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Chapter-1: Fundamental concepts

P1: An infinite plate is moved over a second plate on a layer of liquid with a velocity 0.3 m/s. For a small
width, d=0.3 mm, we assume a linear velocity distribution in the liquid. The liquid viscosity is 0.0065
Pa. s and its specific gravity is 0.88. Determine: a) The shear stress on the upper plate; b) The shear
stress on the lower plate; c) The directions of each shear stress calculated in (a) and (b).
P2: The velocity distribution for laminar flow between parallel plates maintaining a gap h is given by,
𝑢 5𝑦 2
= 1 − ( ) , here the origin is placed midway between the plates. Consider a flow of
𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑥 ℎ
water at 150C, with 𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑥 =0.10 m/s and ℎ =0.1 mm, determine the shear stress on the upper plate
and give its direction. Sketch the variation of shear stress across the channel. Furthermore, calculate the
force on a 1 m2 area of both upper and lower plates and give its direction.
P3: A female freestyle ice skater, weighing 450 N glides on one skate at speed 𝑉 = 6 m/s. Her weight is
supported by a thin film of liquid water melted from the ice by the pressure of the skate blade. Assume
the blade is 𝐿 = 0.3 m long and 𝑤 =3 mm wide, and that the water film is ℎ =0.0015 mm, thick.
Estimate the deceleration of the skater that results from viscous shear in the water film, if end effects
are neglected.
P4: Tape is to be coated on both sides with glue by drawing it through a narrow gap. The tape is 0.38 mm
thick and 25 mm wide. It is centered in the gap with a clearance of 0.3 mm on each side. The glue, of
viscosity 𝜇 = 1 𝑃𝑎. 𝑠 completely fills the space between the tape and gap. If the tape can withstand a
maximum tensile force of 110 N, determine the maximum gap region through which it can be pulled at
a speed of 1 m/s.
P5: Fluids of viscosities 𝜇1 = 0.1 𝑃𝑎. 𝑠 and 𝜇2 = 0.15 𝑃𝑎. 𝑠 are contained between two plates (each plate
is 1 m2 area). The thicknesses are ℎ1 = 0.5 𝑚𝑚 and ℎ2 = 0.3 𝑚𝑚, respectively. Find the force F to
make the upper plate move at a speed of 1 m/s. What is the fluid velocity at the interface between the
two fluids?

P6: A thin plate is separated from two fixed plates by very viscous liquids of viscosities 𝜇1 , and 𝜇2 ,
respectively (see the figure). The plate spacings h1 and h2 are unequal, as shown in the figure. The
contact area is A between the center plate and each fluid. Assuming a linear velocity distribution in
each fluid, derive the force F required to pull the plate at velocity V.

P7: A block of weight W slides down an inclined plane while lubricated by a thin film of oil of viscosity
𝜇, as shown in the figure. The film contact area is A and is moving with a constant velocity (terminal
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velocity) V. Assuming a linear velocity distribution in the film; derive an expression for the thickness
of the film.

P8: A proposal has been made to use a pair of parallel disks to measure the viscosity of a liquid sample.
The upper disk rotates at height h above the lower disk. The viscosity of the liquid in the gap is to be
calculated from measurements of the torque needed to turn the upper disk steadily. Obtain an algebraic
expression for the torque needed to turn the disk.

P9: A shaft with outside diameter of 18 mm turns at 20 revolutions per second inside a stationary journal
bearing 60 mm long. A thin film of oil 0.2 mm thick fills the concentric annulus between the shaft and
journal. The torque needed to turn the shaft is 0.0036 N. m. Estimate the viscosity of the oil that fills
the gap.
P10: Magnet wire is to be coated with varnish for insulation by drawing it through a circular die of 1.0
mm diameter. The wire diameter is 0.9 mm and it is centered in the die. The varnish (of viscosity 5 Pa.
s) completely fills the space between the wire and the die for a length of 50 mm. The wire is drawn
through the die at a speed of 50 m/s. Determine the force required to pull the wire.
P11: A conical body is made to rotate at a constant speed of . A film of oil having a viscosity of 
separates the cone from the container (see the figure). The film thickness is h. What torque is required
to maintain this motion? The cone has a R0 in radius at the base and its height is H. Use the straight-
line-profile assumption of velocity distribution across the film and Newton’s viscosity law.

P12: A lightly loaded full journal bearing has journal diameter of 50 mm, bush bore of 50.05 mm and
bush length of 20 mm. If rotational speed of journal is 1200 rpm and average viscosity of liquid
lubricant is 0.03 Pa s, determine the power loss (in W).
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