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HBS107: Assessment Task 2: Health Plan Review - Editing Checklist

1. Editing for structure

 Does the introduction explain the purpose of your report?
 Does the introduction summarise the plan, priority area, at-risk groups and determinants to be
discussed in the report?
 Have you included headings for the main section of the report?
 Does the body of the report address the three suggested areas
• 1. Overall plan
• 2. Priority area and ONE at-risk population groups
• 3. Three determinants of health? (1 x social, 1 x biological and 1 x environmental)
 Does the body of the report discuss three determinants of health and how they are linked to the
priority area and health outcomes for the at-risk population group?
 Does each paragraph have a topic/lead sentence that clearly states the main idea of the
 Is each paragraph adequately developed and supported with detail, examples and explanation?
 Does the conclusion sum up the main points discussed in the report?
 Are the introduction and the conclusion linked?

2. Editing for coherence and cohesion

 Does the content follow on logically?
 Have you used connective words to link the ideas presented?

3. Editing for language and style

 Have you used formal academic English (e.g. no contractions, no colloquial language, etc.)?
 Have you proofread for correct sentence structure, spelling and punctuation?
 Paragraph format NOT dot points?
4. Editing for format and presentation
 Have you followed the formatting requirements? (Document type, font size, spacing, numbered
 Have you included your name and student ID in the header?
 Have you included a cover page (with name, student number, word count and referencing
 Is the word limit correct (within 10%)?
 Have you included page numbers (not on cover page)?

5. Referencing
 Have you included in-text citations?
 Have you included the reference list on a separate page with the heading ‘References’?
 Have you set out each publication correctly, using one of the suggested referencing styles
(Harvard or APA)?
 Have you got supportive evidence?

6. Marking rubric
 Have your re-visited the marking rubric?
 Have you read over your assessment task while checking you have answered all sections of the
marking rubric?

Developed by: Dr. Linda Thies (Language and Learning Adviser, Deakin University)
(Edited Nicole Bruges)
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