SPE 47820 Applications of Acid Fracturing Veracruz

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IADC/SPE 47820

Applications of Acid Fracturing Technique to improve Gas Production in Naturally

Fractured Carbonate Formations, Veracruz Field, Mexico.
Daniel Perez, SPE, Schlumberger Dowell, Efrain Huidobro, Jose Avendafio, Petroleos Mexicanos

Copyright 1998, lADC/SPE Asia Pacific Dri~ng Technology

Results of the treatments performed are discussed in details,
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1998 lADC/SPE Asia Paclflc Drilling
Conference held m Jakarta, Indonesia, 7-9 September 1998
including acid and gel volume, designs and analysis of the
pressures recorded during placement, also data on load
This paper w selected for presentation by an lADC/SPE Program Committee following
review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s) Contents of the recovery times following the job are shown as wells as Prior
paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the International Assoclabon of Drlllmg
Contractors or the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the and post fracture well analysis interpretations showing
author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the IADC or
SPE, their officers, or members. Papers presented at the lADC/SPE meetings are subject to
effective sliin reduction and fracture length. Finally gas and
publicabon review by Editorial Committees of the IADC and SPE Electronic reproduction, condense production are presented including stability with
d!stributlon, or storage of any pail of this paper for commercial purposes w[thout the written
consent of the Sociely of Petroleum Engineers is prohlb!ted Permlsston to reproduce CRprint time.
is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words, illustrations may not be copied The
abstract must Wntain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was
presented. Write Librarian, SPE. P 0. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U S A, fax
Several publications has been made regarding the importance
of achieving deeper frac length’$6
The etched fracture length directly affects well performance
in most cases where permeability are low. Increased fracture
This paper presents the results of successful applications
length should result in higher production’. The maximum
of Acid Fracturing to increase gas production in mature
effective distance obtainable by acid fracturing is either
carbonate fields in Mexico. Production comparisons
spending or fluid loss limited. When acid is bullheaded into a
show a substantial improvement in well performance
carbonate formations treating pressure continually declines,
following acid fracturing treatments. Six case studies are
eventually t’ailing bellow a level required to propagate the
provided where a systematic methodology was employed
fracture. Thus, it become impossible for fracture extension to
to correctly determine candidates, and treatments. The
methodology discusses the use of a novel technique that
The fracture acidizing treatment technique discussed, is
consist in alternating stages of acid and a non reactive
designed to stop wormhole growth once growth has begun. It
uses a nonreactive viscous pad fluid for fracture initiation
The fracture acidizing treatment technique, is designed to
then alternating stages of acid and additional pad. The first
stop wormhole growth once growth has begun. The
pad volume initiates a fracture for the first acid stage to
technique consists of initiating a fracture with a
follow. The first acid stage etches a portion of the fracture
nonreactive pad of gelled fluid followed by alternating
face and also creates Ieakoff wormholes that must be
stages of alcoholic acid and nonreactive pad.
controlled. The second pad stage fills the initiated wormholes
This system has been chosen to overcome two main
and prevents the second acid stage from entering the
problems. those are fracture extension and well cleanup.
established worlmholes. This acid stage will etch the next
This technique improve live acid penetration in a
increment of fracture as well as create new wormholes in the
naturally fractured reservoir, thus sustaining greater and
next fracture increment. The process is repeated until the
longer production increases than prior stimulation
designed treatment volumes are depleted. The higher the
viscosity of the nonreactive pad fluids, the more difficult it is
The benefit obtained from the used of alcoholic acid as a
for acid to displace the gelled fluid and resume wormhole
reactive fluid in gas wells is observed during the initial
production stages, when the well cleanup is rapidly
Conventional acid treatment performed in the past consisted
achieved and gas production established.
on limited acid volume jobs utilizing an average of 50


gallons of reactive fluid per foot. Results obtained from these a) A!colIolic Acid
jobs showed a slight initial production increase that Alcoholic Acid formulations are a mixture of alcohol and
drastically decline after a few days. Considering the fact that acid. The main application of alcoholic acid is in lower-
significant mud losses occurred during the drilling stage, permeability gas zones where there may be several
deeper damage is present and large overpressure must be advantages. The alcohol lowers the acid surface tension,
imposed into the well in order to move the mud bank and increases the vapor pressure and improves the spent acid
make it accessible by the treatment fluids. cleanup after treatment. It will also raise the vapor pressure of
This paper present a methodology followed in Veracruz, the acid/alcohol mixture and give the treating fluid more
Mexico to improve production by combining different volatility, which will increase the vaporization of the treating
existing technologies. It presents the advantages over fluid. The increased volatility results in lower water saturation
conventional acid jobs applied in the area. Included in the improving relative permeability. Lowered surface tension
methodology is the candidate selection process using Nodal reduces the restraining movements of capillary forces
Analisis’O which simulate future conditions after removal of resulting in improved return flow. Alcohol has the added
the skin. advantage over surfactants of not plating- or filtering-out on
Six cases studies corresponding to different scenarios of the first several inches of the rock matrix. The alcohol in
Veracruz fields are discussed, such as fracturing open hole solution w ilI penetrate the formation as deeply as the acid.
horizontal section and treating multiple intervals utilizing a The use of alcohol will provide some retardation of the acid
Self Diverter Acid’. Analysis of the information available is reaction rate. Alcoholic acid offers improved success in
discussed in each case, including designs, pressures recorded acidizing low- to moderate-permeability dry gas formations.
during the treatments, post gamma ray survey, pre and post While it is not intended to replace the use of mutual solvents,
well tests. Finally production results are presented. it can be substituted as a less expensive additive in large
volume treatments. Concentrations used are 20°/0 by vol of
Decreasing Leal{off Through Fracture Walls methyl alcohol, [80:20] mixture of acid and methanol
In proppant fracturing, the most common way to control fluid contains 8O”1O acid and 20°/0 methanol by volume.
loss is to build an impermeable filter cake on the frachlre Methyl olcohol (methanol) and Isopropyl alcohol
walls. In acid fracturing, viscosity is much more effective for (isopropanol) have lower boiling points than water. Methanol
fluid-loss contro16. boils at 158°F (70°C) while isopropanol boils at 180”F
As an alternative, if the first stage of an acid fracturing (82°C). Adding alcohol to acid will make the solution nearly
treatment is a linear, inert fluid (with no wall-building as volatile as the alcohol. The solution will vaporize as a
characteristics) some leakoff control will be provided. The mixture of acid and alcohol. Such vaporization (gasification)
fluid will leak off into the native porosity of the fracture faces of acid/alcohol blends occurs in the gas phase of produced
and will form a layer of viscous fluid in the first several fluids flowing to the wellbore. This reduces the water
inches of reservoir rock adjacent to the fracture. The viscous saturation and results in a higher relative permeability to gas.
fluid bank will reduce acid leakoff better than a conventional Alcohol also lowers the interracial tension between water and
polymer cake that does not offer any resistance to acid. gas. Although surface-active agents also do this, they are
The viscous fluid bank functions to control leakoff as a adsorbed onto the rock matrix and do not retain their
viscosity-controlled fluid. This approach to reducing Ieakoff effectiveness in spent acid solutions. The surfactants penetrate
is of benefit only in reservoirs where the resulting viscosity- only one-half to one-tifiieth of the distance penetrated by the
controlled leakoff coefficient is smaller than the acid because of this adsorption,
compressibility-controlled Ieakoff coefficient (for example, Gas displacement of spent acid is more effective when the
gas wells). interracial tension of the spent acid is low, because the
Finding the correct information for this design may be capillary forces holding the spent acid are reduced
difficult due to a lack of information about true leakoff In high-pressure, high-temperature reservoirs, interracial
viscosities of linear gels. Conventional American Petroleum tensions of acid mixed with alcohol will be low. Interracial
Institute (API) fluid-loss tests are almost always interpreted in tension decreases with increased temperature and pressure.
terms of their wall-building coefficient with the assumption Increased pressure reduces interracial tension because of the
that the Ieakoff viscosity is the viscosity of the base fluid. greater volubility of gas in liquid and the higher density of the
Cleanup is expected to be easier, especial Iy when the gaseous phase. Since gas has a higher volubility in alcohol
overflush stage incorporates large amounts of mutual than water, the interracial tension between a high-pressure gas
solvents, surfactants and/or demulsifiers. and a water/alcohol solution will be even lower.
Alcohol has a slight retarding effect on the reactivity of 15°A
Fluid System Description I+Cl, on formation minerals. Acid reacts with formation
minerals at a rate directly proportional to their ionization.
When alcohol replaces part of the water in an acid solution,


the degree to which HCI and hydrofluoric acid (HF) can Lithological and petrophisical characteristics present high
effectively ionize is reduced. This retards the reaction rate. storage capacity, porosity varies from 8 to 18°/0. Wells
produces gas and condense oil of 56° API average.
b] Oil Base non reactive fluid
Oil-base fluid designed for the treatment of water-sensitive Conformance Control: Field Case Studies
formations. Diesel is used to prepare the gel, Field Case No. 1
The system is fairly tolerant to water in the base fluid, but less Well A is a gas producer completed in the interval 9350-9416
than 0.5% is desirable. feet, corresponding to Orizaba formation (carbonate). The
The ratio of gelling agent to activator determines the time to interval produced 100 Mscf/D before the treatment. A well
gel and also the stability of the gel’s viscosity at time and test was conducted to determine reservoir parameters.
temperature. The gel is quite stable at temperatures bellow Interpretation results indicate an average permeability of 0.18
250 “F. Additional breaker is added to ensure rapid gel break. mD and a formation damage of 30. (table 7)
Execution. The treatment was pumped through tubing 2 7/8
c) Self Diverting A ci(i inches, isolating the interval to be treated with a type “K”
Successful matrix treatments depend on uniform distribution retainer. An infectivity test was performed prior to the main
along the borehole axis of the treating fluid over the entire acid fracture using 13000 gallons of diesel. A closure pressure
production zone. However, the task of achieve efficient of 6000 psi was obtained from this test,
diversion and uniform zone coverage is often difficult due to The main treatment consisted in a “duo frac”z type job
permeability heterogeny within the treated interval. alternating stages of gelled oil followed by three stages of
When treating multiple intervals, open hole sections or Alcoholic Acid (table 1). The job was pumped at 10 barrels
perforated sections higher than 30 ft the use of a Diverter is per minute (BPM) observing an initial surface pressure of
necessary. The diversion technique is accomplished by 4000 psi increasing to 4800 psi at the end of pumping
employing a temporary activated cross-linked gelled acid (Fig.2).
system which has been extensively discussed else~vhere’. Resu/ts. Bottom Hole Pressure behavior shows low positive
The creation of a Diverter gel structure is dependent on the slope indicating fracture extension, Fig 2.
pH of the fluid and dissipates upon spending of the acid. After the treatment the well produces 1.4 MMscf/D, 44 bpd of
The impact, in terms of productivity improvement, obtained condense at 600 psi WHP through ‘K’ choke. During the clean
by using this process over traditional diversion techniques up period, water volume recovered, PH and salinity were
(ball sealers) is significantly higher. The results were monitored. Initial water cut corresponded to sOO/o which is
evaluated through the use of production logging tools and gradually reduced to zero, in less than 5 days.
radioactive ‘tracers. Production increase indicate that the damage factor was
The Diverting Acid fluid consists of HCL acid mixed with a reduced from +30 to -3 after the treatment.
gelling agent and a pH sensitive cross] inker. Initial spending The Net present value (NPV) was determined using the NPV
of the acid during leak-off and wormholing, will produce a equation presented by Economies and Nolte 11. Economic
rise in pH to a value of 2-3, which initiates a dramatic indexes were computed based on the pre and post treatment
increase in viscosity. This highly viscous acid will then act production. Costs analysis include logs, treatment, workover
to plug off the thief zone, forcing the following stage of rig, and others. As a result, the pay out period was 23 days,
plain acid to be diverted. Further reduction in pH to values with a Net Present Value of $800,000 computed to one year.
above 5, will then reduce the viscosity to normal spent Production after 2.5 years correspond to 1.1 MMscf/day, In
gelled acid viscosity. Acid in the wellbore and from the 1998 a well test was conducted to evaluate formation
subsequent stages will keep the pH sufficiently low so that parameters obtaining an apparent fracture half length of 8.15
the viscosified Acid formed will not break back until the ft and zero skin.
end of the job when the acid is allowed to completely spend.
Field Case No. 2
Field Description Well B is a gas well completed in 1977. It was then
The wells treated belongs Matapionche, Mecayucan and abandoned due to water invasion. In 1997 a reentry operation
Copite fields, productive zones corresponds to Orizaba, was performed by drilling an horizontal section of 980 ft in
Guzmantla and Brecha San Felipe carbonate formations. The Brecha San Felipe carbonate formation. The well was
fields are located in Veracruz State at approximately 40 km completed in a 6“ open hole. It initially produces 4.6
south-west of Veracruz City, Fig 1. Structurally the reservoir MMscf/day. A well test indicate an horizontal permeability of
consist of tertiary sediments composed by wackstone, 4.5 mD, vertical permeability of 0.23 mD, porosity 14Y0,
mudstone and packstone, presenting fractures sealed with Reservoir Pressure of 1512 psi and bottom hole temperature
calcite. Reservoir height varies from 90 to 300 R. of 170 F (table 7).


Directly afier completion of the well a bullheaded acid The treatment was performed in three stages alternating gelled
treatment was performed but the results were not satisfactory, oil, Alcoholic acid and Self Diverter acid. A total volume of
It was suspected that the wellbore was damaged from the 15000 gal of Alcoholic Acid, 15000 gal of Gel and 9000 gai
residual effects of the drilling process. A fracture stimulation of Diverter Acid was pumped. The fracturing schedule in this
treatment was designed to remedy the situation. case is provided in the table 3.
There was a requirement that the acid injection should be as The treatment was pumped through 2 7/8 inches tubing. The
homogeneous as possible thorough the horizontal open hole rate of injection was 14 9PM with an average surface
section. The objective in this case was to stimulate and pressure of 5000 psi. Acid stages were traced with solid
remove any possible damage in the 980 ft open hole section. Scandium 46 to evaluate the effectiveness of the Diverter
Production simulations were performed using Nodal Analysis fluid.
to evaluate the potential of the well. The simu~ator suggested The well was clean out in 8 days, producing 2.2 MMscf/D, 25
a positive skin of 2.82 (fig. 3), After removal of the skin the BPD of oil flowing with a WHP of 550 psi through 5/16“
simulator predicts an initial production of 6.6 MMscfD choke. The post treatment GR survey presented in fig 7 shows
declining to 5.3 MMscf/D after a year (fig 4). a total diversion along the zone of interest from 10335 to
The job was executed by pumping through 3 % tubing 10387 ft.
bullheading fluids into the formation. A total of 20000 gallons After that a Post treatment well test was performed to evaluate
of gelled oil, 22000 gallons of alcoholic acid and 20000 fracture geometry. A finite fracture conductivity model was
gallons of self diverting acid was injected at a pump rate of 10 used, in which linear and bilinear flow was identified at the
BPM, surface pressure oscillate between 500 and 1200 psi, end of the period indicating a fracture penetration of 72 feet,
Acid stages were tagged with radioactive tracers. It was fig 6
planned to run a gamma-ray log using Coil Tubing in the
open section, however restrictions observed inside the section Field Case No. 4
prevented the post treatment logging from being made. The well D is completed in Orizaba carbonate formation. The
Production results after the treatment correspond to 6.7 well configuration presents multiple intervals which are
MMscf/D with 905 psi well head pressure, that verifies the located at912 1-9153, 9255-9275,9459-9498, 9570-9590 ft.
previous prediction obtained from nodal analysis. The initial production correspond to O.I MMscf/D
The Net present value (NPV) was determined using the NPV intermittent. The original zone correspond to the interval
equation. The interest rate and the cost/Mscf of gas were kept 9121-9153 ft. the other zones were perforated based on the
constant, using 10OAand $3.00 respectively. The actual cost information provided by RST12 log which indicate presence of
of the treatment was used. The NPV resulted in $ 1,630,000 hydrocarbons in the locations mentioned above.
computed to one year, with a return of investment (ROI) of The initial objective was to stimulate all new intervals,
1200 and pay out period of 16 days . considering the high degree of damage present. The task of
Production after i year correspond to 5.6 MMscf/D achievieving an efficient diversion and uniform zonal
demonstrating once again production stability with time. coverage was difficult due to permeability heterogeny within
the treated intervals. Again, Gelled Acid was selected as
Field Case No. 3 Well C Diverter fluid. The treatment schedule is presented in table 4.
In October 1997 the interval located in 10236-10367 fi During the treatment the first stage of acid was tagged with
produced 1.5 MMscf/D and 25 bpd of condense oil of 54° API zero wash Scandium (SC-46), the second stage was tagged
with a WHP of 420 though 5/16“ choke. with Antimony (SB- 124) and the third stage was tagged with
The well test interpretation indicate a formation permeability Iridium (1R- 192). The etched fracture length using the acid
of 0.34 mD with a positive skin of 2.5 (fig 5), This data was simulator was 115 ft. This resulted in an average conductivity
then analyzed with nodal analysis to evaluate correspondence of87000 mD-ft.
with the actual well behavior. The point where the IPR curve The post treatment GR survey presented in fig 9 shows an
intercepts the intake curve determine the actual weI1 homogeneous diversion along the four zones of interest. The
production. A post fracture simulation was performed by tool has the ability to identify several radioactive isotopes.
adding a negative skin of 4 in order to simulate a fracture. A well test was performed to evaluate fracture geometry. A
Production prediction was determined in 2.8 MMscf/D. Frac infinite conductivity model was used. Further
Executio~z. An infectivity test was performed prior the main interpretation indicate a fracture penetration of 96.5 feet that
job to determine pumping parameters and volume of acid to coincides in some way with the fracture design objective of
inject, I I 5 ft (Fig 8). Production after fracturing correspond to 2.6
Due to the gross height interval (131 ft) it was decided to MMscf/D.
incorporate Diverter stages to allow coverage of the whole
zone. Self Diverter acid was used for this purpose. Field Case No. 5


Well E is a gas producer drilled in 1977 and initially 30.5 ft was obtained in a radial composite reservoir, as shown
completed in the interval 7923 to 7956 ft, corresponding to in the figure 11.
Guzmantla formation. Initial production was 3.6 MMscf/D. In
1995 the interval was abandoned. Two more intervals were
perforated in 8123 to 8074 ft and 8209 to 8232 ft. At the time 6. CONCLUSIONS
of intervention the well was producing 1.0 MMscf/D. The
initial objective was to fracture both intervals. 1. The result of this paper indicate that sustained gas
The job was performed by alternating stages of Gel and Acid. production in Veracruz fields is achievable following
The use of a Diverter was considered to improve fluid the Il}ethodology previously discussed. The table 8
distribution among zones. The treatment consisted of 16000 summarizes the production results of the acid
gal of Gelled oil, 14000 gal of Alcoholic Acid and 10500 gal fractures.
of Diverter Acid. The schedule followed is presented in Table 2. Accord ing to the observed bottom hole pressure the
5. Fluids were bullheaded into the formation at a rate of 12 duo-frac technique, that alternate stages of gel and
BPM with a surface pressure oscillating between 1000 and acid has provided positive net pressure development,
1500 psi. Additionally nitrogen gas was injected to facilitate thus extension throughout acid injection. From its
the well clean up. Acid stages were tagged with zero-wash behavior it is clearly demonstrated the leak off
Iridium (Ir- 192), in addition to the Diverter stages which were control effect of this technique.
tagged with Scandium (SC-46) 3. Substantial enhancement in the load fluid recovery
Fracture geometry obtained from simulation indicate a time has been observed. An average of 3 sO/o
fracture etched length of 82 ft, frac width of 0.3 inch and improvement when compared to conventional acid
average conductivity of334000 mD-ft. treatment without aicohol.
Post gamma ray survey indicate a successful diversion 4. From the gain in accumulated production after one
covering the two zones originally planned, however a third year obtained from acid fracturing, it is concluded
interval (7923-7956 ft) located above the packer was that this technique might be beneficial in cases
stimulated (Fig. 10). According to the GR post survey the where fracture penetration is desired.
communication to this zone occurred through a cement 5. When treating multiple intervals the use of a
channel behind the pipe. This was also accompanied by a temporary crosslinked gelled acid is highly effective
significant net production increase of 3.1 MMcf/D. in reducing the flow of acid into permeable
carbonates and preferentially divert acid from more
Field Case No. 6 to less permeable zones. Fact that has been
Well F is a gas producer completed in the interval 9298-9400 demonstrated by post survey gamma ray.
feet, corresponding to Orizaba formation (carbonate). 6. Post treatment well tests has provided important
The interval produced 100 Mscf/D before the treatment. information regarding fracture length, final skin and
Normally perforated zones larger than 30 ft incorporate conductivity, that was used to verify the original
Diverter stages. The treatment consisted of 16000 gal of design geometry.
Gelled oil, 19000 gal of alcoholic acid and 8400 gal of
Diverter acid. The schedule followed is presented in Table 6.
Fluids were bullheaded into the formation at a rate of 12 Acknowledgments
BPM. Acid was tagged with zero-wash Iridium (IR-192). we thank Petro]eos Me~iCanoS(PEMEX) and Schlumberger
Fracture geometry obtained from simulation indicate a for their permission to publish this work.
fracture etched length of 78 ft, width of 0.283 inch and
average conductivity of 170000 nlD-ft. Nomenclature
The fracture height was corroborated by observing the Q,,= oil production in barrels per day (BOPD).
changes of the pre-fracture with the post-fracture gamma-ray. Q. = Gas production in million standard cubic feet
which indicate a total coverage of the zone of interest from (MMscf/D ).
9350 to 9400 ft, observing some downward growth to 9515 ft Q,, = .Water production in barrels per day (BWPD).
(fig 12). After well clean up production increase to 1.0 WHP = Well head pressure (PSI).
MMscf/D, flowing with a WHP of 320 psi through 3/8” BPM = Barrel per minute
choke. RST = Reservoir Saturatiori Tool
A post job well test was conducted to evaluate the GR = Gamma Ray
effectiveness of the treatment. The model adjusted was
Fracture Infinitive conductivity. A fracture half length of


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‘able 3: Well C, Pumping Schedule

Table 1: Well A, Fracture Pumping Schedule m gallons Gelled al @14BPM Pad
I Staoe Vd Fluid Tvce
., Rate 1
m gallons Almholic Add @14BPM 15% Add
gallons Gelled al @10 6PM PAU m gallons Diverter Aad @5 BPM 15% Md
m gallons Almhcrlic Add @10 BPM fls~o Acid m gallons Gelled oil @14BPM Pad
5000 gallons Gelled oil @10 BPM PAD 50C0 gallms AlmholicAdd @14 BPM 15%tid
m gallons AttiolicAdd @10 BPM I s~o Aad m gallons Diverter Acid @5 BPM 15% Acid
m gallons Gelled oil @10 BPM PAD m gallons Gelld oil @14 BPM Pad
m gallons AlcohdicAdd @10 BPM 15% &d m gallons Almholic%d @14 BPM 15% Add
2orxl aallons Diesel @.10 BPM Flush m gallms Dial @14 BPM Flush

able 2: Well B, Pumping Schedule able 4: Well D, Pumping Schedule

m gallons @lled oil @8 BPM PAD 4000 gallons Gelld oil @lOBPM PAD
gallms AlmholicAdd @15BPM 15% Add 40C0 gallons Amholictid @lOBPM ls~o Acid
gallms Divetter Add @lOBPM 15%tid m gallons Diverter Add @lOBPM 15%Atid
gallons Gelled al @15BPM PAD 4000 gallons &lled oil @lOBPM PAD
gallms AJcoholicAdd @15BPM 15% Add m gallons Aeoholic Add @lOBPM 15% Add
gallms Diverter Add @10 BPM 15%fid m gallms Diverter tid @lOBPM 15YoAdd
gallms Gelled 01 @15BPM PAD 4oxl gallms Qlled al @lOBPM Pm
gallons AlmholicAdd @20 BPM 15%Aeid m gallons AlmholicAdd @lOBPM 15% Add
gallms Dverter Aad @lOBPM 15%%d 20LXI gallons Diverter Add @lOBPM ls~o Add
gallons Gelled oil @20 BPM PAD 4CCXI gallons Glled al @ IOBPM Pm
gallms AlmholicAdd @20 BPM 15% Add m gallons Aasholictid @lOBPM 15% Add
gailms Uverter Add @10 BPM 15%tid 2a gallons Dial @lOBPM Flush
gallms Gllad oil @20 BPM PAD
gallons AlmklicWd @20 BPM 15%hd
aallms Diesel @15BPM Flush


‘able 5: Well E, Pumping Schedule Table 6: Well F, Pumping Schedule

m gallons &lled 011 @12 BPM PAD m gallons Diverter Add @12 BPM 15YoAdd
3m ~allons AJcoholicAdd ~ 12 BPM 15% tid m ~al[ons Gelled oil @12BpM PAD
3500 gallons Civerter Aad @12 BPM 15% Acid m gallons AlmholicAdd @12BPM 15% Acid
m gallons Gelled oil @12 BPM PAD m gallons Divetier Acid @12BPM 15Yotid
3W gallons Alcoholic%d @12 BPM 15%~d m ganofts Gelled Cil @12 BPM PAD
3500 gallons Diverter tid @12 6PM ls~o Add m gallons AlcoholicWd @12BPM 1570Acid
gallons Gelled 011 @12 BPM PAD 23% gallons Dvetier Md @12BPM 15°h Aad
m gallons Alcoholic Add @12 BPM ls~o Md 23C0 gallons Gelled oil @12BPM PAD
3m gallons Diverter Aad @12 BPM 15°h Add 43m gallons Almholic Aud @12BPM 1570Acid
4CO0 gallons Gelled on @12 BPM PAD 2467 aa[lons Diesel @12BPM Flu*
m gallons Alcoholic Aad @12 BPM 15% Acid
2022 gallons Die=l @12 BPM Flush

Table 7: Well information data

Well I A B c u
Depth to top of formatlon ft 93509 88095 10236 { 91212 81238 92984
Casing diameter in 6 5/8 6 5/8 6518” 6 5/6 6 51a 6 51a
Tubing diameter in 2 7/8 2718 2 7/8 2718 2718 2 7/8
Number of intervals 1 1 1 4 3 1
Perforated Section ft 65.6 984.3 131.2 111.6 39.4 101,7
Reservoir Pressure psi 2876 1511 2400 1300 1120 4000
Reservoir Porosity 0/0 10 14 10 8 5 12
Horizontal Permeability md 0,1 0.91 0.34 0.2 10 0.29
Vertical Permeability md 0.23
Formation Thickness ft 98.4 196.9 164.1 131.2 72.2 147.6
Transmissibility (Kh) md-ft 9.8 179.1 55.8 26.2 721.8 42.8
Temperature OF 183,2 172,4 177.0 203.0 177.0 179.0
Formation Type Limestone .imestone -imestone Limestone Limestone Limestone
Fracture Gradient psilft 0.646 0.64 0.68 0.626 0.65 0.7
Young Modulus psi 6.50E+06 2.50E+06 3.00E+06 4.60E+06 3.80E+06 4.30E+06

Table 8: Production Results

Height Zones Choke Oil Gqs WHP Chok Oil Gas WHP gas oil months Qg
ft MMscflD

A 65.62 1 1/4 20 0.1 - 114 44 1.4 600 1.3 24.0 24 1.1

B 984.3 1 518 20 4.6 650 1 37 6.4 905 1.8 17.0 12 5.6
c 131.2 1 5/16 25 1.5 420 5/1 6 25 2.2 550 “-0.7 0.0 10 1,6
D 111.6 4 518 13 0.1 - 518 35 2.6 400 2.5 22.0 5 2.1
E 39.37 3 112 15 1 300 112 50 4.1 570 3.1 35.0 8 4.0
F 101,7 1 318 0 0.1 - 318 13 1 320 0.9 13.0 4 1.0



,,, ” DE oR.




[, s,..,.

\ - w*ADOR

\/ R,AcWECO vet.,,

o mlu

Fig. 1-- Location map of Veracruz fields




— Surf Pres5




2000 --—
i Afier = 6.7 MMscf/D


0 ,.
—.. ._— — . ,1 .—
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 toooo 12000 14000 16000 20000
Gas Rate, Mscf/D m
Inflow (1) — Outflow (A) (1) 2.820
Case 2 (2)
(2) -3.600
Reservoir Skin

a Cond Unloading Rate Water Unloading Rate

o Max Erosional Rate.. . . 1
Fig. 3--Nodal Analysis simula;on for Well B


6000 “+ ---- -- - -~ -




0 -— ...—.—— .—.-.—
o 100 200 300 400
Producing Time m
Inflow (1) Case 2 (2) (1) 1.0000
(2) 7.0000
Producing Time, days
t Case 3 (3) X Case 4 (4) (3) 30.0000
(4) 90.0000
0 Case 5 (5) (5) 360.0000
Fig. 4--Production Decline Simulation for Well B




.- ,
,....“ -

I ,,., I
.! ...J.~-~:.f.~,-t.
...’., T ., ,++,,,b
::. ..
. .. .
.. 1


,. I
,/, ‘
! ,1 0 -1 , 1 ,,-.., OO i. “’101 ““ ‘ ““”’
dm(P)[psi2/cp] versus dt[hr]

Fig. 5--Well Test Pre Fracture for well C: K: 0.34 mD, Skin factor: 2.5



,.6 : r,’ ,,,

,..3” ““ ‘1 O-2 ,.-1 ,00 ‘ ‘,01 ,!.

din(P) [psi2/cp] versus dPst [hr]

Flow Period # 2 RESERVOIR Homogeneous

Rate 0 MS CFtday BOUNDARY Infinite
Rate Change 1000 MSCFt6aY. WELL Frac. infinite cond
P at dt=O 1154.81 psia Storage C O 27 STB/psi
Pseudo-time CilCf 0.08926
Smoothing 0.2 Alpha 485
Pi 3328.64 psia Xf (’A length) 72 ft
Skin o
Time Match 0.2 (hr)-1
Pressure Match 3.74 E-9 (psi2/cpJ-T kh 3.4 md. ft
k 0.34 md
Mobility kfmu 18.5
Investig. R 155ft

Fig.6--Post Fracture Well test for well C: Frac infinitive model, Frac length: 72 ft


--------- :[[ . . ..—.

- ,—

, -- -–.—
.—; ,

i ~--.. ! ‘- .-...: ~
—. -...
j [. ..!_ ‘-”
-—.. —

- Fig.7--Atier Fracture Survey for well C showing an homogeneous diversion along the zone

Field Mata Pionche Date 29-abril-98

Well 141 Gauge electrdnica


~ ...

./ ‘,’=**
106 ,.-3 c~
10-5 ‘10-4 10-2 ‘lo-l 100 “’’101
din(P) [psi2/cp] versus dPst [hr]

Fig. 8--Post Fracture Well test well D, Frac infinitive model, Frac length: 96.5 ft


92%5-9275, 9459-9498, 9570-9590 ft

k –?

—-— —.


- .,.
—. .

- . ..—

Fig. 10--After Survey-for weil-E sho-ting com-munication to an upper zone located above the packe !r




10-3 10-2 “qO-l 100 ’101

din(P) [psi2/cp] versus dPst [hr]

Fig. 1l--Post Fracture Well test well F: Frac infinitive model, Frac length: 30.5 ft, K: 0.29 mD

~1 ., ‘_.!:

q , _,__,__ !

Fig. 12--After Fracture Survey for Well F, downward height growth is observed.


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