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Background of the Study

In anticipation of the “Big One” that is said to be striking the Philippines soon, the

government had been trying to prepare and ready the Filipinos for the said event. The “Big One”

is estimated to be up to magnitude 8 to 9 which predicted to cause a massive damage. To prevent

much more damage our country had started to take extra measures in their infrastructures ensuring

its durability. They had also started to give more focus in following the building codes. When the

Big One strikes, a large area of Luzon would be affected by the expected 7.2 magnitude

earthquake. Many cities including Manila is expected to take a huge damage especially since the

cities have a lot of weak points as it contains the cities that holds infrastructures and centralizes on

businesses and corporations so it is important to ensure the ability of the infrastructures around the

vicinity to withstand incoming disasters. In terms of preparation on what the citizens can do to

prepare for such a calamity the Philippines has already planned the discipline on the citizens for

the sake of their lives but this country is not prepared for the upcoming damages and the total cost

for the loss on the infrastructures of the city as the buildings’ design has not been updated for years

that can be able to adapt to earthquakes where the country is prone to.

With this research the school can be able to withstand the “Big One.” Experts were invited

for an interview and gathering on information was conducted with the inspection of the

maintenance of anything that can contributes to the school’s fragility to the earthquake. Everything

should be done for the improvement of the Alma Matter for the school to be able to withstand for

a long period of time to continue its legacy and its vision and mission for the community of Paco.

Saving lives of the fellow Filipino and of the future Paconians, has always been the goal of the


As we anticipate the Big One, it is best that we become aware our own safety. To prevent

further damage and harm we must take a step into securing the safety of our people. In helping

make the Philippines a safer place with stronger structures it is necessary that we also check our

preparedness and secure knowledge in our people. Like other countries that are more developed

but also prone to earthquakes, the researchers aimed to help improve further knowledge in our

structures that would help in making stronger infrastructures. To help prevent more damage, the

researchers identified the school’s hazardous parts and determine the renovations that should be

done for the upcoming earthquake and save more lives. Not only to save lives but to also help

increase knowledge and awareness of our surroundings.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to find out the capacity of the Jaime Cardinal Sin Building in Paco

Catholic School to withstand Earthquakes in anticipation of the occurrence of “The Big One”. It

aims to answer the following questions:

a. What are the weaknesses in the structural stability of the Jaime Cardinal Sin Building

that are prone to risks during earthquakes?

b. What are the renovations that should be done to improve the identified weaknesses of

the Jaime Cardinal Sin Building?

c. What makes the Jaime Cardinal Sin Building capable to withstand the Big One?

Significance of the Study

This study brought valuable insights as to the capacity of the Jaime Cardinal Sin building

in Paco Catholic School to withstand earthquakes in anticipation of the occurrence of the Big One.

Specifically, this study brought significance to the following:

School Administrators. The result of this study served as a reference for the School

Administrators to have a deeper knowledge on the capacity of the school to withstand earthquakes.

In line with this, this study provided the renovations that should be done to improve the structural

stability of the Jaime Cardinal Sin building that can help the school leaders to start making the

necessary actions to prevent risks brought by earthquakes and ensure the safety of the whole


School Maintenance Personnel. The results of the study provided the school’s maintenance

personnel necessary information about the renovations that should be done to make the Jaime

Cardinal Sin Building withstand strong earthquakes.

School Educators. This study informed the School Educators about the hazardous parts of the

Jaime Cardinal Sin Building which could help them in the occurrence of earthquakes. This study

provided more knowledge about the building’s strengths and weaknesses which could help the

School Educators to execute safe evacuation for the students and themselves.

Students. This study contributed to the safety of the students when earthquakes happen. The

results of this study served as a guide for the students on where to go and places that should be

avoided for them to ensure their safety during earthquakes and evacuate the school safely.

Future Researchers. Future researchers may use this as a reference for their research or improve

this research and that they might have an idea on how the school can improve the infrastructures

and make it safer for any hazards that might occur when it happen.

Scope and Delimitations

This study focused on the capacity of the Jaime Cardinal Sin Building in Paco Catholic

School to withstand earthquakes in anticipation of the Big One. This study discusses the structural

integrity of the Jaime Cardinal Sin Building and aimed to identify its hazardous parts. This study

contains information on how the building was constructed, the materials used in construction and

the structural inputs of professional engineers on the building’s capacity to withstand earthquakes.

This study included a total of 6 participants which are (3) Maintenance personnel of Paco

Catholic School, (2) Civil Engineers from outside the school and (1) Electrical Engineer that are

capable to tell if the structure can withstand earthquakes.

The data would be gathered through personal interviews. A letter of invitation would be

given to the participants from outside the school prior to the interview schedule. The participants

would be assured of the confidentiality of the information gathered throughout the course of the

study and ethical considerations would be strictly observed.

This study only covered the structural capacity of the Jaime Cardinal Sin building and did

not measure the school community’s capacity to withstand earthquakes. The results of this study

would serve as a reference for the school to further improve its facilities and make it capable of

withstanding earthquakes.

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