1 3GilgameshGenesis

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Question to ponder: Answer:

Did Genesis Copy the Epic of Gilgamesh? - There is no evidences that evidence of
direct in literary dependence in genesis
likewise that there is with gilgamesh's
- we can find literary connections between the
late version of the gilgamesh epic and the
atrahasis. Wwhen it comes to the genesis
account there is no evidence of direct literary
borrowing with vocabulary style or formulas

Did you know? Why…

- That the epic of Gilgamesh is very different
from genesis in multiple ways First, the epic is not an account of origins or
creation. instead, gilgamesh is an epic that
follows the adventures of the king of Uric
who's named gilgamesh and the epic is

What is the story of Gilgamesh? GILGAMESH:

- Epic is Divided across 12 tablets
- the summary is that gilgamesh was a king
who was hated by his people so the gods
create a wild man named enkidu to distract
him enkidu and gilgamesh become friends to
distract him but later on become friends. God
punished (sentenced to die) Enkidu for
befriending Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh seek for
revenge, and that is immorality. when
gilgamesh visits utnapishtim he learns from
him about the flood utnapishtim tells
Gilgamesh that he was tasked to build a
vessel to survive the storm after the flood he
Different version of Epic in Gilgamesh made a sacrifice to feed the god and as a
* Epic of gilgamesh (Late version ) - reward he was granted immortality.
Found in the library - The version of Epic in Gilgamesh changes
* Sumerian Text, Early Sumerian text, in over time
Early Version, Standard Babylonian

“Not literary dependence but shared traditions; all the flood accounts are building of original
world traditions handed down to later cultures." Despite the intriguing similarities of both of the
stories, the conclusion still went to no plagiarism at all. Both stories are not copied by one
another but a mere fact that these stories came through shared traditions.

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