary (v) ells lig 1 ity stress (v/n) 368) 3s] keep up S| various (adj) eo stressed (adj) see syd ya| plug in Jon / | variety (n) ey alates stressful (adj) _ -—=<3~.55'—-| employee (n) Bylstate(vn) eso Scns ime management __=413)81| employer (n) Gases] fend (v) Der ade mental health ‘sia |Togical (adj) ee |performance eb aet7 ol frustrated sa si] interrupt (v) a] lexperience (Wn) aa 5 [i = ts)| procrastination _ gs setar eka resilience (n) xylold-fashioned (adj) 5%4»| procrastinate Sea’ 5i/ dole suppose (v) 24 technical (adj) A Zl analyse (v) oe [chemicals (n) 3 communicate 25] analysis (n} as [clear off(v) /S,ai]interpersonal 5712754] evaluate (v) a anxious (adj) 5] version (n) ‘Sat Jae! inevitable hie ye ao [promote (v) cin ss 664 software (n) ‘@a|records (nl oa lexhaustion(n) | virtual meeting RapaTANE | eyelists (n) Se) lexhausted(adj) By|decline vain/ vail sai] early birds =e [contagious (adi) ‘=| welfare officer alaatlJsiaa| depression (n) Tol [perception (n) Wal discussion (n) "its [response (n) ea |gratitude (n) je 383< | delay (v/n) 87255] specific (adj) 3a potential (n) 3.5 [share (v/n) 3740/20] anxiety (n) oe perfectionist (n) Jaco | clarification (n) 2s] force (v/n) Spl) shel ne lassume (v) a] respond (v/n) yieial/ Gurns| distracted aN Fae participant (n) 23] ecarry oniv) alsignificantly Bae JS Ws optimistic (adj) lz motivate (v) 3éu| strategyin) Rak Rail influence (v/n) 7/286 schedule (n) (v) dieu 7 Joe [awareness Er) [urgent (adj) Gib et |independently a4 JS | effectiveness (n) et priority (n) 2yssi| repetitive 225% error (n) is counsellor (n) sins access (n) teed] delay (v/n) in 5 demonstrate (v) _»#la/ G2/ een | reliable (adj) 43s] excuse (v/n) ERE factors (n) patie’ xe |labour market SiS attach (v) oy brainstorm (n) it iee advent (n) psi 62] evidence (n) a) technique (n) ashi 235] substitute (v) J24]reflection (n) eal [psychologist Sab |emerge (v) 2#[chaos (n) an disappoint (v) Abies ss [ancestors (n) Ei permission (n) ware trick (v/n) est ea | separate (Vv) ai rence saa |struggle (v/n) cla podcast (n) iii] mental/mentally ale 7 ta lexcerpts (n) ___Stsaiv/ GUL] mind map (n) aims | progress (n) rc] maintain (v) Biley| individual (n) watts ayl] grade(y) rst qlya edu / Shoal 2p. ( ( ) eG aie OD... [councillor (n) walseyae|measure it’ bis skaw/ele'| passionate(adi) [challenge (v)in) S57 GeR[inter (nl) __ Jes” JS eos life-changing challenging (adj) _ -=2/G%23|internship (n) ‘4-538 | life experience lovercome (v) i/o [candidate (n) contribute (v) [elegant (adi) ae Sl] curriculum vitae(Cv) contribution (n} lachievement (n) 3651 325 | work experience Sai5S [common sense 2S morsissae value (v)(n) 4d ai be charged +7 66 direction (career) gee valuable (adj) ‘Aadis3/ abe in charge of eUse[reinvent (v) ss / tsa Gat inspire (v) ‘Soy s¢4| charity work éae Jas | wise (adj) — inspiration (n) 23/88) apply (v) wisdom (n) ne inspiring (adj) #+|applicant (n) ‘employment (n) =) impress(v) ets 2547 93 | application (n) generation (n) ase impression (n) ehdas! qualify (v) entrepreneur eer) impressive(adj) _2##/ix=)0 a| qualified (adj) entrepreneurshipin) _Ju=wib) [powerlifting JZ31q3 | qualifications (n) ‘=u entrepreneurialladj) 5) [polio (n) JGsIE|personal statement 23k | motivation (n) [procedures (n) Sicha! individual (adj) 827323 knowledge (n) as [consult(v) 2 [ full-time (adi) ‘Siri |working knowledge Js significant (adj) ésisivbyxh7la/ part-time (adj) iris | pandemic (n) ae [administrative (adi) S51] disaster (n) 35,1 [resilience (n) Er) paraphrase (v) >=/e53[ nursing (n) ==> pointiess(ad)) Fail Sy aaa 3] quality (nm) 2welt/ Aan axes / 3442 [digital marketing ASI!» agile(adj) Ae aes 58,| quote (v) pai! satis 6p | Colleague (n) wl existtv) signpost (n) ‘WaY/24e 755i [advanced (adj) | respectin) (v) [summarise (v) ‘vail | grade (n) (v) en Gan %| potential (n) [sponsor (n) Wal enh] excellence (n) 41/355] ingredients (n) independent (adj) Jaw department (n) «i[involve(v) yy lly 7 pasa facilities (mn) Hky/ Glia’ 59465] participate(v) Ly /aalug| debate (n) Byles / Aalie ALa pause (vjin) is na Gis|profile (n) ve 5635/ Gsargument (n) oe memorize (v) iy [base (vin) 60 / 57 cs/ative (adj) =| multiplication — 5&5/ a ai/ks [interests (n) Stskca)| tough (adi) ol cae feedback (n) ae 778358 [hobbies (n) ‘Suia[ distance (n} aa competition (n) ‘Aaja / dudlie | resources (n) al |recipe (n) auas| indicate (v) (GE J-27 915 | multinational (adj) publish (v) = trust (viin) ‘i FJ achievable(adj) [creative (adj) tu motivate (v) 3 |lane(n) joptimistic(adj) ila 7 Sila ceremony (n) sn lio! a! | concise(adj) vehicles (n) Shee»! diagram (n) gles [factors (n) regretin)(v) arpa visual aids unas Sikes | pave (v) [qualities (n) Gila galls evaluate (v) 2st et | lack (n) (v) | celebrate (v) ding [perseverance (n) “u3< [create (v) Zalignore W) determination (n)___5}»1/ 4w5<| editorial (n) [consider (v) lenthusiasticabout_ =| graduate (v){n) =| partner (n) role model %3/appropriately(adv) ©“ JS4|discussion (n) Ere » ) ( picturesque (adj) 381/456 | appreciate data’ 3s fable (n) dukes lcontemporaryladj) “el moving (adj) petal ytey ie myth (n) gel AS commemorate (v) 344 monolingual(adj) abi ii|legend (n) =) [column (n) 3% [bilingual (ad) 301 915] legendary (adj) oo heritage sites (n) Stag» | multilingual (adj) Stab asata| boast (v) Se landmark (n) *¥8e/dyxe ae] multicultural(ad]) __ Uiiasa%|eternal (adj) temple (n) =[dominant (adj) 4/54. 7G6|cheerivi(n) monument (n)——_=1/ Gini lidentity (iin) ey Aas| stip (win) dedicate (v) 21 aah | mother tongue (n) *astl|stretch out(v) Say ay a sculpture (n) Sei/ 5B) Telembrace(v) —__ daa1/ Gumi | pass on(v) Bar) port (in) sip|widely spoken _ ii ie 5.04j|pass down (v) Sais remains(n) OEI/e| deep-seated (adj) HGttis|look back — je ba iy Bi tourist attraction (n)_ + 0r|clear-cut (adi) 3as7@5 [humour (n) Ween waked lobservatory (n) 33| expatriate (n) (adj) [flood (v/n) priest (n) WS |home-sick (adj) _ =e eT] emergency (nl lelaborate(adj) —_ s«/52+/.&| obviously (adv) t33i|chop (vi larchaeology (n) iia | precious (adj) os8|fed up (adj) eal Sir Gla larchaeologist (n) JHieie extended (adj) Wises evidence (n) a7) larchaeological (adj) SAilestimate (Wn) 7 foverall (adj) aE de [classify (v) Bai| Focus (vin) 355/37 | fast-pacedladj) igsie fearve (v) Fi tas Sat dialect (n) bs eg |timeless(ad) ae | ramps (nj Stik [roots (n) "= [association (n) aa | mural (n) (adj) lie aur | nation (n) perspective apie aie lartefacts Jyagisleshall open-minded (adj) &s| storyteller (n) | sacred (adj) = [initiative (n) js [make up (v) aa ey dig up iv) ae a stick(v) AGT se se | tale (ny yi eT Be hand in (v) shu [endangered jaa ayaa 54 [steady (adi) Ca lassociate (v) Jeaz|sense of humour 1&2). |jealous (adj See ne [buryiv) y/flvent (ad) qa Gau|plot (n) alae ate well worth 22 | fluently (adv) 2dky/ Ades behaviour ae mummyin) ste |obelisk (n) je Alas | chivalry (n) RE esd Imark(v) (mn) 466 /3:k61/ a454/5emi | bury (v) 32|sword (n) ae mysterious (adj) Bae [mask (nm) 2] armour (n} | [coffin (n) ait [fortunate (adj) 27 jes knight (n) ro) |sights (n} ts 12% passionate (adi) 33 | conflict in) the gateway(n) 27 Min [fascinating (adj) DE Fee [moral (n) (adj) De Rasa healing(n) #7 ;131| mixture (n) 748 [occur (v) Sass pillar (n) Fey aye [rent (v) seal hlexaggerate(v)—— Ama/ Bla ey reign (n) (v) (5/2773 ancestors (n) 3417 234i] murder (n) Fe ee captivate (v) Fay/ =te| majority (n) virtues (n) (wie ibaa lapproximately 445 funeral (n) (adil te[furious(ad)) sea ae mausoleum(n) %»2|rhetorical question )¥J+| purpose (n) Bale daar a8 preserve (v) iu [figure (n) yaks 321 Gisolated aa Ta ldeciphertv) __54/4iy75 251 Ja |temporary (ad) >a | generosity (n) Bae Ges x long-awaited ending layla! Jibei | make (earn) money. Cond Bip OD ng wait with bated breath i 22 | make a contribution Salas pirated digital copy make a speech yey point of view make a decision Joa compensate financially x [ make the best of things ee atl gas burning questions make suggestions Se py be proud of (to) = take pride in make / set a trap Ta ats be suitable for make change a ‘stay (keep) in touch esi A | make a study plan RW la keep in touch with ‘ee uail Jeu | make progress ery on a big scale ©4316 4 | make every effort Ae call as [get together 22 [ make / have contact (with) in ten years’ time Sia DEA | make @ summary of pros and cons paste | make a choice feel free to 2357 | do sports (activities) share the screen BLS | do (cause) damage tum the sound up Saige | do well turn the sound down Sail ts | do (carry out) a survey be qualified as + asi -2.4¥ | do (get) an internship carry out(do-perform)an experiment. ap Soe defy stereotype cause a change in ‘overcome challenges All the best, commit a crime [join a virtual meeting hee an impact (effect - influence) on (On the other hand Salat Jeb artificial intelligence es) Eoin blems with IT support worker 2 brainstorming session (aiies nie | cope with = keep up with el pale from then on Moka yedialso* | lead to = result in gas waste of time ‘_> carelessness - failing > carefulness - success reduce ‘J > “decrease - limit increase - improve compensate a 2) balance - make up for Plose - damage serious eae 2 “dangerous - tough Y unserious - safe encourage ‘= 2 > boost - inspire - promote > discourage - depress cheat Gui Ge 2 Prick ~ deceive- defraud > promote - support bias ‘Jes ies! 2 “Pintolerance- unfaimess > equality - objectivity grumpy Ei/i* > _hbad tempered - irritable > (good-natured) - cheerful cross 35s DP annoyed - angry > cheerful - happy - pleasant cheerful t/a > happy - glad - pleasant > depressed upset - gloomy “patient ‘Silvme 2 “> forgiving - tolerant impatient - intolerant ) catch up - attract - interest > bore - tire > exhaustion - tiredness > refreshment - relaxation > welfare - soundness - good _ > suffering- misery-unhealthiness ¥ disobey - break > follow - respect > destroy - collapse ¥ build - repair > death - victim - ¥ success - survivor challenge - disobey ¥ give up - obey - follow > bias - inequality - injustice > justice - equality carry out - apply neglect - ignore ¥ creation - variation > tradition - imitation - replica } annoying - unsuitable complex - very difficult > endless - constant ¥ suitable - convenient simple - easy > temporary - (short-term) > blame - insult compliment - praise > frown - grimace Plough - smile decline fix - put - set up - position > descent - reduction > remove - uninstall Prise - increase look into investigate - explore - check > ignore - overlook reduce > decrease increase “significantly } remarkably - considerably > pointlessly - worthlessly assess P evaluate - judge - analyse > ignore - neglect inspire } encourage - sfimulate ¥ discourage - depress challenging > difficult - daring ¥ easy - a piece of cake overcome get rid of - conquer - defeat > fail - surrender - give up elegant } preity - smart - fashionable _ ugly - old-fashioned achieve } accomplish - cary out > fail = give up -miss colossal > huge - enormous -vast tiny = litle - small - minute appropriate kit 2“) proper-relevant-convenient __> improper-unsuitable-unreal ‘contribute GH see 2 > donate-give- grant Y harm - neglect - receive ‘wisdom ee > understanding-common sense _ > stupidity - ignorance ‘common sense GEL _> “yjudgment - sound - wisdom > ignorance - foll ‘employment Wis/GBS_ >_> job- position -hiring ¥ unemployment - idleness ‘contemporary ei > _hmodem-new-current-latest__) old - (old-fashioned) landmark (oiie/Gyasiee 2 > feature-monument-highlight > unimportant- unremarkable picturesque Gide 2“) attractive - charming ugly - dark - unclear dominant emailer Gawe > > powerful - controlling last - least - secondary embrace Li S/Sias > “> hug - adopt - include > give up = exclude - reject deep-seated Jui sinc 2 _beonfirmed - deep-rooted __> momentary - temporary steady ci > —P constant - firm - fixed Y unstable- loose -unreliable boast brag - shew off - pride ¥ deny - diminish - discount eternal ¥ continuing-dateless -forever _> momentary - temporary VOKOOLOLLO LY OLL LOE KKU OVO VEO UOLO LULL VEL OOVOLOOOLOLUOULYE > ethical - honest - honorable ¥ evil - immoral - sinful (Notice the Difference” raise (d) + Jyaie Ba Jue Stibe cis D rise (rose- risen) —_(usieoyip sy nti aii arise (arose- arisen) Liy/puiay/ delle.) 2D arouse (d) + Juie ig at announce (8S GMS) oy SD “advertise Web Tale GS Bln pe plas hard (adj- adv) syieee 2 hardly Wali abet gay volunteer teas geen =D voluntary ee reason for + nling (reason why a>) J > cause of (cause... to) et te because = as = since Alazaoia GY D because of = due to ing ji al atin) Gian) although = though (Ge aaiay Gee D> despite= in spite of ing 3 aul aban ad lly majority ‘Quizl_ 2 minority at stereotype (n) Zadiiyos!3,3 2 stereotyped (adj) SANE gaa prejudice (n) Shes alti /quaai D prejudiced (adj) Sees aan mental giicis > physical oy challenge ($457 g5y > challenging (Ge eae degree Rake Ap,2/ ganle Jae 3,429 2 grade Dira Ry3 galt la Scan award Tile Ayam dlieae D reward experience Aled ine =D experiment Process (Gade Oigla> GIS) Aylac =D operation wonder tee > wander require yD “enquire / inquire unfortunately Hxled 2 fortunately stressed vss bye D stressful download (from) > “upload (to) regular > “regularly athletes > athletics choose > choice employee 2 “employer interviewee 2 “interviewer colleague > “college realise i/ yD “recognise include (including) (eM pales) sD “contain old-fashioned wawiiaies =D fashionable (Caio Rag ge role 2 > rule (lh Fel alos custom Acgana ols)5le =D habit olny on time (Spall elit Sagi Din time Saad seg) 6 | ue assess i > appreciate various, tse 2D variety champion etd 2 hero (pally Stalag 7 geal gat lay on my own ei =D of my own ae good (adj) “= Dwell (adv) sesh do wrong ay > go wrong any / ay be in charge of os Jsue DS be charged with ae a graduate of Galerie D graduate from wee a part se > apart Sina Uae succeed in ity gus S manage to ang Ars candidate (quala/Fple /GUADY/ AbD atw D applicant —— A/F Ae ABy he pan pale sociable (ak) oluie! D social (aed de A) gelato grandchildren aii > grandparents shag However + die lug 2 Whatever + a! pS age ola ki career {pias D profession SDIaje i eae ge ‘sports club ng 2 sporting event ay dae distance ke 2 “distant everyday ine ln DS every day at the age of eg 2 inthe age of publish Gel) ky 2 come out gain ep /iiy/iygs/ Glaglan Tans By) ecto D> win historic Ge TAB Awl GS historical AD Bw a structure it/eiayis sty D construction et Aaa is aac shore Gage) paige 2D _bank Siang spl destination Ges dnesioiee DS “site SAR Je hs aig Stine location ascigiv/ iy 2 position ‘yclaipl Aiken oie pine discover — gikijidyme nodiyary lear i ite: 2 explore (aN gk ine 6p wlan well ier 2 will “hag / Bag Fah / gw indmark Amwell) DS landscape eb reign (n)(v) a/ 622572 DS region (n) ii open-minded wis 2 absent-minded aiialt identify Ayassw S identity Glad Aayg proud eins yd SD pride ely yal! fortune = luck ue 2 a fortune = wealth i aged = at the age of jaly cys DS in the age of acd provide (jai!) with 5 2uy/aig 2 provide (4) for (ait) oy danger > dangerous wee endanger > endangered wat oe be proud to + inf. > take pride in ly ‘society > “community (ako fad ay law temporary > permanent at be based in xis gt 2 be based on (oie di he lk boast ls SD boost Sei ere Sa pass on Bi > pass down Soa make up....mind aa 2 make up for oe ‘raise (d) + Jyaie > Raise your hand if you want to answer. _ Ga Jlegagy/ Sli Gin > He raised a lot of money from his job. > The sun rises in the east. > Irise at 8:00 in the morning. +» When the visitor entered, all students rose. | arise (arose - arisen) Lip play sad goa arouse(d) + Jysin Sigs > Alot of problems arise because of misunderstanding. > His behavior aroused the suspicion of the police. blacksmith suo clerk la good heart nie marshes dare z[abroken heart cui /idlidane grab eye | fiance = |that’s your lot oe leg-irons, iuci| rude di; [put a finger on aay convict boast Imy heart was seton eal benefactor 1/8 Je’ 45] veil lfrom now on ela 235 file | graveyard iis latthe request of tboleely guilty lodging [call on oe handcuffs adopt [set off ey jump out of my skin >| embarrassed la pile of ea soldier ie |mud half-brother HE tI take revenge on prison ltorch aiecluae mist grateful lgood- natured wae crouch lamb jgetmy breath back — wld susie! whisper narrator lobjectto arrogant 2&7 dra] get engaged Jenthusiastic about J ax extravagant byie/lw/Gyual tears lalifesentence sLNiGuges ashamed Sa 2%| smooth leave it tome oe stir | haunt aly |keep away from Se lusuias inheritance | affectionate nie / gas [cold-hearted Aa ot fortune 5] gate “iy [my heart sank Prey desert ame e|clue ict take.. mind off Geena aw gloomy #S|rent 32/84 [hold on to 7 bride 2ye| generous 2% [pay off Dea ily ay jealous ;envious axé| relatives colli pay with his life Juss ay apprentice wea | pale <8 Jaccuse (of) apprenticeship __#«4/y-5| handsome #3 |coincidence sai sigh forgive ety [candle Eee] recover is3| convince 2 |skin ae wrap wrist wax lcoach ae nasty sum Whi [workshop Gey inn pity os 325) [beg ee orphan merchant 25 [interrupt wy trick grumpy 437 su homeless a sear disappointed ‘eee [confirm ry sleeves footsteps: SHES ladmire ay duty entertainment, 5 [rough Pd suspect housekeeper leagle = elegant curtains nod “se adore a7 oai| pie [faint aoa Say dismiss 733s] dusty [struggle rae wiley ‘ceremony Jail bandage 2 |relief ah funeral cs spoil ay {tight Bee > CQ Oe a Punctuation Marks ® Punctuation marks are symbols that we use in written language. APSSNARU 2 atts pred © We use them in sentences to make the meaning clear Teel Gall lard bere agers’ @ ‘Punctuation Marks ® Full sto; period _/ Question mark ? (_ Exclamation mark ! \ Semi-colon 3 Aoydit oli! Colon 2 aii Comma i eat Ahale Apostrophe , Ee Quotation marks (Inverted commas) an Hyphen Dash Adyglal! Ale, Slash_ . Sentence endings’ ——— @ Full stop = Period (.) (Giga ode) daa We can use a full stop (.) © at the end of declarative, imperative and conditional sentences: Trgnetl a rcall acell 95H ¥ Yasser and Peter went to the club an hour ago. © after abbreviation: Byes ay ¥ My grandson Ahmad was born in Jan. 2020. © ininitials for personal names: Tamera clan tel Bg pra) 8 ¥ TS. Eliot (Tomas Stearns Eliot) was a great poet. ¥ Let's find an A.M. so | can withdraw some money. ® In British English, full stops are placed outside the final quotation mark. v The general manager said,’This is a great day for the company”. ® auestion Mark (2) plgaienl Zadbe We can use a question mark (2) © at the end of questions Dadhrte ot v When did Amani leave for the supermarket? © at the end of tag question aN aad A v You seem busy now, don't you? @ Exclamation mark (!) emetic, We can use an exclamation mark (!) after a command, an interjection, or what shows surprise or anger. tdi gi Guiupall ynBs Lo gi crcl gi yol acs © “Look out behind you!” she yelled. © I'm so excited to go to the park tomorrow! © If you come to work late again, you're fired! (anger wait!) © Leave me alone! (anger ai!) © Johnny, don’t play with your food! (strict command pu yl) © Wow! (Great! - Oh, my god!) (actaan) © What an amazing place! ¥ What a beautiful house! _ v How beautiful she sings! > Ali and | met yesterday. resi (I) yuo > Lasla gtiog > They travelled abroad. 4 Aaa 2a,> Js) > Ali said, “We will visit you tomorrow”. Peal Ode say Aad 2,> Isl » Do you like pasta? ; Sal 20,2 Syl > I called Ali and Mai. pelt clad Dao Jol » Asia is the biggest continent in the world. SU clan Ba,> Jol > Egypt has strong ties with Sudan. i Use clan BOs Jyh > Rome is one of the world's most beautiful capitals. | elgall cll Baye Jyh > Al Daifi is from Bani Suef. : Gall lanl Jaye Ql > The Pacific Ocean is the world's largestocean. | Sagal plane 22,2 Js) >It is joined to the Mediterranean Sea by the Suez! abel lanl Gaye Jyh Canal. : > The River Nile is the longest river in the world. H BY clase Bdge Jsi > Lake Nasser is a man-made lake. ; Shyer cand POL> Jai pe Wl clanl Daye Jyh >The Sphinx is a large stone statue that stands in Giza. 5 > Ahmed is Egyptian but Tom is American. ; ite laud Baye Jyh > Toka likes English but she can’t stand French. ela Aye Ji > We like to visit our relatives on Fridays. Ege plyl clad Bay> Jyh > My father died in October. : Bia spp lanl BO,> Jyh et ib RID yo J > King Abdullah ruled Jordan. : > Where will you stay? When will you arrive? : 0-1) day Alaa Baye Jyh >Mr-Dr- Pro i lai Laid Ga,> Jy) >TV-IT-CV ; Chala igh > ‘Oliver’ is the main character in ‘Oliver Twist’. Say yall al lal Baye Ji | Pauses or breaks” The comma, semicolon and colon are used to indicate a pause in series. _ JUL! 26 CGO)! AGU J] BLOW GuIbAilg GgHiall Aolilg GyLdu! GOLAN plariwl piy %* Agi doit We can use a comma () @ after yes and no Yop tay ¥ Yes, it's a quarter past three, Samir. ‘© before please in sentences and after please at the beginning of a sentence. Fale Jaipleasejy3 2 Cielo 15 Laas gl 331 9) ¥_ Could | have more cake, please? Please, allow me to use your camera. © before or after the name of the person you are speaking to. eat lees ie, Omar, you have done an excellent job. © to separate two complete sentences: Chale yl aaa ¥_When | was doing the housework, a stranger knocked on the front door. © to separate lists or elements within sentences. esa Jols peoLiall glailgall uaa ¥ He bought two kilos of sugar, a packet of tea, a bottle of oil and five loaves of bread. © to separate a list of similar words, adjectives or phrases. TrgglLENyleall gi Glare gi Gakeal rail fast ¥_ I's important to write in clear, simple, accurate words. © to separate words or phrases that mark where the voice would pause, (after transitions.) (Latayl iag) aqua ig Len 2c ZN Clylalg) Lake ued ¥ I can’t tell you now. However, all will be revealed tomorrow at midday. © to separate the direct speech from the rest of the sentence. The comma comes before the quotation mark, «Wwe J SALA 56 Aer Bb Ge tM peal Jaal ¥_ Tamer said, “I have already tidied my room”. © to mark non-defining clauses. (The clauses which add extra / non-essential information). eel Re Abe peeled sb 1 reblio| Slaghae ani Minbar ingen -dtoea AN nbc gat jee v_ The police officer, who arrived after just five minutes, arrested the criminal. © to set off a tag question sae Nie aor) V She is your sister, isn’t she? © to separate parts of the date HON acliel Laat ¥ Tuesday, May 2, 2016, was when | graduated. © Put a comma at the end of the direct sentence in case the speaker is placed after that sentence. ¥_“¥m coming home late tonight,” my father said. © with words that are not part of the sentence as in the case at the beginning of the sentence. baal lg) B Shel Sia alae (pace Cone Saal a og ¥ Unfortunately, he missed his flight. © to show a separation of ideas or elements within the structure of a sentence. Tabac JIS potial 9 LEY Lact EY ¥_Ali went by bus, and Ahmed took a trai ‘©@ Apostrophe (’) (ten dota! We can use an apostrophe (’) © to show who owns something. The ’s is added after singular nouns or names. Bayt clani gi poset el lanl tay 'S alin! CS elles oe / _~ This is our aunt's house. /® When a name or a singular noun ends in-s, either add an apostrophe or an 7 / apostrophe as well as another's. Vy, GrSi S MPBLEYY Le Lola gi Lhe Lola aLoly eB. -S 3 apheeud gi paren gs tie. /, v This is Charles’s phone. v These are James’ books. / My father is at his boss's party. For plural nouns that end in-s, put the apostrophe after the SByoall ny Lali Lola ad. -S pg Haare lanl Meecly Y Miss Leila is marking her pupils’ work. © When plural nouns do not end in-s, just add ’s to these plural nouns. on gece claul ll 'S Hbliol squtlule Le. -S a aeellclaul gS Ye Y Doctors look after people’s health. © To make a possessive form of two people joined by and, such as Rami and Samehput's only after the second name. had SUN gal ay ’S ad akg aly Se ND afin aie raSala nal ¥_We were at Eman and Ahmad’s party. © The apostrophe can also be used to show that one or more letters in a contraction have been left out. Leib eal gi te lg dye ale Lal Gail YY Wall ALoLiIpl aca asi gene ¥ We'll come to your party, but Aya won't be able to come. She’s meeting her uncle. ral phe Ju5 (its) 5a) plats 40 3;ke (It’s) 2 (5) WallrLolil Gi dood Y | can’t buy this shirt because it's very expensive. ¥ Look at that horse! Its hair is blue. aot :GxSloll ylmblg aol :yliéuo Lod Well Lola (Biya by yr ing Lia Mall Mola gig SUiahia pends pg Cue) geal @ thas, have, had, will J+ scat! Jlaivly (am - is - are) 25 to be lati so Yi pains Aue iyeoriy abbreviation |, abbreviation > I've > tm It has > It's > They’re Who is > Who's > She's does not > doesn’t > He'd | would > Vd > It's 2 can't 2_Iwon't © I'ma teacher. ® She’s waiting at the bus stop. @ It’s time to start the meeting. (It is time...) @ It’s been a while since we spoke. (It has been...) ® He'd never take a bribe. (He would. © He'd called us before he left. (He had...) ® colon () pian! ~ We can use a colon (:) © to introduce lists (isin V There are three main reasons for the success of the government: challenging work, determination and patience. © between sentences when the second sentence explains or justifies the first sentence. Abaca 275 gh AGN Laced opt Ledne acell ry ¥ Try to keep calm during the interview: this will cause a good impression. Aacnog bag lg Cr ually SLi yal rata pagal D v The Prisoner of Zenda: A fictional Novel. BBM ALM Ss acllg reel ge neal ms The ratio of women to men becomes 5 : 1. itis 12:30. @ Semi colon (;) by dit) ALotaN ‘We can use a semi colon (;) © between two independent clauses linked by a transitional expression (e.g., accordingly, consequently, for example, nevertheles: AES eat lass 2 Y Heavy rain had continued to fall at the airport; consequently, all flights were canceled. arya age ody ABDC Laging lam Lay) Y twas raining; the game was cancelled. (= so) ait pwoliad Sonora nalioy v I read; novels, poems, stories, plays. G) Quotation marks (“") cael bathe — 1 ~ We can use quotation marks (“*”) | @ In direct speech, we enclose what is said within a pair of single or double | quotation marks, although single quotation marks are becoming more common. | ¥ Wael said, “I haven't put those shelves up yet”. ¥ She said, “Where is the nearest fish restaurant?” ¥ “Vm coming home late tonight,” my father said. ‘© We can put quotation marks around titles. ¥ Have you watched the famous film ‘Titanic’? © We can use quotation marks when we mention a word or phrase in a sentence. ¥ What does ‘punctuation’ mean? | © Hyphen oo We can use a hyphen (-) © to join two or more words together into a compound term. Do not separate the words with spaces. Y My eight-year-old boy loves reading. ¥ Do you have sugar-free cookies? ¥ to link prefixes to words. ¥ These things happened before the pre-enlightenment era. © Don’tuse a hyphen if the compound adjective follows the noun it describes. v English is widely spoken. v We use a widely-spoken language. @ Linking (transition) words Linking words (transitions) Showing addition, ») BaLOY tava / ~ Showing reason el ay —~ Showing contrast aH daalyy Showing result S ‘axa lay Showing purpose >) gill tala (showing conclusion ‘Bale Lal SS uly sQuilng yy GBUleII yl Y padi Giyle sbylgylt Phrases are used to show the connection between two sentences. Ales pass, hy and = in addition = moreover furthermore not only ... but also because = since =as although = though = even if = even though = nevertheless . SIG Olen day sd iley but = however = yet = whilst Tatar jg) however psi! emer However + Aico TaLezall Jgi however plizcaul eae Whatever + «ui $0 = that’s why = therefore consequently = as a result = thus for this reason to / so as to /in order to + inf. so that = in order that + jla> to summarize, ‘sum up, in conclusion, = to conclude, 9! pul pas, Shing as well as =in addition to = besides because of = due to wing to = thanks to on account of despite = in spite of in the hope of + ing Essay ay Paragraph " q was ® A paragraph is a series of sentences that talk about one subject. alg e990 Je Saat yl Jor 40 Gegar0 m byHAll - Capital letter 6a0! ay! Yglaw © «JI 0) Ja V gl © Yo dyiall algyiig full stop 4 Gow! claily pig adyal Gund Jote ley cleggo Yo shu Joi 4 indentation diay btmo pil ) Parts of a paragraph Tople \ Supporting san Leciic. > Qtumeitar Semen >) 4) Topic > Itis the first sentence of a paragraph. yal oe MM Aberll a sentence > It states the main idea. Saag Auai2!Ke) > Itinfroduces what the paragraph will say : > They form the body of the paragraph. 2) Supporting They explain more about the main idea. (reuluilS dali xe Igo- pts sernyaat They give examples, details, facts or statistics to support the main ~ idea. Tepe NS ena ner aL SLeacr| gl (Gil barola Leal lets > Itis the last sentence in the paragraph. Spill Balae SI 3) Concluding _ > Itemphasizes the main idea. Tana 5 nal wags sentences __> Itrestates the topic sentence or the main idea of the paragraph. yp Aaa E925 eal gS yal fl seen N barat dd > Itsummarises the paragraph. er ee unity ¢s215e3 |) All the sentences develop the mai >All the sentences should be related to the topic sentence and foherence .g | oganized logically, and stick together. CRIN eT AS | a gay lay « ia Jay ale yy a Sally Jal unr a5 Gl eo emphasis | > All the sentences should be well-organised and well- ordered to Gugitiues | showall the important ideas. cn > Each paragraph or essay should have a clear central idea. focus jut Bad 53S 9 Se ne 3s ree = © Anessay is a series of paragraphs that talk about one subject. alg g9ig0 Ye Saati, il Dydd Yo Gegar0 gm Jidall * iy cljai G56 Yo Jlioll yoSis Introduction Body = Q Conclusion wy OY tay a) @ The Introduction ; Peres : alg why) Ue syle YgSig the first paragraph Jléall .,6 4454 Jol .,m doaiiall * -29gaIl Ge GAS yhoo} ldo purr J5I> aelyd gle Jafiw lo gs yMall wb je © Give the reader background. © Catch the reader’s attention. -egdgaUl eli oli Gia5 @ thesis statement. (GAUISU! dyed) Gagybil Gordo! pra * . aati _—r a = A) Hook = Attention grabber OLY) ie dbee | © A hook is an opening statement in an essay that attempts to grab the reader's attention so that they complete the reading. ely yo yous «LAI OLE! 539 II Bamig Jldoll 6 GiatiiAUl Gloall yw i 'B) Background pala boghet! / dealt © All information that the reader requires to increase his awareness of the topic. : egdgall aig Salyp) syldll nating vill Slogleall JS Joukis C) Thesis Statement (au Lat!) dmg! © The thesis statement states the main idea of the essay. It sets limits on the topic. .e9D90U 12929 Bd5 0g . JldoU Guumpiyll GSA Gamsiylt Goal angi * 29953 ag Gagybll ,auiig Goadall dylan 44 YgSi Whig * coal ale hae Mee @ Body Egugl! © The body is the middle paragraphs between the introduction and the conclusion. GoiLANlg doadall uy ,hwoll AA! 9m Eggo! pur © They are paragraphs of support for the thesis. egbgall peal cy © They contain facts, data, evidences, comments, analysis, examples, pros and cons. -Gyge9 ailjxong wliSoy diol .Julas aldgles Ji Ly gilfia gle soins Jia pus * i Topic a Concluding ~~ Sentence Sentences Sentence aig Mal) cla Jacl oA Ryplbag — | @ Conclusion = Commentary aaa © The conclusion is the last paragraph of the essay. {id aig Slay Ye Bye YgS3) .Jlaoll Yo SySil Ball yo GosLI © The conclusion restates the introductory paragraph. Gy umoill BHAI! 48D gle Gail! 2565 © The conclusion summarises the ideas of body and introduction. Goriallg egdgall pur slS51 doit ya AU atl gh leh gh Aad pay ly Jpeg Like Flag cll aya Car nated 6 spel ayer restatement of the thesis and thoughts Aasikedé\ne ol esa cig tiy ¥ “Types of Easy pep Persuasive “)Reflective Descriptive” I Narrative Si mapository S\ Ui nok atin Des the 4 see DD narrative Essay gens / gaasad Jie © Itnarrates / tells a story. aad Say © Itincludes a sequence of actions. Coa Mya fanaa span has (@) Persuasive Essay etds Ju) © The writer seeks to persuade / convince the reader to support his specific point of view about a topic. seg ge BS dmg peo MAN LAI MN EN ge @® Itneeds facts and evidences on the topic. Say Flam Netw 6 Descriptive Essay isos Jie © Itdescribes the topic. Cecatlinas @ Itappeals to the five senses (touch, smell, sight, sound, and taste) and use sensory details. ame Saeed pAiacasy peated ol goal odolins Ituses personifications, metaphors, similes and creative styles. yell uUUlg loudilg SyLeiwil Stow prdimy 3 @ Expository / Informative Essay Smads Js © Itdefines something or information. hegre ghana gf le at aya} © It explains a process and gives instructions. Oly pleas © Itneeds research and the writer's knowledge. Tapa gy Cod toe 6 Reflective Essay gtalt Jlibe © It may be a real experience, imagined event, special object, or place, something you read, watched or heard. 9 a5ly5 cysb gl tS gl ytd Egdgo 9! 1455 San gl Gyfyfin 65 ylolil Jliall YgSy ab %* dic Ccow gi aims © The writer analyses his experiences and explain how they created personal change. peRDBSICHS nee Tptay Py Seal lo Email EP eg leg eS Buuylt Jozi S50 Oda iq ISI! ay Yigic Lim wisy “6 Sender From: Ahmed 2022@yahoo.com (From line) / / > (user name) aus @ Guy gill jail (domain name) jou: @ gis gill jail Muy! ay] Juwyoll yaisi) ,igsiSIM ayy Yigie Lim wisy ** a By To: Al Daifi 2022@yahoo.com cipient (To line) (user name) au: @ (domain name) yan @ gs gi GpigQISIN Muuyll egngo Lim wisy * >) ‘Subject (About): Giants’ series PD lial ene wo thng aol sp JS Epiagall ul Gly Gj a Bika id le rdlind Jol gi WU Grill alias | gt Raya Ja) fay Sg ll Jaye Jue 9g aul sad pl Gat) uy 2 ne ot Jy Yael 9g gaa ll Jaa ee Salutation e \ | Greeting ee Dear ... Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Muay! So ple igs ayul egHg0 sginy * All U d (oer ee | Closing | Signature contractions Sijbaié| pain’ 2 Bp ale paca Y abbreviated words imperatives 1) Aigo pasiind | Apr Aine pions passive voice “cae FAY ee pa Lina Cilla Yh pldica| Lineonay AN Rages Spalted Galea active voice pylall pucieay) ‘Yours sincerely, ‘Yours faithfully, Best wishes, Regards, 2aul] Juyo 2395 gi Suis Le Got 5 gin ctu oe Crete Aor Bye, See you later, See you soon, cheers, love, ily GSI Jaspal aay yas pill yigg ES Jia uligG Way Parts of speech Ere ey ae) verb da ES fy addition ‘Lay laa noun ‘til introduction suze) and ’ ‘adjective ‘Mall Caidl indent G14) 9H in addition (to) aay adverb Jedi 2;8ii| introductory paragraph 383,33) additionally a aaeel Pronoun gaall| topic sentence Ani) besides (that) oak prepositions smldyy | thesis statement moreover ary articles Gili sisdd Sil] hook ‘ieaKe furthermore raat ‘conjunctions ‘ely |bodyibulk) Ti Jil ewe | as well as earl EMiec cu AAIGLSo along with aay full stop=period ‘Auiil| conclusion 2) Contrast ry exclamation mark waii@Sle/closing sentence @iis/@lanl| although endl question mark Head PTT) ESET though endl ‘Speech mark ospaitiGl3le| sender (From) ‘J+bs!/ even though oo nally apostrophe ‘Ulatl Wal |receiver=recipient (To) 4! Jel! nevertheless endl coma ‘slail| subject (About) exaatl| yet Gandy colon ‘(Ea | greeting / salutation ‘eail/in spite of neatly ‘semi-colon ‘eslit/ Atal | closing ‘aiid despite dandy dash (hyphen) 32, signature / sign-off 32) but Fr) slash lsd» header wlti| however bh Bren kee Eee footer —duidionttheotherhand Gs iaeli ie to conclude, epi! 24e36 | formal languag Ayapiinall ETE =r) tosum up, teased |informal language 44s)! i!9a0| therefore ‘etal Ig to summarize {yoni | messaging language —_ i,t! 4a! consequently ee in short, $u|slang eit as a result Gage in summary, Sulusername ——pukallel/ @ Jd m¥!| because / since /as Pi in conclusion, [domain name dikiliau/@a) pil 80 (thus) xy in other words i= [password did/|for this reason rr) Finally, oS eee BESET) otherwise ab aye yy ‘on the whole Js1\3/necessity Tgp Td Ey all in all Jt! 2/lack of necessity ‘Sspiatl pac | too ag Poe Jaa ‘as well al narrative ain prohibition a/also a descriptive )|deduction Fr") Sequence er] expository Sei) ability Aollaieil/jyial| after ay argumentative oa is poset dhe before rr) persuasive 3 cixd3'| while Tay ha (second...) (twit) 34 series of praise] orci cite kia eal aa for example SEA ae le imperatives liye | direct quote ati ai| for instance Je le abbreviation shail advice ‘nyai| synonym ale prefix (Galdall yl gad ieidi| blame pllantonym hia suffix Galle] gain Stl| regret 145] opposite ioe wishing 4 paraphrase ee possibility dle] summarize ably expressing opinion giaige ail) a ikiercriaceewragl ‘gil lady Aap AU Ala Cale economy suatiy! [terrorism reinforce Sia mca ged tourism solve policy ‘Relat industry democracy ‘consume. ed trade freedom aim to/at ae culture reduce glory Py agriculture national income aa EB] independence DET progress pollution S51 service ea invest over population Apleu! 323! housing 7 investor birth control Jui! aati] migration investment stimulate Sy/5y/ 34) manufacture oe prosperity vital role Se] safety on welfare hard currency eal!3iaal| loyalty east flourish backbone gAiame| tolerance et teform natural resources Zasbay| factors wie improve [develop z |self-reliance Si ye sey] shortage =] development self-sufficiency relations cise globalization self-control | attitude ips Be loyalty self-sacrifice eliminate eee legal revolution get rid of onoality mass media destruction book fair ‘peat esa ‘overcome principles illiteracy ai issue civilization immigration ie protect from = [equality national ees ‘awareness ‘setup field Jee unemployment disputes owe oe including enrich heritage os rationalize 0%) 2 |national duty ese" politician ea gale ‘a source of 34a [harness Jiie/ Het! politics algal le hinder ‘Bie Gm [shortage 32/ oaii| prevention yy prevent 84 |society | homeless ape crisis 441 [education s3)| supplies aie seek to 24 [ignorance Jes) criticism a devote 26s8/ +s [charming | criticize 2 citizen bie |efforts >| manners Deo unite 4 |value nutrition cd rate Jim |reoycling unique a job opportunities 4=.223| organisation Auda) values rr) slogan 25 |contribute to Gaaly| citizen we slums Sia! [cooperation ‘yiati| citizenship abl spread 54/55 developing countries id! al civilian oe renaissance 56 limpact ized a disaster 35; [bullying nation a disastrous DSi [procedures finance a ee Teclamation Diz |motives justify conflict eb» |justice pessimistic obstacles ‘Suze |injustice outstanding a rights &= |generation traffic jam aaa be aware of 414 [ignore motivation as

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