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Good morning to our honourable judges and loyal timekeeper.

My name is
_________________________________ from ___________________________
Today, I want to tell you an Asian legends story entitled “Poor Pak Kaduk”.

There once lived a man by the name of Pak Kaduk and his wife Mak Kaduk. Pak Kaduk
loved cockfighting. It was more than just a hobby for him. Pak Kaduk owned a fair-sized
land suitable for gardening and planting. However, the couple was poor because Pak
Kaduk did not work on his land. Everyone in the land was obsessed with cockfighting,
including Pak Kaduk. Instead of working on his land, Pak Kaduk spent his days with his
champion pet rooster.

“You’re the best in the land! One day you’ll make your owner rich!” Pak Kaduk would
say to his rooster.

It was Mak Kaduk who worked hard, farming a small plot of land all on her own. The
couple often quarrelled because of Pak Kaduk’s obsession. “we would have starved if
not for the harvest from my hard work. All these years, and you still have not changed!”
scolded Mak Kaduk. “If you help me out, we can have a bigger farm, plant more crops
and live better than this,” she admonished Pak Kaduk. But all her advice fell on deaf
ears. “Every time I talk of this, he falls asleep! I am such an unlucky woman!” screamed
Mak Kaduk.

One day, there was a big commotion at the marketplace. The sultan was organising a
cockfighting contest to seek the best fighting rooster in the land. Pak Kaduk immediately
became excited. “We will be rich! We will be rich!” he thought happily. Pak Kaduk told
his wife about the contest.

“Tomorrow, all the roosters will complete against each other. Even the sultan’s rooster
will compete. “The best two roosters will fight the day after tomorrow,” said Pak Kaduk.

“I know it. This is the break we’ve been looking for! You are the best fighter in the land,
no one can beat us! We will win!” said Pak Kaduk to his rooster.

The next morning, Pak Kaduk brought his rooster to the fighting rink. Every one knew
that Pak Kaduk’s rooster was the one to beat. Once the competition started, Pak Kaduk
rooster began winning one fight after another. So did the sultan’s rooster. It also won all
of its fight.

At the end of the day, it was announced. “Tomorrow we will watch the finals between
Pak Kaduk’s rooster and the sultan’s rooster.”

On his way home, Pak Kaduk thought of buying some new clothes for the next day.
However, he did not have enough money. So he went to buy some paper instead and
returned home. “Make me new clothes from this paper, I must look good at the finals,”
he told Mak Kaduk. Mak Kaduk thought her husband’s request was strange but she
made the clothes anyway. The next morning, people gathered early at the marketplace.
Everyone wanted to see the best roosters in the land fight each other. When Pak Kaduk
arrived at the marketplace wearing his new clothes made from paper, everyone thought
it was weird. But no one said anything. The sultan was worried. “Pak Kaduk’s rooster is
stronger than mine indeed. But I have a plan. The sultan must not lose. Call Pak Kaduk
over here,” the sultan ordered one of his men.

“Your Majesty,” said Pak Kaduk.

“Pak Kaduk. I have a state matter that needs your advice,” said the sultan. “You see,
our state needs to have the best fighting rooster, so that our neighbouring countries will
not win against us, don’t you agree? So now I am taking your rooster and declaring it as
state property,” said the sultan.

“But Your Majesty…” Pak Kaduk hesitated.

“Don worry, as replacement I’ll give you my rooster. If you win today, I will make you a
rich man!” the sultan tried to fool Pak Kaduk.

“Well…thank you, Your Majesty,” said the confused Pak Kaduk.

“Good, that’s all sorted out then. Now let’s place bets before the fight begins, shall we?
If you rooster wins, I will share part of my kingdom with you, Pak Kaduk,” the sultan

“That’s very kind of you, Your Majesty. But what happends if I lose?” asked Pak Kaduk.

“Well, then your land becomes mine! What say you? Do we have a deal?” challenged
the sultan.
“Well… I guess so,” Pak Kaduk was still very much confused. And so Pak Kaduk was
tricked into exchanging his rooster with that of the sultan’s.

“The final battle between the sultan’s rooster and Pak Kaduk’s rooster begins NOW!”
the referee announced.

It was a fierce and close fight. Both roosters clawed, scratched and bit each other.
Everyone cheered, but Pak Kaduk and the sultan cheered the loudest. In the end, Pak
Kaduk’s rooster won the fight. Pak Kaduk jumped and screamed with joy.

“I won! I won!” shouted Pak Kaduk.

“WAIT!” shouted the royal adviser.

“Pak Kaduk, don’t you remember. Before the fight, your rooster was taken over by the
state. ‘You were given the sultans rooster in exchange. So you actually fight using the
sultan’s rooster, which lost,” explained the royal adviser.

“WHAT?” shouted Pak Kaduk in disbelief.

“Ans because you’ve lost, the piece of land that you own belongs to the sultan!” added
the royal adviser.

Not only did he lose his rooster and land, but when he jumped up and down in
excitement, Pak Kaduk’s paper clothes got torn up without him noticing. Everyone
started staring and laughing at Pak Kaduk. Ashamed, he ran home as fast as his legs
could take him. Poor Pak Kaduk. His rooster won but he lost his land instead. Pak
Kaduk laziness and obsession did not bring him any good fortunes in the end.
Fortunately, Pak Kaduk realised his mistakes and vowed to work hard from then on. He
also vowed to be more careful and never to be fooled again.

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