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 Farroñan Nunton, Carlos Joel

 Collazos Oliva, Eduardo Daniel


 Rios Falla, Alec Harry

THEME: Week - 08
Have you ever?
Hello teacher, today we will talk about Have you ever?
A: Hi Eduardo, how have you been?
E: Hello Carlos, I am having a great time, I am doing very well in college and
the classes are increasingly helping me to know more about my career and
different things.
A: Excellent, I'm glad for you Eduardo, can I ask you a few questions?
E: Of course, ask me what you want.
A: Have you ever eaten anything unusual?
E: Mmm, now that you ask, when I was in Lima for a while living with my dad we
went to eat at a restaurant in their neighborhood, the thing is that being there
we realized that they sold squid and it was something new for us, so we ordered
that to eat and it was really rich, that is the most unusual food I have ever eaten.
A: Wow, I wouldn't dare to eat that really, have you bought something unusual?
E: Well, I haven't bought anything unusual, but if it's something I've never done,
which is shopping online, but with the whole pandemic thing we were compelled
to go out and shop for ourselves and it was something I really wanted, so I
bought it and happily I get there, what I bought was a funko pop of a character
from my favorite show.
A: How good that it has reached you, usually they are usually lost in the mail,
what other unusual thing have you done?
E: I tell you that as a child, when I was 10 years old, I went to a competition to
assemble those Rubik cubes, I liked them a lot as a child and my mom took me
to an event to compete, I really liked being able to compete and meet other
people with my tastes, it was fun and I had a lot of fun.
A: How great, I like to watch videos of those competitions. Well, won't you have
a famous relative, or will you?
E: No, I don't have to, but once I met and was able to chat with a celebrity,
when I was 14 my family and I went to a festival, and we met a famous TV
actor, I felt very nervous and happy when I met him, he really was a great guy
and he behaved well.
A: Amazing. Well, those were the questions I had for you, it was a pleasure to
talk to you, I hope to see you soon.
E: The same thing I think, see you Carlos, take care of yourself.

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