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User Manual
Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2



X-Ray equipment if not properly used may cause injury. Accordingly the instructions herein contained
should be thoroughly read and understood before you attempt to place this equipment in operation. The SG
Healthcare Company, will be glad to assist and cooperate in placing this equipment in use.

Although this apparatus incorporates a high degree of protection against x-radiation other than the useful
beam, no practical design of equipment can provide complete protection. Nor can any practical design compel
the operator or his assistant to take adequate precautions to prevent the possibility of authorized or
unauthorized persons carelessly, unwisely, or unknowingly exposing themselves or others to direct or
secondary radiation.

It is important that everyone having anything to do with x-radiation be fully acquainted with the
recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements as published in
NCRP Reports available from NCRP Publications, 7910 Woodmont Ave., Bethesda, MD 20814, and of the
International commission on Radiation Protection, and take adequate steps to insure protection against

It is assumed that all persons authorized to use the equipment are cognizant of the danger of excessive
exposure to x-radiation and the equipment is sold with the understanding that the SG Healthcare Company,
its agents, and representatives have no responsibility for injury or damage which may result from exposure
to x-radiation.

Various protective materials and devices are available. It is urged that such materials and devices be used.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

Table of Contents

1. CHAPTER 1 5



2. CHAPTER 2 7




3. CHAPTER 3 23


4. CHAPTER 4 24



Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

5. CHAPTER 5 28



6. CHAPTER 6 40





Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

1. Chapter 1

About This Guide

This chapter the purpose and design of this Learning and Reference Guide. It is an introduction to the guide,
providing information on the purpose, prerequisite skills, guide organization, chapter format, and graphic
conventions that identify the visual symbols used throughout the guide.

Topics covered include:

l Safety Information
l Safety Notice

Safety Information

Please refer to Chapter 2: Safety and Regulatory. In this Learning and Reference Guide. The Safety chapter
describes the safety information you and the physicians must understand thoroughly before you begin to use
the system. Note that you will find additional safety information throughout your Learning and Reference
Guide. Additional training is available, contact qualified SG Healthcare personnel for a training. The equipment
is intended for use by qualified personnel only. This guide should be kept with the equipment and be readily
available at all times. It is important for you to periodically review the procedures and safety precautions. It
is important for you to read and understand the contents of this guide before attempting to use this product.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

Safety Notices

The following safety notices are used to emphasize certain safety instructions. This guide uses the
international symbol along with the danger, warning, or caution message. This section also describes the
purpose of a Note.


Danger is used to identify conditions or actions for which a specific

hazard is known to exist which will cause severe personal injury, death,
or substantial property damage if the instructions are ignored.


Warning is used to identify conditions or actions for which a specific

hazard is known to exist which may cause severe personal injury, death,
or substantial property damage if the instructions are ignored.


Caution is used to identify conditions or actions for which a potential

hazard may exist which will or can cause minor personal injury or
property damage if the instructions are ignored.

Failure to control, regulate or operate the device in compliance with

instructions and procedures described in this manual could result in

accidental and/or excessive radiation exposure.

A Note provides additional information that is helpful to you. It may

emphasize certain information regarding special tools or techniques,
items to check before proceeding, or factors to consider about a
concept or task.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

2. Chapter 2

Safety and Regulatory

This chapter explains the safety considerations, general equipment and patient related precautions, and
the symbols used for the safe operation of your equipment. This chapter also includes information about the
emergency procedures.

This chapter presents the concepts necessary to successfully operate your system safely.

Topics covered include:

l Indications for Use
l Emergency Procedures
l Safety
l Safety Operation Precautions
l Know the Equipment
l Symbols
l Electromagnetic Compatibility
l Regulatory
l Radiation Safety
l X-ray Source Assembly Filtration

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

Indications for Use

JUMONG VET system is a digital imaging solution designed for general radiographic system for Veterinary.


It is forbidden to use this device to take exposure repeat and frequently

for a same patient, especially a child.


It is forbidden to use this device to take exposure for pregnant woman.


The electrical wiring of the relevant rooms complies with all national and local codes, as well as the
Regulations for the electrical equipment of buildings published by the Institution of Electrical Engineers.
All assembly operations, extensions, re-adjustments, modifications, or repairs are carried out by SG Healthcare
authorized service representatives. The equipment must be used in accordance with the instructions for use.


This X-Ray unit may be dangerous to patient and operator, unless safe
exposure factors, operating instructions and maintenance schedules
are observed.

To be used by authorized personnel only.


Electric Shock Hazard! Do not remove covers or panels. The Acquisition

Console and cabinets contain high voltage circuits for generating and
controlling X-rays. Prevent possible electric shock by leaving covers or
panels on the equipment. There are no operator serviceable parts or

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

adjustments inside the cabinets. Only trained and qualified personnel

should be permitted access to the internal parts of this equipment.


Only SG Healthcare validated equipment can be plugged into the

interface in any part of this system. Leakage current requirements of
non-validated equipment cannot be maintained with high confidence.


Never touch patient and any exposed extra low safety circuits or
connectors simultaneously. Electrical shock may occur.


Only table, Detector Stand, digital detector, tube assembly, collimator

and system cabinet which are specified to be installed in the
examination room are suitable for use in patient environment. Any
other equipment or component specified to be installed in control
room shall not be brought into and use in patient environment.


Radiographic equipment must be operated by qualified personnel and

only after sufficient training.


Always be alert to safety when you operate this equipment. You must
be familiar enough with the equipment to recognize any

Malfunctions that can be a hazard. If a malfunction occurs or a safety

NOTE problem is known to exist, do not use this equipment until qualified
personnel correct the problem.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2


It is the User’s responsibility to provide the means for audio and visual
communication between the operator and the patient.

Know the Equipment

Read and understand all of the instructions in this Learning and Reference Guide before attempting to use

the product.

Equipment Classifications

The following equipment classifications are applicable to the Learning and Reference Guide before
attempting use the product.

l Equipment classification with respect to protection from electric shock: Class I

l Degree of protection from electric shock: Type B

l Equipment not suitable for use in the presence of a flammable anesthetic mixture with air
or with nitrous oxide

l Mode of operation: Continuous operation with intermittent loading

Electromagnetic Compatibility


This system is intended for use by healthcare professionals only. This

system may cause radio interference or may disrupt the operation of
nearby equipment. It may be necessary to take mitigation measures,
such as re-orienting or relocating the system or shielding the location.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2


This medial electrical equipment / system needs special precautions

regarding EMC and needs to be installed and put into service
according to the EMC information provided in the accompanying


Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect this

medical electrical system. Make sure those communication equipment
are powered off before they are taken near this equipment / system


Power line anomalies or electrostatic discharges in all equipment areas

may cause the monitor image to become momentarily disrupted or to
go to blank; the mouse and/or keyboard may become inoperable or
an error may be displayed on the worklist or image viewer screens.
The system may recover by itself or you may need to reboot the
system. The system may shut itself down, and will require a reboot.


A power surge during image transmission to the workstation after

acquisition may cause the image to be lost. the system

Will operate normally after the power surge, but the image must be

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2


Power line anomalies or electrostatic discharges to the system cause

a CD/DVD write failure error. A new CD/DVD should be used and the
image re-written.

Radiation Safety

Always use the proper technical factors for each procedure to minimize X-ray exposure and to produce
the best diagnostic results. In particular, you must be thoroughly familiar with the safety precautions before
operating this system. Default system techniques are recommended for AEC acquisition. Default techniques
are designed to optimize the image processing parameters.


Please protect the families and any other company of the patients’
around this device from radiation. Please protect the technologists
who is around this device from radiation.


Always use the proper technical factors for each procedure to minimize
X-ray exposure and to produce the best diagnostic results. In particular,
you must be thoroughly familiar with the safety precautions before
operating this system. Default system techniques are recommended
for AEC acquisition. Default techniques are designed to optimize the
image processing parameters.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2


There should be no persons other than the patient in the exam room
during x-ray exposure. If circumstances require another

Person to enter the room while x-ray exposures are planned or

NOTE possible, that person should be well protected in accordance with
accepted safety practices.


Tube assembly and collimator used in this system are verified to have
a total filtration of 2.5 mmAl at least, whenever you replace one of
them, make sure total filtration for this X-ray equipment is not less
than 2.5 mmAl.


Make sure any other accessories or materials are not located in the
primary X-ray beam during exposure that result in a bad image quality.


Use the largest possible focal spot-to-skin distance appropriate for the
anatomy being imaged, to keep the patient absorbed dose as small as


Always use protective devices and protective clothing for the patient,
operator or even other persons as appropriate to the workload and
examination involved.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2


Hospital is responsible to provide means for audio and visual

communication between the operator and the patient.

Emergency Procedures

It is not always possible to determine when some components, such as the X-ray tubes, are nearing the
end of their operating lives. These components could stop operating during a patient examination.


Do not use device should a safety problem occur and contact

authorized service immediately.


If the radiation is still continuing, switch off the power to stop the

Safe Operation Precautions

General Use Warnings


Do not load non-system software onto the system computer. This may cause
system to crash.


Use of operation methods other than those specified herein may result in
hazardous radiation exposure.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2


For continued safe use of this equipment, follow the instructions contained in
this Learning and Reference Guide. Study this guide carefully before using the
equipment and keep it at hand for quick reference. It may be desirable for the
facility to print this manual from a standard PC to have a hard copy available
within the Radiology


It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure the safety of the patient at all
times. When the table is in use the patient should be monitored by visual
observation, use of proper patient positioning, and use of the protective devices


Thoroughly check that there is no interference or possibility of collision

between the patient and other equipment.


Perform periodic maintenance to ensure continued safe use of the equipment.

Follow recommended preventative maintenance schedule as outlined in the SG
Field Service Manual.


Check the Collimator status before using this equipment, to prevent it falling


Never exceed the rated load of patient handling devices.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2


If safety problem occurs, please contact Authorized service immediately.


Always assist the patient during loading and unloading from table. Keep the
patient in full view at all times and never leaves the patient unattended while
on the table.


Please carefully monitor all equipment motions to prevent collisions. Attention

shall be drawn during operation to prevent possible injuries that could result
from collision of the power-driven equipment parts with other moving or
stationary items likely to be in the environment.


Please check for obstructions before moving the equipment.

Patient Positioning Warnings


During patient procedures, ensure the patient’s head, hands and feet are
completely within the tabletop area. If any portion of the patient’s body
extends over the edge of the tabletop, serious injury may result.


The maximum supported weight, with the tabletop fully extended toward the
head or foot end of the table, is 300kg.Exceeding this limit may cause
equipment damage or injury to the patient.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2


Always, watch all parts of the patient table to verify there is no interference or
possibility of collision with the patient or with other equipment. When moving
the table, cautiously put hand on table top. Intravenous catheter or other lines
connected with the patient must be monitored to avoid interference during
patient positioning.


When operate the Stand & Table, the operator shall always watch the patient
for the moving parts to avoid injury by collision.


This section explains the symbols used on this system and in its accompanying documents.

X-ray Tube

Table describes the operational symbols for the system such as X-ray emissions and collimator locations.

Symbol Description

Fluoroscopy X-ray ON indicators

Radiography X-ray ON indicators

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

Power ON and OFF

A gray POWER ON button is used to turn on the power to the system.

The button is located on the console.

A gray POWER OFF button is used to turn off the system. The button is located
on the console.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

Electrical Type

Table describes the electrical protection rating based on system type.

Symbol Description

Type B Equipment indicates the equipment provides a particular degree of

protection against electrical shock regarding leakage current and protective
earthling per IEC60601-1.

Electrical Current

Table describes the symbols for the different types of electrical current that may be used on your system.

Symbol Description

Alternating Current indicates the equipment is suitable for alternating current


Direct Current indicates the equipment is suitable for direct current only.

Both direct and alternating currents indicate the equipment is suitable for
both direct and alternating current.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2


Table describes the different types of grounding used in your system.

Symbol Description

Functional Earth (ground) Terminal indicates a terminal directly connected to

a point of a measuring supply or control circuit or to a screening part, which
is intended to be earthed for functional purposes.

Protective earth (ground) identifies any terminal which is intended for

connection of an external protective conductor to protect against electrical
shock in case of a fault.

Frame or chassis identify the frame or chassis terminal.


Table describes the collimator controls and the radiation field.

Symbol Description

Control for indicating radiation field by using light.

Indicates the collimator blades are closed. The controlled blades are shown in
thicker lines.

Indicates the collimator blades are open. The controlled blades are shown in
thicker lines.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

Regulatory Requirements

This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. The
equipment may cause radio frequency interference to other medical and non-
medical devices and radio communications. To provide reasonable protection
against such interference, this product complies with emission limits for
Group 1 Class A Medical Devices as stated in EN 60601-1-2. However, there
is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.

NOTE If this equipment is found to cause interference (which may be

determined by switching the equipment on and off), you (or qualified service
personnel) should attempt to correct the problem using one or more of the
following measures:

–Reorient or relocate the affected devices.

–Increase the space separating the equipment and the affected device.

–Power the equipment from a source different from that of the affected

–Consult the point of purchase or the service representative for further


The manufacturer is not responsible for any interference caused either by the
use of interconnect cables other than those recommended or by
NOTE unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized
changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

To comply with the regulations applicable to an electromagnetic interface for

al Group 1 Class A Medical Device, all interconnect cables to peripheral
devices must be shielded and properly grounded. The use of improperly
NOTE shielded and grounded cables may result in the equipment causing radio
frequency interference in violation of the
European Union Medical Device directive and Federal Communications
Commission regulations.

Do not use devices which intentionally transmit radio frequency (RF) signals
(cellular phones, transceivers, or radio controlled products) in the vicinity of
this equipment, as it may cause performance outside the published

Keep the power to these type devices turned off when near the equipment.

The medical staff in charge of this equipment is required to instruct technologists, patients, and other
people who may be around this equipment, to fully comply with the above requirement.

Disposal of Waste

This symbol indicates that the waste of electrical and electronic equipment must not be disposed as
unsorted municipal waste and must be collected separately. Please contact an authorized representative of
the manufacturer for information concerning the decommissioning of your equipment. Figure: Disposal of
waste symbol

Manufacturer’s Responsibility

Allow only authorized, properly trained personnel to operate the equipment.

This equipment is sold with the understanding that the manufacturer, its agents, and representatives do
not accept any responsibility for overexposure of patients or personnel to X-Ray radiation. No responsibility
is assumed for any unit that has not been serviced by qualified authorized service personnel.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

3. Chapter 3

Record of Revision

Revision History

Rev Date Reason for Change

Ver 1.1 MAR-2021 Original

Ver 1.2 APR-2021 2nd edition

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

4. Chapter 4

Quick Step Guide

This section provides an overview of common tasks. Refer to the relevant chapters for detailed information.

Current Workflow

This section outlines the common operation workflow.

1 Press the Power on button on the console .Login on the system after about 1 minutes.

2 If necessary, please insert grid. Refer to Chapter 4, >:Hardware Overview

3 Logon system. Select the User and input the Password. (1234)

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

4 Enter Register Mode.

5 Input the patient information.

6 Click the “Save” button.

7 Select Body part.

8 Click the “Exam” button.

9 Start the Exam mode

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

10 Select patient

11 Select body part.

12 When all preparations for the exposure are completed, you can progress an exposure.

13 End of the exposure

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

14 Cropping & Processing

è Crop region is fit on the main screen when you acquiring the image.

è Click the Image Crop button to adjust the desired ROI size and location.

è Adjustment Window Width & Window Level

Hold down right-click on the mouse and move the cursor up, down, left, and right to adjust window level
& width.

15 When finished, click the Close study button.

16 Use the send to Server or Printer features.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

5. Chapter 5

Hardware Overview

This chapter explains the different hardware components of your system, such as the acquisition
workstation, stretcher table, Floor Rail System, Bucky Stand and 6-Way Table, collimator, and digital detector.

Topics covered include:

l System Descriptions l Detector

l System position l Tube Warm Up and Conditioning

l Acquisition Workstation

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

System Descriptions

System component

l Tube stand & Table

l X-ray Tube
l Collimator
l Detector
l Generator
l X-ray Control Console
l Workstation(Including monitor and keyboard, mouse)

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

System position

Item Description

1 X-ray Control console panel

2 X-ray Tube

3 Collimator

4 Monitor

5 Workstation

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

6 Generator

7 Bucky device

8 X-ray Table


The collimator limits patient radiation exposure to a desired area at a given distance from the x-ray tube
focal spot.

Item Description

Turns the collimator light on and off. Cutout can also be performed automatically via
1. Collimator Light Switch
an internal time switch. The light-up time is 30 seconds.

2. Vertical Adjusts the vertical field size. Turning the dial to the left closes the collimator,
Collimator Field Size turning to the right opens the collimator.

3. Lateral Collimator Adjusts the lateral field size. Turning the dial to the left closes the collimator,
Field Size turning to the right opens the collimator.

Alignment Field Light

Press the field light button located on the collimator face to activate the high-intensity field lamp.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

The field light is timed and automatically turns off 30 seconds after your release the switch. To activate
the field light for another 30 seconds, press the button again when the light goes out.

Do not frequently and continuously turn on the collimator light to avoid overheating
inside the collimator. It is recommended to use the collimator light 3 minute’s interval.


Position the collimator and tube using the field light and cross hair shadow as guides. The cross hair shows
the field center.

Collimate by adjusting the size of the field with the two control knobs located on the front of the collimator.

Field sizes from 0x0 up to 17” x 17” at a 100 cm SID can be obtained. The knob selectors indicate the field
size for a selected SID. The maximum field size is 17” x 17”.

Collimator Rotation

1. Grasp the collimator

2. Turn the collimator to the desired position.

Note Check the Collimator status before using this equipment, to prevent it falling down.

Acquisition Workstation
The Acquisition Workstation has its own dedicated computer and image data base. The Workstation
applications are based on a graphical, multiple-screen, mouse-driven interface. Images, lists, menus, and
control panels are displayed within graphical screens on the workstation’s monitor. You make your selections
using buttons and menus.

The Acquisition workstation has the following components:

l A computer unit with internal hard disk unit for system software and image storage, and a
DVD-R/CD-RW combination drive
l Single monitor

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

l An alphanumeric keyboard and mouse

l Mini Console(with Hand Switch)

The Acquisition workstation supports many functions:

l Image acquisition the digital detector.

l Image display and manipulation.

l Image transfer to other workstations using the DICOM standard or print.

l Image transfer to a recordable CD/DVD.


To avoid image loss, please periodically backup the images from the
Acquisition Workstation to the given image storage system

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

Control Console

Control Console controls the power and exposure functions for the system. The Control console has the
power on/off button, exposure button, and indicator lights.

1 Power On/OFF Button mA Up/Down Buttons

2 Prep Button mAs/sec Display Window

3 Exposure Button mAs/sec Up/Down Buttons

4 kV Display Window mAs/sec Selection Button

5 kV Up/Down Buttons indicator (READY, X-RAY, OVER)

6 mA Display Window Memory selection and storage switch

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

Foot Switch

Record exposures are made with the console Foot-switch. The READY/X-RAY this switch has two positions:


Follow the procedure below to operate the console Foot-switch to prepare and record exposures
1. Make sure your patient and the console are set up for the procedure.
2. Press the READY button to the Prepare position.
3. Press the X-RAY button to the Exposure position.

Note A procedure must be selected prior to attempting an exposure or an error will occur

4. Release the X-RAY button after the exposure is complete.

The detector is an x-ray imaging device. It consists of an array of 3072 by 3072 pixels. Each pixel is attached
to a data acquisition circuit that converts incoming x-ray signal to 16bit digital data.

Nameplates and marking

A rating plate label is attached to the detector within the access cover. The label contains the detector
serial number, date/place of manufacture.

Information on the Nameplate is to be used when communicating with SG personnel in reference to a


Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

Environmental Constraints


Operation or storage outside of these constraints may cause damage

to the detector.

Non Operation Environment

Item Operation Environment Constraints

External ambient temperature range: +10 to

Not applicable.
humidity, Ambient humidity range: 30% to 75%,
Noncondensing. Pressure: 700-1060h PA

Mechanical The detector assembly shall not be exposed to

Stress & operating vibration spectrum exceeding the
Not applicable.
Vibration following parameters: Type: Random
Forces Magnitude: 0.1 Grms

Electromagnetic Compatibility

Suggest keeping IV pumps, Infusion pumps, patient monitoring, and Air conditioners 1meter or more away
from any detector surface. More information for Electromagnetic Compatibility please refer to Electromagnetic

Tube Warm Up and Condition

Tube Warm Up
It is essential that the x-ray tube be warmed up before allowing it to operate on full power to avoid
reducing its life cycle. Therefore, before starting the days examinations, condition the x-ray tube by running
a series of exposures at medium power.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

When warming up the tube, always take the precautionary measures to protect personnel from X-ray

The warming up must be done by the qualified service personnel when the below circumstances occurs:
l Before starting the examinations;
l After the trouble shooting and when the X-ray tube voltage seems unstable during cross function


1. Use the larger focal spot of the tube.

2. The operating tube voltage and current should be monitored all exposures during this seasoning
3. The anode rotation should be utilized at normal speed (3000 or 3600 min-1). 4. Do not exceed
either the generator or the tube ratings






Effecting exposure at near peak potential and current without prior tube
warm up will damage the tube.

To maximize tube life, perform the following tube warm-up procedure.

1. 50kV, 100mA, 100ms - one exposure, then wait for 30s
2. 80kV, 100mA, 100ms - one exposure, then wait for 30s

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

If discharge happened, re-warm up again under the previous condition. If the tube occurs intense
Note static charge repeatedly what will damage the sensitive part of electronic component, please
discontinue the operation and inform the service personnel.

After these seasoning operations are completed, the X-ray tube unit can be used in the usual way.

Tube conditioning

The X-ray tube assembly needs to be conditioned if it is idle for 7 days. Precautions before conditioning
check the following:
1. Any oil leak
2. Air bubble in the oil through the window
3. Correct operation of rotation
4. Correct grounding connection
5. Good condition of HV receptacles—change grease if required.

This procedure establishes the proper relation to its new environment with the equipment in used. The
action establishes a favorable distribution of the electrical charges and Electrostatic stresses in the insulation
system of the tube and the associated equipment.


1. Use the large focal spot (LF) or the small focal spot (SF) as specified.
2. The operating tube voltage and current should be monitored all exposures during this seasoning
3. The anode rotation should be utilized at normal speed (3000 or 3600 min-1).
4. Do not exceed either the generator or the tube ratings.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2




The conditioning procedure

To maximize tube life, perform the following tube conditioning procedure.

1. Make sure that the X-ray tube assembly is at room temperature before starting the X-ray tube
assembly conditioning
2. Tube is not recommended to use in Anode up position
3. To avoid the risk of electrical shock, the equipment must only be connected to supply with
protective earth.
4. The Environment Conditions must be maintained for about 10 mins before use.

When the system is built first time or halt more than 1 week, please follow table shown below to do the

X-ray tube assembly conditioning protocols with sequence

If the X-ray tube assembly is unstable at high voltages reduce the kV until no high voltage instability
observed and then increase the kV at a slower rate than as shown in table.

After these seasoning operations are completed, the X-ray tube unit can be used in the usual way.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

6. Chapter 6

Software Overview

This section provides information for the basic organization and each mode of

FINEVIEW VET Topics covered include:

l Register Mode

l Exam Mode

l Review Mode

l Configuration Mode

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

Register Mode

User can choose to enter patient information manually to start the study.
Information, that is required to process the study, is marked by ‘*’ mark while options information are displayed
in white without any special signs.

[Register Window]

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

1. Main Menu

- Register Mode

- Exam Mode

- Review Mode

- Configuration Mode

- Exit Button

- Minimize Button

To activate the minimize function;

- Enable the check box of ‘Use Minimize’ menu in Configuration window.

- Restart the program.

If ‘Use Minimize’ box is checked, User will have an access to ‘Minimize’ button on the top menu bar.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

1.1 Patient Information

Input the following information to register patient.

( * symbol is required input, the rest is option)

- *ID
- Owner (optional)
- *Name
- Accession Number (optional)
- Date of Birth (optional)
- Age (calculated automatically upon entering DOB)
- *Sex
- Breed (optional)
- Schedule (The default is today’s date)
- Chip Number (optional)

Note 1)
The Age units are Y, M, D and the Sex units are M (Male), F (Female), O (Other), M ALTERED, F ALTERED.

Note 2)
For the patient who has previous chart in system, and input ID and automatically fill in another field.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

l Emergency
This function is useful if there is no data available on a patient or an examination must be carried out very
quickly. Once Emergency mode is chosen, the system automatically creates the information of a patient. And
the correct data can be entered at later date.

Emergency patient’s ID will be entered in the form of ER-xxx based on the work key number. And the patient’s
name is entered as “ERName-xxx”.

l Save
Register a patient.

l Edit
Modify patient information for selected patient.

l Clear
Clear all fields of information to register a new patient.

l Delete
Delete selected patient form the patient list.

Deleting patient information will not delete on local database.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

1.2 Patient List

New registered patient information display on patient list.

1.3 Study List

It shows the study list of the patient for the examination.

l Up / Down
Move the selected study up/down in the study list.

l Exam
Start the examination of patient with entered patient’s information.

When the ‘Exam’ starts, the window moves to the Exam mode automatically.

l Delete

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

Delete selected study in the study list.

1.4 Information Bar

This information bar provides information on some of the key status, such as HDD capacity and availability,
connectivity of detector, PACS, Modality Work-list Server and DICOM Printer.

[Information Bar]

1.5 Body Parts Window

[Body Parts Window]

When you choose a specific Body Part on the pictogram, the name of the chosen Body Part will appear on
each of button. To register the study, click Projection button again.
This step helps you to choose both Body Part and Projection

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

1.6 Species
Choose a species from the register window.
- Dog
- Equine
- Cat
- Etc.

[Species Selection Button]

1.7 Preset Exams

Select the special code pre-registered in the configuration mode.
When you click this button, the pre-registered code will be automatically recalled.

[Preset Exams Button]

Refer to Configuration Mode for registration of special code.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

Exam Mode

In Exposure Mode, user can take images of registered patient’s study. User can process the acquired image
using the imaging processing parameter file. Also, user can review the images using tools such as Zoom
In/Out, Rotate, Flip-Flop and ETC in image control box.

[Exam window]

2.1 Patient Information

Located at the top left corner of the window, all important information, such as patient data (ID, name, DOB
and sex) are displayed here.

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2.2 Search Option

User can search the scheduled orders using Search button from DICOM worklist server or local database.

[Search Window]

- Local DB/Server/Both: search scheduled orders by selected location.

- ID : Patient ID

- Name : Patient Name

- Schedule : Patient study schedule

- Status : Patient study status

To use Search option,

- Entire desired conditions.

- Click Search button to start the search results from the selected server (Local/Server/Both.) The results should
be displayed on the Patient List.

2.3 Tool buttons

l DICOM Send

Transfer selected images to pre-assigned DICOM storage server.

The image will transfer to all servers registered in Configuration mode.

l Delete

Delete patient information registered in local database.

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For the processed patient image is unable to delete, and for the ready patient image is able to delete.

l Close Study

Close selected patient’s study.

If Auto Send function is enabled in Configuration mode, the acquired image will be sent to the PACS server
automatically upon closing the study.

Closing processing patient will not be performed. You have to complete the examination for that patient

l Add Study

Add a new order in the study list.

To create a new order,

- Click Add Study button.

- Select new Body Part and Projection.

- Click Ok button ( ).

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[Exam Add Window]

l Emergency

Register emergency patient by creating patient information automatically.

To register emergency patient,

- Click ‘Emergency’ button

- Select new Body Part and Projection to be registered

- Click Ok button .

l Save

Save the changes made to selected image. For example, in order to use Window Level, Crop, Text, Mark, etc.
and save changes, it has to be clicked save button.

l Reject

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Reject selected images. On viewer image displays ‘X’ sign, and on Thumbnail image displays ‘Reject’ sign.

To reject image,

- Select image to be rejected

- Click Reject button

- Enter password of current login account

- Select the one of the pre-registered reasons or enter manually.

- Click Ok button .

[Reject Window & Thumbnail Menu]

The Reject function will show only when you select Reject function in the Configuration mode
The rejected images can’t be sent nor printed even when it is selected.
And if you want to accept the rejected image, click the Accept menu in the mouse right menu in the thumbnail
window as shown in the below figure.

2.3 Viewer Option

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l Annotation (Show/Hide)

Show or hide all annotation on the image

To perform,

- Click Annotation button

- If the Annotation button is on, all annotation will be displayed

- If the Annotation buttons is off, all annotation will be hidden

[Show Annotation] [Hide Annotation]

l Expand Screen

At image magnification mode, the viewer area is enlarged until Thumbnail area. Thus the larger image
can be seen.

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[General Mode] [Expand Screen Mode]

l Dual Monitor

If user is using a secondary monitor and dual monitor feature is activated in the configure window, the image
will be displayed in the secondary monitor

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2.4 Main Image Preview

Verify acquired images with a patient’s information.
User can adjust the Window Level by dragging the mouse while pressing and holding the right mouse button.

[Main Image Preview]

① Patient / Body part Information:

② Image Index number in the study of the patient

③ Scale bar in cm (or Pixel) unit

④ Operator Information / Image Acquisition Date and Time

⑤ Window Level and Zoom ratio

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2.5 Image Control Tools

Control the image by selecting the image control button

[Image Control Tools]

l Rotate CW90

Rotate an image by 90 degree clockwise

[Original] [Rotate CW90]

l Rotate CCW90

Rotate an image by 90 degree counterclockwise

[Original] [Rotate CCW90]

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

l Horizontal Flip

Flip an image horizontally

[Original] [Horizontal Flip]

l Vertical Flip

Flip an image vertically

[Original] [Vertical Flip]

l R / L Marker

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Add the white R (Right) and L (Left) to the left top on the image

To move R / L Mark,

- Press and hold the left mouse button on the label while dragging it to some area

To resize R / L Mark,

- Locate the mouse pointer on the corner of the rectangle and press and hold left mouse button and drag it to
desired size

To delete R / L mark,

- Select the label, and then click press the Delete key on the keyboard

[Right Marking] [Left Marking]


Draw text notes to the image

To add Text,

- Click TEXT button, type text note you want

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To resize,

- Click the text note and locate mouse cursor on each point of the text box, and then press and hold left mouse
button while dragging it to the desired size.

To delete,

- Select the text note, and then press Delete key on the keyboard

To modify,

- Double click the left mouse button in the selected text box, and change the text note , and then click the Enter
key on the keyboard

[Text Note]

l Rectangle Crop

Draw a rectangle over an image to indicate a region of interest

To draw a rectangle crop,

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- Click Rectangle crop button

- At image, clicking with mouse where it begins, after that dragging until desired area, then the rectangular area is
- If you double click the rectangular area, or choose Save button, then the chosen area is cut and enlarged.

[Rectangle Crop]

l Zoom In / Out

Resize an image

To zoom in and zoom out,

- Click Zoom button

- Move the mouse cursor into the image and drag downward/upward the left mouse button during pressing the left
mouse button

[Zoom Out] [Original] [Zoom In]

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Zoom in – Dragging the mouse toward downward.
Zoom out – Dragging the mouse toward upward.

l Magnifying glass

Magnify a local region of interest

To magnify,

- Click Magic glass button

- Move the mouse cursor into the image and press and hold the left mouse while dragging it to the detail in the
image you want to magnify

[Magnifying Glass]

2.6 Thumbnail Panel

View the images of current study for exposure and display the selected study.
The blue framed item is the output image from the current thumbnail view.

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[Thumbnail Panel]

The status information of images displayed on thumbnail is as follows:

‘Reject’: Rejected Image
‘P’: Image that is printed by DICOM printer
‘S’: Image that is transmitted to PACS server

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Review Mode

It shows the list of stored images after acquisition. You can open the images to edit, to send to the PACS
server, and to print out.

[Review Window]

3.1 Database

It shows the list of stored images after acquisition.

[Review Window – Database]

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3.1.1 Search
You can search the scheduled orders using Search button on the right side from Local Database with the following

- ID: Input a patient ID.

- Name: Input a patient Name.
- Owner: Input an owner.
- Operator: Input an operator.
- Schedule: Select the Schedule.
- Body Part: Select the Body part.

3.1.2 Unread
Search the study of ‘Unread’ status when clicking the check box.

To use this function,

- Enable the check box of the “Unread”
- Click the Search button and then it will show the unread patient’s study in the list.

3.1.3 Patient List Tools

l Add Image

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Add new study in order to take an X-ray newly. Then, additional taking an X-ray window appears, and click OK
button, and move automatically to exam mode.

l Merge

Merge different studies. For example, the case happens that the different patient image is in the selected patient
image folder or one patient’s image.

[Merge Window]

To perform Merge:
- Select the patient to merge.
- Click Merge button and then it shows the below pop-up window.
- Select the patient’s image to merge by using Left / Right arrow button after searching.
- Input the password when you complete the condition to merge.
l Edit Patient Information

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To use Edit,
- Activate the Edit button.
- Modify the information of the patient you selected as follows:
- Click the OK button

[Edit Patient Information Window]

l Delete Study Information

Delete Patient information. When logging in, need to check the password.

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3.1.4 Study List Tools

l Read

This function is used to change the status of study from Unread to Read

l Edit Series

To use Edit,
- Activate the Edit button.
- Modify the information of the study you selected as follows:
- Click the OK button

[Series Information Edit Window]

l Delete Series

Delete the selected series

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

4. Tools Panel
Tool panel is for taken X-ray image analyzing. Also, the tool panel is composed of variety of button for the different

[Review Window – Tools]

4.1 Layout
These buttons are tools to divide that working area into various girds. The grid may consist of at least one or at
most 8 x 8 grid areas.

l Layout

Display one image on the image viewer window

[1 Layout]

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2 x 1 Layout (Vertical)

Display two images on the image viewer with 2x1 Layout.

[2 x 1 Layout (Vertical)]

l 1 x 2 Layout (Horizontal)

Display two images on the image viewer with 1x2 Layout.

[1 x 2 Layout (Horizontal)]

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l 2 x 2 Layout

Display four images on the image viewer with 2x2 Layout.

[2 x 2 Layout]

l User Defined Layout

Allow to customize the image layout on the image viewer window. (Maximum 8 x 8)

To make User Defined Layout,

- Click N layout button then the following dialog window will appear.
- Enter the image layout number, Row and Column and click the OK button. Then, the layout will be made on the image
viewer window.

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[User Defined Layout]

4.2 Zoom & ROI Tools

These buttons are tools to manipulate an image like Zoom In/out, Fit image and Magnifying glass.

l Cursor

This is the default mouse pointer state.

If you click the Cursor button, the previously function of the selected buttons are deactivated.

l Panning

Perform panning the image.

To use Cursor,
- Press and hold the left mouse button while dragging the image to the desired position.

l Fit to Screen

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Fit an image to the main image viewer size.

If the image is cropped, the cropped image will be fit to the image viewer window.

l Zoom In/Out

This tool is used to zoom the entire image

To perform the zoom,

- Activate the zoom button.
- Place the cursor over the image. And hold down the left mouse button.
- Drag the mouse up to zoom in, down to zoom out.
- Release the left mouse button.

l Magnifying Glass

Magnify a local region of interest.

[Magnifying Glass]

To set up Magnify Zoom Rate and Zoom Window Size,

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- Click the Display menu in the Configuration window and enter each of the values you want as shown in the following

Annotation will be not enlarged or reduced.

l Crop (Rectangle)

Crop an image of interest.

To crop an image,

- Click Crop button

- Locate the mouse cursor inside of the Image.

- Drag the mouse to the cropping area during pressing and holding the mouse left button.

- Click Save button or Double-clicking of the left mouse button if you want to save the image you selected.

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[Original] [Rectangle Cropping]

l Crop (Ellipse)

Crop an image of interest.

[Original] [Ellipse Cropping]

l 1:1 (Actual Size Image View)

Display an image in its actual size.

It depends on the pixel size of the monitor and the pixel spacing of the detector.

4.3 Adjust Image

These buttons are tools to adjust an image like Rotate, Flip and Invert.


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Restore all of the information saved lastly.

l Rotate CW90

Rotate an image by 90 degree clockwise.

[Original] [CW90]

l Rotate CCW90

Rotate an image by 90 degree counterclockwise.

[Original] [CCW90]

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l Horizontal Flip

Flip an image horizontally

[Original] [Horizontal Flip]

l Vertical Flip

Flip an image vertically

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[Original] [Vertical Flip]

l Invert Image

Invert an image between black and white.

[Original] [Image Invert]

4.4 Annotation

l Clear

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Reset all annotations and modifications to initial state.

l R / L Marker

Add the White R (Right) and L (Left) label to the left top of the image.

To move R / L Mark,
- Press and hold the left mouse button on the label while dragging it to the area you want.

To delete R / L Mark,
- Click Delete button after choosing the label to be deleted.

[R Marker] [L Marker]


You can add, delete or modify frequently used marks as desired.

To add / delete the Mark,
- Click MARK button.
- Enter the Mark you want in the field of Mark and click Add button, and then you will be able to show the made mark
in the Mark list.

- Click the OK button

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[Mark Window]


Draw text notes to the image

To add,
- Click TEXT button on the Tools Panel, and type text note you want

To resize,
- Click the text note and locate mouse cursor on each point of the text box, and then press and hold the left mouse
button while dragging it to the desired size.

To delete,
- Select the text note, and then press the Delete key on the keyboard

To modify,
- Double click the left mouse button in the selected text box, and change the text note , and then click Enter key on the

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l Distance

Measure distance between two points on the image

To measure a Distance,
- Click measure distance button.
- At beginning point where measured image area, and holding the mouse and move the mouse until the end point.

To delete measured distance annotation,

- Clicking desired distance annotation for delete, and push Delete key on the keyboard.

l Angle

Measure the angle between three points over an image.

To measure an Angle,
- Click on left mouse button on the image to set the center point of the angle.
- Move the mouse and click the left mouse button to set the endpoint of the first vector.

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- Click Left mouse button to set the end endpoint of the second vector.
- At this point, the angle’s measurement is displayed.

To delete measured angle annotation,

- Clicking desired angle annotation for delete, and push Delete key on the keyboard.

[Distance] [Angle]

l Cobb Angle

This tool is used to find the angle where two lines intersect.

To use this tool,

- Click (Left) to set the first point for the first line.
- Click (Left) to set the last point for the first line.
- Click (Left) to set the first point for the second line.
- Click (Left) to set the last point for the second line. At this point, the software is computing the degree of the angle
where the two lines meet.

If you want to delete any annotation, press the Delete key on your keyboard.

l Norberg Angle

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The angle formed by a line connecting the centers of both femoral heads and one drawn between the center of a
femoral head and craniodorsal rim of the acetabulum on the same side.

To use this tool,

- Click the Norberg Angle button
- Move to the mouse point on the image
- Click the left mouse button and draw the rectangle while holding the mouse button

- Modify the angle if you need.

4.5 ETC

l Reset

Reset as the original DICOM image

l Window Level

Reset the window level of the selected image

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l Line Profile

Display various pixel values related to the line when you draw a line

To use the line profile,

- Click Line profile button

- Where wanting to measure line profile, and pushing beginning point’s image area and move until mouse’s end point.

[Line Profile]

l Histogram

Sometimes it is helpful to have an idea of how the pixel values fall for a particular image.

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l Stitch

Stitch two images into one from the selected study.

To use Stitch,

- Select two or three images using Top ( ) and Bottom ( ) button

- Click Stitch button

- Adjust the position of each image using mouse or move button below picture

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(If the user want to reset, please click ‘Reset All’ button.)

- To check image previously, click ‘Preview’ button to check a stitched image.

(It is possible to choose the image processing quality Light, Medium and Hard.)

- After check a preview image, Click ( ) button to save the composite image.

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l DICOM Header Information

Display DICOM Header information of the selected image.

To view the DICOM tag data of the selected image, click this button.

[DICOM Header Information]

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l VHS (Vertebral Heart Score)

VHS is a method that measures the cardiac size of dogs of different breeds or cat. It provides an accurate

measurement regardless of the location of the heart and respiration.

- Click the ‘VHS’ button.

- Left click on the carina of the image, and then drag and drop on the apex of the heart.
The distance of long axis is calculated and displayed automatically like the figure below.

- Draw a line by drag and drop on the widest part of the heart.
Especially, draw a line perpendicular to the long axis like the figure below. The distance of short axis is calculated and

displayed automatically.

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- Drag slightly on the cranial edge of the T4 vertebra and release the mouse button when the line is lined up correctly.
And then, the line its distance is equal to the distance of the long axis appears.


- Drag slightly on the cranial edge of the T4 vertebra and release the mouse button when the line is lined up correctly.
And then, the line its distance is equal to the distance of the short axis appears and a new window opens like the figure

- Count the number of vertebra crossed by each line in 0.1 units and calculate the sum of those two numbers. And then,

type the result and click the Confirm ( ) button.

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- Finally, the VHS appears on the image like the figure below.

4.6 Image Processing

You can process displayed images by opening the Parameter file, applying the parameter, and changing the details.

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4.6.1 Image Processing Parameter Settings

You can save parameter files for image processing. Small/Medium/Large/X-Large buttons make it possible to select
the parameter file chosen in advance according to the patient condition. If it not set yet, it is displayed as blank.

4.6.2 Image Processing Adjustment

l Edge Enhance

This is for highlighting the edge of the image (separately with other parameters). As shown in the below image, it is

used to watch the detailed part of the bone tissue.

[Edge Enhance = 2] [Edge Enhance = 7]

l Contrast Factor

This is highlighting the contrast of the image. It is related to latitude. If highlighted too much, it looks hard. As
shown in the below images, C-spine’s part is highlighted compared to the surrounding tissue.

[Contrast Factor = 2] [Contrast Factor = 7]

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

l Image Latitude

As the value gets higher, the lower part of the image is highlighted and the image gets thicker. It shows more

realistic image for the two dimensional image.

[Latitude = 2] [Latitude = 7]

You need to set for image processing. If the file is not in the pre-set route of the configure window, it is displayed
as blank.

4.6.3 Image Processing Control

l Process

It executes image processing.

l Save Parameter

The modified Edge enhance, Contrast factor and Image latitude of the parameters for image processing are saved.
The saved parameters will process the same study part.

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l Initial Parameter

It initializes to the original values of parameter.

l Raw Image

It can go back to the state that image processing is not done.

4.7 Command Button

4.7.1 File In / Out

Send out chosen image by variety of image format to USB, CD/DVD, HDD, or retrieve DICOM file from external


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[File In/Out Window]

l Export

The export of images is initiated via a typical the File In/out window. The user can chose between exporting the
loaded images of the study. Images can be exported to files in DICOM format or BMP or to JPG, BMP, PNG files.

- Device:
Select the place to export image by Local Disk or CD/DVD
- Path:
Select User Directory to save the image in the local place.
- Image Type:
Select a format of the image to be restored. (BMP, JPG, PNG, DICOM)
- Burn information into image:
The image is exported including patient’s information when the check box enabled.
- Include Viewer (DICOM only):
The image viewer is exported for DICOM image when the check box enabled.
- File list:

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Display the list of selected to export.


To use Export,

- Select the type of Device, Local Disk or CD / DVD

- Set the path to be exported to Local Disk

- Check the Image type (BMP, JPG, PNG, DICOM)

- Click Export button

l Import
Open (retrieve) selected image.

To use Import,

- Click Search button( ), and choose retrieve image. (Supported DCM format only)

- Click Import button ( ).

4.7.2 Save
Save current image including the annotation from the selected study.

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4.7.3 Send
Transfer the DICOM Image selected to PACS Server.

To use the DICOM Send,

- Click Send button.
- Select the PACS Server in the PACS server list.
- Click Send button to send

If you want to add other PACS Server, please refer to configuration’s DICOM menu.

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4.7.4 Print
Print the selected image with DICOM print.

- Print: Name of DICOM Print Server to be used for printing.

- Film Size: Size of printed materials
- Copies: Number of copies to print
- Layout: Type of image layout
- Film Orientation: type of image orientation

[DICOM Print Window]

If you want to add other DICOM Print Server, please see the DICOM menu of Configuration Window

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

4.8 Common Tools

Frequently used buttons are located at bottom of Image viewer
(CW90, CCW90, Flip Vertical, Flip Horizontal, Zoom, Compare, Expand, Edit Image Information, Annotation and Re-
take button)

[Common Tools]

l Rotate CW90

Rotate an image by 90 degree clockwise.

[Original] [CW90]

l Rotate CCW90

Rotate an image by 90 degree counterclockwise.

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[Original] [CCW90]

l Vertical Flip

Flip an image vertically

[Original] [Vertical Flip]

l Horizontal Flip

Flip an image horizontally

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[Original] [Horizontal Flip]

l Zoom In/Out

Resize an image

To zoom in and zoom out,

- Click Zoom button

- Move the mouse cursor into the image and drag downward/upward the left mouse button during pressing the left

mouse button

[Zoom Out] [Original] [Zoom In]

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l Compare

This function is used to compare two images side-by-side.

[Compare Window]

To exit Compare Mode,

- Click ESC key and then the screen returns to normal image viewer.

l Expand

This function is used to watch all images by pushing EXPAND button when there are too many thumbnail images.

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[Expand Window]

l Edit Image Information

Modify patient’s image information on the current study.

To perform Edit,

- Click Edit button

- Modify some information in the Edit Image Information window

- Click OK button

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[Edit Image Information Window]

l Annotation (Show / Hide)

Show or hide all annotation on the image

To perform,

- Click Annotation button

- If the Annotation button is on, all annotation will be displayed

- If the Annotation buttons is off, all annotation will be hidden

[Show Annotation] [Hide Annotation]

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l Re-take

If a saved image is under x-ray or mismatch position, you can do the examination again using this function.

To perform the Re-take,

- Activate Re-take button.

- Input the reason and the password.

- Click Ok button, and then, the mode will be changed as Exam window to exam.

[Reject Window]

If you do accept new image, the old image will be changed the rejected image.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

Configuration Mode

User can set the various parameters like the ‘Information’, ‘Display’, ‘DICOM’, ‘Body Part Management’, ‘Exam Settings’,
‘Code matching’ and ‘Report’ except the Device, so the proper settings of parameters is important.
If you want to set the Device component, please run the DeviceConfig.exe.

5.1 General
5.1.1 Information
This menu is for to check system and hospital information. Also, by adding user account can create new user.

[Config Mode – Information]

- Hospital: Enter the Hospital name, department, telephone number

- System : Enter the system information.

- Date Format: Select the Date Format

- Operator: You can manage login accounts on the Operator List panel

- Options : Select some functions

(Reject / Auto collimation / Minimize / Secondary monitor set-up/Referring Physician etc)

To add the Operator,

- Input the Name, ID and Password.

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- Click Add button ant then the new operator will be inserted in the list

To delete the operator,

- Select the operator’s ID

- Click Delete button

To modify the operator,

- Select the operator’s ID

- Modify some information

- Click Save button.

[Operator Account Settings]

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

5.1.2 Display

[Config Mode – Display]

l Annotations

Select the information to display on the image.

- Full: Display all information on the image

- None: Doses not display all information on the image

- Viewer
- Magnify Zoom Rate: set the magnify zoom rate.

- R, L, Mark Size: set the size

- Zoom Window Size: set the size of the zoom window

- Text Size: set the text size

l Language
- Select Language and restart application

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Require file’s configuration of Language.xls

l Program Skin

You can change the skin like the Vanilla, Banana, Strawberry, Green tea, Chocolate, Mint in this mode.

To use User skin,

- Select the User’s skin

- Click Save button

- Restart the program to apply

[Program Skin Settings]

5.1.3 DICOM
This is to set the server’s environment of DICOM print and DICOM Storage.

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[Config Mode – DICOM]

l DICOM Network

Set the DICOM settings.

- AE Title: Display the Application Entity title of the Server.

- IP: Display the PACS Server’s IP.

- Port: Display the PACS Server’s port.

To add the PACS Server,

- Input AETitle, IP Address and Port.

- Click Insert button.

To delete the PACS Server,

- Select one registered item in the list.

- Click Delete button.

To set the Default settings,

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- Choose the basic server from the list of PACS server

- By clicking Default button, then the list which is selected becomes the basic server.

[PACS Server]

: Indicates that the server is connected.

: Indicates that the server is not connected.


If you want to send some image while you click Close study button in Exam mode,

- First, check Auto Send( ) item

- Enable the check box of Auto Send in the registered PACS lists.
- Click Default button.
- It means that the image send to the PACS checked as Default first when sending to the PACS server.

l Modality Worklist Server

You can set the server’s environment and client’s environment for using DICOM Modality Worklist Service.

- AE Title: Display the Application Entity title of the Server.

- IP: Display the Server’s IP.

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- Port: Display the Server’s port.

[MWL Server]

l DICOM Print

Set the film and printer.

- Print Name: Display DICOM Printer name

- AE Title: Display the DICOM printer Application Entity title.

- IP: Display the DICOM Printer IP.

- Port: Display the DICOM printer port.

- Medium type: Select the type of film

- Film Orientation: Select the direction of film.

- Border Density: Select the minimum density area of film.

- Min Density: Select the minimum density area of film.

- Max Density: Select the maximum density area of film.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

[DICOM Print Settings]

6.1 Exam
6.1.1 Body Part Management
You can add and modify and delete the Body part in this mode.

[Config Mode – Body Part Management]

- Species: Select the Species (Equine, Dog, Cat and ETC)

- Body Part: Select the Body part

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

- Projection: Select the Projection

To add the Body part,

- Select the species one of all species.

- Select the region you want to be added using the Pictogram.

- Input the Body Part name in the field of the Body part.

- Click Add button.

At this point, the new body part will be registered in the Body part List.

- Input the Projection name in the field of Projection.

- Click Add button this also will be registered in the Projection List.

- After completing this work, you can verify New Body Part in the Register window.

6.1.2 Exam Settings

This function is used to set the value each of the projections during setting the parameter like the generator value,

L/R Mark and etc.

[Config Mode – Exam Setting]

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

- Species: Select the species (Equine, Dog, Cat, Etc)

- Body Part: Select the Body Part

- Projection: Select the projection

- Parameters: Set the some information including the generator settings.

(X-ray Mode, Patient Size, Focal Spot, Shutter, Parameter, Marker, Label, Annotation, Mirror, Rotate, Flip and SID)

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

6.1.3 Code Matching

It matches the Body part and projection items with RIS/ HIS code.

[Config Mode – Code Matching]

- RIS / HIS Code: It shows all inputted RIS code.

- Preset Exam: It shows all registerred preset exam code.

- All ( ): Delete all information of Code List.

- Delete ( ): Delete selected information of list.

- Up/Down( / ) : Change selected information’s order from list.

To use the Preset Exam,

- Check the radio button of Preset Exams.

- Select the Species type.

- Input the code name in the field of the Code name.

- Input the code Mean in the field of the Code Mean

- Click the Add button, at this point, the new Code will be registerd and displayed in the Code list.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

- Select the Body part and the projection in the pictogram. At this point, the Body part and the projection will be displayed

in the Item list.


7.1 Report
It shows statistic information about taken images.
The information are number of total patient / exposed image / sent image / rejected image / printed image /
deleted image. You can filtering information by date or operator.

[Config Mode – Report]

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

How to use Mouse

Mouse is ad device to move cursor an object on the screen.

Followings are the instruction for using Mouse.

- Left button: Choose an image.

- Right button: Display option menus in the thumbnail window.

- Wheel: Roll the mouse wheel up and down to switch between images when multiple images are selected.

- Drag: Adjust window level. Press and hold the rights mouse button while dragging the mouse to adjust Window
Level on the image window.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

7. Appendix A


It is the owner’s responsibility to provide regular periodic maintenance and service. Only this type of
maintenance program can identify potential problems. Topics covered include:
l Periodic Maintenance
l Qualified Service
l Cleaning and Disinfecting
l Recycling

Periodic Maintenance

Periodic maintenance is required for continued SAFE operation. Periodic maintenance should be performed
as specified in the maintenance schedule of the service manual by qualified personnel. Descriptions and
scheduled frequency of the required periodic maintenance are provided in the Service manual supplied with
the equipment. Inspection intervals are based on average daily use of one eight hour shift. These periodic
maintenance procedures will be performed by SG service if contracted to do so. Generally, most of the parts
need maintenances once a year; general cleaning and painting as required; Replace Nonvolatile RAM on the
kV Control Board every 10 years. More frequent inspection is appropriate where equipment use is above

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2


Failure to perform the periodic inspection and maintenance could

allow deteriorating conditions to develop without being detected. This
deterioration could result in equipment failures, which could cause
serious injury or equipment damage.

Qualified Service

Safe equipment performance requires the use of service personnel specially trained on medical X-ray
apparatus. SG Healthcare Medical Systems and its associates, maintain a world-wide organization of stations
from which to furnish periodic and/or emergency service on a contract basis. A SG representative will be glad
to discuss this plan. SG Healthcare Medical Systems X-ray equipment contains operating safeguards designed
to provide maximum safety. Before calling for service, be certain proper operating procedures are being used.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

This equipment should be cleaned frequently, particularly if corroding chemicals are present. Use a cloth
moistened in warm soapy water (use mild soap) to clean the trim and nameplate of the Operator’s Controls.
Wipe with a cloth moistened in clean water. Do not use cleaners or solvents of any kind as they may dull the
finish or blur the lettering. Polish with a pure liquid or paste wax. Other surfaces of the equipment can be
cleaned using a clean cloth moistened slightly with a good mild cleaner and polish acceptable for use on
enameled metal surfaces. Before each use, equipment surfaces that contact the patient should be cleaned
with an EPA registered, low-level disinfection or sanitizing agent.


In the event of equipment contacting broken skin or being used

with infected or immune compromised patients, the equipment
should be cleaned using EPA cleared and EPA registered high-
level disinfecting agents.

Jumong Vet User Manual_Ver 1.2

Be sure to follow the label instructions and pre-cautions for use, storage, and
disposal of all disinfecting agents.


Packing Materials

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Machines or Accessories at end-of-life !


SG Healthcare Co., Ltd.

10, Yangnyeong-ro, Yangpyeong-ri, Moga-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do,

Republic of Korea

TEL: +82-02-449-6908

FAX: +82-02-449-6909

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