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C h apte r

The Science of
Biological Diversity
A large, diverse family
 Bittersweet nightshade (Solanum
dulcamara), shown here, is a widespread weed poisonous
to humans but not as toxic as deadly nightshade (Atropa
belladonna), which can be fatal. Both poisonous species belong
to the Solanaceae, a family that includes important agricultural
crops, such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, and chili peppers.

system of naming living things began with the eighteenth-

chapter outline century Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus (Figure 12–1), whose
Taxonomy: Nomenclature and Classification ambition was to name and describe all of the known kinds of
Cladistics plants, animals, and minerals. In 1753, Linnaeus published a
Molecular Systematics two-volume work entitled Species Plantarum (“The Kinds of
Plants”) in which he described each species in Latin, in a sen-
The Major Groups of Organisms: Bacteria, Archaea,
tence limited to 12 words. He regarded these descriptive Latin
and Eukarya phrase names, or polynomials, as the proper names for the spe-
Origin of the Eukaryotes cies, but in adding an important innovation devised earlier by
The Protists and Eukaryotic Kingdoms Caspar Bauhin (1560–1624), Linnaeus made permanent the
Life Cycles and Diploidy binomial (“two-term”) system of nomenclature. In the margins
of Species Plantarum, next to the “proper” polynomial name of
each species, Linnaeus wrote a single word. This word, when

I n the previous section, we considered the mechanisms by

which evolutionary change occurs. Now we turn our attention
to the products of evolution—that is, to the multitude of dif- CHEC K POINTS
ferent kinds, or species, of living organisms that share our bio- After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer the following:
sphere today. It is estimated that there are perhaps 10 million
eukaryotic species and an unknown number of prokaryotic ones. 1. Describe the binomial system of nomenclature.
The scientific study of this biological diversity and its evolu- 2. Why is the term “hierarchical” used to describe taxonomic
tionary history is called systematics. The overall goal of sys- categories? Name the principal categories between the levels of
tematists is to discover all the branches of the phylogenetic tree species and kingdom.
of life, the family tree depicting the genealogic relationships of
organisms, with a single, ancestral species at its base. 3. What is cladistic analysis? What does a cladogram represent?

4. What evidence is there for the existence of the three major

Taxonomy: Nomenclature domains, or groups, of living organisms?
and Classification 5. Name the three kingdoms of multicellular eukaryotes, and give
An important aspect of systematics is taxonomy, which involves the major identifying characteristics of each.
the identifying, naming, and classifying of species. The modern

Taxonomy: Nomenclature and Classification 235

the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Codes also

exist for animals and nonphotosynthetic protists (International
Code of Zoological Nomenclature), as well as for microbes
(International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria).

The Species Name Consists of the Genus Name Plus

the Specific Epithet
A species name consists of two parts. The first is the name of
the genus—also called the generic name—and the second is
the specific epithet. For catnip, the generic name is Nepeta,
the specific epithet is cataria, and the species name is Nepeta
A generic name may be written alone when one is refer-
ring to the entire group of species making up that genus; Figure
12–2 shows three species of the violet genus, Viola. A specific
epithet is meaningless, however, when written alone. The spe-
cific epithet biennis, for example, is used in conjunction with
dozens of different generic names. Artemisia biennis, a kind of
wormwood, and Lactuca biennis, a species of wild lettuce, are
two very different members of the sunflower family, and Oeno-
thera biennis, an evening primrose, belongs to a different family
altogether. Because of the danger of confusing names, a spe-
cific epithet is always preceded by the name or the initial letter
of the genus that includes it: for example, Oenothera biennis or
O. biennis. Names of genera and species are printed in italics or
are underlined when written or typed.
If a species is discovered to have been placed in the wrong
genus initially and must then be transferred to another genus,
the specific epithet moves with it to the new genus. If there is
already a species in that genus that has that particular specific
epithet, however, an alternative name must be found.
12–1  Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778)  A professor, physician, and
Each species has a type specimen, usually a dried plant
naturalist, Linnaeus devised the binomial system for naming
specimen housed in a museum or herbarium, which is desig-
species of organisms and established the major categories that are
nated either by the person who originally named that species
used in the hierarchical system of biological classification. When
or by a subsequent author if the original author failed to do so
he was 25, Linnaeus spent five months exploring Lapland for the
(Figure 12–3). The type specimen serves as a basis for com-
Swedish Academy of Sciences. He is shown here wearing a version
parison with other specimens in determining whether they are
of the traditional Lapp outfit and holding a sprig of twinflower
members of the same species.
(Linnaea borealis), a species that is named after him.
The Members of a Species May Be Grouped into Subspecies
or Varieties
combined with the first word of the polynomial—the genus Certain species consist of two or more subspecies or variet-
(plural: genera)—formed a convenient “shorthand” designation ies (some botanists consider varieties to be subcategories of
for the species. For example, for catnip, which was formally subspecies, and others regard them as equivalent). All of the
named Nepeta floribus interrupte spicatus pedunculatis (mean- members of a subspecies or variety of a given species resem-
ing “Nepeta with flowers in an interrupted pedunculate spike”), ble one another and share one or more features not present in
he wrote the word “cataria” (meaning “cat-associated”) in the other subspecies or varieties of that species. As a result of these
margin of the text, thus calling attention to a familiar attribute of subdivisions, although the binomial name is still the basis of
the plant. Linnaeus and his contemporaries soon began calling classification, the names of some plants and animals may con-
this species Nepeta cataria, and this Latin name is still used for sist of three parts. The subspecies or variety that includes the
this species today. type specimen of the species repeats the name of the species,
The convenience of this new system was obvious, and and all the names are written in italics or underlined. Thus the
the cumbersome polynomial names were soon replaced by peach tree is Prunus persica var. persica, whereas the nectar-
binomial names. The earliest binomial name given to a par- ine is Prunus persica var. nectarina. The repeated persica in
ticular species has priority over other names applied to the the name of the peach tree tells us that the type specimen of
same species later. The rules governing the scientific names the species P. persica belongs to this variety, abbreviated “var.”
of plants, photosynthetic protists, and fungi are embodied in (see Figure 12–2b, c for other examples).
236 C ha p t e r 1 2    Systematics: The Science of Biological Diversity

(a) (b) (c)

12–2  Three members of the violet genus  (a) The common blue violet, Viola sororia, which grows
in temperate regions of eastern North America as far west as the Great Lakes. (b) Viola tricolor var.
tricolor, a yellow-flowered violet representing a mostly perennial species native to western Europe.
(c) Pansy, Viola tricolor var. hortensis, an annual, cultivated strain of the wild species represented
in (b). These taxa differ in flower color and size, leaf shape and margin, and other features that
distinguish the species of this genus, even though there is an overall similarity among all of them.
There are about 500 species of the genus Viola.

Organisms Are Grouped into Broader Taxonomic Categories

Arranged in a Hierarchy
Linnaeus (and earlier scientists) recognized three kingdoms—
plant, animal, and mineral—and until recently, the kingdom
was the most inclusive unit used in biological classification. In
addition, several hierarchical taxonomic categories were added
between the levels of genus and kingdom: genera were grouped
into families, families into orders, and orders into classes. The
Swiss-French botanist Augustin-Pyramus de Candolle (1778–
1841), who invented the word “taxonomy,” added another cat-
egory—division—to designate groups of classes in the plant
kingdom. Hence, the divisions became the largest inclusive
groups of the plant kingdom. At the XV International Botanical
Congress in 1993, however, the International Code of Botanical
Nomenclature made the term phylum (plural: phyla) nomencla-
turally equivalent to division. “Phylum” has long been used by
zoologists for groups of classes and has been adopted for use in
this book.
In this hierarchical system—that is, of groups within groups,
with each group ranked at a particular level—the taxonomic
group at any level is called a taxon (plural: taxa). The level at
which it is ranked is called a category. For example, genus and

12–3  Type specimen  The type specimen of the angiosperm

Mikania citriodora (family Asteraceae), which is found in Brazil.
This specimen was collected by W. C. Holmes and described by
him in a paper published in the journal Phytologia (volume 70,
pages 47–51, 1991).
Taxonomy: Nomenclature and Classification 237

species are categories, and Prunus and Prunus persica are taxa Sample classifications of maize (Zea mays) and the com-
within those categories. monly cultivated edible mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) are
Regularities in the form of the names for the different taxa given in Table 12–1.
make it possible to recognize them as names at that level. For
example, names of plant families end in -aceae, with a very few
exceptions. Older names are allowed as alternatives for a few
Many Different Classifications of Plants Have Been
families, such as Fabaceae, the pea family, which may also be Proposed
called by the older name, Leguminosae. Other examples are The earliest classifications were based on the appearance, or
Apiaceae, the parsley family (also known as Umbelliferae), and the habit, of the plant. For instance, Theophrastus (370–285
Asteraceae, the sunflower family (also known as Compositae). b.c.e.), a student of Aristotle’s and known as the Father of
Names of plant orders end in -ales. Botany, classified all plants on the basis of form: trees, shrubs,

Biological Classification. Notice how much you can tell about an organism when you know its place
Table 12-1 in the system. The descriptions here do not define the various categories but tell you something
about their characteristics. The kingdoms Plantae and Fungi belong to the domain Eukarya.
Category Taxon Description

Kingdom Plantae Organisms that are primarily terrestrial, with chlorophylls
a and b contained in chloroplasts, spores enclosed in
sporopollenin (a tough wall substance), and nutritionally
dependent multicellular embryos

Phylum Anthophyta Vascular plants with seeds and flowers; ovules enclosed in
an ovary, pollination indirect; the angiosperms

Class Monocotyledoneae Embryo with one cotyledon; flower parts usually in threes;
many scattered vascular bundles in the stem; the monocots

Order Poales Monocots with fibrous leaves; reduction and fusion in

flower parts

Family Poaceae Hollow-stemmed monocots with reduced greenish flowers;

fruit a specialized achene (caryopsis); the grasses

Genus Zea Robust grasses with separate staminate and carpellate

flower clusters; caryopsis fleshy

Species Zea mays Maize, or corn

Edible Mushroom
Kingdom Fungi Nonmotile, multinucleate, heterotrophic, absorptive organ-
isms in which chitin predominates in the cell walls

Phylum Basidiomycota Dikaryotic fungi that form a basidium bearing four spores
(basidiospores); subphyla Agaricomycotina, Pucciniomyco-
tina, and Ustilaginomycotina

Class Agaricomycetes Fungi that produce basidiomata, or “fruiting bodies,” and

club-shaped, aseptate basidia that line gills or pores; the

Order Agaricales Fleshy fungi with radiating gills or pores

Family Agaricaceae Agaricales with gills

Genus Agaricus Dark-spored soft fungi with a central stalk and gills free from
the stalk

Species Agaricus bisporus The common edible mushroom

238 C ha p t e r 1 2    Systematics: The Science of Biological Diversity

undershrubs, and herbs. Linnaeus used the “sexual system,” family should consist of all genera descended from a more dis-
by which plants were classified into 24 classes based on the tant common ancestor—and only of genera descended from that
number and arrangement of the stamens in each flower. Such ancestor. Simply stated, a monophyletic group is one that can
systems of classification are referred to as artificial systems, be removed from a phylogenetic tree by one “cut” of the tree.
because they classify organisms primarily as an aid to identifi- A phylogenetic classification attempts to give formal taxonomic
cation and generally by means of one or a few characters. names only to groups that are monophyletic, although not every
For Linnaeus and his immediate successors, the goal of monophyletic group may need a name.
taxonomy was the revelation of the grand, unchanging design As new information becomes available, researchers some-
of creation. After publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of times find that current taxonomic groups are not monophyletic.
Species in 1859, however, differences and similarities among There are two such groups: paraphyletic and polyphyletic (Fig-
organisms came to be seen as products of their evolutionary ure 12–4). A paraphyletic group is one consisting of a common
history, or phylogeny. Biologists now wanted classifications to ancestor, but not all descendants of that ancestor. In phylogenetic
be not only informative and useful but also an accurate reflec- classification, paraphyletic groups are not given formal names. A
tion of the evolutionary relationships among organisms. Such polyphyletic group is a group with two or more ancestors, but
classifications are referred to as natural classifications. The not including the true common ancestor of its members.
evolutionary relationships among organisms have often been
diagrammed as phylogenetic trees, which depict the genea- Homologous Features Have a Common Origin, and
logic relationships between taxa as hypothesized by a particular Analogous Features Have a Common Function but Different
investigator or group of investigators.
Traditionally, the classification of a recently discovered
Evolutionary Origins
organism and its phylogenetic relationship to other organisms Systematics is, to a great extent, a comparative science. It groups
was based on its outward similarities to other members of that organisms into taxa from the categorical levels of genus through
taxon. Phylogenetic trees constructed by traditional methods phylum, based on similarities in structure and other characters.
rarely included detailed considerations of comparative infor- From Aristotle on, however, biologists have recognized that
mation. Although this approach produced many useful results, superficial similarities are not useful criteria for taxonomic deci-
it was based primarily on the investigator’s opinion regarding sions. For example, birds and insects should not be grouped
which factors were most important in determining the classi- together simply because both have wings. A wingless insect
fication. Therefore, it is not surprising that very different clas- (such as a silverfish) is still an insect, and a flightless bird (such
sifications were sometimes proposed for the same groups of as the kiwi) is still a bird.
organisms. A key question in systematics is the origin of a similarity
or difference. Does the similarity of a particular feature reflect
inheritance from a common ancestor, or does it reflect adapta-
In a Classification Scheme That Accurately Reflects tion to similar environments by organisms that do not share a
Phylogeny, Every Taxon Should Be Monophyletic common ancestor? And a related question arises concerning dif-
A monophyletic group (also called a clade) is composed of ferences between organisms. Does a difference reflect separate
an ancestor and all its descendants; none of its descendants evolutionary histories, or does it reflect instead the adaptations
are excluded (Figure 12–4). Thus, a genus should consist of all of closely related organisms to very different environments?
species descended from the most recent common ancestor— As we will see in later chapters, foliage leaves, cotyledons,
and only of species descended from that ancestor. Similarly, a bud scales, and floral parts have quite different functions and

12–4  Monophyletic, paraphyletic, and polyphyletic groups  A monophyletic group, or clade, includes
the common ancestor 1 and all of its descendants (species A, B, and C). A paraphyletic group includes the
common ancestor 2 of some (species D, E, and F), but not all, of its descendants (species G is not included).
A polyphyletic group has two or more ancestors; species D, E, F, and G share common ancestor 2, but
species C has a different one, ancestor 1.
Cladistics 239

B C on ver gent Ev ol u tion

Comparable selective forces, acting on flowering plants—the spurge family (Eu- in desert regions in Asia and especially Afri-
plants growing in similar habitats but differ- phorbiaceae), the cactus family (Cactaceae), ca, where they play an ecological role similar
ent parts of the world, often cause totally un- and the milkweed family (Apocynaceae)— to that of the New World cacti.
related species to assume a similar appear- have members with these features. The Although the plants shown here—
ance. The process by which this happens is cactuslike representatives of the spurge and (a) Euphorbia, a member of the spurge fam-
known as convergent evolution. milkweed families shown here evolved from ily; (b) Echinocereus, a cactus; and (c) Hoodia,
Let us consider some of the adaptive leafy plants that look quite different from a fleshy milkweed—have CAM photosynthe-
characteristics of plants growing in desert one another. sis (page 145), all three are related to and de-
environments—fleshy, columnar stems Native cacti occur (with the exception of rived from plants that have only C3 photosyn-
(which provide the capacity for water stor- one species) exclusively in the New World. thesis. This indicates that the physiological
age), protective spines, and reduced leaves. The comparably fleshy members of the adaptations involved in CAM photosynthesis
Three fundamentally different families of spurge and milkweed families occur mainly also arose as a result of convergent evolution.

(a) (b) (c)

appearances, but all are evolutionary modifications of the same Synapomorphies are character states that arose in the com-
type of organ, namely, the leaf. Such structures, which have a mon ancestor of the group and are present in all of its members.
common origin but not necessarily a common function, are said Character states are two or more forms of a particular feature,
to be homologous (from the Greek homologia, meaning “agree- such as the presence or absence of wood or flowers.
ment”). These are the features on which evolutionary classifica- To develop an evolutionary tree, one must determine
tion systems, ideally, are constructed. which changes are more recent and which occurred farther
By contrast, other structures, which may have a similar back in the past; that is, the tree must have direction—it must
function and superficial appearance, have an entirely different be rooted. By arranging the characters in a specific direction,
evolutionary background. Such structures are said to be analo- rooting makes it possible to recognize shared derived character
gous and are the result of convergent evolution (see the essay states that define monophyletic taxa.
above). Thus, the wings of a bird and those of an insect are Outgroups are used to root a tree. An outgroup is a taxon
analogous, not homologous. Similarly, the spine of a cactus (a that is closely related to but not a member of the study group
modified leaf) and the thorn of a hawthorn (a modified stem) (the ingroup) under investigation. Character states possessed
are analogous, not homologous. Distinguishing between homol- by the closest outgroups are considered to be ancestral, while
ogy and analogy is seldom so simple, and it generally requires those present in the ingroup, but absent in the nearest out-
detailed comparison as well as evidence from other features of groups, are considered to be derived.
the organisms under study. The result of cladistic analysis is a cladogram, which
provides a graphical representation of a working model, or
hypothesis, of the phylogenetic relationships among a group of
Cladistics organisms. These hypotheses can then be tested by attempting
The most widely used method of classifying organisms today to incorporate additional species or characters that may or may
is known as cladistics, a form of phylogenetic analysis that not conform to the predictions of the model.
explicitly seeks to understand phylogenetic relationships. The To see how a cladogram is constructed, let us consider four
approach focuses on the branching of one lineage from another different groups of plants: hornworts (see Figure 16–29), ferns,
in the course of evolution. It recognizes a monophyletic group, pines, and oaks. For each of the plant groups, we have selected
or clade, by its shared derived characters (synapomorphies). four homologous characters to be analyzed (Table 12–2). To
240 C ha p t e r 1 2    Systematics: The Science of Biological Diversity

Table 12-2 Selected Characters Used in Analyzing the

Phylogenetic Relationships of Four Plant Taxa
Xylem and
Taxon Phloem Wood Seeds Flowers
Hornworts – – – –

Ferns + – – –

Pines + + + –

Oaks + + + +

**The character state “present” (+) is the derived condition; the character state
“absent” (–) is the ancestral condition.

keep matters simple, the characters are considered to have only

two different states: present (+) and absent (–).
Through their possession of embryos, hornworts are
known to be related to the other three plant groups, which also 12–5  Cladograms  These cladograms show the phylogenetic
have embryos. However, hornworts lack many features that the relationships among ferns, pines, and oaks, indicating the shared
other three groups share—for example, xylem and phloem, and characters that support the patterns of relationships. (a) A cladogram
many characters not shown in the table. The hornworts can be based on the presence or absence of xylem and phloem. (b) Further
used as the outgroup and can be considered to have diverged resolution of the relationships, based on additional information on
earlier than the other taxa from a common ancestor. Accord- the presence or absence of wood, seeds, and flowers.
ingly, the hornworts can be used to determine whether features
shared among ferns, pines, and oaks can potentially be used
to define a clade. For example, seeds are not present in horn-
worts, and therefore seeds can be hypothesized to be a poten- the data at hand, the one with the greatest number of statements
tial shared derived feature that would support uniting pines and of homology and the fewest of analogy is preferred.
oaks as a monophyletic group. Applying this argument to our
few characters results in the “absent” character state being con-
sistently recognized as the ancestral condition and the “present” Molecular Systematics
character state as the derived condition. Before the advent of molecular systematics, classification by
Figure 12–5a shows how one might sketch a cladogram any methodology was based largely on comparative morphol-
based on the presence or absence of the vascular tissues xylem ogy and anatomy, but plant systematics has been revolutionized
and phloem. Inasmuch as ferns, pines, and oaks all have xylem by the application of molecular techniques. The techniques most
and phloem, they can be hypothesized to form a monophyletic widely used are those for determining the sequence of nucleo-
group. Figure 12–5b shows how further resolution is obtained tides in nucleic acids—sequences that are genetically determined
as information about other features is added. (see Chapter 10). Molecular data are different from data obtained
How does one interpret the cladogram in Figure 12–5b? from traditional sources in several important ways: in particu-
To begin, note that cladograms do not indicate that one group lar, they are easier to quantify, they have the potential to provide
gave rise to another, as in many phylogenetic trees constructed many more characters for phylogenetic analysis, and they allow
by the traditional method. Rather, they imply that groups termi- comparison of organisms that are morphologically very different.
nating in adjacent branches (the branch points are called nodes) With the development of molecular techniques, it has become
shared a common ancestor. Such groups are said to be sister possible to compare organisms at the most basic level—the gene.
groups, or closest relatives. The cladogram of Figure 12–5b Analysis of nucleic acid sequences provides powerful data
tells us that oaks shared a more recent common ancestor with for understanding evolutionary relationships. Many different
pines than with ferns, and that they are more closely related to genes, with varying rates of change, can be used to study evolu-
pines than to ferns. The relative positions of the various plants tion in different lineages. Much of the variation in the homolo-
on the cladogram indicate their relative times of divergence. gous genes of different groups of organisms is due to neutral
A fundamental principle of cladistics is that a cladogram mutations that have accumulated at a nearly constant rate over
should be constructed in the simplest, least complicated, and evolutionary time. This variation is not the result of a selec-
most efficient way. This principle is called the principle of tion process. Instead, it represents the differences in the num-
parsimony. When conflicting cladograms are constructed from ber of nucleotide changes that have occurred in homologous

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