The History and Role of Benteng Pendem Cilacap As The Colonial Nation

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The History and Role of Benteng Pendem Cilacap as the Colonial

Nation's Headquarters from Time to Time

History English Course


Ahmad Muwafiq


History Education Study Program

Semarang State University


Benteng Pendem Cilacap is a fort left by the Dutch Government on the

Teluk Penyu Beach, Cilacap Regency which was built in 1861. Benteng Pendem
was built for 18 years with an area of 10.5 hectares located on the shores of Teluk
Penyu Beach in Cilacap. The location of Cilacap Regency is on the coast and is
very strategic, making the Dutch East Indies Government try to build buildings to
increase their military defense strength and also to protect themselves from enemy
attacks. In the discussion of this paper, I will analyze and discuss the history and
function of Benteng Pendem as the headquarters of the Dutch East Indies colonial
state in Cilacap district during the colonial period. The Benteng Pendem had a
different function when it was controlled by the invaders. such as the Dutch who
used it to increase military defense and defend themselves from enemy attacks, but
after the Dutch East Indies ceased to exist, Benteng Pendem was controlled by the
Japanese and used as a place of military defense for the Japanese Army. This place
is also used by the TNI as a place to practice war, and currently Benteng Pendem is
used as a tourist attraction and a characteristic of Cilacap district.


A. The History of Development and the Role of Benteng Pendem During the
Government of the Dutch East Indies

Benteng Pendem is currently a well-known tourist destination among the

public. But behind all of that Benteng Pendem has a long history and has gone
through various periods starting from the time of its construction to the present. The
Cilacap area which is located on the coast makes this area very strategic and has the
potential to become a developed city, it is evident that during the colonial period
this area was used as a doorway for the economy from the Banyumas area to the
Dutch kingdom so that this area was often the attention of many parties who wanted
to master it.

During the Dutch colonial period, the Cilacap area was often contested by
various parties, so the Dutch East Indies government acted by building defense
infrastructure to prevent parties who wanted to control the Cilacap area. The
location of Cilacap Regency which is on the coast and is very strategic, made the
Dutch East Indies Government try to build infrastructure in the form of buildings
to increase military defense and defend themselves from enemy attacks coming
from the South Sea of Java Island who wanted to control the Cilacap area.

This fort is located in Cilacap Regency, precisely on the Teluk Penyu Beach,
Cilacap Regency. In Dutch, the Benteng Pendem is known as Kusbatterij op de
Lantong te Tjilacap which means the hidden fortress under the ground, and at this
time the fort is known as the Benteng Pendem. This fort was built for 18 years
starting in 1861 to 1879 with an area of approximately 6.5 hectares. This fort was
founded by the Dutch East Indies Government to increase military defense and
defend itself from enemy attacks coming from the southern sea of Java Island.

In building the Benteng Pendem, the energy used was the power of the
indigenous people. Benteng Pendem was built using materials such as red bricks,
limestone, cement and sand that have been processed as well as possible so that the
building can stand strong. There are several sizes of bricks used to build this
building, approximately 6 types of sizes from large to small sizes. In its
construction, it turns out that the technique used is unique, namely when all the
buildings of this fort are finished, then they are filled with soil which has a thickness
of approximately 3.5 meters. This was deliberately made by them so that the enemy
who landed in Cilacap would not know that on the coast of Cilacap there was a
strong and invisible fortress building.

Inside the Benteng Pendem there are many rooms that have their own
functions, there are approximately 60 rooms such as: meeting rooms, rest rooms (in
Benteng it is written as barracks), tunnels, headquarters, weapons warehouses,
prisons, logistics rooms, defense forts, and so on. In addition to the many rooms
surrounding the location of this fort, there is also a moat that has a depth of 3 meters
and a width of 18 meters. The function of this ditch used by the Dutch East Indies
Army was as a means of monitoring by boat and as a place to discharge water from
tunnels. Also found a water source in the fort in the form of a well, and there are 10
wells. With the construction of Benteng Pendem in 1861, the city which had been
the district capital since 1856 became a garrison city and fleet port. So that Cilacap
experienced its heyday in the period 1890-1930 because it had the largest port on
the south coast of Java. All of these activities attracted the Chinese community, who
as usual they live around the market location.

Based on the history of development and the many types of rooms in Benteng
Pendem which have their own functions, it can be concluded that this fort was really
built as a headquarters to strengthen the military defense of the Dutch East Indies
Government, and if we look at the years 1861-1942 this fort functioned as a strong
defense against enemy attacks from the sea south of the island of Java that can come

B. The Role of Benteng Pendem During the Japanese Occupation

Benteng Pendem began to be controlled by the Japanese in 1942. At the time

of World War 2 in 1941 in the Asia Pacific region, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
which is the location of the United States Navy. Then a commander of the Japanese
Army, General Imamura, made a voyage and he arrived at the northwest coast of
Java. The general informed his troops that the Dutch Army was no longer in control
of Indonesia. So that Japan immediately took over the Government in Indonesia.
The incident of the Dutch surrender to Japan occurred on March 8, 1942, led by
General H. Ter Poorten who was known to be a warlord from the Dutch East Indies.
It can be concluded that since this incident the Dutch East Indies Government in
Indonesia has officially ended and the end of the Dutch East Indies Government in
Indonesia means that all areas controlled by the Dutch in Indonesia were handed
over to the Japanese Government.

When Japan took control of Indonesia, Japan took a policy to strengthen its
military defense, one of which was by controlling Benteng Pendem Cilacap. The
Japanese army used this Benteng Pendem as a fortress of defense. During the
Japanese occupation of Benteng Pendem, the Japanese made a slight change by
building a bunker built with a strong iron frame concrete, the bunker can be found
on top of the Fort. The bunker serves as a place to take cover, save yourself, and
hide from enemy attacks.

Benteng Pendem was controlled by the Japanese for 3 years, starting in

1942-1945. Please note that there was no handover made by the Dutch Army to the
Japanese Army regarding this fort because by the time the Japanese were about to
take control of the Benteng Pendem, this place was no longer functioning and
uninhabited because the Dutch had left this place. At the end of the reign of the
Dutch East Indies, Benteng Pendem was abandoned by the Dutch troops, but this
place was not abandoned because of enemy attacks, but was abandoned because of
attacks or outbreaks of malaria-carrying mosquitoes. When controlled by the Dutch,
Malaria was a very threatening epidemic for the Dutch, because many soldiers were
infected and died, so Cilacap is often known as a graveyard for the Dutch. And the
soldiers on guard also died of Malaria. This fort was also taken over by the Japanese
Army after the Japanese took control of Indonesia in 1942.

Based on the functions described above, Benteng Pendem when controlled

by the Dutch East Indies Government and the Japanese Government turned out to
have similarities, namely as a defense fort for those who controlled it as an effort to
improve security. when ruling on the coast of Cilacap Beach. At the end of the
Japanese government in Indonesia, namely in 1945, due to the bombing of the cities
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the Allied forces, the Japanese troops finally left this
fort and were replaced by TNI Banteng Loreng Unity Central Java.

C. The Role of Benteng Pendem in the Period After and Post-Independence


1945 was a period of the end of the Japanese government in Indonesia, this
was marked by the atomic bombing of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the
American Army on August 6 & 9 1945. This event had a major impact on the Japan
because the city is the center of Japanese industry and military so that Japan is very
pressed by this, as a result of this incident Japan finally surrendered unconditionally
on August 15, 1945. This event had a huge impact on Indonesia because with this
power vacuum it was a great opportunity to proclaiming Indonesian independence.
After Sutan Sjahrir heard this news, he and the younger group took action to urge
Soekarno and Hatta to immediately proclaim Indonesia's independence on August
16, 1945. However, Soekarno did not immediately respond to this because he
wanted to find out the definite truth about Japan's defeat. After going through
various incidents and negotiations between the young and the old in
Rengasdenglok, Ahmad Soebarjo and Wikana agreed that the proclamation of
Indonesian independence should be carried out as soon as possible in Jakarta.
Finally, Indonesia became independent on August 17, 1945 at 10.00 WIB. The
proclamation of independence coincided with Jalan Pegangsaan Timur No. 56,

Japan's power in Indonesia ended after Indonesia proclaimed its

independence on August 17, 1945. Due to its defeat, Japan had to surrender all its
weapons and equipment to the Allies, besides that Allied troops detained by Japan
had to be released. The Allied troops were finally able to control Indonesia after
independence and the Allies also took over Benteng Pendem and used it as a defense
for the Allied Army until the Dutch were willing to recognize Indonesia's
independence on December 27, 1949.

In the post-independence period, around 1951 the Allies left Indonesia, this
resulted in Benteng Pendem is no longer functioning, this has happened about 2
years since the allies left Indonesia. However, in 1952 Benteng Pendem was re-
enabled by the Indonesian National Army (TNI) RPKAD Banteng Loreng Unity of
Central Java. This fort was used by the TNI as a place to practice war and land
landings at sea for 13 years to be exact in 1965. When the RPKAD took control of
this fort, they made a Bullet Monument that was built in front of the gate as a sign
that they had once inhabited and used this fort as a base for training in war.

D. The Role of Benteng Pendem in the Present

For 13 years Benteng Pendem was inhabited and used by RPKAD soldiers,
namely in 1952-1965. However, after 1965-1986 the fort was left and not
maintained. So that the Cilacap Regency Government cooperates with CV.
Wardoyo in 1986 to take care of and excavate a building that was buried in the
ground. The Cilacap Regency Government aims to make this fort a historical tourist
attraction so that it is better maintained and its existence is known by the next
generation of the nation. This fort is quite famous for its existence and also as the
pride of the Cilacap people. However, people only know and can see directly the
building that stands on the coast, many people still do not know the origin and
history of this fort. The existence of this fort is proof that Cilacap is an area that has
existed in the past so that it becomes a bone of contention for many parties who
want to control it.

The function of Benteng Pendem today is as a historical tourist attraction

which has had a major impact on the economy of the surrounding community. Many
people sell various kinds of salted fish, Cilacap specialties, snacks, even many who
sell decorations made of shells. Its location on the Teluk Penyu Beach makes this
fort very interesting to visit, many tourists from various regions travel to this fort.


Benteng Pendem is located on the Teluk Penyu Beach Cilacap. This fort has
a variety of different functions when controlled by certain parties. This fort was
built by the Dutch East Indies government in 1861-1879 with an area of about 6.5
hectares. This fort was founded by the Dutch East Indies government to increase
military defense and defend themselves from enemy attacks coming from the sea
south of the island of Java. In Dutch, the Benteng Pendem is known as Kusbatterij
op de Lantong te Tjilacap which means the hidden fortress under the ground, and
at this time the fort is known as the Benteng Pendem.

After the Dutch East Indies government ended, this fort was controlled by
the Japanese for 3 years, the Japanese used this fort as a fortress for the Japanese
army. But when the cities of Hisroshima and Nagasaki were bombed by the Allies
in 1945, the Japanese surrendered unconditionally and finally left this Benteng
Pendem. In the period after Indonesian independence, the allies controlled this fort
and used it as a defense headquarters for the allied troops. In the post-independence
period. In 1951 the allies finally left Indonesia, this resulted in Benteng Pendem
being uninhabited and being used again. However, in 1952 Benteng Pendem was
re-enabled by the Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) RPKAD Banteng Loreng Unity
of Central Java. This fort was used by the TNI as a place to practice war and landing
at sea for 13 years to be exact in 1965. After the fort was used as a training ground
for war by the RPKAD Army, the fort was left and not maintained but the Cilacap
Regency Government carried out maintenance and excavations so that this fort
become a unique historical tourist attraction. And at this time Benteng Pendem is
still crowded with people from various regions.

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