INSC Chapter Three

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Information retrieval (IR)

• Information retrieval (IR) is the process of finding
relevant documents that satisfies information
need of users from large collections of
unstructured text.
• General Goal of Information Retrieval
– To help users find useful information based on their
information needs (with a minimum effort) despite
• Increasing complexity of Information
• Changing needs of user
– Provide immediate random access to the document
• IR System
– Document (Web page) retrieval in response to
a query
– Quite effective
– Commercially successful (some of them)
– But what goes on behind the scenes?
– How do they work?
– What happens beyond the Web?

Web search systems

Lycos, Excite, Yahoo, Google, Live, Northern Light, Teoma, HotBot, Baidu, …
• Web Search Engines
– There are more than 2,000 general web search
engines. The big four are Google, Yahoo!, Live
– Scientific research & selected journals search
engine: Scirus …
– Meta search engine:, Searchhippo,, Windseek, Web-search,
Webcrawler, Mamma, Ixquick, AllPlus, Fazzle, Jux2
– Multimedia search engine: Blinkx
• Visual search engine: Ujiko, Web Brain, RedZee, Kartoo,
• Audio/sound search engine: Feedster, Findsounds
• video search engine: YouTube, Trooker
– Medical search engine: Search Medica, Healia,
• Index/Directory: Sunsteam, Supercrawler, Thunderstone,
Thenet1, Webworldindex, Smartlinks, Whatusee, Re-quest,
DMOZ, Searchtheweb
• Index based: Abcsearchengine, Galaxy, Linkopedia,
Beaucoup, Illumirate, Infoservice, Buzzle
– Others: Lycos, Excite, Altavista, AOL Search, Intute,
Accoona, Jayde, Hotbot, InfoMine, Slider, Selectsurf,
Questfinder, Kazazz, Answers, Factbites, Alltheweb
– There are also Virtual Libraries: Pinakes, WWW
Virtual Library, Digital-librarian, Librarians Internet
Concepts and Functions
• Structure of an IR System
– An Information Retrieval System serves as a
bridge between the world of authors and the
world of readers/users,
– That is, writers present a set of ideas in a
document using a set of concepts. Then
Users seek the IR system for relevant
documents that satisfy their information need.
– What is in the Black Box?
– The black box is the processing part of the
information retrieval system
• Typical IR Task
• Given:
– A corpus of document collections (text, image,
video, audio) published by various authors.
– A user information need in the form of a
• An IR system searches for:
– A ranked set of documents that are relevant
to satisfy information need of a user.
• Typical IR System Structure
• Information Retrieval vs. Data Retrieval
Data Retrieval Info Retrieval
Data organization Structured (Clear Unstructured (No fields
Semantics: Name, (other than text)
Query Language Artificial (defined, SQL) Free text
Items wanted Exact Matching Partial & Best matching,
Accuracy 100 % (results are < 50 %
always “correct”)
– Features of a good information retrieval
• Representation
• Storage
• Organization
• Access
• Evaluation
• Issues that arise in IR
• Text representation
– what makes a “good” representation? The use
of free-text or content-bearing index-terms?
– how is a representation generated from text?
– what are retrievable objects and how are they
• Information needs representation
– what is an appropriate query language?
– how can interactive query formulation and
refinement be supported?
• Comparing representations
– what is a “good” model of retrieval?
– how is uncertainty represented?
• Evaluating effectiveness of retrieval
– what are good metrics?
– what constitutes a good experimental test
• View of Retrieval process
Focus in IR System Design
• In improving performance effectiveness of
the system
– Effectiveness of the system is evaluated in terms of
precision, recall, …
– Stemming, stopwords, weighting schemes, matching
• In improving performance efficiency.
– The concern here is storage space usage, access
time, …
– Compression, data/file structures, space – time
IR Implementation Issues
• Storage of text:
– The need for text compression: to reduce storage
space and speed up document transmission time
• Indexing text:
– Organizing index terms: is it necessary to select
content-bearing terms or free-text?
– Selecting indexing structure: What techniques to use?
How to select it ?
– Storage of index file: Is compression required? Do we
store on memory or in a disk ?
• Accessing text:
– Accessing indexes: How to access to indexes
? What data/file structure to use?
– Processing indexes: How to search a given
query in the index? How to update the index?
– Accessing documents
Subsystems of IR system
• The two subsystems of an IR system:
– Indexing:
• is an offline process of organizing documents
using keywords extracted from the collection
• Indexing is used to speed up access to desired
information from document collection as per users
– Searching
• Is an online process that scans document corpus
to find relevant documents that matches users
• Text Operations
• Not all words in a document are equally significant
to represent the contents/meanings of a document
– Some word carry more meaning than others. Noun words
are the most representative of a document content
– Therefore, need to the text of a document in a collection to
be used as preprocess index terms
• Text operations is the process of text
transformations in to logical representations. It
generated a set of index terms.
• Main operations for selecting index
– Tokenization: identify a set of words used to
describe the content of text document
– Stop words removal: filter out frequently
appearing words
– Stemming words: remove prefixes & suffixes
– Design term categorization structures (like
thesaurus), which captures relationship for
allowing the expansion of the original query
with related terms
• Indexing Subsystems
• IR Models: Matching function
– IR models measure the similarity between
documents and queries.
• IR Models
• Major models have been developed to
retrieve information:
– the Boolean model,
– the vector space,
– the probabilistic model, and
– other models.
• Boolean model: is often referred to as the
"exact match" model;
• Others are the "best match" models
Evaluation of IR System
• IR System Evaluation?
– It provides the ability to measure the difference
between IR systems
– How well do our search engines work?
– Is system A better than B?
• Under what conditions?
– Evaluation drives what to research
– Identify techniques that work and do not work
• There are many retrieval models/ algorithms/ systems
– which one is the best?
• What is the best method for:
• Similarity measures using matching functions
• Index term selection (stop-word removal, stemming…)
• Term weighting
• Types of Evaluation Strategies
• System-centered studies
– Given documents, queries, and relevance judgments
• Try several variations of the system
• Measure which system returns the “best” hit list
• User-centered studies
– Given several users, and at least two retrieval
systems, then evaluate as follow:
• Have each user try the same task on both systems
• Measure which system satisfy the “best” for users information
– This type of evaluation is more difficult than system-
center because of users’ dynamic needs.
• Evaluation Criteria
• What are some main measures for evaluating
an IR system’s performance?
– Measure effectiveness of the system
– How is a system capable of retrieving relevant
documents from the collection?
– Is a system better than another one?
– User satisfaction: How “good” are the documents that
are returned as a response to user query?
– “Relevance” of results to meet information need of
• Measuring Retrieval Effectiveness
• Metrics often used to evaluate effectiveness of
the system
– Recall:
– is percentage of relevant documents retrieved from
the database in response to users query.
– Precision
– is percentage of retrieved documents that are
relevant to the query .

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