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Stress Management and Coping

Intervention Protocol

Caitlyn Belcher

RECTH 5360
Program Title: Stress Management and Coping Strategies

General program description: This program is designed to use stress management and coping
strategies to reduce symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and other stress-related symptoms in military
veterans and provide opportunities for reflection and positive social engagement.

Program Description: This program will be used in a small group format for military veterans
with PTSD and other stress-related symptoms. Its main goal is to demonstrate relaxation
techniques and stress-relieving activities through relaxation therapy, exercise, and group
reflection exercises. Clients will participate in small group session for a minimum of 30 minutes
per session 3 times each week.

1) Clients will practice individual relaxation technique
2) Clients will demonstrate the knowledge of and ability to participate in an aerobic exercise
3) Clients will increase emotional awareness

Client Problems to be addressed:

1) Poor mental health
a) Clients with severe PTSD symptoms and/or depression are often present with
anxiety disorders and increase risk of suicide
2) Impaired physical ability
a) Clients who formerly served in the military may present various physical
disabilities such as paralysis, amputated extremities, or other physical disabilities
and injuries.
3) Unhealthy leisure choices
a) Leisure activities often revolve around substance consumption and abuse

Modalities / Activity Interventions:

Referral Criteria:
● Referral is through needs determined by intake assessment
● Client volunteers individually

Contraindicated Criteria:
● Severe physical illness
● Violence or severe irritability with other clients
● Specific triggers (can be reviewed in client chart and/or intake assessment)

License/National Certification/specialty certifications:

● Utah State licensed as a TRS or MTRS
● Nationally Certified by NCTRC as a CTRS
● BLS and First Aid Certification
● Specific training in facilitating small group discussions with clients with anxiety
Risk Management Considerations:
● Ensure client safety when transporting from facility or using equipment for exercise
● Knowing clients’ possible triggers and background prior to intervention
● Environment and any exercise equipment is conducive for client needs

Program Evaluation:
● Data Collection:
○ Client satisfaction surveys
○ Evaluation of if client goals were accomplished
● Group Reflection Feedback
○ Completed at the end of each session for 5-10 minutes
○ One session at the end of program to reflect on goals and clients give feedback on
intervention success


Stumbo, N. J., & Peterson, C. A. (2009). Therapeutic recreation program design: principles and
procedures. San Francisco, CA: Pearson Benjamin Cummings.

C. Belcher, CTRS (Student)

October 19, 2021

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