Boku No Kanojo Sensei - Volume 1

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This might be a bit sudden but I definitely don’t like ‘teachers’. It might be
okay to say that I don’t like people that are called with that name. However,
I’m only a humble high school student, so I can’t exactly ignore them. Just
like the person in front of me, Fujiki Maka-sensei.

She is the most popular teacher in the whole school with the name
“Unobtainable flower”. Such an old-school expression. Though, this beautiful
teacher is standing right in front of me right now with a serious expression—-

“Saigi Makoto-kun, I, Fujiki Maka—-like you.”

……Uhm, wait a moment, please. A confession……confession? C-

Confession?! I-Impossible….! I was confessed to?! By Fujiki-sensei?!

No no, really wait a moment, calm down. Calm down, me. Listen now,
Saiki Makoto, you have to remember. The reason you came to dislike
‘teachers’. That’s right, you should never forget about it. That was—

When I was in kindergarten, there was a teacher that I really liked. She was
really beautiful and smelled really nice which was why I was always clinging
to her. The rather mature me made a ring out of flowers and gifted that to her.
I probably saw it in the TV, it was something that should be a ‘Engagement
ring’, I suppose. That teacher happily accepted that ring and played along
with it. But—that teacher…..just a few days later, she announced that she
would marry soon….and left the kindergarten.

That woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You really did it now!—is what the young me thought at that time but it
really left behind a scar. Of course, I’m well aware that she didn’t mean any
harm with that but that wasn’t all that obvious to me as a kindergartener.

Flashback, finished.

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After that—-from grade school to middle school, while I was slowly
growing up, I didn’t manage to get rid of this feeling. You might even call it
that I was being wary of every female teacher. And that was all because of
that trauma. No, it’s not really a trauma. Truth be told, it’s not like I hate that
kindergarten teacher any more. That event was merely the trigger—–but my
wariness concerning teachers is the truth.

Like that, I became a high school student and even in my second-year—-I

still don’t like ‘teachers’.

Even so—–even I just said that, I’m being confessed to by a teacher.

It was a certain day in spring where the falling cherry blossoms

symbolized the new school year. After school, I was called into a certain
classroom. The person who called me was none other than my English
teacher Fujiki Maka-sensei.

Weird, I don’t remember giving her a reason to call me out here. Thinking
about it…..yes thinking about it! All of a sudden! All of a sudden she
confessed to me! The one person that isn’t good with teachers gets confessed
to by one?!

“You seem to be in quite the shock, Saigi-kun. Well, I understand that.”

The person in question is speaking silly talk.

Fujiki-sensei—–likes me? If I remember correctly, she became a teacher in

her twenties while I am a second-year student in Class A. When I say
twenties, she should be about 24 or 25, I suppose. That makes her about 7
years older than me.

She doesn’t seem to be wearing that much make-up, a natural beauty.

Natural brown hair was hanging down her back and her ears were barely
visible. Her outer garments were a dark blue and she was wearing a tight
mini-skirt. Her slender legs stretching out from that mini-skirt have gathered
quite the popularity on school grounds. Right now, she was standing in front
of the windows in the classroom. You could probably paint her like that and
sell it off as an art piece.

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“I can understand that you might be doubting me. Why would a dull male
student like me be confessed to—-something like that, right?”


Although I can’t exactly deny the fact that I’m not really a popular high
school student, should a teacher really say something like that to said

“…..And what the hell are you doing?!”

“Fu, even I am not so sure about that.” She laughed cynically as she came
closer to me.

With quick movements, she opened the buttons of her white blouse!

U-Uwa….A-A valley..! H-Her breasts! Her skin, so white it’s

shocking….and so soft looking…..! This might not be the first time in my life
that I saw such a cleavage but these are the breasts of the most beautiful
teacher in this whole school….!

“H-How is it? I do have some confidence in terms of size and form, you
know? Ah, hey, don’t get aroused!”

“So it would be fine if I don’t get aroused?!” It’s true that I might be
thinking something bad but I clearly can’t be blamed in this situation!

Being attacked from this distance, I could even see her bra! Just what I
would expect from a grown up; a simple, yet erotic mix of underwear….

“By the way, Saigi-kun.”

“W-What is it?”

“Depending on your answer, these breasts might be yours to use how you
want to…..?” She might have been snickering but her cheeks were slightly

She could just tell me if she was embarrassed….that being said, does

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something like that even happen? An adult getting embarrassed because of a
kid like me?

“No no, isn’t this a bit weird?! A confession….were you serious about

“I wouldn’t confess to you just for the giggles. Still, that was my first
confession… think that you would steal my first time…..”

“Uhm….” Can you not say such a misleading phrase as you flash around
your breasts right in front of me?!

I know that I should be averting my eyes but I’m a still growing boy so
that might be a bit too much to ask, don’t you think? Still, that was her first
confession, huh. I’m sure that if you were this beautiful, you would only be
confessed to!

No, wait. Even if I trust her on that, what now? Should I even trust her
confession as a whole?

That’s right, there’s no way that the ‘Unobtainable flower’ would be

confessing her love to me. Leaving out the male students, she’s even crazy
popular with her colleagues. She’s not just a pretty face, but also a very
admirable teacher. Still in her twenties, her classes are very easy to
understand. Whether she was in the classroom, the hallway, the teacher’s
room or just walking around, it seemed like a scene out of a drawing. Even so
much, that no one dares to go on the offensive.

Aren’t you all just little chickens?—is something I often think but it’s not
like I can’t understand their reasoning. She’s just so immensely beautiful that
it’s hard to approach her. Of course, I never once thought about approaching
her. I mean, she’s a beautiful teacher….a teacher, you know? Of course,
comparing her to other more aggressive teachers, or the ones who only cry
about their problems when they open their mouth, she was a way bigger
problem. In a certain meaning, the others don’t have another side. Just as you
see them, good-for-nothing teachers all over. If only I paid attention to them,
there was nothing to be afraid about.

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But, what should I do against her? What would happen if I carelessly
approached her? That’s why, I have to take my distance from her no matter
what. Even if she’s my home-room teacher, I can just minimize the contact
with her. At the very least, that’s what I’ve been doing until now but….

Today I was specifically called here. What do you think?

“You’ve gotten silent, I see. Yeah, maybe I could try a bit harder….but
don’t tell me, you prefer panties over breasts….?!”

“I’m not a member of either faction!”

Don’t put a hand on your skirt! Your hand!!!

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Even though she’s supposed to be the unobtainable flower, you keep
showing me things I shouldn’t be able to see so easily!

“O-of course…..depending on your answer, I might even give you a part of

my underwear as a present….you know?”

“Even if I were to receive something like that….”

I don’t feel like that’s the main problem here either.

“Fu, you sure are stubborn, Saigi-kun. I even chose this deserted room so
that I could seduce you a bit to make sure that you would give a positive
reply…..How rude.”

“So the question of who exactly the rude one is isn’t integrated in this

Aren’t you thinking of me as merely an idiot? Well, I really am one I


While she was sighing in resignment, she still came closer.

W-What is it? Wanna fight? I’ll just say this upfront but I’m pretty weak. I
don’t even have the confidence that I could win against a girl.

“Okay okay, don’t be so on guard like that. I won’t eat you.”


With one push, she pushed me down onto a chair close by.

“Ahh, I feel so calm right now.”

“…….! I don’t feel calm at all, though?!”

Just when I wondered what she was going to do, she pressed her breasts on
my head.

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Her breasts…..! Her breasts are…..! They are hitting my head, hitting my

“T-They are hitting me, Sensei!”

“What is? If you don’t say it out loud and clear, I won’t know what you

“The things you’re strongly pressing against me!” What is she saying
while she just snickers to herself!?

“You can stay like this when you answer…or would you prefer it if I made
you stand up while you answer me?”

“F-Fujiki-sensei isn’t the type to do that, though?”

And, it’s not like I’m an M.

“By the way Saigi-kun, Kawarasaki-sensei let’s her students stand-up

during her whole class if they can’t answer a question.”

“I don’t understand the reason for that….except she wants to have a feeling
of superiority maybe.”

Giving teachers a rebellious answer is something like a bad character trait

of mine by the way.

This person called Kawarasaki-sensei is one of these nasty teachers who’s

asking the students impossible answers, as some sort of bad hobby.

“It might be really clever to just stay silent. At the very least, most of my
students do that.”

“I’m not an idiot that would raise my fists. I’m more of the silent-type.”
Though, there might be a lot of students that wouldn’t hold back against

“Still, going against your teacher is a no-go. It doesn’t matter with

Kawarasaki-sensei but I don’t want you doing that to me. I will have to give

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this cheeky Saiki-kun of mine a punishment.”

“Eh? Punishment……wha-?!”


It really was a sound like that. A sound that definitely should not be heard
in this situation. And, a soft feeling remained on my cheek. First her breasts
and now this…….hey!

“What the hell are you doing, Fujiki-sensei?!”

“A kiss.”

“Don’t reply with a shy face! Why a kiss?!”

“It should be fine to kiss the boy that I like, right. I wouldn’t be doing that
with someone I don’t like.”

“I’m not the boy you like but your student, right?!”

“You don’t have to get so aroused just because I kissed you on the cheek.
Here, another punishment.”

Kiss Kiss

T-This person….she followed up twice after that…..!

“But, with this you should understand, right? We aren’t in America here
and I wouldn’t just kiss a boy I don’t have any feelings for. My confession
was the real deal, okay?”


For adults, something like this might be a normal thing. I mean, I’m not
familiar with the world of adults, you know? Thinking that way really is
relaxing alright.

“Ahh, that’s right. We’ve already kissed, so call me ‘Maka-sensei’. It’s

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fine, a lot of the other students also call me like that, so nobody would think
that of it as weird. Now, repeat after me, ‘Maka-sensei’.”


“It seems you still need punishment—-”

“Maka-sensei. Yeah, I’ll call you Maka-sensei!”

If she kept going like this, I would be too happy—–no, just troubled!

Leaving aside the fact how exactly it would be troublesome, if I can be

freed from this, I will gladly chose that option.

Really, why is this happening?–I thought.

I’ll just say this upfront, but my grades are in the middle-class, just like my
athletic abilities and my looks. I’m also not the tallest of the boys. I wouldn’t
call myself an idiot but I’m just a normal high school boy you can find

That means—–yeah, it must be that.

Truth be told, I thought it was weird. For a beautiful teacher like her to
confess to a normal, boring student like me—–

“As if that would happen just like that! What are you planning, Sensei?”

“Eh, eh?” Seemingly surprised because of my sudden outburst, she finally

moved a step back.

“Sensei, you should be aware of what status you have in this school. It’s a
bit embarrassing to say it out loud but you’re called the ‘Unobtainable
flower’. Why are you confessing to a Student A kind of guy—-”

“I’m clearly not such an unobtainable flower—-You should be well aware

of that, right?”


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It’s just as she says.

I am probably the only one in the whole school who knows that she clearly
isn’t an unobtainable flower. She’s taking off her clothes, kissing me on the
cheek and so on. And, she knows…that I know? Huh? Why?

“Woman have secrets but Saigi-kun hates that, right?”

So she’s got my likes and dislikes marked already….

“But, this clearly isn’t about Sensei’s secret right now.”

That’s right, the conversation was drifting in the wrong direction.

“….It’s true that I’m a teacher, and you’re a student. I’m an adult, and
you’re still a real minor.”

Why was that ‘real’ part in there?

“I do like you but—-yes, if Saigi-kun were to accept, I would fail as a


“Eh? Well, yeah…”

Even though she was the one that confessed, what is this beautiful teacher

“That’s why, if Saigi-kun were to say yes, I will resign as a teacher and
atone for that as along as I live.”


“Maybe I’ll become a nun….yeah, there’s a cloister nearby.”

“As if!”

Ah, that wasn’t formal language. But I couldn’t hold myself back from
retorting! After confessing to me, this sounds way too fishy! On top of that,
why would she go so far if I were to say yes?! I don’t get it!

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“I will train you to fall in love with me. Once that’s done—–it will be our

“So you’d be fine with that?!”

I give up! I don’t get anything! Well that was the case at the very
beginning too, but still!

“It’s fine. I don’t care about the result. Just, I want to teach you while
having this feeling. So you better prepare yourself, Saigi-kun.”


She came closer to me, leaned over and looked at me with upturned eyes.

Ugh…for an adult, she’s really cute.

There are a lot of people that you could describe as beautiful or lovely, but
when she looks at me with that unbeatable smile, she’s projecting a weird
cuteness onto me…..!

“It’s fine, my feelings for you are real. I’m sure that you’ll be able to feel
the same sooner or later.”

“…..Sensei really is weird but don’t go pulling me into this.”

“No worries, we have time. I’ll raise you, from “A normal student’ to ‘A
student that loves me’……!”

Her lips were smiling but her eyes were dead-serious. Completely different
from that teacher when I was in kindergarten. When I had confessed to her,
her eyes were also smiling.

And also, assuming that she’s serious, how is she planning to train me….?

This is bad… really bad…. I was keeping my distance from ‘teachers’ but
now that question still popped into my head. Probably because her age wasn’t
that far away from mine, I unconsciously treated her as something special.
Her breasts, her slender fingers that lifted up her skirt, there’s no way I

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couldn’t pay attention to that!

Love, special lessons, resigning as a teacher if I confessed to her, she kept

on throwing all these weird topics at me. Her serious eyes are causing a
disturbance inside me.

I shouldn’t be accepting all of this but my heartbeat wouldn’t slow down.

No good. Her ‘training’ might have already started….

This —— was Sensei’s and my prologue. In this deserted room, everything

started, plain and calm.

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Chapter 1: Maka-sensei’s special
Fujiki Maka—around 24 years old. A working member of society, namely
an English teacher at the private teaching institution Seikadai.

Having gained some experience during her short time in America, her
grammar and pronunciation are almost on a native-speaker level. Besides
being the home-room teacher for class 2A, she’s not active anywhere else
club-wise. Always giving advice during class, the lesson’s might derail a bit
but it’s mostly about English related stuff anyway.

Even though these types of teachers might not always get a lot of attention,
for Maka-sensei it is the complete opposite.

First, she’s good looking, even so much that she wouldn’t lose against a
prominent actress or a model.

Also, younger teachers are often rather friendly with their students and
often interest themselves in what the youngsters like, making the lessons
seem more interesting. However, if they try to force themselves too much for
the lessons, the students will soon be fed up with it.

Instead, Maka-sensei’s motto is “Popular with students? I’d rather focus on

their improvement though.”, making her lessons stand out. It makes sense
that the students would prefer her over the other teachers.

“—-And, if you put the hypothetical past form here, you can insert the
word ‘if’ here without many problems. Of course, there are other lexical
anomalies to be aware of, but if you practice the grammar and syntax enough,
you’ll be able to understand perfectly—”


Standing behind the teacher’s desk was said beautiful English teacher.

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Even the comments she wrote on the blackboard as she explained were
written neatly and easy to read. That is something that students are extremely
thankful for.

Currently, I am sitting in the last row of the classroom next to the window.
Originally, I had another seat but a certain female student asked me to switch
with her. Being in the seat furthest away from the teacher is very comforting.
I want to live here.

All in all, Mako-sensei’s classes are very calm and since I don’t like that
whole murmur from the other students, I’m very grateful for that. Although
there’s one female student that keeps sleeping. She’s the one that switched
her seat with me….but she’s always like that so I’ll forget about her for now.

But, even though I got this seat, I can’t calm down for some reason.

“This is connected to the structure of long sentences, so if you learn about

this, you can use your time for efficiently……”

Yesterday after class, she looked like a witch who would misuse her power
as a teacher…..but she’s completely normal right now. Rather, that thing
yesterday must’ve been a prank, right?

“Then about this question… about Saigi-kun. Please come up to the



Suddenly being called out like that, I spaced out for a second. On the
blackboard, several grammatical problems were lined up.

Not good, I didn’t listen at all.

For now, I decided to go up to the blackboard with my notes in my hand.

Ughh, right as I arrive next to her, her sweet aroma… bringing me out
of my concept…….!

If you let out such a sweet smell, the idiotic boys like me will be entranced

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in mere seconds. Of course, I will not be led astray. I-I will not be influenced
by this woman!

“What are you doing? Don’t tell me you weren’t listening to my class?”

“……..! A-Absolutely not…..”

She took a step closer to me and her breasts were barely touching my
arm……! What is this, my upper arm is being wrapped into something soft!
So even through her suit, blouse and bra, I can still feel their elasticity?!

“Then that’s fine. Now, the question.”

She stepped next to me—–and for some reason, she turned the sleeve of
her right arm over. Sticking to that was a small piece of paper.

‘I’m not wearing a bra.’ it said. Written with an even cuter handwriting
than that on the blackboard.

……Uhm, what exactly is the intention of this? She didn’t put on bra on
purpose and rubbed her breasts against my arm? This always self-important
—no, this unobtainable flower is doing such obscene things?

—Of course, I never managed to answer her question and got scolded by

I wasn’t like the other idiots of my grade who would say stuff like “Being
looked at by her, full of scorn, is a reward!” so I wasn’t happy in the slightest.

“Welcome to my castle!”


I don’t know if I should retort to that, laugh at that or run away


After school, I was once more called over – the second day in a row not to
mention – to the English preparation room on the second floor in the second
school building. Being about three times bigger than a normal classroom,

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there are four desks in the middle, facing each other. However, only one of
them looks like it was used recently. And, the person that was welcoming me
was sitting in front of said desk.

“This is the first time I’ve actually come to this room but this really looks
deserted. Weren’t there other English teachers as well?”

“Of course there are but they changed the room. This one hasn’t been used
in quite a while.”

“I see. Truth be told, this room is really stuffed.”

Countless boxes were more or less neatly lined up at the walls and they
were filled with texts and printouts who were about to overflow.

“This school has a history of about 50 years already. Old texts, test
answers, everything that was used until today was basically thrown away into
this room. Maybe they should just burn down this whole room.”

“If so, then please do it before my next test.”

“That sounds very student-like. How nostalgic. And if Saigi-kun really

wishes for it, I might actually come up with a plan to do that.”

“L-Let’s not do that…..”

Can’t make a joke in front of this teacher, I guess…… Well, she’s

probably just kidding but I felt a small spark of seriousness in there.

“Ah, right. Well, the preparation room is still a preparation room. This still
has a lot of valuable data. And if they don’t specifically need something, the
teachers come here rather seldom. They are mostly in the teacher’s office.”

“I see~ As far as I know, there are even teacher’s that use their place as
their home, bringing countless things here that don’t have anything to do with
school. Like posters or such.”

“Then, I’ll bring a poster of Saigi-kun.”

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“What kind of harassment is that!”

And I’m not selling something like that anyway.

“…..So that means you’re going to put up posters of me in your own room

“You have no reason at all to add that ‘so that means’ in there….And no,
that would probably get me arrested.”

“I do think that I could give you enough material for that though. Like in a
swimsuit, and if you work hard, I might even do an underwear shot.”


So she’s going to hide her egoistically sexy body with even less than a
towel…..How idiotic, if she were to pose like that, I couldn’t see it just as a
normal poster…..!

“Of course you can use it for anything else besides as a poster too. Kya~ I
wonder what would happen to me~?”


She keeps on drifting away from her unobtainable flower title like this.

“No, I’m serious. Totally serious.”

Her eyes were the same when she’s in class, completely serious. Since I
always look at the eyes of the people around me, I understand. She’s
completely serious.

“Even before you put me to shame during class. Saigi-kun, you’re always
acting without hesitating.”

“It’s you that doesn’t hesitate! What was that ‘I’m not wearing a bra’ thing

Ahh, that soft feeling is coming back…..

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“I probably went a bit too far there. Sensei will reflect on that….”

“So even a witch can have a conscience.”

“Who’s a witch? But, this is also necessary for your education. Sometimes
it’s sugar, sometimes it’s the whip. I have to make an impact from time to

“So that really was meant as punishment…..But well, it’s fine if you reflect
on it. And, why did you call me here today?”

“To continue your education. Yesterday was, how do I say it, your first
day. From now on, I will always call you here—-to my castle.”

“We’re going to continue?!”

This doesn’t feel like an education at all, you know? And is it really fine to
use the school’s resources for that?

“The new year has barely started, right? First, I have to deal with the new
troublesome students because recovering after the start will be hard. I have to
maintain my superiority.”

“I-I see….well, that might be the case.”

“And I don’t like a sudden turnaround. From start to finish, I have to be at

a favourable position and have the situation in the palm of my hand.”

“Somehow I’m hearing rather extreme vocabulary here…..”

“Of course. I wouldn’t want to turn into the loser in that situation.”

“Well, I don’t think that such a situation will ever come though.”

What the hell are we even talking about here?

“For teachers, it’s a competition. You often hear that the class balance was
taken over because of one problem child. And the school wants to avoid that
too. We are a private school after all, so if something unpleasant were to

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happen, the administration would come running immediately.”

“What a lively explanation…”

Well, I knew that our school was basically something like a business
institution. Or rather, I wonder who she means by problem children….

“Well, this prologue was a bit long but this is the reasoning why I will be
using my authority to call Saigi-kun here for guidance counselling.”

“No no no, using your authority to perform guidance counselling to make

me fall in love with Maka-sensei is just weird!”

“Of course, the pretext will be something else. I mean, Saigi-kun has a
personality like that. That’s why, to make sure that you, as a problem child,
will not make any problems, I will be using this preparation room for
guidance counselling.”

“P-Problem child…..!”

Well, I thought before that she was seeing me as a problem child. Just
because I tend to retort a bit too much without thinking, but that’s just
because I don’t want to hide my suspicion towards teachers. So if a good kid
like me has to be corrected, then what the hell is wrong with this school…..!

“For now, could you look at this handout here.”

Maka-sensei on her part didn’t care at all about me having received a huge
shock and just handed me a handout.

“What….? ‘Fujiki Maka-sensei’s secrets’…?” Heigh is 160cm, weight is

47kg, three sizes are 88-57-87…..what the hell are you showing me?!” I
panicked and handed the handout back to her.

“You know, if I want you to fall in love with me, I have to tell you about
me. Knowing my data like this is also important, right?”

“What the hell are you teaching me…..!”

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Not to mention that we are alone together in a deserted room so the
situation is plenty dangerous already.

But….88cm, huh. To think that people could arrive at these

measurements…. And these 88cm were hitting my arm….

“And, didn’t I tell you before! What are you doing, leading students astray
like this?”

“Saigi-kun, don’t you think that mutual love is actually ridiculous?”

Completely ignoring my question, Maka-sensei showed off her beautiful

legs as she crosses them.

“Eh? What are you on about now…? Well, Maka-sensei aims for a mutual
love between the two of us, right?”

Ahhh, how embarrassing….

“Someone falling in love with someone else is one thing. For example,
Amanashi-san in your class. The majority of boys—is a bit too much so let’s
say a third are probably in love with her, don’t you think?”

“…That might be the case, yes.”

She’s very famous in a lot of meanings and she’s very popular with the
boys, even I know that.

“But, out of all these boys, she can only have a mutual love with one. So
the chance for one of these boys isn’t all that high.”

“Well, talking about chances, that’s true, yes.”

It would be weird for Amanashi-san to agree to a harem after all because

this isn’t a light novel.

“That’s why, to make someone fall in love with you, working hard is
essential. Only a middle school student hopes that the person they love loves
them back. For mutual love, you have to bring in at least a certain amount of

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hard work. Basically, what I am doing right now.”

“But, even if you put your everything in to it, the other person might just
not be interested in you, so you basically have to give up on that.”

“In this world, there are fights that you’re not allowed to lose!” Standing
up from her chair, she put her fist towards the sky.

What am I even doing here?

“I’m an educator. So I will use every weapon I have. Basically, I will show
Saigi-kun how hard working I am and discipline—-no, guide you.”

“It feels like you said something incredibly ridiculous just now…Aren’t
you abusing your position?”

“Even though I am a teacher, I happened to meet you, my student, and fall

in love with you after all. That’s why I will use every little trick I have!”

Saying that, her fist was vibrating slightly….Kinda cute.

…..Ah, did she poison me already?!

“Rather, that reason is somewhat lacking, don’t you think! You’re even
using this preparation room here, we’re clearly talking about an abuse of your

“The other English teachers won’t use this room anyway. I just found a
reason to efficiently use it.”


I almost forgot but she really is the unobtainable flower. How

presumptuous to think that someone would approach her. I heard that even
her fellow teachers in the teacher’s office keep their distance. If they know
that Maka-sensei is in here, it will make it hard for them to come near this

“Thinking about it, it might be thanks to that.”

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What’s that about? Well, it’s already been about a year since she came to
this school, so it wouldn’t be too weird to think that something happened.
Right, wasn’t there a an uproar once?

“But, even if I count as a problem child, aren’t you quite the problem
teacher for doing something like this?”

“Although I would really like to know why you’re suddenly dissing me,
you’re always saying stuff like that so I’ll ignore it for now. Rather than
that….” Saying that, she took out her smartphone and turned it on. “We
should exchange our contact information. For your guidance counselling, we
have to be able to keep on touch.”

“Ehh? Is it fine to do that with a student?”

“If you don’t want to, I’d have to call for you every time during home
room class. I don’t really mind though.”

“It would be an honour to give you my contact information.”

I’d rather receive her messages than being called every single day. I don’t
want to be thought of as a problem child after all. Still, I bet that a lot of
people would actually pay good money for Maka-sensei’s number and LINE
ID, but I’m not happy at all. And it’s not like she’ll be spamming every single

The next day, between second and third class.

Only having ten minutes for a break is absurd, I think. Also, since the next
class is gym class, we also have to change and move to the gym hall. No time
left after all of that. Nobody cares if the teachers are a bit late, so why do you
have to make such a strict time schedule for the students.

Having changed into my jersey inside the boy’s changing room, I made my
way towards the entrance of the building. It’s not like I don’t have any
friends but I couldn’t exactly call them my close friends either. So I mostly

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end up doing the exercises alone. But right now, I’m actually happy because
of that. If I had a close friend, they might find out about Maka-sensei
suspicious plotting. She didn’t call for me yet but I’m sure that she’s rather
serious about that ‘guidance counselling’ and so on.

After that kiss and her pushing her breasts in my face….I wonder how this
will end. B-But I’m not looking forward to it or anything!


Arriving at the shoe lockers in the entrance, a serious looking female

student walked towards me. With long black hair, she was properly wearing
her uniform and even her walk was dignified.


“W-What is it?”

Stopping in front of me, she checked me out from top to bottom.

“Properly pull up the zipper of your jersey, will you. How undisciplined.”


With these words, she didn’t even give me a chance and did it herself.
Since her face was very close to mine, her sweet aroma assaulted my

“Alright. As soon as I’m gone, don’t go slacking off in that regard.”

“I won’t….”

Seeming satisfied after hearing my response, the long black-haired female

student went her own ways again. Of course, as soon as she was out of my
sight, I opened up the zipper again. Today it’s a bit hot anyway, so please
give me at least that.

That person is as nitpicky as always….well, that’s her job after all.

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“Ohh, if it isn’t Saigi-kun in a jersey, how cute.”


On the other end of the shoe lockers, a pretty face entered my field of view
and before I even realized it, that woman started snapping photos of me with
her phone. Of course, that could’ve been no one other than this school’s
number one beautiful teacher and the unobtainable flower, Fujiki Maka-
sensei. Having finished her photo session, she disappeared again.

“Oh, Saigi. What are you doing here? You’re not coming?”

“No, I was about to go over there.”

Is she a ninja or something? She disappeared the moment my classmate

came around the corner.

“Say, how much would you pay for a picture of me in my jersey?”

“How about you put them up for auction and see for yourself?”


From that classmate came an expected answer. Might he be a mob-

character with a name?

Well, I’m sure that for 99% of the people in this words, such photos would
be nothing more than burnable material.

And, that day after classes.

Just as one would suspect, I was called to the English material preparation

“Sorry that I only have tea bags. Since this is the preparation room, I can’t
offer you anything better.”

“I think that this isn’t really the place for hospitality anyway.

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Maka-sensei poured some black tea into a cup and handed it to me. Some
people might consider it lucky to have a beautiful teacher like her pour tea for
you but I was already pretty ‘lucky’ as she called me here.

Currently, I was sitting on a chair next to the desks lined up next to each
other inside the room, just like Maka-sensei.

“That’s right. This is supposed to be a special guidance counselling after

all. Well then, let’s start, shall we.”

“What are we going to do today….?”

Yesterday, we didn’t do anything special (leaving out the confession and

the punishment), so I wonder what this guidance counselling will actually
look like.

“There’s no need for you to be so cautious. After all, this is mere guidance
counselling. To properly educate you. You can just think of an additional

She picked up the remote on top of the desk and turned on the power
supply of the TV standing at the wall.

“To properly teach the English language, we often use videos and so on,
you see. That’s why we still have that TV here.” Continuing her explanation,
she continued to use the remote.

Apparently that TV is also connected to the internet, so you can even

stream videos on it. She then proceeded to open up a shopping site for these
videos. Just one look was enough to realize that there were countless videos
from overseas.

‘Let’s learn English by watching a movie’ was what the class probably
looked like when the TV was used. Well, the only thing you would
understand from that would be how she got that weird slang of hers.

“Alright, let’s appreciate this one, shall we. I’m sure that you will enjoy it
too, Saigi-kun.”

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“Uhm…’My mini-skirt teacher ~Let’s watch her black stockings from a
raw angle volume~’, huh. So this will help me get better in English I see.”

What was shown on the cover you might ask? Well, let me tell you. A
teacher (Who would’ve thought) with an upswept hairstyle. Her clothes? The
breasts were almost visible, as the upper part of her white blouse was
unbuttoned, a dark blue tight skirt mixed with black stockings and high heels.
Additionally, red-framed glasses and a teacher’s cane. Standing in front of
the blackboard, with an English workbook in her hands, she looked like she
was reading something out of it with a monotone face.

Hey, the building of the character is too insufficient. With that level of
detail, you won’t get me interested.

The shot looked like it was from a students perspective, so you couldn’t
guess how many other people were in that room. Said room was of course a

I wonder why they didn’t add any students. Maybe because of the budget.

“The skirt is way too short. If she were to got to work like this, she would
get an earful from the vice principal.”

“I do think that Maka-sensei’s skirt is also barely within school


As she said that, I happened to take a quick glance at her skirt but I
couldn’t really help that, okay?

While I was saying that, the teacher sat down on top of the teacher’s desk
and had a worried expression on her face. Just as the subtitles predicted, the
camera angle changed to a lower position and now it was so close that it
looked like you could lick her if you stuck out your tongue.

Hey hey, you’re completely forgetting the calves. Are they not aware of
the sexiness of the calves?

“…..That’s not the point! What the hell are you showing me?!”

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“Your retort is a bit too late. Quite some time has already passed, you

“That’s just because I didn’t know on what exactly I should retort!”

Why exactly does she look like she’s having fun, watching this erotic
teacher video.

“Is it really fine to watch something like this on school grounds?! I clearly
can’t see this as an additional lesson!”

“Don’t worry, this is but an R-15 video. I won’t get in trouble for showing
this to the 16 year old Saigi-kun.”

“Ah, if that’s the case—-no, this isn’t a problem of age restrictions!”

This is plenty erotic even if it’s not an R-18 video.

“Why is it a problem for a teacher like me to watch such a teacher video?

That’s the same when the baseball club members are watching a video of the
professionals playing.”

“There’s a clear difference! If you think that there’s no problem with this,
I’ll go call the vice principal!”

“If you did that, this wouldn’t end with just a lecture. Grabbing me in that
weakened state, I would be pulled onto the night streets and really enter the
R-18 world for good.”

“…..Eighteen…..ha! So you really understand! Without forcing me to

make the vice principal a guest character!”

By the way, the vice principal or our institution is a mature woman.

“Well, it’s a bit more extreme than I was expecting. No wonder that Saigi-
kun would get interested in what comes next.”

“I’m really not interested just because of one video….”

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Not like it matters, but the female teacher was still in the same position,
with the camera in licking range. It’s actually quite wholesome as they go
showing her chest area and inside her skirt.

“Saigi-kun, I’ll show you the good points of a female teacher. I thought
that the stimulation might’ve been to strong if I showed you immediately
with my own body, so I decided to show you these videos first.”

“Only as a means of educating me of course, right?”

Like forcing me develop a teacher fetish and making me the one

responsible in the end.

I wonder what she would do if I didn’t develop such a fetish until I die.

“Well, it’s not like it’s costing me a lot of money but—–hey! What is she

“What do you mean? She’s stripping.”

With eyes that looked like she was inviting you, the female teacher opened
up her blouse even more.

“I don’t mind that she’s stripping. But, the thing she’s wearing….isn’t that
a swimsuit?!”

“It looks like it. Wouldn’t you, as a teacher, know better?”

“Eh? I don’t know what you’re talking about….Why is she wearing a

swimsuit under her normal clothes? Did she have swimming classes that

“You don’t really believe that, do you…..?”

It’s not like I was really interested in this ‘Just a little bit erotic’ type of
video, really. But, just as the other students, I was basically forced to watch
this happen.

In these types of videos, they mostly wear swimsuits as underwear.

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Depending on the form, it even looks like normal underwear. But, if you
really wished to see normal underwear, or less, then you would have to aim
for a R-18 video.

“Ehhh, it really is a swimsuit…..wearing a swimsuit in a classroom seems

kind of idiotic to me though….”

Don’t tell me, is this the first time she’s watching a video like this? It
seems like that was a great shock for her…..

The teacher in the video has now taken off her blouse + skirt, and even the
stockings. Hey, weren’t the black stockings the selling point?

Only wearing a bikini now, the teacher struck an arousing pose.

“Hey…Hey…this is completely different!” Maka-sensei pointed the

remote towards the screen and pressed the fast forward button.

It seems like the teacher would’ve taken a few other erotic poses and until
the scene changed. Now, it was a gym teacher, wearing a jersey inside the
gym hall. Of course, she didn’t wear that jersey for long and beneath that was
also a swimsuit. Next in line was a woman wearing just a swimsuit inside a
pool and she tried every move possible to make her breasts bounce all over
the place.

“Ehhhhh, this doesn’t have to do with teachers anymore! I even payed

1980yen for this!”

“Even if you tell me that….”

And also, her way of going at things is completely wrong, so the content of
the video is clearly not the problem….Well, I’m also a healthy male high
school student, so a girl’s half-nakedness is getting me excited but my
interests wouldn’t change just because I watch that one video.

“Ehhhhh? S-Saigi-kun, this woman, she took her bikini-top off?!”

Just as Maka-sensei stated, while making sure that nothing can be seen, the
woman took the top of her bikini off. But, since this is R-15, she’s hiding her

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breasts. A so-called ‘hand bra’.

“Ehhh, she’s stripping even though it’s not in front of a man she

This isn’t a romance drama you know?

“Wait….hey! Ahhh, don’t move your hand like that!”


She seemed really shocked as she said that and went to hide behind me.
Slightly resting her head on my shoulders, she continued to look.

I don’t care if you want to watch, or if you don’t want to watch but can you
not push your body onto mine like that?!

Her soft breasts were hitting my back and it didn’t seem like she would let
go anytime soon.

And her sweet aroma is attacking my brain!

Even the woman in the video was showing all sorts of positions, but who
the hell cares really?

Rather than that, the feeling of that cute living creature still keeps hitting
my back!

“Kya—, kya—-! D-Don’t! Saigi-kun, this is too lewd so don’t watch!”

“Even though Sensei was the one that put it on?!”

“That doesn’t matter right now!” With one swoop, she covered up my eyes
with her arm.

Although I couldn’t see anything but….

“Ehh, this time it’s the nurse’s office?” “Is she not wearing any underwear
under her white robe either?” “Her breasts are practically glued to the white

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robe!” “Is this some sort of disinfection play?!” I could still hear her
panicking voice.

Her reactions were as if she was watching a horror movie.

And every time she’s moving, her breasts press onto me!

“A-Ah…it’s finally over….At least this is over….”


Sadly—no, finally, she separated her breasts from my back. Paired with
that, I heard a rummaging sound behind me.

What the hell is she doing now?

“I-It’s okay now….slowly turn around, Saigi-kun……”


I hope it’s not one of her bad pranks———-HEEEEEEEEEEY?!

“What are you doing, Maka-sensei?!”

“J-Just as you can see…..I just researched it on my phone but this

apparently is a hand bra.”

“What kind of things are you doing behind my back?!”

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As I turned around, there was Maka-sensei, having taken off blouse and
even her bra……even her bra! She’s barely hiding her big melons with her
right arm?!

So she took all that off with her left arm while she covered my eyes with
her right, huh….. But, comparing this to the sight from before, this is 220%
more dangerous!

“Can you not stare at me like that…..even I’m embarrassed….so much that
I want to die….”

“There was no need for you to strip, right?! You even said that a real body
in front of me would’ve had too much of an impact!”

“Ah, hey! Look at me properly, Saigi-kun!”

“You just told me not to look, right?!”

Even though I did as she said.

“I-I can’t help it, you know….I can’t have you miss out on my own hand
bra after all….”

“I don’t get your reasoning one bit…..”

“I’m sure that that lewd video had too much of an impact for you! I can’t
lose against a mere 1980yen video! My hand bra will not lose against that
fake teacher’s!”

“What are you talking about?!”

I would’ve forgotten about the video’s hand bra immediately anyway. Was
she thinking that I would be influenced by something of that level?

“For now, please put your clothes back on. Ahh, they are over here….”

On another chair, there were the jacket of her suit, and her blouse. I picked
them up and handed them over to Maka-sensei as…..

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As she muttered that, something fell down on the floor.

Yup, that’s….a bra alright. So today it’s a black one, huh. Just what I
expected from Maka-sensei, her bra was gigantic.

“Saigi-kun! Wait, don’t pick that up!”


Panicking, Maka-sensei leaned over to pick up the bra. Of course, in that

moment, she completely forgot about her being topless as she reached out
with her right hand.

“Uwa—-?!” Realizing the situation, I hurriedly looked away.

T-That was close…..! I-I was about to see…or rather it feels like I saw it
but I it might’ve been my imagination…!

“D-Did you see….?”

“N-No. I didn’t see anything.”

“I-Is that so. I believe you. Not trusting my cute pupil would make me a
failure of a teacher after all. Yes, you didn’t see anything… didn’t see

Picking up the bra, I handed her the rest of her uniform and turned around.
I just kept looking at a wall.

Remember the sight of that wall and forget about that sight just now, Saigi

Behind me, I heard the rustling of clothes again.

“But, well, that video wasn’t very useful for your education. It seems like
even adults make mistakes.”

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“I knew from the very start that something like that wouldn’t work

And I happened to see something very dangerous too. It feels like the
content of that video had been completely deleted already. Sensei’s hand bra
and that split second when she bent over completely overwrote that video in
my brain.

“Y-You can turn around now. L-Let’s leave it at this for today.”

Turning around, the usual Maka-sensei was standing there. Seeing that, I
was half relieved and half disappointed.

“I’ll search for a more fitting video for next time.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to just give up on such videos….?”

After everything that happened, she’s still motivated, that woman.

“And, I think it would be better for you to delete that recording. Other
teachers might also use that TV after all. They might misunderstand that the
contents might be related to a hobby of yours.”

“H-How do I do that…?”

Who’s the teacher here?

To be fair, I didn’t feel anything at all while watching that teacher video.
But, towards Maka-sensei, it was just a tiny bit different.

Maybe her education and guidance counselling isn’t all too bad—is what I

In the end, Maka-sensei rounded up her job and told me to go home.

Realizing that watching that video was a huge failure, she received quite the
shock. Under my escort, we went back to the staff room, where she
immediately told everyone that “I started feeling bad during Saigi-kun’s
guidance counselling” to what the head teacher responded with “Can’t help

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Can’t help it….? What do you mean by that, hey?

“Saigi-kun, go and escort Fujiki-sensei to the train station. And don’t go on

talking rude to her just because you’re off school grounds.” She didn’t forget
to let a student take some responsibility too, it seems.

But, hey! I’m clearly the victim of all of this.

“Fu, today’s world is still full of surprises. Guess you never stop learning.”

“Maybe there are some biases in your knowledge, Sensei?”

Evening—-no, it had already gotten dark, the both of us were walking next
to each other. Most of the students had already gotten home, allowing us to
openly talk about the ‘guidance counselling’.

Well, at least there won’t be any weird rumours of me and Maka-sensei

walking home together.


In that moment, my phone vibrated. It was the usual cat photo.

“Saigi-kun, it’s not good to walk while you’re on the phone. If you want to
use it, I’ll wait.”

“Ah, no it’s fine.” I answered as I put the smartphone back into my pocket.
“Rather than that Sensei, is it enough to walk you to the station?”

“Eh? A-Ah, yes, that’s fine. No problem at all……”

That clearly doesn’t sound all that confident, though. Well, she’s still a
young woman, so maybe she doesn’t want others to find out where she lives.
Although it doesn’t feel like she would mind if it was me…..

“But, I really didn’t expect this…”

“Eh? What exactly?”

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Hearing my response, she quickly averted her face with flushed cheeks.

“W-Well, ‘Walking home together’ was something I had planned far later.
And it was really hard to find an excuse for it.”


At this time of the day, there probably wouldn’t be any other teachers still
going home. Since the teachers also left at a reasonable time, it wasn’t that
rare to meet up with one and walk together until the station.

“And also, this is the first time in my life that I’m walking home with
another male.”


“I-Is that so unbelievable?”

“Of course it is!”

“Saigi-kun, are you just making an idiot out of me?” She glared at me.

I wasn’t exactly mocking her but it was still quite the shock. Well, it makes
sense, considering her nickname ‘Unobtainable flower’. All the way up to
university, there should’ve been countless boys that were interested in her,
unable to ask her out. That explains why she doesn’t have any experience
with this.

Now I actually feel bad for her…..

“Hey, Saigi-kun? It’s starting to piss me off if you look at me with these
condescending eyes.”

“A-Ah, I’m sorry. It seems like even I have some soft spots inside me…..”

Maka-sensei’s expression darkened even more but I decided not to pay any
attention to that.

In that moment, she let out a sigh.

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“A lot has happened in my life, you know. But, it wasn’t all just sunshine
and rainbows.”

“I won’t investigate any further on that.”

“You better do it! I’m basically asking you to! You might regret listening
for one hour but you might regret not listening for the rest of your life, right?!
Don’t keep on mocking me and show some responsibility!”

“As always, I have to idea how to handle Maka-sensei…..”

You shouldn’t be expecting that a male high school student willingly takes

“No, that’s fine. Your education has barely even started after all. It’s better
this way, otherwise I might’ve felt depressed, thinking that you were already
biased because of other women.”

“You’re a teacher, right? Might want to be careful of your way of


I lost count on how many times she destroyed her image of being an
unobtainable flower inside my head.

“Why are you so eager to educate me….or rather, why did you even fall in
love with me….?” Although my doubts are mostly cleared up, I still can’t
really believe it.

Why would she, a beauty that could even act as model on TV, fall in love
with such a boring high school boy like me? Well, I’ve realized that her
personality greatly differs from that but…..

“Saigi-kun, that’s no good. If I were to tell you, that would turn into an
‘answer’. I’m not teaching you the answer, I’m just paving the way for you to
arrive at that answer.”

“But why go so far?”

Maka-sensei wants me to fall in love with her. To achieve that, she’s trying

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to brainwash—no, educate me. Her first step is to make me lower my guard
towards ‘teachers’, or rather the female ones. One method of hers was
watching that erotic teacher video today. And she even went as far as to show
me her hand bra……no, let’s forget about that for now.

“Whatever reason I have, it’s an indisputable fact that I like you, Saigi-
kun. If that wasn’t the case, I wouldn’t want you to fall in love with me, call
you the preparation room where we could be interrupted anytime or watch
these weird videos with you. And if I fail, I’ll say goodbye to society and
become a nun.”

“If you’re aware of it, then stop doing it?!”

Why would she go so far if she doesn’t manage to make me fall in love
with her?

“That just shows my resolve. In life, you have to take some risks as well.
Though that incident today had some other risks…..”

“Risk or not, that today was clearly a self-destruction on your side.”

“I couldn’t help it! I didn’t expect it to be this lewd! And also, the title was
clearly a scam! I want my money back!”

“You shouldn’t trust the cover and title of these erotic videos, you know.”

“Hey…..” In one motion, she closed in on my face….too lose!

“Saigi-kun, don’t tell me that you’re watching these R-18 videos? That’s
not good! Anything besides teacher stuff is not allowed!”

“Why only teacher stuff?! And no, I’m not watching them, that’s just
common sense, at least for boys!”

“It seems like boys are still idiots no matter how old I get. It seems like I
can only get interested if it’s Saigi-kun…”


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So I’m special in that case?

“But, well, we finished the first step, although it ended up in a failure. Still,
I achieved walking home with you earlier than I thought.”

“You don’t have to force yourself to be positive, Sensei…..”

The head teacher told me to take her until the train station, so this far
should be fine, I guess.

“By the way, where are you living, Sensei? If you still don’t feel up to it, I
can walk you closer to your house.”

“Ah, perfect timing. Taxi!” Suddenly, she lifted up her hand to stop the
taxi that was driving past us, “Thank you for escorting me, Saigi-kun. I’ll
pass on the train today.” She grasped my hand for one second— “I actually
wanted to walk home holding hands but that would’ve been dangerous.
Sorry, this is all I can give you right now.” She whispered into my ears before
stepping into the taxi.

With a bang, the door closed and I could see Maka-sensei talking to the
driver. Looking at the hand that Maka-sensei grabbed just now, I formed a
fist. Her hand was really soft and smaller than I had imagined.

She really is a woman—is what I thought. And also—-

“Stopping a taxi like that, adults really are amazing…..”

I mean, I’m a high school student after all, there is no reason for me to call
a taxi like that. Maka-sensei really is an adult…..and not to mention a
beautiful one.

While these thoughts were slowly filling my heart, I started to wonder if I

was already being ‘educated’ by her. And the worst part is, I began to think
that it wouldn’t be too bad if it was someone like her.

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Chapter 2: Maka-sensei VS SID
As the school bell rang, Japanese class officially ended. Now there was
just homeroom left. Oh, and I have cleaning duty today too. Once that’s over,
it’s time for Maka-sensei’s guidance counselling. Yesterday we watched that
video…..I wonder what kind of things she’ll do today. Wait, am I looking
forward to it?! Saigi Makoto, what the hell are you thinking about! Even if
she is a beautiful teacher, I have to be more careful around her.

“I apologize for making you wait. There are some things I have to tell you
so please don’t go home yet.” Maka-sensei said as she entered the classroom.

Even though she only became the home room teacher about two weeks
ago, there are already a lot of students that are happy to see her. Leaving out
the guys for obvious reasons, there are also a lot of girls that look up to her.

Well, I do think that she’s beautiful, and that she could rival a model. Also,
everytime she enters the room, a sweet aroma enters my nose. I wonder if
she’s using perfume.

…..Hey! I’m already being led astray by Maka-sensei! Her education is

working too well isn’t it?! What are you going to do, Saigi Makoto! It’s
totally fine to give in to her sweet temptation—–no, it clearly isn’t!

“Oh, excuse me. Please wait a moment.”

Although she was in the middle of explaining the school schedule, she
suddenly took out her smartphone. Nobody seemed to care either. It seems
like other teachers are also using their phones at a time like this.

“……I apologize for that. Now, let’s continue.”


The moment she looked at the screen, it looked like she was surprised.
And, it seems like I was the only one that noticed that, maybe because I’ve

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been talking with her a lot more than them.

I wonder if something happened….?

Soon after that, she finished her explanations and left the classroom.


Immediately, my smartphone vibrated, and as I checked, I saw that it was a

message from Maka-sensei.

….How did she manage to write that message so fast? Probably when no
one was watching….what a crazy skill to have.

‘Sorry. I have to cancel today’s guidance counselling. It’s them.’

“Who is ‘them’?!”

I happened to retort out loud, gathering dubious gazes from my fellow


Saigi is just as weird as always—-they seemed to say, as if they were softly

patting me on the shoulders. I really wish that they didn’t treat me like an
eccentric. The word eccentric would fit Maka-sensei’s guidance counselling
much better.

For now, that was the only thing in the message……Can you not hint at a
deeper meaning with that ‘only’, Saigi Makoto?

“Saigi, we have to clean the stairs today. Let’s go.”

“…Y-Yeah, I got it, Kisou-san,”

My classmate, Kisou-san passed by me as she said that. Kisou Tenka-san

was one of the few calm people inside our noisy class. With her rather small
stature and brown twin-tails, she looked like a middle school student, or in
the worst case, like a grade school student. However, the things that are
supposed to be small are actually big, like the chest region.

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No no, this isn’t the time to be thinking about that. I shouldn’t be reading
too deep into Maka-sensei’s message. Since she cancelled the guidance
counselling, let’s get the cleaning over with and spend a calm afternoon.

However, cleaning took longer than I had expected. Although we didn’t

exactly have a lot to clean, someone had spilled some juice and other
questionable substances on the stairs which was a huge pain in the ass to get
rid off. Not to mention that the other students on cleaning duty decided to
skip it rather than actually help us.

I’ll remember your names alright. Well, since they’re actually our
classmates, I should remember them anyway.

“……These guys, I’ll remember their names.”


Seems like Kisou-san had the same thought as me. Or rather, she actually
said it out loud. Although she looks like an emotionless puppet, does he have
a radical side to her? Sometimes, she just sits there, tapping on her phone.
Maybe a secret diary…?

Like that, our big cleaning operation ended and Kisou-san disappeared like
smoke. I really don’t get her…..well, her small, cute appearance, paired with
her big breasts makes her fairly popular with the boys. But, she’s not the kind
of person that I have a lot of contact with.

However, the trouble will just continue and I won’t be able to get rid of
Maka-Sensei with just cleaning.

“Maybe I should’ve asked her for an exorcism….”

But, I highly doubt that I would get my money back if it doesn’t work. And
I don’t have such a relaxing financial situation that I could use a taxi
whenever I want.

“Oops, no good no good…..”

Thinking about the taxi, the face of a certain someone entered my mind

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and I actually thought of checking in on the English material preparations
room. Let’s just spend the rest of the day calmly, yeah.

Having returned to the classroom to pick up my bag, I was about to go

down the stairs.

“Saigi! Saigi Makoto!”

“…..Huh? Student council president?”

Right in the middle of the stairs, there was a female student with crossed
arms. It’s the person that pulled up the zipper of my jersey yesterday. This is
rare, being called out by her two days in a row even though we barely meet.

“Good thing I met you. I was actually searching for you.”

“Searching for me….?”

“That’s right” muttered the third year student council president.

Jinsho Karen—-although her name had a western feel to it, she was
without a doubt Japanese. She had long jet black hair and her blazer barely
fitted her because of her big breasts. With a decent face and a long back, her
slender legs shone even more. She really had the style of a model. Because of
that, she was fairly known on the school grounds, aside from being the
student council president of course. Additionally, she’s living in a cloister,
where she started her education as a nun.

So, as a nun and the student council president—-she was of course a

serious neat freak. Normally, I would always say that every person has a
hidden side to them but in her case, her seriousness is so strong that it’s hard
to doubt her.

“What is it…? I didn’t do anything, you know….” Just as I finished these

words, she pulled up my necktie and fully buttoned-up my blazer.

For some reason or another, she set her eyes on me. Be it my clothes, my
walking speed in the hallway or just because of the smallest things.

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…..She doesn’t go so far for the other students… she so touched by my

“No, there is. Do you not remember or what?”

“I-I don’t though…..”

Karen-kaichou tilted her head after hearing my response. It’s not like we
were close enough to call each other by names but it just sort of happened
after she was always nagging about my clothes. I wonder if there is any other
male student that would go against her word? No probably not. Or I might
just be weak against older beauties? Idiotic, my wariness only goes up
depending on their age.

“No, you did. It’s not something small like going against the school rules
concerning your clothes, or running to fast in the hallway. It’s a serious

“Serious crime?!”

“That’s right. It’s a grave sin. That’s why I came here to directly tell you.”
She narrowed her eyes, “You made me fall in love with you.”


I…..made her…..fall in love with me…..? Huh?

“I made you fall in love….? No no, that sounds like I would be actively
trying to make you fall in love with me. Really, I never knew that Kaichou
could make jokes like that—-”

“It’s exactly like that. I am the student council president after all, so I have
to be fair to everyone. Falling in love with some is outrageous, and
completely evil.”

“It’s really not that bad you know?!”

That’s not where I should be retorting though!

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“Although I still might be an apprentice, I have sworn mine body to god. I
am not allowed to breath the same air as a boy.”

“I don’t think nuns have to be that strict with themselves…?”

I’m not all that familiar with the specifics but I see some sisters from time
to time since the cloister is so close to the school.

“Like I said, you are too sinful. To think that you made me fall for you.
Your tricks make me shudder, just like the snake in paradise….an act that
would make the gods even fear you….!”

“Why am I the one at fault again?!”

“Yes, even though you bear the sins, you are not the one at fault. It is my
fault, being led astray by you. I will go back to the cloister and pray.” She
turned around on that spot as her long black hair fluttered.

…..Uhm, so was I just confessed to? Hahaha, impossible. Being confessed

to by Maka-sensei was impossible enough but this time a confession by the
beautiful student council president?

“…..It’s gotta be a joke, right?”

Still, even if it was a joke, that isn’t fair towards a simple high school boy
like me. Luckily, no one was around us right now.

“…Well, guess I’ll go home.”

Although it didn’t turn out to be a ‘calm afternoon’, I still haven’t given

up. If I take her confession just now as a joke, I can still recover.

Though I can’t think of any other reason why she would say something
like that….Also, if you were to drag & drop that confession just now into my
heart, I don’t think that the CPU could keep up with it. I guess I’ll just forget
about it, and leave it to the me of tomorrow. After all, I decided to spend a
calm afternoon now.

As I stepped in front of the shoe lockers—-

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“Ahhhh, no good no good, nobody woke me up!”

Running past me on fast feet—-

“If it isn’t Sai-kun. You doing good?”

Her hair was semi-long, with a slight red tone. And, for the sole reason
“The button won’t close”, she’s not wearing a blazer—is what the rumour is,
but it’s true that she has the school’s best breasts. Not to mention her slender
legs that came down from her mini-skirt.

Amanashi Nui—my classmate. Mostly sleeping in the classroom, and if

she’s not, she rarely says anything at all. Normally, teacher’s mostly go
against sleeping in class since we do have a rather high standard here.
However, in Amanashi’s case—

“Well~ I did it again. Everyone from our class just kept watching my
sleeping idol-like face, so nobody woke me up!”

“Wasn’t that because you just kept sleeping no matter what they did?”

“That might be the case, but at this rate, I’ll be late for my job! Maybe
they’ll take out the bows!”

“Nowadays, I highly doubt that they still use bows…..not to mention

against a woman…..”

This noisy person was one of those entertainers—-and idol apparently.

But, not one of those that dance and sing. Rather, something like a gravure
idol. Sometimes, she’s even in the magazines that I buy. And, since she’s
working late without having time for club activities, most of the teachers
overlook it.

“Well, when Amanashi appears in the magazines I buy, I mostly skip that

“You’re suddenly dissing me?!”

“Yeah, that happened to slip out. I mean, if I want to read mangas, I buy

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mangas, but isn’t it kind of a waste to buy these magazines just for the
gravure models?”

“And now you’re mocking my job?!” She had a shocked expression.

You may say that….but I really don’t see the reason for a job like that.

“Really yer as rude as always, I see. Ahhh, I know. Perfect chance, so let’s
do that, aight. Sai-kun, c’mere.”


Amanashi stood on her toes, put her breasts around my head and pulled me

U-Uwa…her breasts…..Her breasts! Breasts that could win against Maka-

sensei’s or even Karen-kaichou’s are hitting me! It feels like I’m losing
myself in their softness!

“Here, smiley! And, snap~”


In the meantime, Amanshi took out her smartphone, changing into the
selfie-mode. Making a peace-sign, she had a wink on her face, which look
really cute. She really is a gravure model alright.

“And, that as well….Yosh!, that should be enough.” With that, she took
out a small touch pen and wrote something on the screen, “So, will you tell
me your LINE ID? It’s fine, it’s fine, I won’t tease your or anythin’.”

“Ah, well….I don’t mind.”

I wouldn’t mind exchanging LINE ID’s with my classmates for sure.

Although it felt a bit sudden, I took out my phone and exchanged my

number with hers. As I did, I immediately received a message, saying ‘A
congratulatory gift for our ID exchange! Sai-kun, go have fun with it~’. I
realized that she added a photo to that message.

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“What’s this?!”

A two-shot together with Amanashi—not bad. No, actually really bad.

Since Amanashi is a gravure model, I heard that she won’t take photos with
the students. Additionally, on top of the photo, there was ‘Sai-kun Nui’
written with really cute handwriting.

“A-Amanashi…What is this?”

“Nui-chan is fine!! Sai-kun and I are close, aren’t we? Righto? Righto?”


Are we really that close? In my eyes, she’s just a classmate though. And I
don’t have any memory of talking with her all too often either. In my second
year, I happened to sit next to her, until all the other boys came, wanting to
switch with me. That’s how I got the seat furthest away from the teacher’s
desk. This is clearly not the relationship where I would add ‘chan’ to her
name. I don’t remember anything else that could’ve happened, but again,
she’s a gravure model, and I don’t really have any interest in that so I
might’ve just forgotten about it.

“Now that that’s decided, I have to really go now, aight? Next time, let’s
take an even more erotic picture that you definitely won’t find in your
magazines, kay? We’re gonna be busy on that evening!”

‘Now that that’s decided’? And I’ll just pretend like I never heard that
‘evening’ part. Rather than that—-that hardcore two-shot photo. A photo with
a gravure model and a boring male high school student…….if it wasn’t me,
you could use this for a scheme against her. In our modern internet society, if
this photo were to be uploaded, everything would go up in flames.

Maybe I really should delete it now…..but, I should probably keep it just

in case.

“First Sensei and President, and now an idol…..what kind of attack is

this….” I muttered as I left through the school gate.

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“Guha?!” An impact like a ball struck my guts assaulted me. “B-Brutus…

you too?”

“Brutus? Uhm, it’s just Kuu though…..”

“I know….or rather, what’s your business, almost hitting me in my most

important place with your head?”


Right in front of me right now was a small girl. Her face was bright red
and she was shaking crazily, like a newborn foal. She had dark blue hair that
reached until her shoulders and her hair was tied together on one side. With a
cute sailor uniform and the fitting hat, it was fitting her very well. And the
girl herself was also very cute. So much that you’d worry everytime she
wanted to cross the street. Sometimes I even thing about running away with
her. No, that’s just a joke actually.

Shinju Muku. Grade school 5th year. Height: Very small. Nickname: Kuu.
And she normally calls me “Sensei:”

“Kuu, why are you here? It’s dangerous out here because there might be
some lolicon high school students around here.”

“L-Lolicon? The boys around here are very nice, you know? Even before,
they gave me some candy.”


Kuu is a member of our grade school affiliate. Their school grounds is just
right around the corner so you often see these little peeps around here. But,
other than the girls from the high school affiliate, I really hope that these guys
that gave her the candy are not some bad guys. Better check if Kuu still has
her crime prevention buzzer. Yeah, let’s buy her a better working buzzer next

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“Ah, that’s right. Thanks for that cat photo from before. It was really cute.”

“Y-Yep. I wanted to take some more photos but it ran away. And when I
went to chase it, I was already pretty far away.”

“Taking pictures is fine and all, but let’s be careful, okay?”

So she’s not just popular with the guys from high school but also living
things in general?

It’s Kuu’s hobby to take pictures of cats, and she regularly sends them to
me. And I can’t just tell her to wander around aimlessly. But, I always tell her
to keep the strolling in her neighbourhood or near the school. Luckily, around
her home, there are a lot of cats.

Actually, I also like cats. Especially that ‘Humans? I don’t particularly like
their attitude. I would’ve loved to keep one at home too but I already have a
little sister that’s practically rolling around like a cat all the time, so I have to
be satisfied with that.

“Ahh, you’re going on a cat hunt today too? But it’s pretty late. If you
don’t get home, they’ll be worried, right?”

“Ahaha, Sensei is as cautious as ever.” She showed a bitter smile. “B-But

it’s not that. Uhm….Uhm…..” Her cheeks were flushed as she said that.
“Sensei, here!”


Hurriedly giving me something, she dashed off right after. Close to us was
a bus stop, so she jumped in there and the bus drove off.

“……I thought so.”

I slowly understood what Kuu just handed me—it was a letter. With a cute
cat picture, it was a girly grade school envelope. On the backside was my
name, with a heart-mark as a seal. From the looks of it, this should be a ‘love
letter’. To think that they really exist. It’s the first time I see one. Of course,
that implies that I’ve never actually gotten one.

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“Even a confession from Kuu….it can’t be, right? Please tell me that that’s
not the case.”

It’s not like I would panic from just any grade school girl but she’s the
daughter of an acquaintance. I don’t have the courage to open that
letter….what should I do? But, not opening it would be pretty courageous in
it’s own way. Well, let’s leave it until for home. Not like there’s any meaning
for that though.

On slow feet, I arrived at the train station. Even as I was waiting for the
train, my head was full with the 3 confessions. Yes, although I said that I
would wait, I opened Kuu’s letter….and the content was to be expected. It
was pretty short but it was a love letter, no mistake about that.

This is weird, really weird. Why do I get confessed to by three cute girls?
What kind of joke is this? I’m not good looking, nor am I the ace of a sports
club, nor am I the only guy in a girls-only school.



The smartphone that I had in my breast pocket vibrated.

“Oh, it’s just Miharu….”

Miharu is the girl that my mother gave birth to one year after me, basically
my little sister.

Seems like I got a LINE message from her, what’s it say?

‘Buy ice cream on the way home. The usual one.’


My little sister is always using her big brother like an online delivery
service. Of course, without any shipping costs. Or rather, it seems like she’s
paying with an ‘Onii-chan card’. What the hell is an ‘Onii-chan’ card?

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“Ah? There’s a photo as well….”

Her black hair was tied together in twin-tails, which makes her look cute
but she also has an absent minded expression. Without changing her clothes,
she was just rolling around on the sofa inside our family’s living room. It’s
not like I never see her like this so why did she go out of her way to send me
that photo…?

This spring, Miharu matriculated into the high school I was attending. I
really wish she’d change her clothes before she started ruining her brand-new
uniform. Her skirt was getting rolled up more and more and you could almost
see her panties. To be fair, seeing my little sisters panties isn’t all that weird
but she’s an adolescent girl now so I wish she’d be a bit more careful.
However, when I tell her that, she just counters with “Onii-chan is doing the
same right? You’re always getting scolded by the student council president
after all.” and since she’s completely right with that, I can’t say anything
back. My little sister really doesn’t hold back against her big brother.

Ice cream, huh……I’d really like to get home as fast as possible though.

“Huh? Another mail?”

‘Also, I love Onii-chan. The real one.’


I read over that message countless times.

Is my little sister an idiot?

‘The real one’ she says….what real one? I don’t mind if she loves me as a
big brother, but wouldn’t the other one be pretty bad?

Sooo….the nun student council president, the idol, the young girl and my
real little sister. I was confessed to by four girls today?! What if….what if all
of them were actually serious? There’s no way I could go out with all of you,
you know….?

I don’t want to go home tonight.

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Well, it’s actually not all that late, but it’ll get dark pretty soon. As if I
could just go home, saying “I’m home! And I brought the ice cream!~”, after
receiving that message, acting like nothing happened. Even eating dinner
while facing her will be pretty hard. Unlike the delicate me, I doubt that she’ll
be any more different, even after saying something like that. For now, I’ll just
go off the train and wander around a bit.

“Miharu, you can eat the special ‘Pasta that an Italian suggested to
me’……And send.”

For now, I’ll just send her a LINE message. That is one of Miharu’s
favorites. I left a bunch of them, and hid them all around to house. And, in
that message, I told her one of those hiding spots. Although I wanted to keep
them in case I needed to fix Miharu’s mood very fast, I have no other choice
right now.

Woah, she already responded.

‘Ahh, is it really fine to eat that?! Leave it to me, I’ll definitely master the
boiling of the water!’


Ahhh, to think that my incapable little sister would be able to boil water on
her own…..tears will come out. She surely won’t start a fire…..Right?

‘Also, you clearly lied to me that the ones from before we’re the last ones,
you bastard!’

No, I didn’t lie to you. I don’t like lying to people or stabbing them in the
back. After all, the ones I hid were the last ones they had, so I technically
wasn’t lying. Yep, no problem. Also, she’s acting like she has completely
forgotten about her confession…..

Although I’d like to say that going home now shouldn’t be a problem, it’s
still my little sister. It might get a bit awkward if we were to see each other.
I’ll pass some time around here. Though, I still needed something to eat, so I

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guess I’ll get something at the convenience store close to here.



At the same time I heard that voice, a car parked at the shoulder of the
road. A bright red, round car. If I remember correctly, that brand was called
Fiat or something. The person that showed her face out of the driver’s seat
was—-Maka-sensei. She was waving at me.

“Hurry and jump in! We don’t have any time anymore!”

“Eh? No time…..?”

“That doesn’t matter right now! I’ll explain the circumstances later!”

I didn’t exactly know what was going on, but before I realized it, I was
sitting on the seat next to her. Fastening the seat belt, Sensei operated the
shift knob and accelerated as the tires squeaked.

“W-Wait a moment, Sensei! Y-You’re going way too fast….!”

“It’s fine, even an old-timer like this can take this much speed.”

“What does that have to do with anything!”

Handling the shift knob, Maka-sensei looked like she was having fun. She
had her sleeves pulled up and the only thing missing was a driver’s glove.

Still, this is a bit exciting. Riding in a car an acquaintance is driving is a bit

fun. Normally, I don’t get any opportunity to ride in a car like this after all.


“Please slow down and drop the speed!”

“What drops when I drive into a curve?”

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“Don’t make a riddle out of this! And I already said the answer before!”

Ahh, forget about getting excited…I just hope that I don’t die. It seems like
I was too arrogant, thinking I could spend a calm afternoon after classes…..


“Ah, we’re home, Saigi-kun. I thought you’d stay as a living corpse like

Before I even realized it, Maka-sensei was standing in front of me. I was in
a Japanese-styled room and Maka-sensei was sitting across a table, facing

“Do you remember? You walked in here in your own two feet, you know.”

“Somehow….It still feels like my head is all over the place though.”

Yeah, I mostly remember now. Maka-sensei was barely driving in legal

range speed-wise and after living through that, we arrive at a parking lot.
Maka-sensei’s driving style is way too rough….It felt like my inner organs
were changing their places because I was shaking so much. That’s about as
far as I’m willing to get in in the same car as her again. I feel like my lifespan
got shortened greatly.

“…Sensei, so you had a car.”

“Yes, but I rarely drive it. We have trains and buses here so it’d be a waste
of gas to drive everywhere.”

Yep, I’d take the train anytime if I could pass on driving with her.

“…So, I’m still a bit lost….where are we?”

“It’s Just as it looks like, we’re inside a yakiniku restaurant.”

“A yakiniku restaurant….”

Now that she says it, there’s a grill in the table in front of me and the smell

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of grilling meat is entering my nose.

“I thought that a boy like you might like to eat some meat. The prices they
have here are pretty reasonable after all, and their meat is the best. But, of
course they’re in the red, which makes both the owner’s and the regulars’
heart’s beat faster, granting a perfect dinner in uneasiness.”

“That’s not really good, you know that?”

“For now, it doesn’t look like today was their last day. I’m glad we came at
this time, it’s normally pretty full in here, you know.”

“That’s why you were rushing here.”

“No, I’m always driving like that. Since Saigi-kun was with me, I was
actually driving a bit slower than usual.”


“An interesting face you got there, Saigi-kun. Ah by the way, I already
ordered something to drink while you were out.”

Just as she said that, a young female employee brought in two cups of
oolong tea. And, she also asked for our orders.

“Let’s order some food for now. Uhm……”


As Maka-sensei opened the menu, she froze up.

For some reason, there is cold sweat on her forehead…..why?

“Y-You can order whatever you want, Saigi-kun. Of course, it’s my treat.”

“Haaaa… that so.”

With these words, she handed me the menu. I decided to order some salty
beef tongue and barbecued ribs, and also some egg soup with rice as a side-

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dish. Maka-sensei only ordered some soup, so I guess that she doesn’t need
any rice.

“…Fu, you seem to be accustomed to ordering here, Saigi-kun.”

“Not really. I just came to a yakiniku restaurant with my family before and
I was supposed to order that time as well.”

Leaving out my little sister, my parents always leave the decision-making

to someone else. And I really don’t believe that Maka-sensei was honestly
unable to order for herself.

“Let’s drink something. Here, good work today.”

“Good work today”

I don’t really know why we’re saying ‘Good work today’, but I clapped
Maka-sensei’s cup with my own. I actually wanted to take one sip but
because of all the stuff that happened, I drank the whole cup to satisfy my

“Ohh, the whole cup in one go, Nii-chan! Let’s go for another one!”

“Who the hell are you?!”

The unobtainable flower started acting like an old man all of a sudden!

“I’m joking. But, we’re off work now, so we can take it a bit more easily,
right? Ah, I better take this off.” Saying that, Maka-sensei took off her jacket
and hung it up inside the room.

Although she’s still wearing a blouse over her underwear, her suddenly
taking it off like this made my heart beat faster. Am I a boy in puberty or
what! Well I am!

Still, Sensei really is slim. Her shoulder width is narrow and I can see a
straight line down until her waist. Additionally, although she’s wearing a
blouse, I can clearly see the big mountains coming from her chest……but
why exactly am I looking at her in great detail like this!

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“Fuu~ but I’m glad that I was able to collect Saigi-kun. I was hoping that
you were just walking around aimlessly without going home but I knew that
that wasn’t all to likely. Don’t you think that meeting you like that was

“I don’t even know where I should retort on. Although you’re right about
me walking around aimlessly without going home but do you know my home
address? Although I had a reason not to go home, did you know about that?
And, was there even a reason for us to meet today?”

“Saigi-kun is as rude as always I see. How confident towards a teacher.

But even with that, you couldn’t stand your ground against Jinsho-san and

“W-Why do you know that….! Or rather, you know Karen-kaichou and


“Of course I would know about them. The student council president and
the girl that every teacher is overlooking. Additionally, your little sister and
that fifth gradeschool kid Shinju Muku.”

“Even Kuu……?”

Since Miharu is a first year at my school, it’s not weird for her to know
about her. But, there shouldn’t be any connections for her to know about

“Ah, our meat came. Let’s go eat. It’s the red numbers meat after all!”

“Don’t say it like it’s actually red meat. But well, yeah.”

Although there are still countless things I would like to ask but I can’t win
against the temptation of meat in front of me like this. I wouldn’t be a male
highschool student if I managed to do that.

“Yahu~ It’s beef tongue! It looks so delicious, Sensei!”

“Your character changed, Saigi-kun. Ah, I’ll put it on.”

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She tried to grab the meat with the tongs but her movements were a bit
shaky—-that’s too dangerous!

“W-Wait Sensei! I will grill it!”

“Eh? But that’s the job of a woman—-”

“You’re treating me after all and I’m younger than you so let me handle

No matter what, I can’t let her do the grilling. My instincts are warning me,
—I can’t let this meat go to waste if something goes wrong. Receiving the
permission from Sensei, I put some lemons onto the grill and started my
work. Everyone has their own way of grilling beef tongue but grilling it from
only one side is not good. A nice smell was starting to rise up. Ahh, my
primal instincts are acting up!

“And, done. Help yourself, Sensei.”

“T-Thanks. Sorry about that. Let’s eat.” Folding up the meat, she put it into
her mouth.

I followed suit. Yup, it’s delicious. That really is some good meat.

“No worries, I’ll keep it coming!”

In a matter of minutes the beef tongue was gone and next were the
barbecued ribs. With skilled hands, I grilled them too.

“Mhm….the ribs are delicious too. It’s been a long time which makes them
even more delicious.”


Although I was a bit busy with grilling the meat, the eating beauty in front
of me was also something else. She’s just biting into it and filling her mouth
but it still feels very erotic. Also, it looks like she really likes meat because
her expression loosened.

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Damn it, even though she’s an adult, why is she so cute….!

“But, I can’t leave everything to Saigi-kun! I will be grilling the next


“Sensei….you’ve never actually grilled meat like this before, right?”

“T-That’s clearly not the case….” She averted her face. “Just, the only
times I’ve went to a yakiniku restaurant like this was with fellow students or
teachers, you know? This is the first time coming here alone with a boy. Even
though I’m 24 years old, this is my first time, you know? I never ate dinner
alone with a boy you know?”

“Y-You don’t have to go into such detail, okay? It makes me feel bad

She looked really serious just now. To think that such a beauty like her
never went out with a boy….That actually makes me feel a bit relaxed…,
not good. Her education is starting to show effect already.

“I-is that so? But still, even though I came here with a lot of people, they
have been the ones doing the work so I never actually……”

“Ahh, I see.”

They probably treated her like a princess in every scenario. That’s why she
ended up like this, unable to actually order or grill in a yakiniku restaurant.

“Rather, Maka-sensei being so useless is something I didn’t imagine at


“Useless?! Only because I have some daily-life problems….!” She started


She’s only showing me these faces. How frightening alright.

“Well, I do have things I’m bad at. Let’s order some more. Some more
beef and fatty pork should be fine. Is that okay with you?”

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“Y-Yeah okay. Can I ask you….to do the ordering?”

Maka-sensei looked up at me. Ugh, it’s unfair when she’s so cute. But
well, I don’t mind doing the ordering. And like this, we kept eating.

“Ahh, that was delicious! The meat is spreading inside my belly~”

She really can eat a lot… does she manage to stay so slim….? Well, I
guess that it’s mostly going to her breasts.

“Ahh, now I did it. The meat was so delicious I forgot myself…Sorry
Saigi-kun, for making you wait.”

“Huh? Making me wait for what?” She picked up some barbecued rips, put
some sauce onto it and stretched out her arm towards me.

“Here. Ahhhnnn.”


She was talking about that?!

“Maka-sensei, it’s not like I was waiting for that though?!”

“When a man and a woman go eat out together, isn’t this a normal thing to

“That’s pretty hard to actually pull off, you know! At least for me that is!”

I haven’t even let my little sister do something like that for me, although
she doesn’t have a character that would do that anyway.

“I see, so it’s Saigi-kun’s first time as well. Then, I’ll gladly take it.”

“Can you not say something that could be misinterpreted like that?!” is
what I retorted but she didn’t pay any attention to it while she kept holding
the meat.

At this rate, the meat will go cold. And that would be a huge shame, even

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though it wasn’t exactly expensive.

1: Thankfully accept it and go “Ahhhnnn”

2: For now, I’ll eat the meat that’s still on my plate!

3: Rather than the meat, I want to taste Maka-sensei’s chopsticks!

Okay, number 3 clearly is out! What am I, a pervert!?

“I’ll go with two then…..but what about 3….”

“That’s clearly not manly at all! Don’t lose your way! You say that you
can’t eat my meat?!”


Without any warning, Maka-sensei pushed the chopsticks with the meat
right into my mouth. Ahh, Maka-sensei’s meat is delicious…..wait, that way
of phrasing it definitely sounds weird!

“…..It’s delicious…”

“I’m glad. Then, next it will be my turn.”


You’re telling me to do something as embarrassing as that?! That hurdle is

way too high for a normal high school student like me!—Just when I thought
that, Maka-sensei stood up and walked around the table towards me.

“Then, if you would.”

“W-What are you doing?”

Maka-sensei sat down between me and the table.

H-Hey….She’s sitting right between my thighs….they’re hitting her butt!

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“As your teacher, I want you to overcome this hurdle. You already
received it, so it shouldn’t be that hard.”


As Maka-sensei leaned onto to me, her head hit my chest.

Fuwawa…..her hair smells so nice! And her back is so soft and warm!

“I also want to eat some of the meat. Hurry, hurry!”

Ahhh, don’t move your shoulders like that. For an adolescent boy like me,
these soft shoulders are more than dangerous. Also, because of the heat
coming from the grill, she started sweating. Her white blouse started to get
wet and I can barely see the her bra! I can even see what colour it is, today.
Pink, to be precise. During summer, you could sometimes spot the bra’s of
your fellow female students but that never happened with a teacher before!
Am I getting more excited because of that hand bra she did before? Of course
I am. If I were to move my hands a lit bit, I might even touch them.

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“Where’s the meat~ Saigi-kun, I want to eat my meat~”


Not leaving me any other choice, I put picked up the meat, put a bit of
sauce onto it and put it towards Sensei’s mouth.

“Mhmmm, delicious! Even more so now that I’m being fed by Saigi-kun!”

“That meat was a bit scorched, you know”

“It’s even better when the love is a bit scorched.”

She keeps talking about love, this person…..

“Now it’s my turn again. Here, ahhnnn”


She turned around to feed me again.

Like I said, can you not turn around when we’re this close….! See, I can
clearly see your bra now!

“Keep eating okay? Here, ahnnnn, ahhhhnn.”

“Y-Yeah yeah…..”

Without paying any attention to my gaze, she kept feeding me as if she was
dreaming. Is this hell? Or possibly heaven? I couldn’t say for sure.

After a short amount of time, we stopped doing the ‘Ahnnn’ play and
Maka-sensei returned to her seat across the table, leaving me some time to
gulp down my oolong tea.

“Ahh, that was delicious. Then, as a desert, we’ll have ice cream I suppose.
While we’re eating that, we’ll talk.”

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“Now that you say it, I still don’t know why I’m here….”

Eating such delicious meat, paired with being fed by such a beautiful
teacher, I completely forgot about all the stuff that happened this afternoon.
Maybe the impact of being pulled into her car without any warning also
greatly added to that.

As the ice cream arrived, Maka-sensei stopped the employee that wanted
to take the plates with him.

I wonder why, there were actually in the way so I wanted him to take them.

But, without further ado, Maka-sensei started eating the ice cream.

“…..It’s the ‘It’s fine if I die’ alliance.”

“Eh? Sensei, what did you just say?”

“Like I said, it’s the ‘It’s fine if I die’ alliance.”

Maybe something in my head is terribly wrong but I really didn’t

understand a single thing she was saying. For now, I’ll take a scoop of my ice
cream and try to calm down….Mhm, the mint is really delicious.

“There was a popular author called Futabatei Shimei, right. He translated a

foreign novel called ‘Yours’ into ‘It’s fine if I die’. That translation got so
famous, it could stand on it’s own against Natsume Souseki’s ‘The moon is

“I-Is that soo……”

So she’s got some knowledge in literature too even though she’s an

English teacher. However, even if you tell me the background, I still don’t
get it at all.

“I understand that there was a translation like that, but what was that with
the alliance….? And, what were we even talking about?”

“I’m talking about today, after classes. I received information that they

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would be moving, but I couldn’t act on my own because of my job. Why
today of all days….!”

“No no, your job should be more important, right?”

I don’t know that she’s comparing here but you really shouldn’t tell your
pupil that you’d rather ditch your job as a teacher. But, wait? Them? She also
said that in her LINE message….

“Rather than that, Jinsho Karen-san, Amanashi Nui-san, Shinju Muku-san

and also Saigi Miharu-san. Saigi-kun, you have been confessed to by the four
of them, right?”

“H-How do you know that?!”

Even the thing about Kuu? Or rather, what kind of information broker does
she have so that she knows about all of them!

“The ‘It’s fine if I die’ alliance. Or short, SID. It’s a rather problematic
name so we’ll just shorten it.”

(TLC: Shindemo ii wa → SID)

“Wouldn’t it be fine to just chose another name? And don’t tell me, Maka-
sensei isn’t also a part of fishy organization, right?”

“No, of course not. I’m still a teacher, you know? The only organization I
belong to is the Saigi-kun fan club.”

“I don’t remember ever founding that!”

I’ll be charging membership fees I swear!

“But, their activities don’t differentiate much from the fan club. I’ll just say
it up front, but that organization really exists. At our school, without anybody


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Is our school some sort of underground meeting place? Something like
these foreign dramas? To be honest, I actually like these dramas.

“I came to know of that organization by pure chance, you know. And, if

SID were to move, they would surely trouble Saigi-kun. I’m always marking
them but it looks like they finally moved.”

“No you’re also troubling me—or rather, the first person.”

“I am your first….? Oh really now, Saigi-kun…..”

Oi, your cheeks are getting red.

“No wait, that doesn’t matter at all right now! I still don’t understand
what’s happening!”

“Yeah, it wouldn’t be good to beat around the bush. SID’s leader is Jinsho
Karen-san. Their agreement is to keep each other in check.”


Now another dubious word appeared.

“Apparently, the fact that I was getting closer to Saigi-kun got out and now
every single one of them is trying to catch up.”

“So everything this afternoon is basically Sensei’s fault!”

What is this beautiful teacher doing?! No there’s something else—-

“Wait a moment please. Sensei, I have a question.”

“Yes, Saigi-kun.”

“The way Sensei is saying it, it sounds like everyone of them, including
my little sister, has feelings for me—- no, is conspiring against me.”

“That’s exactly the case. Though calling it an alliance might be a bit

exaggerating. They are only high school students after all so it might be a

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better idea to call them a benefit society, I suppose?”

….Here’s a woman mixed in that isn’t a student though.

“Be it a benefit society or whatever, why are the girls that like me working
together like this! They’re going to work together for their common interest
or what?!”

“That’s also absolutely right. Even though your grades aren’t the best,
you’re always revolting. Are you studying properly? You can’t fall behind
any more, okay?”

“Weren’t we talking about something completely different before? Why do

you have to make me feel bad about myself right now?”

“I’m your teacher after all.”

So what?!

But still, so I’m actually being like by four other girls besides Sensei? And
they happened to form an organization where everyone is conspiring against
each other? Even my little sister? I could’ve never realized. I thought that
Karen-kaichou just thought of me as a hindrance, that the gravure model
wouldn’t even remember the name of such a boring boy like me, and Kuu is
still a young girl after all.

“So basically, I’ll just explain it from my point of view. Although they
bring all the information together, they don’t work with each other. And I am
working independently, confronting the bothersome boy Saigi-kun on my

“I wouldn’t lose against Maka-sensei in terms of being bothersome.”

“What a roundabout way to call me cute, Saigi-kun.”


I think you’re trying to take everything too positive, Maka-sensei. Isn’t she
way more of a problem that the others?

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“But, about why SID is a problem. They’re always monitoring every move
you make after all, so if I continue with my education, they will surely go on
the offensive as well.”

“H-Hey, even their four confessions were way too much for me to handle!
I will not take responsibility for anything that happens after this!”

I can even barely keep up right now!

“I know how you feel, but I don’t know the specifics either. I only know
their goal and the members. At best, we could try to cut off their funds but I
haven’t researched that far.”

“I really doubt that an organization like them has a sponsor…..”

Who the hell would give a group of girls money so that they could monitor
me. And Maka-sensei is even talking about squashing them. Sounds kind of

“And if we can’t play by the book, we only have one other option.”

“What are you implying?”

“What you said is completely right. Because I confessed to you, I have to

bear the responsibility. And I will take upon that duty.”

“W-Wait a moment!”

Because Maka-sensei started moving, so did SID, so the only possible way
for her to resolve this situation is—-

“Please don’t act to rashly, there is no reason to leave the school—-”

“I will become Saigi-kun’s lover.”

“What the hell are you saying?”

“’What the hell are you saying’? Fufu, that’s a pretty rude manner towards
your teacher.”

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“S-Sorry, it just happened….”

It’s her fault for changing into an older sister character.

“But what did you mean by that? I didn’t even answer you yet….”

“This has nothing to do with my confession. But, don’t tell me you’re

planning to build up a harem?”

“As if I would! On the contrary, I’m really suspicious of this whole

situation! Why would the student council president and an idol confess to
such a boring boy like me! And even Kuu and my little sister! It’s just too
ridiculous! And there are no upcoming heritages for me or anything!”

“At the very least, I am not in it for the money.”


Until now, I didn’t hear the reason why Maka-sensei fell in love with me,
right….And to be fair, I still can’t fully believe her that she has feeling for
me. Don’t tell me, is she like an agent sent from the government? Did she
confess to me because of some foreign country relations to gather

“I know that you’re thinking about some weird stuff. I’ll just say this
upfront, but you’re wrong.”


I guess being confessed to by this beautiful teacher is on the same level as

my agent conspiracy theory.

“But, the real problem are these four girls. Since you don’t plan on
building a harem, you’re probably really troubled by their confessions,

“Well yeah….”

And why is she saying that as if her confession didn’t bother me at all?

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“That’s why it would make sense if I became your girlfriend!”

“….I hope I’m wrong about this but your plan isn’t that, once me and
Sensei become lovers, you hope that President and the others give up, right?”

“We don’t have any other option.”

“I’m really not a big fan of that though?!”

“Jinsho-san and the others are normal girls you know. Once Saigi-kun
finds a girl he likes, they will surely give up on pursuing you.”

“Didn’t you say that you would quit your job if I went out with you?!”

“Only if you actually fell in love with me—-What I’m planning is to just
deceive them.”

“So you’re telling me to lie to them?”

“I know that you hate being deceived as much as you hate deceiving
others. You’re pretty famous for that on school grounds. But, this is

“Lying is only a means to the cause, huh.” Even the doubtful me knows

And I won’t say that I’ve never lied to anybody before.

“Now then, let’s let everyone know about the good news via LINE, fufu.”

“Were you chuckling just now!? This is purely a fake relationship, right?!”

And, I didn’t even give my consent yet!

“And why do you even know their LINE ID’s?! You’re not also a member
of a shady organization like SID, are you?!”

“I’m really not. I told you that I have my own source of information.
That’s why I know their contact information. And also, these girls might

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prove useful for your education. Eliminating them might be easy but just
attacking isn’t always a good way to do that.”

“Eliminate, you say……”

Calling her an agent might be taking it a bit too far but you could probably
name her a witch. And she said that she’s planning on using SID to educate
me….somehow I feel like I want to know, but somehow I don’t.

“Also, to be frank, it’s not a bad feeling that the boy you like is popular.
Being jealous for my Saigi-kun and everything.”

“I’m not Sensei’s ‘Saigi-kun’ though.”

This is only a means to stop SID from acting right? Please don’t forget
that. Until now, I’ve had my head full with her education, but now SID too?
This is going to be a pain in my ass…..

“Ah, I know, let’s use this.”


Perfectly dodging my retort, she once more came over and sat down next
to me.

“Excuse me for a bit. Say ‘Cheese~’.”


Maka-sensei grabbed my shoulder and brought her face closer. Because of

that, I could feel her soft cheek on my own. Before I even realized what she
was doing, she took out her smartphone and took a clean selfie. First that
gravure idol and now that beautiful teacher, I wonder if I’ll actually die

“….And why are you suddenly taking a picture?”

“Going on a yakiniku date shouldn’t be too weird for lovers, right? Here,
something like this.”

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With that, she showed me the screen of her phone. Shown there was a two-
shot with Maka-sensei, pushing her face against mine with a bright smile, and
me, unconsciously loosening my mouth. Behind us was the table with the
used plates on top of it. So that’s why she left them there.

Truth be told, no matter how you look at it, we’re looking like a normal
couple that enjoyed some nice yakiniku together. If we were to show that to
other people, they would surely misunderstand……!

“It ended up pretty good. I’ll go ahead and send this to everyone. Go, into
the sea that is called the internet!”


“And I’ll go ahead and send a message as well, saying that me and Saigi-
kun started going out.”

“How fast!”

Did she really send it already?! To Karen-kaichou, Amanashi, Kuu, and

even my little sister?! The view of me having finished eating yakiniku with
that beautiful teacher?!

“They’ll clearly retort with something like ‘Will you eat Maka-sensei
next?’ !”

“How bold of you, Saigi-kun~”

“This is clearly not the time to be saying that?!”

Even though she didn’t have any alcohol, she’s clearly not acting like she’s

“I’ll also cut the energy of my phone just in case. I don’t care about any
incoming messages right now because I’m finally in a good mood. Yay!”


Ahhh, I’m starting to get desperate. Little sister, Kuu, classmate and the

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student council president. To think that she’d send such a photo + message to
these girls…..

“…Ha?! T-That reminds me….!”

“What is it this time?!”

She suddenly stopped her movements and rushed towards the wall, almost
tearing it down because of the impact.

Is she okay?

“U-Uhm, Saigi-kun….?” With a fearful expression, she turned towards me.

“I-I don’t smell of yakiniku, do I?”


Well, I’m sure that’s the same for me so why is she so shocked….?

“I-I did prepare some deodorant but I completely forgot…..I might’ve

gotten a bit too happy…..S-Sorry?”

“I-It’s fine….”

It’s not like I had the leisure to pay attention to that when she’s clinging to
me. And does she really get so happy, just being with me…..?

Why does she have to be so cute and beautiful!

“I-Is that so….Fu, how careless of me. I let my guard down around you too


I can’t tell her that she looks cute when she lets her guard down.

“But, I guess it’s because of that….”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

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Still sitting at the wall, she started fidgeting with a small smile.

“You’ve seen the real me after all. And that’s perfectly fine. The words
you said to me at that time—they really were the trigger.”

“…..Eh? Did I say something to you before?”

It’s true that I might the only one who knows how she really is. I might not
be the only one that is weary towards teachers, but I surely won’t lose against
anyone else if it comes to that.

“So you really forgot. But, I certainly will not.”


Do I have any private memories that involve Maka-sensei? Sure doesn’t

feel like it….I certainly would remember since it’s her we’re talking about.

“It’s fine as long as I remember. And I will, until I’m on the brink of

“That sounds really scary though….”

I really wish she’d explain. Otherwise I can’t calmly sleep at night.


Or at least I thought so, but judging from her smile, I don’t think she’ll
ever tell me. Even though that clearly played a big part for the confession. If I
could, I’d gladly exchange my memories of that message for that.

Or rather, I’d really like to forget about everything concerning SID as a

whole, but that wouldn’t work out anyway probably.

“Rather than that, let’s start the hanging of Saigi Makoto!”

“President, can I please get a trial before you decide on that?!”

It was the following day of the yaikiniku date—or no, it wasn’t really a

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date. Either way, today I was pulled into the student council office.

Yes—pulled. As I was walking down the hallway, Jinsho Karen-kaichou

saw me and pulled me along.

“So another victim, huh…But, I also want to be pulled by President!”

“President’s lectures are really dangerous, you know? If she gets serious,
she could seriously break your spirit. That’s why some people call it a

“I’d really be happy to book a whole course of her lecturing!”

On the way to the office, I heard these voices around me. It seems that
even though they knew how she really is, she’s still quite popular with them.
Figures, she’s beautiful, has big breasts and has the power to pull you along.

And, as we arrived in the student council office—-no one was there. The
room was about half the size of a normal classroom. On the other side of the
door in the back were windows, and in front of that, the president’s table. In
front of said table was another long table. Leaving me standing in a small
space in the middle of that, Karen-kaichou sat down at her own table and
assumed a commandant-like posture. Also, seated at the second table were
Amanashi Nui, Saigi Miharu and also Shinju Muku.

“Saigi Makoto, you probably already know but my words are the law in
here. If I say that you’ll be hanged, then you will be hanged.”

“President! A bit more kindness wouldn’t hurt, especially me!”

After my appeal, both the people to my right and left got noisy.

“Now now, Sai-kun, calm down. We’re not actually going to hang you~”

“That’s right, Onii-chan. We’ll hold back so that you’ll surely survive.”

“Sensei, even if they hang you up, I will surely save you…..even though it
might take 2 or 3 hours…”

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“………..” I was being stared at from the other girls, all of them sitting at
the long table.

It seems like they really were acquainted from the beginning….Where did
they even meet each other for them to end up in an organisation like this….

“Now then, there’s a curfew for the little girl to keep in mind, so let’s hurry
up. Saigi-kun, yesterday you were confessed to by four girls. No problems so
far, right?”

“What are you planning on doing….”

So President is the judge, I’m the accused, and the other three are the
spectators? Weird, shouldn’t there be someone in charge of my defense?

“President, do I have the right to remain silent?”

“You can choose to be quiet, yes, but I will take that as an affirmation. So,
you have a triple handicap of being a siscon, a lolicon, and an otaku being
obsessed with idols?”

“You’re wrong! You’re completely wrong!”

How scary! If I kept quiet, they’d completely misinterpret everything!

“Uhm, Miharu also has a question. Do you really only have these three
fetishes? What about President’s attribute?”

“I don’t even have three.”

My cute little sister only stared at Karen-kaichou instead of me.

This girl, she didn’t bring up the topic of her confession at all. Not even
yesterday even nor this morning. Thanks to her attitude, she got my hopes up
that all these confessions were just a bad dream…Oh what wishful

“I’m just a black-haired, big-breasted beauty. Everybody would like me,

no matter what fetishes they had.”

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“Ah, I see I see. Yeah, you look like Onii-chan might fall in love with

What’s so ‘I see I see’ here? Am I missing something? And President,

although you’re not lying, it’s never good to say stuff like that about yourself.

“Let’s return to the main problem. Saigi Makoto, yesterday, you have been
confessed to by four girls. And—on the same day, you decided to go out with
our school’s english teacher, Fujiki Maka-sensei. We have proof in form of
that photo of your yaikiniku date.”


It seems like Maka-sensei really sent them that message + photo. Now,
what should I do?

If I were to deny it, they might start another discussion about their
corresponding confessions. And that would only be a pain in the ass. But, if I
were to affirm it, it might trigger something completely different. But well,
me being together with Maka-sensei at that yakiniku restaurant is the truth
after all…..

“This is something that we, SID, can not overlook. Since this is very
important to us, you, the accused, aren’t allowed to give any vague answers.”

“So I’m really the accused here….”

Although it doesn’t like a proper trial from the outside, I might still have a
chance of not being executed…..maybe.

“Or rather, President. I don’t really get what this SID is about anyway.
Why, when, and how was it formed exactly?”

In the end, even a member of my family, and an acquaintance of mine are

members of this organization after all.

“Saigi Makoto, if I were to tell you about that, we would exceed the
curfew of our member. I don’t particularly mean to hide anything, but I’ll be
saying myself the trouble now.”

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“Sai-kun, girls have their own secrets, you know. Secret, secret. Be it your
little sister, that young girl, or your classmate. And unnecessarily searching
around would only make you seem tactless.”

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“In this case I don’t really care about that though….”

Amanashi is saying it in a pretty carefree way but that’s much coming

from a talent in public entertainment.

“Now then, Saigi Makoto. If you keep trying to avert the topic, I will take
that as an affirmation. I will use my rights as president, and, besides parading
you through school before your execution, I will also hang you up at the
basketball nets.”

“On top of being really executed, you’re also going to punish me with that
opening act I see!”

And why is she already specifying the place where I’ll die?!

“W-What now…..I can’t reach the basketball nets like that….Sensei, it

looks I can’t help you after all…..”

“I’m still thankful for your feelings, Kuu…..”

She’s still a grade school kid after all.

“No no no wait a moment, President! Me and Maka-sensei clearly are—-”

“Yes, we are going out.”

As I was about to blurt out the truth, Maka-sensei opened the door and
finished my sentence for me. Even though she’s merely walking into the
room, she looks like model, and a ripe flower.

Ahh, perfect ‘Unobtainable flower’ mode, Sensei. So much that I might

think the yaikiniku event from yesterday was just a dream.

“I predicted where you girls would be meeting. Jinsho-san, isn’t using the
student council office for your private affairs prohibited?”

“At the same time as being the student council president, I am also a nun in
training. It’s prohibited for me to fall in love with a man. Everyone has one or

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two rules that they have to break in life.”

….President, that sounded so manly. And also, should Maka-sensei really

being said that after she’s using the English material preparation room for her
own plans too? Well, maybe I shouldn’t retort on that right now.

“I see….then, I will overlook it this one time.”

No, you’re also guilty, you know.

“But, I can’t forgive you if you do anything to Saigi-kun. Just like I told
you via LINE, we started dating. And of course, I’m talking about the serious
one. I know that I cannot boast about this to other people but I know that I
didn’t do anything wrong.”


Wow, she’s actually a full-fledged human once she gets serious. No wait,
we’re at school now of course she’d be. Knowing how she really is, I’m
actually getting weird vibes from her ‘Unobtainable flower’ mode right now.

“Serious dating? What does that mean, Miharu-oneechan?”

“Mhmm, Miharu doesn’t really know either. Isn’t that where you kiss?”

“Miharu, what kind of vocabulary are you using in front of a grade school

With a twitch, Kuu went “K-Kiss……!” with a red face after all!

“I don’t really care if you call it serious or not.”

This time it’s the gravure idol’s turn to speak up.

“I still can’t really believe it. For Sai-kun to just say okay to Sensei’s
confession. Wasn’t Sai-kun the person to investigate the other person half a
year before you answer them?”

“Am I a stalker or what?”

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Let’s leave her doubtful words aside for now. Rather, I’ll only look like a
stalker to the five of them. Since this SID organization didn’t come into
existence just yesterday, I can probably expect that they know quite a lot
about me.

“In this case, something like ‘If you’re really going out, then kiss’ would
be appropriate. That being said, Onii-chan, kiss me please~”

“Why would I have to kiss you in this instance?!”

And now it’s my lovable little sister. She’s never shown me anything like
that, so why is she trying it now? All these years, it’s been more like ‘Don’t
wash my clothes together with Onii-chan’s.’ after all.

“Although we’re investigating the intelligence of the little sister, she does
make a point here. Just going to eat yakiniku together doesn’t suffice as

Well, it’s just as President says. A mere photo and text won’t be enough to
convince them. Maybe that’s why she sent them that message, because you
can interpret way too much into it.

“I’m still not satisfied.” She continuously looked between me and Maka-
sensei. “That’s right, since you’re going out with each other, then go ahead
and k-k-kiss….?”

“……..President, why are you getting embarrassed now?”

She’s getting red to her ears. Maybe it’s because she’s a nun but she really
has no immunity at all…..

“Don’t spurt such ridiculous things, Jinsho-san. They said that they were
seriously going out, right? There is no way that they could do these indecent
things just the day after they became a couple.”


Doing a hand bra, watching an erotic teacher film, I wonder what she
would think if I said that?

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“Now then…….SID law number 3: ‘All information regarding the
individual Saigi Makoto should be kept hidden a secret inside the alliance’
was it.”

Is she going completely crazy now?

“W-What….? Fujiki-sensei, how do you know of SID’s laws….?”

“Fufu, as your teacher, I know everything about my students. Just like a

caretaker at the zoo knows everything about his animals.”

“What kind of analogy is that….”

As she heard Maka-sensei’s words, Amanashi reacted with a “Ah, oops”,

so my guess is that it’s her mouth that was a bit loose. She looks really bad at
hiding things anyway. Might she even be her source of information in that

“SID’s laws should be absolute, right? Basically, you have to keep the fact
that I’m dating Saigi-kun and that you four confessed to him a secret from the
outside, right?” She said as she went through her brown hair with her hands.

S-So cool! Even I, who knows how she really is, could only keep quiet and
stare in admiration!

“—–Fine. We don’t plan on troubling Saigi Makoto any further than this


You’re already being plenty troublesome though! Ah, President is glaring

at me.

“Alright. Neither Amanashi Nui, nor Saigi Koharu, additionally Shinju

Muku and I, Jinsho Karen, will never tell a soul about the events in here.
And, we will completely forget about the incident with our confessions and
interact with the accused as we have been all this time before.”

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“Ehhhh! Kaichou, you give up way too fast!”

“Kaichou-san, are you really satisfied with that? You? The person I
thought would be the most stubborn out of all of us?”

“I-If Sensei is going to be happy……But I didn’t expect Sensei to like

middle-aged woman……”

You’re basically begging me to retort that. And it also interests me how

many other laws they have, and what’s written in them.

“We did it.” Maka-sensei said with a quiet voice.

It looks like President and the others gave up—–is what she’s probably
thinking right now. The way I see it, this clearly isn’t over. After all,
President was hiding a snicker, Amanashi was tapping on her smartphone as
usual. Additionally, both my little sister and Kuu were also staring at me with
tears in their eyes.

I really think that Maka-sensei should learn to doubt people a bit more.

“ Yawn……so tired.”

I couldn’t get enough sleep because of what happened yesterday. But,

thanks to law 4 or whatever, Miharu is acting normal towards me. Well, there
are some problems with the usual Miharu but there’s no abrupt change or
anything. Ahh, not good, if I get absorbed in this wishful thinking, my way to
school will only get longer. From my mansion, it’s about three stations per
train. I might actually make it with my bicycle but I prefer the train. Although
it’s a bit stressful if the train’s full to the brim but I can put up with that if it’s
only three stations. From the train station, it’s another 10 minutes on foot.

Getting off the train, I went on my way with a carefree manor.

“It’d be great if nothing happens today….”

“Good morning, Saigi-kun.”

“Ah, good morning—–Maka-sensei?!”

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Without realizing her presence at all, ‘she’ was suddenly walking next to

“We still have some time. Once you arrive at school, come to the guidance
counselling room.”

“You’re calling me there this early in the morning?!”

What did I do to deserve being called there first thing in the morning?

“Will I get scolded because I did something bad in the train today?”

“As always, you arrive at the worst possible situation.” She laughed. “You
don’t have to molest anyone in the train anymore because you have a
girlfriend right now. One that will never complain no matter what you do.”

“I absolutely don’t” There’s no girl like that around me.

“There’s a teach that’s using the preparation room, so we’ll use the
guidance counselling room in the meantime. Today’s lesson is a special one,
so please look forward to it~”

Leaving these words behind, she went on her way again.

S-Special lesson?

“M-Maka-sensei, good morning!”

“Yes, good morning.”

Even though she barely entered the school, she was already greeted by
various female students, and she returned that greeting with a perfect smile.
And even though she merely greeted them, the female students went crazy in
excitement. Well, with her model figure, her tight-skirt that barely kept her
butt in, and the legs that came down from that, it’s no wonder that they can’t
keep their eyes of her, even though they’re also girls.

What would they think if they knew of her ‘education’ and her sight as she
was eating yaikiniku I wonder? Maybe they would even like her more since

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she’s not that much of an ‘unobtainable flower’ as they thought she was. At
the very least, I prefer her that way much more than her mode from
yesterday, but let’s not think about that right now.

Having arrived at the classroom, I left my bag on my seat and made my

way towards the guidance counselling room. Although I can’t feel but
unmotivated, not going was even more scary.

“Ah, welcome. Black tea as always?”

“With sugar if I may. The one i drank before was a bit too bitter.”

The moment I entered the room, Maka-sensei greeted me with a bright

smile. After receiving the black tea, I sat down on a chair.

“I see, so you won’t drink it if it’s too bitter. You like sweet stuff
huh….interesting…..” While nodding with her head, she sat down across the
table, facing me.

“And, what are we doing today…?”

“You know, since I was a small child, I was always cute.”

“Excuse me?”

Will there ever be a time when she’s not blurting out complete nonsense?

“I was cute, and really popular with the boys around me. Adding to that, I
was really clever, and I had good manors. Be it kindergarten or grade school,
the boys around me couldn’t help themselves from falling in love with me.”

“That makes sense, yes….”

Since she’s this beautiful right now, her younger years must’ve made her
stand out completely because of her cuteness. And since she’s doing a good
job as a teacher, I can see that she might’ve been a clever one from her birth.

Do you mean to tell me that you’ve been even cuter as Kuu in your loli

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“But—-it happened around the time I was seven. My father had a good job
but they went insolvent because of a fraud.”


The conversation is turning into a more heavy direction you know?

“After that, it didn’t take long until my parents were divorced.”

“Uhm, Sensei?”

She’s saying this in a serious tone but I highly doubt that I should be
listening to that story.

“A lot happened, and it was decided that I would be staying with my

father. But, first insolvency, then a divorce, it makes sense that the
relationship between father and daughter would change, for the worse. Of
course, the neighborhood caught wind of that.”

“So even in the times without messengers, information was spreading

pretty fast.”

It’s not like she was asking for confirmation, but it would’ve been weird to
just sit there and keep quiet.

“It was mostly correct information. The friends around me, and even the
families of said friends knew that something was happening in my household.
Then, I changed from the cute girl to the ‘poor girl’.”

“…….” I would probably think the same if I had a classmate with a similar

“It’s not like they were mobbing me, but they really handled me with great
care. I can remember it clearly to this day. ‘Ah, you shouldn’t be teasing her’
were the words they said.”

“M-Maybe because the other parents told them to be careful around


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“I would assume, yes. But, I wanted to stay the same clever, cute girl for
them. Receiving sympathy because they were pitying me—-it was like they
were looking down on me.”

“You were really prideful back then I see…..”

“That’s why I always told myself “I’m not pitiful at all” inside my chest
—–Even until this day, which is why I have these E-cups now.”

“There was no need to say that!” My eyes were pulled towards her chest in
front of me.

If you say something like that, it makes me remember back to the hand bra
and her wet blouse.

“You don’t want to? If you want, I also have pictures from my earlier

“I-I’ll pass on that.”

Honestly, I’m really interested. Photos ten years back from a beauty like
her…! But, I can’t say that in this situation of course.

“I’ll continue then. All the way from grade school to university, I gave it
my best with my studies—-and before I realized it, I was neither ‘a smart and
cute girl’ but also not ‘a pitiful girl’, I made everyone around me feel inferior
to me.”

Saying that, she gracefully took a sip of her black tea.

“And, this is the reason I became to be known as the ‘unobtainable


“W-Why would you tell me something so private? I feel like there had to
have been many other people that could say something more comforting than
I can.”

“Aren’t you reading too many mangas? I don’t want to put myself onto a
pedestal . If there’s anything you want to know, I will gladly tell you. Be it

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my three sizes, or a sexually related thing. However, even though I might be
this old, I don’t have any experience—–”

“I got it already, so don’t go into detail!” I unconsciously stood up from

my seat.

She was about to say something really depressing just now—-or rather, I
understood enough of it so let’s just act like I didn’t hear that!

“You don’t have to act like that for me. I don’t have any problem talking
about it with Saigi-kun after all, and you can dig deeper if you want. Boys
like talking about that stuff, right?”

“Maka-sensei’s trauma is way more important that this!”

“Oh really? Well, then let me explain a bit more in detail. Before the
divorce of my parents, I heard talks that no child should ever hear, like the
mother planning to leave the family and so on. These phrases had a real
impact on me.”

“…..I thought so…..”

It’s really not easy listening to another person’s family story like this.

“By the way, in my 24 years of living on this earth, Saigi-kun is the only
person I ever told that. I do have some friends of my own but I never told
them anything like this.”

“Like I said, is it really fine for you to tell me about this…….”

“The reason Saigi-kun is doubting other people is because they hold a

secret, right? I don’t have anything to hide from you. And I won’t lie to you
either. You can even check my phone everyday if it makes you feel more

“No, we’re not really in the relationship where I should do that….” And
I’d hate to do that, even if the person told me that it’s okay.

“And I’ll also say this upfront, but I don’t want any pitying from your

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“I know that now…..”

Even someone like me understands her aim with all of this. This is also one
part of her education. To make me fall in love with her. And to make me
understand that her confession was the real deal, she’s telling me her secret
right here that she wouldn’t tell anybody else.

A well thought-off plan…….at the very least, that strengthened my interest

in Maka-sensei for sure.

That reminds me, she told me that I said something to her before. That was
the one thing that still picked my interest. I wonder if she would tell me now?

“I want you to understand that I’m serious. And I have other methods for
that. For example, I have these E-cups right here for you to—-”

“Like I said, no more talking about that!”

Ahhh, this isn’t the time to be thinking about this stuff! She really knows
how to pick me off my rails!

“Then, leaving this talk about secrets aside for now, and starting.”

“Starting What exactly?”

“The second stage of your education—–” She continued with an

unbeatable smile. “For you, it’s nothing more than a fake relationship and for
me, it’s a chance for a double attack to make you say that you like me of
course. What are you saying?”

“D-Double attack?! W-Wait a moment, you’re going to use our fake

relationship for your education?!”

“It’s important to satisfy Jinsho-san after all. Can’t help it, can’t help it~”

“It really doesn’t look like you’re so frustrated about that….”

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So she’s actually aware that President and the others won’t give up that
easily. So her ‘We did it’ from that time was……! I thought that she really
came by to save me! So she probably prepared all of this……

“That being said, you don’t have to hold back anymore, Saigi-kun. From
head to toe, my whole body belongs to you.”

“So you were talking about that?!”

What kind of offer is this beautiful teacher making towards her pupil?!

Now the topic changed completely…….Were the no-bra, hand bra and
yakiniku really meant to lure me in after all, I wonder.

Weird, this is really weird, why is it that I, the person who’s the most wary
of teacher’s in the world, gets targeted by a beautiful teacher like her?

Life really is a stream of unpredictable events…..

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Chapter 3
Maka-sensei’s relatively splendid plan
Part 1:

Since our school is, just like the name says, a private one, the costs for
students aren’t exactly low and donations aren’t rare. Thanks to that, the food
in the cafeteria is decent, leaving the students with no complains about a
warm lunch. And, today’s lunch is a hamburger set. The hamburgers were
drenched with delicious sauce while fried eggs, carrots, corn, potato salad,
mini-spaghetti, rice and miso soup were the side dishes.

I really like hamburgers, and adding fried eggs to that made me get even
more excited. But, saying that makes me feel like a child. I wonder when I’ll
get an adults’ taste.

“Saigi-kun, that looks really delicious.”

“Yes, it really is. I got nothing against a normal lunch box but I certainly
won’t say no to something hot and steamy like this—–wait, Maka-sensei?!”

Before I even realized it, Maka-sensei was sitting across the table. She really
appears at the weirdest time as always. Inside the small lunch box in front of
her was a small portion of salad, nothing else? By the way, you can bring
whatever you want to the cafeteria.

“You don’t have to so surprised every time. The staff is also using this

“T-That might be the case but still…..”

That suit looks really good on you today too, Sensei.

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Next to her salad, she also has a bottle. Might that be redbush tea?

“Wooow, the food today really is delicious! Ahahaha!”

“….Why are you here as well, Amanashi?”

In the meantime, Amanashi sat down next to Maka-sensei, looking really


“Ahahaha, don’t call me Amanashi. It sounds like we’re strangers. Call me


“What kind of character are you trying to be?”

As if I could call you like that. That nickname is bad in all sorts of ways.

“And, you’re eating that all on your own?”

What she had in front of her was the filet chop menu. Also, a noodle dish as a
side dish.

“I don’t have any photoshoot today so I can stuff my belly as much as I


“Uhm, that might be fine as your job as a gravure model, but you really
shouldn’t do that as a girl in general.”

“I really shouldn’t yeah! Ahahahahaha!”

Uhm, can you not let out such a loud voice? I feel like the other boys are
starting to glare at me, seeing as how I’m sitting together with a super
popular and beautiful teacher and a super popular gravure model. Ouch, their
gazes are starting to hurt like knives in my back.

“It’s fine. I invited Amanashi-san after all.”

“Does this have any connection to that weirdly-named organization again?”

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“No, it’s not like I’m doubting Sensei’s and Sai-kun’s relationship! And I
didn’t think that to use this chance to check on that at all, so rest assured!”
She said as she nervously slurped on her noodles.

She really is bad at hiding things alright.

“I don’t mind if you do that. We’re not doing anything that would spell any
trouble if we were seen.”

She’s basically implying that we’re doing other stuff when we’re not in front
of other people. Is she like trying to keep her in check with this?

“And also, it would look weird if Saigi-kun and I suddenly started eating
dinner together, so we’re using Amanashi-san as a camouflage.”

“Uwaa, this teacher really is using her precious students for something like

It seems like there’s a calm battle going on in front of me. The people around
us shouldn’t be able to hear, right? After all, Maka-sensei is the unobtainable
flower that nobody should be able to get close to. Amanashi on the other
hand should have her fair share of friends but their mix should be a weird
sight to behold, not to mention when I’m sitting with them. For now though,
it doesn’t look like anybody will approach us. Luckily.

“Ahhh, but this salad really isn’t delicious at all. It feels like I’m biting on

“Weren’t you the one that took that the salad with you?!”

So she brought it with her to create another character like this. I knew that she
isn’t the person she might look like, but is she trying to crush my image of
her even more?

“Eh? Wasn’t Maka-tea always saying that girls shouldn’t force themselves to
eat salad all stoically?”

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“High school girls are still naive. Having a certain degree of self-restraint is
what makes one an adult.”

There’s the tension-filled atmosphere again.

“It’s not like I love eating salad….Meat, I prefer meat much more.”

“Hm? Did you say something Maka-tea?”

It’s nothing. And stop calling me Maka-tea.”

The ‘-tea’ is probably from teacher. Well, not that it matters.

And by the way, Amanashi might’ve not understood it, but I clearly heard
what you said. You were eating that yakiniku like it was the best thing in the
world. By the way, she ate too much and forced me to close my ears as she
was paying. It was probably a dozen times more than what I pay for food on a
daily basis.

“Amanashi-san too, you shouldn’t be eating all that meat and sauce and
maybe change to some grass—–excuse me, to some salad. You have to keep
your beauty for your job, right?”

Ah, she’s trying to deepen her friendship with Amanashi, how adult-like of

“Ehhhh~ But if I don’t eat any meat, I don’t get enough energy. And Sai-
kun’s also eating a hamburger.”

“It’s fine, since it’s Saigi-kun. He should eat a lot of meat, and have enough
energy for all the impure things he has to do in a relationship.”

“Woah, this teacher’s making preferences between students. And what do

you mean with impure things!”

There are countless things I should retort on but I held back since I had some

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hamburger in my mouth. I still have to make my little sister understand that
it’s bad manners to talk with a full mouth.

“Hmpf. I don’t want to be scolded by Sensei when I’m eating as well. I have
my own freedom when I’m eating!”

“You’re always sleeping in class you know. You have too much freedom
with that.” Maka-sensei glared at Amanashi.

And, it looked like she thought of something before she continued.

“By the way Amanashi-san, how about you wear something over your
blouse. It doesn’t go against school rules, but this sure is poison for the boy’s

“But my chest feels so cramped. The blazer I bought when I entered this
school doesn’t fit me at all anymore. These clothes are pretty expensive, ya

“Don’t ‘ya know’ me. I know that the clothes of our institution are quite
expensive. But I’d still advise you to adjust them to your current size. Not
every boy here is as calm as Saigi-kun when it comes to their gazes.” With
that, Maka-sensei practically started at Amanashi’s oversized breasts.

I did the same and also practically stared at Amanashi’s oversized breasts
——Not, because there’s no way I could do that. That was really close. I am
the calm kid after all.

“But, adjusting them is a bit….I might grow even more after all~ Gravure
idols don’t get that much money, so I can’t waste it on something like this~”

“You still plan on growing? Just how big do you want them to be….? You’re
going to seduce all these idiotic male students on this school.”


It feels like she’s trying to point at one idiotic boy right here….Did she turn

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on her unobtainable flower mode? Is she okay?

“It’s fine, it’s fine. I will only try to se—–sed——-seduce? an honest high
school boy when I’m interested in him.”

“Your grades really are on the bare minimum. I guess I’ll have to report that
to your japanese teacher.”

“Maka-tea, why would you do something as useless as that?”

“Try to appreciate the hard work of us teachers for once!”

My head hurts just from listening to them…And also, Amanashi is clearly

speaking in a too-familiar tongue with Maka-sensei. Although that’s not
exactly rare, Amanashi is taking it a bit too far I think.

“Also, Maka-tea has big breasts too. Are you sure that you’re not seducing
the other boys?”

“Seduce….I am an adult after all.”

“There are a lot of adults that don’t have any breasts. Ah, I see. Since Maka-
tea is an adult, her breasts won’t grow anymore, huh. That means that you
can never catch up to me, yay!”

“Ku……! S-Saigi-kun, you also said that it’s not good if they’re too big,

“I don’t really care since they’re not mine.”

I mean, be it Maka-sensei’s or Amanashi’s, I can’t fondle them myself, so it’s

no use pondering about the size.

“Mhm? But, both our chests belong to Sai-kun, you know? Aren’t you
interested in their size and form? If you want, you can check mine anytime.”

“They don’t belong to me at all…..and who would even get happy about

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I have no idea anymore what this girl is saying.

“That’s right, it’s just like Saigi-kun says. It doesn’t matter if they’re big, or
pitifully small. What’s important is that they don’t belong to a gravure model
that everyone can see but to Saigi-kun’s important lover.”


Although I really would loved to retort that, I held myself back in case
Amamashi got more suspicious about the two of us. But Sensei, your
wording choice is getting worse by the second.

“That’s a teacher for you….she says what she has to. Fu, thanks for the food.
It was delicious as always.” Without any problems, she completely emptied
her plate.

I wonder if all those calories really go to her chest…

“Ahh, oops. I should’ve bought a desert~ But it’s such a pain to choose from
the menu~”

“Amanashi, you can still eat more?”

“Of course. Ahh, I can give Sai-kun a desert too~”

“Huh? Desert?”

If she has something, then she should just eat it herself.

But, in that moment, my phone vibrated on the table.

“Hehe, I sent you the desert~”


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Before I even realized it, Amanashi had her phone out as well, having sent
something to me via LINE.

As I opened up that message——


W-What the hell did she just sent me?!

A single photo was reflected on my screen.

Her uniform is opened?! Why is she doing a hand bra?! And her breasts are
barely hold back by her arm!

“A-Amanashi, what in the world is this….?!”

“I’ll keep them coming! Here’s the next one!”

And with that, another photo came in. This time it was Amamashi wearing
our school’s jersey. And, the upper part was almost completely unzipped—-
which wouldn’t be too much of a problem.

But she’s not wearing anything underneath?! Why aren’t you wearing a t-
shirt under that?!

“My desert won’t stop with just that!”

The third photo came in—-

She’s once more wearing that jersey top, but this time she’s wearing
bloomers instead of her jersey trousers! It’s the legendary bloomers + sitting
while hugging your legs combo!

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“How is it, Sai-kun. My desert wasn’t all that bad, right? Ah, but don’t
worry, these pictures were taken by some female friends of mine. The
maximum I do at work are swimsuit shots after all.”

“If this isn’t for your job, then why did you take them?!”

“I enjoy taking pictures even when I’m not on the job. Remember how I told
you I would send you other photos before? Well, here ya go, this time it’s
your desert!”

“Stimulation doesn’t count as desert in my eyes though….”

“Thanks for the food. Now, Amanashi-san.”

Ah, I completely forgot she was present too.

“Let’s go to a nice place. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt.”

“Eh? W-Wait, Maka-tea? Where are we going?”

Maka-sensei grabbed Amanashi by the heck without any hesitation and

pulled her away.

“It seems like we have to move forward more quickly with the plan…..”
Maka-sensei added.

And with that, the two of them left the cafeteria. But in that moment, I
received a message.

‘Delete the photos.’

“W-Woah, commanding tone, huh…..”

It seems like Maka-sensei happened to see all the photos that Amanashi sent
me. Well, I guess this would’ve ended the same way if it was a different
teacher….Although it feels like a shame to delete Amanashi’s pictures, I
guess I have no other choice now that she’s that much in unobtainable flower

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Ahh…..after class is the best when I’m not getting called over by Maka-
sensei….! Wait, that should be the normal standard. Although I was a bit
worried after her last phrase, I could go home without any further delay.
After that crazy lunch, I could finally spend the rest of my day in peace.
Finally, FINALLY.

My home is a mansion close to the train station. And, on the 8th floor, there
is my home sweet home, a three room apartment, combined living room,
dining room, and kitchen. It was perfect for a family with 1 or 2 children.
And, nothing out of the ordinary ever happened.

“I’m glad that I got to take my time with shopping. Fu, that was heavy.” I put
down the stuff I bought on the kitchen floor.

Although I was constantly on edge, thinking that Maka-sensei would

suddenly come out of nowhere. I managed to buy everything I needed. Now
that I think about it, students often go home rather early, but that’s not the
same for the teachers. Maybe I could be a bit softer towards my teachers.

“Oh, Onii-chan. You’re home already. Welcome home~ Are you, like, lost in
thought or something? You won’t be popular if you act so suspiciously.”

“…I’m home…..Well, I’ll pay attention to that.”

So you’re going to jab me like that as soon as I get home, my little sister?

Miharu was rolling around on the sofa in the living room as she looked
towards the kitchen with a bothersome expression. As you can see, the
Miharu at home is always this harsh towards me. When we were kids, she
would always cling to, saying “Onii-tan Onii-tan!” but now she’s completely
changed. Right now, it seems like she’s just waiting for me to give her a
chance to badmouth me.

“Miharu’s pretty fast today too. How about you take a bit more time when
you walk home? Might be a bit refreshing.”

“Naah, sounds like a pain. Being home’s the best cause we have everything.
There’s a bed, a sofa, food, everything’s automatic, I can take a bath

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whenever I want, I can wash my clothes and panties. Home is paradise, I tell

“….Yeah, you’re right.”

Although it’s neither automatic, nor it’s the fairy that’s doing the work but
just the hard work of your big brother. And, the sofa she was currently lying
on turned into her special place that only belonged to her.

Currently, she was wearing a long-sleeved parka and short-pants. Of course,

everything was oversized to her own comfort. Just one year ago, she was
going around the house showing her panties at every possible occasion. As
her big brother, I’m happy that she learned to feel some embarrassment. But,
why does she have a hood on her parka? Is she like a vampire that’s weak
against the sunlight? After all, she always wears this stuff, even when she
goes out. That would be perfectly fine if she only went to the convenience
store, but I really wish she’d style herself up a bit more.

“Onii-chan, what will you make for dinner? Miharu wishes for some tasty
meat, yes.”

“That’s what I thought, which is why I will be making steamed pork. With a
lot of meat extra for Miharu.”

As he heard my words, her eyes lit up. My little sister really likes spiced-up
food. And, although I’m self-aware of it, I keep spoiling her like this. After
all, both the family register and our DNA clearly state that she is without
fault my biological younger sister. It seems like it is worth spending more
money for her, as long as she stops jabbing me at every chance.

For now, I put the fruits of battle into the fridge and cabinets, went to my
own room to change into something more comfortable, only to return back to
the kitchen. As I returned, Miharu was still in the same position, glaring at
her phone for some reason. Taking out some sweet ice tea for my little sister,
I started the preparations for dinner. Just as one would suspect, I am the one
doing most of the housework. Our parents are mostly overseas and are rarely
home. It seems like it’s related to their jobs but since they are almost never
home, it feels a bit fishy. They’re not involved in illegal trafficking

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somewhere, right?

Miharu doesn’t seem too unhappy about it either because she can use our
parents’ bedroom for an extra storage room. Since she’s often buying game
related stuff, her room can’t handle all the different boxes and so on. Once
our parents come home, they probably wont have a place to sleep since even
their bed is unusable. But, my parents are even softer towards Miharu so they
probably wouldn’t even mind. When they come home once in a while, they
often sleep in sleeping bags.

But, to sum it up, my household might be a bit weird, but that’s mostly
because of my little sister.

“Uwa, I died because of the fire again! Ahh, how many Onii-chan cards do I
have left….”

…..None, because they don’t exist.

As always, my little sister was completely lost in her social game on her

“That reminds me Onii-chan. Is it true that Fujiki-sensei and Nui-chan-senpai

were fighting this lunchbreak?”

“Mhm? Why do you know that? Where you also there at the cafeteria?”

“I bought bread from the convenience store and ate it in my classroom. I

received a lot of information from LINE.”

Figures….it’s not like they were fighting but they did eat their feed next to
each other. I was nothing but a bystander.”

“Ahh, so Onii-chan was also there. Nobody was talking about you though.”


There is no way that someone would pay attention to a small fry like me
when our school’s most popular, beautiful teacher and our school’s most
popular gravure idol were next to each other like that.

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“By the way Miharu…..”

“Don’t call your little sister without a honorific!”

“I’ve been calling you that since ages! Don’t just start a fight because of

Ahh, I really can’t read my little sister’s intention at all. But, that might’ve
saved me a bit. If we really kept talking about Maka-sensei and Amanashi,
the topic of her being in love with me might’ve come up. You really can’t
read that off her face, and she’s not at that age where she could drink alcohol.
Normally, since she’s my little sister, there should be no way that she feels
that way for me. Or rather that certain type of ‘like’ is unnatural. Just to be
clear, I really can’t believe that Miharu would rave romantic feelings for me.
After all, she only thinks only of me as a voice machine to open the entrance


“Mhm? Did you get excited remembering Nui-chan-senpai’s breasts?”

“As if. There’s something I forgot to buy so I will be going out a bit.”

I completely forgot the desert because I was too wary of Maka-sensei.

Whenever Miharu doesn’t get a desert, her mood gets spoiled immediately.
And even I’m not that skilled to produce a worthy desert. Across our mansion
is a convenience store. Since she really likes sweets, it’s a big help that I
don’t have to run to a cake store every time. Putting on a jacket, I stepped out
of the entrance.

“If it isn’t Saigi-kun. You’re leaving now?”

“Yes, I have to get something from the convenience store.”

Since Maka-sensei was greeting me, I slightly bowed my head. Oh, it’s close
to 7pm. already. Maybe it’s not so bad being a teacher if you get to go home
at this hour.

“It’s gotten pretty dark so please be careful. Or rather, since I’m already here,

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I’ll go with you. It’s right around the corner after all.”

“No, I can’t take you up on that offer—–Huh?” As I headed towards the

elevator, I came to a sudden stop and turned around. “Maka-sensei!? Why are
you here?!”

“…….Because I came?”

“That’s not what I wanted to hear!”

Maka-sensei was wearing her usual suit with a handheld bag in her arm.
Adding to that, she also had a shopping bag from a supermarket in her hand.

“What are you saying? This here is the Fujiki residence, right next to Saigi’s

“…….Excuse me?”

Maka-sensei pointed at the door next to ours. What met my sight was the
apartment number plus her name.

“Eh? W-Wait a moment….this really is your home….?”

“Yes, I’m sorry for the late greeting. I’m Fujiki Maka. Looking forward to
get to know you, Mr. Neighbour.” She lowered her head in a cute manner.

I-Impossible….T-The enemy has already invaded my safe space….you


“S-Sorry for intruding….”

“Don’t hold back, Saigi-kun. Just come on in.”

To no surprise, the entrance looked exactly the same as the own in my home.
Though the items greeting me were different.

“I’m going to come in~” Miharu said as she followed me.

She realized that I was still standing in the entrance at home, which is why

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she came over to check.

“Hold back a bit will you, Miharu-san. You have a home to go back to.”

“Your answer is way too different! Does Fujiki-sensei, like, hate Miharu or

“I like your DNA.”

“Miharu is pretty popular, but this has to be a first!”

So we’re talking about DNA again?

“Leaving out the DNA part for now, is this really Maka-sensei’s home?”

“Me having the key should be proof enough, right? I’m sorry, I don’t have
any guest slippers yet. I don’t get guests that often after all.”

“That sounds really lonely…..”

The Saigi household also doesn’t have a lot of guests, but we have at least a
few from time to time. Like Miharu’s friends or our parents.

Ah right, our parents don’t count as guests. So the only people that come to
visit are Miharu’s friends after all. But leaving that aside for now, the Fujiki
household looked exactly the same like ours. From the hallway to the living
room. She does have a sofa and TV but that’s all.

Thank god she didn’t put up any photos or posters of me….

“…I mean, this looks like you’ve just moved in…When did you….?”

“I’d really like to know what ‘I mean’ is supposed to say but it’s just like you
say. Just at the end of last year.”

Right now is Golden Week, so it really was just recently. Though I remember
some trucks from a moving-management company, so it really seems to be

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“It’s also a first for Miharu to be here. The first time she greeted Miharu,
Fujiki-sensei came over to our house after all.”

“Ha?! Miharu, you new that Maka-sensei was living next to us?!”

“She came to give her greetings right after she moved. She even gave us
some sweets.”

“I don’t remember any sweets….?”

The kitchen is my playground. I would’ve seen sweets if there were any…..

“They looked so delicious, which is why Miharu ate them all herself. Her
gluttony knows no limits….”

“Don’t act like you were like this since you were born!”

No, that’s not the problem here! Why didn’t you tell me that we had a new

“Well, I didn’t want to say hello immediately. First and foremost was the
confession, and then this as a surprise, you know?”

“To me, everything was a surprise, you know….?” I said with an astonished
expression, but Maka-sensei showed no signs of responding.

This person really has a strong mentality, I see.

“For now, the two of you can sit down. Saigi-kun, are you fine with some
tea? Miharu-san should be fine without.”

“Although Miharu isn’t on the same level as Onii-chan, but if you come at
her like this, she’ll also get quite twisted and rude.”

“Fufufu, little girl~”

“Hahaha, big girl~”

Sparks were flying between Maka-sensei and Miharu. I guess I should be

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glad that I didn’t come back to a bloodbath when they first greeted each

“Miharu isn’t here to spy on you like Nui-chan-senpai did. It’s not like you
two would be doing anything weird when you’re alone.” She said as she left
the apartment.

This person is going to do something weird, you know? It looks like SID still
doesn’t know of Maka-sensei’s true nature.

“I didn’t expect her to really go home like this…what a good girl Miharu-san
is. My evaluation of her as a student suddenly went up, not good.”

“Yes, that really is no good….”

I really wish that you wouldn’t spoil her grades just because she left me alone
in the lion’s den. Miharu really isn’t dumb or anything, but she’s not studying
at all which doesn’t really help.

“We’re finally alone, Saigi-kun!”


She suddenly clung to me without any preparations at all, making me let out a
weird voice in response.

“What are you doing Sensei! That conversation with Miharu just now was
way too close! Are you giving up on your unobtainable flower character?!”

At this rate, it’ll only be a matter of time until SID finds out how she really is
like. The only thing she seems to be trying to hide is her excessive skinship
with me.

“They won’t see through me with just that. They’ll just think that I can get a
bit scary.”

“I hope that you’re right….”

If it’s Miharu, we could maybe bribe her with sweets.

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“Rather than that, Saigi-kun. I apologize for surprising you.”

“That’s fine but….did you move here on purpose?”

“I was surprised too that my home would be right next to Saigi-kun. This
must be the work of the gods above, blessing us.”

“As if! Please don’t move just because of me!

Just how quick is she to act? Well, for a teacher, it wouldn’t be too much of a
hassle to find out a student’s address…..Wow, she really is misusing her

“And also, this mansion here is clearly made for small families. Just why did
you move in here alone?”

“Here, your tea. It wasn’t all that easy you know.”

She put two tea cups down on the table in front of the sofa, and sat down next
to me.

“Actually, this apartment is supposed to be for me and my father.”

“Your father?”

Now that she says it, she told me the story of how her family scattered…..

“Though, my father won’t be living here. He’s just the head of the household
in name.”

“I see…and, what is your father doing then?”

I didn’t mean to pry into her affairs but I kind of got interested while

“After he had lost everything, he changed into a monster that can’t trust
another person.”


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“He started a cat cafe that got very popular, and now he’s very famous in that

“Good for him!”

Ahhh, I’m glad that he’s not my dad!

“Well, right after he went bankrupt, we didn’t have anything to eat, so he had
planned to sell of his daughter to Macau.”

“Please don’t name a specific place! And isn’t that a rather popular
sightseeing place?!”

No, not that! When she says daughter, it’s about Maka-sensei, right?! I really
wish she wouldn’t tell me such a dirty story.

“Still, even now my father can be a bit weird. He often says weird stuff like
‘If only Maka was a cat too…..’”

“He really can only see cats anymore, huh……”

Not necessarily bad as a cat cafe owner, but certainly bad as her father.

“And said father is now living inside his cat cafe, because he doesn’t need
anything else according to him.”

“Should he really be saying that to his own daughter?”

“I don’t need anything besides Saigi-kun. For example, Miharu-san.”

“Well, of course you’d be fine without her…..”

Sometimes even I don’t need—–no, that’s not true. She might a bit sluggish,
and hard on my wallet, but she’s still my precious little sister.

“Since I found this mansion, I blackmailed—–excuse me, begged my father

so that ‘we’ could move here.”

“Is that really fine for a student and teacher to live next to each other?”

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It’s not really impossible, but it’s Maka-sensei we’re talking about.

“It was just a coincidence. I mean, even if somebody found out, I should have
no reason to move next to Saigi-kun, right?”

“That might be true….”

And to be fair, every student would hate it if a teacher moved next to them.
That’s the same the other way around though. If I was a teacher, I’d hate
living next to a student. When I get home, I want to forget about my job.

“But to think that you moved here…..well, if it’s with your father together,
paying the rent shouldn’t be any problem.”

“No, I will be the one paying the rent. It’s my home after all. Now that I’m at
this age, I can’t have my parents pay the rent, right?”

“Excuse me? This mansion is aimed for small families, right? Isn’t the rent
pretty high?”

Of course, I’m not the one paying rent for our home, and don’t know the
exact amount. And, although it might be an older building, the location is
pretty advantageous, like the train station is close and all.

“It’s true that most of my wage goes into the rent here.”

“You didn’t have to move here at all!”

“Don’t worry, humans can survive of rice and hot water.”

“Yes, but you will only survive with nothing else!”

How can I sleep at night when she’s dying of hunger next to my home?!

“….Sorry, Sensei was just pretending. Actually, I’m also getting money from
my father…..Since I’m an adult… adult…….I couldn’t say that I would
still get money from my father…..”

“That cat cafe is nothing but a shop right. Since this here officially is your

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father’s home, there’s nothing to be ashamed of……”

Why would you even get depressed about that. Maka-sensei is still young and
her wage isn’t all that high.

“Saigi-kun….thank you. I had actually planned to treat you to some dinner,

but I don’t have anything great to offer you.”

“N-No it’s fine. You already payed the yakiniku for me. And I have to
prepare dinner for Miharu at home anyway.”

I wonder if we’ll eat dinner together at this rate.

“But, I finally got a guest, so I can’t just let you go home like this. It would
hurt the pride of the Fujiki household.”

“H-Having a guest really isn’t that special.”

Ah, I got a bad feeling about this.

“Ah perfect timing, I wanted to move forward with the education. So, I will
be showing you around my home.”


I mean, she came out of her way to move right next to me, so of course she’s
going to use that close distance.

“Don’t worry, I will properly entertain you. Please look forward to it ♡”

I heard the rustling of clothes. Taking off the top of her suit, she followed by
lowering her skirt. As she also took off her stockings, I saw her black panties.
Slowly opening up every button of her blouse, her black bra entered my sight.
Now that she took off her blouse, only her underwear was left….With a few
touches, her bra fell off and—–

“Ah, Saigi-kun. You can take of the blindfold if you want.”


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That concludes my scene where the beautiful teacher is stripping.

Carefully taking off the blindfold, I could see what was in front of me.

“Oh wow, you really took it off…now that’s a bit embarrassing, even for

“You told me to take them off…and what are these clothes?!”

“Since we’ll be entering the bath soon, it would make sense to change into
these clothes.”

“T-That might be true but….!”

The only thing that stopped me from seeing her naked body was a bath-towel.

This is the dressing room before the bath of the Fujiki residence. For some
reason, I changed into a pair of swimming trunks, and it was only the two of
us inside here.

“What in the world happened for it to end up like this…..”

“This is a token of our newfound neighbourship.”

Still…in what world would a teacher invite her pupil into her bath like this…
Though I did put on a blindfold while she was stripping.

“And why do you have the perfect size for my swimsuit….?”

“Having a naked relationship is part of my educational curriculum. But, being

completely naked would be a bit too high of a hurdle, right? Since I got every
data related to your body—-excuse me, I could guess the size just from
looking. I’m an adult after all!”


So she checked my data just for this… I wonder if this thing called privacy
still exists in today’s world.

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“Don’t mind it, don’t mind it.”


Maka-sensei tapped me on the back as she entered the bath. And said bath
looks almost identical to our own home.

“Now then, I’ll start with cleaning Saigi-kun. Ahh~ to be honest, I always
wanted to wash Saigi-kun like this. It’s like a dream came true!”

“Can you not have some more serious ambitions?”

She started washing my chest and my back.

Ahh, thank god she didn’t wash my lower body…..

“Alright then, now it’s Saigi-kun’s turn.”


Maka-sensei sat down in front of me. And, she took off her bath-towel,
revealing her white back to me—-hey?!

“I-I’m supposed to wash Sensei too?!”

“O-Of course, we’re in the bath after all, so it’s fine… gentle, okay?”


As I looked down at her, I couldn’t see her butt, but I could see her back with
the traces of the bra. And if she only moved slightly, I could see her side-
boobs! I know I’m not supposed to look but I surely won’t hold back here,
you know!

“Y-You can only wash my back. A-Anything else, I would probably die from
embarrassment. Do you know? Most of the people that die at home die in the

“You surely won’t die from just embarrassment!”

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“…There’s a reason for this. Saigi-kun, when you received these sexy photos
from Amanashi-san, you were quite shocked right? I have to erase them from
your memories.”


T-That reasoning again…!

Well, it’s true that private photos from a gravure mode have more impact
than that erotic teacher video we watched a while ago. To erase that from my
memory, she’d have to do more than that, but still…

“I-I will only wash your back, okay?”

“Y-Yes, my back. Really gentle, okay?”

Ugh….this is the complete opposite of a calm afternoon. There are one, no

two dangerous events happening at once. To think that I would be washing
my homeroom teacher’s back like this…Woah, her skin is so white, and soft.
And it’s extremely slim…now if I just look a bit further down——Wait, no
no no! Looking down is no good! Calm down, and not think about that.

Taking the body-towel into my hands, I started scrubbing—-


“Please don’t let out a weird voice like that!”

“I-I’m not doing it on purpose. Saigi-kun is just so good at it….”

“As if! I’m not even taking a bath with my sister anymore…”

“That makes sense. Until when did you enter the bath together with her?”

“Uhm…a bit before I entered high school.”

“So only about one year ago?!”

“Sensei, don’t turn around!”

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For a second, I saw her bouncing breasts. They were bouncing like crazy! I
almost saw the part she was hiding with her hand bra.

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“Eh? Ah, I’m sorry!”

Washing the back of Maka-sensei—

Completely brought me out of my concept and I accidentally poured cold

water on her instead of hot water.

“R-Really Saigi-kun, you didn’t do that on purpose, did you?!”

“You’re wro—-wait, don’t suddenly stand up!”

Being surprised by the sudden cold water splashing on her back, she stood up

In front of my eyes, in front of my eyes……! Maka-sensei’s butt! Nothing

hidden at all! Her white, slippery-looking butt with the small traces of her
panties, right in front of my eyes!


Letting out a loud scream, she wrapped the towel around her body again.

“D-Did you….see?” She had tears in her eyes as she said that.

“I-If you don’t properly address what you want to know, then the students
can’t properly answer you….”

“Are you excited to see my buttocks?!”

“Why are you speaking english!? Ah right, she’s an english teacher!”

The both of us were really confused it seems.

It wasn’t all that difficult english but I didn’t understand it at all! I have to say

“Ah, uhm, y-yesu!”

“So you really did see….muu, pervert.”

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Maka-sensei was red until her ears and she glared at me with tears in her

A cute adult saying cute stuff like “Pervert” has too much of an impact…..!
Still, what kind of rom-com event is this supposed to be…and it’s with my
teacher. But—her try to overwrite Amanashi’s photos attempt did work, a
little bit.

Soothing the damaged Maka-sensei, I left the bath. Like that, I hurriedly put
on clothes in the dressing room, let Maka-sensei know that I would be going
and dashed out of the appartement. After what happened, I couldn’t exactly
stay there after all.


My heart that was beating like crazy slowly started to calm down. Ahh, to
think that the hallway to my own apartment would be this calming.

Still—doesn’t this prove everything? The possibility that she moved here by
pure chance still stands. But, that is too much of a coincidence. That’s too
unrealistic. And, considering Maka-sensei’s personality, it seems like she just
planned this from the beginning. And, there shouldn’t be any reason why she
would take a bath together with me other than that.

So, does she really like me—-



At the corner of the hallway, a shadow moved. Someone was looking at me,
right? And, that face looked oddly familiar.


I thought I had seen her wearing some frilly clothes.

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Was that really Kisou-san…? I didn’t hear anything that she was living in the
same mansion. And even though she’s just a classmate, I’d surely remember

“…..I do like the perverted Saigi-kun too.”

“Please put on some clothes already!”

Before I realized it, the door at my back slightly opened, and Maka-sensei
poked her head out. Although the door was hiding most of her body, I could
still see that she was only wearing a bath towel.

I really wish she’d stop stimulating me like that….

Maka-sensei, weren’t you the unobtainable flower?!

A few days after the incident at the Fujiki residence—

Sunday. The most soothing day in a student’s life. Especially after having six
days of school in a row, because at Seikadai academy, they torture us with
school on Saturdays too. That is why it is extremely important to completely
forgot about school on this precious day.

I don’t go out with friends today. And, please spare me the retort that I just
don’t have any friends to begin with. Anyway, although I don’t play with
friends or anything, I still go out quite frequently. Since my cat-like little
sister sleeps until noon, she doesn’t need any breakfast. And, since we did
have leftovers from yesterday’s dinner, she can just warm that up for lunch.
Having finished cleaning and washing everything, I could now enjoy some
enjoyable free time. Just before the beginning of Golden Week, a lot of new
movies started screening at the cinemas. I could also enjoy some time in a
soothing cafe. Alternatively, I could sing my heart out at a karaoke bar or let
out some stress at the game-center. Though I don’t really have the money for
that, but I still have a lot of options.

“That being said, I still don’t go out that often. It’s only a little bit since our
director grants me a bit of free time.”

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“Woah, so the cloisters are also getting more modern, huh. Actually, I’m also
not going out that often. Although I have a lot of friends, but most of them
are just on the superficial level. Ahahaha.”

“Nui-oneesan, this isn’t something to laugh about though…Other than my

school or to Sensei’s place, I was told not to go anywhere else….”

“Well, Kuu-chan’s a grade schooler after all. Miharu could go anywhere she
wants but it’s too much of a hassle, so she mostly sends out Onii-chan!”


Karen-kaichou, Amanashi, Kuu and even my little sister…

The moment I entered a hamburger shop because I was hungry, of course the
four of them were present. Since corners are always calming, I seeked out a
seat in the deeper parts of the store. The four from SID were sitting close to
the register. As they sat at the windows, the people that walked by often
stopped to look at the four beauties through the glass.

Karen-kaichou was wearing something completely different today: A girly


Amanashi had a tank-top on with cut-off shoulder parts. Down from her hips
were fairly short hotpants.

Kuu on her part was wearing a thin pullover and a mini skirt which perfectly
fit her childish looks.

Miharu was……wearing the same clothes you would wear on a trip to a

convenience store. A parka + short pants combo, with the hoodie put on.

Everyone was wearing different clothes, but they all looked cute nonetheless.
Yep, I have to admit that.

“But, why are you all here? Did you know that I would be going here?”

“Don’t sweat the small stuff! It’s not like Miharun told us anything!”

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“Hey, Nui-chan-senpai! Don’t say any necessary stuff!”


Miharu, did you put a transmitter on me or anything? As doubting as I am, I

always turn around to check if I’m being tailed. I wonder if they’re actually
that easy to get like in the movies?

“Thanks for waiting. It’s been so long since I’ve visited this store that I was
hesitating a bit.”

“……Why is Sensei here too…..”

Having a tablet in her hand, she brought a hamburger and something to drink
with her as she sat down in front of me, wearing a jacket with a frilly long
skirt, making her look like a neat and clean young lady.

Shit, she’s cute. Beautiful. She’s really hitting all the marks for me….wait, no

It seems like she completely got over the shock from a few days ago. Just
what you would expect from an adult. Even though it still enters my mind
from time to time…guess I’m still a kid.

“And, why are you here, Sensei?”

“I mean, we live next doors. I got wind of you leaving.”

“…Are you sure that it’s not because of Miharu? I mean, she’s right there
after all.”

“Miharu-san always sleeps in late on Sundays. Even I have researched that


“On point……”

She only got up because I went out probably.

“But, that’s not important right now! So because you realized I was going

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out, you decided to follow me?!”

“It’s such a nice Sunday, so it would be a waste to spend it at home.”

“There’s no need to follow me though. Though that’s the same for these
people over there!”

As I turned around to glare at them, they didn’t even flinch. Well, Kuu seems
to be a bit flustered at least.

“It doesn’t matter that SID is here. It looks like it’s just me and Saigi-kun
here. They pull all the attention to them. I guess SID can be useful in it’s own

“You shouldn’t talk about using them since they’re still your pupils.”

And although she says that they draw a lot of attention to them, the impact of
Maka-sensei in her casual clothes is too strong…..

“Since it’s Sunday, we’re not teacher and students. It’s important to split up
work and private life after all.”

“Then, since I’m not on school grounds, I don’t have to listen to Sensei,

“No, you better listen to me. If you don’t want to get hurt that is.”

“What are you going to do?!”

“I’m joking. Besides, will there ever be a time when you’ll calmly listen to
me? You’re rioting most of the time. Well, that makes it more worth to
discipline—-excuse me, educate you.”

“Well, it’s mostly because I didn’t meet any teachers that I could respect until
now, which is why I’m always talking back.”

“I see, so until you entered high school, you didn’t meet any teachers that you
could respect.”

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Looks like she wants to make me say that I finally met one.

“But still, it feels great eating junk food like this once in a while. The sexual
feeling is amazing.”

“Sexual feeling…this kanji combo doesn’t mean what you think it does…”

She probably wanted to say that the feeling of eating meat is amazing.

But still, this is a cheap burger shop so the meant isn’t that amazing.

“Maka-sensei, you don’t often go to these kinds of shops, right?”

“But you see, wouldn’t that be a moe point for boys to see a sheltered Ojou-
sama like me go to a normal hamburger shop like this?”

“That only happens in fiction….”

In today’s society, being sheltered doesn’t happen that often anymore

anyway. This shouldn’t be her first time coming here either. And also, she
shouldn’t be that much of an Ojou-sama.

“Hm….Miharu doesn’t really understand what they’re saying. What do you

think, President-san? Do you think that Onii-chan and Fujiki-sensei are
serious? What kind of communication level are they? 10 maybe?”

“Even if you ask me that….The only thing I can see from there is Fujiki-
sensei’s evil aura.”

Both my little sister and President were talking in a voice loud enough for me
to hear.

Oh that’s right, we’re still deceiving them to think that Maka-sensei and I are

“It seems like Karen-kaichou also feels something like that from Sensei as
you can see.”

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“Maybe she holds the qualifications to become an exorcist. That’s only
because she knows me to a certain degree. Don’t worry, the only one that saw
my dark aura without any background knowledge was Saigi-kun after all.”

“No, it’s not that I thought it was dark or anything…”

She’s still wrapped in mystery, even after seeing her real personality. Twice
that is.

“Ah, but it really is a shame.”

“What is?”

As I responded, Maka-sensei looked towards SID.

“It’s finally our day off. I wanted to feed Saigi-kun with some fires and give
him my two hamburgers to eat.”

“I don’t get what you mean with the second one though……”

Maybe that I put my face in her breasts and motorboat? Man, she really never
stops with her assault…

“Well yeah, you don’t want SID to find out about the real you.”

“Of course. The only thing they know is that I like Saigi-kun.”

Still, I think that you showed plenty of faces to them that you wouldn’t show
other students. She’s barely keeping up her unobtainable flower mode at

“It’s fine if only Saigi-kun knows about the real me.”


W-What is this person doing….!

Under the table, she’s touching my feet with her own. Her feet, wrapped in
her long dress are gently patting mine. Even though this is just meant as

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child’s play, it feels very erotic….

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“Haaa, this is the only thing that I can do. I wonder if they could finally go
home now since I’ve showed them a standard date.”


Is doing something like this under the table really standard?

“Ahh, I wanted to be more lovey-dovey. Maybe if I give them some pocket

money, they’ll go somewhere else— Hic.”


Suddenly, Maka-sensei’s body twitched.

“M-My apologies, I completely forgot about that…… Hic”


Another twitch. She even separated her legs under the table. Not like I’m sad
about that or anything.

“Did something happen, Sensei?”

N-No…I forgot it when I ordered my cola but I often get hiccups from the
carbon acid.”

“Is that so?”

“I-It happens from time to time. Since I didn’t drink anything with carbon
acid recently, I completely forgot about that. Hic”


Wow, the person in question is clearly troubled by it, but she somehow looks
really cute, going hic hic hic all over the place. Seeing as how she’s getting
red because of the embarrassment is also cute. How terrifying….

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“How cunning… even though she’s the neat and clean idol, she’s still
cunning like this, our homeroom teach.”

“Not to mention her clothes. I tried to put on some more girly clothes too, but
I still can’t beat Fujiki-sensei. And it fits her too perfectly. Are we all going
to look as cute as her when we’re 24?”

“The me fourteen years later….I can’t imagine that.” Kuu shook her head.

In fourteen years, Kuu will probably still look ‘cute’.

“Ah, Sensei. How about you drink some of my ice tea? I didn’t drink more
than a half at most.”

“Eh, really? Thank you, Saigi-kun.”

I gave her the cup with a smile. In return, Maka-sensei give me the rest of her
cola. Since I won’t get the hiccups, I can drink it just fine.


Isn’t this the place where I should make a remark that this would be an
indirect kiss? Maka-sensei also seems to be hesitating. No wait, why would
she be hesitating at that after everything we’ve done these past few days.

“…Can I take that straw with me?”


Just what you would expect from an adult, she’s not hesitating at all just
because of an indirect kiss. Without paying any mind to that, I took a good
sip of the cola.

“Sensei, excuse me for a bit.”

Notifying that I would take a trip to the toilet, I stood up.

As if they had been waiting for that, Karen-kaichou and the others were
gathering around Maka-sensei, pestering her about that straw and the indirect

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kiss and whatnot.

Maybe I’ll take my time until I return…..

Having finished my business, I saw a poster inside the shop and decided to
take a closer look, completely on a whim.

Ohh, a new menu, huh. soft, plump eggs and big meat slices for the
hamburger. Looks delicious.

“Fujiki-sensei’s lips are also so plump…..”


Hearing that voice, I turned around and there was—

“Saigi, you’re thinking about these indecent things?”


For some reason, she was wearing gothic lolita clothes. Although I had to
check twice because I didn’t see her private clothes yet, it was without a
doubt Kisou Tenka-san.

“Eh, w-wait…”

Before I could say anything, Kisou-san grabbed me by the arm and pulled me
deeper into the shop.

“W-What’s wrong? And why is Kisou-san here too?”

This hamburger shop is serving too many acquaintances of mine.

“I walked past it by pure coincidence, by pure will I entered. Familiar faces

are here, obviously.”

“W-Well, yeah….?”

You can just tell me without making it sound like a rap.

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But, if she knew all these people, why did she come to me first?

“About me, it matters not. Rather than that—”


Kisou-san pushed me against a wall and slapped her hand on said wall behind

“Eh? A kabe-don?”

“To think that I would be the one to pull my first kabe-don ever.” She said as
she looked up at me.

Well, it’s the same for me as well, not to mention that I’m the one being
pushed against the wall by a girl that’s tinier than me.

“Listen to what I’m about to tell you, Saigi.”

“W-What is it?”

“Don’t betray Fujiki-sensei.”

“Excuse me…?”

Just when I thought that this was supposed to be some joke, I saw her serious

“Fujiki-sensei needs you—protect her.”

“Protect her? I have too…?”

Are there really things that I can protect in this world? The only thing I could
protect are the panties of Miharu, from an underwear thief that is. Though it’s
actually prohibited to dry your clothes on the veranda.

“And, why are you even here, Kisou-san?”

“Everyone has a thing or two they have to protect.” She said, which was like

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an answer, but somehow felt like it wasn’t.

In that moment, I realized that she was tapping on her smartphone again.

Uhm…If you’re gonna pull a kabe-don on me, at least try to focus on the
person that you’re holding hostage. And, your face is too close. Because of
that, I could see her completely non-fitting face with her body.

Kabe-don, smartphone and her non-fitting loli face. And, Maka-sensei

together with the four of SID in the same restaurant.

What exactly is going on? No, I knew. I really did.

…..I guess I should stop getting pulled along every single situation.

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Chapter 4
Maka-sensei wants to become a girlfriend
Part 1:

The beginning of a new week, it was a beautiful Monday—the only time you
hear such a phrase would be in an old war movie.

I see, so even a depressing Monday counts as ‘the beginning of a new week’,

so that you won’t fall into despair immediately.

“Basically, if you take the differences between the restrictive and

nonrestrictive use of a relative pronoun use for number 1 and number 2 here,
the phrase which thereafter becomes a supplement for the article—”

I wonder who that beauty standing in front of the blackboard actually is? The
pervert that took the straw I used home had the same face.

With a stern expression, and a voice befitting it, she was energetically
gesturing in front of the blackboard. To most students, the beautiful teacher’s
lesson was really soothing on this harsh monday.

Since she has that soothing effect, I wonder if you could make a video out of
this and post it online with the title ‘The English teacher that’s too beautiful.’
to gain some money? A video with a beautiful person might not be so rare,
but our beautiful teacher even has that beautiful aura. That is very important,
not just the face and the style.


I wonder about that sleeping gravure idol next to me… In Amanashi’s case,
maybe her friendliness would be her selling point.

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“And, although having a comma might change the meaning of the translation,
it might be even more difficult to understand the smaller bits. That’s why, we
have to use the English grammar—”


Yesterday—Maka-sensei in her private clothes looked really cute. She’s

always wearing that suit to work. I wonder if she could come to school more
often in her private clothes. I think that she’d still be able to uphold her
unobtainable flower character.

In the end, we separated after having finished eating our meal at the burger
restaurant. A lot happened, and I was tired after all. It’s not like i didn’t want
to walk around next to her in her girly clothes, but that would seriously tire
me out too. It seemed like she was pretty confident in her coordinated
clothes, but she forced me to take a picture of her before we split up. On my
smartphone, there is a picture of Maka-sensei, as she had a cute smile, doing
a peace sign.

To be honest, she’s extremely cute. Even though she’s 24, how can she be so
cute? That photo made me want to look at it in the middle of the night, and
roll around on my bed. Though it was a bit awkward to meet Miharu after
that…she looked at me with scorning eyes, saying “Onii-chan, disgusting…”

Can she guess what I was doing just by the noise?

I knew that my actions were monitored by SID, but Miharu is the closest to
me… Leaving that aside for now, seeing a beautiful teacher like her in private
closes had quite the impact.

I guess I really am being disciplined—no, educated by Maka-sensei, I really




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As I realized a gaze directed at me, I found Kisou-san as the source, who was
staring straight at me.

I really don’t get her either. As always, she keeps writing something on her
phone. Though it is prohibited to use our phones during class, she kept it
under her desk, tapping on the keys.

What the hell is she writing?

And what did she mean when she said “Don’t betray Maka-sensei. Protect
her.” ? She left the shop right after she left it. And I can’t really talk to her
about it in school. But well, it’s not like she’s actually talking to anybody else

But still, it seems like my week is going to be even more noisy than last
week. Well, I did see some delicious things, but it certainly is bad to get
swept along with every single situation. I mean, first the four-in-a-row
confessions, and then Kisou-san’s kabe-don. If things like these kept on
occuring, it would greatly stress out my mental health. I have to take the
initiative myself.

That’s right, whittle down my targets.

The one thing that’s attacking me the most. The one thing that interrupted
Saigi Makoto’s calm daily-life the most—Maka-sensei’s confession. She’s
always on the attack, leaving me no other choice but to stay on the defensive.
Sensei has a lot of openings, so there should be countless possibilities for me
to attack. Though I guess I wouldn’t gain anything from beating her.

As the time came for lunch, I finished eating in the school cafeteria and went
towards the English material preparation room. Since I didn’t meet her in the
cafeteria, she might be at another place, but that’s a problem for the worst
case. Though I do want to meet her, there’s no need to rush.

Am I still a bit weak-hearted?


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And, as I arrived at the hallway connecting to the to my destination, I saw

“Mhmm, Hmm, I think that it should be fine~”

“Is that so…But, I might get doubted if I act more incautiously…”

There was another person together with Sensei. She had her hair in a short-
cut, and even though she was a woman, she was a bit taller than Maka-sensei.
Her figure was slender, and she looked like a model with her tall body, a skirt
reaching her knees.

Hiyori—no, not that, Renku Hiyori-sensei.

Her reasoning for wearing a white robe on school grounds is “Since I often
fall over, my clothes would get dirty.”

She always looked like she was spacing out, making it difficult for me to
guess what she was thinking. And, she doesn’t even know of my doubtful

With her beauty, it’s not far fetched to say that she’s the second most popular
teacher, but since I don’t know how she’s really like, I always keep my
distance from her. And age-wise, it seems like she might be one year older
than Maka-sensei. Even if the students call her ‘Hiyorin-sensei’ or use
informal language, she’s mostly okay with it.

“Ah, Saigi-kun. Yahoo!”


“Nice response~ Even if the teachers call you a damn cheeky brat, you’re still
a good kid~”

“Is that really something that you should tell the student in question…?”

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“Really? Well Sensei has to go now~ Bye bye, MakaMaka~”

“B-Bye bye.”

An individual even Maka-sensei in her unobtainable flower mode can’t beat;

that’s Renku-sensei. On the hand she was waving at us, there was a ring on
her ring finger, but nobody knew if she was actually married or not.

“…I wonder if I really am a damn cheeky brat?”

“Fujiki-sensei wouldn’t describe it with those words.”

So you’re not denying it, Maka-sensei. Since I entered high school, I really
didn’t rebel that much though. But, well, that was different when I was in
middle school.

“For now, come on. Today, no teacher will come to this room either, so it’s

“I wonder if the other English teachers are even slightly motivated to take
their job seriously…”

As Maka-sensei opened the door to the preparation room for me, I hurriedly
entered. Sitting down on a chair next to her desk, she immediately brought
over some tea.

“Of course they are motivated. After all, you can do this job in the teacher’s
office just fine. Maybe they just don’t come here because it looks like I’m
using this as my main workplace.”

“Maybe they have started to think that you’re doing something bad here…
Wow, to think that the day would come where I would pay attention to
Sensei’s situation.”

Even though I’m only 17, a lot has happened already.

“It seems like my education is finally starting to work. Though, to be honest,

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I don’t really care about Saigi-kun’s mental growth at all.”

“So you don’t?!”

Shouldn’t that be the most important aspect of an education?!

“As long as I make you fall in love with me, I couldn’t care less about that.”

“You couldn’t care less?!”

“Be it the future, or your potential, that’s something the dogs can eat for all I

“That really isn’t something a teacher should say out loud…”

This person, I didn’t know how serious she was until now, but I smell danger.

“If I can get Saigi-kun to fall in love with me, I wouldn’t have any lingering
attachments left to this world.”

“Please don’t raise your own death flag. And what exactly happened? Renku-
sensei is our Japanese teacher, right? Why was she here?”

“Since Hiyori-sensei’s around the same age as me, we’re relatively close.
Though she seems to have seen through me. Rather, it interests me if Hiyori-
sensei doesn’t have a hidden personality or something.”

“Leaving out the hidden personality part, it really surprised me that Maka-
sensei is so close with one of her colleagues.”

Rather, I remember seeing the two of them quite often together. All the other
idiotic boys often say that they want to be educated by the two of them.

“Be it the unobtainable flower, or the right side of the road, Hiyori-sensei’s
attitude doesn’t change at all. It feels like I don’t have to worry about that
with her, and I can have fun.”

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“Wouldn’t it be better to just show the real Maka-sensei to everyone else?
SID almost figured it out too. After all, I can’t really concentrate during class
when I always have to wonder who that person in front of the blackboard
actually is.”

“As always, you say what you want. And that’s the great part. Ahh, how

“H-Hey, Maka-sensei?!”

She suddenly came closer to, and hugged my head. While she was rubbing
her cheeks on my face, she started patting me on the head.

“W-What are you doing so suddenly!”

“Now you can’t run away. You even came here without me having to call
you over, so I thought that your education was processing smoothly. You
don’t hate hugging me, right?”

“…Can you really call this a hug?”

“Then, let’s properly hug.”


In one fell swoop, she let go of my head, only to properly hug me upfront.

Woah, her breasts…her breasts! They’re pressing on my chest like crazy!

And why is she suddenly so aggressive with her skinship?!

“Sensei, did something happen?!”

“No, not really. By the way, I’m the type that thinks that corporal punishment
might be appropriate, depending on the situation.”

“C-Corporal punishment…?”

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“Don’t get the wrong idea, I’m talking about the ‘what-if’. After all, violence
isn’t allowed, neither for teachers nor students. Even the army doesn’t use
violence anymore.”

“Then, wouldn’t it be a no-go ‘no matter the situation’?”

Even at times like these I answer, must be a habit.

“So, even if things would get dirty if inflicted corporal punishment came out,
why do you think that they didn’t eradicate it completely?”

“I-I wonder…?”

I’ve never really seen such a thing happening after all.

“Because it feels good. It’s the perfect chance to let out stress for teachers.
The problem is, you can’t stop something when it feels good, though there
certainly are exceptions.”

“S-So it is like that…?”

It’s not like I couldn’t understand what she meant. After all, teachers have a
higher position than us students, but still have to act like they’re more
important. When stress builds up, some might resort to it.

“I do it because it feels good. Ahh, hugging Saigi-kun like this is so


“So this is corporal punishment?!”

That took a weird turn…and I still don’t get what she meant to tell me.

“Recently, I’ve only been educating you, so I thought that you needed some
punishment as well.”

“This and that, it was all meant as education I see…”

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To be honest, I could only see all those things as rewards. Oh right, when she
confessed to me, she kissed me as punishment.

“And, this is the only corporal punishment that’s allowed for me—my fluffy
punishment for Saigi-kun.”


“It’s your fault. Even though I didn’t call you, you still came to meet me…
you’re so unbelievably cute. Ahh, I thought that a punishment would be too
harsh, but can you really blame me, after being a bad boy like this…?”

“Your reasoning is all over the place though…”

Every boy in this school would happily accept this ‘punishment’. Maka-
sensei’s body is so soft, her hair smells so nice, I don’t even know what to
pay attention to.

Punishment…Well, a kiss would be problematic, so she’s probably holding

back. So she can do that even in her real personality mode.

But…not good, my heart is starting to go crazy…

Instead of these drug-like sweets that they eat in American high schools
(Information taken from foreign dramas), Japan’s drug definitely is Maka-

This is more dangerous than a drug…Once I’ve got a taste of her softness and
smell, I keep wanting more.


“Yes, I’m your teacher.”

“Actually, I didn’t come here just to meet you.”

“And, and?”

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Uuu…her eyes are shining, like she’s expecting something.

I came here to stop being swept away by every situation. That’s right, if I can
make her think that i’m still the damn cheeky Saigi-kun from middle school,
she’ll think that her ‘education’ was a failure. It doesn’t matter if it’s trivial, I
just have to change the flow here. I really have to, but—

“Maka-sensei in her private clothes was so cute that I couldn’t forget about it
for the rest of the day. And the picture that I took, I saved it on my PC,
memory card, cloud and everything to make sure that I have backup in case
something happened.”

“You’re doubting the digital media way too much…And, you’re going this
far for this one picture of me…!”

Maka-sensei let go of me for once, looking at me with a deeply moved gaze

“Saigi-kun, do you know? You’re basically asking me to gobble you up!”

She pulls my head into her chest, sandwiching me between her big breasts.

Is this…heaven? Boing, boing, their softness is directly transmitted to my

head! She’s wearing a bra, right? Right?

“Ah, I like you I like you. I like you so much I can’t describe it. Mhmm…!”


She once more separated from me, only to kiss me on the forehead.
Continuing with my cheek, my nose, she even kissed me countless times
right on my eye.

“H-Hey, Maka-sensei…your corporal punishment is taking it a bit too far…!”

You’re just kissing me now!

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“No, Saigi-kun went too far. Be quiet and accept your punishment. Nnnn…


She continued kissing me without a break. Pressing her lips onto all over my
head, that cold, soft feeling made my brain cells go crazy.

“Nnn….Haaa, Haaa…Saigi-kun really is a problem child. it makes me want

to punish you so much that it could turn into a trauma.”


With charming eyes, she put both her hands on my cheeks, and brought her
lips closer.

I-If you do that, then this would end terribly, Maka-sensei…I really didn’t do
anything that bad…

But, I can’t resist. I can’t turn away my head from her red lips, closing in on
mine. It’s pretty obvious, but she did put on some lipstick…no, my
classmates also do that, but it really is different when it’s an adult like her.
This red color doesn’t fit an adult’s lips. They only fit Maka-sensei’s—


With a too convenient timing, the sound of an incoming call reverberated

inside the room.

Hey, hey, this clearly isn’t a rom-com manga here. And it’s not even mine, or
her smartphone. It’s the official phone of the preparation room. So we did
have something like that here.

“Corporal punishment…Corporal punishment…”

“…Sensei! The phone! The phone is ringing!”

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She’s not planning on stopping her lips at all! How mentally strong can you

“If you don’t answer now, somebody will surely come!”


I heard that! Truth be told, I also wanted to click my tongue, but my rational
thinking seems to have gotten the better hand of me.

“This is the English material preparation room, Fujiki here.”

A rough, heavy voice came from the other side of the call. It reminded me of
when my mother was on the phone because of her job. Normally, she was
always like Miharu, doing nothing except lying around the house, but when it
was about her job, it seemed like she was a completely different person. And,
it was the same for Maka-sensei.

Even a bit more different than when she’s in class. That soft face she made
just now seemed like a lie. She really was a mature woman.

And yet again, I got swept along the situation. And she never answered me
about why Renku-sensei was with her just now…

In this school, there’s always some gossip flying around, not being restricted
to grade school middle school or high school. It doesn’t even have to be
transmitted verbally. As long as you have an email address or LINE, you can
get that information pretty easily. Even for me, a person that’s not really
socially active. But well, it’s mostly about useless stuff. Like about the sport
clubs, or what’s going on on school grounds at the moment. Who just started
going out with who, who’s started a fight with who in their respective sport
clubs, or about famous restaurants in the area.

Though our school has an official school magazine, the people from the
newspaper club are also sending out their ‘Offstage school magazine’. And
this magazine is full of these gossips. Since our school is built with the

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elevator principle, namely that you can stay in the same institute from grade
school up to high school, there’s a lot to write in these.

People like me, who lack social contact, always read through these. And of
course, about the current relationship happenings in school. It seems like
some news started getting attention since yesterday.

It didn’t even take that long, and almost everyone on school grounds knew of
that. At least, for the high school students.

“And, what’s this supposed to mean? Huh?”

“Kisou-san…, your choice of words seems rather extreme to me right


And, it was the second time someone did a kabe-don on me, from the same
person ironically. Since the break was over, I was walking on the stairs to
change my classroom, only to end up like this.

“Right after I told you to protect her, something like this happens. Saigi, do
you think I’m an idiot just because I’m a bit tiny?”

“I-I don’t. I know someone who’s even tinier.”

Though that person is in fifth grade. But, I’m really not taking her for an
idiot. Cute.

“ [The idol of Seikadai, Fujiki Maka-sensei’s first scandal. And her partner is
a problem kid since grade school?!] …What nice title bait. I won’t buy any
more magazines from them.”

“She’s not really an idol either…”

Yes, that fishy article, released just the night prior, was about Maka-sensei
and a certain male high school student. Though they did take a picture, they
at least put a black line over the eyes. Privacy. Very important.

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“I don’t care what you meant to do with that. But don’t go troubling Fujiki-

“Kisou-san…why is everything about Maka-sensei with you? Are you trying

to do her a favor for something?”

“I will be the one to beat Fujiki-sensei.”

“Don’t just casually bring up a rivalry like that!”

Something seems off. Was that really Kisou-san watching me at the


“They don’t matter, my circumstances that is. What matters is, the troubling

“That…might be right.”

Though it feels like I’m the one being troubled the most right now. But I can
imagine that that must’ve done a lot of damage to her. What could’ve been
the trigger for the gossip concerning our relationship?

Hm…I can think of too many things! Just how often did I meet up with her in
these past few days? And not to mention that these meetings mostly
happened behind closed doors. That on sunday was just a rare exception.

“Haha, it’d be weird if people didn’t find out about this. What has the
newspaper club been doing, really.”

“What are you laughing about? The newspaper club doesn’t have anything to
do with it. I already made them spill the beans.”


Is this girl referring to violence perchance?

“It seems like the newspaper club only distributed that article. And I can’t

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think that they would lie to me in that situation.”

“In what situation?!”

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What did Kisou-san do to you, newspaper club?

SID might be dangerous, but it seems like Kisou-san won’t lose against them.

“Anyway, clear that up. If you can’t, you’ll be annihilated.”

“With brute force?! Well, even if you tell me that, I only found out about it
just now too…”

It doesn’t matter how fast information spreads if I am at the end of the line.
Nothing else I could’ve done.

“The two of you.”


Who came down from the stairs was—Maka-sensei.

“The chime already rang, so return to your classrooms.”

“Oh………Yes. Saigi, let’s go.”

“Ah, yeah…”

Although it seemed like she still wanted to say something, Kisou-san freed
me from the kabe-don and walked down the stairs.

Maka-sensei’s voice was just like in class, or when one would reprimand
students that were skipping class. It was completely different from the voice
she uses during my ‘education’.

“Saigi-kun, you too. Hurry up and go.”

“…Uhm, can you not keep kissing me like this with that serious tone?”

With an insanely serious looking face, she continued to kiss me on the cheek.

Weird, didn’t she enter her serious mode just now?

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“Ahh, I apologize. Really, I guess it became a habit for me to kiss Saigi-kun’s
face as soon as I see him.”

“You really should do something to get rid of that. This is really dangerous.”

Whether I was happy to be kissed like this or not is another question, but
does she understand the circumstances we’re in right now?

“Everything would be over if someone saw us just now.”

“Yes, that’s right. Though I could just say that I was sucking out some poison
out of your cheek. That way I’d actually be praised.”


As if someone would believe that! Does this school have assassins that you
poisoned blades or something?!

“It seems like this turned into a bit of trouble, Sensei.”

“I know. Let’s just keep watching a bit longer. Rumours like this happen
quite frequently.”

With one last kiss on my cheek, she went down the stairs. I wonder if Sensei
got that information even before us.

That’s right, maybe that’s what she was talking about with Renku-sensei. It
seems like relationships between teachers and students aren’t all that rare—or
so I heard. Even I remember that. The range went from just rumours, to
mostly certain. At first it causes quite the ruckus, but after a while it dies
down again.

I guess that if I were to act carelessly, the situation might only get worse.
Maybe that rumour will stop if I keep acting like I always did with teachers,
and Maka-sensei remains in her unobtainable flower mode.

Either way, there’s really not much I can do, though I feel bad for Kisou-san.

Maybe everything would calm down like this…

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But of course, it didn’t.

It’s been several days since the rumour started going around. But, I wasn’t
called over by the president of the school, or from the other teachers. And
Maka-sensei didn’t disappear on a random vacation.

Maybe it would’ve been better if an event happened where everyone

understood. How do I say it—right now, it feels like it’s dragging on so

“I’m fine. Rather than that, since Golden Week is right around the corner,
we’ll get called in for a lot of students I imagine.”

I saw Maka-sensei talking with Renku-sensei.

But, I couldn’t get closer to hear what exactly they were talking about. And it
felt like some girls were glancing at me.

Still, it’s a bit unexpected that the girls from SID are actually holding back.
Even Miharu didn’t comment on anything, and she just kept looking at her
smartphone when she’s at home.

And I really can’t believe that Karen-kaichou would just accept all of that…
But well, if Karen-kaichou, with her big influence, actually started moving,
all of this would only get more confusing.

But, with nothing out out of the ordinary occuring, with these uncertain
circumstances, it was the start of Golden Week.

This year, there are three normal school days in between our consecutive
holidays, so it’s not exactly something to be extremely happy about, but still,
Golden Week is Golden Week. It’s perfect to let out some stress that build up
at the beginning of the new school year, or you can just play around. Though
you should get excited for it, this year will probably rather boring as always.

“Ahh, how fun. This is the first time I’m having so much fun during


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And the main reason why it didn’t turn out to be that boring was the person
currently relaxing next to me, Maka-sensei. In front of her, a few cats were
gathering, and they were all rubbing their heads at her legs while they were
rolling around.

Currently, we were in the cat cafe, owned by Maka-sensei’s father. And,

today is actually closed for the people outside. There was no one else inside
the store except Maka-sensei, the cats, and me. On the first day of Golden
Week, the owner gave in to his selfish daughter, taking a day off.

“I think I want to live here. Won’t you move in with me, Saigi-kun?”

“I don’t even know why we’re here in the first place.”

And, in case you’re wondering how I ended up in this situation:

While I was at home, I decided to take a walk because I was feeling a bit
restless, and as soon as I stepped outside, Maka-sensei appeared with her fiat,
pulling me into the car, and drove to this cat cafe. The end.

“Since this cafe is closed right now, we won’t meet anyone we know. And
just to be sure, I turned off my phone so that they can’t track me via GPS.”

“I wonder if someone would actually go as far as to track my GPS signal…?”

So it wasn’t a tracker, but GPS, huh. How high-tech…no, wait. Who would
even track me down like this!

The only reason she managed to capture me so easily is because she’s living
next to me.

“I don’t know either. But, I know that nobody is going to come here today so
it’s fine. Even my father went somewhere with his lover.”


“The cat he likes the most. He doesn’t see any other beings except his cats.”

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“Now I actually want to meet him.”

Well, I hope that he at least see’s his own daughter.

“Anyway, today, we can just have fun to our heart’s content. Saigi-kun, do
you like cats?”

“Not as much as Kuu, but I guess I do.”

“You like…!”

“No, I didn’t say it to Maka-sensei. And you did lure me into that on purpose,

“I wonder~” While she was smiling, Maka-sensei picked up a cat.

Today, Sensei was wearing a pullover with long sleeves, and a tight mini
skirt. Her tights are so bright…! I really like that adult long skirt from before
as well, but today’s clothes were really screaming ‘Maka-chan’s spring picnic
variation’, having a strong impact on me. Really, it’s like she was born into
this world just to seduce us high school students…

“Nya Nya.”

“Again, can you not say out loud an onomatopoeia like this?”

Damn it, she completely brought me out of my state of mind

“Saigi-kun too, you can just think of this as your own home. Don’t hold back
with the cats. Or do you possibly want to pet your Maka-sensei?”

“Since when did this turn into a Maka-sensei cafe?”

I can’t even imagine how the long the waiting line would be.

“Ah, hey. Muh, the cat ran away…This cat, she really doesn’t like me.”

The cat jumped out of her arms, and went to the other side of the room.

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“..Isn’t she thinking of you as an enemy? Like a rival for your father’s

“Excluding his lover, the cats aren’t exactly fond of my father either.”

“…I think we should stop talking about your father.”

I feel like crying, listening to that. And I want Maka-sensei to be happy.

“But, once the cats run away, there’s nothing much that you can do.”

“Well yeah, it’s a cat cafe after all…”

Besides feeding and petting the cats, there’s nothing else. And since there’s
no employee’s here, we don’t have anything to give them.

But still, I’m glad that she’s wearing a mini-skirt today. If she wore
something similar to our school’s skirt, it would get pleated all over. That’d
be like poison to my eyes. Though, since her thighs are so dazzling, it’s still
poison anyways.

“Then, no other choice but to really open up a Maka cafe. From today on, it’ll
be a 90 minute course, so have all the fun you want, okay?”

“Should I feed you some snacks, or would you like to play with some cat toys

I took my distance as Maka-sensei slowly came closer. If she were to draw

any closer, I might actually become a regular at the Maka cafe.

Hey hey, where did the teacher-hating Saigi Makoto go?

“Feeding me, or playing with me is fine, or you can take a picture…Or even
some more perverted things.”

“I wholeheartedly decline.”

This person’s completely forgetting about our current problem. This really
isn’t the time to be talking about this.

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“Rather than that, the problem is the rumor going around at school! I’m not
really affected by it, but is Maka-sensei not troubled by it?!”



All of sudden, she had taken out some cat ears and put them on her head, as
she acted like a cat in front of me.

“Nyan nyan, master. It’s cat Maka nyan.”


On all fours, she was slowly crouching towards me as she was waving at me
like a beckoning cat.

“Roll roll, even though I’m an adult, I want to spoiled from time to time.”

“I sure hope that you wouldn’t show this sight of yours to any other
student…And where are you putting your head!”

While going ‘nyan nyan’, she put her head on my lap.

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“Since I will probably not get another chance like this pretty soon, I will not
let you get away nyan!”


Just when I thought what she was about to do, she lifted up her head—and
licked me on my cheek! Her small, red tongue is going lick lick lick lick on
my cheek…!

“Nyan nyan. Kiss kiss. Will you keep cat Maka?”

“Keep?…No I won’t! And I don’t remember cats kissing people on the


You really can’t let down your guard around her!

“I told you that there’s more important stuff right now! At this rate, I have to
pick you up from the street!”

As my brain was going crazy from her sweet feeling all over me, I somehow
managed to separate from her.

Ahh, I wanted her to lick me some more—wait, no, I have to get back on

“I know what you mean to tell me. Truth be told, there’s a lot of talk going
around in the teacher’s office. And there are a lot of students directly asking
me. ‘Of all the people?’, and so on.”


Now I’m really curious as to who said that. Maybe I could pull a kabe-don on
them like Kisou-san did.

Well, excuse me that it had to be me of all the people.

“Can’t help it then…,” Maka-sensei said as she took off her cat ears, only to
bring out a blackboard from the back of the room.

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That’s probably the one they put outside the shop to tell people their
opening/closing hours. Putting that blackboard on a table, she took some
chalk into her hand.

“Let’s see…the problem should be this right here.”

As a clopping sound reverberated inside the room, Maka-sensei wrote several

words on said blackboard.

“Saigi Makoto’s and Fujiki Maka’s fishy relationship—Yeah, this really

sounds fishy if you phrase it like that. Maybe they saw you enter the English
material preparation room too many times, or they heard a seductive voice
coming from said room. That must’ve been at the time we watched that
video. Not to mention the time the two of us were driving in the same car.”

“…This is no good.”

There’s nothing to misunderstand if it’s actually serious.

“But, they don’t have any definite proof. It’s not a problem that Saigi-kun
entered the preparation room. The voices from inside the room might’ve just
been from a video, and there’s no way that the people could clearly tell that it
was you who drove with me.

That being said, she wrote ‘The Benefit of the doubt’ in English on the

“Now, Saigi-kun, what exactly does this mean?”

“Uhm…benefit…? Doubt…?”

Even though it’s supposed to be GW (Golden Week), I’m forced to learn


“I see your studies are lacking. If you add a ‘give someone’, it basically
means that you are ready to trust someone, even if things don’t look too good
for them.”

“I-I see…”

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With that, she drew a slightly deformed self-portrait on the blackboard, with
an ‘All clear ♡’, once more in English. Such cute handwriting…

“That means, if we continue to claim our innocence, there will be no problem

at all.”

“T-That might be the case…”

Well, we should call ourselves lucky that no one took a picture of us yet, in
this time and day where basically everyone owns a camera phone.

“But, Maka-sensei is constantly being questioned by teachers and students

right? And that won’t change as long as this continues…”

“Now listen here, Saigi-kun.” Maka-sensei let out a sigh. “I’m an adult. I’m
not like those adolescent girls in movies and mangas that get hurt that easily.
Here, my breasts are so erotic, right?”

“Your breasts should have nothing to do with this, right?!”

She suddenly started holding her breasts between her hands, pushing them up
and down. Don’t just try to seduce me in the middle of the conversation!

“Anyway, both my breasts and my mental strength are on the level of a

normal adult. I’m not like a heroine that gets a deep trauma because of
something ridiculous as this. That’s why you don’t have to worry about it.
And that’s not what I want either. I want…something completely different
from Saigi-kun.”

“…I don’t want to wait until everything has cleared up on it’s own.”

I know what she wants. There’s no need to make sure at this point. But, I
have to prioritize something else now. There should be something that even I
can do—

“ ‘That’s what happens when you try to be someone else,’ you said.”

“Excuse me?”

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With a serious face, Maka-sensei looked straight at me.

“One year ago, I just started teaching on our high school. A fellow English
teacher was grabbing me in front of the students, right?”

“………? O-Oh, that.”

I faintly remember that. If I remember correctly, it was a bit after the start of
Golden Week.

That day as we had free time, it has gotten loud in the hallway, which is why
I peeked out my head out of the classroom, only to see several teachers
holding back a young male teacher.

“While I was acting as the beautiful, unapproachable Maka-sensei, I

happened to pick that teacher’s interest. Even though I tried to tell him that I
wasn’t interested, he suddenly exploded, that teacher.”

“That’s right. I completely forgot that incident. So, at that time…?”

“Yes, exactly. It was the following day, where me and Saigi-kun happened to
pass each other in the hallway. ‘That’s what happens when you try to be
someone else. I love you,’ you said.”

“I didn’t say that ‘I love you’ part though?!”

Don’t put words in my mouth.

“Tch. But, I understood. ‘That kid saw right through me’, is what I thought.”


Yes, the first time I saw through her ‘Unobtainable flower mode’ was in the
spring of my first year.

“But, why did that have so much of an impact for Maka-sensei?”

I remember that incident, but I don’t remember talking to her after that.

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“It’s exactly because Saigi-kun didn’t do anything after that. That teacher
immediately got fired and went off somewhere, but everyone was still pitying
me. But, Saigi-kun was the only one that scolded me.”

“Wait a moment. So because of those words—is what you’re trying to tell


“Exactly. I’m not some heroine that’s supposed to be protected. I always

hated that others pitied me, and Saigi-kun was the only one that didn’t do

Because she was once pitied in her childhood, the ‘Unobtainable flower
Fujiki Maka-sensei’ was born.

So, as she hated being looked down upon the most, I just happened to say the
right thing to her.

“Because of that one phrase, I fell. I’m a no-good adult.”

With a smile, Maka-sensei took my hand into both her own.

“But, even a no-good adult is still an adult. I’ll pull through, no matter what
they say. Saigi-kun isn’t a hero. He’s a bit too doubtful, very sharp, and your
head is always getting dizzy during my education, but you’re still a normal
boy. That’s why I fell in love with you.”


That’s why it’s fine for me not to do anything? Well, I do think that this
situation is a result of Maka-sensei’s actions. Even so, I was also pulled along
with her ‘education’ for too long.

‘That’s what happens when you try to be someone else.’—Yeah, that’s

something I would say. So, do you plan on doing nothing, even though this is
your fault, Saigi Makoto?

“Maka cafe.”


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“You said that it was fine for me to take a photo here, right?”

“A-Ah, yes. Saigi-kun…And, what kind of picture do you want? Should I go

nyan nyan again?”

“No, you don’t have to. Rather than that—”

As I stood up, Maka-sensei still had her hands on mine, which is why I pulled
her along with me, only to push her into a corner. As I put my hand in my
pocket, I made sure that it was still there. And, with a loud bang—


“It’s a kabe-don. Recently, a person taught me how to do it.”

“W-Who?! Maybe Jinsho-san! Or maybe Miharu-san? It wasn’t Amanashi-

san, right? And Shinju-san wouldn’t be able to do this with her height,

“Sensei, I will honestly tell you something right now.”


While we were still in that position, I brought my head closer to hers. So

close, that our lips were about to overlap.

“It seems like Sensei’s education is showing some results. Rather than a
harem of beautiful girls—I seem to prefer beautiful teacher’s even more.”

In this year’s Golden Week, we also have three normal school days in
between. And on these three days, we have school like normal. So cruel. Like
demons. I wonder if the people responsible for that dropped their sympathy
somewhere sometime in their lives? Or maybe they forgot it already while
they were still in their mother’s wombs?

“Saigi Makoto, are you an idiot?”

“Well, compared to Karen-kaichou, I guess I am. You do have top grades

after all. Even with that personality, it feels like cheating.”

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“That’s not important right now! Grades and personality have no relation
whatsoever! And also, my personality isn’t that bad!”


As always, there aren’t any other people in the student council office. Do
they have another job?

“Well, whatever. We’ll do it like that. I’m sure that the other members of SID
would like to say a word or two, but I’ll try to hold them back. You should do
something about your little sister though.”

“That’ll be the most problematic part.”

As I showed a bitter smile, I said my thanks to Karen-kaichou and left the

office. Though I was only in the student council office for about 10 minutes,
I’m extremely tired. Or rather, I’ve been tired since this morning.

I was called to the teacher’s office, countless people have started talking to
me. It feels like I used up all my communication points for a whole month.

“Wait, Saigi.”


As i was about to walk down the hallway, Karen-kaichou peeked out of the

“I’ll go home for now, so please lock the door. And, make sure that all the
windows are closed. If not, you know what will happen.”

“Eh? Why do I have too…?”

She completely ignored my question, pushed the key on to me while she

grabbed her bag and walked away.

I’m not even a member of the student council…But I’d rather not go through
a trail again so I better do what she says.

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I entered the office, made sure that the windows are locked and closed the



Not good, she got me now. I can’t run away. To think that she followed me
here. I’ve been had.

“Saigi-kun, look over here.”


And, as I turned around, Maka-sensei was there. I don’t know President’s aim
behind this, but she probably lended me and Maka-sensei this room. As she
closed the door, Maka-sensei slowly came closer.

“Let’s hear it, shall we. What exactly is this?”

“…A photo.”

She took out her smartphone out of her suit pocket, and showed it to me.
What was shown on there was—a surprised Maka-sensei, being cornered by
a kabe-don.

“It seems like this photo was distributed to every student this morning. Of
course, the teacher’s got wind of that too.”

“Seems like it.”

Even though that came from me, rumours still spread fast I see. So even I can
distribute information that easily. But, it’s not really that trustworthy if it
comes from a student like me. Still, the photo alone must’ve had enough
impact. A boy who’s negatively famous pulls a kabe-don on the most popular
beautiful teacher on school grounds.

And not to mention that it’s Sensei’s surprised expression that’s doing the
trick. And naturally, people think about a fitting story to that picture—

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“People say that you did it against my will—and so on.”

“Well, it does look like that, right?”

Being the beautiful home room teacher for the boy, she only tried to correct
the boy’s behaviour. But, that boy somehow misunderstood and corners said
teacher—Though a story like that might not be very interesting, but the photo
can be interpreted as just that.

To think that a single photo would have so much of an impact.

“Something like that sounds more plausible than the story of the most boring
student in whole school and the school’s most popular teacher having a fishy
relationship—don’t you think?”

“Saigi-kun! One wrong step and this might be treated as a crime!”

Ahh, even her angry face is cute…

That reminds me, even though she looks super cute in her long skirt, or mini
skirt, her suit at school really is the best. An angry Maka-sensei, wearing that
suit, is really cute.

“What are you grinning for! How did you even manage to take this picture!”

“The timing is on-point, right?”

It’s the face where I confessed: “ Rather than a harem of beautiful girls—I
seem to prefer beautiful teacher’s even more.”

Of course, she’d show that kind of expression. And because she was so
shocked, she didn’t even realize that I took that picture.

“Don’t worry, a kabe-don isn’t a crime. It’s just borderline non-sexual

harassment, so they won’t do anything bad to me. And I know how the
teachers normally talk about me anyway.”

“You are so…I told you that you didn’t have to become the hero.” She
pressed a finger on her temples and let out a sigh.

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In the end, the picture’s going around now, impossible to call it back. And,
nothing bad will happen after this. Well, Karen-kaichou will do her best to
help me out, at the price of calling me an idiot that is.

She does get a lot of support on the school grounds, so she’ll somehow

“Sensei, it’s not like I wanted to become a hero or anything.”

“You’re not the kind of person to do that. Or, that’s what I thought at least.”

“Of course, I’m not pitying you. After all, it’s basically Sensei’s fault that all
of this happened.”

“So you’re not trying to save me, but you’re not pitying me either. What are
you planning with this?”

“Sensei, my education isn’t over yet, right?”


“Since I produced another problem. You will have to call me over again to
discipline me. Even harder than before I’d imagine.”


If I even submit a letter of apology, that will clear up the rest of everyone’s
doubts. It’s still Golden Week, so the most of them will probably forget about
this once the vacation is over. Until then, they’ll surely have something else
to think about.

“To be more precise…I published this photo without your consent. As

always, I was going against my teacher.”


Maka-sensei is clever, and she’s good at guessing. She should understand

what I’m aiming at.

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“I did something bad, so shouldn’t there be corporal punishment? And I
remember there being only one acceptable punishment.”

“I don’t care about the picture or the kabe-don at all, but you really are a bad

With a serious face, she stood right in front of me and put her hands on my

I don’t doubt her anymore that she really is in love with me. Even I, who’s
always doubting everything a teacher says, understood that.

That’s why…

“Saigi-kun…Sensei will punish you now.”

Her eyes appeared drowsy, her cheeks started to get flushed, and she slowly
came closer. And I didn’t resist her at all. I really did change, I guess.

But, since I lost my trust in teachers because of something so trivial, it

probably wasn’t all that difficult to rebuild that trust inside me. It seems like
her education really worked well on an idiot like me. I want to experience
even more of her education. That’s probably why I took this risk, and it looks
like it was worth it.

While the setting sun illuminated the student council office, the distance
between Maka-sensei’s lips and mine reached zero.

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“Today, when I called you to the blackboard, you made an irritated


“Then, a punishment.”

Kiss, our lips overlapped.

“And, even though I taught you the correct grammar before, you still got it


“Then, a punishment.”

Kiss, our lips overlapped once more.

“I love you so much that it’s actually getting troublesome.”


“Then, as your punishment…how about five times now.”

Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss, our lips overlapped five times in a row. Though I
don’t see the need to actually count every single one.

I was in the English material preparation room. After class.

It’s been a few days since Golden Week started, and I have been called here
daily. And it doesn’t seem like neither students or teachers think anything
special of it. Rather, it seems like everyone already forgot about that picture. I
kinda expected that but still…I mean, it hasn’t even been like a week.

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At the very least, it seems that high school students like me change their
rumours on a regular basis.

“Don’t think about unnecessary stuff when we kiss. I told you before, right?”
She said as she glared at me, only to kiss me once more and tightly hug me.

It feels like the soft feeling of her breasts may drive me crazy.

“…Fu. I guess that will be it for today’s punishment. Let’s start with your
guidance. Of course, just as relentless as ever.”

“Just before, weren’t your lips swollen because we kissed so much?”

“…! T-That’s because…Saigi-kun was talking with SID after all! The worst
thing is if you talk with other girls! It doesn’t matter if it’s your sister or any
other girl.”

“That’s pretty much impossible.”

SID is still doubting If Maka-sensei and I really are lovers. After all, Karen-
kaichou still calls us to the student council office from time to time.
Amanashi keeps on inviting me to eat lunch with her while bringing Maka-
sensei with her. Miharu and I sometimes go over to Maka-sensei’s place to
play, and is still looking for a definite proof that we are dating. The only one
that’s not moving at all is Kuu, but she still often comes over to the cat cafe.

They must be planning something, right…?

“..That reminds me, there is something that I still don’t get after all this time.”

“Shouldn’t there be countless other things? But whatever. What is it?”

“Kisou-san. Kisou Tenka-san. It feels like she looked into the two of us even
before that rumour spread. Especially into Sensei. Might she be an
acquaintance of yours?”

“Eh, Tenka—no, Kisou-san?! Did she do something to Saigi-kun?!”

To my surprise, Maka-sensei actually got a bit flustered. She looks like cold

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sweat is running down her back.


“Well, I didn’t actually mean to hide it from you. Kisou-san—no, Tenka is

actually my little sister.”

“Little sister?!”

That young-looking, small-bodied Kisou-san?! She doesn’t look like her at

all—No, wait a second?

“Ah…that reminds me, I thought that something felt off, seeing her face up
close. Maybe that’s because I unconsciously thought that she looked similar
to Sensei.”

“She was born a bit before our family broke into pieces, while I was seven.
And, after our parents broke up, my mother took her with her as she was just
a baby.”

“I see…”

Well, it makes sense for the mother to pick the newborn child.

“I didn’t have the chance to meet her that often, but to think that we’d end up
as teacher and student…That girl, did she say anything?”

“No, nothing important. Just, it seemed like she was really interested in

“…Even though our bond is very slim, she still thinks of me as her big sister,
that girl.”

‘Don’t betray Maka-sensei, protect her’—her eyes when she said that were
very serious. Though I wouldn’t call it ‘protecting’ after what I did, I didn’t
hear any complaints from her.

“Rather, she’s always doing something on her phone during class.”

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“Even though it was my little sister. You still talked to another girl. I’m
gonna have to punish you some more, you know?”


As she happily smiled at me, our lips overlapped.

Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss, I gave up on counting them, and just gave in.

To be honest, out of everything she does for the ‘education’, this corporal
punishment has the greatest effect. After all, when she kisses me, I don’t have
the leisure to think about SID, her little sister, or anything at all.

“Saigi-kun, I love you…I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you…!”


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But, I still want say that I like her. I just said that ‘I prefer beautiful teachers.’

Yup, I can’t say anything with this barrage of kisses. And, even though she
must’ve realized it, she’s not forcing me.

She’s probably waiting, yeah. But, my feelings are mostly firm right now.
And the reason that I can’t say them out loud is because there is one problem
left. That’s right. A problem that I almost forgot, but am never allowed to
forget. A big, big problem.

If I were to openly confess my feelings, Maka-sensei might leave the school.

Our relationship started with a confession—and it might end with one.

And, I can’t forget about SID, Kisou-san and so on. There are still countless

But, for now—I will forget about that. And focus on this punishment,
inflicted by this beautiful and cute teacher, who’s real face only I know.

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Nice to meet you, my name is Kagami Yuu. I think that it’s been around three
years since I published a new work with MF Bunko J-san, though nothing out
of the ordinary changed. That doesn’t mean that I only ate and slept in that
time. I wrote, and wrote, and wrote. Though, there were also times when I
didn’t do anything…

And, on the contrary to the previous battle novel, this time it’s a rom-com. At
first, I thought of something like ‘A twisted protagonist, and a Senpai that’s a
bit crazy—weird in her head.’ but all of a sudden it was a teacher as a main
heroine. Though I did plan to make the heroine older, the main attribute
changed. And, even though I did write a ‘beautiful teacher’ for countless
game scenarios, this is the first time that said character is the main female
lead. Well, most of these games were of the erotic type. Since this is a light
novel, it will be only wholesome (Right?). That reminds me, the work that I
debuted with also had a beautiful teacher. Even though I didn’t plan for that
at all. At that time, I was really young…Really, really young, you know? I
finished the plot and everything, and ended up making it revolve around said
beautiful teacher, wow. In the end, she did turn out pretty popular, but I really
was worried. Though I guess that I would do the same thing again.

Well, to return to the work at hand. To be honest, I was having a hard time
actually writing a teacher heroine. After all, most light novel heroines are not
even in their twenties. I was actually thinking of putting some sort of twist
into it, that she isn’t actually in her twenties, but in the end…well, you’ve
read the result. To be precise, I just thought “Shouldn’t it be fine to make her
as cute as possible” and build up the character around that. And that’s how
Maka-sensei was born. A cute, but still somewhat reckless teacher. I guess
you could sum it up with “If my school had a teacher like this, I would’ve
gone to school for sure~”. Even if this isn’t a fantasy, there have to be some
more fictional elements in this rom-com. She’s a beauty, erotic, and you
sometimes can’t read what she’s thinking, but a flirty teacher is the best,
don’t you think? I did spend my student life rather seriously, there were times
when I did skip. But what if I had a teacher like that…? That’s how I maybe

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put a long forgotten wish of mine into the story.

Concerning the title, I did exchange opinions with my editor countless times,
and it was like a giving birth to a child. There might be times the editor might
throw titles—excuse me, where the title is left to them, but this time, I wanted
the both of us to work on it.

Still, ‘Boku no Kanojo Sensei’. Yeah, I was a bit surprised at first at the
simplicity. Writing the Kanojo in katakana, and the pairing with Sensei might
give it some new, fresh feeling. Since the title was rather simple, we thought
of adding some subtitles for it, but this main title remained victorious. Taking
said title in consideration, I really hope that you like this novel.

Oryō-sensei, thank you so much for the illustrations! Maka-sensei looks so

adult-like, but still so cute, it’s the best! And, sorry that there are so many
characters. From a woman in her twenties, to a girl in fifth grade, the age-
range is quite wide, but every character was just as cute as I hoped them to

To my editor, thank you so much for putting up with a bothersome author

like me.

To everyone that was involved with the production and distribution of this
book, thank you so much!

And, to all the people that picked this up, I cannot thank you enough!

I hope that we will be able to see each other again.

Summer of 2018, Kagami Yuu

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