Brusilov: Core Stats Core System

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The Brusilov platform is the ill-fated result of the “RAIN SEASON” project, an
effort to get the best and brightest young minds in the Purview, and bring them
together to work on a line of chassis and pilot equipment.

The project would draw heavily from the HORUS Manticore p-g, as well as recent
advancements in Blinkspace manipulation. While initial testing panned out well,
the project would soon deteriorate as HORUS and Harrison design principles
clashed against each other. Hemorrhaging developers and funding, the team was
subject to an unexpected audit by the Think Tank; declared inefficient and
underperforming, the project as a whole was mothballed.

Looking up the Brusilov, the majority of its researchers, project Rain Season,
or the whereabouts of Dr. Katya Han are liable to get a Purview citizen flagged
by automated civilian audit C/Cs.


Size: 1 Save Target: 11 BLINKSPACE SHREDDERS
Armor: 0 Sensors: 8 “I've never met Los Voladores, but you should
HULL SYSTEMS take what they say seriously, you can't just…
HP: 12 E-Defense: 8 Do this and then leave it behind. Clean up after
yourself. Stitch the tears shut. We see these
Repair Cap: 4 Tech Attack: +0
things-- Omnihooks, Omninodes, Blinkgates, --as
AGILITY SP: 6 like, radars or antennas. That's not really it.
Evasion: 8 ENGINEERING The Blink is uh, it's like... A lake. And
Speed: 3 Heat Cap: 8 there's this fabric, stretched all over it.”

“*This* is the needle.”

1/round, 1 heat (self)
The Brusilov gains 1 armor while in the Danger
Zone or in a space which deals damage (e.g. During its turn, the Brusilov may create a size 1 space of
dangerous terrain or deployables), and 2 while in disruptive energy within a free space within Range 3 and
line of sight. Characters must pass an Engineering Save
when they end their turn in this terrain or move into it for
the first time in a round. It deals 3 AP Energy damage
SELF-IMMOLATE on a failed save. Your mech can only have 3 of these
spaces active at a time. Creating a new one while 3 are
While in the Danger Zone, the Brusilov may take active destroys the oldest existing one.
an equal amount of AP energy damage instead of
UNSTABLE SYSTEM Active (1 CP), Quick Action
When the Brusilov is destroyed, it explodes at the Your mech lashes out at reality, tearing space asunder.
end of your next turn as though it had triggered a For the rest of the scene, the maximum amount of
reactor meltdown. dangerous spaces you can create increases to 6, and
you can place 2 per protocol. When you place these
spaces, you can draw the range from any one already
MOUNTS existing space you have created, as well as your mech.

Additionally, these spaces no longer damage you.


PYTHNfinal_final.xc Impossible Trident

2 SP, Invade Main Melee, Thrown 3, 1 SP
Gain the following Invade options: [Threat 1] [1d3+2 Energy Damage]
FATZ_OUT: Your target teleports up to 1d3+1 When you throw this weapon, it sticks in the space
spaces to a space of your choice. If this effect of impact (sharing the space with its target, or
would move them to a space occupied by a sticking into terrain), discharging unstable energy to
character, object, or piece of terrain, the teleport terrain within Burst 1. Characters who enter these
fails. spaces or the first time on their turn, or start their
turn adjacent to it, must pass an Agility Save or
HEAT//SYNC: Take 1d3 AP Energy Damage. You take 2 Energy damage. This area persists until you
and your target’s Heat average out. (E.G., if you retrieve it. (If a talent or system automatically
have 6 heat and your target has 0, both of your heat retrieves thrown weapons, you can opt not to).
becomes 3.) You can only use this option 1/round.
The duty of the empire is thus: to wear
The design, being derived from the us down, day by day. Your worth is only
Manticore pattern group, required the recognized by your ability to be of use.
chassis to adopt a crawling position. Their utter contempt for you is masked by
Harrison Armory, so deeply poisoned by a veneer of loathing for anyone who does
their own ego and ideology, venerates the not participate within their structures.
human form above all else. Look at the
Barbarossa, it is man dwarfing all things. You will be ground down every day into a
Some might argue that this was because of fine point. The empire has fashioned us
the hardsuit roots, but if these machines into weapons. Now, we wield ourselves
didn't have any cultural baggage then we against it.
would have shifted to something far more
practical eons ago. — Thorn in the Side: A Manifesto (Banned
on Ras Shamra and throughout the Purview)
So old man, I ask you: how could we sell
them on something that did not worship
those who helmed it?

Hyperobject Armor Han’s Basilisk

2 SP, Unique, Shield, Quick Action, 2 SP, Full Tech, Invade
Limited (2) Gain the following Full Tech options:
You may expend a use of this system as a Quick Nostalgic Loop: Make a Tech Attack against a
Action, gaining Overshield equal to 4 + Grit. While target within sensors and line of sight. On hit, your
you have this Overshield, you may Teleport when target takes 2 Heat and whenever they pass a
you make your standard move. check or save, they take +1 difficulty on the next
Projecting a triangle onto a sphere allows check or save they make, continuing to a maximum
you to create right angles that add up to of 3 difficulty. When they fail a save, this effect is
more than ninety degrees. Project cleared. Only one target may suffer from this effect
something down into our dimension, and you at a given time.
can fold the vectors of shapes into
infinites we could never perceive until Definition Sharpener: Make a Tech Attack against
the deflection and the sharpness of their a target within sensors and line of sight. On hit, your
continuities could split bullets around target treats Standard Terrain as Difficult Terrain,
them. A suggestion: press your thumb to and Difficult Terrain as Dangerous Terrain until
the spike on the finial, here, and watch the end of their next turn. The damage type caused
the point slide between atoms without by Dangerous Terrain is determined by the GM
brushing them. depending on the locale or narrative.

Attempts to both stem the spread of the

"Thorn in the Side" manifesto or the
BRUSILOV print data have ultimately only
been partially successful; the manifesto
itself contains liturgicode seeds which
can be easily extrapolated into print
data. Likewise, the print data strain
itself modifies even civilian-grade
printers to be able to handle the process,
and in turn spreads more data for the
manifesto, adverts, etc- a full adoption
of the pattern-group format.


Heavy CQB, 1 Heat (Self)
[Range 3] [3 Threat] [1d6+4 Explosive Damage]
On a critical hit: Until the end of their next turn, your target rolls twice and takes the lower result
when they have to make a Check or Save.

The first emergence of this weapon was an impractical use-- a Lieutenant Governor
found pinned to a billboard with the spikes of this weapon, still attached to the
head of the chassis, body absent. Recovery and examination revealed the weapon to
be a 'paracausal tuning fork' of a sort.

Since the incident, the iconography of a body being pierced by a triangle has
become synonymous with revolutionary thought within the mainstream of Purview
culture and politics.
3 SP, Unique, AI
Gain the AI property and the FATA MORGANA Quick Tech.

We will give you 2 slivers of a life. Listen carefully:

“They aren’t your property. I don’t expect you to understand them anymore.”

“No, I ah- I’ve never met someone else like me before.”

Do not use this system. It promotes thought unbecoming of a Legionnaire.

— TT-AUDATA, Think Tank paramind.

Quick Tech
A target within sensors must pass a Systems Save. On a failed save, your target projects distorted
images of themselves in a burst 1 space around them until the end of their next turn. They count as
standing in these spaces for anything other than attacks, cover, or obstructions. (Mines,
Dangerous/Difficult Terrain, Drones, non-tech attack systems which use sensor range all can interact
with these spaces).

The target cannot use this space to calculate range for their attacks or systems, and attacking these
spaces does not count as attacking them.

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