Alternative Jet Fuel Feasibility

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Transport Policy 34 (2014) 52–62

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Alternative jet fuel feasibility

J.I. Hileman n,1, R.W. Stratton 2
Massachusetts Institute Technology, USA

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Available online 13 April 2014 Concerns regarding the environmental and economic sustainability of petroleum based transportation
Keywords: fuels, including jet fuel, are driving interest into alternative fuels. The development of viable alternatives
Aircraft fuels could provide benefits in terms of energy diversity thus reducing dependence on any given nation for our
Biofuels energy needs. This manuscript examines the drivers for alternative fuels in the light of the needs of
Greenhouse gases aviation and it provides criteria wherein potential alternative jet fuels can be compared. A wide range of
Air quality transportation fuels was qualitatively examined using these criteria. Because of concerns regarding their
Life cycle emissions safe use and the energy efficiency loss that would be inherent in their use, alcohols and biodiesel are
better suited for ground transportation. Cryogenic fuels are not feasible in the near term because of the
large existing aircraft and airport infrastructure that is incompatible with these fuels. Synthetic fuels
offer aviation with a wide range of potential feedstocks that could augment or potentially replace
petroleum, but concerns regarding the economic cost of production and the current lack of feedstock
availability limits their near term availability to aviation.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction transportation fuels, as well as the resources to make alternative

fuels, must be kept in mind when considering alternative fuels.
Since the earliest days of motored transportation when gaso- Unlike previous periods when spikes in the price of petroleum
line went from being a byproduct of kerosene production to the have provoked interest in alternatives to petroleum, the environ-
driving force in the development of the petroleum industry, the ment represents a potential constraint on the continued growth of
growth and development of oil and transportation have been all sectors of the economy. Although concerns about global climate
inseparable. This is because refineries continuously maximize the change dominate the press, other environmental concerns also
utility, in the form of economic profit, of a barrel of oil and this need to be addressed. Alternative fuels offer an opportunity not
utility is tied directly to how the various products from the barrel only to reduce aviation's contribution to global climate change, but
are used. In 2012, the world demand for petroleum was 89.2 they could also reduce aviation's impact on air quality as fuel
million barrels of oil per day (EIA, 2014a). This annual volume is composition could be modified to reduce pollutant formation.
equivalent to 43,400 gallons per second, or roughly the discharge However, the development of a biofuel industry could have
rate of a moderate sized river such as the Charles or Connecticut consequences on land and fresh water usage, as well as other
Rivers in the Northeast United States. However, only a portion of environmental concerns, that cannot be ignored if sustainability is
this oil usage goes to aviation. indeed a concern.
Within the United States, 46% of oil by volume that is supplied This manuscript examines the forces driving the development
goes to gasoline while 31% goes to creating middle distillates, of alternative jet fuels in terms of economics and environment.
consisting of diesel fuel, jet fuel, and fuel oils; jet fuel itself It then presents a comparison framework wherein these drivers
constitutes 8% of this average barrel (EIA, 2014b). In 2010, the U.S. can be examined. This framework is then applied to a range of fuel
used 27% of the worldwide demand of jet fuel, which is 5.2 million options that could be considered by aviation to identify feasible
barrels per day (EIA, 2014c). As demand dictates, refineries can alternative jet fuel options.
direct the petroleum stream that is used to create jet fuel to make
diesel fuel instead. This is because jet fuel falls within the distillation
range and properties of diesel fuels. The fungiblility of
2. Motivations driving alternative jet fuel use
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.I. Hileman).
As alluded to in the introduction, there are four forces driving the
Currently with the Federal Aviation Administration. development of alternative transportation fuels: economic sustain-
Currently with Bombardier Aerospace. ability, environmental sustainability, energy supply diversity, and
0967-070X Published by Elsevier Ltd.
J.I. Hileman, R.W. Stratton / Transport Policy 34 (2014) 52–62 53

competition for energy resources. The relative importance of these As oil prices increased, previously inaccessible petroleum
drivers varies depending on geographical location. resources become economically viable thus increasing petroleum
reserves. This is evidenced by the extraction of conventional
2.1. Economic sustainability petroleum, (a.k.a., crude oil), from locations farther offshore in
the ocean, the development of unconventional petroleum
2.1.1. Cost of energy resources such as Canadian oil sands and Venezuelan very heavy
As world's energy demand increases, so does the need for oils, and the increase in hydraulic fracturing (a.k.a., fracking) to
production. As shown in Fig. 1, oil prices steadily increased over access petroleum below rock, deep in the earth's surface. On top of
the past two decades, peaking in 2008 at over $140 per barrel. the development of conventional and unconventional petroleum,
Even though the world economy subsequently suffered its worst energy companies have responded to increased oil prices with
recession since the Great Depression, oil has subsequently stabi- increased investment in facilities, such as those to create synthetic
lized at a price between $90 and $100 per barrel. The peak in 2008 liquid fuels from natural gas using Fischer–Tropsch (F–T) synth-
and the recent relatively high prices during a global downturn esis, expanded ethanol production, and the production of diesel
both indicate a probable end to the era of cheap oil. The increase in replacement fuels from vegetable oils.
fuel prices had a profound impact on airline operation as the The rise in petroleum prices in 2008 was not the first as there
recent price spike led to fuel overtaking labor as the dominant have been periodic shocks in the price of oil. Each shock brings
contributor to aviation operating costs for the first time. renewed interest in expanded exploration for new petroleum
The escalation of the jet fuel price in the summer of 2008 reserves and production of alternatives to petroleum. The oil
created a fundamental shift in the economics of air travel in which shocks of the 1970s led to considerable worldwide interest in
gains in other areas of the airline industry were negated by alternatives with one success being the formation of the Brazilian
increases in fuel costs. As long as jet fuel derived from conventional ethanol industry which today is self-sufficient.
petroleum remains the dominant fuel, the price of petroleum will
define its market price. The difference between the price of jet fuel 2.1.2. Cost of changing infrastructure
and petroleum, known as the crack spread, denoted by the dark The long life of commercial aircraft and the size of the current
region in Fig. 1, has averaged 19% of the total price of jet fuel over aircraft fleet both point toward the need for “drop-in” alternative
the last twenty-four years with a standard deviation of 6%. The fuels. Drop-in fuel options are defined as being compatible with
crack spreads of jet fuel and diesel fuel have historically been today's aircraft technology and infrastructure with little or no
similar owing to the similarities in how these fuels are produced. modification. In 2012, the worldwide fleet was comprised of
20,310 commercial aircraft (Boeing, 2013), each of which is
designed to operate using conventional jet fuel. This is a sub-
stantial investment of capital as a new single aisle aircraft from
Boeing costs roughly 50 million dollars while a new jumbo jet
costs roughly 300 million dollars (Boeing, undated). If the average
aircraft replacement cost were 50 million dollars, then a trillion
dollars would be required to replace the existing fleet with new
aircraft. Of course, this is an oversimplification but it does point to
the large current investment in commercial aircraft. Furthermore,
at the 2008 rate of aircraft deliveries by Boeing (375), Airbus (483),
Embraer (204), and Bombardier (353) of 1415 aircraft per year, it
would take roughly 14 years to replace the fleet. Since the number
of aircraft in the worldwide fleet is increasing to meet growing
aviation demand, the turnover time would actually be longer.
It has been speculated that an alternative fuel suitable for
aviation use would benefit from the tightly controlled fuel-
distribution infrastructure that supports commercial aviation.
However, if the finished fuel satisfies international standards and
is compatible with current engine technology, the structure of the
distribution system should have little or no effect on the overall
prospects of the fuel. This is especially the case with synthetic
diesel and jet fuels, which are suitable for distribution from the
plant gate.

2.2. Environmental sustainability

2.2.1. Greenhouse gases

In 2012 aviation contributed 2 percent of the world's CO2
emissions (ATAG, 2012). Aircraft also produce non-CO2 emissions
that contribute to global climate change, as will be discussed in
Section 3.2. Within the US, Section 526 of the Energy Indepen-
dence and Security Act of 2007 (Public Law 110-140) has placed
restrictions on the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of alter-
native fuels that can be used by federal agencies.
Fig. 1. Crude and jet price history, and the crack spread between these prices, for
the United States (EIA, 2010c) and U.S. airline average unit operating costs for fuel
Biofuels offer an opportunity to reduce the life cycle carbon
and labor (ATA, 2010). Crude and jet prices are based on the average spot prices as dioxide (CO2) emissions from transportation fuels. This is not
reported by the EIA and prices are in 2010 U.S. dollars. because their use results in a change in combustion emissions of
54 J.I. Hileman, R.W. Stratton / Transport Policy 34 (2014) 52–62

CO2. The reduction is possible because biomass is created by use of biomass for energy could affect the movement of nutrients
photosynthesis of CO2 with water; hence, biomass created from from the land to freshwater systems through increased fertilizer
atmospheric CO2 will have net zero combustion CO2 emissions usage. If additional row crops are grown, this could lead to increased
when burned. This can be contrasted with fossil fuels, which are movement; however, the use of perennial biomass crops for biofuels
effectively atmospheric CO2 that has been sequestered in the production could lessen these impacts.
ground for many millions of years. When biomass is consumed
in combustion, the CO2 is released to the atmosphere from which
2.3. Energy diversity
it recently came; when fossil fuels are combusted, the CO2 that had
previously been sequestered is released to the atmosphere. To
Energy independence has been discussed as a matter of foreign
adequately capture this important difference, the full life cycle CO2
policy since at least the early twentieth century when the British
emissions of a fuel must be assessed. This type of accounting is
admiralty debated the merits of using Middle East petroleum
discussed further in Section 3.2.
instead of Welsh coal to power the British navy. In the end, the
technological and economic benefits of using oil outweighed the
2.2.2. Air quality security of domestically supplied coal. During the two world wars
The air quality impacts stemming from the contributions of that followed, a secure supply of petroleum became paramount to
aviation emissions are a continuing issue for airports and the military success. However, the oil embargos of the 1970s demon-
national air space (Ratliff et al., 2009). Emissions of oxides of strated the perils of being dependent on foreign energy supplies.
nitrogen (NOX), carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbons Because the U.S. consumes 18.5 million barrels of oil per day
(UHC), some of which are classified as hazardous air pollutants (EIA, 2014a), relative to domestic production of 6.5 million barrels
(HAPs), and non-volatile particulate matter, (a.k.a., soot or black per day (EIA, 2014d), energy independence in terms of transporta-
carbon), are of concern in the vicinity of airports. NOX, CO, and tion fuels is currently impossible. However, a step toward this goal
UHC emissions from aircraft and other ground-based sources lead is to increase the energy supply diversity of the transportation fuel
to local and regional production of ozone while secondary parti- mix. To this end, it is important to think about production scales.
culate matter precursor gases (NOX, SOX, and UHC) can also react A fully loaded Boeing 747–400 consumes approximately 1200
in the atmosphere to contribute to ambient particulate matter barrels of jet fuel to fly from Boston to Dubai. For comparison,
(PM) levels. Airborne PM in turn can cause respiratory illnesses a moderate sized airport, such as Boston Logan International, uses
and aggravate cardiovascular disease; in addition the sulfur also roughly 25,000 barrels per day. On a national level in 2008, the
causes acid rain, which damages infrastructure. United States consumed roughly 1.5 million barrels per day of jet
Unlike the use of technologies that would reduce the emissions fuel with the Department of Defense consuming roughly 190,000
from new aircraft gas turbines, a change in fuel composition that barrels per day of JP-8 and JP-5, or 12% of this total (EIA, 2010b;
results in reduced aromatic and/or fuel sulfur content could lead to DESC, 2008). Although domestic production of petroleum could
an immediate benefit in terms of reduced pollutant formation easily meet the needs of the U.S. armed forces, the overall
(Bulzan et al., 2010). Hence, the widespread use of alternative fuels economy currently depends on a much larger supply of petroleum.
could lead to a relatively rapid change in aviation's impact on air Diversifying the energy supply for transportation fuels moves the
quality. U.S. away from being dependent on any one nation or region.

2.2.3. Water availability and quality 2.4. Competition for alternative fuel resources
Regional availability of water places a bound on the development
of alternative jet fuels and energy, in general. Water plays an essential Without exception, the feedstocks that could be used to make
role in developing and utilizing energy resources as it is used in alternative jet fuels could also be used to make fuels for ground
energy-resource extraction, refining and processing, and transporta- transportation. Similarly, biomass feedstocks could also be used to
tion. The dependence of biofuels on water extends even further to generate electricity and/or heat instead of transportation fuels. For
include water used for feedstock growth. It is important to distin- example, appropriately treated cellulosic biomass could be directly fed
guish between water withdrawal and water consumption. Water into power plants without significant modification. As such, there is
withdrawal involves withdrawing water from its source and subse- considerable competition for our renewable energy resources.
quently returning it after use. The quality of the returned water may Ground transport fuel consumption is considerably larger than
not be the same as when it was originally removed. Electricity aviation fuel consumption and the ground transport sector has
generation is the best example where water use is dominated by considerable experience in alternative fuel use, (e.g., ethanol,
withdrawn water used for cooling (some cooling water is lost to biodiesel, hydroprocessed renewable oils, and compressed natural
evaporation and this fraction is considered consumed). Water con- gas). Because aircraft must carry their fuel aloft, the requirements
sumption involves withdrawing water from its source and not for aviation fuels are more stringent than those for fuels used for
returning it after use. Crop irrigation represents the largest fraction surface transportation. In certain circumstances and because of
of water consumption within the US. (DoE, 2006) fuel properties such as octane and cetane number, ground-based
Between 1 and 2.5 l of water is required to refine one liter of vehicles may serve as a more attractive application of alternative
petroleum fuels (King and Webber, 2008). Since the U.S. currently fuels and feedstock resources.
consumes 1.4 million barrels per day of jet fuel, 222 million liters In the longer term, transportation sectors that do not require high
per day (EIA, 2014b), the U.S. aviation industry is responsible for energy density fuels could become electrified as is currently happen-
consuming between 222 and 556 million liters of water each day. ing with automobiles. However, many transportation sectors, such as
Most alternative fuels will require comparable quantities of water aviation and ground transportation of freight, will continue to require
as today's petroleum refineries and biofuels have the potential to fuels with large energy density. As such, there will continue to be a
consume several orders of magnitude more if irrigation is used in strong need for alternatives for middle distillate fuels. Of these
feedstock production (DOE, 2006). sectors, the restrictions on safety, tank volume and takeoff weight
In addition to water availability, there are also concerns regard- place the most stringent requirements on aviation fuels. In general,
ing the impact of increased biomass production for alternative fuels the complex interdependencies among energy utilization, econom-
on water quality. Agricultural intensification through the extensive ics, and environmental impact necessitate additional research to
J.I. Hileman, R.W. Stratton / Transport Policy 34 (2014) 52–62 55

better understand the trade-offs in how society uses its energy D7655 (ASTM 2009a, 2009b). Fuels for aviation must have an array
resources for transportation, heat and electricity. of characteristics that include:

 High energy density (energy per unit volume), which facilitates

3. Criteria for evaluating alternative jet fuels long-range flight.
 High specific energy (energy per unit mass), which decreases
There are many issues to be considered when evaluating the takeoff weight and improves fuel efficiency.
potential of a specific alternative fuel. These include, but are not  High flash point, the temperature above which the fuel pro-
limited to, the economic cost of fuel production, the technical duces a vapor that can ignite, which ensures safe operation.
feasibility of the fuel, the impact of using the fuel on the atmo-  Low freezing point and vapor pressure, which facilitate safe
sphere in terms of global climate change and air quality, and the operation at cruise altitudes.
efficient usage of resources. Each of these is discussed in greater  High thermal stability, prevents chemical decomposition of the
detail below with consideration of the motivations that are driving fuel within the gas turbine engine preventing fuel line blockage.
the criteria.  Adequate lubricity, ensures proper functioning of fuel pumps.
 Sufficient aromatic compound content, ensures adequate seal
3.1. Economic cost of production swell within fuel system to prevent fuel leaks.

A fuel is only going to be sustainable if it can be economically

The first two energy content related properties are critical to
produced. A consequence of the recent rise in the price of
vehicle performance. The flash point, freeze point and thermal
petroleum is an increased economic cost of production that could
stability properties are critical to the safe operation of the aircraft.
be supported by the market. The price of jet fuel is set by the
The lubricity and aromatic properties are important but they can
market price of petroleum. Many reports, (e.g., Pearlson et al.
be dealt with via appropriate modifications. The lubricity concern
(2013)), provide estimates of the economic costs of producing fuel,
could conceivably be met with the appropriate additive package
but these values are in terms of what is incurred by the fuel
while issues concerning seal swell from aromaticity could in
producer. This should not be confused with the price that would
theory be rectified with the replacement of existing seals with
be paid by a fuel consumer. The price paid by a consumer will be
those that are compatible with the new fuel composition; how-
set by the prevailing market price for conventional jet fuel.
ever, the costs associated with retrofitting an existing aircraft with
Assuming that the fuel producer can create their alternative jet
new seals is likely prohibitively large.
fuel at a cost that is less than the prevailing price of conventional
jet fuel, they will sell it at the market price of conventional jet fuel
to maximize profits. However, if the fuel producer and fuel buyer 3.3. Global climate change impact
go into a long-term contract, then the fuel producer may sell their
product at a discount to conventional jet fuel. Policy measures, As discussed in Section 2.2, alternative jet fuels created from
such as taxes and mandates from either renewable fuel use or renewable resources offer the potential to reduce the greenhouse gas
emissions trading, would also influence the cost that is borne by (GHG) emissions from aviation. However, this difference is only
the producer and consumer. observed when the life cycle emissions of the fuel are considered
from the mine, well or field to the wake behind the aircraft.
3.2. Technical feasibility with current (and future) aircraft The life cycle analysis of alternative jet fuels encompasses
emissions from the complete fuel cycle. This includes recovery
As discussed in Section 2.1, the large existing aircraft infra- and transportation of the feedstock from the well, field, or mine to
structure is a strong motivation for the development of fuels that the production facility, processing of these materials into fuels,
are compatible with the existing fleet of aircraft. Alternative fuels transportation and distribution of the fuel to the aircraft tank, and
that do not satisfy the performance characteristics offered by finally, the combustion of the fuel in the aircraft. The steps of such
conventional jet fuel would need to provide substantial benefits a well-to-wake life cycle analysis are shown schematically in Fig. 2.
to warrant the development of a second worldwide fueling These “well-to-wake” (WtW) steps can be broadly grouped into
infrastructure to support a new fuel. Any fuel that would be used fuel production and distribution, “well-to-tank” (WtT), and fuel
safely and effectively in the existing fleet would need to meet the combustion, “tank-to-wake” (TtW). If biomass is involved in the
relevant standard, which in the United States are ASTM D1655 and fuel production, then life-cycle analysis should also take into

Fig. 2. Steps considered in the well-to-wake, life cycle GHG inventory of conventional jet fuel (from Stratton et al., 2010 with permission of the authors).
56 J.I. Hileman, R.W. Stratton / Transport Policy 34 (2014) 52–62

account land-use changes that would result from feedstock potential for reduced emissions that affect air quality from both
growth,. If external sources of CO2 are used to feed biofuel growth, new and existing gas turbine engines.
then the system boundary should include the source of the CO2 One potential means of achieving a reduction in emissions that
emissions. For example, photosynthetic algae growth requires affect air quality is through the use of an ultra low sulfur jet fuel,
concentrated CO2, such as the flue gas from a power plant, to which would nearly eliminate aviation's emissions of sulfur oxides,
achieve commercial growth rates. Thus, the biomass growth is not a secondary particulate matter precursor gas. The specification
from atmospheric CO2 but from fossil CO2. that defines Jet A (ASTM, 2009a) allows sulfur content up to
Proper evaluation of the indirect effects of alternative fuels, 3000 ppm (ppm). However, the fuel sulfur content of jet fuel used
including indirect land use change, requires that the supply and throughout the U.S. is closer to 700 ppm (Taylor, 2009 and DESC,
demand for renewable energy resources be modeled for all sectors 2008). To reduce aviation's impact on air quality, jet fuel from
in both the domestic and the global economy (many sectors of the conventional petroleum could be desulfurized to a level of 15 ppm
economy, including energy, forestry, and agriculture, need to be (see also Brunelle-Yeung et al., (in this issue)); this would result in
modeled to understand the impacts of biofuel production on roughly a 1% increase in volumetric fuel consumption, due to
deforestation). Analysis of indirect land use change also requires a slight change in the fuel carbon–hydrogen ratio, at a cost of 1 to
the consideration of government policy to prevent deforestation as 7 cents per gallon (Barrett et al., 2012). Part of this cost is paying
this can substantially impact the results, (e.g., Melillo et al., 2009). for additional fuel additives to ensure the fuel meets lubricity
Due to these and other difficulties, calculations of indirect land use requirements.
change have substantial uncertainty and can vary widely from one The amount and composition of aromatic compounds could be
study to the next (Plevin et al., 2010). modified with alternative jet fuels, and this could further reduce
A guidance document created by a consortium assembled by aviation's impact on air quality, beyond just sulfur reduction.
the U.S. Air Force (AFLCAWG, 2009) presents considerable detail Recent measurements of synthetic jet fuels, which lacked aromatic
about the creation of a life cycle GHG emissions inventory for compounds, have shown large (greater than 50%) reductions in
transportation fuels with particular focus on the key issues in black carbon, (a.k.a., primary particulate matter). Such reductions
creating a life cycle GHG inventory: (1) system boundary defini- have been observed in an older-technology, low-bypass ratio gas-
tion, (2) allocating emissions allocation among co-products such turbine engine (TF33 engine, which is used in the B-52 aircraft),
as those leaving the biomass system and the refinery, and (3) data a turboshaft gas-turbine engine (T63 engine, which is used in
quality and uncertainty. some helicopters), and a modern, high-bypass ratio turbofan
The relative magnitudes of the GHG emissions from each of the engine (CFM56, which is used in the Boeing 737 among other
main life cycle stages from Fig. 2 are presented in Fig. 3 for both aircraft) (Corporan et al., 2007a and 2007b; DeWitt et al. (2008);
conventional jet fuel and select alternative jet fuel pathways; the data Bulzan et al., 2010). As these engines represent a wide range of
are from Stratton et al., 2010. The climate impact from non-CO2 combustor technology, the reductions appear to be a result of fuel
combustion emissions were created with a 100 year time window to composition and not gas turbine engine type.
be consistent with the treatment of N2O and CH4 emissions from fuel At present, SPK fuels created from F–T synthesis are certified
production. It was also assumed that contrails and contrail-cirrus for use in up to a 50–50 blend with conventional jet fuel (ASTM,
formation and climate effects are unchanged by synthetic paraffinic 2009b). The limit on the maximum blending percentage of the SPK
kerosene (SPK) fuel composition compared to conventional jet fuel fuel is tied to the aromatic content of the fuel. A lack of aromatic
(Dorbian, 2010; Stratton, 2010). These results do not indicate the compounds in the fuel could lead to inadequate seal swell with the
variability that could result from recovery and processing techniques. result being fuel leaks. Having a 50–50 blend ensures that most of
While combustion CO2 emissions and the non-CO2 combustion the fuel will achieve a safe minimum aromatic level of roughly 8%.
emissions and effects are largely the same for all fuels, emissions Although it is not yet certified for use, the aromatics could also
from fuel production and land use change can cause substantial come from the pyrolysis of cellulosic materials or existing fossil
variability in the complete life cycle GHG inventory. Biofuels also sources. With the use of synthetic aromatic compounds, one could
receive a “Biomass Credit,” which represents the amount of CO2 that potentially create a designer fully synthetic jet fuel (FSJF) with
is extracted from the atmosphere to grow the biomass for the fuel. aromatic compounds specifically chosen to minimize the produc-
For Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) fuels, the biomass tion of emissions that contribute to particulate matter.
credit is equal and opposite to the combustion CO2 emissions; while
for the F–T pathways, its magnitude depends on the amount of 3.5. Resource impact (land, water, and non-renewable fuels)
biomass used as the fuel feedstock and for process energy.
The primary factor differentiating the life cycle GHG inventory Only fuels having a large production potential will be able to
of conventional jet fuel from petroleum and oil sands is the substantially diversify our energy resources as discussed in Section
emissions from the recovery of the fuel feedstock, (i.e., crude oil 2.3. The production potential of any fuel (bio or fossil based) will
or bitumen). For HEFA fuels that use terrestrial oils, (i.e., not algae), be defined by the limits that exist on the raw materials that are
the primary factor that differentiates fuels is not the biomass needed for its production. For fossil fuels, there is a limit on the
feedstock, but actually the emissions from land use change as is amount of the resource that can be economically extracted at
demonstrated by the three soy to HEFA scenarios. Because of the a given energy price. For biofuels there are constraints on biomass
variations in how they can be produced, several factors determine availability that are tied to energy price and land requirements. For
the variability in life cycle GHG emissions for F–T fuels that use both, there are constraints on water withdrawal and consumption,
a combination of coal and biomass. Primary among these are use as was discussed in Section 2.2.
of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), the amount of biomass used Biomass yield, in terms of mass per land area, and the acreage
as a feedstock and process fuel, and whether positive or negative available for the biomass cultivation are instrumental in determin-
land use change emissions are incurred. ing the production potential for a biofuel. With this information
and an understanding of the efficiency in converting biomass to
3.4. Air quality impact a finished fuel one can determine how much of a biofuel can be
reasonably expected with our limited resources. Stratton et al.
As noted in Section 2.2, the impact of aviation on air quality is (2010) demonstrated biomass production limitations of a wide
a continuing concern and alternative fuel compositions offer the range of F–T and HEFA pathways. Fig. 4, which is from that study,
J.I. Hileman, R.W. Stratton / Transport Policy 34 (2014) 52–62 57

Fig. 3. Life cycle GHG emissions for select feedstock-to-fuel pathways broken out by major life cycle stage (data from Stratton, 2010 and Stratton et al., 2010). A 100-year time
window was used to assess all non-CO2 climate impacts. LUC indicates Land Use Change with LUCx0 meaning no land use change, LUCB1 meaning conversion of carbon
depleted soils to switchgrass cultivation, LUCS1 meaning conversion of Brazilian Cerrado, and LUCS2 meaning conversion of Amazon rainforest. CCS indicates carbon capture,
but it does not include sequestration. Note that the impact of aviation induced cloudiness was assumed to be unchanged with alternative jet fuel use; ongoing measurements
and analyses should provide an improved estimate for this impact.

presents a graphical representation of the land requirements to In a similar manner to GHG emissions, a life cycle analysis of
supply the entire 2009 US jet fuel market with 100% SPK and a 50/ water usage can be conducted to determine the water consump-
50 blend of SPK and conventional jet fuel using renewable oil tion per MJ of fuel energy delivered to the tank. Without
resources. Three representative fuel yields were chosen to represent considering any specific examples, water consumption from feed-
typical fuel production yields for HEFA. Production yields of HEFA stock recovery and processing will dominate the life cycle water
from camelina, palm, and algae oils are presented for comparison. consumption while water consumption from feedstock and fuel
The land areas from Fig. 4 are likely smaller than will be required in transportation will be indirect through consuming fuels that
the future as fuel use is expected to increase with time. required water for their production. Water consumption from
As can be deduced from Fig. 4, most renewable oil feedstocks the combustion stage is zero. The creation of synthetic transporta-
do not have sufficient biomass production per unit of land to tion fuels could place new strains on the current water system.
replace an appreciable quantity of jet fuel. This does not mean that Using Fischer–Tropsch synthesis to convert natural gas or coal to
they should not be cultivated for biofuel production; it simply F–T diesel are 5 and 7 times more water intensive than conven-
indicates that these feedstocks cannot singly replace petroleum as tional diesel fuel, respectively, as measured in terms of mass of
a source of jet fuel. Any appreciable alternative fuel production water per unit energy delivered to the fuel tank. Similarly, steam
will likely come as a superposition of multiple feedstocks over reformation of natural gas for hydroprocessing of renewable oils to
multiple regions. For example, camelina could be grown without HEFA will be comparable to refining conventional petroleum. The
irrigation in rotation with other crops in the upper plains of the use of irrigation to grow biofuel feedstocks can increase the water
U.S. and Canada, thus benefiting local farmers; further, the lessons usage per unit energy by orders of magnitude (DoE, 2006; King
learned in converting camelina oil to biofuels could be valuable if and Webber, 2008; and Stratton et al., 2010).
a higher yield crop, such as algae, becomes commercially viable. As discussed in Section 2.4, if limited resources are used in any
The expansion of biofuel use within the U.S. will require particular sector, then there is a question of whether there could be
a significant increase in crop and feedstock production. One means greater societal benefits if they were used elsewhere. This could be
of getting additional production may be to introduce non- true for our limited biomass resources as they could be used to create
indigenous species to the U.S; however, crops ideal for large- fuels for aviation, ground transportation or to generate heat and/or
scale biofuel production are those with high yield that do not electricity. An analysis by Hedegaard et al. (2008) indicates that scarce
require fresh water irrigation and can maintain high yields when biomass resources could be used more effectively, from perspectives
grown on marginal lands. These are also general traits that of energy efficiency and CO2 mitigation, for heat and electricity rather
describe invasive species. Hence, it is important to understand than ethanol for transportation. Additional research is needed to
that controlling invasive plants is not a negligible consideration in understand the trade-offs among energy utilization, economics, and
the decision making process and the impact of these invasives environmental impact from using bio-resources for transportation
could be to inhibit crop production, which could then hurt the versus other uses that accounts for relative amounts of biomass and
industry that was responsible for their introduction. the availability of other options to decarbonize transportation, heat
58 J.I. Hileman, R.W. Stratton / Transport Policy 34 (2014) 52–62

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ha yr

ha yr

Fig. 4. Land area requirements to replace conventional jet fuel use within the US with 100% SPK and 50/50 blend of SPK with conventional jet fuel, considering different jet
fuel production yields—600, 3000, and 15,000 L/ha/yr. Chart in lower right-hand corner demonstrates jet fuel production yields for three different crops—camelina, palm,
and algae. Figure modified from Stratton et al. (2010) with permission. Placement of circles on map does not necessarily indicate compatible growing regions for these crops.

and electricity. The time period of interest also needs to be taken into an increasing share of domestic U.S. petroleum demand including that
account for such analyses as the mix of energy production and for jet fuel has been met from non-conventional petroleum resources,
biomass uses could change with time. specifically oil sands from Alberta Canada. Other examples of non-
conventional resources include very heavy oils and oil shale. Each of
3.6. Technological readiness these resources requires additional processing to yield a synthetic
crude oil that can be pumped from the ground and refined. This
A fuel readiness level (FRL) rating provides a means of quantifying additional processing leads to increased production costs, water usage,
the current technological development of a feedstock-to-fuel pathway. and life cycle GHG emissions relative to conventional crude oil
Such a scale is useful in identifying whether the fuel production is at (Hileman et al., 2009 and Stratton et al., 2010).
the laboratory scale or at large-scale, commercial fuel processing. A
simplified version of this was presented in Hileman et al. (2009), with 4.2. Synthetic jet fuels
a much more detailed version being presented in ICAO CAAF (2010).
As shown schematically in Fig. 5, a variety of feedstock-to-fuel
pathways exist to create alternative jet fuels that are composed of
4. Potential alternative jet fuels hydrocarbons, molecules composed solely of hydrogen and carbon,
which have similar properties to conventional jet fuel and could be
The fuel pathways, resource, processing method, and finished dropped into the tank of current aircraft at varied blending percen-
fuels, presented in Table 1 have been considered with the criteria tages. These pathways include the use of Fischer–Tropsch synthesis
from Section 3 in the sections that follow. The biomass feedstocks with lignocellulosic biomass resources, solid waste, coal, or natural
have been treated in a generic fashion to place the emphasis on gas; hydroprocessing or catalytic hydrothermolysis of renewable
the feasibility of the finished fuel and processing pathway. plant oils (e.g., terrestrial crops such as soy, palm, jatropha, or
A consideration of all feedstock options for all of these fuel camelina, and waste fats, oils and greases); bio- and thermo-
pathways is beyond the scope of this manuscript and readers are processing of sugars, starches or appropriately treated lignocellulosic
directed to the work of Hileman et al. (2009) and Stratton et al. biomass; bio-processing of waste gases (carbon monoxide or carbon
(2010) for a consideration of some of these resources. dioxide) into intermediate products for further upgrading to jet fuel;
and the pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass; among others. Many of
4.1. Conventional jet fuel from petroleum resources these pathways require the production of an intermediate platform
molecule and most will require some measure of hydroprocessing to
The majority of current jet fuel is made by refining conventional create a fuel that is suitable for use in a gas turbine engine.
petroleum (also called crude oil). Thin, light crudes usually have lower Considerable effort is ongoing to develop these feedstock-to-
densities, more of the volatile products that make up gasoline and fuel pathways because they either are, or have the potential to be,
kerosene, and lower concentrations of sulfur and nitrogen. Thicker, compatible with the current aircraft and infrastructure. Well
heavier, darker crudes also can be and are refined to valuable, volatile, established pathways such as F–T jet and HEFA fuels have been
clean products by more-intense processing, but there are economic certified for 50–50 blends with conventional jet fuel while many
and environmental costs for the additional processing. In recent years, others are being tested for inclusion in the ASTM specification.
J.I. Hileman, R.W. Stratton / Transport Policy 34 (2014) 52–62 59

Table 1
Potential alternative jet fuel options.

Fuel Source Notes

Conventional jet fuel Refined conventional (a.k.a., crude oil) or unconventional petroleum Meets specifications for use in gas turbine engines
(e.g., Jet A, Jet A-1, (e.g., oil sands, very heavy oils, oil shale)
Synthetic jet fuels Synthetic Parafinnic Kerosene (SPK) and Synthetic Aromatics (SA) Blendstock for use in gas turbine engines; SPK and SA can
from potentially be combined to yield a Fully Synthetic Jet Fuel (FSJF);
a wide range of biomass, waste, and fossil fuel feedstocks
Biodiesel (FAME) Transesterification of long chain renewable oils, (e.g, soy, jatropha, Blendstock for use in diesel engines
camelina oils)
Biokerosene (FAME) Transesterification of short chain renewable oils, (e.g, coconut, Blendstock for use in diesel engines
babassu oils)
Alcohols (ethanol, Fermentation of sugars, starches, or treated cellulose Blendstock for use in spark ignition engines
Liquefied natural gas Compression of natural gas to cryogenic state Worldwide means of transporting natural gas
Liquefied Hydrogen Hydrolysis of water (among other options) and compression of Potential energy storage mechanism for primary sources (e.g., wind,
hydrogen to cryogenic state nuclear, solar, geothermal)

Fig. 5. Potential pathways to a renewable, synthetic jet fuel.

4.3. Biodiesel and biokerosene thermal stability degradation (Wilson et al., 2007). Because of con-
cerns about thermal stability of jet fuel, biodiesel is currently not
Theoretically, either biodiesel or biokerosene3 could be blended transported in U.S. petroleum pipelines to prevent trace quantities
with jet fuel. Both of these fuels are created via addition of an alcohol, trailing back to jet fuel traveling in the same pipeline. In Europe,
typically methanol, to renewable oil in the presence of a catalyst, biodiesel is currently transported via pipeline as a blend with
such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. This process is conventional diesel fuel, but there is ongoing research to determine
known as transesterification and the resulting fuel is often referred to the effect on jet fuel quality and an acceptable level of biodiesel
as fatty acid methyl ester (FAME). contamination of jet fuel (e.g., Viltart, 2007; JIG, 2007). Considering
Jet fuel is an important medium for heat exchange within aircraft that FAME contamination is being considered on a level that is
engines and systems. These thermal stresses could cause biodiesel, measured in parts per million and HEFA fuels are created from the
even as a dilute blend, to decompose and leave deposits in fuel-system same fuel resource, it is highly unlikely that a biodiesel or biokerosene
lines. Such deposits would accrue over time and degrade system blend would be used for gas turbine aircraft applications. Furthermore,
performance and safety. Testing indicates that some biodiesel blends, both fuels have freeze points that are much higher than would be
even when blended at just 1 percent, could lead to unacceptable required for operation at cruise altitudes.

4.4. Ethanol and butanol

Between 1980 and 1984, the Brazilian government developed and tested
a biokerosene called PROSENEs. This fuel was used in an Embraer turboprop aircraft
that flew from São José dos Campos to Brasília. Currently, the Brazilian corporation
While suitable for human consumption and currently in use in
Tecbio is continuing the development of biokerosene. The biokerosene developed by automobiles in both North and South America, ethanol is not
Tecbio uses lower–carbon number vegetable-oil feedstocks (Parente, 2006). suitable for aviation operations. It has a low flash point, making it
60 J.I. Hileman, R.W. Stratton / Transport Policy 34 (2014) 52–62

dangerous to handle at the airport. Its high volatility could lead to 4.6. Liquefied hydrogen
problems during cruise operation due to evaporative losses or
fuel-system vapor lock. It has a propensity to attract water, which Hydrogen has been discussed as a future “fuel” for several
would freeze at cruise altitudes. There would also be problems decades. Energy is required to produce hydrogen; therefore, it is
with material compatibility. While technical means are available to not technically a fuel, but instead a means of storing energy from
reduce these risks during normal aircraft operations, significant a primary low-carbon source such as nuclear, wind or solar.
costs would be associated with retrofitting existing aircraft to Because of the low density of gaseous hydrogen, it would need
accept ethanol. to be liquefied at a temperature of  251 1C for use as an energy
Butanol, like ethanol, can be made by fermentation of sugars. source for aviation. An aircraft could then harness the primary
Research and technology-development activities are under way to energy source that has been stored in the cryogenic hydrogen
develop butanol as a blendstock with conventional gasoline. While through combustion.
butanol may be an attractive automotive fuel (especially in The introduction of hydrogen to aviation ultimately relies on
comparison to ethanol), butanol is not suitable for aircraft opera- the ability to produce clean, inexpensive energy. Because aviation
tions. Like ethanol, butanol has higher volatility, lower energy requires liquefied hydrogen, which must be kept in a cryogenic
content, and a lower flash point than Jet A. However, the state, it is conceivable that aviation would use synthetic hydro-
differences between butanol and conventional jet fuel are smaller carbon fuels while gaseous hydrogen is used by other sectors of
than those between ethanol and conventional jet fuel. the economy with less strict requirements on energy density. This
In addition, the use of ethanol or butanol would result in is because the use of gaseous hydrogen has a higher energy return
reduced operational capabilities and a lower energy efficiency of on investment than the use of cryogenic hydrogen. As such,
aircraft operations. The specific energy and energy density of without a differential willingness to pay on the part of the aviation
ethanol are each about 40 percent lower than the energy density consumer of hydrogen, it is likely that hydrogen would be used by
of conventional jet fuel. Similarly, the specific energy and energy ground transportation prior to use by aviation.
density of butanol are both 23 percent lower than those of If a sufficiently plentiful supply of low-carbon hydrogen were
conventional jet fuel. As discussed in Hileman et al. (2014), using developed, the aviation industry might also consider the produc-
these alcohols as a fuel in jet aircraft would result in a substantial tion of drop-in alternative jet fuels using the hydrogen and
loss in operational capabilities due to low energy density. Ignoring a renewable source of carbon (e.g., from waste gases, biomass or
the limitation on operability, if all aircraft were able to use ethanol the atmosphere) as it might be more cost-effective to operate
or butanol, the worldwide fleet would require 78 percent or 23 aircraft with such a hydrogen-based drop-in fuel than it would be
percent more fuel volume, respectively, and 9 percent or 4 percent to build a new fleet of aircraft that are designed to use cryogenic
more energy delivered to the tank, respectively, than if it had used hydrogen. However, further analysis is required to understand the
conventional jet fuel. The difference between the ratio of the tradeoffs between fuel conversion efficiency and aircraft design in
energy content and the fuel volume requirement is a result of the such a scenario.
need to carry additional fuel energy. Of course, clean and inexpensive energy sources would likely
first be used to displace fossil fuels for generating electricity,
4.5. Liquefied natural gas instead of producing transportation fuels. This is certainly the case
for nuclear, wind and solar resources, which are currently being
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled used to replace electricity generation from fossil resources.
to its liquid state at about -162 1C. Natural gas consists mostly of
methane, with small amounts of ethane, propane, and butane, as
well as other hydrocarbons. LNG has been used as an intermediary 5. Conclusion – potentially feasible alternative jet fuels
for natural gas transport for over 50 years and its use is currently
growing. Natural gas is one of our most abundant energy resources Economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, and the
with considerable new unconventional resources, such as coal bed pursuit of energy diversity are driving the development of alternative
methane and shale gas, being developed around the world. In jet fuels. Economic sustainability addresses cost of both energy itself
addition to these resources, methane hydrates could provide more and of infrastructure changes to accommodate new energy sources.
energy, in the form of methane, than is contained in all other fossil Environmental sustainability can encompass a variety of emissions-
fuels. Methane hydrates are methane molecules encased in ice and related and natural resource-related concerns, including greenhouse
are potentially available around the world. At present, the extrac- gas emissions, water quality and use, and air quality, among others,
tion of methane hydrates is difficult due to the location of deposits. Energy diversity can help address supply stability and security and
Also, handling the ice must be done with caution so that the can be used to manage environmental impacts. These drivers were
methane, a potent GHG, is not released into the atmosphere (NETL, used to define a set of criteria to evaluate alternative jet fuels. Of the
undated; Hendricks, 2007). fuels listed in Section 4, only the petroleum-based and synthetic
The primary advantage of LNG relative to conventional jet fuel fuels are compatible with the current fleet of aircraft and are
is the potential vastness of the reserves. The main disadvantage is therefore potentially feasible with it thus avoiding the high costs
the storage requirement in terms of dealing with a fuel that not and long process of infrastructure changes associated with aviation
only has lower energy density than conventional jet fuel, but that technology modifications.
is also cryogenic. LNG would not be compatible with existing Alcohols (ethanol and butanol), biodiesel, and biokerosene are
aircraft and it would also require considerable expansion of the not viable for use in aircraft because of the myriad problems
existing worldwide distribution network as all of the airports that involving their properties and the energy penalty associated with
service LNG-powered aircraft would need this fuel. If methane their use in aviation. These challenges are not experienced when
hydrates were commercialized causing a dramatic change in the they are used for surface vehicles; hence, alcohol fuels, biodiesel,
global price structure of energy, then it is possible that LNG could and biokerosene are better suited for ground transportation.
become an option for aviation in the coming decades. However, it Cryogenic fuels, either hydrogen or natural gas, are unlikely to
is also possible that Fischer–Tropsch synthesis of natural gas to a be used for aviation as a new infrastructure is needed to support
synthetic fuel would be both economically and environmentally their use. LNG could be a choice for aviation should methane
preferential to LNG. hydrates lead to a dramatic change in the pricing structure of
J.I. Hileman, R.W. Stratton / Transport Policy 34 (2014) 52–62 61

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