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▪ Formal writing is that form of writing which is used for the business, legal , academic

or professional purpose .
▪ On the other hand, informal writing is one which is used for personal or casual
purposes .
▪ Formal writing must use a professional tone, whereas a personal and emotional tone
can be found informal writing.
▪ The primary purpose of formal language is to achieve sophistication and clarity
▪ Formal language is used in situations that are more serious, for example when you’re
in a job interview or an email to higher officials .
▪ It can also be used when you’re speaking to someone you don’t know very well and
want to make sure you sound respectful
▪ In formal writing , use of slang is not at all common.
▪ When it comes to language, we use formulaic language in formal writing which
contains a set form of words.
▪ We use passive voice in a formal piece of writing.
▪ In formal writing, interjections are usually avoided, and so exclamation marks are
not used.
▪ In formal writing , linking words are used instead of conjunctions.
▪ Do not write in the first person.
▪ First person pronouns include I, my, we, our, us etc.
▪ Use sentences which tend to be compound and contain commas to link two ideas
or use transitions like “Furthermore” and “To exemplify”.
▪ State main points confidently and offer full support arguments.
▪ You need to be as thorough as possible with your approach to each topic when you
are using a formal style.
▪ Technical writing is a type of writing where the author is writing about a particular
subject that requires direction, instruction, or explanation.
▪ This style of writing has a very different purpose and different characteristics than
other writing styles such as creative writing, academic writing or business writing.
▪ Technical writing is straightforward, easy to understand explanations and/or
instructions dealing with a particular subject.
▪ It is an efficient and clear way of explaining something and how it works.
▪ examples of technical documentation include
▪ Instructions and procedures
▪ Proposals
▪ Emails , Letters , Memoranda
▪ Technical reports
▪ Case study
▪ Datasheets
▪ Remember your audience
▪ Know all ins and outs
▪ Think the structure through

▪ Purposes of Technical Writing:

▪ Speaking to customers
▪ Writing a letter
▪ Writing reports
▪ Marketing
▪ Seeking employment
▪ It is defined as creating new creative work, such as poems or novels, and
compilations or volumes of creative work.
▪ Literary writing is humanistic in that it allows for creative expression or aesthetics.
▪ Humanism rules literary writing, while technical writing is held by the logic and
determinism of scientific writing.
▪ Letter writing is an art. It is the commonest mode of communication.
▪ It is different from other forms of writing because it is intended for a specific
▪ A letter is written when something must be conveyed to someone sitting far away.
Writing requires imagination, creativity ,careful planning and organization .
▪ The language of the letter should be interactive.
▪ While writing a letter
▪ Mention your intention of writing the letter in the opening paragraph
▪ Divide your letter into paragraphs ,to mark changes of subject matter.
▪ Include all the relevant information
▪ Be courteous and gentle in your suggestions ,even while writing a complaint.
▪ Keep your sentences short.
▪ Use simple English words.
▪ Use simple and direct language.
▪ Avoid spelling , grammatical and careless mistakes in your letters
▪ There are mainly 3 types of letters, and they are,
▪ 1. Informal letter writing
▪ 2. Formal letter writing
▪ 3. Semi formal letter writing

Informal Letter Writing

▪ An informal letter is used when we are writing to a friend, relatives etc.
▪ This type of letter also known as a friendly letter is usually written for personal
▪ Parts of Informal Letter Writing
▪ 1. Address 2. Date 3. Opening 4. Body 5. Closing 6. Signature.
▪ A formal letter is one written in an orderly and conventional language and follows a
specific stipulated format.
▪ These letters are written for official purposes only, such as writing a letter to the
manager ,to the HR manager, to an employee, to the Principal of the college or
school, to a teacher, etc
▪ Parts of Formal Letter Writing
▪ • Name of the Sender • Address • Date, To • Name of the Recipient • Designation •
Address • Salutation • Subject • Body • Closing • Name • Signature
▪ A semi-formal letter is written to someone that you know by name and with whom
you have a professional or business relationship with, for instance; your teacher,
accountant, landlord.
▪ Structure :
▪ Title (Dear Mr Banks/ Dear Mrs Johns)
▪ Para 1 - first point with detail
▪ Para 2 - second point with detail
▪ Para 3 - third point with detail
▪ Closing sentence -(i hope this is acceptable….)
▪ Signing off -(yours sincerely…..etc)
▪ Name (made up or your own )

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