What Do You Know About The Harmful Effects of E-Cigarrettes?

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consumption of Report time frame: November,2021


What do you know about the

harmful effects of E-cigarrettes?

Main research question

The creation of meeting points for attention,

open to all public in the entities of Queretaro,
Guanajuato and Mexico City will be of help to
Basic information (22.06%). Cause respiratory diseases (19.12%)
clarify all the doubts of the younger Causes fungi, bacterias and infection (13.24%)
population that have about the electronic Don’t know any harmful effects (11.76%). A lot of information (5.88%)
cigarette and the damage it causes and thus Cause more harmul effects than tobacco (5.88%). Cause cancer (4.41%)
raise awareness in people about how bad it is Don’t yet know harmful effects (4.41%)
Harmful effects are the same tobbacco (4.41%)
to consume electronic cigarettes.

Do you use or did you smoke tobbaco cigarrettes?

Use tobbaco Consumed Don’t

tobacco consume

24.32% 29.72% 45.9%

Do you consume How old are Where are you

Why do you consume it?
E-cigarettes? you? from?
Querétaro 41%

México 29%

Guanajuato 4%

Our sample is 161 15-17 años It is proposed to

create or implement
respondents of these, 18-20 años
a campaign so that
Like it (45.27%). It’s a trend (10.81%) the division of people
20-25 años more people have
Subsitute tobacco (12.16%) who consume
25-30 años access to accurate
electronic cigarettes
Influence (16.22%). Appearance (4.05%) and clear
74 = Yes
“Healthy” (4.05%). Just relax (3.38%) information
87 = No
In  uence of social media (1.35%). Comfort (1.35%)
Give sense of energy (1.35%)

Fitting in It is expected to meet the goal of reaching

We consider that it is
terrible how
stereotypes more people from different entities the
ignorant or
has become more
unconscious young important information they need to know about
people decide to be electronic cigarettes to reduce consumption,
about their health, There is
just to satisfy the knowledge this with the help of different media such as
taste of the
of the damage social networks, TV commercials, billboards,
and even so it
continues to through brochures or posters.

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