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Kinesiology is a complementary health therapy using manual muscle testing techniques.

Kinesiology was developed by Dr George Goodheart in 1964 using simple muscle testing to
identify strong and weak muscles.
Kinesiology is a relaxing, non-invasive therapy which encourages a sense of well-being. As such it
may be helpful to those seeking relief from a range of minor symptoms and to ease emotional,
physical or mental stress.
Kinesiology uses a range of gentle, yet effective techniques. Depending on the client’s individual
needs, the methods applied in the kinesiology session will vary according to your practitioner and
their particular specialism. All modalities use muscle testing to find the main stressors and
determine the appropriate corrections to make. These may be on a physical level, such as
emotional issues, a chemical imbalance or dietary changes.

A muscle will test either strong or weak based on the nervous system control of the muscle,
responding similar to a switch. When a weak muscle is identified, techniques including holding
neurovascular points on the head, massaging neurolymphatic points on the body and running
acupuncture meridian points will be used to improve muscle strength.
Suggestions will be made to strengthen a weak muscle including nutritional support, dietary and
lifestyle changes as well as setting tasking to facilitate change within the body.
Kinesiology is based on the theory that manual muscle testing can provide information about
imbalances and stresses in the body. A kinesiologist does not diagnose or treat, instead they work
with the client to explore how to bring the body back into balance. This may involve massaging
specific points, providing suggestions such as nutritional supplements, relaxation techniques,
lifestyle changes, flower essences and more.
In a kinesiology session, the client remains fully clothed. The kinesiologist will place the client's
arm or leg into a specific position and will apply a light pressure against the muscle that is being
tested while the client is asked to match the pressure. At no time should the client experience pain
or discomfort with the testing.
In kinesiology, the energy system is believed to be one complete unit. This unit is made up of
different parts that all interconnect, react and affect one another. The theory is common among
many complementary and alternative therapies - most of which have a holistic view, whereby it is
thought that everything we do has an impact on the system as a whole.

This holistic approach considers the possibility that one problem may lead to another. Because of
this, therapies with this approach look at the complete person instead of focusing on identifying
and treating symptoms.
While the approach, theory and techniques will differ between each practitioner, there are two
theories that are central in many complementary and alternative therapies, particularly in the
practice of kinesiology. These theories are energy meridians and the Triad of Health.

Energy meridians
In TCM, the body is represented as a balance of two forces - yin and yang. While in some cultures,
yin and yang are perceived to be symbols of good and bad, they are also represented as an example
of how opposites can only exist in relation to each other. According to Chinese medicine, when
these two opposing forces become unbalanced, the effects can result in a blockage in the flow of
our life energy or qi.

This energy is believed to circulate continuously throughout the body, using pathways known as
our ‘meridian system’. This is a system made up of various individual meridians (vital organs) that
represent either yin or yang.

The 12 primary paired meridians

● The stomach meridian (yang) flows to the spleen meridian (yin).

● The heart meridian (yin) flows to the small intestine meridian (yang).
● The bladder meridian (yang) flows to the kidney meridian (yin).
● The pericardium meridian (yin) flows to the triple warmer meridian (yang).
● The gallbladder meridian (yang) flows to the liver meridian (yin).
● The lung meridian (yin) flows to the large intestine meridian (yang).

In TCM, symptoms of various illnesses and ailments are believed to be the result of a disrupted or
unbalanced energy movement through the body’s meridians.

Triad of Health
Depending on the branch of kinesiology used, some practitioners will approach health and
wellness using a system known as the Triad of Health. The triad is represented by an equilateral
triangle with physical and structural health-forming the base. Chemical and diet represent one side
and mental and emotional health represents the other.

When a person begins to experience a health problem, it is believed to be caused by an imbalance

in these factors. All of these need to be considered in order to identify the cause of the problem.
The techniques involved in kinesiology allow practitioners to evaluate the balance of the triad.
They can then trace the problem back to the cause and help the energy system repair itself.

Muscle testing
Despite there being various branches of kinesiology, the key tool used within all practices of
kinesiology is muscle testing (also known as muscle monitoring). Muscle testing is used to gain a
response from the muscle, which the kinesiologist hopes will provide them with an insight into the
meridian system.

The muscle testing aspect of kinesiology is relatively transferable. It is common for it to be

applied, expanded upon and incorporated into other therapy forms.

Generally, your kinesiologist will position a limb so that one of the muscles is in a contracted
position. Gentle pressure is then applied, which you will be asked to match. The muscle will either
remain contracted or it may unlock. This muscle response will lead your kinesiologist to determine
what the priority stressors or imbalances are, before deciding how to address them.

The aim of the exercise is not to test strength, but instead to see how responsive the muscle is to
additional pressure. At no stage should muscle testing cause any kind of pain or discomfort.

As with any kind of alternative or complementary therapy, kinesiology is not a substitute for
seeing a medical professional. If you have a concern or injury, it is important to consult your GP
before seeking holistic treatment.

Kinesiology modalities explained

Since it was developed in the 1960s, kinesiology has evolved and developed into a much bigger
practice. The term now covers not just the original form, but various other healing modalities.

Kinesiology practitioners can also choose to learn and specialise in more than one form of
kinesiology. The differing forms generally all involve muscle testing, but each will vary in
technique. Some of the branches recognised by the Kinesiology Federation include:

● classical kinesiology
● creative kinesiology
● educational kinesiology
● health kinesiology
● progressive kinesiology
● wellness kinesiology

What are the benefits of kinesiology?

Kinesiology aims to restore balance to the whole person by promoting the self-healing process.
Each of the kinesiology modalities will have its own health benefits and how you are affected will
depend on your situation, your practitioner and the treatment you receive.

For example:

● Educational kinesiology is said to help improve sports performance and self-development.

● Health kinesiology has been reported to help boost self-confidence and improve a person’s
ability to focus and stay motivated.
● Creative kinesiology works with energy to help people overcome aches, pains, lack of
confidence, fatigue, life frustration and lack of fulfilment or purpose.
● Wellness kinesiology works to combine emotional issues with nutritional and structural
elements. It is thought that combining these factors helps to bring the mind and body into a
state of wellness.

What does a kinesiologist do?

During your first session, your kinesiologist will ask you a series of questions. This is so they can
understand why you have come for treatment and what you hope to gain from the therapy. Next,
they will take some time to compile a comprehensive case history. This includes details of any
current or previous injuries you may have, your lifestyle, diet and current emotional state.

What to expect from a kinesiology session

The first session will often also involve a demonstration of muscle testing, during which your
kinesiologist will explain to you what they are doing, why they are doing it and the effect it should

At the end of the session, your kinesiologist may recommend some lifestyle changes and self-care
tips, such as managing stress. They may also suggest specific exercises for you to practise at home
before your next session. These suggestions are intended to help maintain any positive changes
that may have occurred during the session.

The number of sessions you will need will depend on the issue you want to overcome and how
long you have been experiencing the problem. The first session will often last between one to two
hours, though this may vary.

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