Law of Attraction Course

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The Law of Attraction


By Karen E. Wells
Law of Attraction Course
Copyright ©2018 Karen E. Wells

All rights reserved. No part of this course may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or
mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems – except in the case of
brief quotations in articles or reviews – without the permission in writing from its publisher,
Karen E. Wells.

All brand names and product names used in this course are trademarks, registered trademarks, or
trade names of their respective holders. We are not associated with any product or vendor in this
course. and

Table of Contents
Copyright .........................................................................................................................................4

Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................5

Module One .....................................................................................................................................6

What is the Law of Attraction? ....................................................................................................6

Module One ..................................................................................................................................10

Module Two ................................................................................................................................... 11

We Are What We Think. ................................................................................................................ 11

Module Two ..................................................................................................................................14

Module Three ................................................................................................................................16

Understanding Affirmations ......................................................................................................16

Module Three ................................................................................................................................20

Module Four .................................................................................................................................22

The Law of Attraction and Behaviour. ......................................................................................22

Module Four ..................................................................................................................................25

Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................27

Final Assessment ...........................................................................................................................29

About the Author ..........................................................................................................................31

Module One
What is the Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction is often misunderstood. In fact, there has been a lot of false information published
about it, yet, the real power behind it is often overlooked. In simplistic terms, it enables you to manifest
into your life the very thing you are focusing on.

It is thought that the law of attraction is a universal law and one that transcends religion or even, our belief
systems. It is at work constantly, regardless of our personal thoughts and we live in a universe where ‘like
attracts like’ regardless whether we understand that or not.

Of course, it is not as simple as just wishing for things or we would all be incredibly rich, powerful or
famous depending on personal choices. We would certainly be surrounded by everything we have ever
wanted but, the key to transforming your life and using the law of attraction is revealed in this course. No
doubt, when used correctly, it is life-transforming.

The universe is infinite and beautiful and is a place that is constantly changing. Everything around us is
made from energy and, to describe it as closely as possible, energy crashes into energy in a constant
melting pot. Suns are being born while other stars are dying, and everything expands outward from a
singular point in time and space.

Back in the late 1960’s during the hippy movement, they wrote song lyrics stating we are star dust and in
fact, they were correct. Every single element of life is from the stars. Even, inanimate objects.

We are all riding the same waves of energy and the same waves of energy are flowing through us, and
with this realisation, it is wonderful to understand that we are all interconnected in this way. Every single
event influences every other event alongside it but unlike a ripple on a pond, we have the ability to create
our own futures.
A brief history of the law of attraction

If we are to accept that the law of attraction is a written law of the universe then, it has a history as old as
the existence of the universe. Both must have come to exist at the same time. So, when we write about
the history, we tend to mention when it first was recognised in some form by mankind.

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.
– Buddha

What we think we become is a principal that runs through many religious beliefs. Hindus follow the
concept of Karma that reflects that what you do or act like will eventually return to you. There are also
passages in the Christian Bible that hint at the same thing.

Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

We use the word Karma in everyday conversations in the modern Western world, but we probably don’t
give much thought to the philosophy or the deep history behind it but in truth, many people still secretly
believe it has some power and they are not wrong.

In the 19th century, a writer called Thomas Troward wrote these words:

Thought precedes physical form and the action of mind plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow
undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary for its manifestation in outward
visible form.

Here we can clearly see that he is understanding and depicting some elements of the law of attraction
and how manifestation becomes a creative element. Other thinkers and writers followed, James Allen and
his wife Lilly wrote a series of books and articles between 1901 to 1912 of which the most famous is
called “As a Man Thinketh.”

The first actual mention of the words law of attraction came when the author William Walker Atkinson
published the book titled “Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World.”

This way of thinking was considered new wave at the time and in many aspects, it was as they were
bringing attention to what many people held some beliefs but, were unable to tap into the construction of
it. Wallace Wattles was another author who thought this way and he published the book “The Science of
Getting Rich.” Wallace used these principals in his own life by forming creative visualisations. He would
form a mental image in his head and then, work towards the reality of the vision.
However, it was when Napoleon Hill wrote his first million copy bestseller on the subject, “Think and Grow
Rich” in 1937 that the power of the law of attraction became very popular. This book is even considered a
classic today in the self-development niche. Hill was keen to examine the power of controlling your
thoughts so to achieve success. He was also one of the main influences in the famous movie, “The

Later, the self-help author Uell Stanley Anderson wrote a book called, “Three Magic Words”, and this was
later renamed to “The Key to Power and Personal Peace.” His three magic words were “You are God”
and by this, he meant that you create your own world and have the power to manifest what you want
each outcome to be. This way of thinking was becoming very popular but like today, most people never
fully understood the key roots that held it all together.

So, when we look back at this very brief history we can see that the basic principals have always been
running through many great thinker’s minds. The fact that so many other areas like religion and free
spiritual thinking have also linked into the law of attraction points to there being something real and
powerful at the core.

Can we apply the law of attraction in everyday life?

The basic principles of ‘like attracts like’ can certainly be seen in all walks of life. You will hear the words
opposites attract when people refer to relationships but in truth, we tend to be attracted to people that are
very similar to ourselves. However, there are certainly cases where we see people constantly attracting
the same kind of abusive relationships into their lives and this becomes a vicious circle as emotions
become compounded. In this case, the victim may believe that is all they deserve and so, without
understanding it are giving off the signals that attracts more of the same thing. This is not their fault, but
they do have the ability to change it.

Often the expression, “Money goes to money” gets used when we refer to someone who is already
wealthy who appears to have gained yet another windfall or bit of luck. This is often used in an envious
way which later you will learn is working against the speaker in terms of what he or she would want to
attract. However, money goes to money is deadly accurate as it follows the basic law of attraction

A person who is used to having money will think like a person who has the trappings of wealth and see
only abundance which means their thoughts are more likely to manifest more of what they already have.
This happens quite naturally and without any necessary learning on their part.

If a person acts in a negative way to other people by being anti-social or generally is rude or has an
obnoxious attitude, then they tend to be people living in envy or are unhappy. Very few people who live
like this can be called happy. It does not mean that good things cannot happen to them, but they are more
likely to focus on the negative things that surround them. The expression, “Oh he is only happy when he
is miserable” may be true and we have all heard this. This signifies a person who is stuck in a rut and who
tends to think negatively. Sadly, this becomes a self-defeating cycle and attracts more of the same.

The opposite of that is a person who always has a smile for everyone and who generally looks for the
good in people. Thinking this way does not guarantee happiness but there is far more chance of it
manifesting itself in that person’s life. An example of this would be how other people would come to that
person’s aid or invite them into their social circle. This person is likely to have a wider circle of friends and
interests quite naturally. All of the above are examples of the law of attraction without the knowledge of
the real power behind it. So, the natural laws of attraction work without manipulation.
Module One


What does the basic law of attraction mean to you?


Can you see how the principals of the law of attraction work in everyday life?


Start to look for examples of the law of attraction around you?

Please note that these questions are to help consolidate the information within, so do not send to
Kew Solutions.
Module Two
We Are What We Think.

The energy that surrounds us is the same energy that flows through us and this understanding is the first
step to take when embarking on this amazing journey that can lead to true enlightenment. The basic
principals behind the law of attraction has been influencing and paving the way to greatness from world
leader right down to the average man for centuries.

The thought that we can create our own wonderful world by thinking seems incredible or, at the very least,
within the realms of science fiction. It is easy to think like this as we live in a time when so much has been
already explained about myths and ancient beliefs, but, we also live in a time of great discovery. New
doors of opportunities open all the time in the world of science.

The mind that is closed will forever be closed.

The new work and breakthroughs in quantum physics has begun to unravel many new ideas and
concepts. We don’t need to understand this world to be able to use the law of attraction to manifest our
own thoughts. You don’t need to have a scientific mind or background to make the law of attraction work
for you but, it is interesting to consider what is being discovered in science and that which is linked to the
basic laws of attraction.

When the revelation was made that one electron could in theory be in two separate places at the same
time, this was mind boggling as it opened the potential for parallel worlds and, for the potential power of
the universe. It meant that every single thing could be in more than one place at the same time.

In theory, the way we look at the world and what we see may not be exactly the same as everyone else’s
view. Our minds play a far greater role in creating the world around us than we ever thought. In NLP, this
is called the map of the world and our perception plays a key role. We also must consider perception
within the law of attraction so that we manifest the right things.
Our brains are hard-wired to look for patterns, this comes from a basic need of survival. At one time, we
had to recognise shapes around us to just be able to stay alive. It is because of this that we can stare at
an abstract pattern and very quickly see things we recognise i.e. faces. Our brains are desperate to make
sense of all the information, so it creates patterns out of almost nothing. If we can’t rely on our brains to
always give us the truth what can we rely on?

There are a great many experiments that prove conclusively that our brains can easily be tricked in this
way. So, what does this prove? Well it proves that what we see is not always what we think we see.

Using this same basic idea, we can say, what you think you want is not always what you really want.
This is a common mistake that people make when using the law of attraction. They start off with the belief
that what they think about will somehow materialise itself into their lives as if by magic. But, it is important
to understand at this stage that it is not just the thoughts that carries the power.

What does this statement tell you?

I need more money

In simple terms, it tells you that the person lacks funds, and that is exactly the message that sends out to
the universe. I need more money means I lack money and this increases the likelihood that they will
indeed attract more of the same. So, no money means more of the same. Can you see the problem?

So, we must be careful what we think and believe. It would be far more beneficial to think of abundance
as already being a part of your life as this sends out the message that you already have what you want.
The idea is then that you will attract even more of the same. Think about the ‘money always goes to
money’ statement.


It is very important at this stage to specify that no one should blame their unhappiness on the law of
attraction. It is not a ‘get out’ clause for bad decision making nor should it be used as any form of excuse.

To really understand the laws of attraction it is important to realise that having an optimistic mindset
should run alongside it. You need to remember that although you are learning to tap into the power of the
law of attraction with conscious thought and design, it is actually happening in your life regardless.
The optimist is a person who is naturally tapping into the natural laws of attraction. They may not be
deliberately manifesting what they want but with directly targeted thoughts through their natural everyday
optimism, they attract a fair degree of abundance.

This is not imagination.

If you ever want some natural proof that the laws of attraction work, look at your optimist friends. He or
she will often have good health and feel less stressed than those around them. They will have a far
brighter outlook on the world and expect things to work out for the good in the long term. Optimists simply
have more positive energy. They tend to give in less easily and because they expect things to work often
become successful at business. Optimists tap into the abundance of the universe often without knowing

If you know a person who thinks this way, then, you will quickly understand what is happening and the
same thing is happening with opposite results to the pessimistic person. A person who looks at the world
with a doom and gloom feeling is more likely to be living a life where things don’t quite seem to go right
for them. There are of course varying degrees of this, they may be a kind person but with a pessimistic
attitude and so, they do attract some kindness back in the way of people trying to help them. Even so, the
major signal going out is one of lack, and therefore, that is ultimately what they get.

People live their whole lives like this without a single thought on how they can change it. Just
understanding how different ways of thinking can change your life is the first step to understanding the
law of attraction in our everyday world.

This is the start of the journey for many.

Module Two


Explain the difference in respect of the law of attraction between an optimistic person and a
pessimistic one.


Are you an optimist or a pessimist?


Can you think of a case in your own life where the natural law of attraction took place?

Please note that these questions are to help consolidate the information within, so do not send to
Kew Solutions.
Module Three
Understanding Affirmations

Affirmations are statements of pure intent. We can use them in so many ways but in respect of the law of
attraction, they are our call to the universe. They reinforce our desire and form instructions so to attract
what we want in our lives. We have talked about the benefits of optimism and you can think of
affirmations as being the next step on. Affirmations enable you to tap into the outer reach of the law of
attraction and when used regularly, you can start controlling your destiny in a way you may not have
thought possible. We are basically using affirmations to tap into the energy that is the very fabric of

How does this work?

There are two considerations when we look at thoughts. The law of attraction has both a spiritual
explanation and a scientific one.


As we are all made of energy and energy operates at different frequencies then, the belief is that we are
in fact, changing our frequency by changing our thought patterns. By using positive affirmations and
thought patterns, we tap into or align ourselves with God or, other spiritual belief. By concentrating on a
bright and happy future, we are going to attract more positivity into our lives. So, what we attract depends
on what we think or where we focus our attention, but the key is that we must believe this is ours already
or is about to be.


The scientific explanation is of course more logical, but in many ways, similar. A person who focuses on
changing their reality and who truly believes this is possible tends to take more risks and by default, more
chances This often leads to their noticing the doors of opportunity and being prepared to take the plunge.
This positive attitude reinforces itself and so, they continuously spot new possibilities.

It works in the same way in reverse, if a person does not believe that good things are likely then, they are
more prone to either not taking chances or missing out on opportunities all together.

We all know people who have changed their lives considerably. They improved their financials, their
homes or, their careers or relationships and they may have done this by thinking differently and have
taken action or perhaps, they tapped into the law of attraction.

What is an affirmation?

Affirmations are your conscious thoughts that state your intent. When you write affirmations that mean
something to you, it enables you to tap into the energy that is a part of everything. When you say these
words, or even if you think or hear them, they have the power to mould your own reality. Affirmations turn
optimism into super drive.

The average person has up to 300 thoughts a minute running through their brains and research has
shown that up 80% of these thoughts can be negative. This is quite horrifying. Most thoughts or the
highest percentage of them are subconscious thoughts which are below our conscious awareness.
Affirmation are statements that make you aware of these thoughts and give you control.

You really are what you think.

If we are to believe research, then, all those negative thoughts swirling around in our subconscious mind
are very damaging to what we are hoping to attract. By making affirmations, we take a conscious
approach to change. This makes us more in control and equally, more aware of our thoughts. We develop
awareness as to hidden thought patterns. It is a bit like having an oar so to paddle the boat, but without it,
the journey would not be as efficient or possible.

What we are trying to do is to remove ourselves from the daily grind where we just exist and only move
through life without direction. We need to climb out of the rut that becomes a daily routine, so we can
understand the journey we must take. Our thoughts have the capacity to be so powerful, and we need to
be able to control what we seriously believe in, otherwise, negative thoughts - in the way of doubts can
hold us back. However, we must not allow negativity to dictate our futures. The word affirmation means to
set intent. It means to state something in a positive way.

Affirmations must be written and repeated in a positive way. They should be written in a way that indicates
they are already true. This is important because if you are asking for something then you are already
declaring that you lack it. Like attracts like after all if you remember our example in the previous module.

Also, remember that affirmations will make you conscious of all your thoughts, but this helps as it gives
you even more control over them, this leads to your own enlightenment. Affirmations must reflect your
intent that it is already true.

There is a world of difference between saying:

‘I want to be happy’ rather than, ‘I am happy.’

We must think of affirmations as sentences that are created to communicate with the conscious and
subconscious mind. When we repeat an affirmation, we are conjuring up images that can inspire and
motivate. Constantly, repeating these statements of intent embed the message into the subconscious
which reflects upon our behaviour and alters the energy around us.

When should you use affirmations?

If possible, it is best to put aside some time each day to repeat your affirmations. Personalising your
affirmations by writing them yourself works best because you will be writing from the heart and with
conviction. Repeating affirmations and reading them out with intent is important. Do so first thing in the
morning and last thing at night but, you can use affirmations at any time. The more you use them, the
greater the effect. Although it works well to say them out loud, you can also repeat them silently but try to
visualize the tone and intent as you do so.

Make affirmations a positive habit. They really work.

Make sure you truly believe in what you are doing as doubts will only create negative barriers and this is
the reason why people fail when using the law of attraction.
There is no set rule on how many times you need to repeat affirmations, but a general rule of thumb is if
you truly believe them and keep practicing them, then, you will consolidate this inner message. Even
finding a few moments here and there throughout the day can be extremely beneficial to you. Make sure
you affirm with love, feeling and real interest as this will super accelerate your results.
It takes time to master so dedicate yourself to the belief in this proven method because there is no reason
why it will not work for you too.
Module Three


Here are some affirmations that can be used as a starting point but, it is best to create your own.
Remember that the key to success is to believe that your true desires are already here.

• I am a success. I attract good things in life.

• I feel happy, I feel healthy, I feel confident
• I am happy, and I believe in myself
• Life as it is right now feels perfect.
• I am a money magnet
• My mind is clear, focused and energised
• I am strong
• I am an achiever

Write affirmations that suit your requirements and practice them for a few days.

Please note that these questions are to help consolidate the information within, so do not send to
Kew Solutions.
Module Four
The Law of Attraction and Behaviour.

One of the most successful books to hit the market about the law of attraction was so successful, it was
also made into a movie called, “The Secret.” There was one glaring fault in this highly successful book in
that it promoted success without the need for action. There was much within the book that made sense of
course, in that our beliefs help create the world ahead of us and of course, what we think is
interconnected with this too. Our thoughts create and change the vibrations of the energy around us and
we attract what the universe already thinks we have. However, it also needs action to see the best
results. The positive thinking which is connected to the law of attraction is compounded when we take

The negative approach

Any negative attitude becomes self-destructive and works completely against us. If we do not fully believe
the law of attraction works or if we have self-doubts about anything else means we will see negative
results. If we think we get what we deserve, or if we constantly think we deserve more, then we will attract
more of what we already have.

It is also a big mistake to blame ourselves for certain events that are out of our control We can’t always
control every circumstance, but we can learn to control our attitude and response to them.

The law of attraction can be used alongside our behaviours so to make us stronger when it comes to
coping with all the challenges of life but, it must never be used in a negative way, with negative thoughts
or behaviours as this will only yield more destructive results than positive.

What we should be doing to get the maximum from the law of attraction is not only repeating our daily
affirmations and believing whole-heartedly in them, but, also building up our optimistic values so our
behaviour reflects what we believe. We become an active forward thinking person. The two combined are
extremely powerful as one feeds the other. As you begin to create your world, you will notice over time as
you reinforce these actions and beliefs that things start to fall into place for you.

• Positive thoughts
• Positive behaviours
• Positive actions
• Affirmations
• Intent

These are all aspects which must be utilised, so you can start making progress.

It may take time for you to start seeing some results, because it takes time to become used to thinking in
a different way. The way we live day to day becomes a habit. Our learned behaviours form a part of us
although they may not do us any favours in life. This is just an example but, if our parents failed to
achieve in their chosen professions or, if they chose to settle for second best because they felt what they
really wanted was out of their control, you may have also taken this behaviour on board.

You may not even realise you do it.

Here’s another example.

Let’s consider if your parents struggled with their finances as many people do. It’s very easy to also form
a poor association with money and to believe that you do not deserve wealth. This will not be a conscious
thought but a sub-conscious thought. It will form the foundations of all that you believe. You may find in
adult life you also struggle in some way with money.

These are just ideas but, it can affect far more than financials or career choices but self-esteem, love and

It is very easy to place negative thoughts into the subconscious mind reaffirming that life is cruel or unfair.
Of course, left without the knowledge you are gaining now you would just continue to attract more of it.
So, for some people it can take awhile before they truly believe they do deserve all the happiness and
successes of life, but it is certainly not enough to simply hope it does.

Our thoughts and actions become the tools for taking control and giving us the life we truly want, but it
can be difficult as few of us start with a clean slate and all the experiences we have had in the past will
have created a set pattern that we now have to slowly change. Therefore, it is important to start your daily
affirmations and create continuity with them. It does not matter if you change them, but it is important that
you ingrain them into your mind by repeating them at least once a day.
Providing you have the desire to change your life, you will approach this course and your practice going
forward with an open mind and enthusiasm. This is important, because if you close your mind, you will
simply continue in the same way you are at present.

If you have had bad experiences traumas, losses or failures in life, it’s hard to remain positive. There may
be greater levels of negative patterns or more doubts about the future. It’s important to decide what you
really want to do so that you can start working towards change.

This becomes your starting block.

Once the subconscious mind has negative thought patterns embedded into it then it becomes difficult to
alter that easily. Many people have huge success by visiting a hypnotherapist or even learning how to
self-hypnotise. Hypnotherapy can help to eradicate negative thought patterns and introduce positive ones
instead. This can be life transforming all on its own, and it gives a clear starting point from which to spring
board your new way of thinking with the law of attraction. The transformation and quality of life that can be
gained from following the law of attraction is open to everyone.

All barriers can be overcome.

Module Four

Monitor your thoughts as often as you can. If you find your thoughts to be largely negative or self-critical,
this is an aspect of self which must be changed before you start the law of attraction.


Do you truly understand the power of positive thinking?


What can you start doing right now to create a more optimistic mindset?


Are you working with your affirmations at least once a day? This is very important.

Please note that these questions are to help consolidate the information within, so do not send to
Kew Solutions.

I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative -
Michael Losier

So, the journey has begun to self-transformation and enlightenment, this will be a very exciting journey as
you slowly uncover the real power of the law of attraction by manifesting the life you deserve.

What have we learned so far?

Well, we now understand that the law of attraction requires complete belief and commitment and any
thoughts must be backed up by positive action. Affirmations that are constantly repeated will be a very
powerful tool, but it requires positive action to supercharge it. You must be ready to change and to believe
in yourself. It is not sufficient to simply say that you are. Deep down, your beliefs must mirror this desire
for transformation.

The way you think really does alter the energy around you and having looked at the successes of
optimistic people and the doubts and potential failures of those who think negatively, we know that
change is necessary if we want to achieve our goals.

We now understand that our outlook on life is very important and any positive thinking enhances our own
self-belief and further ingrains within us, the importance of tuning into the energy around us by projecting
the values we believe we already have.

As soon as you start to send out highly-focused thoughts, it will be easier for you to manifest them. You
must want the outcome though; your energy must be so strong that it seems impossible that you will not
achieve the desired outcome. If you start sending out negative thoughts or let self-doubts affect you, then,
you will only manifest more self-doubts and negativity.
This of course is the key to the success of using the law of attraction, the ability to recognise that and to
understand the difference between wanting or hoping and projecting what you already have as opposed
to the outcome you really want.

The difference between “I want to be successful” and “I AM successful” is huge.

One sends out the message that you lack success at the moment, and the other sends out the message
that you are already a successful person and like attracts like. If you want more of what you already have
just carry on thinking how you do right now.

We understand that not only is the affirmation essential and must be constantly reinforced but also, we
need to take physical steps to achieving. If you tell the universe you are ready for the perfect job or you
have the perfect job, you must be ready, and you must look for opportunities in that niche. You drive
forward in your desire and you increase that positive energy, so that doors open for you. This is where so
many people go wrong, both actions are required to make the law of attraction a powerful life
transforming tool.

The key to a happy life filled with abundance is really in your mind and your own hands. You have to
consider what you want, not just a ‘nice to have’ but what you really want. It is up to you to use
affirmations and to send out positive thoughts that propel this intent forward.

When you are ready, you can look deeper into this age-old resource and follow the path that so many
great minds have done. The vibrations and energy are constantly shifting like the sand on a beach at high
tide and this natural resource can send positive energy towards you, surrounding you and manifest all
that you want. You have the potential to change the future and to achieve all that is desired. You just must
want it enough.
Final Assessment


Create a list that details the areas of your life which require transformation. Narrow the list down to your
priority goal. Make sure this is something you really want to manifest.


Consider whether your thoughts are positive or negative generally. Make notes over a few days to
determine this and then, endeavour to improve these results.


If you have not been successful in certain areas of your life, consider whether you have a poor
association with this as an outcome and whether, this may be learned behaviour. If so, you must try to
create new favourable habits for change.

If you have not already done so, create a list of affirmations. Some may be to help boost self-esteem or
confidence or to help prepare you ready for difficult situations to come but also, write affirmations to
endorse your priority goal. Remember that affirmations must be written in a positive way as if you have
already achieved the goal. They must be repeated and stated with pure intent. Practice these affirmations
morning and night.

When you commit to the law of attraction and the tasks as laid out here, you are paving your way to a
future that is enhanced beyond belief. Do not let self-doubts create obstacles en-route, commit to this
practice and soon, you will see the results.

We hope that you have enjoyed this course. Please note that the tasks here are to help consolidate the
information within this course and will help you to achieve your desired outcome. We strongly recommend
you complete all the steps within. Do not send your answers to KEW solutions.
About the Author

Karen E Wells

Karen is an established therapist & tutor with many

year’s experience of successfully helping thousands
of clients and students to move forward in life.
Karen works extensively with renowned Spiritual
Healers Mike Robinson & Jo Le-Rose and brings
elements of their exclusive teachings & healing into
the world of Hypnotherapy & Regression to offer
unique sessions & courses not found anywhere else in the world. It is through these
teachings with Mike & Jo that Karen developed the pioneering work of Parallel
Quantum Lives (PQL)
She has also been a member of The Newton Institute training team in California &
Europe. (Journey of Souls, Destiny of Souls) and in 2006 Karen established The
KEW Training Academy Ltd, which offers Classroom & Online training courses.
Karen is the author of 2 best selling books:
Past Life Regression; Exploring The Past to Heal The Present
& Hypnotherapy; A Simple Solution in a Complex World.
With Karen’s extensive experience, skills & knowledge she has faced, healed &
cleared many of her own issues so you can rest assured you are in safe hands.
If you are ready to begin or continue to take your inner journey, Contact Karen. &
The Law of Attraction

By Karen E. Wells

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