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Privacy notice and authorization for the processing of personal data

By providing data to enter the facilities of the PUERTO DE BARRANQUILLA BUSINESS

GROUP, you authorize the processing of your personal data in accordance with the
Company's Privacy Policies. According to the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and other
regulations in force, the PORT OF BARRANQUILLA BUSINESS GROUP, informs:

Responsible for the Treatment of Personal Data

Those responsible for the processing of personal data, biometrics and other information
obtained from visitors to our facilities are the companies of the PUERTO DE
BARRANQUILLA BUSINESS GROUP, which is made up of: the Regional Port Society of
Barranquilla S.A., identified with the Nit No. 800186891-6; Sociedad Portuaria Río Grande
S.A., Nit No. 900363378-0; Osi Trademar S.A., Nit No. 802020603-6; Gran Puerto SAS,
Nit No. 900066008-7; the above with domicile and address at Carrera 38 No. 1a. Orilla del
Río, Barranquilla, Colombia and Barranquilla International Terminal Company S.A,
identified with Nit No. 900.359.452-2; domicile and address at Calle 2 No. 41N-28.

Purpose and treatment of databases

The personal and biometric data collected will be stored, used and treated in accordance
with the Privacy Policies available on the website and, in
the case of data collected from our visitors, especially for security and surveillance
purposes and to keep a record and control of who enters the Company. During your stay
in and around the facilities of the PUERTO DE BARRANQUILLA BUSINESS GROUP, and
for your safety, you may be filmed by a closed circuit television. The data collected will
have the sole purpose of video surveillance and security of entry to the facilities. The data
will only be shared by order of the competent authority

Rights of the holders

In accordance with current legislation, owners have the right to a) Know, update and
rectify their personal data; b) Request proof of the authorization granted; c) Be informed,
upon request, regarding the use you have given to your personal data; d) Submit
complaints to the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce for violations of the
provisions of the Law: e) Revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data
and f) Access free of charge to your personal data that has been processed
Read carefully and carefully the following authorization:

"You authorize the Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Barranquilla SA (“SPRB”), Gran Puerto
SAS (GRP), Operadora de Servicios Integrales Trademar SA (OSI TRADEMAR),
Sociedad Portuaria Rio Grande SA (SPRG) and Barranquilla International Terminal
Company SA (BITCO) collect, use, transmit, transfer or perform any operation on your
personal data for the purpose of: (i) operation and registration activities; (ii) conducting
surveys, statistics, invitations or calls by the SPRB and other companies of the group; (iii)
inform about events, programs and training; (iv) the other purposes set forth in our
information treatment policy, which can be consulted on our website. You acknowledge
that you have been informed by the SPRB and its subsidiaries of their rights to access,
rectify, update and delete their personal data, as well as revoke their authorization, as long
as there is no legal or contractual duty that limits that right. Any query about the use that
the SPRB and its subsidiaries are giving to your personal data or claims may be directed
to our customer service area at through the PQRS section,
selecting the reason Habeas Data . By clicking on this box or signing this authorization, as
the case may be, you grant your prior, express and informed authorization in the terms set
forth herein and declare that you are aware of the information treatment policy of the
Puerto de Barranquilla Business Group.”

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