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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 4: Leadership and Management (5036)

Submission date Date received (1st submission)

Re-submission date Date received (2nd submission)

Student name Duong Trung Nguyen Student ID GBD201936

Class GBD1002 Assessor name Vo Thi Thao Ngoc

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

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Grading grid

P5 P6 M4 M5 D2 D3
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I. Purpose of paper...................................................................................................................................................... 5
II. Analysis ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1. Definition ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Content theory..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Process theory ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Application ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Introduction of company .................................................................................................................................... 7
Strategies motivation .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Impacts of motivation on organization performance .......................................................................................... 8
3. Concept of PM................................................................................................................................................. 9
Traditional ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Continuous........................................................................................................................................................... 9
4. Application .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Continuous......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Traditional ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
III. Conclusion........................................................................................................................................................... 10
References .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
I. Purpose of paper
This report is focusing on leadership and management skills and competencies as a newly recruited
Trainee Executive Search Consultant. As part of the onboarding process, this report conducts a
case study for Hoa Phat Corporation. It focuses on the company's leadership and management
ideas, their impact on decision making, and the elements that drive organizational culture.

II. Analysis
1. Definition
Content theory
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory
Maslow's primary assumption is that human needs are organized into a hierarchy of priority.
People are desiring beings; they are always looking for more, and what they seek is dependent on
what they already have, including physiological safety, belonging, esteem, and self-actualisation
(Mullins, L. J. (2019).

Physiological needs. Include homeostasis (the body’s automatic efforts to retain normal
functioning) such as satisfaction of hunger and thirst, the need for oxygen and to maintain
temperature regulation. Also sleep, sensory pleasures, activity, maternal behaviour and, arguably,
sexual desire (Mullins, L. J. (2019).
Safety needs. Include safety and security, freedom from pain or threat of physical attack,
protection from danger or deprivation, the need for predictability and orderliness (Mullins, L. J.
Love needs (often referred to as social needs). Include affection, sense of belonging, social
activities, friendships, and both the giving and receiving of love(Mullins, L. J. (2019).
Esteem needs (sometimes referred to as ego needs). Include both self-respect and the esteem of
others. Self-respect involves the desire for confidence, strength, independence and freedom, and
achievement. Esteem of others involves reputation or prestige, status, recognition, attention and
appreciation (Mullins, L. J. (2019).
Self-actualisation needs. Once a lower need has been satisfied, it no longer acts as a strong
motivator. The needs of the next higher level in the hierarchy demand satisfaction and become the
motivating influence. Only unsatisfied needs motivate a person. Thus Maslow asserts that ‘a
satisfied need is no longer a motivator’(Mullins, L. J. (2019).
Herzberg’s two factor theory
According to Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory, often known as the dual-factor hypothesis,
there are different sets of mutually incompatible workplace characteristics that either produce job
satisfaction or unhappiness. These variables that promote job happiness are often related to self-
development and self-actualization (Mullins, L. J. (2019).
Process theory
Adam equity
In expectation theory, one of the primary determinants of satisfaction is perceived availability of
rewards. This leads to the examination of another process theory of motivation equity theory.
When applied to the workplace, equity theory is generally connected with Adams' work. Equity
theory is concerned with people's opinions of how fairly they have been treated in relation to how
others have been treated. It is based on social exchange theory (Mullins, L. J. (2019).
Goal theory – Locke
This idea is mostly based on Locke's work. The core assumption is that people's intentions or
objectives have a substantial influence in determining their conduct. According to expectation
theories of motivation, perceived value is significant, and these values give birth to the experience
of emotions and wants. Locke understands this and claims that these values give birth to the
experience of emotions and wants. Goals influence employee behavior and performance, and often
result in specified punishments or feedback. People strive to attain their goals in order to satisfy
their emotions and desires. 'Goal-setting is more appropriately understood as a motivating activity
than as a formal theory of motivation,' Locke subsequently said (Mullins, L. J. (2019). Effective
goal planning is based on five essential elements.
Clarity : A well-defined, quantifiable objective is more likely to be met than a poorly defined one.
To put it another way, be precise! The most successful goals have a fixed finish date (Wieland, J.
and kumar, J., n.d).
Challenge : The objective must have a reasonable amount of difficulty in order to drive you to
work toward it (Wieland, J. and kumar, J., n.d).
Commitment : Make a concerted effort to achieve this aim. Share your objective with someone
else to boost your accountability to achieve it (Wieland, J. and kumar, J., n.d).
Feedback : Set up a system for receiving updates on your progress toward a goal. If reducing 30
pounds in four months becomes too tough, it is preferable to change the difficulty of your objective
halfway through the timetable rather than giving up totally (Wieland, J. and kumar, J., n.d).
Task complexity : If the aim is particularly difficult, allow yourself adequate time to overcome the
learning curve needed in finishing the activity. In other words, if you have a really difficult
objective, make sure you leave yourself some leeway to offer yourself the best chance of success
(Wieland, J. and kumar, J., n.d).
2. Application
Introduction of company
Hoa Phat Group is a pubis the leading industrial manufacturing group in Vietnam. Originating as a
construction machine and equipment trading company in August 1992, Hoa Phat has gradually
expanded its business to trading and production of Furniture, Steel Pipe, Steel, Refrigeration, Real
Estate and Agriculture. Since November 15, 2007, Hoa Phat has been officially listed on the Stock
Exchange under the stock ticker symbol ‘HPG’. 7.1 8 Currently, the Group operates in 05 sectors:
Iron and steel (construction steel, hot rolled coil) - Steel products (including steel pipes, galvanized
steel, drawn steel wire, prestressed steel) - Agriculture - Real estate – Home appliances (HoaPhat.
Strategies motivation
To begin with, total sales were approximately 34,000 billion VND, with a profit after tax of 6,606
billion VND, both of which were up 34% and 89 percent from 2015. This was HPG's most
profitable and profitable year in history. As a form of appreciation and encouragement for the
work of the whole team, employees, and the group's board of management, incentives are shared
based on the percentage of profit after tax agreed upon at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
Hoa Phat continues to spend 500 billion dollars on incentives for staff and management
( 2017).
In addition, throughout the 22-year construction and growth period, all personnel have made
significant contributions to the success of Hoa Phat Group, particularly in recent years as HPG
reorganized according to the group model and became a business public company. Over the last
three years, HPG's capitalisation has quadrupled. The HPG strategy of issuing ESOPs will create
circumstances to align the interests of key executives who have a critical position and role in
contributing to the group's development and attracting, retaining, and sticking with Hoa Phat for a
long time (Ngọc, T., 2015).
Last but not least, Hoa Phat encourages its employees to grow. Hoa Phat held a training session on
financial statement consolidation with the involvement of Deloitte, one of the world's four major
auditing companies. The course's goal is to provide students with a fundamental and unified
understanding of consolidated financial statements. The goal is for students to be able to respond
more promptly and properly to the creation of consolidated financial statements at each division
and for the group as a whole after completing the course. It is feasible to assist employees in
furthering their careers in this manner (Bích, N., 2015).
Impacts of motivation on organization performance
Increased performance : A motivated employee will give their utmost and perform at a greater
level overall. There is virtually little difference between the two when people are motivated. That
is, they consistently provide their utmost effort. Employees seldom perform to their full potential
when their motivation is low (Klynn, B., 2021).
Increased employee engagement : Employees that are more driven are more invested in their
jobs. This means that organizations will see, first, lower turnover and absenteeism, second,
stronger colleague relationships, and third, improved client service (Klynn, B., 2021).
Increased creativity, innovation, and problem-solving : Employees that are motivated are more
creative and innovative, and they handle problems more effectively. They put more energy into
these pursuits because they work with greater enthusiasm and feel connected to what they're doing.
When confronted with a difficulty, motivated employees adopt new habits and are inventive and
adaptable in their search for solutions. As a result, they are able to overcome setbacks (Klynn, B.,
Increased job satisfaction : Employees that are more motivated are also more satisfied with their
jobs. Employees that are more pleased are more efficient, productive, and care more about what
they do (Klynn, B., 2021).
Increased employee well-being : Motivated employees have greater levels of well-being and
mental health. Their physical and mental health improves when they are energetic and enthusiastic
about their profession. This relationship eventually becomes circular. A greater sense of well-being
results from improved motivation. Simultaneously, increased employee well-being leads to
increased motivation (Klynn, B., 2021).

3. Concept of PM
Performance management is a corporate management technique that allows managers to monitor
and analyze the performance of their staff. The purpose of performance management is to create an
atmosphere in which individuals can perform to the best of their ability and generate the highest-
quality work in the most efficient and effective way possible (Tardi, C., 2022).
Traditional management theories such as the scientific method focused on achieving the goals that
the senior management of the company established. The goals that were usually created focused on
increasing the sales or profits of the business and ultimately benefiting the shareholders. Through
this management, approaches assume that the workers only have physical and economic needs
(Hertz,1950). It fails to appeal to the wider desires of an employee such as social desires rather
opting for specialized labour and centralized leadership. However, this method of managing has
been found to be inefficient in many ways. Due to this businesses have attempted to shift their
practices towards more beneficial towards employees. One such method has been changing both
the method of delivering feedback along with how a manager places their employees. (Roberts,
Continuous performance management is a contemporary, human-centered strategy to promoting,
assessing, and enhancing employee performance. It helps your firm to establish a trusting
atmosphere in which workers feel empowered to take charge of their own growth (Kinne, A.,

4. Application
People and expertise are valuable assets for Hoa Phat, so HPG implements continuous
performance management in 2021, during the covid-19 pandemic. The electronic office solution
has enabled members to view and engage with one another, swap jobs directly through the
program, Regulate assignments and report work progress, and deal with difficulties as they arise.
All information relating to the department's activity is highly timely, producing on a control plane,
exchanging interactions, and swiftly assigning duties. The Board of Directors can watch and
analyze the process in real time thanks to electronic office tools (Hoa Phat Group, 2021).
Facebook conducts performance reviews every six months to formally collect insights from an
employee's managers and closest colleagues. If there is anything at all surprising in one of these
reviews, then "something has gone terribly wrong," Facebook's VP of People Lori Goler said.
At Facebook, these reviews are checkpoints rather than investigative, revealing evaluations. "We
do it twice a year because the business moves very quickly and our product moves very quickly,
and if you wait a whole year, a lot of things have changed," Goler told Business Insider (Feloni,
R., 2016. ).

III. Conclusion
Finally, in order to increase earnings and product value, Hoa Phat Group must implement practical,
relevant, and timely strategies to attract and keep potential consumers. Through research that
defines theories and practical applications, research reveals the various approaches that a
corporation may take to efficiently and encourage clients. From there, Hoa Phat Corporation may
determine which approaches are most efficient in controlling and motivating its clients.
Mullins, L. J. (2019) Organizational Behavior in the Workplace 12th Ed. Harlow: Pearson

Wieland, J. and kumar, J., n.d. What is Goal-Setting Theory?. [online] GoStrengths!. Available at:

[Accessed 3 May 2022].

HoaPhat. n.d. Hoa Phat Group - Introduction. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 3 May 2022]. 2017. Không quá dư giả tiền mặt, Hoà Phát vẫn chi 500 tỷ thưởng cho nhân viên và ban điều
hành. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 3 May 2022].

Ngọc, T., 2015. Hòa Phát dự kiến phát hành 9.6 triệu cổ phiếu thưởng cho CBCNV. [online] HoaPhat.
Available at:

[Accessed 3 May 2022].

Bích, N., 2015. Hòa Phát tổ chức khóa đào tạo kỹ năng hợp nhất báo cáo tài chính. [online] HoaPhat.
Available at:

[Accessed 3 May 2022].

Klynn, B., 2021. Work Motivation: 10 Ways to Keep Your Team Inspired. [online]
Available at:

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Tardi, C., 2022. Performance Management Definition. [online] Investopedia. Available at:

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Kinne, A., 2020. Back to Basics: What Is Continuous Performance Management?. [online] Available at:

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Feloni, R., 2016. Facebook isn't giving up on biannual performance reviews. [online] Australian Financial
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