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Senior High School


Quarter 4 Week 3-4

Health Optimizing Physical Education 4

Quarter 4– WLAS Week 3-4
First Edition, 2021
Printed in the Philippines by ________________________________________________

Butuan City School of Arts and Trades – Senior High School Department
Office Address: Jose Rosales Avenue, Tandang Sora, Butuan City,
Agusan Del Norte, CARAGA

BCSAT Facebook page: BCSAT Online .com

Note to Students:

This learning resource helps you become more active because you are able to establish
your learning goals on what you will do, what you will write and how to perform the task correctly
and understand why you should be doing it. In addition, you have the opportunity to design how do
you achieve the outcome by exploring the idea using the substantial material and promote healthy
behavior in modular distance learning.

The Weekly Learning Activity Sheet was also designed to provide you with fun and
meaningful opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will
be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner. The
knowledge, skills and understanding which include physical and health literacy competencies
support you in accessing, synthesizing and evaluating information; making informed decisions;
enhancing and advocating your own as well as others’ fitness and health.

Author: Cherryl Mae C. Florida

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address:
This learning material has the following parts and corresponding icons:

Learning competencies which are

Most Essential Learning Competencies needed, considered indispensable, in
the teaching-learning process.

Expected learning outcomes of the

learners after the lesson.

The instructional content of the lesson.

Key Concepts Title page and page number of the book
where key concepts are found.

Designated tasks that are needed to be

Guided Practice performed in order to skillfully apply
the lessons.

Learning activities to solidify

Independent Practice understanding of the concepts.

Learning activity that help learners

transfer their knowledge or skill into
real situation with rubrics for scoring,
when applicable.

Assessment Evaluate the learners’ achievement of

the learning competency.

Additional activity to allow learners to

Enrichment Activities use old concepts in new ways while
bringing new concepts to light.

Answers for the activities that are

Answer Keys readily made for easy access in self-
assessment of learners

Sites and citations of learning

resources used which could serve as
References reference for further reading and

Author: Cherryl Mae C. Florida

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address:
Health Optimizing Physical Education 12 Quarter 4, Week 3-4


Name: ___________________________________________ Section: ____________________

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

The learners are able to:

1. Observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, hypo- and hyperthermia during
MVPA participation. (PEH12FH-IIk-t-9)
2. Participates in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and concerns.

Learning Objective:

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

a. discuss the concepts of hiking and its benefits.
b. appreciate the importance in participating in an organized event that addresses
health/fitness issues and concerns.
c. create a short Infomercial video on how to give first aid when dehydration, hypo and
hyperthermia occurred during moderate to vigorous physical
activity participation.

Key Concepts

Anything that is stimulating and rejuvenating for an individual. It relaxes your mind and body, relieves
your day to day tension and a universal need of man. It is also a refreshment of strength and spirits after
work and also means of refreshment or diversion.

Definition of Terms Also known as an ‘in and out’ trail, an out and back hiking trail goes from one
1. Out and Back Hiking point to another and back to where you started. There is a specific way to
measure distance for this. If for instance a trail is 3 miles long, if you are going
on an out and back hike that means you will be completing 6 miles in total.

2. Section Hiking Involves a long trail that needs to be traversed in stages. There are a number
of different ways to do this. You can choose several weekend trips and take on
a piece of a trail one length at a time or do half a trail one year and the other
half the next year. Plus, section hikers don’t necessarily complete a trail in a

Author: Cherryl Mae C. Florida

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address:
specific order. Some may only complete sections they are interested in and
ignore the rest.
3. Thru-Hiking Also known as through hiking requires commitment to a trail for extended
periods of time. Think of it as distance end to end hike with continuous
footsteps and which needs to be completed in a single calendar year. In the US,
this is most commonly associated with three trails namely the Appalachian
Trail, the Continental Divide Trail and the Pacific Crest Trail.

Types of Hiking

1. Day Hiking It refers to a hike that does not exceed daylight hours. It can be anything
from a simple walk in a natural environment, such as an urban nature park,
to a hike across a small mountain trail with hikers returning as the sun goes
down. It can also include a complete day trip into then a guide in town.
You don’t have to limit yourself to trails that are close by either. Just hop on a
train or a bus to get to another trailhead. This is called a transfer hike, and if
you want to ensure you can get home before it gets dark, just make sure the
trail ends at a train station or bus stop. This type of hike is perfect for
beginners who want to work their way up to more adventurous trails.

2. Summit Hiking It is considered to be the most rewarding hikes a person can take. As the
name implies, it involves surmounting the summit or peak of a mountain, an
objective that is as challenging as it is fulfilling. In fact, beyond the thrill of
making it to the top, each peak offers a deep connection to the landscape
that is unlike other hiking experiences. If you want to take it up a notch, you
can also try peak bagging, which involves hikes to multiple peaks. The main
aim of this pastime is to reach as many summits as possible (such as hills and

3. Long-Distance Hiking It can take weeks and even a couple of months to traverse. It is an exercise in
perseverance that breaks physical and mental limitations for those who can
endure it. Unlike a day trip, you cannot just turn around and head home
when the sun starts to set. A long-distance hike pits you against nature for
days to the point that everyday life just fades into the background. The only
cares you have in the world involve the next panoramic view or the next

Author: Cherryl Mae C. Florida

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address:
Benefits of Hiking Going for a hike reduces your blood pressure
1. Hiking clears the mind and reduces stress. and cortisol levels producing a calming
effect only nature can offer - over and above
the benefits of exercise alone.

Getting out into nature decreases what

2. Hiking makes us happier. psychologists call 'rumination', which are
negative thought patterns that play over and
over in our heads such as dwelling on
embarrassing or disappointing moments or
thinking about everything we think is wrong
with our lives. Never underestimate the
'happiness effect' of being outdoors.

3. Hiking improves sleep quality. Walking or climbing over uneven terrain

uses 28% more energy than walking over flat
ground. You are also removing all the new
age stimuli that we often expose ourselves to
throughout the day and right before bedtime
(phones, computers, TV's and the like). The
result? Better sleep!

Studies have shown that people who

4. Improve your memory through hiking. regularly spend time in natural settings,
hiking or otherwise, have improved
memory and recollection.

Associated with the benefits of lowering

5. Hiking reduces anxiety and depression. stress levels, hiking has been proven
to reduce anxiety by quietening the mind and
allowing you to zone in on your breathing to
a part meditative state. For natural stress
relief and an instant mood boost, head

Researchers believe that all the extra mental

6. Got a problem to solve? Go for a hike. stimulus and information bombardment we
are faced with daily overwhelms our brains
resulting in reductions in our cognitive
. resources, limiting our creativity and
problem- solving abilities. Getting out into
nature away from these stimuli restores our
depleted attention circuits, freeing up
more brain power for creativity (so leave the
gadgets at home!).

7. Hiking makes us more generous. Whenever we hike tracks or trails for the first
time, or stumble upon an absolute gem of a
natural feature, we always return home with
a renewed appreciation for mother nature
and her bounty. The corresponding increases

Author: Cherryl Mae C. Florida

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address:
in positive emotions actually makes us feel a
heightened sense of gratefulness
and increases our generosity towards those
around us.

When you find yourself caught up in the race, going for

8. Reconnect and take time for yourself. a hike is a chance to reflect, recharge and
reconnect with yourself when you've been too busy to
take notice. Sometimes just taking some time out and
tuning into yourself can help you identify if you're
feeling a little under the weather, or have been more
stressed than usual.

Hiking alone can be a spiritual and rejuvenating

9. Hiking with friends. experience, but hiking with friends and sharing the
experience can bring you closer together to form
stronger bonds and create lasting memories.
When was the last time you really concentrated on
10. Learn to live in the moment. being truly present and in the moment? The beautiful
simplicity of getting out into nature removes that
barrier between you and the natural environment.
Everything is up close and real. No filters, just nature.

Organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and concerns.

Why is it important to participate in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues

and concerns?

1.Physical activity or exercise can improve your health.

2. Reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease.
3. Physical activity and exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits.
4. Regular activity can improve your quality of life.
5. Positive peer pressure is presents.
6. You exercises has its purpose.
7. It gives the opportunity to challenge your fitness.
8. It helps to improve your self-esteem.
9. It gives you a step towards in a long-term goal.
10. The activity supports a cause.
11. You can meet new fitness friends.
12. The organization can motivate others.

Health fitness
“Exercise and physical activity is good for the health, but anything is excess or having poor execution is bad. “

What is Dehydration?
It is a loss of fluid through fluid occurs in exercise through sweat, breath and urine. It will result in the loss of
coordination and fatigue.

Author: Cherryl Mae C. Florida

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address:
How can you avoid Dehydration?
1. You must drink fluids before, during and after exercise or climbing.
2. One to two cups of fluid must be consumed around 30 minutes to 1hour prior exercise.
3. Half to one cup of fluid must be consumed every 10 to 15 minutes of exercise.
4. 3 to 4 cups of fluid must be consumed after 30 minutes of exercise, even if one is not thirsty.

How about Overexertion?

It comes in the form of any exercise greater than the capacity of an individual to handle. It can a factor of frequency,
intensity, time and type. Training might be too frequent, intensity might be too hard, time might be too long and
type of exercise might be too much.

To avoid overexertion:
Your training must start from a low level of exertion before to higher levels.

What is the difference between Hypothermia and Hyperthermia?

Hypothermia is a condition which occurs when the body starts losing heat more quickly than it can produce it
resulting in the body temperature going down rapidly.

The symptoms are: Shivering, dizziness, feeling hungry, nausea, coordination difficulties, problem speaking,
confusion and rapid heart rate.

If hypothermia happens: The person must be moved to a warm place, be warmed up, quickly and if awake, be given
warm fluids.

How to avoid hypothermia?

Must layer clothes and cover parts of the body with other types of clothing such as hats, mittens and ear cover.

Hyperthermia is a product of losing too much water and heating up because of exercise. Heat cramps, heat
exhaustion and heat stroke conditions may occur.

How to avoid hyperthermia?

1. You have to take frequent breaks.
2. Drink plenty of water.
3. You have to wear cool clothing during climbing.
4. Find shady place to rest.

Guided Practice

Activity 1. Unscrambled Word

What you need: A separate sheet of paper, pen

Author: Cherryl Mae C. Florida

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address:
What to do: Figure out the following unscrambled words based on the types of hiking and its
benefits. The description may help you to get the correct answer. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

_________________1. URIMIANIOTN-negative thought patterns that play over and over in our heads such
as dwelling on embarrassing or disappointing moments.

_________________2. LEESP UAQLITY-removing all the new age stimuli that we often expose ourselves
throughout the day and right before bedtime.

_______________3. CESREDU XIEANTY-quietening the mind and allowing you to zone in on your
breathing to a part of meditative state.

_______________4. LCEARS IMND-reduces your blood pressure and cortisol levels producing a
calming effect.

_______________5. AHIERPP-getting out into nature decreases what psychologist call “rumination”.

Independent Practice

Activity 2. My 2.0 Portfolio

What you need: Any available arts materials, pen, old album or notebook
What to do: Make a Portfolio about the importance in participating in an organized event that addresses
health/fitness issues and concerns. The score of your output will be based on the rubrics.

Category 4 3 2 1
Appearance of The project’s The project’s The project’s The project’s
the Project appearance is appearance is quite appearance is appearance is quite
professional and professional and somewhat poor. poor. Many
polished without polished with few Some distractive elements.
distractive elements. distractive elements. Distractive Does not include the
Uses the required White space is elements. Missing proper requirements
elements of the efficiently used. some of the for the project.
project to efficiently Contains all the requirement of the
show the topic. requirements of the project.
Content Facts The project content The project content The project content The project content
is exemplary and is good and suggests is fair/poor and is poor and suggests
suggests the youth the youth has suggests most of the sufficient research
has discovered the discovered most of important facts has not been done.
important ideas of the important facts were not
his/her topic. of his/her topic. discovered.
Images All images are All images are Some images are Too few images are
effective. effective but there effective. used to be an
appear to be too effective
few, too many or presentation.

Author: Cherryl Mae C. Florida

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address:
some that are
Style & Display is interesting Display is interesting Some parts of the Display is
Organization and attractive. and attractive. display are uninteresting not dy.
Materials are Materials are interesting Some Materials are
complete and complete and well materials are incomplete and not
organized to present organized. complete but lack organized.
the ideas well. Presentation on has organization. Presentation has no
sequence and plan Presentation has sequence or plan
evident some sequence and evident.
plan evident.
Creativity & Project is excellently Good creative effort. Some attempt made Little attempt to add
Appearance presented reflecting Project is neat and to add color and color or originality.
creativity and a lot shows evidence of originality. Project is Project has sloppy
of thought. me spent on it. neat, but appears to appearance.
be rushed. Rushed to
Knowledge Portfolio The portfolio The portfolio The portfolio
demonstrates a demonstrates good demonstrates some demonstrates very
thorough knowledge of the knowledge of the little knowledge of
knowledge of the subject subject investigated. the subject
subject investigated. investigated.

What you need: Cellphone or laptop
What to do: Infomercial Video

Direction: Create an Infomercial video on how to give first aid when dehydration, hypo and hyperthermia
occurred during the participation of moderate to vigorous physical activity. The score of your output will be based
on the rubrics.

Criteria 5 4 3 2
Organization The presentation The presentation The presentation The
was difficult to was not easy to was easy to follow presentation
follow due to follow. was very easy
disorganization to follow.
of the utterances.
Accuracy of language It was hard to The student made The student made a The student
use understand due to some mistakes in few mistakes in communicated
incorrect use of vocabulary and vocabulary and well using
vocabulary and grammar. grammar but there correct
grammar. were no patterns of vocabulary and
errors. grammar.
Understanding of The student did not The student The student seemed The student
topic show an adequate to understand the clearly

Author: Cherryl Mae C. Florida

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address:
understanding of clearly understood main points of the understood the
the topic. most aspects of the topic and presented topic in-depth
topic and presented those with ease. and presented
his/her information his/her
with ease. information
Accuracy of Most of the Most information Most information All information
information information was presented in writing presented in writing presented in
inaccurate or not was clear, but was was clear, accurate writing was
clear. not usually accurate. and thorough. clear, accurate
and thorough.

VI. Assessment

True or False: Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is incorrect. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

_________1. Mountain climbing involves camping, hiking, trekking climbing over rocks, crossing rivers, and exploring
_________2. As mountaineer it is not your responsibility to keep the mountain healthy and maintain its beautiful
_________3. If you want to ensure safety as well as save time, money and effort- do not hire a guide during a
_________4. Keeping out of the trail is more exciting than following the old one.
_________5. Catching birds and killing wild animals along the way is a thrilling part of mountaineering.

Enrichment Activities
Direction: Tell the signs of the health condition described in the picture.

VII. Answer Key

Activity 1 Independent Practice Application

1. B Varied answer varied answer

2. A
3. E.
4. C.

Author: Cherryl Mae C. Florida

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address:
5. D


1. T
2. F
3. F
4. T
5. F

VIII. References

Safety Protocol www.
Image source:


Author: Cherryl Mae C. Florida

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address:


Author: Cherryl Mae C. Florida

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address:
For Part


Author: Cherryl Mae C. Florida

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address:

Author: Cherryl Mae C. Florida

School/Station: Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
Division: Butuan City Division
email address:

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