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姓名:_____________ ( ) 班级:_________

fW zhX
话题一:课程辅 助 活动 /课外活动 CCA
jF bRn
对参加课外活动的基 本 要求 Basic requirements of CCAs
学生必须参加至少 Each student has to 每星期参加至 Attend at least
一项课程辅助活动 take part in at least 少两次的活动 2 activities
one CCA weekly
pGng gU
Performance of students will be
活动表现将被 评 估,所获得的积
assessed and CCA points will be take
分将作为升上初级学院或理工学 into consideration for admission to
kCo liBng

院的考 量 junior colleges or polytechnics.

学校有哪些课程辅助活动?What are the CCAs in school ?

艺术表演团体 Performing arts / Aesthetic groups
tLng yuS duI

铜 乐队
Band 合唱团 Choir
huB yuS tuBn

华乐 团
Chinese Orchestra 现代舞团 Free-style dance
戏剧表演 Drama Club
zhI fV tuBn tH

制服 团 体 Uniform Groups
lX jUn

NCC 学生民防部队 NCDCC
jHng chB
学生警 察
NPCC 红十字会 Red-cross
shSng yuP hDn
男童军/女童军 Scout /Girl Guides
圣 约 翰 救伤队
St. John
运动团体 Sports
lRi qiV
Softball 篮球 Basketball
huB dV mX zhKu duI

划 独木 舟 队
Canoeing 英式女篮 Netball
wW shX tuBn shS jF duI
Wu Shu Shooting
武术 团 射 击队
足球 Soccer 羽毛球队 Badminton
tiBn jIng
排球 Volleyball
Track & Field
shS tuBn jX lS bX
社 团 /俱乐部 Club
zF xXn yW kP jI xuQ huI
资 讯 与科技 学 会 Information and technology club
shS yHng xuQ huI shI tFng xuQ huI
Photography Audio-visual
摄 影 学会 视听 学会
society club
参加课外辅助课程的好处 Benefits of taking part in CCAs
sX zDo gS xIng
各项课外辅助活动通过以下活动塑 造 学生的个 性 :
每周的训练与活动 Weekly training and activities
其他相关的活动 Other related activities
户外活动 Outdoor activity 露营活动 Camp activities
户外训练营 Outward bound 爬山 Mountain
camps climbing
pAn yBn

Rock climbing 求生训练 Survival training

野外露营 Survival Camps (eg. 当义工 Be a volunteer

Resilience Camp)
访问慈善团体 Visit charity organisations 本地和海外 Local or overseas
义工活动 CIP
参加课外辅助活动的好处 The advantages of taking part in CCAs
Some people think that we should not force students to take part in CCAs.
What is your opinion ?
为不同背景的学生提供交流的机 Provide opportunities for students of
会 different backgrounds to interact
培养学生的 21 Develop 21 培养学生对学校和 Develop sense of
世纪技能 century skills of guF belonging to the
students 课外辅助课程的归 CCA and school
shW gCn

xiQ zuN sX zDo xIng gQ
Promote Moulding
培养协 作 精神 塑 造 学生的性 格
collaborative personalities of
learning students
zI l` jFng shQn
培养责任感 Enhance
培养自律精 神
Enhance self-
responsibilities discipline
rSn xIng

培养韧 性
Enhance 培养组织能力 Develop
resiliency organisational
jiD zhG
培养领导才能 Develop leadership
Cultivate correct
ability guAn
value system

chKng mCn rS chQn
疏解压力 de-stress
令人 充 满 热 忱
Make one feels
enthusiastic and
学会独立 Learn to be 学会关怀 Learn to be
independent caring
The problems faced by some students when they take part in CCAs
Why some students do not want to take part in CCAs?
xuCn zQ yMu xiDn

选 择 有 限 ,无法
Limited CCAs, 所参加的课外辅 Take part in CCA
thus unable to fV wX that only provides
根据自己的兴趣 take part in CCAs 助课程只是服务 service thus unable
xIng zhI
选择适合自己的 that they like 性 质,因此无 to gain points for
课外活动 taking part in
法获得比赛积分 competition
pGng hQng
Unable to balance 比赛对手太强, Feel stressful when
无法 平 衡 学习和
study and CCA 导致压力太大 opponents are too
课外辅助课程 strong
只想专心读书或把时间花在上校外 Just want to focus on study and attend
补习班 tuition classes outside the school

Celebration of traditional festivals in school
hA zhF jiQ qIng zhX huI
农历新年庆祝会 Chinese New Year 哈芝节 庆 祝 会
Hari Raya Haji
Celebration Celebration

huD tG sAn xuQ xiDo de qG tA qIng zhX huL dNng

话 题 三 :学 校 的其他 庆 祝 活 动 Other celebrations in school

国庆日庆祝会 National Day 种族和谐日庆祝会 Racial Harmony

Celebration Day Celebration

学校 庆祝活动的节目

合唱团的表演 Choir performance 舞蹈团的表演 Dance performance

铜乐队表演 Band performance 华乐团的表演 Chinese Orchestra
Sketch / drama / play 武术表演 Wushu
performance performance
全面防卫日的表演 Total Defence
Sec One 中一课外活动迎新 Sec One CCA
中一迎新活动 Orientation
Orientation 和招生活动

话题四:学生领袖团体 Student leaders groups

学校里的学生领袖团体 Student leader groups in school

学生领袖 Student leaders 学长团 Student
zhF yuBn tuBn

学生支 援 团
Peer Support Leader 班长 Class Leaders

学生领袖的工作 Duties of student leaders

cS huD
Plan and organize different types
协助校方策 划 和主办各项学校活动
of school activities or events
成为学生领袖的好处 Advantages of becoming student leaders
学习 21 世纪技能 Learn the 21 century skills (见“做义工的好处”的说
明 Refer to “Advantages of doing voluntary work” for

话题五:义工活动 Voluntary Work

德育在于行动 Values In Action (VIA)

2012 年,教育部将社区服务计划 (Community Involvement Programme,
gCi gQ
CIP) 改革为“德育在于行动”(Values in Action, VIA), 强调价值观应
guDn chS

通过行动 贯 彻 /鼓励学生主动参与社区服务,以便学习正确的价值
In 2012, CIP was reframed as VIA, in order to foster student ownership over
how they contribute to the community.
Emphasized in the new Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)
curriculum. First, schools will give students choice in identifying community
issues that they are concerned about, and proposing actions to bring about
improvement in the community, together with their peers. Second, schools
will set aside curriculum time for students to reflect on what they have learnt
in their VIA experiences. These efforts will make the VIA experiences more
meaningful, so that students are more likely to continue their involvement in
the community, even after they have left school. Such sustained commitment
helps to build a more caring society.
VIA 是新的品格与公民教育课程其中一个重要的环节:
It is emphasised in the new Character and Citizenship Education
tLng chBi
1 学生扮演主导角色,由他们发现社区需要改善的地方,并与 同 侪 一起
Students are given the choice in identifying community issues that they are
concerned about and proposing actions to bring about improvement in the
community, together with their peers.
2 校方从旁协助学生把点子化为行动, 以确保学生在离校后,继续为社
School will help students put their ideas into practice, so that they are more
likely to continue their involvement in the community, even after they have
left school.
探访慈善团体 Visit charity organisations
老人院 Old folks Homes 孤儿院 Orphanages
登门造访 Visit the under-privileged groups
进行家访 House visits 收拾和粉刷房子 Tidy and paint the
ruN shI qVn tH yLu lCn
派送爱心礼包 Distribute
带弱势 群 体 游 览
Bring the under-
free gifts mGng shSng dI
privileged groups to
名 胜地 visit places of interest
邀请弱势群体出席学校的活动 Invite the under-privileged groups to attend
school events
做义工的好处 Advantages of doing voluntary work
qiBng zhI
或 学校应该 强 制学生参与社区服务吗?
Should the school make VIA compulsory ?
学习 21 世纪技能 Learn the 21 century skills
fSng xiDn
培养正确 Develop correct
为社会 奉 献
To contribute to
价值观 value system the society by
爱心 showing their love
培养对弱势群体 Learn to show 提高解决问题 Strengthen
的关爱之心 concern for the 的能力 problem-solving
under-privileged ability
扩大视野 Widen our sight 了解社会 Understand the
加强人际交往 Increase the social 学习怎样策划 Learn how to plan
能力 interaction ability 活动 activities
培养合作精神 Develop teamwork 培养公民意识 Inculcate civic
让弱势群体感受 Make the under- 建立一个富有 Building a humane
到温暖 privileged groups 人情味的社会 society
feel warmth
获得社区服务计划的 Gain points for Community Involvement Programme
Problems or challenges of doing voluntary work
没有时间参与 No time for voluntary 学业繁重 Busy with
义工活动 work school work
zhDn jX
占 据太多时间
Spend too much time 语言不通 Communication
chG zhF yH hQng
经验不足 Lack experience
无法持之以 恒
Cannot be
解决方法 How to solve the problems ?
zF yuBn hQ pGng tBi

提供资 源 和 平 台
Provide information 校方长期领养 School claim
and platforms for 慈善机构 charity
voluntary work organisations for
long term
校方提供培训 Schools to conduct 教导学生简单 Teach students
training courses 的方言 simple dialects
让学生参与活动 Let students plan the 让学生当宣传 Let students be
策划 activities 大使 the ambassadors
to promote
voluntary work
制定时间 Plan timetable so 改变观念:社区服 Change one’s
表,以便抽 that there is time 务的意义比获得社 mindset about
for voluntary doing voluntary
出时间做义 区服务计划积分来
work work : it is
工 得重要 meaningful , not to
just attain CIP

话题六:体育活动 Sports Activities

活动 Activities 在哪里 Where

球类运动 Ball Games
踢足球 Kicking football 在操场上 In the field
打篮球 Playing 在篮球场上 In the basketball
basketball court
打英式女篮 Playing netball 在英式女篮球场上 In the netball court
打排球 Playing 在排球场上 In the volleyball
volleyball court
Playing 在空地上/礼堂里 In the outdoor court
badminton / hall
pFng pAng Playing 在礼堂里 In the hall
打乒 乓 table-tennis
tiBn jIng duI

田径队 Track and field

在跑道上 On the track
运动员 Athletes 练习赛跑 Practice running
kuD lBn
练习接力 Practice relay
练习跨 栏
Practice hurdles

在跑道旁边的操场上 In the field beside the track

biAo qiAng zhI qiAn qiV
Practice Javelin Throwing shot-put
练习 标 枪 练习掷 铅 球
练习跳远 Practice 练习跳高 Practice
long-jump high-jump
参加的比赛 Competitions
xiDo jI
班级比赛 Inter-class
校 际比赛
School national
competition competition
yMu yI

友 谊赛
Friendly match 青年节艺术 Singapore Youth
表演赛 Festival competition
参加者的感受 The feelings of competitors
感受 原因/理由
dI yF cI cAn sDi
兴奋 Excited 第 一次 参 赛
Take part in the competition for the
first time
dAn xFn fDn cuN yHng xiCng
紧张 Anxious
担 心犯 错 , 影 响
Afraid of making mistakes that
zhRng tH de biCo xiDn jG shNu
affect the overall performance of
整 体的 表 现 及 受 the team and being blamed or
dDo pQng you de zhH zQ hQ chBo criticized by teammates.
到 朋 友 的指责和 嘲
yMu jF huI shDng tBi biCo yCn
自豪 Proud
有 机会 上 台 表 演
Given a chance to perform on stage
of ; take huN dDi biCo xuQ xiDo cAn jiA bH
or represent school to take part in
pride in 或 代 表 学 校 参 加比 competitions.

nQng gNu zDi pQng you huN tLng
Able to perform in front of friends
能 够在 朋 友 或 同
xuQ miDn qiBn biCo yCn
or classmates.
学 面 前 表演
观众或听众的感受 The feelings of spectators or audience
兴奋 Excited 为同学打气 Rooting or cheering for his
喊口号时,越喊越兴奋 Shouting slogans; the louder they
shout, they more excited they are.
紧张 Anxious 比赛的分数接近 The scores are very close.
担心队友无法进球 Worry that the team fails to score.
担心队友表现不好 Worry that the team fail to
perform well.
xiDn mX

羡慕 Envy ; 羡慕朋友有上台表演或 Envy his friends who have a

admire 参赛的机会 chance to perform on stage or take
part in competition

老师利用科技进行教学 Use of computer technology in teaching

1 利用网上资料教学 Use the materials in internet for teaching
让学生观看网上的影片或视频,然后 Let students watch online movies
让大家讨论的话题(热门话题) or videos to discuss hot social
2 与学生在网上的讨论区讨论话题 Discuss topics with students online
3 居家上网学习: E-learning:
老师把上课情形录下来,并放在学 Teachers record lessons and
upload to school website for
校的网站上, 请病假的学生在家里
students who are absent from
学习。 school to view.
4 居家上网学习: E-learning:
老师把某些课题的教学录下来,并 Teachers record the teaching of
some topics and upload to school
放在学校的网站上, 鼓励学生自主
website for students to view and
学习,做学习的主人。自主学习是 learn themselves. This is to
学校要教导学生的其中一个 21 世 promote self-directed learning
纪技能。 which is one of the 21 century
好处 /优点 Advantages
A 学生喜欢观看视频和录像,所以觉得这 Students like to watch videos,
种教学方法有趣。 therefore, find this way of
teaching interesting.
B 视频和录像是真实的生话画面,所以学 Real life videos help students
生对所讨论的话题会有深刻的认识。 understand the topics better.
坏处/缺点 Disadvantages
学生有时花很长才能登入网站或 Students spend a lot of time log on to
因无法登入而浪费很多时间 internet or waste a lot of time trying to
log on to internet. Therefore, wasting a
lot of time.
学生利用科技进行学习 Use of computer technology in learning
1 居家上网学习(在家里上网学习) e-learning
学生不上学,在家里上网完成每个 Students do not need to attend
科目的作业。 schools. They do online homework at
好处 Advantages
A 这种学习方式新鲜有趣。 This learning method is something
new and interesting
B 这种学习方式培养自主学习精 This learning method promote self-
神(自己主动学习的态度) directed learning
让学生成为学习的主人 Allow students to take ownership of
C 上网找资料 Search for materials online
D 上网完成老师给的作业 Complete online homework
坏处 Disadvantages
学生不认真完成作业 Students do not complete the
homework seriously


Is it too early to conduct first- aid course in primary schools?
zhSn dIng

比较 镇 定 ,并且:
During emergency, if adults do not know how to save the victims, if these
students have attended first-aid course, they will be more calm and :
1 为别人急救 Able to carry out emergency treatment
2 知道怎么保护受伤的人 Know how to protect the victims
3 知道怎么求救 Know how to ask for help
How to encourage more students to learn first- aid ?
1 教导他们“生命是宝贵的”的道理 Educate them life is precious
2 让他们知道懂得急救可以在紧急时 Educate them emergency
救一条人命 treatment saves a person’s life
3 让他们明白懂得急救,他们可以救 Let them understand that they
很多人 can save many people if they
know how to perform first-aid
话题九:补习风气 The trend of private tuition

Private tuition is very common in Singapore
从哪里可以看出我国学生 How do we know private tuition is very
pW biDn common in Singapore ?
补习非常普 遍 ?
1 小学生、中学生、初级学院,甚 Primary, secondary ,JC students, and
至大学生都有补习。 even under –graduates have private
2 很多学生各科都有补习。 Many students have tuition for all
3 一些学生一科有两个补习班。 Some students have 2 tuition classes
for a subject.
我国学生补习非常普遍的原因 The reason why private tuition is
very common in Singapore
1 这是一种风气,造成家长和学生 This is a trend so parents and
都以为参加补习班才是正常的。 students think that it is normal to
attend tuition classes.
2 家长或学生怕输,怕输给有补习 Parents and students feel that if they
的学生。 don’t attend tuition classes, they
cannot perform better than those who
attend tuition classes.
3 一些有学习困难的或学习能力差 Some students who have learning
的学生,在课堂上听不懂学校老 difficulties or who are slow learners
do not understand the teaching in
太多补习的影响 The adverse effect of having too many tuition classes
1 增加家长的经济负担。如果每个 Increase the financial burden of
孩子每一科都补习,这将是很沉 parents. If all children have tuition
for all subject, it will be a heavy
burden for parents.
2 增加学生的学习压力,使他们失 Increase the stress of students which
去学习的兴趣。 makes lose interest in studying.
A 放学后已经很累了,还要去 They have to attend tuition after
上补习班。 school.
B 上完补习班回到家时已经很 They are tired after attending tuition
累了,还要完成学校的功课 classes but will have to complete
school homework or prepare for tests
for the next day.
C 一些学生连星期六和星期天 Some students even have tuition on
都上补习班,没有时间好好 Saturday and Sunday and so do not
have time to rest.
D 除了学校功课,学生还要做 Students need to do school and
补习功课。 tuition homework.
shuI miBn
3 学生的睡 眠 不足
Students lack sleeping.

4 睡眠不足会影响学生的健康 Health is affected when they do not

have enough sleep.
5 由于压力大,学生快乐不快乐。 As the stress is so great, students are
压力大是因为: not happy.
The reason they are unhappy :
A 功课量大 Heavy workload
B 没有足够的时间休息 Do not have enough time to rest
C 没有时间做自己喜欢做的事 Do not have time to do something they
yF lDi xIng
6 学生在学习方面养成依赖 性 , Students become very dependent in
studies and lose the ability in self-
失去自主学习的能力。 directed learning.
怎么改善这种现象? How to improve the situation ?
1 不要对孩子期望太高。他们要了 Do not place too high expectation on
解孩子的学习能力。 their children They have to
understand the abilities of their
2 要注意孩子的学习情况 Monitor how their children learn.
1 教什么就考什么,减少学生的补 Test what is taught so that students do
习。 not need private tuition.
2 考题必须符合学生的程度,不要 Examination questions should not be
设得太难,让学生觉得要找补习 too difficult and above the standard of
the students. Otherwise, students will
think they need extra coaching from
private tutors.
3 教师应注意学习能力慢的学生, Teachers should help those students
gRi yW Q wDi de xiQ zhX who have learning difficulties.
并给予额外的协 助 。

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