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A brief

Demonstration / Presentation
The Division of Labour in Society
Mr. Montu Kumar Daimary
“ The Division of Labour in Society ”

Emile Durkheim

published in 1893
The main concept :

“ Solidarity ”

means ‘Unity’
He divided the society into two types namely :

Primitive Society and Modern Society

According to him there is solidarity (unity) in
both types of societies.
Primitive Society
He said that in a ‘Primitive Society’ there is mechanical solidarity

In those societies everyone follows common religion, culture,

practice like agricultural practices, etc. this is called as mechanical
solidarity or collective consciousness.

Solidarity or Unity is based on commonness.

Modern Society
In a Modern Society, the solidarity (unity) is very different because it
is based on ‘Inter-Dependence’. Hence, it is called as ‘Orgainic

In those societies everyone follows inter-dependence. For example, the

doctor is dependent on the farmer and vice-versa.

Solidarity or unity is based on inter-dependence, with or without

the other parties knowing.

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