Activity 8

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Activity 8:

1. What role does the global media play in informing the public of local and
international situations?
The global media's emergence virtually connected the world, and now all types of
media are a part of our daily lives and play a vital role in society. Through international
news broadcasts, television programming, new technology, film, and music. It plays a
vital role in increasing globalization by allowing culture exchange and numerous flows of
information and image among nations. Since the majority of the media has expanded its
reach outside the nation-state to conquer audiences all over the world. Disseminating
information is one of the basic functions of global media and people learn about what is
going on in other areas of the world through media. As a result, cultures all around the
world rely heavily on the media. Furthermore, according to social scientists, the media
plays an important part in the socialization of society in today's globe (Lewis, 1976).
People interpret events taking place around them through worldwide media. There is a
wealth of scientific data demonstrating the power of media to impact its audience.
Television, radio, newspapers, and the increasingly popular internet are all
examples of media. As a result, media is the most powerful tool available for
disseminating information and opinions. Due to its pervasive connectivity, it is a channel
used to send one's message to people who are out of reach or in a large target audience,
and media has an impact on every area of human existence in modern times. Global
media is regarded as one of the most effective methods for disseminating information to
individuals or groups in society. Media is a part of our everyday lives, and it has the power
to shape our lives. Our primary source of information is the media, and without it, we
would never be informed about what is going on in our society daily. It can also mold and
form public opinions, as well as enhance society. It works to ensure that every citizen's
right to be served is respected. Furthermore, it enables the government to communicate
with its citizens while also assisting the people in informing the government of their views
and feelings on policies.
The media is a powerful tool for providing information to the general public and
promoting a positive environment. For example, during the COVID pandemic, the world
discovered that global media is a great way for individuals and communities to stay
connected even when physically separated, and with the advent of social media in the
twenty-first century, not only are we learning the latest news updates, but we are also
learning about local and international situations. They use social media to raise
awareness of the virus and the public actions that may be performed. It also let us share
our experiences with family and friends, which helped us overcome both physical and
mental isolation while also reminding us that we're all in this together.
Global media has always played an essential part in our society, and it has long
been one of the most effective means of regulating people's recreational time.
Newspapers, the internet, television, magazines, radio, and other forms of worldwide
media also convey many sorts of information in various ways. It is a very essential and
straightforward method of informing or just entertaining the audience. Through any means
such as radio, television, or the internet, one may acquire the entire news of the world
and keep us updated on what is happening in our world by just sitting at home; this is only
possible because of globalization. The globalization of media has not only made us aware
of a country's economic and political situations, but it has also provided us with a variety
of entertainment options.

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