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The Manager Checklist

We are delighted that you’re adding to your team! The checklist below is a helpful tool to
ensure that your experience with the new hire gets off to a smooth start. If you have any
questions about Onboarding, please reach out to the Talent Acquisition, People Services team.

Complete the following tasks BEFORE the new hire's start date

Congratulations Call

Video sent to New Hire (2 weeks prior)

Welcome email (from Department Leader)

First Week Agenda created (see template)

Schedule department meeting for first week

Schedule weekly check-ins with New Hire- Note: there should be daily check-ins for the first week
Reach out to ELT to let them know the new hire will schedule Meet & Greets. Explain new hire’s role
and any topics to discuss.
Ensure all Meet & Greets with department and cross-functional teams are scheduled

Schedule any ‘On The Job’ process/skills trainings

Call New Hire to discuss schedule/agenda (1 week prior)

Draft Goals

First Week

Welcome Meeting
Add New Hire to Teams threads (if applicable) - when adding the new hire, be sure to introduce
them (their role and brief background)
Recognize New Hire on Cooleaf

Team Meeting

Ensure UKG Compliance Trainings are complete

Ensure Meet & Greets are taking place, including ELT Meet & Greets

Goals added and assigned in UKG

Ensure employee has access to all software etc

PI reports provided (L&D will review PI during NEO as well)

First 15 Days

Ensure goals are added into UKG; discuss with New Hire

Discuss progress on initial projects; discuss any concerns

Encourage two-way communication

Review PI reports (see 30/60/90 PI milestones)

First 30 Days

Reach out to Leadership Team member to ensure ‘skip level’ meetings are scheduled quarterly

30-day check in with New Hire; do they need any additional resources, ‘Start/Stop/Continue’
Discuss the AAS Affiliates and how department works with the affiliate organizations. Overview of
Affiliates will be provided during PS Meet & Greet Session
PI Discussion: Relationship Guide

- Ask New Hire:

o Where can I support you based on what you learned from the Relationship Guide?
o What do you need more of from me?
o How could we modify any of the ways we work together to be more productive?

Expectations of Employee at 30 days

- Comfortable working with internal and external teams; building rapport

- Has understanding of AAS services, history and core values
- Comfortable with tools and software the company is using

First 60 Days

60-day check in with New Hire; do they need any additional resources, ‘Start/Stop/Continue’
PI Discussion: Personal Development Chart

- Have the New Hire highlight a caution area they would like to work on developing and a
strength that they would like to be able to flex more. Follow-up during 90-day meeting.

Expectations of Employee at 60 days

- Participates and provides an update in weekly team meetings

- Has understanding of quarterly goals
- Has reviewed PI reports (specifically relationship guides for internal team)

First 90 Days
It takes typically 90 days for an employee to fully transition into an organization and gain understanding
of their role.

Discuss progress on goals

90-day check in with New Hire; do they need any additional resources, ‘Start/Stop/Continue’

Begin discussing professional development opportunities

PI Discussion: Management Strategy Guide

- Have the New Hire select the most important ‘need’ they have and discuss how you can
continue to support them or how they can get development to ‘feed that need’
- Add PI to weekly or monthly check ins

Expectations of Employee at 90 days

- Able to execute project/task independently

- Has reviewed PI reports (specifically relationship guides for any cross-functional teams)

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