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Final Project History

Memes by: Sergio Moreno Guzmán and Juan David Muñoz Guio
First Meme:

Explanation (Meme 1): This meme talks and shows us how Alexander
the Great was the greatest fighter and conqueror of all time, too good
that he didn't die in any of his many battles unlike some of his men
that died trying to conquer all the nearby places, but he instead died in
the most unexpected way. After reaching northern India he started the
long trip back to Greece, but he died on his way back with just 32
years old because of a simple flu due to the cold on the trip.
Second Meme:

Explanation (Meme 2): This meme talks about the liberty of women in
Greece, women in Sparta had more freedom than women in any other
city-state in Greece because although they could not vote, they could
have businesses and land to work. Also, they can play sports, they
could join the army, and they could also participate in the Olympics.
On the other hand, Athens women before could not study until a
woman named Aspasia opened a school, women in Athens could not
play sports. The only disadvantage of the two city-states is that
women could not vote, but women still wanted to be from Sparta.

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