M2 Module Decline Code 2021 22

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Objective of the Session

By the end of the session, you

will be able to understand the
reasons for decline and
thereby reduce the same
through preventive methods
and curing
Agenda of the Session

What are Decline Codes & at what

stages do they happen?

Classification of Decline Codes

Curing methods & TAT for Resourcing

with Real Time Examples

Best Practices to Prevent Declines

Let’s Discuss

What are Decline

Codes & at what stages
do they happen?
What are Decline Codes?
Do you remember you In school days, we were As a result of assessment,
school days ?? supposed to give exam we used to get grades as
pass or fail


Similar to assessment in
When we apply for credit SBI Card will evaluate credit school, every rejection is given
card to save money card application and will a grade which is called Decline
either approve it or reject it. code in SBI Card
What are Decline Codes?





In assessment, we fail
because of various subject Similarly, credit card application Dedupe
can be declined because of
various cause of rejection.

Let us understand one by one in detail after understanding the stages of card processing:
Stages of Processing Credit Card application
1st Stage
Stage 1.1 RE/BRE will not process the
Do QDE of Customer, post
application, If the indicative
approval, capture/collect
document/surrogate does not
KYC, Surrogate & MID and match with the one customer
submit to SSP/Branch provided, KYC is not Original
seen and verified.

2nd Stage
Stage 2.1
At unit, DIP Team
If there is an error in application
crosschecks the document
form or the documents provided
and does the back check then the file is returned to the
call post verifying sales (RTS), sales rectifies it

3rd Stage Post Dispatch, application Stage 3.1

goes through screening If there is an error in application form or the
and verification process documents provided, then the file is returned
and post approval from to the Base/Branch (RTB) or after processing,
the application or customer doesn’t fulfil the
Risk and Underwriter this
policy then the application will get declined
gets approved
Stages of Processing application - Post Dispatch
In warding Scanning
2 Completeness
1 of Application
PS 2
3 P15
FCU 5 Sales
Branch RTB Curing NO
Validation DC2 Reject
(New Business Strategic (New Business Strategic management)
management) ADDRESS (Age, OCL, Scoring)
(Dedupe decline, Duplicate, CIBIL) TAGGING P3-Age Policy
ALL R1 DECLINE, FLIP DECLINE P17 – Non sourcing Location
P17- Residence OCL
VERIFICATION FCU Hunter P16 – Office OCL, S5,QS5
Card NBSM -3 -- Credit Limit
Delivered Card
Approved UW Refer
 Application can get declined in any of the stages after RTB, let’s understand briefly the decline under each stages
Let’s Discuss

Classification of Decline

Curing methods & TAT for

Resourcing with Real Time
Verification Decline Codes
Do you remember In exam hall, we use to Examiner used to verify our
exam hall? carry admit card with us admit card to check our
identity & other details.


SBI Card will verify SBI Card will verify

SBI Card will verify
applicant details with applicant employment
applicant current
the given documents. details & business
residence address.
If Applicant current residence verification (RV) found negative, application will
get decline (reject) in any of the below codes.

V2- Mismatch in applicant current residence address.

V3- Applicant current residence address untraceable.

If Applicant business verification (BV) found negative, application will get decline
(reject) in either of the below codes.

V1- Mismatch in applicant employment details like Company name, Designation

or Office Address.
V4- Applicant Official address untraceable.
If Applicant Mobile Phone Verification (MPV) found negative, application will get
decline (reject) in any of the below codes.

V17- Applicant number is not contactable.

I am not
interested If Applicant does not give consent to process the application, It will get decline
(reject) in below mentioned code.

V15- Applicant not interested in card.


Verification Decline Codes
Reason Detail Reason Curing Method Cooling Period
If customer is Salaried then take all
Major address updation/Wrong employment details like Company
MISMATCH IN Office Address / Mismatch in Name, Designation & Office Address
Advisable to resource the
COMPANY NAME, Designation or Company Name / with LM and send for curing. In case
V1 app with latest information
DESIGNATION OR No Office Setup or Commercial of proprietor check for office setup,
within 2 -3 months gap
OFFICE ADD activity found / Resi Cum Office / Commercial Premises, Company
Under Construction Name & Office address and send for
Office address given as Resi
address/ Wrong or Mismatch in Take proper resi address with LM and Advisable to resource the
MISMATCH IN Resi Address / Under send for curing. Confirm under application with latest
RESI ADD Construction / or TPV Negative / construction, availability of family at information within 2 -3
Shifted / Applicant not staying at resi months gap
given address
Advisable to resource the
RESIDENCE ADD Resi Address Landmark Not given Take proper resi address with LM and
V3 app with latest information
UNTRACEABLE / Wrong Landmark Given send for curing.
within 2 -3 months gap
Advisable to resource the
OFFICE ADD Offc Address Landmark Not given Take proper offc address with LM and
V4 app with latest information
UNTRACEABLE / Wrong Landmark Given send for curing.
within 2 -3 months gap
On negative verification, application will get declined(rejected) under above codes
Verification Decline Codes
Reason Detail Reason Curing Method Cooling Period

Advisable to resource the

Customer is not interested for Send the mail as per the format application with latest
card / Self Closed provided information within 2 -3
months gap

Take verification call time and Advisable to resource the

Customer phone is Switched off
alternate number if any from application with latest
V17 CONTACTIBILITY / Not Reachable / Not
customer and share to Growth information within 2 -3
Answering Call
Catalyst team months gap

Take verification call time and Advisable to resource the

Customer is not interested due alternate number if any from application with latest
to multiple verification customer and share to Growth information within 2 -3
Catalyst team months gap

On negative verification, application will get declined(rejected) under above codes

V1 Decline Example
V2 & V3 Decline Example


Fraud Decline Codes
How many of you have Ever caught while You will Fail if you caught
done this in exams? cheating in exam cheating in exam.


If SBI Card found any If SBI Card found any

Application will be declined
mismatch in applicant detail. manipulation or fudging in
(rejected) in fraud code.
applicant document.
Fraud Decline Codes
Decline Cooling
Reason Detail Reason Curing Method
Code Period

Multiple reasons such as Sign Mismatch/ Cust confirmed

that he has not signed on documents or app form/ Cust
confirmed he has given some other document/ If genuine case, then send Immediat
Documents given on WhatsApp or email/ Cust said he for curing e
has not applied for card/Multiple or unrelated
applications sourced on the same mobile number

Current address in the application form doesn’t match

F17 with the KYC proof of address or Current Declaration Non-Curable
form in case of EKYC

F54 Manipulation of Surrogate Document Non-Curable 6 Month

If applicant details or document found to be incorrect, fudged or manipulated, application will get decline (reject) in any of the
below codes
Fraud Decline Example


Policy Decline Codes
If you remember we were If we don’t follow those rules
told to follow certain rules what would happen? We would be disqualified &
in exam hall? failed in exam?


SBI Card has laid down What will happen if any Similar to exam rules, the
certain set of policies for application doesn’t meet application will get decline
card processing. these policies if policy not meet.
Policy Decline Codes
Reason Detail Reason Curing Method Cooling Period

If customer net income is as per requirement

Cust Net Income is not as per
P2 P2- NET INCOME then send for curing. Check if Promo code is 90 Days
requirement and eligibility
NSDP, SASS or EDEG, then send for curing

90 Days &
P7-RESI ADD OUT Resi Pincode is not listed in
P7 If resi Pincode is listed, then send for curing change the
SIDE LIMIT Pincode master

P9-SPECIAL Low Level & Special Designations

If designation is not in P9 list, then send for
P9 PROFESSION / / P9 Profiles to declined for all Never

If Applicant application does not meet set of policies laid down by SBI card, application will get decline (reject) in any of the above
CIBIL Decline Codes
We used to get scores for On the basis of score, we If we achieve min required
every assessment or test. used to get result whether score we were passed or
pass or fail vice versa.


If applicant credit score meets

Every applicant has a credit SBI card process application min requirement, the
score which represent after checking credit score of application will be processed or
applicant credit history the applicant else declined
CIBIL Decline Codes
Decline Cooling
Reason Detail Reason Curing Method
Code Period

Need to be resourced
S5 S5-SCORE REJECT Score Reject 90 Days
after 3 Months

Bureau/Score declined at Generic (Post

Fulfilment)stage due to changes in relevant details, Need to be resourced
Changes like D.O.B, Residential address, Last name after 45 Days
or any spell errors or any profile mismatch

Cases where the income as per income document

Income cut-off not met Need to be resourced
CB4. are not as per policy requirements, such cases are
as per applicant age with proper income as 90 days
PCB4 getting declined on CB4 for Bureau No match
at generic stage per requirement

If Applicant score does not meet the required score, application will get decline (reject) in any of the above codes.
RS5 Decline Example
Underwriting Decline Codes
How many of us have passed While checking our test paper our As a result of that, we were either
with the help of grace marks in teacher used to give us grace pass or fail at teachers discretion
school time? marks to certify us in the exams of giving grace marks


Underwriter evaluate
When a customer apply for Application which posses risk are
application and on that basis
a credit card at SBI Card referred to underwriting for final
the application may get
approval of that application.
approved or else decline.
Underwriting Decline Codes
Decline Cooling
Reason Detail Reason Curing Method
Code Period

Employment type is a critical field from system decision and profile

evaluation perspective. It is observed that the employment details
U1-MISMATCH WITH INCOME provided in QDE and as provided in fulfillment stage differ
U1 Not Curable 90 days
DOCUMENTS-UNDERWRITER significantly. Such mismatches are leading to decline application
under decline code U1, which happens significantly for No Doc

No Document converted to Employment details provided in QDE and as provided in fulfillment

Document Required at Generic stage differ significantly, such cases where there is change in 90 days
SU1 Not Curable
(Post Fulfilment)stage, due to employment type and due to which the case is legible to decline will
change in relevant details get declined under SU1.

U4 U4- UW JUDGEMENT Underwriter Judgement Not Curable 90 days

If underwriter judgment found to be negative for an application, it will get decline (reject) in any of the above codes.
Underwriting Decline Example


Dedupe Decline Codes
After removing duplicates
In the above image, we can
When a duplicate copy of we get single copy of each
see same colour boxes
data is found, it is merged colour box. This is known
multiple times .
to one single copy as deduplication.


If application meets the dedupe

SBI Card also conduct a If applicant is existing SBI guidelines or Multicarding
dedupe check for data card holder, his previous data policy it will get approve or else
duplication. is check for dedupe decline.
Dedupe Decline Codes
Reason Detail Reason Curing Method Cooling Period
If previously applied application was
Can be resourced after 6 month from F54,
F11 PREVIOUSLY DECLINED declined on fraud codes - F1,F54,F55 180 days
F55 & F1 decline date.
and if resourced within 6 months
If application of the same customer is Can be resourced if previous application
F12 PREVIOUS WIP Immediate
already in WIP gets decisioned

1. Check previous 3 months MAD or TAD

is paid in the SBI card statement of
F13 FLIP POLICY NOT MET If Previous (last) SBI card is delinquent Customer. 90 days
2. TAT of resourcing is 90 days, where
MAD/TAD is paid on time.

Policy decline due to customer is

holding the same card / As per policy Depending upon the outstanding limit & If
R1 customer not eligible for multi card / customer is agreed for limit split take
Cust not agreed for limit split or card consent and send for curing

During sourcing if the application

DUXP (Duplicate
DUXP already is in process after dispatch then Resource after 1 month One Month
it will get decline under DUXP cases

If applicant does not meet the dedupe guidelines or multi-carding policy, application will get decline (reject) in any of the above
Let’s Discuss

Best Practices to
Prevent Declines
Always ask customer to provide their primary number and ensure not to put any
alternative number which doesn't belong to the customer(like their Relative/family’s
mobile number (controllable Decline Codes –F77, V6, FV6 & F8

Ensure the information given during QDE is not changed at DIP level to avoid
declines like – RS5, SU1 & U1.
Hence, it’s important to capture correct details of customer during QDE.

While doing QDE of the existing card holder, always ask for the mobile number
updated in their existing SBI card (This will help in processing the application faster)

Address in the application form should match with the current address/customer
declaration form word to word (DIP is only allowed to update the landmark details) –
This will help reducing F17 decline codes

Ensure to do PAN dedupe prior to sourcing the application and basis that do the
QDE(Help reducing DUXP,R1 , F11 & F12). Once the application is declined, try to
cure before it doing a re –QDE. Re-QDE should be done as per the TAT provided
Best Practices

Exception is there for ITR & RC surrogate, one can source application under these two surrogate as per the policy
applicable irrespective of indicative docs
Let’s Summarize
 Always carry admit card in exam hall.
During school time we should:-
 Never cheat in exam.

 Always follow exam rules & policies.

 Never do wrong practices to get certify.

 Always obey your teacher instructions.

 Always capture correct details at the time of QDE.

At the time of processing credit card  Always write correct & complete details on application form.
 Never fudge or manipulate any document.

 Always process applications as per policy.

 Process application of existing card holder as per multicarding

Recap & Take Away

 What are decline codes & Classification of

decline codes

 Stages of Processing Credit Card application

 Curing method & TAT for Resourcing

 Live examples of various declines

 Prevention methods & Best Practices


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