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Water Research 178 (2020) 115856

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Resource recovery from water: From concept to standard practice

Resource recovery from water is nothing new. Energy recovery life implementation and commercialization of the technology
through biogas production using anaerobic digestion and the reuse need to be considered.
of biosolids in agriculture as an organic fertilizer has been practiced In order for urban water management to fully transition into the
for over 100 years. Moreover, the production of potable water emerging circular economy in the 21st century and resource recov-
directly from sewage recently celebrated its 50th year anniversary ery to become a standard management practice, significant efforts
in 2018 in Windhoek (Namibia). Despite these examples, in terms are needed in the coming years to establish close collaboration and
of absolute numbers, only a very small fraction of the resources cross-sectoral links and value chains. The end-users of the recovered
embedded in wastewater are being recovered. Indeed, since the resources may be from industrial sectors with which the water in-
inception of modern wastewater treatment in the beginning of dustry and academia do not sufficiently engage, but engagement
the 20th century, the first and foremost role has been to safeguard will be critical to overcome social, legislative, and regulatory bar-
human health and protect the environment. To achieve this, man- riers that may be difficult to address and overcome.
agement and engineering practice have been mostly directed to- It goes without saying that, in the end, ‘resource recovery has to
wards removing pollutants through dissipative pathways rather be good money’. Ultimately, the ambition should be to develop
than considering recovery as a key performance indicator. As we wastewater treatment processes that efficiently treat wastewater
become increasingly aware of the broader environmental and eco- while cost-effectively recovering resources at such as scale and
nomic implications of focusing solely on pollution mitigation, a key price that it can completely off-set the treatment costs or even
challenge in the years ahead will be to re-envision the role of urban generate a profit. To achieve such an ambitious goal, breakthrough
water management within the circular economy, moving beyond concepts rather than incremental improvements are essential. In
safeguarding local human and environmental health to become a the last couple of years, the potential of various breakthrough tech-
more proactive force for sustainable development through the re- nologies that couple resource recovery with upgrading the recov-
covery of resources embedded in urban water. ered resource through synthesis of value-added products have
In recent years, enormous efforts by both the water industry and been demonstrated at laboratory-scale.
scientific community have focussed on developing innovative ap- Based on the above described important aspects and research pri-
proaches that can recover resources from water while meeting water orities, in this special edition of Water Research entitled ‘Resource Re-
quality standards. This has resulted in a plethora of scientific discov- covery from Water: From concept to standard practice’ authors were
eries and approaches that are considered technically feasible within encouraged to submit their work related to the following topics:
a more scientific and controlled laboratory-scale context. An impor-
tant next (and often challenging) step forward towards practical  Pilot-scale demonstration of innovative resource recovery
implementation is their demonstration under real-life conditions technologies;
at a practical, relevant scale. Therefore, in this special edition we  Breakthrough technologies for resource recovery and the syn-
encouraged submissions of innovative approaches aiming to deter- thesis of value-added products;
mine the practical feasibility of resource recovery approaches at  Global perspectives and modeling on planning and imple-
pilot-scale and under real life conditions. Such studies are essential mentation of next-generation resource recovery, (waste)water
to critically assess and overcome constraints/limitations of technolo- treatment and sanitation infrastructure;
gies that are often observed when scaling-up to practical sizes rele-  Monetization, financing, and policy-making to foster resource
vant to implementation. recovery as central components of circular economies;
Successfully recovering resources from water - rather than ‘mak-  Cross-sectoral links and value chains e enhancing feasibility and
ing them disappear’ e requires the consideration of factors beyond sustainability through interdisciplinary research;
those relevant to conventional removal processes. First, the feasi-  Economic, legislative, and societal opportunities and barriers.
bility of a resource recovery approach does not only rely on the
techno-economic feasibility and the environmental benefits that In total, this special edition consists of 23 manuscripts spanning
can be achieved by the recovery process itself. Critical aspects all of the listed topics. Overall, we believe this special edition pro-
that will ultimately determine the success include the recovery po- vides an excellent overview of the wide variety and multi-
tential of a product in terms of mass/volume, market value, product disciplinary nature of research currently being conducted in the
strengths and purity compared with market requirements. Second, field of resource recovery from water. We hope you will find the
depending on the water source (e.g., presence or absence of patho- manuscripts in this special edition as interesting as we have, and
gens and toxic compounds) and the end-use of the recovered prod- that this will inspire you to keep exploring ‘resource recovery
uct, social, cultural and regulatory hurdles that might hinder real- from water’ in search of solutions and innovations. Hopefully, these
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2 Editorial / Water Research 178 (2020) 115856

research efforts will result in accomplishing our aspirational goal of URL:
transforming “Resource Recovery” from a concept to standard prac-
Jeremy S. Guest
tice and widespread implementation in urban water management
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of
in the years ahead!
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 3221 Newmark Civil Engineering
Laboratory, MC-250, 205 North Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801-
Ilje Pikaar* 2352, USA
The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Xia Huang Corresponding author.
School of Environment, Tsinghua University, China E-mail address: (I. Pikaar).

Francesco Fatone Available online 21 April 2020

Department of Science and Engineering of Materials, Environment
and Urban Planning, Polytechnic University of Marche, Via Brecce
Bianche 12, 60100 Ancona, Italy
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