Dissertation by Aarron Gledhill

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Individual Project 2010/2011


The day that changed animation 2011

byAarron Gledhill U0765347

Throughout this paper I am going to look at the different art styles used within computer games, and show how this affects the overall popularity. To back my answers up I am going to produce a short 4 minute animation which will be looking at the economy and how this implements the different social systems in the world.

Economy The Economy is divided three types in which a country or region is run. This is also referred to as a country s plan of its services, goods produced and the exact way in which the economy plan is carried out. The market economy, this is the use of goods and products consumed and controlled in such a way that the customer can be accurately predicted. This economy is highly governmental to eliminate any loss of control. The second is a planned economy, this is mainly how goods are distributed throughout the world, and this is yet again highly government controlled. The final is a mixed economy; this is a combination of resources from both of the above economy systems. The main aim of the animation is to show the viewer what daily life would be like currency/financially free, politically free and a full environment free change to the world the animation is set.

The Day That Changed

Animation By Aarron Gledhill

The short animated movie will show a young man s typical daily life but with one day of his life been Freegan run (environmental friendly and other advances towards making our planet a better place to live). With this financially free run day playing through it will contrast everyday life to what life would be like if the Freegan Movement got into world power. The message that is being shown throughout my animation is the life of a man if everything in the world was free. The animation will start with various actions throughout the typical life of the character with everything been usual as it normally is, other extra characters act with the personality of the general public of today. As this full but shortened animation of this man s day comes to an end, the next scene will be the same type of actions as it would in everyday life but this time the whole day is going to be a little different for the character. With the new scene starting with the waking up of the character from his nightly sleep. The character is unaware that there is a change with this day. The day for the character starts and everything in the world is all free for example water, food. The main character I have used is confused about all of this whereas the general public characters have changed on how the act too. These other characters will also be acting with more than usual kindness which also baffles the character. With the day coming to an end, the character is

laying in his brand new bed that he got through his unusually free day. Slowly he drifts off to sleep having a much happier, more successful, funnier and sufficient to everybody and anything. He awakes to find everything has gone back to normal. Only he, himself can remember that day ever happening. For the animation, I soon started looking into the art style I am going to portrait throughout. I referred to the Japanese style Manga the comic art style. As soon as I set the style I soon set to work on the preparation towards my work. This includes any sketches for concept work, further ideas for the project and any other work that I generate. The way the animation is created is by a set of animated clips which will be illustrated using frame by frame animation (stop motion animation). These clips will be set with a maximum duration of 20seconds determine on what I decided on storyboarding my video. Once each clip is generated using a piece of animating software Macromedia Flash I will then bring the rendered .avi imported into the video compositing software from Adobe, PremiereProCS3 . I find this application the best way to edit the audio I am going to acquire that will enable me to synchronize accurately with my video files. The media that influenced my animation was a documentary video hosted on the internet. It is hosted at http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/. On watching the documentary showing how great life should be, inspired me to direct an animation. Freegan also known as freeganism is a lifestyle where a conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources. This was a great movement to use has reference throughout the project. The term everything will be free comes from imagining the world that currency does not exist. Will the population react good, and will people still have their jobs, answer, yes of course the population will act differently will a new economy and no some people who work on high pollution producing factory s may have to look else were for work. I emphasised on the cleanliness of the scene and the change in the landscape. One landscape was full of pollution and warehouses; the other was clean streets, solar-power stations and cleaner air. The characters have been created from random, using the personas of thegeneral public. The animation was open for any genre of audience, I used limited characters with correct audio (no slang, no bad language) and the whole scene of the animation is based on 4 letters K.I.S.S ( keep it simple stupid ), also using these influenced words, I was able to keep within a guideline to what I am able to deliver.


The main character awakes from his nightly sleep, he then goes down to his kitchen and makes his breakfast to eat. After the morning actions have taken place he sets off on his journey towards his work and daily chores. After returning back home from his daily routine the character named Kevin has a shower then goes to bed to get some sleep. After this has taken place the character wakes up and the whole scene starts again from the wake up to the end of his daily routines. The story will get faster every time the character sleeps to emphasize typical routines for him. A very good influence for this part of the animation is from the film showing the repeat of one day Groundhog day (1993) directed by Harold Ramis. The next scene will start after the first scene plays through at least 4 times, as soon as the character finishes eating his breakfast then heads to the door to set off on his journey. This scene starts with the opening of the door and the walk down a very industrial environment. The society in which Kevin is said to live, is of an average society with flaws in its cleanliness of the streets, also an industrial estate with factories occupy the majority of the town. Throughout his walk there is various positioning s of litter/rubbish. He encounters a homeless character on his journey. This character is scripted and named as giddy kipper which as a kind personality with a female persona. During interaction with this character, Kevin flips a coin into her collecting tin and continues his trip to the shop; Kevin ends the conversation with Giddy Kipper and departs by saying Have a good day . The main character continues his walk that will be animated in the style of a 2 dimensional side scrolling animation, refer to influences such as: Streets of rage (Sega 1991) and Scott pilgrim Vs the world (Ubisoft Chengdu & Montreal, 2010). Towards the end of his journey Kevin passed by another character, scripted and named as Frank the grumpy guy. With Kevin having a normal face expression, Frank, has a less than happy type of expression. Both characters pass each other quietly with Frank having his arms positioned in his pockets. Towards the end of this scene you as the viewer will be able to see a standard looking sun, positioned in the background behind the shop. The shop is a conversion of both a grocery shop and a typical high street retail shop. The shop is scripted and named The grocery shop with Barbera , Barbera being the shop owner that is also scripted in a role with Kevin. The main character enters the standard cleanliness of a shop. There is a shop customer browsing on the magazine stand. Kevin reaches for a bottle of milk, so he has a drink for when he is at his work. He pays at the counter; here is where he is confronted by Barbera the shop keeper. She serves Kevin with a smile on her face. He then leaves the shop to head towards his work. Exiting the shop will end with a fade as Kevin sets of for his day at work. When this scene is completed and the fade has taken place, it will then show Kevin arriving home after his day at work to have a shower and go to sleep. After Kevin has risen once again after a night s sleep, he goes to brush his teeth unaware of the change to the environment through his bathroom window. He eats is breakfast as usual and sets off to the local shop. Kevin slowly opens his door to set off on his journey.

The whole street as from before has been cleaned of any litter, there are more trees then usual and all the factories have changed into solar power stations. No pollution in the air will be shown throughout this day of the animation and all the other characters are acting with more of a kind and generous personality. With this much happier and more energy sufficient day in the animation taken place the music will be set with a more upbeat and happier tempo version of the selected music track. Kevin continues his journey to the shop much aware of the change to the scene making him feel enlightened to the whole new scene has he passes the new modified landscape. He once again passes the homeless character and this time she does not require any money from Kevin, instead she is sat drawing a picture. She replies to Kevin with have a good day after telling him she is in no need of money anymore. He continues to the shop newly name the fantastic grocery shop with the amazing Barbera, he once again walks past Frank before entering the shop, and Frank greets Kevin with hey up, have a good day . Baffled and amazed by everyone being extra nice he enters the shop. This time the sun in the distance of the shop has a smile imprint on it. On entering the cleaner, shiny and simpler layout of the old shop, Kevin gets a warm welcome by one of the shop customers from before. This customer is cleaning as well as browsing. Everything in the shop has a no price tags but extra promotions such as Help yourself and Everything is free . Kevin goes to the shop fridge to collect his usual carton of milk, after collection he goes up to Barbera to pay for his milk. As Kevin passes the milk over to the shop owner to scan, she says take it after she has a short discussion about not having to pay. Kevin is shocked and heads towards the exit, he places the carton into his bag while walking, here, he contemplates the day s situations so far, and why everyone seems to be happy and kind. Why everything is free, the change in people s helpfulness and personas, and the thing most on his mind, the fact nobody realises they have changed. Before he exits the customer that greeted him from before waves and says have a good day, take care . This scene is to reflect on how different his day has been with the change in the social system in which all the characters live. When he finishes his work, he walks the same journey home. He has a peaceful and relaxing walk has he reminisces more about the changes day. Kevin arrives home, brushes his teeth and goes to bed. Has this scene fades out; Kevin has a smile on his face. Kevin wakes up from his sleep and goes through his morning routines for one final scene in the animation. He opens his house door and sets off on his journey down the street. He meets with Giddy Kipper and the homeless character asks for some spare change just like the beginning of the story. Kevin reaches for his pockets to get some money that he flips into her collecting tin. The whole animation slowly fades out revealing both characters having a smile on their face. Here is where the title of the animation appears and the credits for all voice actors and musicians role through from the bottom of the screen to the top.

Reference List Ubisoft Chengdu & Montreal (2010). http/gamespot.com/ ,[Nov2010]

http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/, Groundhog day (1993) directed by Harold Ramis

Saga, Streets of rage (Sega 1991) Appendix script

The day that changed

By Aarron Gledhill
Script and dialogue The main character that is name and manifested as Kevin , plays through all the frames in scene#1. After it has finished running, the scene repeats. The soundtrack will slowly be building up for the background music. Scene#1 KEVIN Time to wake up, got to get motivated for the day ahead. Eat breakfast, And head of to work. Come home from the day, shower then bed. Eyes closed and sleep. (*4)
Scene#2 KEVIN

I set of for my day ahead through my local home town. It as got a pretty standard society, could do with the Street getting cleaned once in a while. GIDDY KIPPER Hey up! KEVIN Hello! GIDDY KIPPER Have you got any spare change please?

KEVIN Let me just check . (money rattles in his pocket) Yep, there you go. Kevin flips a coin into the collecting tin of the homeless character. GIDDY KIPPER Thank you sir, Have a good day! Kevin continues his journey down the street, passing separate piles of rubbish throughout his journey. KEVIN An industrial estate occupies The majority of this town. Kevin is passing a grumpy character called frank. Nothing is said as they both pass each other on there individual roles. KEVIN (under his breath) Jeez the weeze, that guy didNot look happy. KEVIN Like always, I will be getting my daily Carton of milk to drink later on in the day.
Scene#3 Kevin enters the shop, a door bell rings to signify him as entering the casual high street shop. One shop customer browsing on the magazine isle and the shop owner behind the counter.

KEVIN A refreshment for work is needed, As always. Kevin walks up to the refrigerator and collects a carton of milk. The shop customer picks up a magazine and speaks with the sho p owner.

BORON What do you think of this magazine love? BARBERA I have never read it love, not my taste. Kevin walks up to the counter with his item and pays at the counter. BARBERA Is that it love? KEVIN Yes thank you. Kevin leaves the shop and the scene fades out as he talks about his day ahead for him. KEVIN Time to get a move on I do not Want to be late for my work.
Scene#4 KEVIN

Time to wake up, got to get motivated for the day ahead. (gasp for air) I feel weird today, Cannot explain it. Kevin opens his door to set of on his journey to the shop. KEVIN Wow, it looks .. Much greener then usual! Eh .The factories we had look completely different . Kevin walks past the homeless character once again as she is sat on the pavement. GIDDY KIPPER Hello

KEVIN Oh sorry, I do not have any change for you today. GIDDY KIPPER Its ok love, Have a good day. Startled, Kevin continues his journey. Kevin looks around at the new modified scenery as he is walking. KEVIN These old streets look really tidy, I have not seen any pieces Of litter. Has Kevin is almost at his shop destination he once again passes Frank (this time Frank seems happy not grumpy). FRANK Hey up, Have a good day mate. KEVIN Hi, You too. KEVIN (Under his breath) I do not know why, But that felt weird. KEVIN Ahh, the local shop. What! The fantastic grocery Shop with the amazing Barbera. How can it be

Kevin walks to enter the local shop un -noticing the change with the sun.
Scene#5 Kevin enters the shop, there is no entrance bell to notify others and the layout to the shop is different in a way.

BORON Good morning sir! KEVIN Eh yeah Good morning matey. (talking to himself) Why is everyone been so nice today It is kind of weird But its all great don t get me wrong . Kevin walks over to the fridge to obtain his usual carton of milk. KEVIN Oh, the packaging of everything Is looking very groovy, I am liking it. Kevin walks over to the shop counter for a conversation with the shop owner. KEVIN Hi, love The usual for me thanks. BARBERA Hello, please take it Sir. KEVIN Oh Don t pay! BARBERA

Not today love. KEVIN (in a shocked tone of voice) Eh Thanks, see ya. BARBERA Take care. Kevin heads towards the exit to leave for his work. KEVIN (Speaks to himself in his head) Everyone seems so friendly Its really good, I thought I Was the friendliest person around here.

BORON (interrupting Kevin s train of thought) Good bye! KEVIN Yeah, take care mate. Kevin walks out of the shop.
Scene#6 Kevin is contemplating to himself.

KEVIN Today as been brilliant, I have met so many nice people And the people I already know have been extra friendly. Today has been amazing/epic, everything as gone fantastically great. (Kevin starts to brush his teeth and looks in the mirror) I think the factory s and the industrial

Warehouses have all been converted Into solar power stations. That s Why the air felt so fresh to breath in. Kevin lays in bed at this point. KEVIN I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings. (Kevin goes to sleep) Zzzzzzzzz
Scene#7 The day starts with Kevin opening is front door, walking his usual journey to the shop and whistling to himself.

Kevin approaches the homeless character yet again. GIDDY KIPPER Have you got any spare Change please? Kevin looks surprised and flips a coin into the homeless characters collecting tin. The animation will be fading out. My logo will appear and the credits will role to end the animation.

The image above represents me animating the character from the beginning. I used 9x5 frames, with the frame rate (fps) is 24 that gives me approx. 5 frames before I would have to change the image to another to simulate motion. I also animated inside another movie clip so that gave me 2 timelines to play with. This enabled me to add a bump motion to his walk cycle.

This image is adobe Premier , this was the suit I was using to composite the animation files. The max layers I used was 6 with 3 audio layers. I produced nearly 2 minutes worth of vide footage that s half of the full animation. I used layers from 3d studio max and adobe flash , with each scenes as clips I was able to position them as storyboarded and synchronise the sound in.

This is a screenshot from flash. On the next scene to the one shown above the flash file was imported into 3ds max, but making sure I left the background clear so I could import a 3d plane to represent the new background image.

Aniboom.com is the website where the final animation will be uploaded onto. This site is great for promoting animations in 2d of 3d. Other uploaded content is also available such as film.

Deviantart.com was used to store still images of mine.

The 4 previous images represent my online uploaded media s. I kept the project online showing the users potential updates and I was also able to pick up statistics about the project. Deviant art was mainly used to show project drawings but interactive content was also uploaded. Youtube.com was a site I used to promote the animation aspect of the project.

Has a whole the project has gone e ceptionally good. 10 months was used to concept, illustrate and get my idea across proceeding with the final deliverables set from the outset. I think I spent too much time creating character manifest sheets to animate, rather than adding digital sprite sheets (which I should have done from the start). The audio for the music should have been recorded before I started production. Because I have left it to the last action to be taken, I have found it hard to find someone to create the music and record voice actors together. Rather than using a traditional way to animate (stop frame) I can now think about using fully digitalised characters and even getting into some comple code. Not only the characters but the whole environment and interior of the shop could be a computer generated image.

Report by Aarron Gledhill

links to uploads-

aniboom.com - http://www.aniboom.com/animation-video/473302/The-day-that-changed/ youtube.com-http://www.youtube.com/user/BangerBishop deviantart.com-http://bangerbishop.deviantart.com/gallery/27001456 website-http://mybam2u.com/

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