ACM ComputationalSustainability

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DOI:10.1145/ 33 3 9 3 9 9
Cornell University
Computer and information scientists join
Oregon State University forces with other fields to help solve societal
Cornell University and environmental challenges facing
Cornell University
humanity, in pursuit of a sustainable future.

University of Southern California
Stanford University

Carnegie Mellon University
Cornell University
Oregon State University

Computing for
Oregon State University

a Better World and

Cornell University
Vanderbilt University

a Sustainable Future
Cornell University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
U.S. Geological Survey
California Institute of Technology
Cornell University
STEVE KELLING times for computational sciences
Cornell University
ZICO KOLTER with the digital revolution permeating a variety of
Carnegie Mellon University
areas and radically transforming business, science,
Princeton University and our daily lives. The Internet and the World Wide
The Ohio State University Web, GPS, satellite communications, remote sensing,
Oregon State University and smartphones are dramatically accelerating the
Cornell University
pace of discovery, engendering globally connected
DANIEL SHELDON networks of people and devices. The rise of practically
University of Massachusetts Amherst
DAVID SHMOYS relevant artificial intelligence (AI) is also playing
Cornell University
an increasing part in this revolution, fostering
Harvard University e-commerce, social networks, personalized medicine,
Oregon State University IBM Watson and AlphaGo, self-driving cars, and other
Cornell University groundbreaking transformations.
Microsoft AI Research
Unfortunately, humanity is also facing tremendous
YEXIANG XUE challenges. Nearly a billion people still live below
Purdue University
AMULYA YADAV the international poverty line and human activities
Pennsylvania State University
and climate change are threatening our planet and
Howard University the livelihood of current and future generations.
Bowdoin College Moreover, the impact of computing and information
56 COMM UNICATIO NS O F THE ACM | S EPTEM BER 201 9 | VO L . 62 | N O. 9
technology has been uneven, mainly and information scientists have engaged ment that meets the needs of the present
benefiting profitable sectors, with in research efforts focused on social without compromising the ability of fu-
fewer societal and environmental ben- good and sustainability,12,14,16,24,29,31,35 ture generations to meet their needs.
efits, further exacerbating inequalities such computational expertise is far from
and the destruction of our planet. the critical mass required to address the key insights
Our vision is that computer scientists formidable societal and sustainability
can and should play a key role in helping challenges that we face today. We hope ˽˽ Computer science enriches sustainability.
Computer scientists can and should
address societal and environmental chal- our work in computational sustainabil- make important contributions to help
lenges in pursuit of a sustainable future, ity will inspire more computational sci- address key societal and environmental
while also advancing computer science entists to pursue initiatives of broad so- challenges facing humanity, in pursuit

as a discipline. cietal impact. of a sustainable future. The new field of

computational sustainability brings these
For over a decade, we have been deep- efforts together.
ly engaged in computational research Toward a Sustainable Future
In 1987, Our Common Future, a United ˽˽ Sustainability enriches computer science.
to address societal and environmental
In turn, working on sustainability problems,
challenges, while nurturing the new field Nations report by the World Commis- which involve uncertainty, machine
of Computational Sustainability. Compu- sion on Environment and Development,a learning, optimization, remote sensing,
tational sustainability aims to identify, raised serious concerns about the state and decision making, enriches computer
science by generating compelling new
formalize, and provide solutions to com- of our planet, the livelihood of current computational challenge problems.
putational problems concerning the bal- and future generations, and introduced
ancing of environmental, economic, and the groundbreaking notion of “sustain- ˽˽ Sustainability concerns human well-being
and the protection of the planet. A large
societal needs for a sustainable future.18 able development.” group of computer science researchers,
Sustainability problems offer challenges Sustainable development is develop- collaborating with an even larger group
but also opportunities for the advance- of domain specialists from social,
environmental, and natural sciences,
ment of the state of the art of comput- a United Nations. Our Common Future. Retrieved can drive computational sustainability
ing and information science. While in Aug. 25, 2018; in ways that would not be possible in a
recent years increasingly more computer our-common-future.pdf smaller or less interdisciplinary setting.

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contributed articles

The sustainable development goals poverty is one of the most challenging 4). The approaches take advantage of
(SDGs)b identify areas of critical impor- sustainable development goals. Glob- advances in machine learning and are
tance for human well-being and the pro- ally, over 800 million people live below quite effective for estimating a variety
tection of the planet and seek to inte- the international poverty line of $1.90 of socio-economic indicators of pov-
grate and balance the economic, social, per person per day.d Rapid population erty, even comparable to the predictive
and environment dimensions for sus- growth, ecosystem conversion, and performance of expensive survey data
tainable development (see Figure 1).c new threats due to conflicts and cli- collected in the field, and are currently
mate change are further pushing sev- being used by the World Bank.20
Computational Research eral regions into chronic poverty. In the arid regions of sub-Saharan Af-
in Sustainability The lack of reliable data is a major ob- rica, one of the world’s poorest regions,
We illustrate some of our computation- stacle to the implementation of policies migratory pastoralists manage and herd
al sustainability research, which has concerning poverty, food security, and livestock as their primary occupation.
focused on three general sustainability disaster relief. In particular, policies During dry seasons they must migrate
themes: Balancing environmental and to eradicate poverty require the ability from their home villages to remote
socioeconomic needs; biodiversity and to identify who the poor are and where pastures and water points. Barrett and
conservation; and, renewable and sus- they live. Poverty mapping can be very collaborators are developing models
tainable energy and materials. The re- challenging, especially in the case of the for studying well-being dynamics and
search is also centered on three broad developing countries, which typically poverty traps associated with migratory
computational themes: optimization, suffer from large deficiencies in terms herders and other populations.5 The
dynamical models, and simulation; of data quantity, quality, and analysis herders’ preferences are also key in the
data and machine learning; and, multi- capabilities. For example, some coun- design of policies for sustainable devel-
agent systems, crowdsourcing, and citi- tries have not collected census data in opment. Unfortunately, such preferenc-
zen science (noted in Figure 2). This sec- decades.e To mitigate this challenge, es are often unknown to policymakers
tion is organized in terms of our three Ermon and collaborators are introduc- and must be inferred from data. Ermon
sustainability themes, highlighting ing novel approaches for obtaining large- et al.11 developed generative models
crosscutting computational themes, as scale spatial and temporal socioeco- based on (inverse) reinforcement learn-
depicted in the subway lines of Figure 3. nomic indicators from publicly available ing and dynamic discrete choice mod-
Balancing environmental and so- satellite and remote sensing data (Figure els, to infer the spatiotemporal prefer-
cioeconomic needs. The elimination of ences of migratory pastoralists, which
d We used 2013 data since the 2015 survey data provide key information to policymak-
b United Nations. Transforming Our World: coverage is too low and considerable Asia data ers concerning a variety of decisions, in
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Develop- are suppressed; http://iresearch.worldbank. particular, the locations for adding new
ment. Retrieved Aug. 25, 2018; http://www. org/PovcalNet/povDuplicateWB.aspx watering points for the herders. e United Nations. A World That Counts: Mobilizing
RES/70/&Lang=E the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development.
Access to insurance is critical since
c United Nations. The Sustainable Development Retrieved June 16, 2018; http://www.undatar- uninsured losses can lead to a vicious
Goals Report. Retrieved Aug. 25, 2018; https:// cycle of poverty.5,8 Unfortunately, agri- A-World-That-Counts2.pdf cultural and disaster insurance are ei-
ther unavailable or prohibitively expen-
Figure 1. On Sept. 25, 2015, under the auspices of the United Nations and as part of a wider sive in many developing countries, due
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 193 countries agreed on a set of 17 ambitious
goals, referred to as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to end poverty, protect
to the lack of weather data and other
the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. services. To mitigate this problem, the
Trans-Africa Hydro-Meteorological Ob-
servatory (TAHMO) project is design-
ing and deploying a network of 20,000
low-cost weather stations throughout
sub-Saharan Africa.36 This project gives
rise to challenging stochastic optimiza-
tion and learning problems for optimal
weather station site selection and for un-
certainty quantification in the sensors
and weather predictions. For example,
precipitation, one of the most important
variables for agriculture, is challenging
to predict due to its heavy-tailed nature
and the malfunctions of rain gauges.
Dietterich and his collaborators are de-
veloping models for detecting instru-
ment malfunctions and also conditional
mixture models to capture the high vari-
ance of the phenomena. There are other

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contributed articles

challenges in agriculture, in particular, Figure 2. Our research is focused on three general sustainability areas depicted as the
due to market failures and information faces of the triangle.
asymmetries—a consistent problem in
environmental policy.8,23 Solutions to problems in each of these areas draw on a combination of three broad computational
There are also many challenges themes, depicted as circles. Each sustainability application creates a transformative synthesis by
and opportunities in connection with incorporating a combination of computational techniques from any of these themes, while each
computational technique is in turn applied to a variety of problems.
social interventions in the U.S., where
more than 40 million people live be-
low the U.S. poverty threshold. The Optimization
U.S. also has the highest infant mortal- Dynamical Models
ity rate and the highest youth poverty
rate in the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development, which
comprises 37 high-income economies

ial le

ter nab
regarded as the developed countries.f

Ma stai

For example, Los Angeles County has

y a and S
Transformative Transformative
over 5,000 youth between the ages of 13

Synthesis Synthesis


En able
and 24 sleeping on the streets or living


in emergency shelters on any given day.

r va

In the context of homeless youth drop-

Balancing Environmental
in centers in Los Angeles, Yadav et al.40 and Socioeconomic Needs

propose novel influence maximization Multi-Agents

algorithms for peer-led HIV preven- Machine Learning
Transformative Citizen Science
tion, illustrating how AI algorithms Synthesis
can significantly improve dissemina-
tion of HIV prevention information
among homeless youth and have real
impact on the lives of homeless youth.
Tambe and Rice35 provide a compila-
tion of other examples of AI for social
work concerning HIV prevention, sub-
stance abuse prevention, suicide pre- Figure 3. Subway lines highlight examples of general domain crosscutting computational
problem classes identified in our research projects, which correspond to subway stops.
vention, and other social work topics.
As a final example on balancing en-
A junction, where one project appears on multiple lines, shows how one sustainability problem can
vironmental and socioeconomic issues, bring together multiple computational problem classes. Similarly, each subway line shows how
consider the urban landscape, which is otherwise disparate sustainability applications are related through computational problem classes.
far more congested than it was 10, 20, or
50 years ago. There is a critical need to
Pattern Decomposition in Big Data
provide individualized transportation Homeless Impacts of
Citizen Science/Crowdsourcing
options that have smaller carbon foot- Youth Dams in
Games for Mechanism Design Interventions the Amazon
prints than the automobile. One emerg-
Large-scale Spatiotemporal Economic
ing alternative is bike-sharing which Modeling and Prediction Dispatch of Poverty
allows for multimodal commute round Renewable Mapping
Stochastic, Probabilistic Inference, Energy
trips, with a great degree of individual and Optimization
Pastoralists’ Microbial
flexibility, as well as economic, envi- Large-scale Sequential Movements Fuel
ronmental, and health benefits. These Decision Making (Kenya) Cells

systems have given rise to a host of Wildlife

Electricity Corridors Green
challenging logistical problems, whose Dark Usage and Rural Security
Ecology Disaggregation Communities Games
computationally efficient solution is re-
(Ecuador) Electricity Dynamic
quired to make this new alternative sus- Storage Precision Bird
tainable. The algorithmic requirements Systems Conservation
for these problems bring together is- Crop Yield Materials Rangeland Wind and Bike
sues from discrete optimization, sto- Mapping Flight Call Structure Mapping Solar Sharing
Detection Identification Forecasting
chastic modeling, and behavioral eco- Spatial
Capture — Elephant
Recapture Detection Plant
Pheno- Marine Citizen Science,
f Statement on visit to the U.S. by Philip Alston, typing Disease Avicaching, and
Weather Monitoring Bird Migrations
United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme Bear
Stations (Africa) Identification
poverty and human rights (2018). Retrieved June
16, 2018; http://socialprotection-humanrights.

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contributed articles

Figure 4. Transfer learning is an effective approach to model and predict socioeconomic nomics, as well as mechanism design
indicators in data-scarce regions that takes advantage of satellite images that are globally to appropriately incentivize desired
available, updated frequently, and becoming increasingly more accurate. collective behavior. One striking recent
success is the crowdsourcing approach
The approach first trains a deep convolutional neural network to predict nighttime light intensity
(a good proxy for economic activity) based on daytime satellite imagery. The model then estimates
to rebalancing the shared bike fleet in
average household expenditures based on expenditure data from the World Bank’s Living Standards NYC that contributes more to the effec-
Measurement Study surveys. This is done via semi-supervised learning, while enforcing spatial tiveness of Citi Bike than all motorized
consistency using a Gaussian process on top of the neural network. The resulting model is efforts (Figure 5); this and other com-
surprisingly accurate, explains close to 70% of the variation in the data in some countries, and
outperforms all previous methods including methods based on proprietary phone meta-data (not
putational challenges in this emerging
publicly available). This general approach has been adapted for large-scale spatial and temporal domain are surveyed by Freund et al.17
modeling and prediction of a variety of socioeconomic indicators.20 Biodiversity and conservation. Ac-
celerated biodiversity loss is another
Output: great challenge threatening our planet
Poverty Measures and humanity, especially considering
the growing evidence of the impor-
Input: tance of biodiversity for sustaining
Satellite Images ecosystem services. The current rate
of species extinction is estimated to
be 100 to 1,000 times the background
rates that were typical over Earth’s his-
tory. Agriculture, urbanization, and
deforestation are main causes of bio-
diversity reduction, leading to habi-
tat loss and fragmentation. Climate
change and introduction by humans
of species to non-native ecosystems are
further accelerating biodiversity loss.28
A fundamental question in biodi-
Figure 5. Games for mechanism design. versity research and conservation con-
cerns understanding how different spe-
Games for mechanism design lead to challenging bi-level stochastic optimization cies are distributed across landscapes
and learning problems in which the game organizer must take into account
the preferences of the agents (citizen scientists, bikers, or poachers) with respect
over time, which gives rise to challeng-
to the organizer’s actions, in order to identify the best incentive or protection strategy. ing large-scale spatial and temporal
modeling and prediction problems.15,25
Species distribution modeling is highly
complex as we are interested in simul-
Rewards and Incentives
taneously predicting the distribution
of hundreds of species, rather than a
Avicaching and Bike Angels
single species at a time, as traditionally
Bird observations done due to computational challenges.
or rebalancing bikes Citizen Scientists Motivated by this problem, Chen et al.7
Organizers and Bikers
developed the Deep Multivariate Probit
Games for bias reduction in observation collections Model (DMVP), an end-to-end learning
and re-balancing activities approach for the multivariate probit
(a) The Avicaching game incentivizes citizen scientists to submit bird observations model (MVP), which captures interac-
from undersampled areas;39 Bike Angels incentivizes NYC bikers to rebalance Citi bikes.17
tions of any multi-entity process, assum-
ing an underlying Gaussian distribu-
tion7 (Figure 6), and scales considerably
Protection Agencies better than previous approaches.
Gov and NGOs Protective strategies Citizen science programs play a key
role in conservation efforts and, in par-
Green Security Games
ticular, in providing observational data.
eBird, a citizen science program of the
Illegal activities
Cornell Lab of Ornithology, has over
Organizers Poachers 450,000 members, who have gathered
more than 650 million bird observa-
Games for combatting poaching and illegal activities
tions, corresponding to over 30,000,000
(b) Green security games strategically protect natural resources (forests, fish areas,
and so on) against poaching and illegal activities.13
hours of field work.34 Furthermore, to
complement eBird observational data,
other information sources are exploit-

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contributed articles

ed. For example, Sheldon and collabo- Figure 6. Multi-entity interactions.

rators’ Dark Ecology project33 extracts
biological information from weather
data. eBird data, combined with large Birds living near
Water birds Raptors
the Human residential
volumes of environmental data and our Birds living in forest Woodpeckers
Birds living in wetlands
and pasture
spatiotemporal statistical and machine Warblers

learning models of bird species occur-

rence and abundance, provide habitat (a) The visualization of the joint distribution of two species
modeled by the deep multivariate probit model (DMVP), which is a
preferences of the birds at a fine reso- flexible generalization of the classic multivariate Gaussian probit
lution, leading to novel approaches for model for studying correlated binary responses of multiple
entities. DMVP is an end-to-end learning scheme that uses an
bird conservation.27 The results from efficient parallel sampling process of the multivariate
the eBird species distribution models probit model to exploit GPU-boosted deep neural networks. Chen
et al.7 provide theoretical and empirical guarantees of
formed the basis for the 2011–2017 U.S. the convergence behavior of DMVP’s sampling process.
Department of Interior’s State of the DMVP trains faster than classical MVP, by at least an order of
magnitude, captures rich correlations among entities, and further
Birds (SOTB) reports. improves the joint likelihood of entities compared with
The SOTB reports are generating several competitive models.
tremendous interest from conserva-
tion organizations in using species
distribution results to improve bird (b) The embedding of the
conservation. A good example is The multispecies interactions learned
by DMVP showing species with
Nature Conservancy’s Bird Returns pro- similar habitats’ preferences
gram.27 The program uses reverse com- clustered together. DMVP
can model interactions of any
binatorial auctions, in which farmers multi-entity process, assuming
are compensated for creating habitat an underlying Gaussian
distribution, as shown also
conditions for birds by keeping water for example for multi-object
in their rice fields for the periods that detection in computer vision.7

coincide with bird migrations. This

novel market-based approach is only
possible given the fine-grained bird
habitat preference provided by the
eBird-based models. Bird Returns has
been tremendously successful and has
created thousand of additional acres of
habitat for migratory birds.
Other challenges concerning quan-
tification and visualization of uncer-
tainty in species prediction, multiscale
data fusion and interpretation from Figure 7. Collective graphical models (CGMs) are a general-purpose formalism for
conducting probabilistic inference about a large population of individuals that are only
multiple sensors, incorporation of bio- observed in aggregate.
logical and ecological constraints, and
models of migration have also been
The generality of CGMs makes them suitable to model a range of aggregate phenomena, from bird
addressed.30,32–34 Sheldon and collabo- migrations (the initial motivating application), to differential privacy.6,32 Formally, CGMs are a probabilistic
rators introduced collective graphical model for the sufficient statistics of a graphical model, for which incomplete and noisy observations are
models, which can model a variety of available. Sheldon and collaborators have contributed a number of inference and learning algorithms and
theoretical results about CGMs with surprising connections to the theory of belief propagation, and fast
aggregate phenomena, even though message-passing algorithms based on the Bethe entropy. The figure depicts a high-level representation
they were originally motivated for mod- of a collective graphical model. Noisy and incomplete observations y (not shown) are made of the
eling bird migrations6,32 (Figure 7). sufficient statistics through a noise model p(y | n), and the goals are to perform inference by computing
Citizen science, while a valuable the posterior distribution p(n | y) and to learn the parameters θ of the individual model.

source of information for species dis-

tribution modeling, also poses several
computational challenges with re- Individual model X1 X2 X3 X4
p(x; θ) N
spect to imperfect detection, variable
expertise in citizen scientists,21 and Xt location of an individual at time t
spatial and temporal sampling bias.34,39 Sufficient statistics are population-level counts
The Avicaching game was developed to that correspond to factors in individual model

combat sample bias in eBird submis- n2,3 (i,j) # individuals from i to j at time t, i.e., X2=i X3=j.

sions (Figure 5). Collective graphical model

n1,2 n2,3 n3,4
p(n; θ)
To mitigate the various habitat threats
encountered by species, several conser-
vation actions are adopted. For example,

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Figure 8. Robust planning of an efficient energy system to serve a load (building) from a Markov decision process approach for
wind farm (with variable wind speeds), the grid (with variable prices), and a battery tamarisk, using a complex dynamical
storage device is challenging. bio-economic model. A challenge is to
scale up the approach and increase the
Energy storage provides a smooth, dispatchable flow of energy, matching energy when it is generated realism of the bio-economic models.
to loads when they arise. Motivated by his work in energy and other applications, Powell26 proposes
a unified modeling framework for sequential decision making, covering several distinct fields that Renewable and sustainable energy
deal with (sequential) decisions and uncertainty (dynamic programming, stochastic programming, and materials. Renewables are being
stochastic control, simulation optimization, and bandit problems, among others) under a common
umbrella. In this unified framework, there are four fundamental classes of policies consisting of integrated into the smart grid in ever in-
policy function approximations (PFAs), cost function approximations (CFAs), policies based on value creasing amounts. Because renewables
function approximations (VFAs), and look-ahead policies.
like wind and solar are non-dispatch-
able resources, they cannot be sched-
uled in advance, and alternative genera-
tion methods have to be scheduled to
make up the difference. The variabili-
ty and uncertainty of renewables have
Wind generation also raised the importance of energy
storage (Figure 8). However, storage is
expensive, and different storage tech-
nologies and settings are required to
meet needs such as frequency regula-
Electricity prices
tion, energy shifting, peak shifting,
and backup power. In general, con-
trolling energy systems (generation,
transmission, storage, investment)
wildlife corridors have been shown to approaches use AI to better understand involves a number of new challenging
be an effective way to combat habitat patterns in wildlife poaching and en- learning and optimization problems.
fragmentation. The design of wildlife hance security to combat poaching (for For example, SMART-Invest22 is a
corridors, typically under tight conser- example, see Fang et al.14). This work stochastic dynamic planning model,
vation budgets, gives rise to challenging is leading to research advances at the which is capable of optimizing invest-
stochastic optimization problems. Cur- intersection of computational and be- ment decisions in different electricity
rent approaches to connect core conser- havioral game theory and data-driven generation technologies. SMART-Invest
vation areas through corridors typically optimization. A notable example of consists of two layers. The first is an
consider the movement of a single spe- this research developed so-called green outer optimization layer that applies
cies at a time. Dilkina et al.9 propose new security games (Figure 5) and has led to stochastic search to optimize invest-
computational approaches for optimiz- an application tool named Protection ments in wind, solar, and storage. The
ing corridors considering benefit-cost Assistant for Wildlife Security (PAWS),13 objective function is non-convex, non-
and trade-off analysis for landscape con- which has been tested and deployed in smooth, and only available via an expen-
nectivity conservation for multispecies. several countries, including Malaysia, sive-to-evaluate black box function. The
The results demonstrate economies of Uganda, Botswana, and China. approach exploits approximate convex-
scale and complementarities conserva- Finally, we mention non-native in- ity to solve this optimization quickly
tion planners can achieve by optimiz- vasive species, which invade both land and reliably. The second layer captures
ing corridor designs for financial costs and water systems and threaten eco- hourly variations of wind and solar over
and multiple species jointly. Another systems’ ability to house biodiversity an entire year, with detailed modeling
related work integrates spatial capture- and provide ecosystem services. For ex- of day-ahead commitments, forecast
recapture models into reserve design op- ample, the invasion of tamarisk trees uncertainties and ramping constraints.
timization. In yet another related effort, in the Rio Grande valley in New Mexico SMART-Invest produces a more realistic
Fuller and collaborators are developing has greatly reduced the amount of water picture of an optimal mix of wind, solar,
a program focused on Ecuador’s Choco- available for native species and for ir- and storage than previous approaches,
Andean Biological Corridor, which com- rigation of agricultural crops. Bio-eco- and therefore can provide more accu-
prises two of the world’s most significant nomic models provide a basis for policy rate guidance for policy makers.
biodiversity hotspots, that integrates optimization and sensitivity analysis, In another example concerning the
landscape connectivity for Andean bears by capturing the complex dynamics of placement of hydropower dams in the
and other species with economic, social the ecosystem, that is, the processes by Amazon basin (Figure 9), Wu et al.38
and ecological information. which the invasive species is introduced propose new exact and approximation
Prevention of wildlife crime is also to the landscape and spreads, as well multi-objective optimization approach-
important in conservation. In recent the costs and effects of the available es, which are key to simultaneously con-
years there has been considerable AI management actions. Unfortunately, sider different sustainability criteria.
research on devising wildlife monitor- often not much is known about these In yet another example, Donti et al.10
ing strategies and simultaneously pro- processes. Albers et al.2 demonstrate the propose task-based model learning,
viding rangers with decision aids. The power of a stylized simulator-defined which was inspired by scheduling elec-

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tricity generation. Task-based model tion pattern of a sample point may consist physics constraints; prior knowledge
learning is a general approach that of a mixture of several pure crystal pat- based on known patterns from inorganic
combines data learning and decision terns, and some of them may not be sam- crystal structure databases, as well as hu-
making (for example, a stochastic op- pled. The task is further complicated by man computation strategies. In addition
timization problem) in an end-to-end the inherent noise in the measurements. Phase-Mapper uses theory-based models for
learning framework, specifying a loss Human experts analyze the diffraction incorporating prior knowledge. Since
function in terms of the decision-mak- patterns by taking into account knowl- the deployment of Phase-Mapper at
ing objective. In this approach all com- edge of the underlying physics and chem- Caltech’s Joint Center for Artificial Pho-
ponents are differentiable, and there- istry of materials, but it is a very labor-in- tosynthesis, thousands of XRD patterns
fore it is possible to learn the model tensive task and often it is very challenging have been processed, resulting in the
parameters to improve the closed-loop even for human experts. This is a good ex- discovery of new energy materials, such
performance of the overall system, ample that completely defies the current as a new family of metal oxide solar light
which is a novel way to train machine state of the art of machine learning. absorbers. Gomes, Gregoire and collab-
learning models based upon the per- Phase-Mapper,4 is an AI platform that orators are developing SARA (Scientific
formance of decision-making systems. tightly integrates results from XRD experi- Autonomous Robotic Agent; http://bit.
Finally, we highlight new sustainable mentation with learning, reasoning, and ly/2M8efm9) that encapsulates the sci-
materials and processes. They provide human insights, to infer crystal structures entific method for accelerating materi-
a fundamental basis for solutions to from XRD data. In particular, Phase-Map- als discovery substantially extending
some of the most pressing issues in en- per integrates an efficient relaxed projec- Phase Mapper. Finally, we point out a
ergy, as well as more general issues in tion method for constrained non-nega- related source separation problem—hy-
sustainability. In many cases, long-term tive matrix factorization that incorporates per spectral plant phenotyping—that is
solutions will depend on breakthrough
innovations in materials, such as the Figure 9. Multi-objective learning and optimization.
development of new materials and pro-
In many sustainability problems, it is critical to jointly consider multiple, often conflicting,
cesses for more efficient batteries, fuel objectives. This is the case for hydropower dam planning in the Amazon basin, with about 350
cells, solar fuels, microbial fuel cells, new hydropower dams proposed, which will dramatically affect a variety of Amazon ecosystem
or for CO2 reduction. The high cost of services, such as biodiversity, sediment transport, freshwater fisheries, navigation, besides
energy production. The Pareto frontier captures the trade-offs between the multiple objectives
conventional single-sample synthesis with respect to the different non-dominated solutions. The non-dominated solutions also
and analysis are driving the scientific provide valuable information concerning the dams’ ranking. We have developed exact dynamic-
communities to explore so-called high- programming algorithms, fully polynomial time approximation schemes (FPTAS), and other
approaches for computing the Pareto frontier for tree-structured networks, with application to the
throughput experimentation to accel-
Amazon hydropower dam placement problem. For example, we can now approximate the Pareto
erate the discovery process. This setup frontier for the entire Amazon basin (∼ 4M river segments), with respect to three criteria (energy;
leads to computational challenges for river connectivity, a good proxy for fish migrations and navigation; and sediment production) within
designing and planning the experi- 5% from the true optimal Pareto frontier in about 4 minutes (8 threads); or within 2% in about 1.2
hours (8 threads). The results, combined with visualization tools, help policymakers make more
ments. Furthermore, the data analysis, informed decisions concerning multiple criteria and different spatial scales.38
integration, and interpretation process
are key bottlenecks that are expert-labor
Hydropower Dams in the Amazon Basin
intensive. Current state-of-the-art ma-
chine learning techniques are not able
to produce physically meaningful solu- 5°0'0"N

tions. Efficient computational methods

are therefore urgently needed for analyz- 0°0'0"
ing the flood of high-throughput data to
obtain scientific insights. A promising Elevation (m)
research direction is the development High: 6420
of generative models for unsupervised Low: –38
learning and for providing supervision Rivers
using domain knowledge through theo-
ry-based models and simulators.
As an example, in high-throughput
materials discovery, a challenging prob-
90°0'0"W 80°0'0"W 70°0'0"W 60°0'0"W 50°0'0"W 40°0'0"W
lem is the so-called phase-map identifica-
tion problem, an inverse problem in Dam status per capacity (MW)
which one would like to infer the crystal In operation Planned Under construction
structures of the materials deposited onto 0.2–528 0.2–528 0.2–528

a thin film based on the X-ray diffraction 528–2350 528–2350 528–2350

(XRD) patterns of sample points. This 2350–11233 2350–11233 2350–11233
problem can be viewed as topic modeling
or source separation with intricate phys-
ics constraints since the observed diffrac-

SE PT E MB E R 2 0 1 9 | VO L. 6 2 | N O. 9 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM 63
contributed articles

tackled in Wahabzada37 with probabilis- combination of distinguishing aspects

tic topic models. that make them unique in scale, impact,
Another area that can benefit dra- complexity, and richness, posing new
matically from advanced AI and ma- challenges and opportunities for com-
chine learning methods is the planning
and design of scientific experiments. Citizen science puting and information science, leading
to transformative research directions.
For example, Fern and collaborators
are developing novel machine learning
programs play One of our key goals has been to identify
classes of computational problems that
and constraint budgeted optimization a key role in cut across a variety of sustainability (and
techniques to help scientists design
more efficient experiments for micro-
conservation other) domains. Given the universality
of computational thinking, findings in
bial fuels by allowing them to efficiently efforts, particularly one domain can be transferred to other
explore different nano-structures.3 They
employ Bayesian optimization with re-
in providing domains. Examples of high-level cross-
cutting computational problem class-
source constraints and production ac- observational data. es, some of them depicted in Figure 3,
tions and have developed a new general
Monte Carlo tree search algorithm with eBird, a citizen include spatiotemporal modeling and
prediction for bird conservation, pov-
theoretical guarantees. This work also science program erty mapping, and weather mapping;
led to a large-scale empirical evaluation
of Bayesian optimization algorithms, of the Cornell Lab sequential decision making for managing
(renewable) resources, designing sci-
which was motivated by the confusing
landscape of results in Bayesian opti-
of Ornithology, entific experiments, managing invasive
species, and pastoralism interventions;
mization. The study involved imple- has over 450,000 pattern decomposition with complex con-
menting a number of top algorithms
within a common framework and us-
members, straints for phase map identification in
materials discovery, identification of el-
ing cloud resources to run compari- who have gathered ephant and bird calls from audio record-
sons on a large number and variety
of test functions. The main result of more than 650 ings, inferring plant phenotypes from
hyper spectral data and scientific topic
the study was to show the well-known million bird modeling; active learning (not shown in
Bayesian optimization heuristic—ex-
pected improvement—performed as observations. Figure 3), for scientific experimentation
and sensor placement, including citizen
well as any other approach in general science, and crowdsourcing, and games
and often won by significant margins. for mechanism design for providing in-
This includes beating methods such centives for citizen scientists, placing
as the arguably more popular upper patrols and drones to combat poaching
confidence bound (UCB) algorithm. and illegal fishing, or incentivizing bik-
The study found that algorithms such ers to balance bike stations.
as UCB, which require setting a pa- We believe that pursuing research in
rameter for controlling exploration, core or paradigmatic crosscutting com-
are very sensitive to the parameters, putational problems is a sine qua non
making them difficult to apply widely. condition to ensure the cohesiveness and
Expected improvement is parameter- growth of computational sustainabil-
free and appears to be quite robust. ity as a field, so that researchers develop
Krause and collaborators also apply general models and algorithms with ap-
Bayesian optimization for maximum plication in different sustainability and
power point tracking in photovoltaic other domains. Our experience shows
power plants.1 these core problems naturally emerge out
As a final example, Grover et al.19 of real-world sustainability-driven proj-
model the search for the best charging ects, approached with the perspective of
policy for the Li-ion battery chemistry lifting solution methods to produce general
as a stochastic multi-arm bandit with methodologies, as opposed to only solving
delayed feedback. They found poli- narrow problem scenarios.
cies (functions for making decisions In this article, we focused on com-
based on state variables) that consid- putational sustainability research ex-
erably outperform current policies (by amples from CompSustNet,g a compu-
up to 35% in experimentation time). tational sustainability research network
involving a large number of research-
Computational Synergies ers. Unfortunately, we are not able to
We have highlighted how computation-
al sustainability problems encompass a g

64 COMMUNICATIO NS O F TH E AC M | S EPTEM BER 201 9 | VO L . 62 | N O. 9

contributed articles

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sor networks, the Internet of Things, (CNS-0832782 and CCF-1522054). We of fossil fuels. The case of the PJM electricity market.
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