Effects of Grain Size Gradation On The Porosity of Packed Heap Leach Beds

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Hydrometallurgy 179 (2018) 238–244

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Effects of grain size gradation on the porosity of packed heap leach beds T
a a,⁎ b
Shuo Zhang , Wenying Liu , Giuseppe Granata
Department of Materials Engineering, University of British Columbia, 309-6350 Stores Road, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan


Keywords: Fluid flow through packed ore/rock beds is among the critical processes that control the release of valuable
Fluid flow metals as well as substances potentially harmful to the environment. The properties of fluid flow in porous media
Heap/dump leaching are associated with the structure of the pores through which the fluid flows which, in turn, is influenced by grain
Waste rock drainage size gradation, grain shape and packing method. In this study, we investigated the effect of three types of grain
Pore size distribution
size gradation on porosity and pore size distribution using the bulk density and the computed tomography (CT)
Packed bed permeability
scanning methods. It was generally observed with the uniformly graded grains that the porosity decreased as the
mean grain size increased until a limit was reached. The porosities of the well graded grains were lower than
those of the uniformly graded grains in the coarse size range, but there was no difference in the porosities
between the two types of gradation in the fine size range. Furthermore, the influence of the packing method on
the well graded grains was more pronounced than on the uniformly graded grains, implying relative ease of
compaction of well graded grains. The proportion of fine grains in the gap graded grains influenced the por-
osities, which firstly decreased and then increased. The pore size distribution of the gap graded grains showed a
high degree of heterogeneity compared to those of the uniformly graded and the well graded grains. The findings
indicate that in ore/rock dumps fine particles account for the bulk of the porosity and possibly the bulk of any
pore water content, suggesting that fine particles are likely to contribute most of the leachable substances.

1. Introduction physical properties (Amos et al., 2015; Zhang and Liu, 2017). Fluid
movement through porous reactive materials is a critical process that
The leaching of substances from packed ore/rock beds is of great provides reactants to and mobilizes products from leaching reactions
significance for valuable metal production via heap/dump leaching as and microbial activities (Liu and Hashemzadeh, 2017; Velleux et al.,
well as management of mine waste rock drainage. Heap/dump leaching 2006; Villeneuve et al., 2017). Fluids can percolate slowly and uni-
is a widely applied hydrometallurgical process for treating copper formly, leading to a stable wetting front; or move rapidly and pre-
oxides, secondary sulfides, and possibly low-grade primary sulfides ferentially along paths of least resistance, bypassing a considerable
(Petersen, 2016; Yin et al., 2018). Mine waste rock drainage is among fraction of the porous media (Hendrickx and Flury, 2001). Channeled
the most significant environmental challenges facing the global mining and preferential flow in waste rock piles is common given regions of
industry due to its dynamics and persistence (Johnson and Hallberg, vastly different porosity and permeability (Eriksson and Destouni,
2005). Examples are selenium release from coal waste rock (Hendry 1997). The ratio of uniform to preferential flow is crucial for de-
et al., 2015), arsenic contamination in diverse geological and climatic termining the amount of solutes leached from solid matrix and trans-
settings (Williams, 2001), and acid mine drainage (Betrie et al., 2016). ported by moving fluids (Jarvis, 2007).
On the other hand, mine waste and drainage represent vast opportu- Grain size distribution is among the key physical properties that
nities for valuable products recovery given the need for low-cost re- control permeability and fluid flow (Stockwell et al., 2006). Various
sources, increasingly stringent environmental conditions, and improved models have been developed to describe the relationships between
mineral processing and separation technologies (Lottermoser, 2011; permeability and the statistical parameters that describe the grain size
Nordstrom et al., 2017; Santos and Ladeira, 2011). distribution of the porous media (Carrier, 2003; Chapuis, 2004; Masch
The complexity of the leaching process arises from the intertwined and Denny, 1966; Shepherd, 1989). These empirical models relate grain
fundamental processes occurring simultaneously in packed ore/rock size distribution to pore size distribution and porosity, and use them as
beds that are typically of highly heterogeneous nature in chemical and dimensionless input parameters (Arya and Paris, 1981; Yu and

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: wenying.liu@ubc.ca (W. Liu).

Received 14 February 2018; Received in revised form 19 June 2018; Accepted 23 June 2018
Available online 27 June 2018
0304-386X/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Zhang et al. Hydrometallurgy 179 (2018) 238–244

Standish, 1991). Our previous study has shown that dump leach pads Table 1
contained an extremely wide range of particle sizes and that spatial Three well graded samples tested, each as a mixture of four uniformly graded
segregation of fine and coarse particles existed (Zhang and Liu, 2017). grains with each size accounting for 25% by mass in the mixture.
However, it was unclear how the segregation would affect porosity Sample no. Sizes of the four uniformly-graded grains in the mixture, mm
behavior and pore structure. To assess the impact of particle size dis-
tribution on fluid flow properties, the current study attempted to 1 6.83 4.83 3.19 2.19
2 1.60 0.85 0.60 0.30
measure porosity directly in beds of varying particle sizes through the
3 0.21 0.15 0.11 0.045
use of computerized tomography and digital image analysis. The image
analysis would provide direct visual evidence on the change of porosity
behavior as the ratio of fine and coarse particles was varied. These parameters: the mean grain size d50; the coefficient of uniformity, de-
techniques have been applied to examine particle damage and copper fined as Cu = d60/d10; and the coefficient of curvature, defined as
grain exposure by crushing (Kodali et al., 2011), and to aid the mod- Cc = d30 2/d60 ∙d10 . The terms d10, d30, d50 and d60 are the screen sizes
elling of particle scale leaching kinetics (Lin et al., 2016). It is not the being passed by 10%, 30%, 50% and 60% by mass of the particles. The
purpose of this paper to advance the image analysis techniques, but to higher the value of Cu the larger the range of the grain sizes in the
assess how fine particles affect porosity behavior and the implications sample. For the grains to be classified as well graded, the following two
for substance leaching from ore/rock dumps. criteria must be met: Cu ≥ 6 and 1 < Cc < 3. If such criteria were not
met, the grains were classified as poorly graded, either uniformly
2. Materials and methods graded or gap graded.
The 14 samples collected between the two adjacent sieves had a
2.1. Sample grain preparation narrow size variation and their Cu values were calculated to be ap-
proximately 1. Therefore, they were used to represent the uniformly
Drain rock, i.e., barren gravel, was used in this study as samples to graded grains. These uniformly graded grains were mixed in different
investigate the effect of particle size distribution on porosity. The drain size combinations and at various proportions to prepare the well graded
rock with an average diameter of 0.75 in. was crushed and screened to and the gap graded samples. Three well graded samples were prepared,
collect grains between two adjacent sieve apertures. Fourteen such each as a mixture of four uniformly graded grains with each size ac-
samples were collected, the mean particle size of which was calculated counting for 25% by mass in the mixture (Table 1). Table 2 shows the
as the average size of the two adjacent sieve openings. The calculated coefficient of uniformity and the coefficient of curvature of the three
mean particle sizes of the sample grains in descending order were 6.83, well graded samples, which met the two criteria: Cu ≥ 6 and
4.83, 3.19, 2.19, 1.60, 1.10, 0.85, 0.60, 0.43, 0.30, 0.21, 0.15, 0.11, and 1 < Cc < 3. Six gap graded samples were prepared, each as a mixture
0.045 mm. of two uniformly graded grains, one representing fine grains and the
other representing coarse grains (Table 3). For each size combination,
the proportion of fine grains was varied as 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and
2.2. Sample grain gradation
100% by mass.

The method for grading the sample grains, i.e., the classification of
the particle size distribution of the sample grains, was in accordance 2.3. Porosity measurements
with the Unified Soil Classification System. The sample grains were
classified as well graded and poorly graded. The latter was further di- 2.3.1. Bulk density method
vided into uniformly graded and gap graded. A well graded sample The sample grains were packed into a custom designed test column
contained grains of a wide range of sizes, with each size well re- of 3.75 in. in diameter and 5 in. in height using two packing methods:
presented in the sample. A gap graded sample had an excess or defi- random loose packing and random close packing. For the random loose
ciency of certain particle sizes, also called the bimodal size distribution. packing, grains were directly packed to the target volume without
The uniformly graded grains referred to the case where the grains had tapping or shaking the test column, while the random close packing
similar sizes with a narrow size variation. Fig. 1 shows a schematic of involved tapping and shaking the test column until no further decrease
the three types of grain gradation used in this study. in the volume was observed. The porosity of the packed grains was
The gradation of the sample grains was characterized by three calculated from its bulk density and the density of the solid grains,
which was measured to be 2.64 g/cm3 by the water displacement
method. Each test was repeated five times to obtain the average por-
osity and the standard deviation as the error bar.

2.3.2. Computed tomography (CT) scanning method

The computed tomography (CT) scanning method allows for non-
invasive 3D imaging of specimens up to 100 mm in diameter and
160 mm in length, with resolution of 5–200 μm. In this study, a micro-
CT specimen scanner (Scanco Medical μCT100) was used to acquire
images of packed grains. Table 4 shows all the grain sizes tested and the

Table 2
Coefficient of uniformity (Cu) and coefficient of curvature (Cc) of the well
graded samples.
Sample no. d10, mm d30, mm d50, mm d60, mm Cu, d60/ Cc, d302/
d10 (d60d10)

1 0.02 0.06 0.11 0.12 6 1.6

2 0.14 0.43 0.60 0.86 6 1.5
Fig. 1. A schematic showing the particle size distribution curves for the three
3 0.67 2.02 3.19 4.05 6 1.5
types of grain gradation: uniformly graded, well graded and gap graded.

S. Zhang et al. Hydrometallurgy 179 (2018) 238–244

Table 3 decreasing grain size was ascribed to the decrease in the grain spheri-
Six gap graded samples, with the proportion of fine grains varying as 0%, 25%, city with decreasing grain size (Rogers and Head, 1961). The random
50%, 75% and 100% in each sample. packings of non-spherical grains is reported to result in porosities larger
Sample no. Coarse grain size, mm Fine grain size, mm than those for spheres (Ouchiyama and Tanaka, 1984).
Fig. 2B shows the porosities obtained by the CT scanning method in
1 6.83 0.05 comparison to those obtained by the bulk density method, both by the
2 4.83 0.11
random loose packing. The result obtained by the CT scanning method
3 3.19 0.15
4 2.19 0.21 showed that the porosity increased from 33% to 46% as the mean
5 1.60 0.30 particle size decreased from 2.19 mm to 88 μm. This trend was in
6 0.85 0.60 general agreement with that obtained by the bulk density method.
However, the critical particle size at which porosity ceased to respond
to grain size was not observed with the CT scanning method, because
corresponding sample holder size and resolution. For each sample, a the maximum grain size tested with this method was 2.19 mm, smaller
sample holder of an appropriate size was selected to minimize wall than the transition grain size of 3.19 mm identified with the bulk
effects. For all tests, the grains were packed in the sample holder using density method. Note that the porosity of the 6.83 mm sample was not
the random loose packing method. Due to the expensive and time- included, because the sample holder size used (the largest size avail-
consuming nature of the CT scanning method, all tests were carried out able) was not sufficiently large to provide a reliable porosity value.
without replication. Another critical grain size was identified, above which the porosity
Images of the packed grains were taken and imported as a stack to no longer responded to the packing method. Specifically, when the
the ImageJ software for image processing. The images were first cali- mean grain size was larger than 3.19 mm, the two packing methods
brated using the sample holder diameter as the reference size. By using generated porosities of no significant difference, indicating that the
the built-in method for global thresholding that assigned each pixel a packing method did not influence the porosity in the coarser particle
value below or above the specified threshold value, the images were range. When the mean grain size was smaller than 3.19 mm, the mea-
segmented into binary images consisting of the ore particles as back- sured porosities for the close random packing were lower than those for
ground and the pore space as foreground. Finally a plugin, called 3D the loose random packing. The shaking of the column during the close
objects counter, was used to measure the volume of individual pores. random packing allowed for more grains to be added to the column,
The generated data was then exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet leading to an increase in the bulk density and accordingly, a decrease in
to calculate the total pore volume as the summation of all individual the porosity of the packed column. These results suggested the im-
pore volumes. The corresponding porosity was calculated as the total portance of the heap/dump construction method in influencing porosity
pore volume divided by the total volume of the packed column. values (Lahmira et al., 2016), which could change fluid flow properties
and reaction kinetics (Kohfahl et al., 2011).
Fig. 3 presents the CT images for all uniformly graded samples. By
3. Results and discussion
image thresholding, these images were segmented into binary images,
from which the porosities were obtained. Note that the larger but fewer
3.1. Effect of particle size distribution on porosity for the uniformly graded
voids in the larger particle sizes yielded porosities lower than the finer
particles. The large but fewer voids of the large particles would confer
greater permeability than the small but abundant voids of the small
Fig. 2A compares the porosities obtained by the bulk density
particles. Fig. 4 demonstrates an example of a binary image after the
method under the random loose and random close packing conditions.
image processing procedure.
It was generally observed that the porosity increased as the mean grain
size decreased until a limit was reached. For the random loose packing
the porosity increased from about 38% to 52% as the mean grain size 3.2. Effect of particle size distribution on porosity for the well graded grains
decreased from 3.19 mm to 45 μm. This was different from the case of
the random close packing, where the porosity was observed to increase Fig. 5A shows the porosity values derived by the bulk density
from 38% to 52% in a rather narrow size range from 100 μm to 45 μm. method with the random loose and random close packing for the well
The trends in Fig. 2 identified critical particle sizes above which the graded grains. In both cases, the porosities decreased as the mean grain
porosity no longer responded to the variation in the mean grain size. size increased from 0.13 mm to 0.84 mm, at which a porosity limit was
The critical particle size where such transition occurred was 3.19 mm reached. Further increase in the mean grain size from 0.83 mm to
for the random loose packing, much larger than the 100 μm for the 4.26 mm did not lead to any change in the porosity. The results ob-
random close packing. The observed increase in the porosity with tained by the CT scanning method were generally consistent with those

Table 4
Grain sizes tested and the corresponding sample holder size and resolution for the CT scanning method.
Sample No. Sample type Particle size Sample holder diameter (mm) Resolution (μm)


1 Uniformly graded 0.088 14 7.4

2 0.11 14 7.4
3 0.21 14 7.4
4 0.60 14 7.4
5 2.19 19 10
6 6.83 48 24.6
7 Well graded 0.045 + 0.11 + 0.15 + 0.21 14 7.4
8 0.30 + 0.60 + 0.85 + 1.60 19 10
9 2.19 + 3.19 + 4.83+ 6.83 48 24.6
10 Gap graded 0.21 + 2.19 19 10

Note: 25% by mass of each size component in the well graded samples; the fraction of fine grains varied as 0, 25%, 50% and 75% in the gap graded samples.

S. Zhang et al. Hydrometallurgy 179 (2018) 238–244

Fig. 2. Porosities of the packed uniformly graded grains at varying grain sizes: (A) derived by the bulk density method; (B) derived by the CT scanning method in
comparison with the bulk density measurements under random loose packing condition.

by the bulk density method (Fig. 5B). distribution for predicting porosity values.
A comparison of the two types of grain gradation showed that the
well graded grains behaved differently from the uniformly graded
grains (Fig. 6). For the finer grains < 0.83 mm in size, the well graded 3.3. Effect of particle size distribution on porosity for the gap graded grains
grains yielded porosities similar to that of the uniformly graded grains.
This indicated that porosities were independent of grain size gradation Gap graded samples were prepared as mixtures of two uniformly
in the fine size range. In contrast, in the coarser grain size range, the graded grains with a large size variation, one representing fine grains
porosities of the well graded grains were lower, implying that it was and the other representing coarse grains. Fig. 7A shows that with in-
easier to compact the well graded grains than the uniformly graded creasing fraction of fine particles, the porosities firstly decreased and
grains. then increased. A similar trend was reported by Wickland et al. (2006)
Furthermore, the influence of the packing method on the well in the investigation of co-disposal of tailings and waste rock. To verify
graded grains was more pronounced than for the uniformly graded the result, one sample, the mixture of 0.21 mm and 2.19 mm grains, was
grains. The porosities for the well graded grains responded to the selected for porosity measurement by the CT scanning method. Fig. 7B
packing method for the entire size range tested, as opposed to the case shows that the trend of the curve was similar to that derived by the bulk
of the uniformly graded grains, for which the porosity was independent density method.
of the mean grain size when it was larger than 3.19 mm (Fig. 2A). These A possible explanation for the initial decrease was that the coarse
results provide experimental evidence that not only grain size but also particles were dominant and the fine particles filled the void space
grain size distribution are critical factors in determining porosities of formed between the coarse particles. As the fine grain fraction in-
packed ore/rock beds. The coefficient of uniformity and the coefficient creased further, the fine grains played an increasingly dominant role
of curvature could be effective parameters that represent the grain size and the coarse particles were embedded in a fine particle matrix, re-
sulting in an increase in the porosity. The CT images shown in Fig. 8

Fig. 3. CT images of the uniformly graded samples (mm) by random loose packing: (A) 0.045; (B) 0.11; (C) 0.21; (D) 0.60; (E) 2.19; (F) 6.83; sample holder sizes and
image resolutions shown in Table 4.

S. Zhang et al. Hydrometallurgy 179 (2018) 238–244

Fig. 4. (A) An example of a CT image of the 2.19 mm sample; (B) corresponding 8-bit binary image after image processing.

Fig. 5. (A) Porosity of well graded grains derived by the bulk density method under the random loose and close packing; (B) comparison of the porosities by the bulk
density and the CT scanning methods, both by the loose random packing method.

Fig. 6. Comparison of porosities between the uniformly graded grains and the well graded grains under random loose packing condition: (A) by the bulk density
method; (B) by the CT scanning method.

illustrate the filling of the void space as the fraction of fine grains was 3.4. Qualitative analysis of pore size distribution
increased. Another observation was that the magnitude of the porosity
change was much more marked for the samples with a larger size The complex nature of pore structure cannot be fully characterized
variation. As the difference in the size of the two components became by a single porosity value. Porosity does not provide any information on
smaller, the effect of fine particle addition on the porosity became less pore size distribution, pore connectivity and tortuosity, all of which
significant. This was supported by the most pronounced effect observed play key roles in influencing permeability and flow properties (Xiong
for the combination of 6.83 mm and 0.045 mm and the least significant et al., 2016). In this study the pore size distributions of the three types
effect for the combination of 0.85 mm and 0.60 mm. This result was of gradation were only qualitatively examined by comparing their CT
consistent with the previous conclusion that it is more difficult to images (Fig. 9). More quantitative information on the effect of particle
compact particles of a more uniform size distribution. size distribution on pore structure can be extracted from the images,
which will be the focus of future work. The heterogeneity in the pore
size distribution was not apparent in the case of the uniformly graded
particles and the well graded particles. In contrast, the pore size

S. Zhang et al. Hydrometallurgy 179 (2018) 238–244

Fig. 7. (A) Porosities with increasing fraction of fine grains for the six gap graded samples under the loose packing condition: (A) by the bulk density method (B) by
the CT scanning method in comparison with those derived by the bulk density method for one gap graded sample.

Fig. 8. CT images of one gap graded sample, the mixture of 2.19 mm and 0.21 mm, with a varying fraction of 0.21 mm grains by mass: (A) 25%; (B) 50%; (C) 75%.

Fig. 9. Binary images after image processing to show the pore size distribution at two different vertical locations: (A) and (B) for uniformly graded grains with a mean
particle size of 2.19 mm; (C) and (D) for one well graded sample, a mixture of 1.60, 0.85, 0.60 and 0.30 mm, 25% each by mass; (E) and (F) for gap graded grains with
25% 0.21 mm and 75% 2.19 mm.

distribution for the gap graded grains presented a high degree of het- 3.5. Practical relevance
erogeneity as well as the segregation of fine and coarse grains; pores of
large sizes were observed in the coarse grain region with some being The experimental results obtained using grain size ranging from
filled by fine grains. 6.83 mm to 45 μm show that the porosity decreased as the grain size

S. Zhang et al. Hydrometallurgy 179 (2018) 238–244

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