Welcome! Final Test

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Part 1
Read the articles about the Nazca lines and Stonehenge and complete them with phrases from the

as a calendar to mark important events in religious ceremonies

other lines make up shapes or pictures you will see an amazing thing
you will suddenly come across

Nazca Lines
In the Nazca Desert in southern Peru there is a collection of lines that appear to be nothing
unusual from close up. However, if you fly above the desert (1) ______________________.
Many of the lines are perfectly straight and run for many kilometres while (2)
______________________. There are over seventy such pictures including a spider, a monkey, a
hummingbird and a 300-metre-long pelican. The most mysterious part is how anyone could
make such lines and drawings more than 1,000 years before the invention of the airplane. The
other mystery is why the lines were drawn. One idea is that they were used (3)
______________________ and were designed to be seen by the gods.

Crossing the southern plains of England (4) ______________________ a circle of stones in the
middle of a field. Stonehenge was built around 4,000 years ago and is the most famous stone
circle found in Britain. Nowadays most people agree that Stonehenge was built (5)
______________________ in the life of the people. In the summer when you stand in the circle
the sun rises between two stones. Stonehenge is also a feat of engineering. The largest stone
weighs around 50 tons and probably took 600 men to move it. Some of the stones were also
transported from the Welsh mountains over 200 kilometres away.

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Part 2
Read the article below and decide if the sentences are true (T), false (F) or if there is no information
given (NG).

(6) Charley Boorman realised that it was possible to ride from Europe to Alaska.
(7) In the beginning they rode home every evening for the night.
(8) On several occassions they slept alongside the road in tents.
(9) Travelling in Mongolia was the most challenging part of the trip as there were no roads to ride on.
(10) In Siberia their journey took them along the Road of Bones.

The Long Way Round

The Long Way Round tells the story of an epic journey and an amazing adventure. It follows Ewan
McGregor and Charley Boorman as they try to ride all the way round the world on their motorbikes.
Starting in London on 14 April 2004 they spend three and a half months travelling through Europe,
Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, across the Pacific Ocean to Alaska, and then down through
Canada and across the USA all the way to New York.
The journey started as a dream when Ewan noticed that it was possible to ride from Europe through
Russia all the way to Alaska. Picking up the phone he called his best friend and asked him to come
over for dinner. Once Charley arrived, Ewan tried to persuade him to join him in the adventure of a
lifetime. It didn’t take much to persuade Charley to go.
After months of preparation they set off and rode through Belgium and Germany. In the
beginning it was like any other bike ride except that rather than going home for the night they had
more than 20,000 miles of road ahead of them. From Ukraine they crossed into Kazakhstan where
they travelled across some of the most difficult roads they could imagine. However, worse was to
come in Mongolia where the roads simply didn’t exist and then in Siberia where they rode the length
of the Road of Bones.
The programme captures some of the most interesting moments and gives us a good idea of
what the journey was like. It shows Ewan and Charley riding through some of the most breathtaking
scenery in the world and takes us with them on the adventure of a lifetime.

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A Read 1–5. Is the speaker giving advice, making an offer, or complaining?

(1) I’m sorry, but I think there’s something wrong with this. advice / offer / complaint
(2) Shall I look at it for you? advice / offer / complaint
(3) What you need to do is take it back and complain. advice / offer / complaint
(4) Shall I phone the shop for you? advice / offer / complaint
(5) Have you thought about asking for your money back? advice / offer / complaint

B Complete the conversation with the expressions in the box. There are three extra

What seems to There’s no harm That’s really kind of you

No, I’ll manage, thanks If you like If I were you I’d
I don’t think there’s Have you tried Do you want me to

A: Not again! I can’t believe it, that’s the second time it’s stopped working.
B: (6) _______________ be the problem?
A: I don’t know. Every time I try to start it I get this horrible sound.
B: (7) _______________ try and start it?
A: Would you? (8) _______________.
B: Mmmm.
A: What is it?
B: (9) _______________ a problem with the engine.
A: Then why won’t it work?
B: Ah! (10) _______________ checking the petrol?
A: What do you mean?
B: Well, when was the last time you put any petrol in the tank?
A: Er, I’m not sure.
B: (11) _______________ check that. I think you’ll find that you’ve run out.
A: Oh! How embarrassing.

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C Choose the correct word to complete these sentences.

(12) Can you get me a bottle / jar of milk, please?

(13) You really should take advantage / advice of our special offers.
(14) Sorry, I bought it by / in mistake.
(15) It’s really difficult to live on / off less than £100 per week.

D Complete sentences 16–20 with a word from the box.

from of out on at in with about

(16) Matthew is just crazy ________ football!

(17) We went to Paris and climbed the Eiffel Tower ________ my birthday last year.
(18) The airport was very busy and I waited a long time to check ________ my luggage.
(19) Ralph, I’ll see you ________ about nine o’clock tonight, OK?
(20) In Britain a woman wears her wedding ring on the third finger ________ her left hand.

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Part 1
You are going to hear five phone messages. Listen and answer the questions.

(1) Katy’s mobile number is

a) 0772 609138. b) 0772 659138. c) 0772 695138.

(2) Which of these times is NOT a good time for Pete to see the flat?
a) Thursday 8.00–9.30 a.m. b) Friday 11.30 a.m. c) Tuesday afternoon

(3) How is the phone message most likely to end?

a) after the tone b) for the voicemail c) back later

(4) Which of these statements is NOT true?

a) The train station is opposite the bus station. b) Sandy turns right twice. c) The cathedral is over the

(5) What is the caller’s name?

a) Daniel Sheepshand b) David Sheepshanks c) David Sheepthanks

Part 2
Listen to a conversation in a restaurant. Complete these sentences from the conversation. Then put
them in the order you hear them. There are two extra sentences you do not need.

a) Let me _________________________ you to your table.

b) _________________________ I have the bill, please?
c) Can I take your _________________________?
d) I’m afraid we’re _________________________, sir.
e) Are you ready _________________________?
f) Just a minute, madam. _________________________ what I can do.
g) Would you like to have the _________________________ menu?

(6) ________ (7) ________ (8) ________ (9) ________ (10) ________

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