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Developmentally appropriate

Theory Key concepts

Republic of the Philippines classroom/teaching practice/s
 Direction
Qurino State University   Picture naming
 Comprehension
Cabarroguis, 3401 Quirino  Rhyme production
Binet’s intelligence BACHELOR
AdaptabilityOF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Weight ordering
 Self-Evaluation  Question answering
 Word definition
Ronald King Bernal
 Task-specific Cognition  Verbal reasoning
 General Cognition  Quantitative reasoning
Spearman’s general intelligence
 Abstract visual reasoning
 Short-term memory
 Space  Vocabulary
 Perceptual Speed  Similarities
 Number Facility  Arithmetic
 Verbal Relations  Letter-Number Sequencing
Thurstone Primary mental Abilities
 Word Fluency  Picture Completion
 Memory  Matrix Reasoning
 Induction  Digit Symbol Coding
 Block Design
 Spatial  Visualization in 3D
 Naturalist  Understanding the self
 Intra-personal  Vocabulary
 Linguistic  Physical Activities
 Bodily Kinesthetic  Empathy
Gardner’s Multiple intelligences  Interpersonal  Arithmetic
 Existential  Sound Smart
 Logical Mathematical  Musical Instrument
 Musical  Knowledge based on Biology
 Analytical  Comparing
 Creative  Evaluate
Sternberg’s Triarchic theory of
 Practical  Insights
 Synthesis
 Real life problem solving
 Sensory Input > Senory Memory > Short  Visual
Term Memory > Long-term Mermory  Auditory
Atkinson and Shiffrin’s Cognitive  Attention
Information processing Theory  Responses
 Encoding
 Retrieval
Republic of the Philippines
Qurino State University
Cabarroguis, 3401 Quirino

Ronald King Bernal

Republic of the Philippines
Qurino State University
Cabarroguis, 3401 Quirino

Ronald King Bernal

Cognitive Development

Measuring a child’s intelligence is not only limited by his memory rather their are
multiple ways to determine what are his strength and adult should not judge them quickly for this
will only degrade their confidence. I have learned that we should not stop develop the ability to
measure the child’s intelligence specially children with disabilities because they have more potential
than most of the people around the world. Personally, i experienced criticisms from my failure but
that doesn’t mean I’m not good at everything, i perceived it as a challenge either i strive more or
accept that I’m not good at it and discover more abilities that I’m good at.

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