Day 1 Worksheet - Spelling

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Day 1 Worksheet

Name: Valery Franchesca Rivas Betancourt Date: 26-08-22

General instructions: Do the exercises of each section of this worksheet. When you finish the exercises,
save the worksheet with your name, and upload it to the course platform.

Listen to the spelling of names and last names in these videos and write them down. You may check
your answers at the end of each video.

Male Names Female Names Last Names

1. Andrew 1. Helen 1. Williams

2. Steven 2. Mary 2. Jackson

3. Alex 3. Brenda 3. Benson

4. Michael 4. Rachel 4. Sanderson

5. William 5. Maria 5. Thompson

6. Mario 6. Jennifer 6. Mcdonald

7. Anthony 7. Elizabeth 7. Jones

8. Christopher 8. Stephanie 8. Smiith

Do the listening exercises on this link:


Take a screenshot of each exercise solved and paste them here.


a) Read the text on the following link:

b) Answer the questions.

Where does Ben live? He lives in a small town near Sydney called Branton.
How old is Ben? He is 24 years old
What’s his girlfriend’s name? Maria


Write a dialogue using the structure we learned in class. Use different names.
• My name is Kirsten - My name is Elizabeth Rosen
Stewart. - How do you write your name?
o How do you write
your name?
- It’s E-L-I-Z-A-B-E-T-H
• It is K-I-R-S-T-E-N. - Thank you. How do you spell your last name?
o Thank you. How do - R-O-S-E-N
you spell your last - Where do you live?
name? - On 4th Avenue San Francisco California 125465
• S-T-E-W-A-R-T.
o Where do you live?
- Its S-A-N F-R-A-N-C-I-S-C-O
• On Windsor Street.
It’s W-I-N-D-S-O-R.

a) Choose five American celebrities.

b) Practice spelling their names and last names.
c) When you are ready, go to Vocaroo (or another online recording service) and record your
presentation. Paste the link to your recording here.

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