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Let me introduce myself. My name is DAYU. I am a student of SMPN 1

Raha. I am at the eighth grade now. I live in Watonea. I have two brothers and two
sisters. My father is a civil servant and my mother is a nurse. I love them very
I used to get difficulty in learning English. My English marks were very
poor. Whatever my teacher explained about English materials, I did not
understand. Therefore, when English subject came, I just sat silently on my chair
and sometimes I got sleepy to hear my teacher’s explanation.
One day one of my friends asked me to take English course with him. At
first I refused his request because I felt I would not be able to know English. Many
times my friend asked me to join the course and finally I changed my mind.
The location of the English course is far enough from my house. It is around
2 Km. I usually go there by “ojek”. I just pay 5 thousand rupiahs for a trip. The
name of the English course is KHARISMA English course. The course is big
enough with many students from elementary schools, junior high schools and
senior high schools. The course has some teachers. They are kind and friendly
with us. We like them. The class rooms are large enough with some pictures on the
wall including whiteboard, chairs and tables as well.
I really enjoy studying English there. I don’t feel afraid to make some
mistakes. We are given freedom to express out our potency in learning even
though they knew we made mistakes. There are some reasons why I including
other students am willing to take English course at KHARISMA.
Firstly, the teachers are friendly to us. They welcome us with sweet and
bright smile, guide us with no despair, teach us patiently and seriously, and show
our mistakes in polite way without judging us as the stupid students.
Secondly, they have various attractive techniques of teaching English that
make us convenient for learning English both indoor and outdoor. We are not
sometimes aware of time while we are taught by the teachers. We feel the time
pass quickly. Moreover, we can understand easily and fast. They commonly teach
us based on our English ability. First of all, they mapped our initial capability and
then they look for the appropriate method of teaching for us. We like the ways of
their teaching so much.
Thirdly, there is special event held in the course namely visiting the certain
places such as beach, forest or other interesting places. There we practice our
English. We speak to one another in English and also eat and play together. It is so
Fourthly, I meet many friends there from different schools. I can make
friends with them. We help each other if one of us has a problem in learning
English or faces other problems.
The last, the teachers sometimes registered us to join the English
competition held by an organization. This way can make us braver and more self-
confident to face and stand in front of the audiences.
Those are the reasons why I like to take English course at KHARISMA
English Course Watonea. Thank you very much.

Taking an english course = ikut kursus bahasa Inggris

Let me introduce myself = izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya.
My name is = nama saya adalah
I am a student of = saya siswa
I am at the eighth grade = saya kelas 8
Now = sekarang
I live in = saya tinggal di
I have = saya punya
two brothers = 2 saudara laki-laki
two sisters = 2 saudara perempuan
My father is = ayah saya adalah
a civil servant = seorang PNS
my mother is = ibu saya adalah
a nurse = seorang perawat
I love them very much = saya sangat mencintai mereka
I used to get difficulty = saya dulu selalu mengalami kesulitan
in learning English = dalam belajar bahasa inggris
My English marks = nilai bahasa inggrisku
very poor = sangat tidak bagus/jelek
Whatever my teacher = apapun yang guruku
explained about = jelaskan tentang
English materials = materi bahasa inggris
I did not understand = saya tidak paham
Therefore when = oleh karena itu ketika
English subject came = masuk pelajaran bahasa inggris
I just sat silently = saya hanya duduk diam
on my chair = di kursiku
and sometimes = dan kadang-kadang
I got sleepy to hear = saya jadi ngantuk mendengarkan
my teacher’s explanation = penjelasan guruku
One day = suatu hari
one of my friends = salah satu teman saya
asked me to = mengajak saya untuk
take English course = ikut kursus bahasa inggris
with him = bersamanya
At first = awalnya
I refused his request = saya menolak ajakannya
because I felt = karena saya merasa
I would not be able to = saya tidak akan bisa
know English = tau bahasa inggris
Many times = berkali-kali
my friend asked me = temanku itu mengajak saya
to join the course = untuk ikut kursus -
and finally = dan pada akhirnya
I changed my mind. = saya berubah pikiran juga
The location of = letak
the English course = kursus bahasa inggris tersebut
far enough = cukup jauh
from my house = dari rumahku
It is around 2 Km = sekitar 2 KM
I usually go there = saya biasanya ke sana
by “ojek” = naik ojek
I just pay 5 thousand = saya hanya bayar 5 ribu
for a trip = sekali jalan
The name of = nama
the English course is = kursusnya adalah
The course = kursus ini
big enough = cukup besar
with many students = dengan banyak siswa
from elementary schools = dari SD
junior high schools = SMP
and senior high schools = dan SMA
The course has = kursus ini memiliki
some teachers = beberapa guru
They are kind = mereka baik
and friendly with us = dan ramah kepada kami
We like them = kami senang kepada mereka
The class rooms = ruang kelasnya
large enough = cukup luas
with some pictures = dengan beberapa gambar
on the wall = di dinding
including whiteboard = termasuk papan tulis
chairs and tables as well = kursi dan juga meja
I really enjoy = saya sangat suka
studying English = belajar bahasa inggris
there = di sana
I don’t feel afraid to = saya tidak merasa takut untuk
make some mistakes = membuat kesalahan
We are given freedom = kami diberi kebebasan
to express out = untuk mengembangkan
our potency = potensi kami
in learning = dalam belajar bahasa inggris
even though = sekalipun
they knew = mereka sudah tau
we made mistakes = kami melakukan kesalahan
There are some reasons = ada beberapa alasan
why I including = mengapa saya termasuk
other students = siswa-siswa yang lain
willing to take = mau ikut
English course at KHARISMA = kursus bahasa inggris di Kharisma
Firstly = pertama
the teachers = guru-gurunya
friendly to us = ramah kepada kami
They welcome us = mereka menyambut kami
with sweet and bright smile = dengan senyum manis dan ceria
guide us = membimbing kami
with no despair = tanpa putus asah
teach us = mengajar kami
patiently and seriously = dengan sabar dan serius
and show our mistakes = dan menunjukkan kesalahan kami
in polite way = dengan cara yang sopan
without judging us = tanpa menghakimi kami
as the stupid students = sebagai siswa-siswa yang bodoh
Secondly = kedua
they have = mereka memiliki
various attractive techniques = berbagai teknik menarik
teaching English = mengajar bahasa inggris
that make us = yang menjadikan kami
convenient for = nyaman untuk
learning English = belajar bahasa inggris
both indoor and outdoor = baik di dalam maupun di luar ruangan
We are not sometimes = kami kadang-kadang tidak
aware of time = sadar dengan waktu
while we are taught = pada saat kami diajar
by the teachers = oleh para guru
We feel the time = kami merasa waktu
pass quickly = begitu cepat berlalu
Moreover = selain itu
we can understand = kami bisa mengerti
easily and fast = dengan mudah dan cepat
They commonly teach us = mereka umumnya mengajar kami
based on = menyesuaikan
our English ability = kemampuan bahasa inggris kami
First of all = pertama-tama
they mapped = mereka memetakan
our initial capability = kemampuan awal kami
and then = dan kemudian
they look for = mereka mencari
the appropriate method of = metode yang pas untuk
teaching for us = mengajar kami
We like = kami suka
the ways of their teaching = cara mengajar mereka
so much = sangat
Thirdly = ketiga
there is special event = ada kegiatan khusus
held in the course = yang diadakan oleh kursus ini
namely = yakni
visiting the certain places = mengunjungi tempat-tempat tertentu
such as = seperti
beach, forest = pantai, hutan
or other interesting places = atau tempat-tempat menarik lainnya
There = di sana
we practice our English = kami mempraktekkan bahasa inggris kami
We speak to one another = kami berbicara satu sama lain
in English = dalam bahasa inggris
and also = dan juga
eat and play together = makan dan bermain bersama-sama
It is so memorable = hal ini sangat berkesan
Fourthly = keempat
I meet many friends there = saya berjumpa banyak teman di sana
from different schools = dari sekolah-sekolah yang berbeda
I can make friends = saya bias berteman
with them = dengan mereka
We help each other = kami saling membantu
if one of us = jika salah satu dari kami
has a problem = memiliki masalah
in learning English = dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris
or faces other problems. = atau menghadapi masalah-masalah lain
The last = terakhir
the teachers sometimes = para guru kadang-kadang
registered us = mendaftarkan kami
to join = untuk mengikuti
the English competition = lomba bahasa inggris
held by an organization = yang diadakan oleh suatu organisasi
This way = cara ini
can make us = bisa membuat kami
braver and more self-confident = lebih berani dan lebih percaya diri
to face and stand = untuk menghadapi dan berdiri
in front of the audiences = di depan penonton
Those are the reasons = itulah alasan-alasan saya
why I like = mengapa saya suka
to take English course = ikut kursus
at KHARISMA English Course Watonea = di kursus bahasa inggris watonea
Thank you very much = terima kasih banyak

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