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Seminars/Webinars 2016-17 to 2020-21

The Economics Department at BJB Autonomous College continues to be the

number one choice of many students. The department continues its legacy of
having the best performers of H.S. Council Examination. The faculties and the
students of the department of Economics conduct an annual seminar every
academic session and an eminent person is invited as the guest speaker on
this occasion.Given an opportunity, we always conduct extra mural
lectures,seminars,workshops and symposiums for the betterment of the
students.Apart from this, the department organizes student seminars on a
regular basis.It is mandatory for the final year students to present seminars on
designated days every week as decided by the college time table from time to
time.Since the student strength of the department is on an average around
sixty five to seventy, most of the weeks of the academic sessions are engaged
conducting seminars.The major seminars(excluding student seminars)
organized by the department from 2016-17 to 2020-21 are listed below.


1. 8th February, 2017: Topic: " Union Budget 2017"

Speaker:Dr. Sudhakar Panda, Retd. Professor of Analytical and Applied

Economics,Utkal University, Vani vihar.

The invited speaker described the budget 2017 and its implications for the
stakeholders of the Indian economy.The seminar was attended by all the faculty
members of the department and students.

2. 24th March, 2017 : Topic: “Impact of economic growth on poverty

reduction in Odisha"

Speaker: Dr. Bhagwan Swain, Retd. Professor and former deputy Director,
Gopabandhu Academy of Administration.

Dr Swain gave a lucid explanation about the relationship between economic growth
and poverty. He also analysed the impact of growth of GNP on poverty reduction in
India in general and Odisha in particular. It was a very successful seminar.


1.17th of January,2018:Topic:“Goods and Services Tax”

Speaker: Prof. Sujit Patra and Dr. Nirmala Routray of Srusti Academy of
Administration, Bhubaneswar.

The speakers analysed how GST was different from the previous taxation system
and how it is beneficial to the consumers.

2.17th of March,2018: Annual Seminar- Topic: "Globalization and its impact

on Small Scale Industries"

Speaker: Dr.Kishore Chandra Samal, Retd, Professor of Economics, NCDS,


The invited speaker delivered a talk on globalization and analyzed the fact that small
scale industries are at a disadvantage because of globalization and privatization.


1. 6thFebruary,2019: Topic: “Marxian Views on Capitalism”

Guest Speaker-Dr. Bhagwan Swain,Retd. Professor, Gopabandhu Academy of


Dr. Bhagwan Swain,Retd. Professor of Gopabandhu Academy of Administration

delivered a talk on “Marxian Views on Capitalism”.Guest introduction was provided
by Dr. Bishnupriya Mishra and it was attended by Dr. Niranjan Rana, Dr. Sadhana
Satpathy, Dr. Kasturi Panda, Dr. Madhubrata Satpathy, Dr. Mousumi Das & Dr. Lipsa
Mishra.The vote of thanks was given by the seminar secretary. A large number of
students attended it.

2. 26th February, 2019: Topic: “Budget 2019-20 & its implications”

Guest Speaker:Dr. S.N Mishra , Professor KIIT university

Professor Mishra delivered a talk on” BUDGET 2019-20 and its implications” in the
Annual Seminar held on 26th February, 2019.His talk was based on the fact that
growth fuelled by debts may lead to disastrous consequences in the long run leading
to rise in unemployment and widespread inequalities.


1. 3rd of August 2019:Topic: "Role of RBI and its functions: Monetary

policy, techniques of control and recent policy developments”

Guest Speaker-Ms. Sanjukta Dash, AGM, RBI, Bhubaneswar

Ms. Dash beautifully explained how RBI touches our lives and its role in guarding &
protecting our economy through its actions and thereby it safeguards the interest of
the public.

2. 9th November, 2019: Topic: “Security Market Operations in India”

Guest Speaker: Dr Sangram Panda, Asst. Professor, Srushti Academy of

management, Bhubaneswar.

Dr Panda lectured the students on the sources of funds, types of security markets,
features and functions of secondary markets and different types of scams in the stock
market & SEBI.

3. 16th November,2019: Workshop-Topic: “ Public Expenditure in India before

and after FRBM Legislation”

Guest Speaker: Dr Amarendra Das,Reader F, NISER,Bhubaneswar.

Dr Das had an insightful deliberation on the above mentioned topic.There was an active
interactive session between Dr Das and the faculties & students of the department.

4. 29th February and 1st March 2020: National Seminar- “Agriculture in India:
Problems, Policies & Prospects”

This national seminar of the department was the first of its kind organized since 2016-
17. The seminar was sponsored by NABARD. On the first day, the seminar
commenced after the inaugural address by chief speaker N.P. Mohapatra, CGM,
Department of Economic Analysis and Reasearch, NABARD, Mumbai. followed
by the address of the chief guest Prof. Ganeshi Lal, Honourable Governor of
Odisha. The seminar progressed with multiple sessions consisting educational and
technical capsules. It was conducted as per the list below.

Session: I

Keynote address on "Policy Congruence: Indian Agriculture and Climate Change"

was given by Dr Rajeswari S Raina, Professor School of humanities and Social
Sciences, Shiv Nadar University. Chief Speaker was Dr. Arun Kumar Sahoo,
Honourable Minister, Agriculture and Farmers' Empowerment, Fisheries and Animal
Resource Development and Higher Education, Govt. Of Odisha.

Technical session:1. Focusing on Agricultural Diversification: Aquaculture and


Technical session: 2. Climate change impacts and agrarian distress in India.

Technical session: 3. Doubling Farmers' income: Mechanism and challenges

Knowledge session:1.

Under the chairmanship of A. Chandrasekhar, CGM, NABARD, Bhubaneswar

i) Doubling Farmer's Income vis-a-vis Agricultural Marketing Scenario:

Agricultural Prospects of Odisha.

Speaker- Dr. T. Satyanarayana, Secretary, Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing.

ii) External dimension of an FPO for its long term sustainability

Speaker- Prof.Amar KJR Nayak, Chairperson Centre for Sustainable Ecological

System, XIMB, Bhubaneswar.

Session: II

Technical session: 4. Agricultural Credit and Farm Productivity: Role of FPOs

Technical session: 5. Agricultural Marketing: Problems and Policies

Technical session: 6. Agriculture in Odisha: Problems and Prospects.

Knowledge session II

Under the chairmanship of Prof Banikanta Mishra, XIMB, Bhubaneswar.

Topic 1- Regulating And Facilitating Markets for Increasing Farmers' Income in

India: Experience, Mechanisms and Policy lessons.

Speaker- Prof. Sukhpal Singh,Professor and Chairperson, Centre for Management

in Agriculture(CMA),IIM,Ahmedabad

Topic 2- "Climate Change,Livelihood Diversification and Impact on Consumption

in Rural Odisha"

Speaker- Dr. Saudamini Das, NABARD Chair Professor,Institute of Economic


Valedictory Session:

Chief Guest: Sj. Ashok Chandra Panda, Minister, Science and Technology, Public
Enterprises, Social Security and Empowerment of Person with Disabilities.

Guess of Honour: Prof. Pawan Kumar Agarwal, Vice-chancellor OUAT

Chief Speaker: Dr. Srijit Misra, Director NKCDS, Bhubaneswar.

Topic: From Farm to Plate: Odisha Millets Mission

5. 4th March, 2020: Annual Seminar: “ Sustainable Development Goals”

Guest Speaker: Dr Mitali Chinnara,Professor of Economics, Dept of A & A

Economics, Utkal University

ACADEMIC SESSION June 2020- May 2021:
The academic activities in general and seminars in particular, were disrupted due to
the prevalence of Covid pandemic, which engulfed the entire nation starting from
March 2020 onwards.The offline classes were held only for four months during this
academic year.In spite of the pandemic, the faculty members and the students
of the department were engaged in various activities online throughout the
year.Everyone was in search of different methods of teaching and organizing
seminars.Thanks to Google meet,internet and smartphones ,the activities were not
very much affected.However, we switched to webinars instead of seminars.We had
our 1st international webinar of our department on 8th October,2020.The following
seminars were organized by the department. During the academic year 2020-21, we
had less seminars/webinars.However, there was no compromise on the quality.

1. 8th October, 2020: "Applications of Economics principles in Business

Policies - Micro and Macro"

Guest Speaker: Prof. Prabal Sen, Professor, Economics area and

chairperson of Entrepreneurship Development, XLRI

"Economics Research as a career option"

Guest Speaker:Dr. Debiprasad Mohapatra, Assistant professor,

University of Massachusetts

The webinar was conducted on the video conferencing platform, Zoom.

2. 28th December, 2020 : “ Financial Literacy Awareness”

Guest Speaker: Mr. Jyotirmoy Kashyap, NSE

The students learnt about various instruments of the financial market and how
to invest in them. They all were also awarded with a certificate of participation.

ACADEMIC SESSION June 2021 to May 2022:


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