Appendix N Parent Notice Letter 22-23

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PARENT NOTICE LETTER Date: 08/26/22 Dear Parent/Guardian: ‘We nthe Clark County School District (CCSO) place a high priority on protecting the safety of our students and employees. In emergency situations, if everyone knows what to do, al involved can Stoy Calm an Stay Safe. This eter wil inform you of how you and your child can stay safe in an emergency ‘The CCSO Criss Response Plan includes the following elements: ‘detailed pla, coordinated with national, state and county emergency action plan, with detaled procedures fr protecting the welfare of students during an emergency event School based and District-wide Crisis Teams, integrated with community emergency and mental health resources Site-Based Crisis Plan, including dls for Evacuation, Soft Lockdown, Hard Lockdown, Shelterin-lace, Reverse Evacuation, and plans for other potential emergency situations School-based and District-wide Health Services, Integrated with community heath and medial ‘reunification ste to reunite parents and students if offschoolske evacuation is necessary All ‘community media outiets will communicate st of reunficaton immediately ater confirmation ‘of need for reunification oft, {As the parent/quardian of o Clark County Schoo District student, you area vital port of our plons to protect your child, You can assist the various schoo police and fre personnel, or others engaged inthe protection of your child and others by remaining calm and following the steps outlined below. BEFORE A CRISIS Practice family esis response at home: have a plan and supplies organized, and discuss remaining calm and asking for help when needed, “Make sure the school has updated information reg and numbers and your cil’s medial history. Discuss with your child the schoo!’ rules during drils for fre and other emergencies. Be sure ‘yur child understands correct procedures and tat they ake the dis seriously “Teach your chil to stay with school staf and follow their directions. Tell your child NOT to try to contact you by cellular phone or land ine, thus allowing «communication channels to remain open for emergency responders Ing your chil, including contact names © Telyour child that you wil main t work or home and watch for information from CCSD Media and Parent Link as to where and when you and your child can reunite. ‘* Assure your child that the school staff wil follow procedures to keep them safe. DURING A CRISIS ‘+ Stay calm and do not come tothe school so emergency responders can complete their mision, ‘© Keep phone lines free so school personnel and community responders can communicate with eachother, ‘© Usten for information from CCSD over TY, radio, Parent Link, or the internet as this information will help ou reunite your child in an ordery and safe manner ‘+ Make sure you bring legal identification [driver's iense of passport) tothe designated ‘ounfeation site (may be at a location other than the schoo. ‘© For the safety of your chil, students wil not be released to anyone who is: 4. Notlisted on the enrollment form as a parent or guardian or 2. Who [son the enrollment form but has no identification WHEN YOU REUNITE WITH YOUR CHILD. ‘© Sea model of Calm, Control, and Comfort: let your child know you wil protect them, ‘= Listen to your cid and watch for temporary changes in behavior Ike being clingy ox angry, having trouble sleeping acting younger, o acting scared 1© Seek assistance for negative behavior changes that persist after two weeks: you may need to contact your child's school, your family doctor, or community counselors/psychologss. ‘© Keep in contact with your chil’ School and follow recommendations from CCSD and community expert. ‘Wein CCSD take pride in responding tothe needs of aur students and employees. Training and awareness activities continue in all areas of crisis response and school safety n an flor to stay current with national, state and county response plans. We appreciate your efforts in doing all ou canto help us protect your chld in an emergency Sincerely, Feral Hays Principal CCARTA DE NOTIFICACION PARA PADRES Ae

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