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Northern Rockies Regional Municipality

Municipal Office 5319 - 50th Avenue South

Bag Service 399, Fort Nelson, BC V0C 1R0
Tel 250.774.2541 Fax 250.774.6794

Honorable Rob Fleming July 12, 2022

Minister of Transportation & Infrastructure
Province of British Columbia
PO Box 9055
STN PROV GOVT Via Email (no hard copy to follow):
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9E2

Dear Minister Fleming,

Re: Nahanni Wood Bison in the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality

In the Summer of 2021, residents and farmers of the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality (NRRM) experienced
some significant challenges as a sizable herd of wood bison from the Nahanni Range population converged on
domestic cattle and bison farms in the area, in a migration for pastures southeast of Highway 77 and far from
their home range near Fort Liard, NWT. After farmers and residents passively returned the herd to native
territory last year, it has recently come to our attention that the herd has begun another southernly migration,
and without intervention, history is expected to repeat itself.

There has been extensive research and associated efforts in maintaining separation between wild herds of bison,
as well as between wild and domestic herds for disease management purposes. In addition to the health of bison
herds, the conflict and consequences that result when cattle and wild bison come in contact cannot be

Approximately 70 kilometres northwest of Fort Nelson, and on Highway 77 sits the Fort Nelson River Bridge. The
Fort Nelson River Bridge provides an incredibly safe and accessible 300 metre crossing for ungulates, including
these bison to find ‘greener pastures’ on the south side of the Fort Nelson River, following the right-of-way and
onto developed agricultural areas in the NRRM. There appears to be an opportunity, using the commonly
accepted means of cattle guards, to prevent this annual migration and ensure the safety of local cattle and bison
stock, as well as the travelling public in the area near Fort Nelson.

We would sincerely appreciate your consideration into this matter, in partnership with the Minister of
Environment & Climate Change, Agriculture, and possibly the neighboring Territorial government as appropriate.

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss further, please do not hesitate to contact me at


Northern Rockies Regional Municipality

Gary Foster, Mayor

Hon. George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Hon. Lana Popham, Minister of Agriculture

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