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Learning activity 1 Evidence: A world of images In this evidence, you have to create at least seven mnemonic cards that will help you remember the meaning of seven idioms in English. You should include a drawing representing the idiom, two examples, and the corresponding translation into Colombian Spanish (if possible). Look at the example below: Idiom: Examples: He confided something to his friend and told others Stab someone in the back about it. Definitions: Aa friend betrayed me, | thought he was my friend B: friend the cheese mouse, and ate it, friends do not “A bad friend who turns his exist. back on you when you need him In Colombian spanish: A supposed friend, someone Amigo el ratén del queso, y se lo comié without loyalty “Trust the wrong person SERVICIO NACIONAL DE APRENDIZAJE Ens BY ons 7 Examples: Idiom: -When taking a bad grade in the first exam, study for the Get over something next one, get over something Definitions: She ran out of work, get over something “In times of difficulty, have a good attitude \n Colombian spanish: -Face the problems ‘AI mal tiempo buena cara -Cope with difficult situations SERVICIO NACIONAL DE APRENDIZAJE Idiom: Sit tight Definitions: «Patience to obtain the expected results -Things that are wanted must be patiently waited Examples: make it. in a few years he will achieve it In Colombian spanish: El que persevera alcanza -She started saving to buy a house, in a year she would The beginning his studies, with patience and dedication Oostae Idiom: On the ball Definitions: “Reacts quickly to a situation Be prepared and react before others -Being attentive allows you to stand out before others Examples: He is late at home and his parents lalready has his explanation ready. jdiscovered her, she already has an In Colombian spanish: ‘Soldado prevenido vale por dos will scold him, but he ‘She lies to her boyfriend to go out with her friends and they explanation SERVICIO NACIONAL DE APRENDIZAJE d 2 ob sat Idiom: Examples: “A friend is going through a bad time and you show their Keep your chin up ‘support keep your chin up. Definitions: “My uncle is out of a job and cares about his family. keep your chin up Encourage others In Colombian spanish “Support in difficult times No hay mal que dure cien ajios, ni cuerpo que lo resista -Bad things are temporary, they don't last forever, you must keep your head up SERVICIO NACIONAL DE APRENDIZAJE Idiom: Examples: Julio is a great friend, he is funny, but whenever we need him, he tells us that he was sleeping, that’s why @ say that he sleeps more than a cat with anemia Itis when in a funny way someone is told that they sleep alin Colombian spanish: lot Duerme mas que un gato con anemia Fuente de imagenes: SENA Note: you have to create the examples and definitions. Do not plagiarize. When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as follows: SERVICIO NACIONAL DE APRENDIZAJE 1. Click the ttle of this evidence. 2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure the file is attached. 3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional). 4. Click Enviar. Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop them and deliver them correctly, Aplica estrategias de estudio, haciendo uso del vocabulario y gramética requeridos. SERVICIO NACIONAL DE APRENDIZAJE

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