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SITHKOP004 | Dietary Requirements Template

SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary

Unit Code & Title:
requirements (Term-3,2022)(Batch-2 Oct 2021)
SITHKOP004 | Assessment 2 Develop and cost special menus
Assessment No. & Title:

Student Name : Muhammad Abdullah

ATCWA ID No: ATC210150

Assessor Name: Mohammad Rahman

Submission Due Date:

Instructions for Students:

1. This is an individual assessment.

2. Please read the assessment task and instructions carefully.
3. If you require any further clarification or support to complete this assessment, contact your assessor.
4. Answers must be written in the space provided below for each question. Answers should be well formatted
and clearly legible.
5. Plagiarism, collusion, and cheating are strictly prohibited and considered as academic misconduct. Refer to
the ATCWA’s Academic misconduct procedure for details.
6. If you source and provideany secondary information in this assessment, appropriate reference must be
provided. Refer to the APA referencing guide for details. F need further clarification, please contact your
7. You must keep a copy of this assessment for future reference. Your Assessor may ask you to resubmit this
assessment and if it is the case, you must be able to submit it again.
8. The following standards must be followed in terms of formatting written assessments. (Not applicable for
Power Point Presentations).

 Font: Style: Times New Roman or Century Gothic, size: 12 for headings and 11 for texts,
 All font to be in Black colour and no background colours (Unless PPT)
 Footer notes with the Unit Code, Your name and page numbers

 Checked prior to submission for spelling and grammatical errors.

 All written assessments must be submitted as a word document. Except Power Points, no PDF
or other forms of documents will be accepted. If submitted, they will not be considered as
submitted and will not be marked.
 Save your assessment with the unit Code, Assessment number and your name.
9. If the outcome of your first submission/attempt is Not Satisfactory (NS), you will go under reassessment as
per the ATCWA’s reassessment policy and procedure. Refer to the ATCWA’s reassessment policy and
procedure provided in your handbook.
10. For a satisfactory result in this assessment, you must complete all the tasks as per the assessment
requirements stipulated in the assessment.

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SITHKOP004 | Dietary Requirements Template

11. Your Assessor’s feedback on this assessment will be made available to you on the LMS. Ensure to check on
the LMS for assessment feedback.
12. If you are dissatisfied with the assessment outcome, you have right to appeal against it. Refer to the
ATCWA’s Complaints and Appeals Policyand Procedure available on the college website at
13. Additional support is available for students with special needs or learning difficulties, including language,
literacy and numeracy. If you require any support, please consult your Assessor or Student Support Officer
to assist with you.

Student Declaration
 I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not plagiarized, or colluded with any other
 I understand that if I am found to have plagiarized, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me
according to the ATCWA Plagiarism Policy and Procedure.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and have referenced texts throughout the assessment.

Signature of Student: Muhammad Abdullah

Date: 25-08-2022

Assessment Task 2: Develop and cost special menus

Information for students

In this task, you are required to identify the special dietary requirements of at least two groups of
customers and then develop a set of six menus to address the differing dietary needs of those groups.
You will also gather feedback on each menu from the customer groups.
You will need access to:

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SITHKOP004 | Dietary Requirements Template

 your learning resources and other information for reference

 computers, printers and software for costing and developing menus and meal plans

 the Australian Dietary Guidelines

 recipes that accommodate a range of special dietary requirements

 your Assessment Summary Sheet

 your Dietary Requirements Template (two copies)

 your Menu Template (six copies).

Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Hospitality Works
Student User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

i Assessment information

Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Hospitality Works Student User Guide.Refer to the appendix for information

 where this task should be completed

 how your assessment should be submitted.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

Complete the following activities.

1. Carefully read the following scenario

Successful completion of this unit requires that you demonstrate your skills and
knowledge by evaluating the special dietary requirements of at least two customer
groups and developing and costing six menus or meal plans that address those
needs.The menus or meal plans that you develop must, whether in combination or
individually, address at least six of the special dietary requirements from the

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SITHKOP004 | Dietary Requirements Template

following list:

 main types and culinary characteristics of special diets that are part of
contemporary Australian society:
o eating regimes:

 elimination

 macrobiotic

o exclusions for allergies, contraindications with medicines or food

o fat-free

o fluids

o food preferences

o food restrictions

o gluten-free

o high carbohydrate

o high or low energy

o high or low protein

o high fibre

o lacto ovo

o low carbohydrate

o low cholesterol

o low fat

o low gluten

o low kilojoule

o low sugar

o modified sodium or potassium

o modified texture

o nutritional requirements

o portion size

o substitutes:

 gluten-free flour

 yeast-free flour

 non-sugar sweeteners

o sugar-free

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SITHKOP004 | Dietary Requirements Template

o type one and two diabetes.

Two of the menus or meal plans must reflect one or more cultural or religious
dietary requirements from the following list:

 halal

 Hindu

 kosher

 vegan

 vegetarian.

Two of the menus or meal plans must address the special dietary requirements of
different customer groups from the following list:

 adolescents

 athletes

 children

 defence forces

 elderly

 health care

 ill or injured

 infants

 international tourists

 nutritional and energy requirements due to physical condition

 people in areas affected by disaster or environmental extremes

 people from different socioeconomic groups

 people in remote areas

 those with weight problems (underweight/overweight/obese).

You are also required to evaluate each of the six menus by obtaining at least two of
the following types of feedback:

 customer satisfaction discussions with:

o customers

o employees during the course of each business day

 customer surveys

 improvements suggested by:

o customers

o managers

o peers

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SITHKOP004 | Dietary Requirements Template

o staff

o supervisors

o suppliers

 regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions

 satisfaction discussions with:

o customers

o allied health professionals

o dietitians

o medical specialists

 seeking staff suggestions for menu items.

It is important that you provide evidence that you have done all of these things and
we have provided you with two templates to work into. You will need two copies of
the Dietary Requirements Templateand six copies of the Menus template to
complete this task. We have also provided you with an Assessment Summary
Sheet which will help you keep track of your requirements for this unit.
You will need access to two groups of customers to complete this task. For the
purposes of this assessment, your customers might be groups of fellow students,
groups of the customers of your RTO’s training kitchen or customers in your
workplace. When selecting your customers, carefully consider the criteria listed
above and read through the whole assessment to ensure that you will be able to
meet all of your requirements. Your assessor will assist you to identify a suitable
customer base.

What do I need to demonstrate?

During this task, you will be required to demonstrate a range of the skills and
knowledge that you have developed during your course. These include:

 Identifying the menu requirements by:

o identifying the dietary and cultural or religious menu requirements of

different customer groups
o assessing the contemporary dietary trends or regimes of a customer or
group of customers
o liaising with other professionals to assist in identifying and confirming the
customer’s requirements
o using effective listening and questioning techniques to gather feedback
from customers and other professionals.

 Developing menus and meal plans for special diets by:

o selecting a variety of suitable foods and meals for specific requirements

o identifying appropriate combinations of food to meet macro and micro

nutrient requirements

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SITHKOP004 | Dietary Requirements Template

o developing menus and meal plans that promote good health

o developing menus and meal plans that reduce the incidence of diet
related health problems
o preparing cyclic menus which nutritional requirements and variety

o ensuring that menus incorporate sufficient choice and variety of dishes

o recommending food preparation and cooking methods which maximise

the nutritional value of food
o assessing cost-effectiveness of proposed dishes and choosing dishes that
provide high yields.

 Documenting special menus and meal plans using correct terminology

 Costing menus by:

o itemising the components of each dish on the menu

o calculating portion yields and costs

o pricing menu items to ensure maximum profitability

o using technology to cost menus.

 Monitoring the performance of special menus by:

o seeking feedback from customers and others

o using feedback to improve menu performance

o analysing the success of special menus against dietary goals and

customer satisfaction.

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SITHKOP004 | Dietary Requirements Template

2. Identifying the special dietary requirements of each group

Work with the customers from each of the two groups that you identified earlier to
identify their special dietary requirements. Keep in mind that you will use this
information to develop menus or meal plans which will meet their needs so you will
need to understand:

 what their cultural or religious dietary requirements are

 whether there are any food intolerances or allergies in the group

 whether there are particular eating regimes being followed

 what their nutrition goals are

 whether there are any contraindications with medicines

 whether you require input from medical specialists, nutritionists, dieticians or

other health professionals

 what the other dietary and nutrition needs of the group are.

A Dietary Requirements Template has been provided to help you. You will use the
information developed in the Dietary Requirements Template to develop and cost
menus in Step 3.

3. Planning, costing and developing menus

Use the information that you developed in Step 2 of this assessment to plan, cost
and document six menus or meal plans. Your meal plans or menus must meet a
range of dietary requirements across the two groups that you identified in Step 2. At
least one of the menus must be a cyclic menu.
Note: Keep in mind that there are set criteria for the types of menus/meal plans that
you must develop and cost. These are explained in Step 1 above and summarised
in the Assessment Summary Sheet which accompanies this guide.
Each menu/meal plan must:

 include a variety of suitable foods and meals according to the special dietary
needs being addressed

 include appropriate combinations of food and meet the macro and micro
nutrient requirements of your customer/s

 promote the good health of your customer groups

 reduce the incidence of diet related health problems

 balance nutritional requirements and variety

 provide sufficient choice of dishes

 recommend food preparation and cooking methods to maximise the nutritional

values of the food

 be documented using correct terminology.

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SITHKOP004 | Dietary Requirements Template

You will also gather and respond to at least two types of feedback from your
customer group about each menu. Methods of gathering feedback must be
selected from the following list:

 customer satisfaction discussions with:

o customers

o employees during the course of each business day

o customer surveys

 improvements suggested by:

o customers

o managers

o peers

o staff

o supervisors

o suppliers

 regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions

 satisfaction discussions with:

o customers

o allied health professionals

o dietitians

o medical specialists

 seeking staff suggestions for menu items.

A Menus Template has been provided for you to use. You will need six copies of
the template. You must complete the Menus Template electronically and each
costing must be completed using Excel, a similar spreadsheet package or the menu
costing software used in your workplace or RTO.

4. Submit your work

Email your completed Dietary Requirements Templates (two),Menus Templates

(six), Assessment Summary Sheetand associated costings and evidence to your
assessor. Ensure that your files are named according to the file naming
conventions described earlier in this guide and that they are complete and well

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SITHKOP004 | Dietary Requirements Template

Dietary requirements
o Group 1 o Group 2

Dietary requirements
Summarise the dietary requirements of the group. Your summary should include all:

 cultural or religious dietary requirements

 food intolerances or allergies

 eating/dietary trends and regimes

 nutrition goals

 contraindications with medicines

 any other dietary and nutrition needs of the group

 food restrictions.

You should also include in your summary:

 a description of the health consequences of ignoring the special dietary requirements of the
people in the group

 a description of the process that you used to gather this information

 any liaison that you did with other professionals to identify and confirm the dietary requirements
of members of the group.

Group 1
The meal is prepared for Muslim diet. It includes all the dishes that are related to

Muslim culture. No special intolerances or food allergies were mentioned or specified.

The eating trends include three course; entrees, mains and desserts. The main

nutritional goals include providing a balanced diet that includes food from all the five

food groups. The customer is diabetic and takes insulin right before the meal. So, the

meal should be planned on time so that his dosage of medicine will not be affected.

The customer is having Type I Diabetes, so the sugar level in the food should be less.

They are mostly roti lover so the meal should be planned in such a way that it should

include more dishes that should be eaten with Naan or roti in spite of rice.

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SITHKOP004 | Dietary Requirements Template

If the above mentioned special dietary requirements will not be obeyed, it will pose

serious consequences for the business like loss of clients, loss of business reputation,

fines, imprisonment, decrease in sales etc.

All the above mentioned information was gathered through interview with the client

and through [previous sales. For having further information, i consulted with a doctor,

dietician and a nutritionist to have correct information about teh dietary needs of such


Group 2
The meal has been prepared in accordance with Muslim dietary requirements. It

includes all of the dishes associated with Muslim culture. There were no specific

intolerances or food allergies mentioned or specified. Three-course meals are popular.

These meals consist of entrees, main courses, and desserts. The primary nutritional

goals are to provide a balanced diet that includes foods from all five food groups. The

customer is diabetic and takes insulin immediately before eating. As a

result, the meal should be planned ahead of time so that his medication dosage is not

affected. Because the customer has Type I Diabetes, the sugar content of the food

should be reduced. They are mostly roti eaters, so the meal should be planned so that

it includes more dishes that should be eaten with Naan or roti rather than rice. If the

above-mentioned special dietary requirements are not met, the business will suffer

serious consequences such as loss of clients, loss of business reputation, fines,

imprisonment, decrease in sales, and so on. All of the above information was

gathered through interviews with clients and previous sales. I consulted with a doctor,

a dietician, and a nutritionist to obtain accurate information about the dietary needs of

such a customer.
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SITHKOP004 | Menus Template

Menu/Meal plan

o Menu 1 o Menu 3 o Menu 5

o Menu 2 o Menu 4 o Menu 6

Special dietary requirements

This menu caters for the following special dietary requirements:


List the dishes/meals for this meal plan/menu. Explain your rationale for selecting each menu item –
what are its merits?How does each dish address the special dietary requirements of the customer?

Name of dish Rationale/merits How does the dish meet

customer needs?
Greek Salad(V) Greek salad is low in calories Greek salad is highly nutrient
and nutrient-dense also that is really good for people
(GF available)
provided with a healthy dose
who workout. (GF)
of vitamin A and C well as
potassium and irons
Nacho salad includes all This dish is include include all
Nacho Salad
sorts of different nutrition sort of differarnt nutritious and
such as proteins, carbs, it is well balanced dish that can
sugar, sodium. make quickly, and highly
customizeble. (GF)
This dish contains This contain lot of carbs and
Big Breakfast
mushrooms, scrambled protine that is good for
eggs, chorizo, potato, the recovering and keep immune
tomato that contain a well system strong.( highly
balanced dish.
customizeble) (GF)
Big Vegetarian Same as the big break first This dish for mainly vegetarian
but only vegetables and customers that lot of protines
eggs, (mushrooms, spinach, and fat –free products.
onion jam, beans, halloumi,
(highly customizeble) (GF)
tomato) that contain high
Eggs are a good source of A pizza that contains scrambled
Breakfast Pizza
protein They also contain eggs and bacon that provide a
high level of protein and
heart-healthy unsaturated
minerals and iron good for
fats and are a great source of muscle growth.
important nutrients, bacon
(highly customizable) (GF)
provides Decent amounts of
the minerals iron,
magnesium, zinc, and
Mediterranean Veg It contains zucchini, red Vegan pizza for customers that
capsicum vegan mayo, want a plant-based dish that
has a lot of calories and low in
spinach, pumpkin sun-dried
tomato that Naturally low in

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fat and calories. (highly customizable)(GF)

Breakfast Contains eggs, bacon that is Easy to make a sandwich that
contains protein and carbs good
Sandwich high on protein and fat, iron.
for muscle growth. (GF)
Beef patty It's exceptionally This dish contains a lot of
Burger Patty Melt
rich in high-quality protein, highquality
nutrients that good to
vitamins, and minerals.
maintain a good healthy body.
Therefore, it may improve
muscle growth and (GF)
maintenance, as well as
exercise performance.
Banana Bread banana bread tends to be Banana bread provides high
high in carbs, it can be a carbs and protein that helps the
French Toast
growth and recovery of the
source of protein with the
right ingredients. Protein is body. (GF)
an essential nutrient needed
for growth.

Describe how this menu/meal plan includes variety. How have you included a combination of foods to
meet the macro and micro nutrient requirements of your customer/s?

This meal plan is made for athletes customers and most of the dishes are meat-based and
customizable for different nutrients needs, and provide Macronutrients such as protein and
carbs. And also give Micronutrients like Vitamins and fiber and magnesium. Overall well balanced
highly customizable menu.

In this menu plan, a lot of meat-based dishes that are high in nutrients provide support for
muscle growth, and maintain performance for people who work out or do athletes.

Describe how the combination of dishes or foods that you have chosen will promote the good health
of the customer/s identified in Step 2. How have you selected dishes specific to their needs which will
reduce the incidence of diet related health or wellbeing problems?

Describe how you have ensured that your menu/meal plan provides sufficient choice to your

This menu provides a different variant of nutrients so customers can choose and adjust ther
way they want. And also provide vegetarian dishes that give the same nutrients as meat
dishes on the menu so customers who are vegetarian or vegan can choose.
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SITHKOP004 | Menus Template

Food preparation/cooking methodology

Document the food preparation or cooking method for each dish or item on the menu or meal plan to
maximise the nutritional values of the food. Explain your choices. Use correct culinary terminology.

Name of dish Ingrediants preparation

Greek Salad(V) 1. 1 head romaine 1. In a large salad
(GF available)
lettuce- rinsed, bowl, combine
dried and chopped the Romaine,
2. 1 red onion, thinly onion, olives, bell
sliced peppers,
3. 1 (6 ounces) can tomatoes,
pit black olives cucumber and
4. 1 green bell cheese.
pepper, chopped 2. Whisk together
5. 1 red bell pepper, the olive oil,
chopped oregano, lemon
6. 2 large tomatoes, juice and black
chopped pepper. Pour
7. 1 cucumber, sliced dressing over
8. 1 cup crumbled salad, toss and
feta cheese serve.
9. 1 teaspoon dried
10. 1 lemon, juiced
11. ground black
pepper to taste
Nacho Salad 1. 1/2 teaspoon Add nachos and coleslaw to
kosher salt a ball add cumber,
2. 1/4 teaspoon tomatoes mixed everything.
ground black Add kosher salt and black
pepper pepper, and garlic mixed
3. 1/4 teaspoon garlic again. Served on a plate
powder with a side of lemon.
4. 6 tablespoons sour
5. 3 tablespoons salsa
6. 1 large bag of
nacho chips
7. 1 diced cucumber
8. 1-pint cherry
9. A hand full of
Big Breakfast 1. 20g of chorizo Preheat a pan with oil
2. 1 baked bean can Grilled bacon and chorizo,
3. 2 slice of bacon tomato and toast both side
4. 20g of mushrooms of the bread,

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5. 1 hash brown pan-fried the mushrooms

6. Half a tomato for
7. 2 eggs 1 or 2 mints
8. 1 toast bread Microwave the beans for 1
Mix 2 eggs in a bowl and put
in on the pan and mixed
Deep-fried the hash brown
on the fryer.
Put all the cooked
ingredients on a plate and
serve hot.
Big Vegetarian 1. A hand full of Preheat a pan with oil
spinach Grilled halloumi and,
2. 1 baked bean can tomato
3. 3 slice halloumi and toast both side of the
4. 20g of mushrooms bread,
5. 1 hash brown pan-fried the mushrooms
6. Half a tomato for
7. 2 eggs 1 or 2 mints
8. 1 toast bread Microwave the beans for 1
Mix 2 eggs in a bowl and put
in on the pan and mixed
Deep-fried the hash brown
on the fryer.
Put all the cooked
ingredients on a plate and
serve hot.
Breakfast Pizza 1. 4 eggs
2. 2 slice of bacon Mix 2 eggs in a bowl and put
3. 6 slice of ham in on the pan and mixed
4. 4 slice of tomato together
5. A handful of Take the pizza dough and
Mozzarella cheese topped with Napoli sauce
6. Handful of and put it in the oven.
7. Pizza dough (premade)
8. Napoli sauce (premade)
Cut the bacon into thin
slices and fried it in the fryer
and mixed it with the
scrambled mix.
Take out the pizza dough
topped with ham and
mozzarella cheese and
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scrambled mixed baked for

5 minutes and garnish with
Cut into 4 or 8 serve hot

Mediterranean Veg 1. 1/2 teaspoon olive 1. in a small pan, heat

oil oil over medium-low
2. 1-inch slice red heat. Thinly slice red
onion onion, bell
3. 1/2 medium red pepper, and zucchini.
bell pepper Add to skillet and
4. 1/2 small zucchini saute, stirring, until
5. 1/4 cup hummus soft, about 5
6. 1/2 cup baby minutes.
spinach 2. Take the pizza dough
7. 2 tablespoon feta and topped with
cheese, crumbled Napoli sauce and put
8. 1 teaspoon dried it in the oven.
oregano 3. Take out the pizza
9. 1 tablespoon sliced dough topped with
black olives all the vegetables and
10. Pizza dough (premade) baked for another 5
11. Napoli sauce (premade) mint
4. Garnish with
5. Cut into 4 or 8 slices
6. Serve hot
Breakfast 1. 2 slice of Bacon, Grilled bacon and fried two
Sandwich eggs and toast both side of the
2. 2 Eggs,
3. 4 slice Tasty Relish on the bottom side and
4. Cheese, smoky BBQ sauce on top.
Relish&Smoky Put 4 slices of tasty cheese on
the eggs wait till it to melt and
BBQSauce combine bacon and eggs to
5. White Boutique Bread the
toasted bread cut in half serve
Burger Patty Melt 1. Grilled meat Grilled the meat patty and toast
the bread until both sides
patties, (pre-made)
become light brown
2. 2 slice each Swiss
& Tastycheese, Put tasty and swiss cheese on
Smoky BBQ Sauce, top of the meat patty let it melt,
3. SpanishOnions
Take out the toast and put bbq
4. 2 slice of white sauce on both sides and put

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boutique bread, onions as well.

Mozzarella Cheese
5. Pickles Take out meat patty from the
grill put it on the toasted bread
and put pickles on top and
cover it with mozzarella cheese

Wait till cheese melts and cut

in half serve hot.
Banana Bread 1. House Mixed two eggs and 1tps of
French Toast brown sugar and 1 tsp of
Bread Put banana bread in Rich
2. 2 Egg Egg
3. 1 tsp of Brown Batter and grilled it.
Sugar Preheat a pan with butter
4. 1 tsp of Cinnamon and caramelized the half
5. Half a Banana banana
6. Maple Syrup Take a plated garnish with
7. Icing Sugar maple syrup put banana
bread on the middle
caramelize banana on side
topped with icing sugar,
Serve hot

Discuss your potential menu/meal plan with a colleague (for the purposes of this assessment, that
might be another person from the group that you work with in your training kitchen). Describe your
discussion – what feedback did the person you met with provide? Did they give you ideas about how
your menu/meal plan could be improved? Did you incorporate their feedback and how? If you didn’t
take their advice on board, why not?

After consultation with colleagues, we made some adjustments for the menu such as add
dished that can be customizable. And have a variety of different nutritious for people who
have different choices.

Document your final menu/meal plan

Document your final menu/meal plan. Ensure that you use correct culinary terminology.

Use Excel, an equivalent spreadsheet package or specialised software package to cost each menu
item by:

 itemising the components of each dish on the menu

 calculating the expenditure items to determine the production costs (expenditure items should
include ingredients, labour, operational costs of the kitchen, wastage)

 calculating portion yields and costs

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Next Review: 5 June 2023 CRICOS No.: 03457B
SITHKOP004 | Menus Template

 assessing the cost-effectiveness of proposed dishes against budgetary constraints and choose
products that provide high yield.
Don’t forget to attach your costings spreadsheets when you submit your work.
The name of the costing file for this menu is: __________________________________________

Gathering feedback
Gather at least two types of feedback from your customer group about this menu. You must select the
two feedback methods from this list:
Feedback types

 customer satisfaction discussions with:

o customers

o employees during the course of each business day

o customer surveys

 improvements suggested by:

o customers

o managers

o peers

o staff

o supervisors

o suppliers

 regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions

 satisfaction discussions with:

o customers

o allied health professionals

o dietitians

o medical specialists

 seeking staff suggestions for menu items.

Describe how you gathered feedback on this menu. What method did you use? What feedback did
you gather? How did you incorporate the feedback? Summarise the changes that you made.

I gathered feedback from colleges(word of mouth) of workplace what kind of change should
I made and what kinda dishes should I implement to the menu, as for customers we have
done a quick survey asking what kinda thought they have for this menu plan, and how we
can change it make overall a better meal plan.

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And by getting feedback from customers and employees we changed a couple of dishes to
their needs.

Ex:- Customers would like us to include more vegetarian or vegan dishes that provide the
same nutrients as meat dishes, so we add some dishes that provide their needs.

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Menu/Meal plan

o Menu 1 o Menu 3 o Menu 5

o Menu 2 o Menu 4 o Menu 6

Special dietary requirements

This menu caters for the following special dietary requirements:


List the dishes/meals for this meal plan/menu. Explain your rationale for selecting each menu item –
what are its merits?How does each dish address the special dietary requirements of the customer?

Name of dish Rationale/merits How does the dish meet

customer needs?
Chicken curry with This dish helps to boost Dish contains all types of
brown rice, carrots, bones, helps the digestive vegetables and chicken that
green beans, system, and keeps a healthy give good healthy body
pumpkin heart. And it has flavonoids, Especially for children who still
two types of antioxidants grows up.
that help reduce damage to
cells and reduce the risk of
premature aging.
lasagna contains B vitamins This dish helps children to a
Beef lasagne
which is a group of nutrients good metabolism and its rich in
that supports the body's flavor as well as nutrients
Roast beef with This dish It's exceptionally Dish provides a lot of proteins
vegetable with pita rich in high-quality protein, and vitamins that help the
bread and salad vitamins, and minerals it muscle growth of the children
improves muscle growth and and their performance.
maintenance, as well as
exercise performance. As a
rich source of iron.
Creamy tuna pasta Tuna fish may help to reduce A fish-based dish that contains
the level of omega-6 fatty, omega 6 that controls the
and it helps to control weight and gives nutrients to
weight, etc
the kids.
Vegetarian Fried This dish contains basmati The vegetarian dish for kids
rice with eggs, carrots, leeks, who don't like to eat meat that
and it’s a good source of has a lot of vitamins and other
vitamin C. A source of iron, nutrients.
that helps with Muscle
formation, Good for eye
health, Boost immunity.
Pumpkins and pumpkin Pumpkin soup one of the soups
Pumpkin soup
soups are a powerhouse of that contain a lot of nutrients
vitamins and nutrients. It is such as low calories helps to
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rich in vitamin A that helps in keep a good weight.

improving eyes. It is low
calorie so has great weight
loss benefits while keeping
you full longer.
Wholemeal Whole wheat bread offers Small sandwich that helps kids
sandwich(cheese several benefits from its to have a good digestive
cucumber and whole grain content to its
effects on weight. Promotes
healthy digestion.
Fruits are an excellent Fruits always contain all sort of
Fresh fruit platter source of essential vitamins nutrients that helps to keep a
and minerals, and they are
good healthy body.
high in fiber. Fruits also
provide a wide range of
health-boosting antioxidants.
Eating a diet high in fruits
can reduce a person's risk of
developing heart disease,
cancer, inflammation, and

Describe how this menu/meal plan includes variety. How have you included a combination of foods to
meet the macro and micro nutrient requirements of your customer/s?

This meal plan is made for Children and has a customizable menu, different nutrients, and
provides Macronutrients such as protein and carbs. And also give Micronutrients like Vitamins and
fiber and magnesium, minerals. Overall well balanced highly customizable menu.

Describe how the combination of dishes or foods that you have chosen will promote the good health
of the customer/s identified in Step 2. How have you selected dishes specific to their needs which will
reduce the incidence of diet related health or wellbeing problems?

In this menu plan, all of the dishes have different nutrients. Such as Chicken curry with brown
rice, carrots, green beans, pumpkin, Roast beef with vegetables with pita bread and salad provide
support for muscle growth, help reduce damage to cells and reduce the risk of premature aging.

Describe how you have ensured that your menu/meal plan provides sufficient choice to your

This menu provides a different variant of nutrients so Children can choose what kinda dish
they want. And also provide vegetarian dishes that give the same nutrients as meat dishes
on the menu so vegetarians can have healthy dishes.

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Food preparation/cooking methodology

Document the food preparation or cooking method for each dish or item on the menu or meal plan to
maximise the nutritional values of the food. Explain your choices. Use correct culinary terminology.

Name of dish Ingredients preparation

Chicken curry with 1. cooked rice 1. preheat oil in a skillet
brown rice, carrots, 2. 1.5 tbsp oil over medium-high
green beans, 3. 2 garlic cloves heat. Cook garlic,
pumpkin 4. 500g / 1lb chicken ginger, and onion for 3
minutes until onion is
thighs, sliced
5. 270 ml / 1.25 cups
2. Add chicken and cook
of coconut milk until it changes from
6. 2.5 tbsp curry pink to white Add curry
powder powder and cook for 2
7. 1.5 cups (375 ml) minutes.
chicken stock 3. Add coconut milk and
8. 3/4 cup frozen chicken stock. Stir,
peas lower heat to medium,
9. 1/4 cup and cook, simmering
coriander/cilantro rapidly, for 10 minutes
until the sauce reduces
leaves chopped
and thickens. Add peas
10. Slice carrots
and salt.
11. Green beans 4. Cook for a further 2
12. Diced pumpkin minutes, then taste to
see if it needs more
salt. Garnish with
5. preheat oil in a skillet
over medium-high heat
add carrots and green
been and diced
pumpkin tossed it with
salt and pepper
6. serve with rice.
Beef lasagne 1. 2 tbsp olive oil Preheat oven to 180ºC.
2. 1 onion, finely heat oil in a saucepan. Add
chopped onion, carrot, and garlic, cook
3. 1 carrot, finely until soft. Add beef mince,
until brown.
4. 1 clove of garlic,
Stir in tomato paste, canned
crushed tomatoes, and chicken stock.
5. 500g beef mince Season with salt, pepper, and
6. 5 tbsp tomato nutmeg. Cover and simmer
paste gently for 20 minutes, stirring
7. 2 x 400g canned occasionally.
tomatoes Pour half cup of the meat
8. 2 cups chicken sauce
stock into a lightly greased baking

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9. Salt and pepper, to dish. Alternate layers of

taste lasagna, meat, and cheese
10. Pinch of nutmeg sauces, ending with cheese
11. Cheese sauce sauce layer (allow for 4 layers).
Sprinkle with grated parmesan
cheese and bake for 35-40
minutes or until cooked
Allow lasagna to stand for 5-10
minutes before serving
Roast beef with 1. 2 tablespoons Preheat oven to 220°C. Heat
vegetable with pita butter, at room 2 teaspoons of the butter
bread temperature and 2 teaspoons oil in a
2. teaspoons olive oil large
3. beef scotch fillet shallow flameproof roasting
(rib eye) roast (See pan over high heat. Cook
notes) the
4. Salt & freshly roast, turning occasionally,
ground black for 5 minutes or until well
pepper browned
5. 4 potatoes, peeled, Remove roasting pan from
halved lengthways, heat and season beef all
patted dry with a over with salt and pepper
paper towel Place the potatoes, carrots,
6. 2 bunches (baby) and beans in the roasting
carrots, trimmed pan. Season with salt and
to 1cm, washed, pepper.
scrubbed, patted Cook beef and potatoes in a
dry with paper preheated oven
towel tablespoon Transfer beef to a carving
plain flour tray and cover loosely with
foil. Set aside 15 minutes to
Creamy tuna pasta 1. 14 oz (400g) 1. Heat oven to
bake rigatoni pasta 180C/350f.
2. 3 tbsp butter 2. Boil a large pan of
3. 1 onion - peeled water, add the pasta
and chopped finely and cook for 10
4. ⅓ cup (40g) minutes.
plain/all-purpose 3. Whilst the pasta is
flour cooking, melt the
5. 2 ½ cups (600ml) butter in a saucepan,
milk add in the onion and
6. 2 ½ packed cups cook on low for 6-8
(250g) strong minutes until the
cheddar, grated onions are very soft.
7. ¼ tsp salt 4. Turn up the heat to
8. ¼ tsp pepper medium and stir in
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9. 11 oz (320g) the flour. Cook for 1-

canned tuna 2 minutes. Slowly
10.11 ½ oz (330g) add the milk, using a
canned sweetcorn whisk to stir (just stir,
drained don’t whisk) it in.
11.1 cup (150g) frozen Once all the milk is
petit pois incorporated,
12. large handful continue to heat
chopped parsley whilst stirring until
the sauce thickens.
Then stir in ⅔ of the
cheese until melted.
Season with the salt
and pepper.
5. Drain the pasta and
pour into a 20x30cm
baking dish. Pour
over the white sauce,
then add the tuna,
sweetcorn, petit pois
and all but 1 tbsp of
parsley. Mix together,
then sprinkle on the
remaining cheese.
6. Bake in the oven for
15-20 mins until the
cheese is golden
brown. Top with the
reserved parsley
before serving.
Vegetarian Fried 1. 3 tablespoons Heat a wok or a large wok
rice vegetable oil, over high heat until very
divided hot.
2. 1 cup chopped Add 1 tablespoon of oil, and
broccoli (crowns then the broccoli, carrots,
and stems) cabbage, zucchini, peppers
3. 1 cup chopped Season the beaten eggs
carrots with
4. 1 cup shredded a little salt and pepper. Heat
cabbage 1 more tablespoon of oil in
5. 1 cup diced the same wok over high
zucchini heat. Add the beaten eggs
6. 1/2 cup thinly and scramble quickly just
sliced bell pepper, about 1 minute. When they
cut into 1-inch are just cooked through,
pieces slide them out onto the
7. 3 large eggs, plate

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beaten with the vegetables

8. Salt and freshly add the ginger and the
ground pepper to garlic
taste to the rice. Add the soy
9. 3 cups cooked and sauce, sesame oil,
cooled white rice Return the vegetables and
10. 1 tablespoon eggs to the wok with the
peeled and minced rice. Cook, stirring often
fresh ginger until
11. 2 teaspoons finely everything is combined and
minced garlic hot and the vegetables are
12. 1/4 cup lowsodium just tender about 3 minutes
soy sauce, Garnish and serve.
13. 1 tablespoon
sesame oil
Pumpkin soup 1. Half a pumpkin Cut the pumpkin into small
peeled chunks Place the pumpkin,
2. 1 onion, sliced onion, garlic, broth, and
3. 2 garlic cloves water, Bring to a boil,
4. 3 cups (750ml)
uncovered, then reduce
vegetable or chicken
5. 1 cup (250 ml) water
and let simmer rapidly until
6. Salt and pepper pumpkin is tender
Remove from heat and use
stick blender to blend until
Season to taste with salt
pepper, stir through the
Ladle soup into bowls,
drizzle over a bit of cream,
sprinkle with pepper and
parsley if desired. Serve
with crusty bread
Wholemeal 1. 2 slice of Take the bread put butter
sandwich(cheese wholemeal bread on
cucumber and 2. Tasty cheese both sides and fill it with
carrots) 3. Thin Sliced carrots tasty cheese, coleslaw and
4. Thin Sliced carrots, and cucumber
cucumber Serve fresh
5. Sliced coleslaw
Fresh fruit platter 1. 1 mango Wash all the fruit well, slices
2. 1 pineapple down every fruit for small
3. 5 kiwis sliced size, Decoratively assemble
4. 1 cup (150g) the fruit on your chosen

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raspberries plate, tray, or cake stand,

5. 1 cup (150g) grouping each type of fruit
blueberries and keeping different colors
6. 1 honeydew to different sections
melon flesh cut Served fresh
into chunks
7. 1 cantaloupe
flesh cut into
8. 1 bunch grapes
9. Sprigs of mint
to garnish

Discuss your potential menu/meal plan with a colleague (for the purposes of this assessment, that
might be another person from the group that you work with in your training kitchen). Describe your
discussion – what feedback did the person you met with provide? Did they give you ideas about how
your menu/meal plan could be improved? Did you incorporate their feedback and how? If you didn’t
take their advice on board, why not?

After consultation with colleagues, we made some adjustments for the menu such as add
dished that can be customizable. And have a variety of different nutritious for Kids who have
different choices.

Document your final menu/meal plan

Document your final menu/meal plan. Ensure that you use correct culinary terminology.

Use Excel, an equivalent spreadsheet package or specialised software package to cost each menu
item by:

 itemising the components of each dish on the menu

 calculating the expenditure items to determine the production costs (expenditure items should
include ingredients, labour, operational costs of the kitchen, wastage)

 calculating portion yields and costs

 assessing the cost-effectiveness of proposed dishes against budgetary constraints and choose
products that provide high yield.
Don’t forget to attach your costings spreadsheets when you submit your work.
The name of the costing file for this menu is: __________________________________________

Gathering feedback
Gather at least two types of feedback from your customer group about this menu. You must select the
two feedback methods from this list:
Feedback types

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 customer satisfaction discussions with:

o customers

o employees during the course of each business day

o customer surveys

 improvements suggested by:

o customers

o managers

o peers

o staff

o supervisors

o suppliers

 regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions

 satisfaction discussions with:

o customers

o allied health professionals

o dietitians

o medical specialists

 seeking staff suggestions for menu items.

Describe how you gathered feedback on this menu. What method did you use? What feedback did
you gather? How did you incorporate the feedback? Summarise the changes that you made.

I gathered feedback from colleges(word of mouth) of workplace what kind of change should
I made and what kinda dishes should I implement to the menu, as for Kids we have done a
quick survey asking what kinda thought they have for this menu plan, and how we can
change it make overall a better meal plan.

And by getting feedback from customers and employees we changed a couple of dishes to
their needs.

Ex:- Children would like us to include more flavor full/and colorful dishes to the menu so we
added fruits to their liking.

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Menu/Meal plan

o Menu 1 o Menu 3 o Menu 5

o Menu 2 o Menu 4 o Menu 6

Special dietary requirements

This menu caters for the following special dietary requirements:


List the dishes/meals for this meal plan/menu. Explain your rationale for selecting each menu item –
what are its merits?How does each dish address the special dietary requirements of the customer?

Name of dish Rationale/merits How does the dish meet

customer needs?
GF Tomato soup Tomato soup is highly This dish is highly nutritious and
nutritious and rich in made with gluten-free
with GF Bread
And have lots of merits such
as boost immunity, improve
bone health, etc.
Chicken Salad Chicken salad wrap contains The tortilla that made with
Wrap with Brown more fiber and protein, brown rice is gluten-free and a
customer can add more and
rice tortilla. minerals.
customize the dish as they
Using brown rice tortilla
makes it gluten-free and
more nutritious.
Nacho salad includes all A balanced dish that has
GF Nacho salad
sorts of different nutrition different nutrition’s and made
such as proteins, carbs, with GF nachos. Also, the
customer can add more items
sugar, sodium.
or take some out.
Scrambled Eggs Scramble eggs give the food A simple break first dish that
level of cholesterol and help has high nutrient with GF bread.
with GF toast
with weight loss. Customers can order extra
sides if they want such and
And it's high on protein and mushrooms or spinach.
rich in other nutrients.
Lamb and spinach Lamb provides vitamins and A pizza that made with GF flour
minerals that help muscle with toped lamb that has all sort
pizza/ GF base.
growth and maintain the
of different nutrients.
performance of the body.
Beef has rich essential A GF beef burger that is rich in
GF Cheeseburger
nutrients such as zinc, flavor and nutrients. If the
vitamin, irons helps improve customer need can remove
beef and add a zucchini fritter
muscle mass.
as a veggie burger.
Lamb/Chicken Lamb and chicken that is A simple dish with a lot of

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high on protein and having

Soup with CHIPS nutrients made with GF base as
lettuces and tomatoes make
(GF) a wrap. Highly customizable.
this a well-balanced dish.
Greek yogurt with Greek yogurt has potassium A dessert that has nutrients that
sliced apple and that balances sodium. And
helps maintain the body.
it's workout recovery food.
GF granola.
Granola reduces blood Sugar
and improves health.
GF oatmeal, with Oats are incredibly nutritious Gf oats are high on notorious
chopped nuts and they contain powerful and contain a lot of fiber. And
this is a good breakfast dish to
berries. soluble fiber.

Describe how this menu/meal plan includes variety. How have you included a combination of foods to
meet the macro and micro nutrient requirements of your customer/s?

This meal plan includes a variety of dishes that contain different nutrients such as
carbohydrates and proteins to vitamins and minerals to fiber, and include different meats to
vegetables and dessert to satisfied customer needs.

Describe how the combination of dishes or foods that you have chosen will promote the good health
of the customer/s identified in Step 2. How have you selected dishes specific to their needs which will
reduce the incidence of diet related health or wellbeing problems?

In this menu plan, we included nacho salad and chicken salad wrap that has a lot of
nutrients such as proteins and carbs, the fiber that helps to keep the immune system strong,
as well as people who try to lose weight.

Describe how you have ensured that your menu/meal plan provides sufficient choice to your

In this meal plan, customers have all kinds of choices such as 2 types of meats to all sorts of
vegetables and some of the dishes are customizable for whatever customer needs.

Food preparation/cooking methodology

Document the food preparation or cooking method for each dish or item on the menu or meal plan to
maximise the nutritional values of the food. Explain your choices. Use correct culinary terminology.

Discuss your potential menu/meal plan with a colleague (for the purposes of this assessment, that
might be another person from the group that you work with in your training kitchen). Describe your

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SITHKOP004 | Menus Template

discussion – what feedback did the person you met with provide? Did they give you ideas about how
your menu/meal plan could be improved? Did you incorporate their feedback and how? If you didn’t
take their advice on board, why not?

My colleague advised me to add more healthy dishes such as nacho salad that we can
prepare quickly as well as its highly nutritious. And helps me to add a couple more desserts
to give customers more choices.

Document your final menu/meal plan

Document your final menu/meal plan. Ensure that you use correct culinary terminology.

Name of Ingredients preparation

GF Tomato 1. 4 tbsp Unsalted Melt butter over medium
Butter heat in a large saucepan.
with GF Bread
2. 1 Medium Onion Add onion, stock, can of
3. 1 can Tomatoes tomatoes with their
4. 1½ cups lowsodium juices, and garlic and
Chicken salt. Bring to a simmer.
Stock Cook uncovered, for
5. 1 tsp Garlic Powder about 40 minutes. Stir
6. 1 tsp salt occasionally.
Blend the soup using a
blender or a hand
blender, being careful as
the soup is hot.
Chicken Salad 1. 3 cups store-bought Mixed all the veggies and
Wrap with roast chicken meat and add salt and
2. 12 cups cos/romaine pepper.
rice tortilla.
lettuce Fill the tortilla with salad
3. 1/2 red onion
4. 300g cherry
served fresh.
5. 1 pack of storebought
brown rice
GF Nacho salad 10. 1/2 teaspoon Add nachos and coleslaw
kosher salt to
11. 1/4 teaspoon a ball add cumber,
ground black tomatoes
pepper mixed everything.
12. 1/4 teaspoon garlic Add kosher salt and black
powder pepper, and garlic mixed
13. 6 tablespoons sour again.
cream Served on a plate with a
14. 3 tablespoons salsa side
15. 1 large bag of of lemon.
nacho chips

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16. 1 diced cucumber

17. 1-pint cherry
18. A hand full of
Scrambled Eggs 1. 4 large eggs Put 4 eggs in a ball and mix
with GF toast with salt and pepper.
2. Shredded or
Use a nonstick pan spry
crumbled cheese, some
optional oil until pans heat up add egg
3. Salt and pepper mixture mixed all together.
And served with GF bread
4. Nonstick cooking
oil spray, olive oil,
or butter, or a
Lamb and 1. 50g Lamb Grilled the lamb well and
spinach mixed
2. Handful of spinach
pizza/ GF base. it with red onion and spinach.
3. 1 sliced red onion Oven-baked the GF Pizza
and put garlic paste on top
and add the lamb mixture and
served hot.
GF 1. 1 small onion Put the onion and garlic in a
Cheeseburger large mixing bowl. Add the
(chopped finely)
2. 500g beef mince beef
3. 2 cloves of garlic mince, and herbs. Season to
(peeled and
Mix all the ingredients well
4. 1 tbsp of fresh
in a freezer for 15mint.
oregano (chopped) Grill or barbecue the burgers
5. 1 tbsp of fresh until slightly browned and
basil (chopped) cooked through.
6. Salt and pepper to Use GF Bread toast on both
taste sides
7. Optional: olive oil Build your burgers by
8. 6 free-from layering
sandwich thins the salad
(gluten-free rolls
work well too)
9. 1-2 tbsp tomato
ketchup, check for
celery and gluten
10. ¼ cucumber (thinly
11. 1-2 tomatoes
(thinly sliced)
12. GF Bread
Lamb/Chicken 1. 20g of Grilled lamb or chicken
Souv with Warm up the GF wrap put
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chips(GF) 2. 5g Sliced lettuces everything on the wrap such

3. 5g Sliced tomato
tomatoes onions lettuce and
4. 2g sliced onions tzatziki sauce and chips wrap
tightly served hot.

Greek yogurt 1. 1 Greek yogurt Put greek yogurt on a small

with 2. 1 sliced apple serving ball and garnish with
sliced apple and 3. GF granola sliced apple and granola.
GF granola.
GF oatmeal, 1. Pack of oatmeal Put oatmeal on a small
with 2. 10g Almond or other serving
chopped nuts nuts ball and garnish with chopped
berries. 3. 10g berries nuts berries.
4. 100ml Milk optional Served cold

Use Excel, an equivalent spreadsheet package or specialised software package to cost each menu
item by:

 itemising the components of each dish on the menu

 calculating the expenditure items to determine the production costs (expenditure items should
include ingredients, labour, operational costs of the kitchen, wastage)

 calculating portion yields and costs

 assessing the cost-effectiveness of proposed dishes against budgetary constraints and choose
products that provide high yield.
Don’t forget to attach your costings spreadsheets when you submit your work.
The name of the costing file for this menu is: __________________________________________

Gathering feedback
Gather at least two types of feedback from your customer group about this menu. You must select the
two feedback methods from this list:
Feedback types

 customer satisfaction discussions with:

o customers

o employees during the course of each business day

o customer surveys

 improvements suggested by:

o customers

o managers

o peers

o staff

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o supervisors

o suppliers

 regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions

 satisfaction discussions with:

o customers

o allied health professionals

o dietitians

o medical specialists

 seeking staff suggestions for menu items.

Describe how you gathered feedback on this menu. What method did you use? What feedback did
you gather? How did you incorporate the feedback? Summarise the changes that you made.

I gathered feedback from colleges(word of mouth) of workplace what kind of change should
I made and what kinda dishes should I implement to the menu, as for customers we have
done a quick survey asking what kinda thought they have for this menu plan, and how we
can change it make overall a better meal plan.
And by getting feedback from customers and employees we changed a couple of dishes to
their needs.
Ex:- Customers would like us to include a soup on the menu so we discussed with our
colleagues and included a tomato soup for the menu.

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Menu/Meal plan

o Menu 1 o Menu 3 o Menu 5

o Menu 2 o Menu 4 o Menu 6

Special dietary requirements

This menu caters for the following special dietary requirements:


List the dishes/meals for this meal plan/menu. Explain your rationale for selecting each menu item –
what are its merits?How does each dish address the special dietary requirements of the customer?

Name of dish Rationale/merits How does the dish meet

customer needs?
Fruits are an excellent
Slice Fruit plate Fruits are halal and nutritious.
source of essential vitamins
and minerals, and they are
high in fibre. Fruits also
provide a wide range of
health-boosting antioxidants.
Eating a diet high in fruits
can reduce a person's risk of
developing heart disease,
cancer, inflammation, and
diabetes, and fruits are halal
Scrambled egg, Eggs are a good source of halaal eggs are from chicken
protein. They also contain are consumable and have good
lamb sausage warp
heart-healthy unsaturated
source of protein. And the lamb
fats and are a great source of
important nutrients. And lamb sausages made out of fresh
sausage provides high levels lamb that cuts with clean
of Vitamin B-12 and Iron, alcohol-free pork-free
both of which are essential instruments.
for healthy red blood cells
and haemoglobin production.
Greek salad with Greek salad is low in calories Greek salad just contain
honey mustard and nutrient-dense also organically grown vegetables
provided with a healthy dose
dressing. that are halaal.
of vitamin A and C well as
potassium and irons,
Mustard seeds are very rich
in calcium, manganese,
omega 3 fatty acids, iron,
zinc, protein, and dietary
Butter chicken with Butter chicken is a good Butter chicken and basmati rice
source of protein, Basmati is are made out of non-alcohol
basmati rice
gluten-free and low in fat. It
and no pork products.
contains all eight essential

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amino acids, folic acid, and is

very low in sodium, and has
no cholesterol.
Roast lamb with Lamb is a rich source of Lamb made out of fresh lamb
high-quality protein, but it is that cuts with clean
potato bake.
also an outstanding source of
instruments with alcohol-free
many vitamins and minerals,
including iron, zinc, and pork-free.
vitamin B12., The baked
potatoes provide fiber,
potassium, vitamin C, and
vitamin B6 content, coupled
with their lack of cholesterol,
all support heart health.
Chicken breast with Chicken Provides Vitamins Chicken is halal when it has
Mexican spiced and Minerals Involved in been slaughtered according to
Brain Function, and builds
rice. the Islamic way of sacrificing
muscles, and strengthens
animals for human
Lamb madras with Lamb is a rich source of Lamb made out of fresh lamb
high-quality protein, but it is that cuts with clean
basmati rice
also an outstanding source of
instruments with alcohol-free
many vitamins and minerals,
including iron, zinc, and pork-free. And dried herbs for
vitamin B12, Basmati is more flavor
gluten-free and low in fat. It
contains all eight essential
amino acids, folic acid, and is
very low in sodium, and has
no cholesterol.
Bread and butter A good vegetarian dessert Made out of butter and eggs
for the healthy arrangement
pudding. that are halaal certified.
of your cells, tissues, and
Carrot cake is Low in Made with eggs and sunflower
Carrot cake
cholesterol, High in calcium,
oil, and resins that is halaal.
iron, manganese, and

Describe how this menu/meal plan includes variety. How have you included a combination of foods to
meet the macro and micro nutrient requirements of your customer/s?

This meal plan for people who wants halal-certified food so all the dishes in this meal plan
are halal certified. We carefully picked all the dishes that give all sorts of nutrients to make it
a well-balanced menu.

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Describe how the combination of dishes or foods that you have chosen will promote the good health
of the customer/s identified in Step 2. How have you selected dishes specific to their needs which will
reduce the incidence of diet related health or wellbeing problems?

In this menu plan, we include a lot of meat dishes such as lamb madras, chicken breast with
Mexican rice all these dishes provide protein to vitamins that help to have a healthy heart
and strong bones.

Describe how you have ensured that your menu/meal plan provides sufficient choice to your

In this meal plan, customers have all kinds of choices that are halal and provide different
flavors and different nutrients for their needs, and some salads for people who want a
vegetarian dish.

Food preparation/cooking methodology

Document the food preparation or cooking method for each dish or item on the menu or meal plan to
maximise the nutritional values of the food. Explain your choices. Use correct culinary terminology.

Name of dish Ingredients preparation

Slice Fruit plate 10. 1 mango Wash all the fruit well, slices
11. 1 pineapple down every fruit for small
12. 5 kiwis sliced size, Decoratively assemble
13. 1 cup (150g) the fruit on your chosen
raspberries plate, tray, or cake stand,
14. 1 cup (150g) grouping each type of fruit
blueberries and keeping different colors
15. 1 honeydew to different sections
melon flesh cut Served fresh
into chunks
16. 1 cantaloupe
flesh cut into
17. 1 bunch grapes
18. Sprigs of mint
to garnish
Scrambled egg, 1. 4 eggs Put eggs in a ball and mix it
lamb sausage 2. 1 pack of storebought and
warp lamb grilled the lamb sausages,
sausages Heat a pan and put olive oil,put
3. Pita bread egg mixture and mixed it up
Warm the pita bread,and add
scrambled eggs and lamb
susages and wrap it.
Served hot.

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Greek salad with 12. 1 head romaine In a large salad bowl,

honey mustard
lettuce- rinsed, combine the Romaine,
dried and chopped onion, olives, bell peppers,
13. 1 red onion, thinly tomatoes, cucumber and
sliced cheese.
14. 1 (6 ounces) can Whisk together the olive oil,
pit black olives oregano, lemon juice and
15. 1 green bell black pepper. Pour dressing
pepper, chopped over salad, toss and serve.
16. 1 red bell pepper,
17. 2 large tomatoes,
18. 1 cucumber, sliced
19. 1 cup crumbled
feta cheese
20. 1 teaspoon dried
21. 1 lemon, juiced
22. ground black
pepper to taste
Butter chicken with 1. a boneless, 1. Chop the chicken into
basmati rice
skinless chicken 1-inch cubes and
breast marinate the chicken
2. sour cream or in a marinade
greek yogurt mixture. While the
3. lemon juice chicken pieces are
4. turmeric marinating make the
5. Garam sauce.
masala (storebought) 2. Melt butter in a
6. ground cumin medium-sized skillet
7. butter over medium-high
8. chopped heat. Add the onions
onions to the pan and cook 3
9. garlic minutes, stirring
10. ground cumin occasionally. Add the
11. ground ginger garlic, cumin, ginger,
12. ground cinnamon and salt
Cinnamon and cook for an
13. salt additional 2 minutes.
14. tomato sauce 3. Stir in tomato sauce,
15. heavy cream reduce heat to low
16. cooked rice and simmer.
4. While the sauce is
simmering, melt the
tablespoon of butter

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in another mediumsized
skillet set to
medium-high heat.
Add the pieces of
chicken to the pan
and cook for 5
minutes per side until
5. Remove the chicken
from the pan and add
to the pan with the
sauce. Simmer
another 5-10
minutes. Stir in the
cream and cook,
stirring for 1 minute.
6. Serve with rice
Roast lamb with 1. 3 teaspoons olive 1. Brush the lamb with
potato bake.
oil a little of the oil, then
2. 400 g (14 oz) season to taste with
boneless lamb mini sea salt and freshly
roast (rump) ground black pepper
3. 1 garlic clove, cut and place in a
into slivers roasting tin.
4. 1 teaspoon 2. Using clean hands,
rosemary rub the vegetables to
5. 3 new potatoes lightly coat with the
6. 1 parsnip, oil, season to taste,
quartered then arrange around
lengthways the lamb in the tin.
7. 1 small fennel 3. Pour roasting juices
bulb, trimmed and and any meat and
halved vegetable sediment
8. 1 small red onion, into a saucepan, add
halved the stock and red
9. 125 ml (4 fl oz /½ wine and stir over
cup) chicken or medium heat until
vegetable stock the meat and
10. 60 ml (2 fl oz /¼ vegetable sediment is
cup) red wine incorporated.
11. 2 teaspoons butter, 4. Transfer the lamb to
softened a plate, cover loosely
12. 2 teaspoons plain with foil, and leave to
(all-purpose) flour rest in a warm place.
13. cooked baby peas, 5. Using a small sharp
to serve knife, make several
incisions in the lamb

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and insert the garlic

and rosemary into
the cuts
6. Served in a plate
Chicken breast 1. 5 chicken thigh 1. Preheat oven to
fillets 180C/350F.
Mexican spiced
rice. 2. 2 tbsp olive oil 2. Rub Chicken: Place 2
3. 1 lime tbsp of the Mexican
4. Cooked rice Spice Mix in a small
5. 1 small onion bowl with 1 tbsp
6. 1 garlic clove olive oil and lime
7. 1 red capsicum juice.
3. Heat 1 tbsp olive oil
in a deep skillet over
Lamb with basmati 1. Cooked basmati 1. Brush the lamb with
rice a little of the oil, then
2. 3 teaspoons olive season to taste with
oil sea salt and freshly
3. 400 g (14 oz) ground black pepper
boneless lamb mini and place in a
roast (rump) roasting tin.
4. 1 garlic clove, cut 2. Roast for 200c in
into slivers 20mint takes out.
5. 1 teaspoon 3. Served with rice and
rosemary slice of lemon
6. 1tps sea salt
7. 1tps black pepper
Bread and butter 1. 2 thin slices bread, Cut the bread into small
buttered pieces and place it with the
2. 1 Tbsp sultanas sultanas in a small baking
3. 3/4 cup milk dish. Beat milk, egg, sugar,
4. 1 egg and vanilla essence
5. 1 Tbsp Chelsea together.
6. White Sugar Pour over the bread and
7. 1/2 tsp vanilla sprinkle with cinnamon.
essence Bake at 180°C for 20-25
8. cinnamon minutes until the custard is
set. Serve with a little
cream or ice-cream
Carrot cake 1. 225g (1 1/2 cups) Preheat oven to 180C. Line
self-raising flour twelve 80ml (1/3-cup)
2. 1 teaspoon mixed capacity muffin pans with
spice paper cases. Sift the flour,
3. 1 teaspoon mixed spice, and
bicarbonate of bicarbonate
soda of soda into a bowl. Stir in
4. 65g (1/3 cup) sultanas, sugar, and carrot.

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sultanas Make a well in the center.

5. 70g (1/3 cup, Whisk together the oil, egg,
firmly packed) and yogurt in a jug. Pour
brown sugar into
6. 115g (1 cup) the flour mixture and stir to
coarsely grated combine. Spoon mixture
carrot among cases. Bake in the a
7. 80ml (1/3 cup) skewer inserted into the
light olive oil centers comes out clean.
8. 2 eggs, lightly Transfer to a rack to cool.
whisked Meanwhile, to make the
9. 200g reduced-fat frosting, use an electric
honey yogurt beater to beat the cream
cheese and icing sugar in a
bowl until smooth. Add the
orange rind and juice, and
stir to combine.

Discuss your potential menu/meal plan with a colleague (for the purposes of this assessment, that
might be another person from the group that you work with in your training kitchen). Describe your
discussion – what feedback did the person you met with provide? Did they give you ideas about how
your menu/meal plan could be improved? Did you incorporate their feedback and how? If you didn’t
take their advice on board, why not?

After consultation with colleagues, we made some adjustments to the menu such as add a
Salad dish to accommodate vegetarian customers. And some dessert that nutritious Ex:-
Carrot cake

Document your final menu/meal plan

Document your final menu/meal plan. Ensure that you use correct culinary terminology.

Use Excel, an equivalent spreadsheet package or specialised software package to cost each menu
item by:

 itemising the components of each dish on the menu

 calculating the expenditure items to determine the production costs (expenditure items should
include ingredients, labour, operational costs of the kitchen, wastage)

 calculating portion yields and costs

 assessing the cost-effectiveness of proposed dishes against budgetary constraints and choose
products that provide high yield.
Don’t forget to attach your costings spreadsheets when you submit your work.
The name of the costing file for this menu is: __________________________________________

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Gathering feedback
Gather at least two types of feedback from your customer group about this menu. You must select the
two feedback methods from this list:
Feedback types

 customer satisfaction discussions with:

o customers

o employees during the course of each business day

o customer surveys

 improvements suggested by:

o customers

o managers

o peers

o staff

o supervisors

o suppliers

 regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions

 satisfaction discussions with:

o customers

o allied health professionals

o dietitians

o medical specialists

 seeking staff suggestions for menu items.

Describe how you gathered feedback on this menu. What method did you use? What feedback did
you gather? How did you incorporate the feedback? Summarise the changes that you made.

I gathered feedback from colleges(word of mouth) of workplace what kind of change should
I made and what kinda dishes should I implement to the menu, as for customers we have
done a quick survey asking what kinda thought they have for this menu plan, and how we
can change it make overall a better meal plan.
And by getting feedback from customers and employees we changed a couple of dishes to
their needs.
Ex:- Customers would like us to include a vegetarian dish as well as some desserts. So we
add a salad dish and a fruit platter.

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Menu/Meal plan

o Menu 1 o Menu 3 o Menu 5

o Menu 2 o Menu 4 o Menu 6

Special dietary requirements

This menu caters for the following special dietary requirements:


List the dishes/meals for this meal plan/menu. Explain your rationale for selecting each menu item –
what are its merits?How does each dish address the special dietary requirements of the customer?

Name of dish Rationale/merits How does the dish meet

customer needs?
Oatmeal with Oats Are Incredibly Oats are low in calories and
banana and orange Nutritious, Oats Can Improve have only 1.5 grams of fat. And
Blood Sugar Control
juice. (GF) oats can also help reduce blood
Bananas are an excellent
source of potassium and pressure and aid in digestion.
supply vitamin B6
Tuna Salad Tuna fish may help to reduce Tuna helps to reduce Omega 6
Sandwich(lettuce, the level of omega-6 fatty, fatty. And the customer can
and it helps to control weight,
tomato, light mayo) remove items or add.
Brown rice with Brown rice provides you with Brown rice is a heartier,
salmon with many vitamins and minerals: fiberpacked
pineapple salsa. Calcium. Iron. And the
alternative to less-thansuper
salmon is high in vitamin B
(GF) white rice. Brown rice is a
and potassium. low-energy-density food,
meaning it's heavy and filling
but low in calories. Salmon
Provide healthy omega-3 fat.
Tuna cucumber Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Tuna helps to reduce Omega 6
And cucumber has high fatty, Which reduces
wrap. (GF)
nutrients and low on calories, unnecessary fat. And cucumber
it helps to aid in weight loss,
has nutrias and low calories.
may lower blood sugar.
Spaghetti with lean It’s low on sodium and It's low a fat dish with a lot of
cholesterol-free and it's good
meatballs. (GF) protein.
for a balanced diet. And Lean
meats are a good source of
protein and have fewer
calories than non-lean
Mushrooms Mushrooms are rich in B Mushrooms. They're fat-free,
vitamins: riboflavin, niacin, low-sodium, low-calorie, and
Bolognese. (GF)
and pantothenic acid. And

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Niacin helps to keep the

digestive system and
maintain healthy skin.
lemon Chicken a very high protein content, Chicken marinated with lemon
which plays a very important and olive oil and toast with dried
and lentil salad(GF)
role in sustaining our herbs to have low-fat chicken,
muscles and helps to lose with lentils that are low on
weight, and immunity boost.
And lentils are low in calories.
calories, rich in iron and
folate, and an excellent
source of protein.
Wild rice and Mushrooms are rich in B Wild rice packs in 7 grams of
mushroom vitamins: riboflavin, niacin, protein and only 0.6 grams of
and pantothenic acid. And
Niacin helps to keep the fat, and mushrooms are fatfree.
digestive system and
maintain healthy skin, Wild
rice is a wonderfully
balanced food source,
providing a healthy mix of
protein and fiber, and it's also
relatively low in calories.
Lentil meatballs Lentil meatballs pack Lentil meatballs contain
with fresh tomato healthpromoting essential vitamins and minerals
polyphenols and with less than a gram of fat.
sauce. (GF)
may reduce several heart
disease risk factors. They're Perfect for a low-fat diet
easily cooked.

Describe how this menu/meal plan includes variety. How have you included a combination of foods to
meet the macro and micro nutrient requirements of your customer/s?

This meal plan is low-Fat so we try to reduce a lot of products that contain Fat, calories
butgive other nutrients. Ex:- Proteins, vitamins, Niacin to many more to make it a well-
balanced menu.

Describe how the combination of dishes or foods that you have chosen will promote the good health
of the customer/s identified in Step 2. How have you selected dishes specific to their needs which will
reduce the incidence of diet related health or wellbeing problems?

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In this menu plan, we include tuna salad and a salmon dish that reduces omega 6 that helps
to weight loss and lowering blood sugar.

Describe how you have ensured that your menu/meal plan provides sufficient choice to your

In this meal plan, customers have all kinds of choices such from 2 types of meats (seafood)
to vegetarian/ vegan dishes to accommodated different types of customer needs and most
of the dishes are (GF) some of the dishes are customizable for whatever customer needs.

Food preparation/cooking methodology

Document the food preparation or cooking method for each dish or item on the menu or meal plan to
maximise the nutritional values of the food. Explain your choices. Use correct culinary terminology.

Name of dish Ingredients preparation

Oatmeal with 1. Pack of oatmeal Put oatmeal on a small
banana and orange
2. 1 banana serving ball and garnish with
juice. (GF)
3. 10g berries sliced banana
4. 100ml fresh orange With a side of orange juice
Tuna Salad 1. 425g canned tuna Put the tuna, capsicum,
Sandwich(lettuce, 2. 75g capsicum onion, celery, and parsley in
tomato, light mayo)
chopped a medium bowl, mix them.
3. 1 green onion Put the mayonnaise, lemon
sliced juice, and dijon mustard in a
4. 150g, stalk celery, small bowl, mix them with a
chopped finely small spoon. Add the
5. 1 teaspoon parsley, mayonnaise mixture to the
finely chopped tuna mixture, stir to mix
6. 1/2 cup (150g) them.
mayonnaise Spread the tuna mixture over
7. 2 teaspoon lemon six of the bread slices, put the
juice lettuce on top, then top with
8. 1 teaspoon dijon the rest of the bread slices
mustard Served fresh.
9. 12 slice (540g)
multigrain bread
Brown rice with 1. 50g cooked brown Put the cooked rice into a ball,
salmon with rice and put the salmon on a plate,
pineapple. (GF) 2. 200g frozen soya then microwave on High for 3
beans mins or until cooked through.
3. 2 salmon fillets Allow cooling slightly,
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4. 4 tsp soy sauce Gently fold the cucumber,

5. 1 cucumber diced spring onions, and salmon into
6. Spring onion sliced the rice. In a separate bowl,
7. 1tps lime zest mix the lime zest, and soy,
pour over the rice before
Tuna cucumber 1. 1/2 can Combine tuna, mayo, onion,
wrap. (GF) and garlic powder in a small
tuna in
water bowl. Lay wrap on a plate and
2. 1 Tbsp Light mayonnaise arrange cucumbers in the
center of wrap for easy rolling.
3. 1 tbsp chopped yellow onion
Add tuna mixture to the center
4. 4-5 slices
of the wrap. Roll in one end,
cucumber then roll once. Fold in the
5. Wheat opposite end to "seal" then
Wrap finish rolling to close

Spaghetti with lean 1. 1 pack of lean Cooked the lean meatballs

meatballs. (GF)
turkey mixed with Italian seasoned,
meatballs Cook spaghetti according to
2. (about 15 mini package directions. Heat the
peppers) spaghetti sauce in a large
3. 3/4 cup Italian saucepan over medium
seasoned heat.
whole-wheat Add the meatballs and some
breadcrumbs fresh parsley; stir gently and
4. 1/2 teaspoon cover. Let the mixture
salt, plus extra simmer until the noodles
salt and pepper are
5. 35 ounces done cooking and the sauce
super smooth is warmed through.
spaghetti sauce Combine
(my the sauce and noodles
preference) directly in the pan, or just
6. 16 ounces scoop the sauce on top
7. fresh minced
parsley and
cheese for
Mushrooms 1. 1 carrot Peel the carrot, onion and
Bolognese. (GF)
2. 1 onion garlic, trim the celery and
3. 2 cloves of garlic roughly chop. Pulse it all in a
4. 1 stick of celery food processor, until finely
5. olive oil chopped.
6. 2 fresh bay leaves Heat a good splash of oil in
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7. ½ a bunch of fresh thyme a

8. 4 large portobello large saucepan over a
mushrooms medium heat. Add the
9. 100 g dried Puy chopped veg mixture and
lentils bay leaves, pick in the
10. 2 tablespoons thyme
tomato puree leaves and cook, stirring, for
11. 400 ml of organic about 10 minutes or until
vegetable stock soft.
12. 1 x 400 g tin of Blitz the mushrooms in the
plum tomatoes food processor until finely
13. ½ a bunch of fresh chopped. Add to the pan
baby basil and
14. Parmesan cheese cook for 3 minutes, until
Stir in the lentils, tomato
puree and stock, and squish
in the plum tomatoes.
Season, reduce the heat to
low and pop a lid on. Cook,
stirring occasionally, for 30
minutes, or until the lentils
are tender.
When the lentils are almost
done, cook the pappardelle
according to the packet
instructions, until al dente.
Drain the pasta and stir it
through the bolognese
sauce. Pick the basil leaves
and sprinkle over the
bolognese with a good
grating of Parmesan to
lemon Chicken 1. 1 x 1.6 kg 1. Preheat the oven to
and lentil salad(GF)
whole freerange 200ºC/400ºF/gas 5.
chicken 2. Finely slice and
2. 1 lemon arrange the lemon in
3. olive oil a double layer down
4. 150 g cooked the middle of a
lentils roasting tin. Set the
5. 4 handfuls of chicken on top,
baby Swiss making sure all the
chard or other lemon is covered.
small leaves Season the chicken
Dressing skin and drizzle with
6. 3 tablespoons olive oil.

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Capers 3. Roast in the oven for

7. ½ a lemon 15 minutes, then
8. extra virgin lower the temperature to
olive oil 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4
9. 3 tablespoons and continue cooking
thick Greekstyle for 50 minutes, or
yogurt until the chicken’s
juices run clear when
the thickest part of
the thigh is pierced
with a skewer.
4. Leave to rest for 10
to 15 minutes.
5. Shred the meat from
the chicken and, in a
large bowl, toss with
the lemon slices,
lentils and leaves.
6. Chop the capers and
mix with the lemon
juice, 3 tablespoons
of extra virgin olive
oil, and the yogurt,
then drizzle over the
salad and serve.
Wild rice and 1. Garlic 1 whole 1. Heat 1 tsp oil in a pan
mushroom and fry the shallots
2. olive oil until soft. Add the wine
3. shallots 4, and simmer until
reduced by half, then
finely diced
stir in the wild rice mix
4. white wine
and half the thyme.
125ml Add the stock 1/3 at a
5. wild rice mix time, stirring often.
300g After 20 minutes and
6. thyme 2 sprigs, about 2/3 of the stock
leaves picked has been stirred in, add
7. vegetable stock the arborio and cook
2 liters, heated for a further 20
8. arborio rice minutes, or until the
100g rice is tender. Add a
little water if all the
9. mixed
stock has been
absorbed, but the rice
200g, cleaned isn’t cooked.
and sliced 2. Fry the mushrooms in 1
10. low-fat creme tsp oil for 5-10 minutes
fraiche 2 tbsp until golden and
tender. Season and add

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the remaining thyme

3. Stir the mushrooms
and creme fraiche
through the risotto.
Squeeze the garlic
cloves out of their skins
and stir through to
Lentil meatballs 1. 2 tablespoons Preheat oven to 190˚C
with fresh tomato Heat a large pan over
olive oil, plus 1
sauce. (GF)
tsp, divided medium heat then add 1
2. 3 cloves garlic, tablespoon of olive oil,
minced shallot, and garlic and saute
3. 1 shallot, for 2-3 minutes, or until
minced slightly golden brown then
4. 1 ½ cups green remove from heat.
lentil (300 g), To a food processor, add
cooked the
5. 1 egg garlic and shallot, lentils,
6. 1 tablespoon egg, 1 teaspoon of olive oil,
tomato paste tomato paste, parsley,
7. ¼ cup fresh Parmesan, bread crumbs,
Italian parsley Italian seasonings, salt, and
8. ⅓ cup grated pepper, and pulse, mixing
parmesan until just combined.
cheese (35 g) Put the mixture in a
9. 1 tablespoon medium-sized bowl
whole-wheat Carefully form into balls and
breadcrumbs Bake for 10-15 minutes.
10. 1 ½ tablespoon And served with tomato
Italian sauce
11. salt, to taste
12. pepper, to taste

Discuss your potential menu/meal plan with a colleague (for the purposes of this assessment, that
might be another person from the group that you work with in your training kitchen). Describe your
discussion – what feedback did the person you met with provide? Did they give you ideas about how
your menu/meal plan could be improved? Did you incorporate their feedback and how? If you didn’t
take their advice on board, why not?

After consultation with colleagues, we made some adjustments for the menu such as add
dished that can be customizable. So we can accommodate vegetarian or vegan and GF

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Document your final menu/meal plan

Document your final menu/meal plan. Ensure that you use correct culinary terminology.

Use Excel, an equivalent spreadsheet package or specialised software package to cost each menu
item by:

 itemising the components of each dish on the menu

 calculating the expenditure items to determine the production costs (expenditure items should
include ingredients, labour, operational costs of the kitchen, wastage)

 calculating portion yields and costs

 assessing the cost-effectiveness of proposed dishes against budgetary constraints and choose
products that provide high yield.
Don’t forget to attach your costings spreadsheets when you submit your work.
The name of the costing file for this menu is: __________________________________________

Gathering feedback
Gather at least two types of feedback from your customer group about this menu. You must select the
two feedback methods from this list:
Feedback types

 customer satisfaction discussions with:

o customers

o employees during the course of each business day

o customer surveys

 improvements suggested by:

o customers

o managers

o peers

o staff

o supervisors

o suppliers

 regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions

 satisfaction discussions with:

o customers

o allied health professionals

o dietitians

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o medical specialists

 seeking staff suggestions for menu items.

Describe how you gathered feedback on this menu. What method did you use? What feedback did
you gather? How did you incorporate the feedback? Summarise the changes that you made.

I gathered feedback from colleges(word of mouth) of workplace what kind of change should
I made and what kinda dishes should I implement to the menu, as for customers we have
done a quick survey asking what kinda thought they have for this menu plan, and how we
can change it make overall a better meal plan.
And by getting feedback from customers and employees we changed a couple of dishes to
their needs.
Ex:- Customers would like us to include seafood on the menu so we discussed with our
colleagues and included 2 seafood dishes on the menu.

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Menu/Meal plan

o Menu 1 o Menu 3 o Menu 5

o Menu 2 o Menu 4 o Menu 6

Special dietary requirements

This menu caters for the following special dietary requirements:


List the dishes/meals for this meal plan/menu. Explain your rationale for selecting each menu item –
what are its merits?How does each dish address the special dietary requirements of the customer?

Name of dish Rationale/merits How does the dish meet

customer needs?

Fruits are an excellent Fruits are just plant base and

Slice Fruit plate
source of essential no animal product contains
vitamins and minerals, it.
and they are high in fiber.
Fruits also provide a wide
range of health-boosting
antioxidants. Eating a diet
high in fruits can reduce a
person's risk of developing
heart disease, cancer,
inflammation, and
Whole grain Whole-grain pasta is Whole grain pasta is made
pasta typically high in fiber, out of grain that is not as
with lentil manganese, selenium, highly processed as normal
Lentil meatballs They pack flour that’s gives more flavor
health-promoting and texture, and lentil
polyphenols and may meatballs are made of a
reduce several heart plant base that gives rich in
nutrition and flavorful.
disease risk factors.
Cauliflower and Support a healthy heart. A healthy dish that contains
chickpea tacos Cauliflower is a plant-based products that
heartfriendly have all sorts of health
with guacamole.
vegetable. And benefits.
supports healthy brain
function. And chickpea
tacos rich source of
vitamins, minerals, and
fiber, chickpeas may offer

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a variety of health
benefits, such as
improving digestion,
aiding weight
Baked tofu with Tofu is a good source of Tofu and red cabbage
sauteed red protein and contains all provide a good combination
cabbage, Brussels nine essential amino acids. of nutrition.
It is also a valuable plant And the customer can
source of iron and calcium change the way tofu is made
and the minerals such as garlic and ginger
manganese, and Red tofu.
cabbage has a good mix of
vitamins and minerals
Mediterranean It contains zucchini, red The Mediterranean warp
capsicum vegan mayo, also a highly customizable
vegetable Wrap
spinach, pumpkin dish that customers can add
sundried more vegetables or cut if
tomato that they want.
Naturally low in fat and
Sweet potato Highly Nutritious. Sweet Patty made out of sweet
potatoes are a great potato that contain herbs
veggie burger
source of fiber, vitamins, and lentils give rich flower
and minerals. Promote and fully vegan.
Gut Health.
Garlic ginger tofu Tofu is a good source of Tofu is a plant-based product
with fried protein and contains all that can be cooked in all
nine essential amino acids. sorts of different ways and
It is also a valuable plant has good nutrition and fried
source of iron and calcium veggies such as carrots,
and the minerals beans, pumpkin, spinach
manganese, and the provide a well-balanced dish.
veggies are naturally low
in fat and calories.
Coconut chia The protein is high quality This dish is provided as a
pudding with and helps repair and build dessert that is completely
homemade muscles, the calcium is made of plants and high on
good for happy bones and
granola. protein and calcium.
teeth, granola Improves
blood pressure.
Almonds contain lots of Fruit salad that contains
Almonds fruit.
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healthy fats, fiber, protein, almonds. Kiwi, fresh

magnesium, and vitamin pineapple, berries and
E. The health benefits of grapes, provide flavor and
almonds include lower nutrition.
blood sugar levels,
reduced blood pressure,
and lower cholesterol
levels, and help to
friendly food and
have been linked to lower
cholesterol levels and
improved eye health.

Describe how this menu/meal plan includes variety. How have you included a combination of foods to
meet the macro and micro nutrient requirements of your customer/s?

This meal plan is made for vegan customers and all the dishes are plant-based and provide
Macronutrients such as protein and carbs. And also give Micronutrients like Vitamins and fiber and
magnesium. Overall well balanced highly customizable menu.

Describe how the combination of dishes or foods that you have chosen will promote the good health
of the customer/s identified in Step 2. How have you selected dishes specific to their needs which will
reduce the incidence of diet related health or wellbeing problems?

In this menu plan, w added a lot of fruits and nuts that provide nutrients that lower
cholesterols and improve the overall health of the body.

Describe how you have ensured that your menu/meal plan provides sufficient choice to your

In this meal plan,the most ofthe dishes is plant based and no animal product has been used,
and a wide range of dishes provide different nutrition values.

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Food preparation/cooking methodology

Document the food preparation or cooking method for each dish or item on the menu or meal plan to
maximise the nutritional values of the food. Explain your choices. Use correct culinary terminology.

Name of dish Ingrediants preparation

Slice Fruit plate 19. 1 mango Wash all the fruit well, slices
20. 1 pineapple down every fruit for small
21. 5 kiwis sliced size, Decoratively assemble
22. 1 cup (150g) the fruit on your chosen
raspberries plate, tray, or cake stand,
23. 1 cup (150g) grouping each type of fruit
blueberries and keeping different colors
24. 1 honeydew to different sections
melon flesh cut into chunks Served fresh
25. 1 cantaloupe
flesh cut into
26. 1 bunch grapes
27. Sprigs of mint
to garnish
Whole grain pasta 13. 2 tablespoons Preheat oven to 190˚C
with lentil Heat a large pan over
olive oil, plus 1
tsp, divided medium heat then add 1
14. 3 cloves garlic, tablespoon of olive oil,
minced shallot, and garlic and saute
15. 1 shallot, for 2-3 minutes, or until
minced slightly golden brown then
16. 1 ½ cups green remove from heat.
lentil (300 g), To a food processor, add
cooked the
17. 1 egg garlic and shallot, lentils,
18. 1 tablespoon egg, 1 teaspoon of olive oil,
tomato paste tomato paste, parsley,
19. ¼ cup fresh Parmesan, bread crumbs,
Italian parsley Italian seasonings, salt, and
(10 g), chopped pepper, and pulse, mixing
20. ⅓ cup grated until just combined.
parmesan Put the mixture in a
cheese (35 g) medium-sized bowl
21. 1 tablespoon Carefully form into balls and
whole-wheat Bake for 10-15 minutes.
breadcrumbs Boiled some whole grain
22. 1 ½ tablespoon pasta and strain it mixed
Italian with lentil meatballs and
seasoning served.
23. salt, to taste
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24. pepper, to taste

25. 1 pack of
Cauliflower and 1. 2 teaspoons chili 1. Preheat oven to 400
chickpea tacos with
powder degrees. In a medium
2. 1 teaspoon ground bowl, whisk together
Cumin chili powder, garlic
3. ¼ teaspoon garlic powder, onion powder,
powder cumin, salt,
4. ¼ teaspoon onion lime juice, olive oil,
powder and water. Stir in
5. 1 teaspoon of sea chickpeas and
salt cauliflower florets.
6. 1 tablespoon fresh Place seasoned
lime juice chickpeas and
7. 1 tablespoon olive cauliflower on a
oil greased baking sheet.
8. 1 tablespoon water Roast for 30-35
9. 1 (15 oz) can minutes, stirring
chickpeas, drained occasionally during
and rinsed cooking, until
10. 1 small head chickpeas are slightly
cauliflower washed crispy and cauliflower
and cut into bitesize is tender. Remove
florets from oven and set
11. Corn tortillas aside.
12. 1 cup finely 2. To make the lime
chopped red crema, place the
cabbage Greek yogurt or sour
13. 1 jalapeno sliced, cream in a small
seeds removed bowl. Add fresh lime
14. 1 large avocado juice and cilantro. Stir
seed removed and well. Season with salt
diced and pepper, to taste.
15. Chopped cilantro 3. Take a corn tortilla
and place roasted
cauliflower and
chickpeas on top. Top
with red cabbage,
jalapeno slices,
avocado, and cilantro
and serve.
Baked tofu with 1. 1 block (12 to 15 4. Preheat the oven to
sautéed red
ounces) organic 400 degrees
cabbage, Brussels
sprout. extra-firm tofu Fahrenheit and line a
2. 1 tablespoon extravirgin large, rimmed baking

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olive oil sheet with

3. 1 tablespoon soy parchment paper to
sauce prevent the tofu from
4. 1 tablespoon sticking.
cornstarch 5. Drain the tofu and
or arrowroot use your palms to
6. Brussels sprouts gently squeeze out some of
the water.
Slice the tofu.
6. Transfer the pressed
tofu to a medium
mixing bowl and
drizzle with olive oil
and tamari. Toss to
7. Tip the bowl of tofu
over onto your
prepared baking
sheet and arrange
the tofu in an even
layer. Bake for 25 to
30 minutes
8. Preheat pan add oil
and sliced cabbaged
and brussels sprouts
and salt and pepper
9. Take out the tofu
from the over put
that into the mixture
of cabbage and
Brussel sprouts
mixed it
10.Serve hot.
Mediterranean 12. 1/2 teaspoon olive 7. in a small pan, heat
vegetable Wrap
oil oil over medium-low
13. 1-inch slice red heat. Thinly slice red
onion onion, bell
14. 1/2 medium red pepper, and zucchini.
bell pepper Add to skillet and
15. 1/2 small zucchini saute, stirring, until
16. 2 whole-grain soft, about 5
wraps or tortillas minutes.
17. 1/4 cup hummus 8. In a separate span,
18. 1/2 cup baby heat wrap
spinach 9. Spread half of the
19. 2 tablespoon feta hummus down the
cheese, crumbled middle of each wrap.

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20. 1 teaspoon dried Divide spinach

oregano between wraps, then
21. 1 tablespoon sliced top with sauteed
black olives

Sweet potato 1. 2 cups mashed 1. Preheat the oven to

veggie burger
sweet potato 204 C Bake sweet
2. Olive oil 1 – 1 1/2 potato for 30 mint.
cups 2. Take out the sweet
3. 1 cup cooked potato mash it in a
salted black beans bowl
4. 1/2 cup finely 3. Add rice, black beans,
diced green onion onions + spices
5. 1/2 cup walnut or 4. Mix all together
pecan meal 5. Mold it into small
6. 1/2 tsp ground patties and
cumin 6. Bake for another
7. 1 tsp smoked 10mint
paprika1/4 tsp 7. Take the vege burger
each salt and buns and toast both
pepper sides use put vegan
mayo on the bottom
and lettuce tomato
and sweet potato
patty severd hot.
Garlic ginger tofu 1. 1 block (12 to 15 1. Preheat the oven to
with fried veggies.
ounces) organic 400 degrees
extra-firm tofu Fahrenheit and line a
2. 1 tablespoon extravirgin large, rimmed baking
olive oil sheet with
3. 1 tablespoon soy parchment paper to
sauce prevent the tofu from
4. 1 tablespoon sticking.
cornstarch 2. Drain the tofu and
or arrowroot use your palms to
starch gently squeeze out
5. 1tps garlic some of the water.
6. 1tps ginger Slice the tofu.
7. Disced carrots 3. Transfer the pressed
8. Diced broccoli tofu to a medium
9. Diced pumpking mixing bowl and
drizzle with olive oil
4. Tip the bowl of tofu
over onto your
prepared baking
sheet and arrange

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the tofu in an even

layer. Bake for 25 to
30 minutes
5. Preheat pan add oil
and diced carrots,
broccoli, pumpkin,
and add salt and
6. Take out the tofu
from the over put
that into the mixture
of diced carrots,
broccoli, pumpkin
mixed it
7. Serve hot.
Coconut chia 1. 1/4 cup chia seeds 7. Serve hot.
pudding with Coconut chia
2. 2 tbsp shredded
homemade pudding with
granola. unsweetened
coconut granola.
3. 1 & 1/4 cup light 1. 1/4 cup chia seeds
coconut milk 2. 2 tbsp shredded
4. 1 tsp vanilla extract unsweetened
5. 2 tbsp maple syrup coconut
3. 1 & 1/4 cup light
coconut milk
4. 1 tsp vanilla extract
5. 2 tbsp maple syrup
1. Mix all the
ingredients together
in a bowl.
2. Let sit on the counter
for 10 minutes,
stirring it every 2-3
3. Cover and place in
the fridge to firm up
for 1-2 hours
4. And serve
Almonds fruit salad. 1. 1 1/4 cup sugar, 1. Caramelize the nuts
divided Add the remaining ¾
2. 2 tablespoons cup sugar and
lemon juice enough water for it
3. 2 teaspoons grated to look like wet sand.
lemon zest Cook over medium
4. 1 cup Sliced heat until the sugar
Almonds (4 caramelizes and
ounces) browns, 5-8 minutes.
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5. 1 teaspoon ground Add the almonds and

Ginger 6. 1 pinch of salt carefully stir to coat
7. 2 pints caramelized sugar.
blackberries Season with the
8. 2 pints raspberries ground ginger and a
9. 2 slices apples pinch of salt. Transfer
10. 1-pint sorbet to a baking sheet to
11. 1/4 cup small basil cool and harden.
leaves When hard, bread
into bite-size pieces.
2. Toss the blackberries,
raspberries and apple
slices with the lemon
syrup in a large bowl.
Refrigerate until
ready to serve. The
colder the fruit, the
better. When ready
to serve, top with the
almonds brittle, a ¼
cup scoop of
raspberry sorbet and
the basil leaves.
Serve immediately.

Discuss your potential menu/meal plan with a colleague (for the purposes of this assessment, that
might be another person from the group that you work with in your training kitchen). Describe your
discussion – what feedback did the person you met with provide? Did they give you ideas about how
your menu/meal plan could be improved? Did you incorporate their feedback and how? If you didn’t
take their advice on board, why not?

After consultation with colleagues, we made some adjustments for the menu such as add
dished that can be customizable.

Document your final menu/meal plan

Document your final menu/meal plan. Ensure that you use correct culinary terminology.

Use Excel, an equivalent spreadsheet package or specialised software package to cost each menu
item by:

 itemising the components of each dish on the menu

 calculating the expenditure items to determine the production costs (expenditure items should
include ingredients, labour, operational costs of the kitchen, wastage)

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 calculating portion yields and costs

 assessing the cost-effectiveness of proposed dishes against budgetary constraints and choose
products that provide high yield.
Don’t forget to attach your costings spreadsheets when you submit your work.
The name of the costing file for this menu is: __________________________________________

Gathering feedback
Gather at least two types of feedback from your customer group about this menu. You must select the
two feedback methods from this list:
Feedback types

 customer satisfaction discussions with:

o customers

o employees during the course of each business day

o customer surveys

 improvements suggested by:

o customers

o managers

o peers

o staff

o supervisors

o suppliers

 regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions

 satisfaction discussions with:

o customers

o allied health professionals

o dietitians

o medical specialists

 seeking staff suggestions for menu items.

Describe how you gathered feedback on this menu. What method did you use? What feedback did
you gather? How did you incorporate the feedback? Summarise the changes that you made.

I gathered feedback from colleges(word of mouth) of workplace what kind of change should
I made and what kinda dishes should I implement to the menu, as for customers we have
done a quick survey asking what kinda thought they have for this menu plan, and how we
can change it make overall a better meal plan.

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And by getting feedback from customers and employees we changed a couple of dishes to
their needs.
Ex:- Customers would like us to include a fruit-based dish so we added some dishes for their

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SITHKOP004 | Assessment Summary Sheet

Assessment summary sheet

Use this sheet to keep track of your assessment requirements for SITHKOP004 Develop menus for
special dietary requirements.

Student name:MUHAMMAD ABDULLAH______________________________________________________

Student number:ATC210150________________________________________________________________

Requirement 1 – Evaluate the dietary requirements of two customer groups

The student must evaluate the special dietary requirements of at least two customer groups

Groups Date

☐ Group 1 11-08-2022

☐ Group 2 11-08-2022

Requirement 2 – Develop and cost six menus or meal plans

The student must develop and cost six menus or meal plans that address the needs of the
customer groups identified in requirement 1. The menus or meal plans must, whether in
combination or individually, address at least six of the special dietary requirements from the
following list.

Menu/meal plan Dietary requirement Select six from this list

☐ Menu/meal plan 1 Add variety to o eating regimes:

Nacho Salad your salad with
o elimination
high-fiber items
such as legumes o macrobiotic
(beans), raw
x exclusions for allergies, contraindications
vegetables, and
with medicines or food intolerance
fresh fruit. Dried
fruit is also a high- o X fat-free
fiber add-in, but
o fluids
use this in
moderation, as it o X food preferences
is also high in
o food restrictions
sugar. Include a
protein in your o gluten-free
salads to help
o X high carbohydrate
make them a
filling meal. o X high or low energy

☐ Menu/meal plan 2 Beef Lasagne o high or low protein

49% Total Fat
Beef lasagne o high fibre

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75% Saturated o X lacto ovo

Fat 15g.
Trans Fat 0.3g. o low carbohydrate
55% o low cholesterol
166mg. o low fat
66% Sodium o low gluten
o low kilojoule
30% Potassium
1041mg. o low sugar
12% Total
o modified sodium or potassium
35g. o modified texture
16% Dietary o nutritional requirements
Fiber 3.9g.
o portion size

Soup is a o substitutes:
☐ Menu/meal plan 3
primarily liquid o gluten-free flour
Pumpkin soup food, generally
served warm or o yeast-free flour
hot (but may be
o non-sugar sweeteners
cool or cold),
that is made o sugar-free
by combining
ingredients of o type one and two diabetes.
meat or
with stock,
milk, or water.

☐ Menu/meal plan 4 Two to three

pieces (100
Tuna cucumber
grams) of
wrap. cucumber roll
contain ( 12 ):
Calories: 78.
Protein: 4 grams.
Carbs: 5 grams.

☐ Menu/meal plan 5 Soup is a

primarily liquid
Pumpkin soup food, generally
served warm or
hot (but may be
cool or cold),
that is made
by combining

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ingredients of
meat or
with stock,
milk, or water.

☐ Menu/meal plan 6 Carrot

Carrot cake 25 calories.
6 grams of
2 grams of
3 grams of
0.5 grams of

Requirement 3 – Two menus/meal plans must reflect cultural or religious

dietary requirements
Two of the menus or meal plans must reflect one or more cultural or religious dietary
requirements from the following list:

o halal o vegan
o Hindu o vegetarian.
o kosher

Cultural/religious dietary requirements Date

Fruits are an excellent
Menu 1 11-08-2022
source of essential vitamins
Slice Fruit plate and minerals, and they are
high in fibre. Fruits also
provide a wide range of
health-boosting antioxidants.
Eating a diet high in fruits
can reduce a person's risk of
developing heart disease,
cancer, inflammation, and
diabetes, and fruits are halal
Fruits are halal and nutritious.

Butter chicken is a good

☐ Menu 2 11-08-2022
source of protein, Basmati is
Butter chicken gluten-free and low in fat. It
with contains all eight essential amino
acids, folic acid, and is
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very low in sodium, and has

basmati rice
no cholesterol.
Butter chicken and basmati rice
are made out of non-alcohol
and no pork products.

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Requirement 4 – Two of the menus or meal plans must address the special
dietary requirements of different customer groups
Two of the menus or meal plans must address the special dietary requirements of different customer
groups from the following list:
o adolescents
o athletes
o children
o defence forces
o elderly
o health care
o ill or injured
o infants
o international tourists
o nutritional and energy requirements due to physical condition
o people in areas affected by disaster or environmental extremes
o people from different socioeconomic groups
o people in remote areas
o those with weight problems (underweight/overweight/obese).

Different customer groups Date

☐ Menu 1

☐ Menu 2

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