Grade 11-12

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Tuesday, July 13, 2021 9:45 AM

Reviewer in Probability and Statistics:

Probability- branch of mathematics, how likely an event will occur.
Fathers of Probability- Blaise PAscal, Pierre de Fermat.
Statistic- branch of math and science. collecting, analyzing, presenting and interpreting data.
Sir Ronald Fischer- father of modern statistics and experimental design.

Random vaaribales- numerical and non-numerical (descrete). rule that assign a number to each
outocme of a chance experiment.

Types of random variable:

Continues variables- endless possible outcome (infinity)
Dicrete Probability- countable.

Normal Distribution- probability distribution of a normal random variable.

Properties of Normal Distribution:

1. the curve of the distribution is a bell-shaped. parabola

2. the curve is symmetrical about the mean.

3. The mean median and mode are of equal values and when sketched, they councide at the center
of the graph. Measures of central tendencies.
mean- average. Equivalent to median mode
median- middle point if balanced, if not balanced, then it will be ascending or descending. Equivalent
to mean mode
mode- the most frequent, common number. Location center- zero. equal to mean median

4. The width of the curve is determined by the standard deviation of the distribution. Measures of

5. The curve extends infidelity approaching the x-axis but never touching it. Thus, the curve is
asymptotic to the line.

6. The area under the region, shaded region under the curve =1. It represents the probability or
percentage or proportion associated

Understanding the z-scores:

x=raw score
looks like a u cursive= population mean
x may tuldok sa taas= sample mean
o na parang cursive= population standard deviation
s= sample standard deviation

steps in finding the z scores given the mean(u) standard deviation( o ) and the measurement (X):
1. use the formula z= X-u/o for finding the z-score.
2. check the given values; mean (u, standard deviation (o) and the measurements (X).
3. Substitute the given values in the formula.
4. Compute for the z-value.

Areas Under the Normal Curve:

Areas Under the Normal Curve:
Steps in Finsiding the normal curve:
1. Express the given z-value into a three digit number.
2. Using the z-table. find the first 2 digits on the first column.
3. Find the third digit in the first row in the right.
4. Read the are for probability at the intersection of the row (first 2 digit number) and column ( third
digit number ). The value observed at the intersection indicates the area of the z-value

Statistical Interference:

Sample Data: a chosen portion of the whole population

Population Data: a collection of all possible observations under a particular study

Sample Size: Provides number. partners. specific no.

Sampling units: provides members. enumerate
Sampling Frame: Listing of all possible sampling units. table form
Sampling tools: to obtain information on a larger group.
Population size- all/total no.

Population Parameter: numerical measures that describe certain characteristics of a population.

using greek letter.
Sample Statistics: numerical measures calculated from the sample.

Sampling Distribution:
Sampling can be done in two ways:
1.Sampling with replacement- maraming chances. pwede ang 3,4 and 4,3
2.Sampling without replacement- one chance lang bawal ang uulit.

Probability Distribution- u(x)= a1+a2+an/n- population mean

Sampling Distribution- o^2(x)= a1^2+a2^2+an^2/n -u^2 -population variance
-a1= sample size
-a2= sample size
-n= total no. of sample sizes
after that gagawa ng table then after ng table and some calculations
> here
E(x)= fractioned formed ang sample distribution table. and kung ano ung no sa dsitribution table first
row nakalgay din dito.
so ganun ang gagawin dito.
sample variance-
Var(x)= same as (E(x) may squared nga lang

P.S:population mean: no.+no./ no included is two no. only so 2.

pag without replacement walang uulit na no. meaning walang 2,4 and 4,2 ,.... etc sa sample table
probability distribution table: kung ilan ung group na nakuha un yung denominator example: merong
combination of 6 people sa sample table form therefore ung denominator is 6 then after that check
kung gaano karami lumabas sa sample data ung specific ayon ung magiging numerator.

CHI square Goodness of fit test: ( not inclded in periodical ) use in practical researc 2.
i used to test wether a frequency distribution fits an expected distribution, also if it includes top 5's.
x squared= summation (0-E) raise 2 / E
e- expected value = to mean
x squared- chi squared
0-observed value - matataas ang frequency ( total population )

e= asub1+asub2+asubn/n

degree of (freedom?)- df=k-1
k & n- is the same value. stnads for the no. of samples.

0.05- default no if di given ang level of significance (x na pa cursive)

tabular value- ung may sqr at sub2
Ho- null hypothesis
Ha- alternative hypothesis

P.S:round off to the nearest whole number. ang expected value is laging whole number.

P.S: kapag ang z score value ay nag exceed na sa 3.5 ay magiging 0.4999. regardless kung negaative
or positive.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021 9:34 AM

Practical Research 1:
Research- process in which we acquire information. defined as the scientific investigation of
phenomena which includes collection, presentation, analysis.Seeking solution. Systematic and well-
planned procedure is required to meet the need in order that information is acquired.

Qualitative Research- walang research hypothesis and assumpsion studies in chapter 1. .use words.
an open ended questions.

Quantitative Research- may research hyposthesis and assumptions studies in chapter 1. you are
giving an 100% data.Use numbers and Graphs . close ended questions.

When researching:
consider the review of the related literature.
significant or relevant to the society.
willing ka na alamin or 100% interest to the topic.

2nd Day:

Research Defenition and Characteristics

Research- an investigations, is systematics ,reveals truth ,is about a topic phenomena or reality.

Differintaite Inquiry from Research

Inquiry- is a term that is synonymous with the word 'investigation'
Research- Systematic. No baised consider all angles.

Purpose of Research:
To Explore
To Describe
To Explain

3rd Day:

Process and Ethics of Research

The seven steps of the research process:
Define and Develop your topic (Research Problem)
Factors to consider in selecting a research problem:
Research's area of interest
Availability of funds
Investigator's abilitiy and training
setp 2: Find background information about your chosen topic (Review of related Literature)
setp 3: Plan your research design including your sample ( Methodology )

4th Day:

Step 4: Gather necessary data using open ended questions.(for qualitative research)
Step 5: Process and analyze
Step 6: Forming Conclusions, Implications and Recommendation
Step 7: Reporting Findings

Ethics in Research:
rules of behavio based on ideas about what is morally good and bad.

rules of behavio based on ideas about what is morally good and bad.

Rights if research participants

human rights
intellectual rights
copyright infringement
voluntary participation

1. Failure to cite quotations and borrowed

5th Day:

Research Methodology: Designs!!!!!!

Phenominology-repondents experience the certain topic/scenario.
Case Study- doesn't experience the topic being given. Analysis
Ethnography- experience the scenario
Discorse Analysis- effect and impact of modern tech to communication skills. Face to Face
Content Analysis- mode of communication (medium) either paper, cellphone. ( Grammar
analization ).
Historical Analysis- study of the history.

Grounded Theory- based in science and experiment.

Social Experiment (considered as theory)- theory based on observing the the people's action if
something unusual happened.

6th Day:

Subject Matter of the Research:

The most importan element defines the research problem
It is usually read first and the most read part of the reasearch
It contains least words

The research title does not need to be entertaining but informative:

The subject matter or topic

7th Day:

Overview of Problem and Research

Chapter- Problem an it's background
- Background of the study
- Statement of the problem
- Scope and Delimitation
- Significance of the Study

8th Day:

Significance of the Study:

- How will your research help the society, government, country.
- Describe

9th Day;

Discussion Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature.

literature: published

literature: published
studies : unpublished work, oral
RRL: blueprint of the reaserch paper.
Significance of RRL/S: find similarities and differences.
Citing References:
apa style
march 3 and march 4- pre oral defense estimated.

10th Day:
use in-text citation

Citation References
1.American Psychological Association (APA)- for social studies. for name Batisatic,E. J. E.
2. Modern Language Association (MLA)- for name Batisatic, Edcadio Jose E.
3. Chicago Manual Style.

differences of APA and MLA:

APA- the author's name is Surname and NITIALs for the FIRST and Middle name. Batisatic, E.J. E.
- Title-Capital Letter the beginning of word. An introduction to science and everything.
-Copyright Date: written after the authors name
MLA- the author's name is Surname First name and Middle Initial. Batisatic, Edcadio Jose E.
- The title has capital for the first word of every letter. An Introduction To Science And Everything.
- Copyright Date: written after the reading material.

-we can include the organization.

-combination is total to 5.

4th Quarter:
1st Day:Chapter 3 Research Methodology
Common Research Design:
Case Study- analysis of person, groups. studied hollistically by organization.
1 month long term process.
Ethnography- study of a certain culture, also focused as long as a certain group ,values, culture and
beliefs. as a group.
Phenomenology- experience of a person on earth. as an individual.

Comparison: ethnography and phenominology

Phenomminology- Aims an understanding in depth
Ethnography- Defining, describing a certain culture's traits

Sampling Technique:
Probability- providing the theory of the probability
Simple Random Sampling- method of collecting date of every single time. Not biased.
Systematic Sampling- have an interval
Stratefied Random Sampling- same as cluster the difference is dividing the population into smaller
groups, strata- different demographic paramete
Cluster- mas malaki ung population.

Non-Probability- not providing the theory of the probability. biased.

Purposive/Purposeful Sampling- common, participants are selected base or criteria. they can answer
wit reliability and validity of data.
Quota Sampling- d na ginagamit cause already part na ng scope and limitation. quotas preset prior
to sampling.
Snowball Sampling- chain referral sampling, refer to researcher to get another information.

Instrument: used in Interview:
Semi Strucrtured Interview: interview that has a possible follow-up questions.

used of props instrument

validated survey- survey that is already made

2nd Day: examples in chapter 3

Research Methodology: Designs!!!!!!

Phenominology-repondents experience the certain topic/scenario.
Case Study- doesn't experience the topic being given. Analysis
Ethnography- experience the scenario systematic study of individual cultures. of people in their own
environment through the use of methods such as participant observation and face-to-face
interviewing. study of certain group.
Discorse Analysis- effect and impact of modern tech to communication skills. Face to Face
Content Analysis- mode of communication (medium) either paper, cellphone. ( Grammar
analization ).
Historical Analysis- study of the history.

Grounded Theory- based in science and experiment.

Social Experiment (considered as theory)- theory based on observing the the people's action if
something unusual happened.

3 types of interview:

Structured Interview- staight forwad prepared question

Semi-Structured Interview- has a possible follow-up questions.
Unstructured Interview- you don't have any prepared quetions

Contructions Instrument- interview the participants in order to obtain, analyze and interpret the

3rd Day:

ok lng na may close as long as madaming open ended questions

4th Day:

Chapter 4: Providing a Conclusion

explain graph table etc.

Sequence: according to the statement of the problem

-declarative sentence- provides a fact, gives information ( ofcourse with a reliable info or true info)

-hindi dapat nag babago ang arrangement

- up to 2 decimal

-pag nag tabular gagawing textual

-sop 2 is tabular
-sop 1 pagmagbibigay pamimilian i ttable ...
-tabular and textual sa sop 1 and 2 sa 3 textual

-tabular and textual sa sop 1 and 2 sa 3 textual

5th Day:

Chapter 5: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Reccomendation

-Parallel to the sequence of our SOP.

-curricuku vitae

Tuesday, July 13, 2021 10:39 AM


Accounting- art of analyzing financial transactions and economic events. They handle the cash flows.
Histroy of accountin:
old discipline. in italy 1494 .
Fra luca pacioli- publish suma de aritmitica,geometrica,proporcioni et proprcionita. Father of
Accounting. invented the accounting cycle.

Accounting Process:
analyzing- first pace of the accounting process. It need proofs sales invoice. (sales invoice- (receit)
help the analyazing process.)
recording- second part in which they write it to the journal.
( The special Journals:
cash receipts book-
cash disbursement-
sales book-
puchase book-)
classifying- sorting and grouping of similar
summarizing- process that involdves grouping the various accounts referred to in the classifying
reporting- preparation of fianancial summaries called financial statements.
interpreting- directs attention to the significance of various matters and relationships. it can be in
percent and ratio.

Supporting accounting decuments- transaction and economic events.

Accounting Journals- all cash flows are recorded here.
General Journal- original entry. doesn't need to sort here.
General Ledger- they need to sort out all the transactions.
Accountant- responsible for the transaction.
Bookkeeper- assistant of the accountant.

Diagram of Accounting Information system:

Business activities
documents or suipporting accounting paper
analyzing recording classifying summarizing
Reporting with financial statments

Business entity concept:

sole proprietorship- 1 owner
advantage- you can fully control your own business. without consulting anyone. Few requirements
disadvantage- you can't rely to others.
patnership- 2 owners 3 or 4 is still under of partnership.
disadvantage- you need to consult to other owners. Lot of requirements needed.
corporation- 5 owners or more.
handled by government
disadvantage- you need to consult to other owner. controled by the government.

Assets- Things that we own

Assets- Things that we own
Liabilities- things that we owe.

Double Entry System: appeared more than 500 years ago in the book of pacioli ( this has 2 or more
accounts in 1 transaction)
Value received (debit/dr)
Value parted with (credit/cr)
asset and expense are same rule - debit increase credit decrease.
income, liability, owners equity- debit decrease credit increase.

Financial Statement:
1.Balance Sheet- Asset,Liability, Expense, Owners Equity
2.Financial Statement-
3.Cash Flow- what purpose why we withdraw and deposit money.

Income Statement- counting the netloss, net gain

Users of Financial Statements:

1. Investors- determine where to buy shares, staxs.
2. Employees-
3. Lenders- check debts
4. Slippers-
5. Customers-
6. Government Agencies- determine if the companies can give taxes and follow rules and
7. Public- people who are trying to determine if they can provide something.
8. Management- determine if they can plan, organize, control and lead the people in the company
and enterprise.

Shares and Stocks:

Shares- invest/ amount of money you gain or loss after buying the products.
stocks - your goods that has been preserved.
if the you buy goods at 5 pesos and the values increase your income/shares will increase if the
values lowers from 5 becomes 3 pesos then your ( luge ).

document that support the journal- supporting paper

balance sheet- financial statments reports assets.

3rd Day:

Chapter 2:
Accounting Profession:
- The practice of accounting and auditing has grown into a profesiion. A profession is a common
body of knowledge that can be learned through formal education and with standards of conduct are
imposed by national organizations and voluntarily accepted by those practicing the profession,
professionals include doctors, lawyers, engineers, architects, accountants and teachers.
Scope of the practice of Accounting:
Philippines Accounting Act 2004 (RA9298)
1. Practice of Public Accountancy-

4th Day:

5th Day:

Forms of Business Organizations:Structure of a business/provides goods and service to the

BASICS Page 10
Forms of Business Organizations:Structure of a business/provides goods and service to the
Sole Proprietorship-simplest form of business.
Partnership- refers to an associatio of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of business for
Corporation-refers to seperate body consisting of at leaast five individuals treated by law as a unit.

Comparisons of Business Organization:

Sole- 1
ownership- 1 person
capitalization- depends in the needs of the business
lif or term existence- dependent on the owners
management structure- managed by the sole proprietorship
Profit of distribution- to sole owner
Partner- 2
capitalization- depends in the needs of the business
lif or term existence- dependents on the parterns
management structure- managed by one or more partners
profit distribution- to partnerhip based in agreement or based on law
Corpo- 5-more
ownership- 5 or more
capitalization- depends on the type of business as prescribed by law
life or term existence- fifty years
management structure
profit distribution

Board of Directors- shareholders

Liability- owe or reposibility to pay
SEC- security and exchange commition ( protect investors )
BIR- collect charge ot tax
SSS- compensations to the workers
HDMF- home for development mortage fund ( provide shelters, goods and loans)

Income Taxation
Sole Proprietorship- pays individual incoe tax
Partnerhip- partner pays individual income tax on his share or partnership profit. some partner are
Corporation- pays corporate of income tax stockholders pay on dividends received
Liability to third party
Sole priprietorhip- unlimited liability
Partnership- unlimited liabilit for general partner
Corporation- Limited liability of stockholders

Advantages and Disadvantages

A- easy to form less government requirement
D- limited source of capital, life may be dependent on the life owner
Partnership general- liable for everything limited- limited only for the liabilites/contribution
D- unlimited liability
A- legal rights, wider source of capital
D- activities by the articles of corporation and corporate by laws

6th Day:

BASICS Page 11
Accounting Profession:
- The practice of accounting and auditing has grown into a profesiion. A profession is a common
body of knowledge that can be learned through formal education and with standards of conduct are
imposed by national organizations and voluntarily accepted by those practicing the profession,
professionals include doctors, lawyers, engineers, architects, accountants and teachers.
Scope of the practice of Accounting:
Philippines Accounting Act 2004 (RA9298)
1. Practice of Public Accountancy- tax cosultant, external editing in firm or public, nag tatrabaho sa
2. Practice Incomers and Inddustry- pwede kahit d pa nakapasa, like teachers na d pa nakakapasa sa
board exam sa private lang pwede.
3. Practice in Education- they are teaching or reviewing the students to get a board exam.
4. Practice in Government- government related

Tax Services: d ka makakapasok sa BIR kung d ka CPA

Part time job of accountant- give services to diff. firms

Benifits of accounting services: heavily determinde by public interest

Independent auditors- Help maintain integrity and efficiency of the financial statments presented to
financial institutions.
Inrternal auditors- Maintain the reliability
Management Consultant- Decision- making

Certification of Accountans- you can ad value for your prefession

CPA- accountant who passed the exam conducted by the board of accountancy. Under the PRC (Phil.
Proffessional Regulation Commission)
Job and Duties of CPA:
range of accounting, auditing and tax activites. preparing Financial Statements and reports,
analyzing ledgers, overseeing accountants and receivable, and forecasting revenue and expenses are
additional duties for certified public accoutants.
Battery exam: UCC 3rd year college

CMA- certified management accountant- accountant who has passed the examination by the
institute of mangement accountants of the national association of accountants. (d nakapasa sa CPA)
Job and Duties of CMA:
similar to CPA but focus in cost accounting financial planning management issue and management

Certified internal auditor- an accountant passsed the uniform ecamination by the institute of
internal auditors.
Job and DUties of CIa:
obejectively review an organizations business processes, obtaining

Ethics of a Professional Accountants:

Ethics- moral principle or values
General ethics- guides the individual on proper conduct, which is composed by society and moral

Code of ethics of CPA:

Employee- sservice to the employer is guided by accouinting principles and the standards
Employer- mentoring his or her subordinates improves.

7th Day:

Objective of Code of ethics for prof. accountants:

BASICS Page 12
Objective of Code of ethics for prof. accountants:
Credibility- credibility of info
Professionalism- interested parties as professional persons in the accountancy field
Quality of Services- all services is of the highest quality
Confidence- feel confident

Fundamental Principles:
Integrity- doing right even without people seeing
Objectivity- fair and not bias
Prof. Competence and Due Care
Confidentiality- respect confidentiality of info
Professional Behavior- act in manner of consistent with good reputation reposnsibility for protection
Technical Standards

Prepare Biodata!!!!

8th Day:

Career Choices:
dapat alam nyo na gusto nyo i take in the near future.
curriculum vitae/bio-data- a more detailedd info of an employee.

don't use dark colors when applying for a job.

prepare interviews. shiiiiiiiiIIIIIITTTTTttttt

9th Day:

Chapter no.3: Forms of business org.

Classification of Partnership:
Marketing or trading- Partnership is one engaged in buying goods and selling the same without a
change in physical form.
Manufacturing business-purchases raw materials and converts them into finished products.
Service- partnership involves the rendering of proffesional or non-proffesional services.

General Partner- is the one who is liable for partnership debts to the extent of his personal property
afterall the partnership assets been exhausted.
Limited Partner- is one whose liability for partnership debts is limited to his capital contribution.
General-Limited Partner- is one who has the rights, powers and subject to all the restrictions of a
general partner whose liability is limited to his general contribution.

1.Capitalist Partner- is one who contributes money or property to the capital of the partnership.
2.Industrial Partner- is one who contributes his work. labor or industry to the partnership.
3.Capitalist-Industrial Partner- is one who contributes money or property as well as his work or
industry to the partnership.

3 Types of Businesses:
1. Trading or Merchandising
2. Manufacturing
3. Services

Kinds of Retailer:
Department Store: carry wide variety of product lines, like cloth, shoes, bags, beauty products, home
furnishing, household goods.
Supermarkets- sells a variety of food and houseghold products
Specialty Stores- carry a variety of models for on kind of limited products. For example a cp store
carries brands like sony, samsung, or apple I phones with different models for each brand.
Convenience Store- stores that carry high turnover goodsm 24 hrs a day and 7 days a week.

BASICS Page 13
Convenience Store- stores that carry high turnover goodsm 24 hrs a day and 7 days a week.
Superstore- larger than supermarkets and department stores have emerged.
Factory Outlets- fidderent manufacturers are grouped together in one factory outlet mall
Direct Selling- is one-on-one selling. one seller approaches a buyer.

10th Day:

Flow of Operations of a Manufacturing:

Input- Purchase of raw materials
Process- Proccesses raw materials applying direct labor.
Output- sells finished goods/product

Labor Intensive: Usually done by a worker

Capital Intensive: Done by a machineries.

Elements of Manufacturin Costs:

1. Direct Materials- materials that form parts of the finished products..
2. Direct Labor- used in manufacturing a product, charged directly to that particular product.
Normally people who doesn't have contract.
3. Factory Overhead- indirect elements of cost incurred to produce a finished product. Examples:
wala kang panghatid, pero kaya mong gumawa ng product. Rents
-Fringe Benefit- benefit we need to give to our employees.

Service Business- doing work for others.

Chapter 4: Different Kind of Accounts

Financial Position- Aka balance sheet
Operating Performance- statement of income also called profit and loss statement. Shows
netincome and netloss.
Cash FLows- shows the source of cash and the uses of cash for period of time.

Elements of Financial Statements:

Asset- pagmamayari mo
Liability- liable ka na bayaran, (owed)
Equity-reminder to the deductions of the liabilities. liability - asset=equity
Income- pumapasok na pera. increase in economic benefits.
Expense- decrease in economic benefits.

-Source of Documents
-Journalize in the journals
-Post in ledger
-Prepare trial Balance
-Income Statement balance sheet

Qualitative Charactersitics of Information in Financial Statements:

Understability- easy way to understand what is the reason of the financial statements
Relevance- connected to the financial statements
Materiality- facts/ real gathered information
Reliability- Sureness of information, trust
Faithful Representation- dedication/devoted of what you are doing.
Substance- quality of being meaningfull or useful
Neutrality- fair mindedness
Prudence- attentive
Completeness- omission- something that has been incompletion,
Comparability- ussually happened in the balance sheet.

BASICS Page 14
Balance Sheet accounts: Current assets
Cash on Hand- coins, checks, malalaking pera cash that is inetended to be deposited in bank.
Petty Cash Fund- maliliit na pera. smalls bills.
Cash in Bank- cash that is deposited in saving or checking accounts.
Accounts Receivable- hindi pera or cash on hands. amount due from customers arising from credit
sales or credit services.
Notes Receivable- by promissory notes.
Unused Supplies- Laboratory supplies, medical supplies, office supplies bought but bot yet used.
Prepaid Rent and Prepaid Insurance- expenses paid in advance of clients.

Non Current Assets: Long term tangible

Accumulated Depreciation-Building- tumataas anf halaga kada taon
Depreciated- bumababa ang value.

Fiscal and Calendar Year:

calendar year- december 31st ,dapat matapos ang transaction sa isang taon.
fiscal year- beyond the year or middle of the year natapos ang transaction half a year.

4th Day:
1st Day:
Current Asset= Current Account
-either cash or resource that are expected to be converted to cash within 1 year.
-liquid asset, can convert an object into a money within 1 year
-inventory- a merchandise that a company purchases to earn a profit. buy and resell in higher price.
-cash (101) - coin currency of a company owns.
-Cash Equivalent -includes t-bills . because it can grow a year....
-treasury bills (t-bills) easily converted to cash within a year without losing it's value.
*Accounts Recievable- accounts in shorterm, a loan who purchase by the use of accounts.
*Prepaid Expense- expensess before they were consume. Nagamit na transformation ng prepaid
*Rent Expense- rented that were expenses before they were consume
*Notes Receivable- thru notes or promissory notes.
Accrued revenue- we do the serviced but don't recieve the money.
Prepaid rent- na paid na pero d pa nagagamit na rent…
Prepaid insurance- insurance
Non-Current Asset:
-morethan 1 year cannot easily be converted into cash.
-incld property, plant and equipment (PPE). Fixed asset.
-Intellectual property and intangible asset.
-GOODWILL - intangible asset that purchasses by another company. Brand Name.
-longterm investment- bonds, stacks, notes. for the future.

Current Liababilities:
-financial responsibilities that are need to be paid by a year.
*accounts payable- company's shorterm debts that is expected to be paid in a year or short term
amount of time
*Notes payable- companies debt that is being noted and needed to
*Accrued Expenses- inccured not paid. recognise when they are inccured(nagamit). .
*Current Expense-
*Utilities Payable- babayaran pa lang. electricity bills
*Unearned Revenue- money received by customer but not yet delivered the services to the client.
*Payroll Liabilities- incld medicare payments, for staffs and employees.

BASICS Page 15
*Payroll Liabilities- incld medicare payments, for staffs and employees.
*salary or wages payable
*Dividends Payable or Dividends Shares/Declared - kita ng companya. pay for stock holders and
shareholders, because they invest to you.
*differed income tax- tax that is not been paid.
Non-current Liabilities:
- responsibilitieS that are need to be paid beyond the year.
*Mortgage Payable- liabilities of the owner to paid the loan for which it has been kept. example is
real estate.
*Long term loans- longer period gennerally morethan 1 year.
Differed Taxes- due is over but you haven't not been paid

Rules of Debits and Credits:

2nd Day:

General Journal: original entry. follow dates.

books of accounts: set of account to record transactions
transaction: exchanges of value receive and value
general ledger- 100 pages w 37 line per page.
-book of final entry.

laging una debit.


3rd Day:

Dividend - kita mo sa isang shares.

- kapag ang amount nung equity na yun is 1php mo lang binili then tumaas ang halaga nya by the
time then kikita ka and pag bumabas then lugi ka.

BASICS Page 16
Tuesday, July 13, 2021 10:24 AM

Organization and Management: (ABM)

Management- they are the ones who are responsible for the people to make the system good.
Business environment are battlefields and business organization are engaged in combat.
Page 2-8 accounting

2nd Day:

Globalization Familiar Business Term: leader/managers

Competitive Advantage
Mobilization of Resources

Innovation- a new method, idea, product, etc. process of innovating ( change )

Bateman and Snell (2008):define innovation as the introduction of new products and services.
Cost Competitiveness- primary concern of consumers. The Balance to gain profit and remain
affordable to clients.
Quality- ability of the product to meet the customer needs.
DTI- responsible for the product standards.
Service- instrinsic requirement all customers, as they need to have " What they want when they
need it."
Speed- ability to move fast. appears to be the buzz word of the Millennium. Fast-Food
outlets,internet search engines and automated.

Manager: Commanding Officers

Bateman and Snell (2008) detail functions and roles of managers as follows:
1. Planning or delivering strategic value.
2. Organizing or building a dynamic organization
3. Leading or mobilizing people
4. Controlling or learning and changing.

Andrews 2008 Flowchart for the management functions:managers

2.Organizing, Coordinating and Staffing
3.Directing and Controlling

Management Levels:Chain of Command

Frontline Managers- create and pursue growth.
Middle-Level Managers- diverse different units, changes is happening.
Top-Level Managers- set a high standard for the performance.

Selected Planning Tools for the Managers:

Simple Frequency Count- likened to an election tally, where the candidate with the highest votes
gets chosen by the voting public. This identifies the issues that receive the most number of votes as
the main or priority issue.
FlowChart- key process in symbol patterns that are easy to understand. The symbols represent
relationship sequences between among different task.
Gantt Chart- are useful for scheduling and planning projects. Questions that can answer the What
and When.
Activity Network Diagram (AND)- planning tolls used to diagram activites in sequence from start to
finish. Same as flowchart.

BASICS Page 17
finish. Same as flowchart.
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)- cycle is a problem solving model. It is also called the Improvement
Storyboard Model (ISM).

3rd Day:

Plan: managers
-Select the problem that will be addresses and describe the opportunity.
-Describe the current situation surrounding the opportunity;
-Describe all the probable causes of the problem and agree on the root cause/s
-Develop an effective workable solution and
-Do or implement the solution and Check the review the result of the change.

Terms that are now part of the language managers and senior executives in their organizing
functions are: managers
Downsizing- the planned removal of positions or jobs.
Rightsizing- efforts at achieving an appropriate size for effective enterprise performance. tama ba
nangyayari sa companya.
Customer Relations Managament (CRM)- a function or enterprise unit tasked to focus on interactive
relationship with customers. Communication between the customer and the owner of the business.
Reengineering- includes efforts to revolutionize organizational system and processes to satisfy
customer needs
Total Quality Management (TQM)- an interactive approach to management that supports the
realization of customer satisfaction through an extensive variety of tools,
Just in TIme (JIT)- which calls for subassemblies and apparatus to be produced in very small lots and
delivered to the next stage in the process exsactly at the time needed.

Types of Leadership
Charismatic Leadership:
They are dominant, self-confident and convinced of the ethical decency of their beliefs. They are
able to stimulate a sense of adventure and enthusiasm in their followers.

Transformational Leadership
Characterized by:
1. Chrisma or charismatic traits
2. Aptitudes or capabilites of giving their followers individualized attention and
3. Intellectually stimulating qualities.

The Book details- frequently-asked-question such as those on personal effectiveness,

communications, employee empowerment and accountability for management students and
practitioners alike.
by Bateman and Snell (2008): Both
1. technical
2. conceptual and
3. people skills.

Group: Going to do the action Plan ( project in org and management ) #3 (Feb.5 Due time) 3:30 PM
Research anything na pwedeng mag benefits sa mga gusto nyong gawin.
Action Plan:
What- list activities for the activity
When-schedule and deadline
Where-location for activity and/or supplier for activity
Who-person/s in charge or group assigned for activity
How- required resources
How Much-
Delos Reyes

BASICS Page 18

4th Day:

quiz: I review bagsak sa org. & management.

5th Day:

Macro Environment (PEST/EL)- macro greek word macros (large) .Political, Economic, Sociological or
Social, Technical, Environment and Legal Factors variable in the said environment;

Political, Government and Legal: based in the government factors

Changes in tax laws
Environmental Protection Law
Fiscal and monetary policies
Government regulations or geregulations
Import-export regulations
Local and national elections
Oil, currency and labor markets
Political conditions in foreign countries
Special tariffts

Economic: based in the economy performance.

Shift to service economy
Demand hift for different product and service categories
Income differences by region and consumer group
Level of disposable income
Availability of credit
Propenity of people to spend
Interest, inflation and tax rates
Monetary and fiscal policies
GDP/GDRP trend
Consumption patterns
Price fluctuations
Worker productivity levels
Unemployed trends
Export of labor and capital
Economic conditions in foreign countries

Social, Sociological, Cultural, Demographic and Environmental: based in demographic, cultural and
social factors
Air and Water pollution control
Life expectansy rate
Attitudes toward product quality and customer service
Average level of education
Changes in tastes and preferences
Energy conservation and waste management
Lifestyle expectancy rates
Lifestyles and buying habits
Number of high school and college graduates

Technological and Technical:

The Internet
- Provides decision and supporrt system
- Spurs productivity and living standards
- Alters product life cycles and distribution system

BASICS Page 19
- Alters product life cycles and distribution system
Technological environments and developments
New and improved products
Shortage of technical skills

Envirnoment or Ecological factors include:

Climate Change
Laws regulating environment pollution
Waste management
Attitudes toward 'green' or ecological products
Attitudes toward and support for renewable energy

Legal factors:
Anti-trust law
Discrimination Law
Copyright, patents, intellectual property law
Data protection
Health and safely law
Consumer protection and e-commerce
Employment law

Globalization and technological advancements have raised the concern for the aformentioned
factors in the natural environment.
Technical Skills- refers to the aptitude to perform specialized tasks involving particular methods or

5th Day:

Decision Making Herman Hess: Leaders

Identify the problem
Specify ojectives and criteria for choosing the solution
Develop alternative solution
Analyze and compare alternatives
Select the best alternative solution
Implement the chosen alternative
Monitor and Evaluate the implemented alternative

Alternative Pespectives for the Macro Environment: Managers

World Economic Forum (WEFORUM)- possible developments for the economy of a country
City Development Strategy (CDS)- practices the responsibility of diff. cities to people.

Departments of the National Government: Both

DTI- checks quality and price of the product.
DOLE- reponsible for the good of employees
DILG- they secure the people, promote peace and order.
DPWH- reponsible for the highways, public use of bridges.
DepEd- responsible for the curriculum that teacher will use for the current year. Basic education

6th Day:

DOH- for the health of people.
CHED- this is for the higher education responsibilities.
TESDA- enhance the skills of individual and master them. Priorities the undergraduate.

Competitive Environment: accrd to Michael Proters

Port Model: Managers

BASICS Page 20
Port Model: Managers
New entrance- newbies
Rival Firms- opponents of the business. Industry Participants
Substitutes- establishments with faster, more accesible and/or cheaper products and services.
Suppliers- establishments that supply a given industry.
Buyers- population, wether indutrial or consumer, that purchases a product and services.
Consumers, Customer
Tangible Products- nakikita
Intangible Products- hindi nakikita services. manicure and pedicure

7th Day:

Pointers for review:

Chapter 1 to Chapter 4 pg 51-58
For ABM:
Chapter 1 to Chapter 4 pg 1-53

SWOT Analysis: identification of strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and help manage
formulate strategies.
Strenght and Weaknessses- internal.
- Presence of skilled manpower
- Available financial resources.
- New and Modern Equipment
- Lack of reliable resources/suppliers.
- Limited mangerial techniques.
- Limited service capability
Opportunities and Threats- external.
- Increase in consumption patterns.
- Increasing Disposable Income
- Increase in population
- Imposition of VAT.
- Change in tastes and preferences.
- Decreasing disposable income.

8th Day:


9th Day:

Planning and Decision-Making: Leader

General Decision-Making Stages:

Identifying and Diagnosing the problem
Generating the alternative Solution
Evaluating Alternatives
Making the choices

Specific Formal Planning Steps: Manager

Situational Analysis

BASICS Page 21
Situational Analysis
Alternative Goals and Plans
Goal and Plan evaluation
Monitor and Control

Situational Analysis- needs the gathering interpretation and summary or relevation. Frequency
Counts, Flow Charts
Alternative Goals and Plans- this involves the generation of choices and options for identified
Goals- plan evaluation involves rhe assesment of advantages and disadvantages of each goal.
- If theres a lot of option you will have a hard time to choose ( Hick's Law )
Strategic Management Model by David (2002)
Establishment of mission, vision and goals
-Analysis of Internal strenght
-Analysis of externel opportunities and threats
Swot analysis and strategy formulation
Strategy Implementation
Strategic Control

Vision- a thing that we want to have.

Visionaries- they were able to visualize the future of their companies.
- Mark Zuckerberg
= Born May 14, 1984 in white plains new york
= Edward Zuckerberg is his Father who ran dental Karen worked as a psychiartrist.
-Bill Gates
=Parents: William H Gates Sr. & Mary Maxwell Gates
= co-founder of bill gates Paul Allen
-Walt Disney

Strategies Universal to Organization (pg. 33)

1. Concentration- organization taht stays in a single sector or industry.
2. Vertical Integration- expansion of an organization along the vertical line-backward, to its suppliers,
forward, to its buyers. this is a process of selling a product.
3.Concentric Diversification- branching products to your main products.

10th Day:

Strategy Map Figure 3.4 Manager

Long-term value- goal of the entire enterprise.
Revenue Growth- strategic planning goal set by top-level managers. 3-7 year period. Financial Goal.
Operational Excellence- Customer Goal. 1-2 year period. Echieved in 1-2 time period and further
than that is lesser meeting.
Innovation-Internal Goal. short period. helps us to stay our loyal custoers, (business there is no
Information technology system- Learning and Growth goal. short period of time.

Fundamentals of Organizing: traditional picture of the positions in a firm.

Organizational CHart-Rankings/Position of people in the company.
CEO- highest
Human resources- handles the people.
Marketing- handles the advertisements
Finance- handles the money for
Accounting- handle cash flow

BASICS Page 22
Accounting- handle cash flow
Manufacturing- purchase products. machineries. (factory- HHAHAAHAHA)

Differentiation- can do a lot of task (flexible)

Integration- (integrate) achieved with coordination, communication and collaboration.

Vertical Struction: top to bottom line in an organization

Deligations- additional reponsibilities to a worker. Don't have the rights to say no.
Horizontal Strutures: Pantay pantay sila

11th Day:

Divisional Organization: enterprise is grouped in to products, customers or geographical locations,

maybe a better structure.
Netwrok org.- collection of independent enterprises that collaborate on a good or service.

Staffing: Suppliments
-vented or the human resource is responsible.

Recruitment- human resource. pool oof applicants for jobs in the organization
Selection- related to decision on who to hire from the pool created by recruitment tasks.
Training and Development- involves the continuous development of the workforce. Last for 1 month
Performance Appraisal- measurement of an employee's performance.
Reward System Design- which includes the plans for monetary and fringe benefits of employees.

Recruitment and Selection:

Job Analysis- procedure through which the duties of given job positions and the charactersitics of
people who should fill them are determined.
Job analysis information is used to decide or determine
-person to hire
-compensation for the job
-job standards are basis for actual performance
-training and development programs
unassigned tasks and publication of assignmet

Job Description- list of what the job entails, Job specification- list of kind of people for the job.
-List that is included to job description:

The recruitment process flowchart:

determine the job positions to be filled
build a pool of job applicants
requirement the job applicants to submit applicatio forms
screen applicants
call selected applicants for tests including medical and drug tests
short list applicants for interview
interview applicants make final choice
hire chosen applicant

Training and Development:

Job orientation- procedure for providing new employees with basic background information about
OJT-program where a new hire is tasked to learn a job by actually doing it.

in exam no need to put hypen just space

capslock in exam

BASICS Page 23
4th Quarter:
1st Day: Leading and Management
leaders isn't a manager.
- orchestrate important change effectively
- create a vision and direct path toward the vision
- empower and motivate personnel
- innovate, visionary, entrepreneural, decision maker, set challenging goals, seek followers, seek

- responsible for day to day organization complexities.
- engage in planning and budgeting routines.
- structure the organization
-organize, plan, accept responsibility. control employees and functions, set goals, motivates,

Maturity-link the will
Will- pwede na i connect sa maturityy
Discipline- pwede na i connect sa will
Coolness under stress

2nd Day:

Self Improvement
Sense of Humor
Bearing- how we talk how we act
Humility- being humble
Tact- nag-iisip bago mag salita, a person who can talk without offending others.

Different Leadership Styles in Business:

Coercive- recieve immediate copliance from employees, people who "do what I tell you".
Authoritative- firm but fare
Affiliative- people come first style, praises and nurtures members to cultivate a sense of belonging in
an organization. Emotional Connection.
Democratic- what do you guys think.
Coaching- monitor your subordiante and at the sametime you pursue them
Pacesetting- similar to coercive style, do as I do now.

Impoverished Management:

BASICS Page 24
Impoverished Management:
-low concern for people and low concern for production.
Country Club Management:
- high concern for people low concern for production.
Middle of road Management:
-balance of production and people.
Team Management:
- high concern for production and people.
Authority-Compliance Management:
- low concern for people high concern for production.

Maslows Hierarchy of Need:

-transcendence- beyond the limit,
-physiological needs- water, food, shelter, sex
-safety and security- protection
-social needs-friends
-ego- independence,achievement and freedom
-self-actualization- realizing potential

Performance Tasks:
maximum of 5 mins: act as a leader choose from the six leadership style.
sending rubrics later siguro (deadline is next week wednesday.)4/03/2021 ngayun
papasa sa ms sa sa org and management and files then gawa sariling file.

3rd Day:

maslow hierarchy of need:

transcendence- not live in the safe place/ comfort zone.
physiological needs:food, water, shelter, sex,
safety and security:protection against threars and deprivation
love/belonging or social needs: friendship, affection, belonging. love
ego/esteem: achievement, freedom, status, recognition, self-esteem
self-acutualization: one's full potential. becoming one's capable of being.

Alderfer's ERG Theory

-clayton alderfer
-american psychologist
Existence- physiological need
-safety need
Relatednes- social need
- need for self-esteem
Growth- need for self-actualization

McClelland's acquired needs theory:

-david mcclelland

Affliation- attachment, connect.
Power- influence.

Decision Maker
Set Challenging Goals
Seek Followers

BASICS Page 25
Seek Followers
Seek Excitement

Accept Responsibility
Control employees and function
Set goals

4th Day:

Control: any process that direct the activities of individuals toward the achievement of
organizational goals. (bateman and snell)
Organizational/ Managerial control: manager regulate organizational activities. to make them
Bench marks- standards.

Why do we need to set standards to our employees?-to gain more trust to client or buyers. The
reputation of the firm.

Control Process:
Establish Performance Standards: put standards in everything we do in the firm. d pwedeng ok na
Measure actual Performance:
Compare actual performance versus performance standards:
Take corrective action
Revise standards when necessary: back to first

DTR- Daily Time Record

Types of Control:
Feed Forward/ Preliminary Quality Control: foucses on human, material, financial resources.
Concurrent Control: monitoring of ongoing employee activites. Monitoring people
Feedback/ Output Control: focuses on the organization's output.
Bureautic Control: utilizes rules, policies and other formal mechanism to influence employee
behavior and assess performance.

Control Method and Systems:

Consist of standards of company:
1. Use time cards for attendance
2. Wearing Uniforms

Quality of Effective Control System:

- linked to strategy, accepted by the members, accurate, flexible, timely, equipped to point out

5th Day:

Areas of Control:
Informations - nasa taas.

BASICS Page 26
Informations - nasa taas.
Operations-nasa kaliwa.
Control System - nasa gitna.
Finance- nasa kanan.
Employee Behavior- nasa baba,

Marketing Management: functional management are the closest to costumers. Medium of firm and

Perceptual Mapping:

Marketing Management areas include the ff:

1. Product and service planning.
2. Pricing.
3. Distibutions Channel/Channeling: from manufacturer to distributing.
4. Promotions.
5. Market Research.
6. Customer Service- give info about the busines

Human Resource Management:

-hire people
-d na need mag consult sa may-ari
-formal system for the management od people within organization
-hr pwede mag tanggal trabahador

Financial Officer:
--direct charge of cash credit and accounting

-Determined fund requirements
-procures funds
-manages cash

-take care of money

Financial Adviser:
-provides guidance and analysis in making investment decision to business and individuals
-gather financial information
-assesses the economic performance of the company
-evaluates ability of companies to repay the debts

Technology Management:
-responsible for the innovation and change under technology

- Anticipated market receptiveness
-technological feasibility
-economic viability
-anticipate competency development- allow adoptions
-organizational suitability

ask sales personel of the ff:
discuss product price promotion and place
ano product
pano naging ganun ung price,

BASICS Page 27
pano naging ganun ung price,
ano price,
pano naging ganun,
bakit dun sila nag come uop ng price
paano sila nag ppromote
bakit sila doon naka locate

ask school guidance counsilor:

discuss selection and recruitment:
bakit kailangan mag conduct ng entrance exam
paano nag hahandle ng mga batang may problema (general) attitude, fam prob,
paano ung process ng pagbibigay ng sunctions sa mga batang nagkakaroon ng problema o nakak
commit ng mistake

Document the interview.

long bond paper
dealine april 8
sa mesenger ipapasa

Operations Management:
Heizer (2008)
design of goods and services
quality management
process strategy
location strategies
layout strategies
human resources
supply chain management
inventory manggement

chapter 1 to last chapter na diniscuss


With space ex: can proceed
modified true or false: type False nagpamaling sagot
walang mag sesend ng word na answer or doc. just photo or img
wag mag lagay ng _,- etc na characters

BASICS Page 28
Thursday, 5 August 2021 9:54 am

Other example ( this isn't related to the jeneral journal but it's the same context)

Is when the teacher gave an assigned task to students and the deadline would be next week. And
then a student didn't finished the assigned task but the assigned task only has 10 items question, the
student has no rights to ask the teacher to extend or delay the deadline, since he/she has a lot time
to finish the task being given.

In this example the entity would be the students since they are liable to answer the assigned tasks
and the

Because if she do it will not be a current liabilites but non-current since it's more than 12 months.

Example is jose loaned 30,000 pesos on account dated august 3,2021 and expected to be paid 12
months so jose need to paid next year august 3 2022. jose has no right to delay or defer the deadline
by a month or year since it is a current liabilities that is due to be settled within a year.

Just like what pamindanan said, in this example jennie has no rights to defer nor delay the deadline
of her contract to pay the amount, since it is a current liability that is due next year she must pay it
or if ever she can't then that will be the time a certain conditions must be met for her to
extend/renew it. There are two options for her either they renew their contract in which as
pamindanan said if they meet the conditions they can renew or be at default or also called debt
recovery wherein the person who lend money they can take a portion of your equity or assets as a
payment for your debt.

Now if you're wondering what are these conditions needed for you to extend or renewed your
transaction or for you to clear your debt. It's Quick ratio, quick ratio is the most common to
measure if a business can pay their bills on time or not, if the quick ratio is below 1 it can't pay it's
short term debt and will be a default or debt recovery where-in they take a portion of your equity
capital or assets as a payment for your debt.

BASICS Page 29
Probability and Stats:
Thursday, 30 September 2021 8:54 am

Probability and Statistic:

Probability- Branch of Mathematics how likely an event will occur or how likely the proposition of
event to happen.
Fathers of Probability- Blaise Pascal, Pierre de fermat.
Statistcs- Branch of math and science. collecting,analyzing,presenting and interpreting data.
Sir Ronald Fischer- farther or modern statistics and experemental design.

Random Variables- numerical and non numerical (descrete). Rule that assigns a number to each
outcome of a chance experiment.
Two types of random variable
Continues Variables- endless possible outcome (infinity)
Discrete Probability- countable. (The number)
Written works check laturrrr!!!

3rd Day:

The normal Distribution- the probability distribution of a normal random variable. The most
important distributions in statistics.
Properties of Normal Distribution:
1. the curve of the distribution is a bell-shaped. parabola

2. the curve is symmetrical about the mean.

3. The mean median and mode are of equal values and when sketched, they councide at the center
of the graph. Measures of central tendencies.
mean- average. Equivalent to median mode
median- middle point if balanced, if not balanced, then it will be ascending or descending. Equivalent
to mean mode
mode- the most frequent, common number. Location center- zero. equal to mean median

4. The width of the curve is determined by the standard deviation of the distribution. Measures of

5. The curve extends infidelity approaching the x-axis but never touching it. Thus, the curve is
asymptotic to the line.

6. The area under the region, shaded region under the curve =1. It represents the probability or
percentage or proportion associated
sketch a normal curve for each distribution. Label the x-axis at one two three standard deviations
from the mean.
1. mean=30 standard deviation=5
2. mean=95 standard deviation= 12

Thesis Paper Group:


BASICS Page 30

4th Day:

Areas Under the Normal Curve:

Steps in Finsiding the normal curve:
1. Express the given z-value into a three digit number.
2. Using the z-table. find the first 2 digits on the first column.
3. Find the third digit in the first row in the right.
4. Read the are for probability at the intersection of the row (first 2 digit number) and column ( third
digit number ). The value observed at the intersection indicates the area of the z-value

5th Day:

Areas under the normal curve:

nag cchange lang ng sign ung z value pero ung area is the same.

6th Day:

Understanding the z-scores:

x=raw score
looks like a u cursive= population mean
x may tuldok sa taas= sample mean
o na parang cursive= population standard deviation
s= sample standard deviation

steps in finding the z scores given the mean(u) standard deviation( o ) and the measurement (X):
1. use the formula z= X-u/o for finding the z-score.
2. check the given values; mean (u, standard deviation (o) and the measurements (X).
3. Substitute the given values in the formula.
4. Compute for the z-value.

7th Day:

Statistical Interference:

Sample Data: a chosen portion of the whole population

Population Data: a collection of all possible observations under a particular study

Qualitative Research needs only 15 to become population.

Sample Size: Provides number. partners.

Sampling units: provides members. enumerate
Sampling Frame: Listing of all possible sampling units. table form
Sampling: tools to obtain information on a larger group.

Population Parameter: numerical measures that describe certain characteristics of a population.

using greek letter.
Sample Statistics: numerical measures calculated from the sample.

8th Day:

BASICS Page 31
Sampling Distribution:
Sampling can be done in two ways:
1.Sampling with replacement- maraming chances
2.Sampling without replacement- one chance lang

Probability Distribution- u(x)= a1+a2+an/n- population mean

Sampling Distribution- o^2(x)= a1^2+a2^2+an^2/n -u^2 -population variance

a1= sample size

a2= sample size
n= total no. of sample sizes
6+8+10/3 = 8 population mean
population variance nasa camera roll.

9th Day:

Sample Size- specific no.

Population Size- all/total no.

population mean: no.+no./ no included is two no. only so 2.

pag without replacement walang uulit na no. meaning walang 2,2 4,4, 6,6, 1,1,.... etc sa sample table
probability distribution table: kung ilan ung group na nakuha un yung denominator example: merong
combination of 6 people sa sample table form therefore ung denominator is 6 then after that check
kung gaano karami lumabas sa sample data ung specific ayon ung magiging numerator.

sample mean-
sample variance-

10th Day:

CHI square Goodness of fit test: ( not inclded in periodical ) use in practical researc 2.
i used to test wether a frequency distribution fits an expected distribution, also if it includes top 5's.
x squared= summation (0-E) raise 2 / E
e- expected value = to mean
x squared- chi squared
0-observed value - matataas ang frequency ( total population )

e= asub1+asub2+asubn/n

degree of (freedom?)- df=k-1

k & n- is the same value. stnads for the no. of samples.

0.05- default no if di given ang level of significance (x na pa cursive)

tabular value- ung may sqr at sub2
Ho- null hypothesis
Ha- alternative hypothesis

11th Day:

round off to the nearest whole number. ang expected value is laging whole number.

BASICS Page 32
round off to the nearest whole number. ang expected value is laging whole number.

4th Quarter:

2nd Day:

CHi square goodness of it.

x square is greater than tabular value reject.

3rd Day:
T-test- statistical treatment. comparing 2 groups.

n=total number of respondents
d= difference
sd= standard deviation

interpretation-reject h sub0 since l T l > l t tabular l

t= d/n / sd/sqroot of n.

t-test: ued in hypothesis testing to determine whether a process or treatment actually has an effect
on the population of interest , or whether two groups are different from one another.

t table same as chi square.


before ung equation sa baba mag miminus muna depende ung ano mauuna sa table.... na ibibigay..
sd^2= n (summation d^2)- (summation d)^2/ n (n-1)

4th Day:

computed value > tabular reject

4 decimal places sa t-test sa chi square hanggang 2 decimal

5th Day:
anova- 3 or more gorups.
-analysis of variance
- means of 2 groups, mean between and mean inside.
- 5 tlaga nagsisimula.

FOrmula na SS ko!!

define k
k- no. of columns.
n- column multiply row.

complete the table na ss ko na

summation of a b c and a^2 b^2 c^2

6th Day:

BASICS Page 33
6th Day:

7th Day:

Quiz tom: t-test.

Correlational Analysis: Checking the relationship of two variables/variance

Piercing ShrunkProduct momentum analysis
Spearman shrunk Correlation

Bivariate Data: (Inferential Statistics)

-test the hypothesis
-study of 2 variables
-independent and dependent

Descriptive Statistics: Mean ,Perentage, Tabular, etc.

8th Day:

Bivariate Data:

Correlational Analyis:
-all variables are positive.
Scatterplot/Diagram: 1 quadrant
-provides a visual representation of the correlation or reationship between two variables.
Cartesian Coordinate Plane:4 quadrants

Positive Correlation:
1 variable increase , other variable also increase.

negative- decrease of one variable and the other variable increase.

no correlation= scatter....

9th Day:

sa graph pag up ang graph tas dikit dikit ung dots strong positive and pag medyo layo layo pero kita
ung increase then weak positive also same sa negaative...
sa no correlation is scattered sa graph..
remember ung graph is one quadrant lang.

Pearson R: have two variables. x and y

Formula na ss ko.

na ss ko rin ung determine the strenght of R:

null- the research prediction is not true. pag walang no.

alternative- the research predicted difference is true.oag may no. I mean ( nooo) not number.

BASICS Page 34
alternative- the research predicted difference is true.oag may no. I mean ( nooo) not number.

na ss ko ung solving table tignan mo.

n= no. of samples.

9th Day:

chi squeared
pearson r
correlation analysis (scatterplot- 1 quadrant lang)
no t-test and analysis of variance
table substitute and final answer na lang d na papakita process.

BASICS Page 35
Filipino sa Piling Larangan:
Wednesday, 14 July 2021 8:06 am

Ano ang pagsulat? ----

- Cecilia Austera
= kasanayang naglulundo ng kaisipan at damdaming nais ipahayag ng tao gamit ang pinakaepektibong midyum ng paghahatid ng mensahe, ang wika. Nagsulat ng librong Komunikasyon sa akademikong Filipino (2009)
- Gamitin ang sariling wika.

- Edwin Mabiliin
= pambihirang gawain physical o mental,dahil sa pamamagitan nito ay naipapahayag ng tao ang nais niyang ipahayag sa pamamgitan ng paglilipat ng kaalaman sa papel o anumang kagamitang maaring pagsulatan.
= pagsusulat ay isang pagpapahayag ng kaalamang kailanman ay hindi maglalaho sa isipan ng bumasa at babasa.

- Malaya ang sariling damdamin, batay sa naobserbahan, at kasanayan

Makrong kasanayan


Layunin at kahalagahan ng Pagsulat:

- Royo: malaki ang natutulong sa paghubog ng damadamin at isipan ng tao.
• Mapabatid sa tao o lipunan ang karanasan, kaalaman at paniniwala sa ibang tao.
- Mabilin: Layunin nahati sa 2 bahagi.
• Peronal/ Expresibo: batay sa sarilling pananaw. Mayroong iba't ibang emosyon.
- Sanaysay
- Maikling Kuwento
- Tula
- Dula
• Panlipunan/ Sosyal: makipagugnayan sa ibang tao o sa lipunang ginagalawan.
- Pagsulat ng Liham
- Balita
- Pananaliksik
- Sulating Panteknikal
- Tesis
- Disertasyon

Benefits ng pagsusulat:
- Masasanay mag organisa ng mga kaisipan at maisulat ito sa pamamagitan ng obhetibong paraan.
- Malilinang ang kasanayan sa pagsusuri ng mga datos na kakailanganin sa isinasagawang imbestigasyon o pananaliksik.
- Mahuhubog ang kaisipan ng mga mag-aaral sa mapanuring pagbabasa sa pamamagitan ng pagiging obhetibo sa paglalatag ng mga kaisipan
- Mahihikayat at mapauunlad ang kakayahan sa matalinong paggamit ng mga aklatan sa paghahanap ng mga materyales at mahahalagang datos.
- Magdudulot ito ng kasiyahan at pagkakaroon ng pagkakataong makapag -ambag ng kaalaman sa lipunan
- Mahuhubog ang pagpapahalaga sa paggalang at pagkilala sa mga gawa at akda ng kanilang pag -aaral ata akademikong pagsisikap
- Malilinang ang kasanayan sa pangalap ng mga impormasyon mulsa sa iba't ibang batis ng kaalaman para sa akademikong pagsusulat

Wika: magsisislbing behikulo upang maisatitik ang mga kaisipan kaalaman damdamin karanasan impormasyon at iba pang nais ilaha d ng isang taong nais sumulat.
- Marapat na malinaw, masining, tiyak, at payak na paraan.
Paksa: magsisislbing pangkalahatang iikutan ng mga ideyang dpaat mapaloob ng akda.
- Pagkakaroon ng kaalaman sa paksang isusulat ay napakahalaga upang maging malaman, makabuluhan at wasto ang mga datos na ilala gay .
Layunin: magsisilbing giya mo sa paghabi ng mga datos o nilalaman ng iyong isusulat.

Pamamaraan ng pagsulat:
Paraang Impormatibo: magbigay impormasyon
Paraang Expresibo: magbahagi ng sariling opinyon paniniwala ediya obserbasyon o kaalaman hingil sa tiyak na paksa batay sa ka nyang sariling karanasan o pag-aaral.
Paraang Naratibo: mag salaysay ng mga dugtong dugtong na pangyayari.
Paraang Argumentatibo: manghikayat o mangumbinsi
Kasanayang Pampag-iisip- sa pagsulat dapat taglayin ng manunulat ang kakayahang maganalisa o magsuri ng mga datos na mahalaga o hindi gaanong mahalaga o maging ng mga impormasyong dapat isama sa akdang isusulat.
- Pagiging lohikal
- Makatotohanan

Dapat isaalang-alang sa pagsulat:

- partikular sa waston paggamit ng malaki at maliit na titik
- wastong baybay
- paggamit ng bantas
- pagbuo ng makanbuluhang pangungusap
- pagbuo ng talata
- masining
- Obhetibong paghabi ng mga kaisipan upang makabuo ng isang mahusay na sulatin

Kasanayan sa paghabi ng buong sulatin- kakayahang mailatag ang mga kaisipan at mga impormasyon sa isang maayos, organisado, obhetibo at masining na pamamaraan mula sa panimula ng akda o komposisyon hanggang wakas nito

Uri ng Pagsulat :
- Ekademikong Pagsulat
- Malikhaing Pagsulat- maghatid aliw, makapukaw ng damdamin at makaantig sa imahinasyon at isipan ng mga mababasa.
• Dula
• Maikling Kuwento
• Tula
• Malikhaing Sanaysay
• Komiks
• Iskrip ng Teleserye
- Teknikal na Pagsulat- pag aralan ang isang proyekto o kaya ay bumuo ng pag-aaral na kailangan para lutasin ang isang problema o suliranin
• Feasibility Study on the Construction of Platinum Towers of Makati
- Propesyonal na Pagsulat- pag-aaral sa napiling propesyon
• Guro - Lesson Plan
• Medisina - Medical Report
- Journalistic na Pagsulat- kinalaman sa sulating may kaugnayan sa pamamahayag
• Lathalain- walang format na sinusunod
• Essay
• Editoryal

- Reperensyal na Pagsulat- bigyang pagkilala ang mga pinakunang kaalaman o impormasyon sa paggawa ng konseptong papel, tesis at distertasyon.

Carmelito Alejo,

- Pagbasa
Edwin Mabilin
- Lahat ng uri ng pagsulat ay produkto lamang ng akademoking pagsulat

Mga katangiang dapat taglayin ng akademikong pagsulat:

1. Obhetibo
2. Pormal
3. Maliwanag at Organisado
4. May panininindigan
5. May pananagutan

Iba't Ibang uri ng Akademikong Sulatin:

- Abstract
- Sintesis or buod
- Bionote
- Panukalang proyekto
- Agenda
- Talumpati
- Katitikan ng Pulong
- Posisyong Papel
- Replektibong Sanaysay
- Pictorial- Essay
- Lakbay-sanaysay

Pagsulat ng iba't ibang uri ng pag lalagom

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Abstrack- uri ng lagom sa pagsusulat ng thesis o report
- D gumagamit ng opinionated
- Kasunod ng title page

Dapat tandaan sa pagsulat ng abstrack

Hakbang sa pagsulat ng abstrack:

Pagbubuod o Synopsis:
= malayong makatulong sa madaling pangunawa.
- Layunin din nitongmaisulat ang pangunahing kaisipang taglay ng akda

Dapat paka tandaan:

- Ang binubuo ay isang akda
- Sino?, ano?, kailan?, saan?, bakit?, paano?

- Hindi galing sainyo or pinaka una ang info or kwento, ikaw ay nagbuo or nag synopsis lamang
- Iwasan ma bigay ng iyong sariling pananaw
- Maging obhetibo sa pagsulat
- Gumamit ng ikatlong panauhan
- Isulat batay sa tono
- Kailangan mailahad o maisama rito ang mga tauhan
- Gumamit ng mga angkop na pang-ugnay

Mga hakbang sa pagsulat ng sinopsis:

Mas maikli sa biography(kathambuhay) at autobiography (talambuhat)
- Kadalasan ginagamit sa bio-data/ resume
Duenaz at Sanz : inexplain ang bionote
- Naglalaman ng akademic career
- Layunin pagpapakilala sa sarili

Dapat tandaan sa pagsulat ng bionote:

- Sikaping maisulat lamang ito ng maikli 200 na salita at 5 at 6 na pangungusap
- Piliing lang ang 2 or 3 na mahalaga sa nakamit
- Isulat gamit ang ikatlong panauhan para limita ang pagiging obhetibo
- Gawing simple

- Nakasaad ang layunin o pakay ng gagawing meeting.

Puti- pangkalahatang direktiba, kautusan o impormasyon.

Pink o rosas- ginagamit para sa request o order na galing sa purchasing department
Dilaw o luntian- galing sa marketing at accounting department.

Layunin- ayon kay dr.darwin bargo

= memorandum para sa kahilingan
= para kabatiran
= para sa pagtugon

Dapat tandaan sa pagsulat ng memorandum:

= dapat makita ang letterhead, kompanya at institusyon o organisasyon.
= bahaging para sa/para kay/kina, ay naglalaman ng pangalan
= ang bahaging mula kay ay naglalaman ng pangalan o memo.
= lagyan ng buwan at huwag numero
= kadalasan ang mensahe ay maikli lamang ngunit kung kailangan na detalye marapat na meron itong
• Sitwasyon
• Problema
• Solusyon
• lagda


Pamabalana- karaninang ngalan, maliit nag start ang name

Pantangi- tiyak na ngalan, nag start sa malaki ang name

Mga uri Pangalang pambalana

concrete noun- tahas o kongkreto - naahawakan
Abstaract noun- basal o di kongkreto

Payak- panggalan binubuo ng salitang ugat

Maylapi- pangngalan binubuo ng salitang ugat+ panlapi ( hulapi, gitlapi, unlapi)
Inuulit- pag-uulit ng unang dalawang pantig
- ganap na pag-uulit - inuulit ang buong salitang ugat
- di ganap - isang salita o pangtig lang
Tamabalan-pagsasaa ng salita para makabuo ng salita
- Tambalang ganap- nakabuo ng iang salita sa isang sallitang ugat - nakakabuo ng isang salita
-Tambalang di ganap- nanantili ang kahulugan ng dalawang salita - ginagamitan ng gitling
Kasarian ng panggalan
di tiyak
walang kasarian

Kaukulan ng panggalan:

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Kaukulan ng panggalan:
= Simuno- paksa (subject) bida, panggalang pinag-uusapan sa pangungusap.
=Kaganapang Pansimuno-Predicate nominative. Pangngalang sumunod sa ay, simuno ngunit nasa bahaging pang -uri
=Panggalang pantawag- salitang naririnig sa paligid.

Palayon- layon ng pangukol o pandiwa

Layon ng pandiwa- tuwirang layon, sinasagot ang tanong na ano Direct Object
Layon ng pang-ukol- panggalang pinaglalaanan ng pangkilos at kasunod ng pang -ukol na para kay para sa tungkol kay tungkol sa Object of Preposition

Paari:ang sinusundan ay isa ring panggalan. Nagpapakita na ang pangalawang panggalan ang nag -aari ng unang pangalan

Pantukoy- ginagamit sa pag tukoy sa panggalan

Panghalip- humahihili sa ngalan
Uri ng panghalip:
Panghalip panao: halili sa ngalan ng tao , pinaguusapan ang isang ngalan ng tao bagay hayop atb
Panghalip pamatlg: nagtuturo sa ngalan ng tao,bagay hayop atb
Panghali pananong- nagtatanong sa ngalan ng tao bagay hayop, etc

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Literature of the Phil:
Wednesday, 14 July 2021 8:41 am

Groupings: 2 leader veloria Vocabulary:

Glee- delight
Regional Approach to Reading Literature: Slivered- cake
- tackle the Local Writers in the Philippines: Pudgy- fat
Tittered- giggle
Literature: Jerky-stops and starts
- Humanistic study of a body of literature Lopped-off-cut away
- Creative writing of recognized artistic value Éclair-long soft pastry
- The profession or art of a writer. Glistened- shine
- Published writings in a particular style of a particular subject. Cuffed-separate band sew on
Grins-smile broadly
(Unpublished writing are just considered researches) Sterling- exelent
Stoic- hardwork without showing feeling
Mac Khach- a person who is in love with literature and appreciates it's beauty Detritus
Bibliophilia/ Bibliophilism- it is the love of books and a bibliophile or bookworms is an individual who loves and frequently reads books. Wistfully-
Literary Approaches/Criticims: Eschewed
- Historical Approach- background, history Coax
- Biographical Approach- life of the author. HorseTail- plant, used to make medicine ( not proven yet)
- Sociological Approach- cliches. Standard and movement of the society Prospect- looking ahead, anticipation, viepoint
- Formalist Approach- after the structure. Scythe- long curve blade for cutting grass
- Reader's Response Approach- reviews?. To deliver ,give, come up with responses and feedbacks. All of approach is included. Wager- act of betting
- Gender Approach- femininity or masculinity Trunks- wide central part of tree, which branches grow.
- Constructionist Approach- style of the author Uninitiated- without special knowledge or exp
- Mythological Approach- myth. Gods, goddesses Despedida- social event to mark a person's departure
Slump- undergo a severe or sudden prolonged fall in price
Regional Literature: Pang- a sudden shar pain or painful emotion
- Limited in the country's local. Reformat- give a new format; revise or represent in another format
21st Century Literature: Fragmentation- process or state of being broken or breaking
- Considered other counties masterpieces or famous literature. Diskette- flexible removable magnetic disk for storing data
- Liberated / Exposed Humdrum- lacking excitement or variety;dull
Obliterated- wipe out; destroy utterly
Contemporary Writers: Doohickey- small object or gadget ESPECIALLY ONE WHOSE NAME THE

Reminiscing Childhood Memories:

Sweet Memories : Cyan Abad-Jugo

Cyan Abad-Jugo: took masters in children literature at simmons college, boston and currently pursuing in PhD English.

Lourd de Veyra:
- Musician, emcee, poet, journalist, TV host, broadcast personality and activist.
- Publish Little Book of Speeches, Insecctissimo

Jose Dalisay Jr.:

- Aninag and Anino

Frank G. Rivera:
- Mga dula
Candy gourlay:
- Filipino based on UK


Lesson 2:
A perfect season written by Jose Miguel Arguelez

Fr. Sarino

Lemon tree
- Lawrence lacambra-ipil
- Cleansing, freshness and Healing

5 sensese imagery -

Wednesday prepare a skit.

Sandra Nicole Roldan:

- She is an assistant professor at the department of english and comparative literature, University of the Philippines-Diliman Desaparisidos- missing people

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Habeas Corpus- protection for the person who are being imprisoned.
Galman - ninoy aquino's gunman
Snap election- sudden election
Yellow revelution:

Feb 25 1986- leave and go in hawaii 1989- sept 28 kidney heart and lung illness die.
Snap election is february 2, 1986
Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr.

1ST Page 41
Wednesday, 14 July 2021 10:24 am

Media: Examples of Media:

- Plural form of medium. - Books
- Tool to use to deliver information - Letters
- Latin word medius means middle - Cellphone ( old model NOKIA )
- Technical and artistic creation and delivery of information.
- Media is trying to influence us all the time. Mass Media: large amount of people can be reached.
- T.V
- Radio
Shanon Weaver Model of Communication: - Newspapers
- Linear type of communication - Social Media
- Source > Message > Channel > Receiver - Magazines
David Berlo developed the SMCR Model: - Internet
- Added the feedback ( called feedback mechanism ) - Poster
- Movie
Media: store and deliver info

- Broad term that covered processed data

Media Literacy:
- Ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media
Information Literacy:
- Ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate and effectively communicate info in its various formats.
Technology Literacy:
- Ability of an individual either working with group or not to responsibly, appropriately and effectively use technological tools.

History of Media:
Pan Cryers: shouting info, oldest media

Print Media: earliest of media types

- Johannes Gutenberg ( creator of printing press)
Motion Picture Media: another term for movie.
- Pertains to movie wherein they carry audio visual messages
- Example of a mass media.
- 170,000 picture is 2 hour movies
- Mickey Mouse first motion picture walt disney
Characteristic of Motion Pictures:
• Paint Landscape
• Telling Stories
• Being Poetic
• Being Grotesque
• Being Transparent and apaque
• Musical
• Using Language
• Using Music
• Being Epic, Funny, Horrifying, etc.

Broadcast Media: anything that uses electricity and technology to deliver information.

New Media's:
- Application of Computer, also covers ICT products or system.
- Different or new way of processing and transmitting information.

First quiz next wed:

1948, george Orwell - dystopian novel "1948"

- Cautionary tale
- Manipulative use of media and technology to keep the masses under control
The future cannot be seperated from the past
- Bradbury Fahrenheit 451- earphones and flatscreen
1984- Idea of cctv
1958- Imagined touchscreen tech Philip K. Dick
2002- Air touch dick's story minority report

Pre Industrial Age

- Prehistoric - time prior to recorded history
- Petroglyphs- images of humans, animals and geometric shapes
- Hieroglyphs- every figure has a meaning, scared meaning, more systematic.
- Alphabet- possibility of repeatability ( 28 letters incld N, Ng)
Industrial Age
- Johannes Gutenburg started printing
- Printing- mechanical or electronic process of reproducing identical writings or images based on original - in cloth they print - for magazines and newspapers.
- Louis Daguerre- photography
- George Eastman- kodak camera, film
- Samuel Morse- telegraph
- Alexander Graham Bell- telephone

Thomas Edison- phonograph
Emile Berliner- develop a sound and music recording system "gramophone system"
Thomas Edison- film, as his invention fluorescent bulb

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Thomas Clerk Maxwell- experimented radiowaves in 1873
Heinrich Hertz- study more the radiowaves ( specifically the frequency)
Guglielmo Marconi- first person to recognize

World War 1: mainstream of media is radio

World War 2: first public broadcast of television
Philo Farnsworth: uses picture and sound in 1927

Electronic Age:
- Information society
Fax Machine- scanner it can scan docu in black and white (one line) both send and receive documents

Vinyl Record
Cassette tape
Compact Discs or Cd's
Sony Walkman or Sony Discman

VHS Disc Formats

Short-Lived laser discs
VCD's and DVD's ( Video Compact Disc) (Digital Versatile/Video Disc)

Digital Age:
- Invention of the internet

The world has been shrunk by television:

Charles Babbage:
Innovation computer
Analytical Engine- mechanically solved computing problems

Allan Turing:
Universal Machine- could perform any conceivable mathematical computation
- Electronic Calculator/ Computer- use of electricity

John von Nuemann

- Stored program computer

Vannevar Bush:
- Memex- hypothesized memex which would technologize the capacity of human mind store memories and index them

Douglas Englebert:
- Invented the computer mouse

Tim Berners Lee

- Idea of WWW.

Darry Dinucci
- Web 2.0 can do social interaction
- -interaction with user and web itself

- Iphone and ipod

Harri and Henry Oines Kukkonen

- Social web- place where you can put out your innovations and creativity, virtual.

Cloud Computting:
- Enabling people to access the shared computing resources like virtual storge or third party services.

Global Village
- Marshall Mcluhan

Virtual Communities:

Philippine Media:
- Spain
- American
- Japan

Pre-colonial traces:
- Alibata or baybayin
- Umalokohan or town crier - appointed by datu
Spanish Colonial Period: Print Industry and Filipino freedom
- Del superior govierno- first newspaper in the philippines (1811)- written in spanish
- 1889 La solidaridad- most popular nationalistic newspaper
- Jose Rizal- El filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere- proved that pen could also be mightier than the sword
American Period:
- The Manila Times (1898)
- Manila Bulletin (1900)
Japanese Period:
- Media Censorship- selected newspapers were allowed to run under tight content control
- Watchdog

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- Watchdog

1972 (Martial Law)

- 1980 journalist establish press publicians… (underground media)

Jose Burgos- we forum

Felix Bautista and Melinda Q DeJesus

FILM:motion picture media

Spanish Period
- Lumiere Brothers invented the cinematography
- Carlo Naquera - cause of him the film made its way to us
- Purpose- entertainment
- 1900's- american period
- Manila Escolta and Intramuros

American Period:
Dalagang Bukid- first filipino film, stage play adaptation
Jose Nepomuceno- Father of Philippine Cinema
Purpose- entertainment

Japanese Period:
Purpose- propaganda- advocate or persuade people
Media Censorship- they suppress and filter the information in media
Dawn of Freedom (1994):
1952: Manuel Conde
Venice Italy
Cannes, France
Genghis Khan - film title (first asian film to participate in international film festival)

Studios that Produced Classic Films:

LVN Studios, Premiere Production, Lebran and Sampaguita's Pictures

Martial Law - media censorship

After 1986 Edsa Revolution - film industry became free again

Lily Monteverde's Film

Viva Film
2000's- GMA, GMA FILMS

Broadcast Industry: use of telephone, radio and television

1890- First telephone system
Henry Herman, American Businessman- first operated a small radio station in 1922 (KZKZ, 1924)
DZRH/KZRH- oldest radio station that still exists today 1939 (starts of broadcasting changed into KZRH)

Honk kong cables being place in submarine and goes to manila

American Period:
- Comedy skits
- Radio drama shows
- Advertisements

Japanese Period:
Philippine Broadcast System: (PBS)
- Educate farmers

March 1996
Francisco KOKO Trinidad
- Father of phil. Radio
- DZAQ- TV Channel 3

Robert Uncle bob Stewart

- Established DZBB AM Radio station in 1950
- GMA-7 (greater manila area radio television arts) during marcos

Father James Reuter, Jesuit Teacher

- Locally made stage play and aired it live on television
- Tawag ng tanghalan and kuwentong kutsero


= Cardinal Sin went live air at Radio Waves

Local Online Media:

March 1994- philippines offically connected to the internet
PHNET- phil. Network foundation

Aug 1994- first commercial internet service provider was launched by mosaic communication or MosCom

Late 1990's - email communication

FidoNet- people also began email exchanges

Internet café
- Philippines was named as the social media capital of the world as 2011 the facebook users is 93.9%

3 classification of Information Sources:

Primary- first hand documents, example: person and local government unit near the eruption. Created or written during the time of even t. Person who write must be present on the event.

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-Art Works
-Autobiography- your life
Secondary- interpretations and evaluations of primary source, dependent and interprets the primary source. May sariling opinion
-Biography- d ikaw nag sulat ibang tao, may opinion na ng nagsulat

Tertiary-presents summaries or condensed versions of material, usually with references back to the primary and/or secondary sources. Dependent on primary and secondary, summary of both
-Almanac- book of facts

Media Sources - any resource of info, accessible to the public

= Indigenous Source
Characteristics of Indigenous Knowledge (IK)
*knowledge that is unique to a given culture or society
*local knowledge
=- Information Delayed thru: people media, Community media
- Practice of oral tradition of communication
- Information stored in memories of people
- Information contained within the border of the community
• Folk traditional media
• Gatherings and social organizations
• Direct observation
• Records
• Oral Instruction
Storehouse of knowledge , books become possible because of the printing press
Types of Library:
= Academic
= Public
= School
= Special - serves particular group of people

-skills in determining the reliability of information
=check the author
=check the date of publication or of update
=check for citation
=check the domain or owner of the site or page
= check the site design and the writing style

-skills Determining accurate information:

= Look for facts
= Cross- reference with other sources
=Determine the reason for writing and publishing the information

Human Source:
Alternative Source:
- Other alternative forms of communication and distribution have become popular
- = social media, blogs, flash mob performances
- Downside= inaccurate

Artcile 3 Bill of Rights section 7 :

Right of people to inform on matters shall be recognized.

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Contemporary Arts:
Thursday, 15 July 2021 8:04 am

Arts: Contemporary Arts:

- Anything that stirs emotions in you - New and unusual
- Make up who you are • Assemblage
- Personal experience and meaning in it • Installation Arts
- Manifestation of the various creative discipline. • Performance Arts
- Makes people optimistic • Collage
- Help to spread message of inspiration
Contemporary Arts: Performing Arts- use their voices and/or their body movements to communicate
- Art of the now artistic expressions.

Difference between Performing Arts and Visual Arts: Music- universal form of art and defined as the manipulation of sound and silence
Visual Arts- wide array of artistic disciplines that are appreciated primarily through sight. • Art Music- western Classical Music (Beethoven)
• Photos/ Pictures • Popular Music- accessible and commercially available to the public
Under Visual Arts: • Tradition Music- communally and culturally music, ethnic music
-Fine Arts- created primarily for their appearances rather than practical use.
• Drawing Theater or Play- involves the inegration and combinatio of the visual and performing
• Painting arts
• Sculpture • Mime
• Print • Puppetry
• Graphic Art • Tragedy
• Calligraphy
• Architecture Words:
-Decorative Arts- both aesthetically pleasing and functional
• Textile
• Glassware
• Jewelry
• Furniture
• Earthenware
• Metal Craft
• Interior Design

Vid Presentation:
Prettiness- emblem of hope
- Propaganda for what is really important
- Why do artist create art
• Recognition- some artist create art for fame and fortune.
• Worship- some artist create art to glorify their creator.
• Impulse- some artist create art because they are driven by impulse.
• Expression- some artist create art for self-expression.

Art and the Filipino:

Filipino art tendencies:
• Broadest Aspect Techniques- trying to show the many sides of an object depicting how Filipino think it looks like than how it is usually seen.
• Multiple Focal Points- in their efforts to try represents the sentiments of the different members of the society.
• Highly Expressive- arts are more emphatic, spontaneous and emotional.

Tuesday may quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fine Arts:
- Most filipino is more focused on creating contemporary visual arts

- These are two dimensional form art that showcase artistic expression on a flat surface.

Easel painting
- Common painting
- Meant to be framed thru a wall after creating them
- Huge wall sized painting
- Portable mural - using bold colors
Telon Painting
- Backdrop painting
Jeepney and calesa Painting
- Repetitive pattern. Geometric and thin lines
- Combines single images to form an artwork.

Themes in Painting:
Religious Painting- primary for the artworks during Spanish colonial times.
Historical Themes- depict the Philippines historical events.

Portraiture Paintings- used to commemorate personalities and are seen in many formal institutions such as government offices
Still Life- a work of art that portrays inanimate(no life) objects.
Landscape- depict the beauty of the outdoors.
Nude- a form of visual arts that focuses to unclothed human figure.
Genres- paintings whose themes showcase people doing everyday activities and chores.

Sculpture painting:
- Sculptures- artworks that are three dimensional
Free standing- sculpture that are raised independently in their given space and also known as " in the round "

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Free standing- sculpture that are raised independently in their given space and also known as " in the round "
Reliefs- sculpture that are raised from the background.
Wood Carving- sculpture made by wood

Performing Arts:
Decorative Arts and Crafts of the Contemporary Times: (of Indegenous products)
- Used of body movements
- Pottery- art and craft of making pot and others wares using clay or mud.
• Burnay- high temperature pottery ( Vigan,Ilocos Sur )
- Carving- manipulating and creating materials by subtracting and shaping solid materials such as wood and stones.
• Bulul- ifugao's rice god/ represented through carved wood.
• Okir- muslims of western mindanao carved geometric pattern and stylized images of plants and animals.
- Weaving- art of interlacing threads or fibers to create textile, fabrics or other simliar products
• Binakol/Pinilian- Blankets woven products.
• Ikat- dyeing process that involves resist-dyeing and dyeing to achieved desired pattern.
- Metalwork- art creating and manipulating metal to create jewelry, weapon, etc.
• Filipino are skilled metalworker
• Gador- Maranaos from Tugaya, Lanao Del Sur decated brass urns made using the lost-wax process.

Contemporary Art Forms:

- Collage- method of combining images.
- Assemblage- term used by french artist Jean Dubuffet in 1952, series of artworks made from paper collages, wood scrapes and other found objects.
- Mobile- sculptural work that is suspended into the ceiling.
- Performance Art- mix of visual arts and performing arts. The medium used is the artist himself.
- Installation Art-
- Land Arts
- Digital Arts
- Conceptual Art

- Singing styles are different from one ethnic group to another.
- Americans through public school system, taught children hymns and Filipino songs rendered in a western style or beat
- Mid-twentieth-century though still influenced by foreign music eventually developed a more Filipinized flavor

Example of Musical Style in Country:

Kundiman and Harana:
- Kundiman- signifies love and affection to someone expresses personal sorrow
- Harana- traditional courtship ritual in the philippines wherein a suitor serenades his object of affection.

- Narrates event in a community

Chamber Music:
- Form of instrumental music composed by a small ensemble wherein each part is played by one player, as opposed to an orchestra.

Choral Music:
- Musical composition intended to be performed by a group of singers called choir.

Liturgical Music:
- These are songs intended for Christian church services.

- Combination of both music and theater.

Pop Music: (popular)

- Used to describe music that is readily available to the broad populace such as RnB,

Protest Songs:
- Bright light injustice

Importance of Music:

- Types and forms of dances expressed in the phil is diverse.
- Due to american occupation the beginning of contemporary dance in the country

Aerobic Dance:
- Dance routine made into an exercise program. Accompanied by upbeat music

Ballet Dance:
- Both dance and theater art.
• Modern Ballet: use traditional ballet techniques
• Opera Ballet: this combines dance and song
• Folkloric Ballet: performance that presents subjects and themes.

Folk Dance:
- Performed by various cultures groups throughout the country. Changes from region to region
Street Dance:
- Term used to describe vernacular dances
- Dances that organically within a community.

- Ultimate art since it is a collaborative art form
• Absurd- genre of modern play that deliberately exaggerates the events situations
• Stage Show -theatrical presentations of various acts and performances
• Brechtian Theater-example of modern theatrical show
• Children's Theater- plays that are either performed by adults or children for children themselves.
• Melodrama- non-musical play, intended to to elicit tears and emotional attachments
• Dramatic Monologue- type of play wherein an individual actor speaks and acts out the characters thoughts and emotions

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• Dramatic Monologue- type of play wherein an individual actor speaks and acts out the characters thoughts and emotions
• Tula-Dula- minimalist in attack wherein a poem is dramatized by a narrator who recites the piece while two or three actors provide the movement and sound effects.
• Political Theater- form of theater whose intention is to transform or improve the current system of the government.
• Musical Theater- plays wherein music is an essential part of the production
• Realism- type of drama that provides an accurate depiction of real-life situation.

Pambansang Alagad ng Sining ng Pilipinas:

- Highest recognition the phil. Government can to give a person of arts.
- It covers architectures, allies arts, dance ,film and broadcast arts, literature , music, theater and visual arts.
Criteria and Benefits for being recognized in the field of arts:
- National Artist of the Phil. - highest award.
- Given every 3 yrs as mandated by the rules of NCAA (national commission for culture and arts
- Criteria:
• The artist must be filipino citizen
• Artist should contributed in building a filipino sense of nationhood as seen in their works
• Artist should led the way in a new and creative expression or style
• Artist work should be noteworthy and embodiment of excellence.
• Artist should be critically acclaimed and accepted by legitimate institutions and peers.
• Title and rank of a national artists
• Medal bearing the insignia of National Artist as well as citation
• Cash Gift 100,000 php to living artist and 75,000 php for those who were recognized after their deaths.
• Monthly Pension with medical and hospitalization benefits.
• Life insurance
• State funeral and interment at the librarian ng mga bayani
• Reserved place at state function, awarding ceremony etc.

Fernando Amorsolo:
- Grand old man of the phil. Art
• Maiden in stream
• El ciego
• Dalagang Bukid

Francisca Reyes- Aquino:

- Dancer and researcher of Philippine folk dance
• Philippine folk dances and games
• Philippine national dance
• Gymnastics for girls
Carlos Botong V Francisco:
- Titled national artist in 1973
• Blood Compact
• First Mass at limasawa
• The invasion of limahong

Juan F Nakpil
- Designs and princples reflect his belief in Phil architecture tradition and culture.
- Architect

Guillermo E. Tolentino
- Premier sculptor and esteemed professor ot the UP diliman. Specialized in commemorative sculptures of historical figures that are monumental and grand
- Bonifacio Monument
- Sculpture
Honorata Atang Dela Rama
- Queen of kundiman
- Dalagang Bukid , Ay ay kalisud, Kung Iibig ka, Mutya ng Pasig
- Armando E. Hernandez ( asawa )
- Kundiman, theater

Leandro Locsin

National Commission of Indigenous People:

- Recognizing those artists who still put efforts to stay the traditional arts alive.
- This includes filipino heritages, vessels of cultures and cultural knwoledge.

National Living treasure:

- Legalized ( Republic Act No.7355 )
- Task- to serve and preserve the indigenous arts of the Philippines

Gawad sa manlilikha ng Bayan:

- To honor and support traditional folk art and see to it that their skills and crafts are preserved

Emblem of Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan

- meanings:
Award logo represents human firm used in traditional cloth
Below is the phrase manglilikha ng bayan written in baybayin ( ancient writings in the philippines used last 16 centuries )

The process:
1. Panel the gawad sa manlilikha ng bayan is administered by a committee which is assisted by an Ad hoc panel experts
2. Nominations can come from the members of the Ad Hoc Panel experts the subcommission on cultural comunities and traditional arts governemntand private institutions, universities
and other persons knowledge

Awards and Incentives:

Special designed medallion
Php 100,000 and 14,000 lifetime stipend/month
Granted a Maximum cumulative amount of php 750,000 medical and hospitalization beneftis as well as funeral assistance similarto national artists.

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Ginaw Bilog:
- Birth and Death: Jan 3 1953 - June 3 2003
- Category Artists and Poet ( Ambahan)- { para sa nililigawan}
- Major Work: Ambahan

Masino Intaray
- Birth and Death: april 10 1943- nov 30 2013
- Musician (basal or gong) and epic chanter (kulilal) {highly lyrical expressing passionate love
- Outstanding musician
- Major work: kulilal

Samaon Sulayman:
- Birth and Death: March 3 1953- May 21 2011
- Category: Musician (kudyapi)
- Place of Birth: Mamasapano, maguindanao
- Major work: Kudyapi
- Contribution: teaching people who are interested and make the tradition known.

Lang Dulay:
- Category: textile weave (T'nalak)
- Major work: t'nalak
- Place of birth: lake cebu south cotabato
- Birth and death: august 3 1924 - to 2015
- Material she used- finest abaca fibers

National Commission on indigenous people:

-Preserving by practicing and introducing the culture of other artists to the younger generation.

Salinta Monon:
- Category: weaver ( abaka ikat or inabel)
- Major works: inabel and ikat

Alonzo Saclag:
- Birth and Death: August 1942
- Category: Musician dancer preservationist
- Place of Birht: Lubugan Kalinga Province
- Major Works: Gangsa

Honorata "atang" Dela rama

- Eba major work

Juan F. Nakpil
- Quiapo maynila,
- Manila jockey club
- Architecture

Carlos "Botong" francisco

- Invasion of Limahong
- Angono, rizal
- Painting

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Practical Research 2:
Thursday, 15 July 2021 8:55 am

Defining Variable:
- Anything that has quantity or quality that varies(changes).

Independent Dependent
Hypothesize to Variable that
affect the changes as a
dependent result of an
variable intervention
Cause of or experiment
Change Effect of
Exposure to Plant growth
different (dependent
colored lights variable)

Two types of variable in Quantitative:

Discrete Variable - countable (whole number). It does not take negative value or values between fixed points. (exact/whole number)
Continuous Variable- can be a fraction, uncountable or don't have a distinct number. Can either be a positive or negative. (any real number

Levels of Measurement:
Nominal - provides categorization, label and classification - gender
Ordinal- Provides an order or rank of the value - degree of satisfaction
Interval- the difference between two points on a scale (can't put zero as a scale) - Time as read on a 12 hour clock (time is considered interval)
Ratio- has the property of nominal ordinal and interval - work experience

Kinds of Quantitative Research Design

- Experimental Research- measure the cost and effect (dependent effect, independent cause) using simple random sampling.
• Quasi-experimental Research Design-providing lesser validity due to the absence of random sampline. Using purposive sampling. Sino nasa survey nung first is sam e in second survey (purposive sampling).
• True Experimental research Design- rigid manipulation of variables. Use of control selection, and random assignment of participant. Sino nasa first survey hindi na sa second survey ( random sampling)
• Survey Research Design- most widely used research design in the social sciences.

- Non- experimental Research- measuring the cause and effect, but describing and determining their relationship and connection. According to purpose and ac cording to time.
• According to Purpose:
Correlational Analysis- relationship
Predictive- designed to predict or forecast some event or phenomenon in the future without necessarily establishing cause-and-effect relationship.
Explanatory Research Design- a certain theory and explain. Example is stress disorder.
Descriptive- seeks to describe the current status of an identified variables. Survey research is belonged to this category. Survey research- most widely used quantitative research. Incld census, polling on political issues etc.

• According to Time:
Cross sectional- 1 year inayos
Retrospective Research design- comparing past and present. Comparing 2
Longitudinal- data are collected in present and some-time in the future. Two or more years

Steps in Research Process:

Define the research problem- identify research topic and transform it into a researchable problem
Do the review of related literature- obtaining background info is the main purpose of rrl's. helps establish the rationale, significance, and justification
Formulate the hypothesis- educated guess that serves as the tentative answer
Prepare the research the Design- "blueprint" of the research, provides details of how data will be collected, analyze and interpreted
Collect Data - regarded as most important step in research process
Analyze and interpret data- transforming the collected data into a graphs or tables
Write the research report- they should report the findings of the study in a comprehensive paper
Interpret and Report the findings/data- for publications of the study.

Criticize a research paper that is already make or finished. (2018-2021)

Answer 5 questions, recommendation,

Steps in Developing the research topic:

- choose a broad topic:
• Choose an interesting topic (passionate abt)
• Select significant topic- worth researching
• Choose topic relevant to your field
- Do a preliminary research
• Review of related literature
• Provides what are the things that you need to consider
- Define the problem
• You should be able to narrow down the broad topic into feasible and manageable research questions.
- Refine the question
• Asking yourself what are the specific questions should you ask?, how you will gather data to answer the questions?
• How much time are given to the research?

Ww pg 19, chptr assesment knowledge (identify ind and dpndt var) pg 25 section rev. 10 items

Writing Research Title and Background of the Research:

- Make interesting and specific
• Guidelines:
- Condenses the paper into short words.
- Captures the reader's attention

Describing the Background of the Study:

- Checking background of the study.

Quantitative research Problem:

- Precise and specificity of the problem
- Describe trends and patterns of a phenomenon

Research Questions:
- Sub-questions, that will help you to answer the statement of the problem
- Aligned on the survey questions

Characteristics of Good research:

Feasible - consider the amount of time, if it's do-able and workable
Clear- clear… lmao ,

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Clear- clear… lmao ,
Significant- important relevant
Ethical- consider the welfare of the people. Demogrpahic profile: particular characteristics of a population.

Formulate a good research question- specify if it's a general or specific question

Considering for Research question for descriptive research:

- Focuses on observing and reporting factors
- Describe and provide info with explanation.
• Questions: how often/frequently , how many, what

Correlational Research:
- Begin in question " significant relationship or what is the relationship "
- Can combine descriptive

Compilation of the studies related to the topic.
- Timely- updated
- Related to the topic
3 ways of using lit review in discussion of the study:
1. Providing context as a foundation to develop your study
2. Comparing your findings from other previews rrl
3. Stating what contribution your study has made in the field

Structure of Literature:
1. Introduction- presents the fundamental idea of the particular study.
2. Body- idea to answer or to process the statement of the problem
3. Conclusion- emphasized what you have learned from reviewing the literature and where would your study
- Apa style used for scientific, mla for literature humanities.

In text Citations: (combination of author's name and date

Narrative Citation- author's surname appear's in running text and the date appears in parenthesis immidiately after the author's name ex: (Condes 2019) condes and dela cruz no parenthesis so full {and}
Parenthetical Citation- kasama ung surname and year and surname appeared in parenthesis ex: Condes,2019 condes & dela cruz using symbol inside a parenthesis that's why you use & (ampersand)
Number of author Parenthetical Citation Narrative Citation
one (Llao, 2019) Condes (2019)
Two (Llao & Gutierez 2019) Llao and Gutierez (2019)
Three or more (Llao et al., 2019) Llao et al. (2019)

_ correlation must use the word between not (on)
_ make sure to complete the name of the school
_ proivde acad year if not int title check in scope and limitation
_ kapoag may comparative na at (and) wag na lagyan ng vs.
_ pwede na tanggalin ang repetitive words
_dont use the A.Y. (date) kung d about sa study ang research
_ taste change to preference….

- CORRELATIONAL STUDY (what stats treatment?_) ----> Pearson R nag ccheck ng correlation
= T test for > comparing 2 variable

(n.d) no date for crediting other people in the local lit also use bold
Use red ink then add the right answer
_ kapag apa and given full name I lagay then lagyan ng according to
_ kapag lahat lahat is ilagay ang parenthetical style
_add link and title eventhough it's long .
_ if theres according sa site na binasa mo I add sa sentence.

Quantitative: likers scale, performance.

Experemental research- nakak receive interventation
Control- d nakaka receive intervention treatment lang ang may intervention.
Most common form of research title- declarative ( naka sentence form )
Issue not fully address by other/ previous studies- research gap

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IPO- Input( statement of the prob, Process(how are you going to solve the problem, Output ( provide hypothesis)

2 tyes of definition:
Conceptual framework - nasa chapter 2 makikita nakikita sa websters, sa mga site na ganun
Operational Definition- pano ginamit.

1ST Page 54
Understanding and Culture
Thursday, 15 July 2021 10:57 am

Anthropology: Anthropo (human, man) logy (study of)

- Gathering info thru participant observation
human origin, respective cultures, where they were born and belong


-grandfather of social, behavioral sciences; sociology, economics and psychology

Franz Boas:
-father of american antrhopology
- believed that the same method and strategy could be applied in measuring culture and human behavior while conducting research among humans including the uniqueness of their
- cultural relativism , particular relativism (developed by him and his student) , focus on the difference of environmental uniqueness of 2 cultures.

Alfred Kroeber:
- student of Franz
- the person with franz who developed the cultural relativism/particular relativism
-understanding the nature of the culture.

William Henry Morgan:

-likes to study indigenous cultures

Philippines: 7,107 islands (not upated) 7,641 (updated) Filipino (language)

Historical Begginings: American anthropology generated social and cultural interest

Folklore, Native Sexual Practices

Folklore- traditional beliefs, customs,stories of a community, passed down to every generation by word of mouth.

13 unusual sexual practices from around the world:

1. Boys and Girls of sambian tribe have to dring semen
2. Girls of the trobriander tribe engage in sexual acts from age 6
3. Mangaia older women have sex with younger boys.
4. In rural austria, women feed armpit flavoured apples to their suitor
5. The kreung tribe (cambodia) builds love huts where teenaged girls can have sex with diff, men till they find love.
6. In ancient greece men took young boys as lover.
7. In certain nepali tribes, brothers share one women.
8. The wodaabe tribe (niger) holds a wife stealing festival every year.
9. Public Masturbation ceremonies were held in ancient Egypt.
10. In Indonesia you can have sex outside marriage during pond celebration.
11. Adolescents of the muria tribe, chattisgarh, can practice sex without emotional attachment.
12. In inis Beag, near ireland, people make love with their underwear on.
13. Women of the guajiro tribe must make a man "fall" to make love.

Ruth Benedict
- Student of Franz Boas
- American specialist in anthropologist and folklore
- Has a Book called Patterns of Culture
Margaret Mead
- Born in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, US
- Describe ad controversial for intensively studying the sexual practice among native population
- Relationship between Ruth Benedict
Bronislaw Malinowski
- Born in Krakow Galicia and Lodomeria , Austria Hungary
- Common gathering of ethnography
- Using survey
Ethnography: Greek ethno "folk, people, nation" and grapho "I write"
- Systematic study of individual cultures.

- Started in France
- In Philippines started in social philosophy
Early Thinker
Herbert Spencer- likened society to an organism with life and vitality of its own.
- He first used of the phrase of survival of the fittest
Emile Durkheim- french sociologist
- In his book SUICIDE proved that social forces strongly impact on people's live.
Max Weber- germany most important proponent of interpretive sociology
- Believed that a sympathetic understanding, verstehen, of the mind of other's .

First phase
Second phase
Third Phase- sociology started to take scientific orientation

Came up the law 3 stages:

- auguste comte

- Associated with how power is gained and employed to develop authority or influence in social affairs

Concept of Politics:
politics is allied with government w/c is considered as ultimate authority
• Primary of government to rule society
- Power- ability to influence others, it gives authority to lead
- Order- attained through obedience on the rules set by leaders
- Justice- Is felt in society with order

Politics as an art:

Politics as a Science:

Politics helps you to know your rights

Politics clarifies what you yourself beliefs
Politics is a living breathing subjects
Politics helps you to understand our nation's parties
Politics prepares you for adult life

Anthro, politics and sociology in science share a common interest particularly on the subject matter

Differences: culture and society may have a common elements but they also have differences

Macro and Micro:

Idealism- mind brain thinking, originators

Socratic Mind- don’t give answer
Realism- approach base on reality
Estremism- approach beyond what is ordinary

Methodology as aid: doing research in anthropology, sociology and political science

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Bronislaw Manilowski

Research process:
Selecting topic
Review RRL
Formulating Hypothesis
Chosing Research methods
- Survey
Senate of the Blue Ribbonn talks about the Audit and Finance of DOH.
- Case study
- Document study
- Correlational Study
- Experemental Design
Collecting Data
Presenting and Analyzing the results
Formulating Conclusions and Recommendations
Dissemenating the Results

2. I learned that the Pharmaline has an overprice selling of 27 pesos. Rather than a normal price of
13 to 16 pesos. The most fishy thing about this SRP is the PSDBM still pay for it Why?. The
pharmaline also has 8.6 billion contract. It is no.1 in list of awarded suppliers. I also learned that
there is 5 thousand pesos per special permit which must not be issued yet being issued. Lastly due
to Gordon this information ,and investigating is being managed. I learned that everything that
happen in this blue ribbon senate is all about Audits and Financial Managements. This Senate also
is important because this handles everything that happen inside not seen by people.

3. The process is senator Gordon give an opening reasons, why this is being investigated, what is the
reason for this senate hearing. Senator Gordon also says that this isn't just for show. Next is
Senator Drilon is the first person to speak. He uses a few minutes. He speak for Gordons why and
give further information to this why. Next is opening statement. Senator Villanueva a short
opening statements. Also senator Villanueva says a little bit information about what happen
before this blue ribbon senate. He commend Senator Gordon for handling the case and doing it
properly. Next is the investigation for the issues which is being led by the first person,
Mr.Pangilinan ,Ms.Onteveros, Mr.Rekto up until Ms. Marcos.

1ST Page 56
Monday, 19 July 2021 10:56 am

What is dance
Where dance come from
What can we get from dancing .

Dance have many function to please god, to please other, to please themselves to build community
- Barbara Metler: Dance is an activity which can take many forms and fill different needs like recreation entertainment, dance is art the art of body movement.
- Myers: dance focuses on aesthetic or entertaining experiences

- Pre historic past
• Social forces: dance started as medium
• Religious
• Artistic reasons
- The dance is only recorded in pre christian era ( before the introduction of christianity), recorded in egypt, in wall painting(2d), relief (3d) and recorded in hieroglyphics.
- Greece dance is for military among boys in Athens and Sparta
• Form of entertainment and display
- Greek used dance to aid education
- Ancient Rome gave less importance to dancing
• Dance became a form of entertainment for higher people

Physical benefits
- Develops cardiovascular and muscular endurance
- Improves coordination , balance, flexibility and body composition
- Lowers Risk of cardio diseases
- Lower Body mass index
- Lowers resting Heart
- Improves lipid metabolism
- Enables joint mobility
- Helps recover coordination neuromuscular skills after injury
Mental / Emotional Benefits
- Helps keep the brain sharp
- Decreases dimentia and alzheimer
- Decrease depressive symtomps
- Gives sense of togetherness in group
Cultural Values
- Promotes Cultural Values

Project: gagawa ng dance.

Elements of Dance:
- Space- the area that the performers occupy.
Spatial Elements:
Direction- can travel in any directions
Size- vareied by larger or smaller action
Level- varried in high low and medium
Focus- focus by looking at different directions
- Timing- executed in varriying tempo
• Tempo- speed of movements
• Beat- tempo is based on beat
- Bodily Shape- refers to how the entire body is molded in space
• Can be angular or rounded
• Can be wide or narrow or high or low
- Group Shape-
- Energy
Six Qualities of Dance Energies:
Sustained- movements are done smoothly
Percussive-movements are explosive and sharp
Swinging- movements have curved line
Suspended- movements are perched in air or hanging
Collapsing- movements are released in tension
Vibratory- has a vibrative movements

Phrase: short choreographic fragment that has an intention and feeling of a beginning and an end .
Form in Dance The shape, structure, or contour of a composition according to a preconceived plan; the orderly arrangement of thematic material; the clarity of a movement or

Dance Appreciation and Composition:

\ Good Dance:
Beginning- may come in pose, shape or entrance
Middle- consists of development or the exploration of the main idea
End/Conclusion- should be clear and may be in a form of a shape pose or exit

• A good dance must have a form

- Intstrument by which ideas and elements are arranged or combined into a logical

- Main idea and core message
- single movement or a short phrase of movement that embodies the style and intention of the dance

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- single movement or a short phrase of movement that embodies the style and intention of the dance

Characteristics of a good dance:

Unity -flow smoothly
Continuity and Development- continues, transition
Variety and contrast- making one or several steps, srves as highlights
Transition- links movements phases and sections of the dance
Repetition- emphasizes the movements , and repeat the movements, motif
Climax- rise or blast of energy

Evaluating a good dance:

depend on who the evaluators are
evaluators- analyze and understand the performance)
3 types of evaluators:
1. Choreographers- evaluate a part of the ongoing process of developing a personal style when is both spontaneous and organized
2. Dancers- evaluate according to the specific demands that the performance places on them
3. Audiences- evaluate according to the particular context of the dance

3 types of critiques:
Description- close observation and elements of a dance
Interpretation- appreciation of a dance
Evaluations- how effectively the features of elements, maganda and d magandang nagawa

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Business and Finance:
Tuesday, 13 July 2021 10:58 am

- providing fund ( for person or enterprise ) .
- Main point is to maximize profit.
- deals with the study of investment.
- Management of large amount of money, esp. by large government or companies

-make sure na hindi masmataas ang bibilhin mo (dapat bumaba).

Financial Management:
- Plan and control the finance of the company.
- Efficient and effective way of managing money.
- Dr. S. N. Maheshwari: ( financial management is concerned with raising financial resources and their effective utilization to wards achieving the org. goals.)
- Richard A. Brealey: process of putting the available funds to the best advantage from long term point of view of business obj ectives. )

Important Role of Financial Institutions:

Depositor > Borrower > Business Project > Return of Investment > Pays Interest

General Journal- book of original entry

General Ledger- book of final entry

General Ledger and Trial Balance:

Depositor- person who has the money

- A person who keeps money in a bank account
- A person or company that places money in a bank account
Borrower- person who needs money
- Takes out loan from a bank under an agreement to pay it back later, typically with interest
- Person or organization that takes and use something's belonging to someone else with the intention of returning it.

Deposit- pumapasok
Withdraw- naglalabas

Financial Intermediary:
- Is an entity that acts as the middleman between two parties in financial transaction, such as a commercial bank, investment b anks, mutual funds and pension funds.

Financial Instruments and Financial Markets:

• Examples of Banks: walang masyadong pinopeoseso
- LAND BANK- public bank
• Examples of Non-Banks: Insurance, Investments offer a lot.
- Philam Life and Gen
- Sunlife - biggest non- bank in phil
- Phil Axa
- Pru Life (originated at UK)- world top non-bank
- Insular Life
- Manulife
- Grepalife
- United Cocolife
- Generali Pilipinas

Financial Instrument Compare and contrasted:

Commercial Paper: a person who is looking for short term funding to finance. Matures after 270 days ( meaning mag kakainteres t na sya in 271 days)
Face Value: original cost of the money
ST-short term
CP- commercial paper

Treasury Notes/ Bonds and Bills: municicpal bonds - mature longer than 30 years.
-Bonds - more than 10 yrs
-Notes- a year or 9 year
-Bill- less than 1 yr, don’t have interest

Mutual Funds: company that pulls money

The Flow of Money and the role of financial manager:

- Goal is to maximize profit
- Flow of funds to businesses begin with the source of funds , the one who has the money to lend , the one who saves and deposi ts with the bank or any financial institutions.
Goals of his endeavors:
- He can pay his employees and in turn his employees can feed their families and send their children to school
- He can pay the rent or amortization (an accounting technique used to periodically lower the book value of a loan or an intangible asset over a set period of time) on his office property.
- He can pay his creditors the interest from the borrowed money and
- He can reinvest some of the profits to the business; thereby sustaining all who depend on it.

Evaluation of Business:
Measuring Liquidity ( kayang magbigay ng pera, expecting 100 money per day then it is more than that then your liquid )
Identify Capital Structure
Assets Management Efficiency

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Assets Management Efficiency
Measuring Profitability

Kapag mas tumataaas and expenses d ka profitable kapag tumataas ang revenue profitable ka.
Efficient - all equipment and materials is used properly, with maximum amount with minimum wasted time and effort.

Financial Statements Analysis:

- Financial statements- formal records of the financial activities and position pf a business, person or other entity.

Forms of Business Organization:

Sole/ Single Proprietorship- only 1 person owned the business. The owner has access to all the resources.
- Fast decision making
- Small requirements
- Flexibility of operation or under control.
• Limited Capital/ Sources of Income Legends
• Owner's Bias - Advantage
• Disadvantage
Partnership- 2-5 owners.
- Fast controls

 Type of Partnership:
- General Partnership- kapag ka nag kautang ang isang owner or part of owner is pwede nyang I pambayad ung capital.
- Limited Partnership- limited lamang ang pwedeng makuha sa business.
Corporation- 5 or more owners.
• Under the government

Different types of business:

Service type of business: type of business where in they offers products with no physical forms like skills, field expertise and consultancy. No tangible na gamit

Merchandising type of business; type of business where in they buy products and re sell them with a higher price.

Manufacturing type of business: Is a type of business where in they buy raw materials and process it to make a new product.

Basic Financial Statements: income statements ( pasok at labas ng pera )

Balance Sheet
Performance Measurement: (financial statement anlysis)
Liquidity: ( the question kaya pa ang magbayad ng utang)
Solvency: ability to pay long term liabilities
Financial Stability: ( kaya bang I solve ang mga problem ) measures how business survive In long run

Financial Ratio- comparison between 2 consecutive years, used for decision making and comparison

Vertical Analysis:(common size of financial statements)
• Comparing amounts in the financial statements within the same accounting period.
- Expressed in percentages
- Formula: Vertical Analysis= Item/Sales or Net sales * 100:
- Less cost of goodsold= net sales - gross profit:
- Operating income= gross profit - other expense
- Items is cost of goods sold, gross profit, other expenses, operating income, interest expense, net income
- In exam do not round-off kapag ka .29552394=0.30 dapat…

Balance Sheet = get total assets first and owners capital (if ever)
- Account/total account * 100
Present year and past year ang susundin kapag blank ang date.
- Total liabilities

Horizontal Analysis:
- Aka trend analysis
- Comparing amounts in the financial statement
- Present year followed by previous year, change in amount and percentage of change
- Change in amount = present year- previous year
- Change in amount/ previous year * 100
- The same get 2 decimal point round off in third…
- The same at income and balance sheet.

Financial Ratio:
- Tool used for financial statement

Liquidity ratio:
- Current ratio- working capital ratio, one way to assess the overall liquidity of a company . Divide current assets and current liabilities
= if below 1 then can’t pay the debt

Review time next week

P.T and WW Discussion:

Every 30 secnds to answer

Remove blind folds kapag solution then remove virtual bg

Managed by private investors and managers: not controled by government- private equity funds.
Worth well business - worth somthen sometrhin

1ST Page 60
1ST Page 61
Tuesday, 13 July 2021 10:04 am

Notes: Fundamentals of ABM.

General Journal
General Ledger
Trial Balance

Accounting equation:
Owner Equity

Assets= Liabilities + O.E

Assets - Liabilities= O.E

Rules of Debit and Credits: you can use arrows up and down

Debit Increase Credit Decrease


Debit Decrease Credit Increase

Owner's Equity

Financial Statements:
Bookkeeper: analysis of business transactions. Recording in the general ledgers. Classifying the General Ledger.
General Ledger Accounts - incld. Assets, Liabilities, Owner's Equity, Revenue, Cost and Expenses.

Balance Sheet- another term SFP ( Statement of Financial Position)

- Results of cash flows
- Usually calendar year- starts at jan 1st beginning and ended of the accepted year.
- Fiscal Year- starts janended before December

Statements of Financial Position- aka balance sheet

Owner's Equity- three main components of sole proprietorship's.

Difference Between Salary and Wage :

Salary- permanent employee
Wage- on-call employee

Permanent Accounts/ Real accounts : aka real accounts do not close its balance at the end of accounting period. Important li ke , assets, liabilities, stock holders.
Temporary Accounts: can be closed at the end of the accounting period. Starts with a new period with zero balance. Don’t mix the account before and this year. Examples are Revenues, expenses and income
- Bakit need na mag start to zero . Maiipon and mag aapear sa accounting statemnt

Statement of Financial Position or Balance Sheet :

The Heading
1. Name of the Business
2. Title of the Report
3. Date of the Report ( Specific Date )
4. Currency ( Philippine Peso
The Asset Section
Liability Section
The Owner's Equity Section

Accounting Process and Policies:



Trial Balance
Financial Statements
Post-Closing Trial Balance

8 meetings for discussion

Paglinawan group:

Statement of Financial Position:

- Aka balance sheet
- Two forms:
Report form and account form- contents are the same
Report form- vertical form - top to bottom
Account form- horizontal form - hiwalay, left assets then right side is liabilities

Income Statement- aka profit and lost statement

- Presents entity results of operations period of time.
= name of reporting - name of the business
Elements of Income Statements:
Revenues- these revenues or gross income from sale of company products and services.
= one account sales/ service income
• Sales about product service about the service
Cost of Sales and Expenses: Expenses- two way of explenation, first is paglabas ng pera, nag bayad ng needs, second is it's not literally paglabas ng pera or nagba bayad.
- Cost of Sales/ Cost of Services- direct cost of the products sold or the services rendered (being given).
- Salaries Expense- includes salaries of employees for services rendered (being given) . 15th and 30th Day of Month. Weekly. 5th and 20
- Utilities Expense- this includes telephone, water and electricity used.
- Rent Expenses- Includes rentals for the use of equipment, office, building and land spaces owned by others
- Supplies Expense- includes laboratory, medical and office supplies used.
- Transportation Expense- includes fare for trips and travels cost of gasoline and oil used for company vehicles.
- Depreciation Expense- includes portion of the cost of building and equipment allocated to one accounting period. Bumababa ang Value ng assets. Ex is 3 mil na asset is bumaba ….
- Representation Expense- includes the amount paid to restaurants and hotels for treating customers and others.
- Interest Expense- debt on monetary obligations

1ST Page 62
- Interest Expense- debt on monetary obligations
- Accumulated depreciation- contra account of depreciation expense
- merchandise invetory- re selling

Balance sheet- from jan1 to dec 31, first thing you see is assets, total and current, etc.

Income statement- ended year only. First thing you see is revenue, cost and expensses and net income and net loss

Statement of the financial position:

- 2 forms of statement of financial position
Statement of Changes in owner's equity (sole proprietorship)
- Changes in equity between two balance sheet dates reflect the increases and decreases in its net assets

Elements of Cashflows
1. Operating activities- directly related to earning the net income or suffering or net loss
2. Investing- for the acquisition or disposition of plant, equipment and investment
3. Financing- financing entity through cash receipts from and cash payments to investors or creditors

Article of partnership: 1767

Ra 9298 for phil acts

Accounts in the Balance sheet are called permanent account or real account

Excess over the total debit over the total credit of the income statement columns : net loss

Investing Activities: acquisition or disposal of a long-term assests abd other investmentsa

Operating Activities


1 CASH 2850 6 Drawing 25,000
CASH 3,000 CASH 250,000
CASH 7,500 CASH 15,000

1ST Page 63
Friday, 6 August 2021 10:44 am

Work is = to F D

Plant inhale the gas nitrogen for themselves

Discharge rate is = to A V

Lightning every 5 seconds sound travel into 1 mile. If meter

If minute 60/3 = 20 20 so that it will be kilometer

10^8 is with 8 zeroes

2 types of winds, dry and moist wind , cool and dry winds
pataas circular pattern

Movement of wind is always from high and low pressure

Pottential difference- amount energy charged

d= m/v

Acceleration = final velocity- initial velocity/ time

Constant gravity is 9.8 m^2

Force is = mass x accelerartion

1ST Page 64
Wednesday, 11 August 2021 8:05 am


Sa ml reported HAHAHAHAHA
Republic act no.10627 anti-bully

Be responsible

1 remember the human
2 adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in rl
3. Know where you are
4. Respect other people's time and bandwidth
5. Make yourself look good online
6. Share expert knowledge
7. Help keep flames wars under control
8. Respect other people's privacy
9. Don’t abuse your power
10. Be forgiving for other people's mistakes

Knowing what's proper ad whats right

Assessing vallid and credible info in online before sharing


Rules of ethic:
Confucious what you do not want for yourself don’t do it to others
Tarat tarat cart.
Take a break. Positivity
Tardiness - fish died HAHAHAAHAH lmao
Report- bad report due to manyana habit
= argument
Resigning= talking back to the higher.
Golden rule don’t do to others what you don’t want to do to yourself

1ST Page 65
Friday, 16 July 2021 10:20 am


1ST Page 66
Monday, 26 July 2021 8:09 am

Service type of business: type of business where in they offers products with no physical forms like skills, field expertise and consultancy.
Merchandising type of business; type of business where in they buy products and re sell them with a higher price.
Manufacturing type of business: Is a type of business where in they buy raw materials and process it to make a new product.

Sole Proprietorship:
Saragate Fruits
Cashflow Realty
Geefam Trading

Burger king and Mc Donalds
Nike and Apple
Starbucks and Spotify
Taco Bell and Doritos
BMW and Louis Vuitton

Jollibee Foods Corporation
Coca-cola Company
San Miguel Corporation
BDO (Banko de Orro)

Income Statement and Balance Sheet:

- The difference between the two is that income statement is to examine the results and find operational or finance issues, whi le balance sheet is used to determine whether the
business has sufficient liquidity to meet its obligations.

1ST Page 67
Thursday, 15 July 2021 11:21 am

How did people live a few decades ago or thousands of years ago
Why do people differ in beliefs and behaviors
How societies and cultures changed over time
How are families formed in other cultures
How are languages related to each other

1. Since then our instinct

to survive is inside of us. We are also 2. We differ in beliefs because we are all not
part of the animals in which we are the part of a single continent. The world is much
top of the food chains. So we have the larger than what they think so there a lot of
instincts and will to live on our own. In people who live and the possibility isn't low.
how, there's a lot of ways on how we We differ since our ancestors beliefs and
survive example is we study, understand thinking isn't the same, we have our unique
our surroundings. We also try to cope with way. Lastly we differ because of the
the environments and try to fix difficult environment we live. The environment of other
Problem one by one. people isn't the same as others.

3. Societies changes because of lacking of

information. They changes because of what the
current leader wants. It changes because they
alter or changes what is the true history and
behind all of it. Some thinks that it isn't right to
do their culture so they change it and prove to
the other is right. Lastly they monopolize, they
influence the other people to learn their beliefs.

5. Since there are people 4. The families are form thru copulating.
who loves to adventure they have The others do is forcing to copulate and don't
the chance to find other people consider their partner. Some do their best to
and teach them their language. make the one they love to fall for them. Lasty
The other also manipulate and some thinks highly of themselves and only
force their language. The others copulate when their partner has a high
do this for the sake of their background and power then them or equally
survival. Lastly the others do this same as them.
accidentally for the help to
understand their language

1ST Page 68
Thursday, 26 August 2021 9:07 am

Walang middle term magkaiba sign

Zero na may dash is no solution
R na may apostrophe is real numbers

Applly cross multiplication para makuha lcd:

1ST Page 69
1ST Page 70
1ST Page 71
Thursday, 26 August 2021 10:55 am

Corales: Paineta:

- I choose this because we are the pearl of the orient seas. This helps me to - I'm interested in this because although it wasn't originated to us but because of the influence
remember that we are known to have a lots of pearl coral reefs and many of Spanish I still think that this represents us. This caught my attention because we all know that
underwater riches. This also caught my attention as to why we are called the Spaniard rules us for over 300 years, it makes me think that Spaniard is also part of our blood.
pearl of the orient seas, this makes me curious. This depicts the Philippines Paineta helps me to remember that we are being ruled by Spaniards for 300 years. Paineta also
because we have many corals, clamps and beautiful seas. Corals also has pearls makes me think that we are rich in golds, diamonds and many more resources that are being
and it's part of what we are known " Pearl of the Orient Seas". wasted. This also represents the rich culture we have in the times of Spanish.

1ST Page 72
Thursday, September 30, 2021 8:49 AM

Probability and Statistic:

Probability- Branch of Mathematics how likely an event will occur or how likely the proposition of
event to happen.
Fathers of Probability- Blaise Pascal, Pierre de fermat.
Statistcs- Branch of math and science. collecting,analyzing,presenting and interpreting data.
Sir Ronald Fischer- farther or modern statistics and experemental design.

Random Variables- numerical and non numerical (descrete). Rule that assigns a number to each
outcome of a chance experiment.
Two types of random variable
Continues Variables- endless possible outcome (infinity)
Discrete Probability- countable. (The number)
Written works check laturrrr!!!

3rd Day:

The normal Distribution- the probability distribution of a normal random variable. The most
important distributions in statistics.
Properties of Normal Distribution:
1. the curve of the distribution is a bell-shaped. parabola

2. the curve is symmetrical about the mean.

3. The mean median and mode are of equal values and when sketched, they councide at the center
of the graph. Measures of central tendencies.
mean- average. Equivalent to median mode
median- middle point if balanced, if not balanced, then it will be ascending or descending. Equivalent
to mean mode
mode- the most frequent, common number. Location center- zero. equal to mean median

4. The width of the curve is determined by the standard deviation of the distribution. Measures of

5. The curve extends infidelity approaching the x-axis but never touching it. Thus, the curve is
asymptotic to the line.

6. The area under the region, shaded region under the curve =1. It represents the probability or
percentage or proportion associated
sketch a normal curve for each distribution. Label the x-axis at one two three standard deviations
from the mean.
1. mean=30 standard deviation=5
2. mean=95 standard deviation= 12

Thesis Paper Group:


1ST Page 73

4th Day:

Areas Under the Normal Curve:

Steps in Finsiding the normal curve:
1. Express the given z-value into a three digit number.
2. Using the z-table. find the first 2 digits on the first column.
3. Find the third digit in the first row in the right.
4. Read the are for probability at the intersection of the row (first 2 digit number) and column ( third
digit number ). The value observed at the intersection indicates the area of the z-value

5th Day:

Areas under the normal curve:

nag cchange lang ng sign ung z value pero ung area is the same.

6th Day:

Understanding the z-scores:

x=raw score
looks like a u cursive= population mean
x may tuldok sa taas= sample mean
o na parang cursive= population standard deviation
s= sample standard deviation

steps in finding the z scores given the mean(u) standard deviation( o ) and the measurement (X):
1. use the formula z= X-u/o for finding the z-score.
2. check the given values; mean (u, standard deviation (o) and the measurements (X).
3. Substitute the given values in the formula.
4. Compute for the z-value.

7th Day:

Statistical Interference:

Sample Data: a chosen portion of the whole population

Population Data: a collection of all possible observations under a particular study

Qualitative Research needs only 15 to become population.

Sample Size: Provides number. partners.

Sampling units: provides members. enumerate
Sampling Frame: Listing of all possible sampling units. table form
Sampling: tools to obtain information on a larger group.

Population Parameter: numerical measures that describe certain characteristics of a population.

using greek letter.
Sample Statistics: numerical measures calculated from the sample.

8th Day:

1ST Page 74
8th Day:

Sampling Distribution:
Sampling can be done in two ways:
1.Sampling with replacement- maraming chances
2.Sampling without replacement- one chance lang

Probability Distribution- u(x)= a1+a2+an/n- population mean

Sampling Distribution- o^2(x)= a1^2+a2^2+an^2/n -u^2 -population variance

a1= sample size

a2= sample size
n= total no. of sample sizes
6+8+10/3 = 8 population mean
population variance nasa camera roll.

9th Day:

Sample Size- specific no.

Population Size- all/total no.

population mean: no.+no./ no included is two no. only so 2.

pag without replacement walang uulit na no. meaning walang 2,2 4,4, 6,6, 1,1,.... etc sa sample table
probability distribution table: kung ilan ung group na nakuha un yung denominator example: merong
combination of 6 people sa sample table form therefore ung denominator is 6 then after that check
kung gaano karami lumabas sa sample data ung specific ayon ung magiging numerator.

sample mean-
sample variance-

10th Day:

CHI square Goodness of fit test: ( not inclded in periodical ) use in practical researc 2.
i used to test wether a frequency distribution fits an expected distribution, also if it includes top 5's.
x squared= summation (0-E) raise 2 / E
e- expected value = to mean
x squared- chi squared
0-observed value - matataas ang frequency ( total population )

e= asub1+asub2+asubn/n

degree of (freedom?)- df=k-1

k & n- is the same value. stnads for the no. of samples.

0.05- default no if di given ang level of significance (x na pa cursive)

tabular value- ung may sqr at sub2
Ho- null hypothesis
Ha- alternative hypothesis

11th Day:

1ST Page 75
round off to the nearest whole number. ang expected value is laging whole number.

4th Quarter:

2nd Day:

CHi square goodness of it.

x square is greater than tabular value reject.

3rd Day:
T-test- statistical treatment. comparing 2 groups.

n=total number of respondents
d= difference
sd= standard deviation

interpretation-reject h sub0 since l T l > l t tabular l

t= d/n / sd/sqroot of n.

t-test: ued in hypothesis testing to determine whether a process or treatment actually has an effect
on the population of interest , or whether two groups are different from one another.

t table same as chi square.


before ung equation sa baba mag miminus muna depende ung ano mauuna sa table.... na ibibigay..
sd^2= n (summation d^2)- (summation d)^2/ n (n-1)

4th Day:

computed value > tabular reject

4 decimal places sa t-test sa chi square hanggang 2 decimal

5th Day:
anova- 3 or more gorups.
-analysis of variance
- means of 2 groups, mean between and mean inside.
- 5 tlaga nagsisimula.

FOrmula na SS ko!!

define k
k- no. of columns.
n- column multiply row.

complete the table na ss ko na

summation of a b c and a^2 b^2 c^2

1ST Page 76
6th Day:

7th Day:

Quiz tom: t-test.

Correlational Analysis: Checking the relationship of two variables/variance

Piercing ShrunkProduct momentum analysis
Spearman shrunk Correlation

Bivariate Data: (Inferential Statistics)

-test the hypothesis
-study of 2 variables
-independent and dependent

Descriptive Statistics: Mean ,Perentage, Tabular, etc.

8th Day:

Bivariate Data:

Correlational Analyis:
-all variables are positive.
Scatterplot/Diagram: 1 quadrant
-provides a visual representation of the correlation or reationship between two variables.
Cartesian Coordinate Plane:4 quadrants

Positive Correlation:
1 variable increase , other variable also increase.

negative- decrease of one variable and the other variable increase.

no correlation= scatter....

9th Day:

sa graph pag up ang graph tas dikit dikit ung dots strong positive and pag medyo layo layo pero kita
ung increase then weak positive also same sa negaative...
sa no correlation is scattered sa graph..
remember ung graph is one quadrant lang.

Pearson R: have two variables. x and y

Formula na ss ko.

na ss ko rin ung determine the strenght of R:

null- the research prediction is not true. pag walang no.

1ST Page 77
null- the research prediction is not true. pag walang no.
alternative- the research predicted difference is true.oag may no. I mean ( nooo) not number.

na ss ko ung solving table tignan mo.

n= no. of samples.

9th Day:

chi squeared
pearson r
correlation analysis (scatterplot- 1 quadrant lang)
no t-test and analysis of variance
table substitute and final answer na lang d na papakita process.

1ST Page 78
Thursday, September 30, 2021 8:50 AM

Probability and Statistic:

Probability- Branch of Mathematics how likely an event will occur or how likely the proposition of
event to happen.
Fathers of Probability- Blaise Pascal, Pierre de fermat.
Statistcs- Branch of math and science. collecting,analyzing,presenting and interpreting data.
Sir Ronald Fischer- farther or modern statistics and experemental design.

Random Variables- numerical and non numerical (descrete). Rule that assigns a number to each
outcome of a chance experiment.
Two types of random variable
Continues Variables- endless possible outcome (infinity)
Discrete Probability- countable. (The number)
Written works check laturrrr!!!

3rd Day:

The normal Distribution- the probability distribution of a normal random variable. The most
important distributions in statistics.
Properties of Normal Distribution:
1. the curve of the distribution is a bell-shaped. parabola

2. the curve is symmetrical about the mean.

3. The mean median and mode are of equal values and when sketched, they councide at the center
of the graph. Measures of central tendencies.
mean- average. Equivalent to median mode
median- middle point if balanced, if not balanced, then it will be ascending or descending. Equivalent
to mean mode
mode- the most frequent, common number. Location center- zero. equal to mean median

4. The width of the curve is determined by the standard deviation of the distribution. Measures of

5. The curve extends infidelity approaching the x-axis but never touching it. Thus, the curve is
asymptotic to the line.

6. The area under the region, shaded region under the curve =1. It represents the probability or
percentage or proportion associated
sketch a normal curve for each distribution. Label the x-axis at one two three standard deviations
from the mean.
1. mean=30 standard deviation=5
2. mean=95 standard deviation= 12

Thesis Paper Group:


1ST Page 79

4th Day:

Areas Under the Normal Curve:

Steps in Finsiding the normal curve:
1. Express the given z-value into a three digit number.
2. Using the z-table. find the first 2 digits on the first column.
3. Find the third digit in the first row in the right.
4. Read the are for probability at the intersection of the row (first 2 digit number) and column ( third
digit number ). The value observed at the intersection indicates the area of the z-value

5th Day:

Areas under the normal curve:

nag cchange lang ng sign ung z value pero ung area is the same.

6th Day:

Understanding the z-scores:

x=raw score
looks like a u cursive= population mean
x may tuldok sa taas= sample mean
o na parang cursive= population standard deviation
s= sample standard deviation

steps in finding the z scores given the mean(u) standard deviation( o ) and the measurement (X):
1. use the formula z= X-u/o for finding the z-score.
2. check the given values; mean (u, standard deviation (o) and the measurements (X).
3. Substitute the given values in the formula.
4. Compute for the z-value.

7th Day:

Statistical Interference:

Sample Data: a chosen portion of the whole population

Population Data: a collection of all possible observations under a particular study

Qualitative Research needs only 15 to become population.

Sample Size: Provides number. partners.

Sampling units: provides members. enumerate
Sampling Frame: Listing of all possible sampling units. table form
Sampling: tools to obtain information on a larger group.

Population Parameter: numerical measures that describe certain characteristics of a population.

using greek letter.
Sample Statistics: numerical measures calculated from the sample.

8th Day:

1ST Page 80
8th Day:

Sampling Distribution:
Sampling can be done in two ways:
1.Sampling with replacement- maraming chances
2.Sampling without replacement- one chance lang

Probability Distribution- u(x)= a1+a2+an/n- population mean

Sampling Distribution- o^2(x)= a1^2+a2^2+an^2/n -u^2 -population variance

a1= sample size

a2= sample size
n= total no. of sample sizes
6+8+10/3 = 8 population mean
population variance nasa camera roll.

9th Day:

Sample Size- specific no.

Population Size- all/total no.

population mean: no.+no./ no included is two no. only so 2.

pag without replacement walang uulit na no. meaning walang 2,2 4,4, 6,6, 1,1,.... etc sa sample table
probability distribution table: kung ilan ung group na nakuha un yung denominator example: merong
combination of 6 people sa sample table form therefore ung denominator is 6 then after that check
kung gaano karami lumabas sa sample data ung specific ayon ung magiging numerator.

sample mean-
sample variance-

10th Day:

CHI square Goodness of fit test: ( not inclded in periodical ) use in practical researc 2.
i used to test wether a frequency distribution fits an expected distribution, also if it includes top 5's.
x squared= summation (0-E) raise 2 / E
e- expected value = to mean
x squared- chi squared
0-observed value - matataas ang frequency ( total population )

e= asub1+asub2+asubn/n

degree of (freedom?)- df=k-1

k & n- is the same value. stnads for the no. of samples.

0.05- default no if di given ang level of significance (x na pa cursive)

tabular value- ung may sqr at sub2
Ho- null hypothesis
Ha- alternative hypothesis

11th Day:

1ST Page 81
round off to the nearest whole number. ang expected value is laging whole number.

4th Quarter:

2nd Day:

CHi square goodness of it.

x square is greater than tabular value reject.

3rd Day:
T-test- statistical treatment. comparing 2 groups.

n=total number of respondents
d= difference
sd= standard deviation

interpretation-reject h sub0 since l T l > l t tabular l

t= d/n / sd/sqroot of n.

t-test: ued in hypothesis testing to determine whether a process or treatment actually has an effect
on the population of interest , or whether two groups are different from one another.

t table same as chi square.


before ung equation sa baba mag miminus muna depende ung ano mauuna sa table.... na ibibigay..
sd^2= n (summation d^2)- (summation d)^2/ n (n-1)

4th Day:

computed value > tabular reject

4 decimal places sa t-test sa chi square hanggang 2 decimal

5th Day:
anova- 3 or more gorups.
-analysis of variance
- means of 2 groups, mean between and mean inside.
- 5 tlaga nagsisimula.

FOrmula na SS ko!!

define k
k- no. of columns.
n- column multiply row.

complete the table na ss ko na

summation of a b c and a^2 b^2 c^2

1ST Page 82
6th Day:

7th Day:

Quiz tom: t-test.

Correlational Analysis: Checking the relationship of two variables/variance

Piercing ShrunkProduct momentum analysis
Spearman shrunk Correlation

Bivariate Data: (Inferential Statistics)

-test the hypothesis
-study of 2 variables
-independent and dependent

Descriptive Statistics: Mean ,Perentage, Tabular, etc.

8th Day:

Bivariate Data:

Correlational Analyis:
-all variables are positive.
Scatterplot/Diagram: 1 quadrant
-provides a visual representation of the correlation or reationship between two variables.
Cartesian Coordinate Plane:4 quadrants

Positive Correlation:
1 variable increase , other variable also increase.

negative- decrease of one variable and the other variable increase.

no correlation= scatter....

9th Day:

sa graph pag up ang graph tas dikit dikit ung dots strong positive and pag medyo layo layo pero kita
ung increase then weak positive also same sa negaative...
sa no correlation is scattered sa graph..
remember ung graph is one quadrant lang.

Pearson R: have two variables. x and y

Formula na ss ko.

na ss ko rin ung determine the strenght of R:

null- the research prediction is not true. pag walang no.

1ST Page 83
null- the research prediction is not true. pag walang no.
alternative- the research predicted difference is true.oag may no. I mean ( nooo) not number.

na ss ko ung solving table tignan mo.

n= no. of samples.

9th Day:

chi squeared
pearson r
correlation analysis (scatterplot- 1 quadrant lang)
no t-test and analysis of variance
table substitute and final answer na lang d na papakita process.

1ST Page 84
Probability and Statistic:
Thursday, September 30, 2021 8:51 AM

Thursday, September 30, 2021

8:50 AM

Probability and Statistic:

Probability- Branch of Mathematics how likely an event will occur or how likely the proposition of
event to happen.
Fathers of Probability- Blaise Pascal, Pierre de fermat.
Statistcs- Branch of math and science. collecting,analyzing,presenting and interpreting data.
Sir Ronald Fischer- farther or modern statistics and experemental design.

Random Variables- numerical and non numerical (descrete). Rule that assigns a number to each
outcome of a chance experiment.
Two types of random variable
Continues Variables- endless possible outcome (infinity)
Discrete Probability- countable. (The number)
Written works check laturrrr!!!

3rd Day:

The normal Distribution- the probability distribution of a normal random variable. The most
important distributions in statistics.
Properties of Normal Distribution:
1. the curve of the distribution is a bell-shaped. parabola

2. the curve is symmetrical about the mean.

3. The mean median and mode are of equal values and when sketched, they councide at the center
of the graph. Measures of central tendencies.
mean- average. Equivalent to median mode
median- middle point if balanced, if not balanced, then it will be ascending or descending. Equivalent
to mean mode
mode- the most frequent, common number. Location center- zero. equal to mean median

4. The width of the curve is determined by the standard deviation of the distribution. Measures of

5. The curve extends infidelity approaching the x-axis but never touching it. Thus, the curve is
asymptotic to the line.

6. The area under the region, shaded region under the curve =1. It represents the probability or
percentage or proportion associated
sketch a normal curve for each distribution. Label the x-axis at one two three standard deviations
from the mean.
1. mean=30 standard deviation=5
2. mean=95 standard deviation= 12

1ST Page 85
Thesis Paper Group:

4th Day:

Areas Under the Normal Curve:

Steps in Finsiding the normal curve:
1. Express the given z-value into a three digit number.
2. Using the z-table. find the first 2 digits on the first column.
3. Find the third digit in the first row in the right.
4. Read the are for probability at the intersection of the row (first 2 digit number) and column ( third
digit number ). The value observed at the intersection indicates the area of the z-value

5th Day:

Areas under the normal curve:

nag cchange lang ng sign ung z value pero ung area is the same.

6th Day:

Understanding the z-scores:

x=raw score
looks like a u cursive= population mean
x may tuldok sa taas= sample mean
o na parang cursive= population standard deviation
s= sample standard deviation

steps in finding the z scores given the mean(u) standard deviation( o ) and the measurement (X):
1. use the formula z= X-u/o for finding the z-score.
2. check the given values; mean (u, standard deviation (o) and the measurements (X).
3. Substitute the given values in the formula.
4. Compute for the z-value.

7th Day:

Statistical Interference:

Sample Data: a chosen portion of the whole population

Population Data: a collection of all possible observations under a particular study

Qualitative Research needs only 15 to become population.

Sample Size: Provides number. partners.

Sampling units: provides members. enumerate
Sampling Frame: Listing of all possible sampling units. table form
Sampling: tools to obtain information on a larger group.

1ST Page 86
Population Parameter: numerical measures that describe certain characteristics of a population.
using greek letter.
Sample Statistics: numerical measures calculated from the sample.

8th Day:

Sampling Distribution:
Sampling can be done in two ways:
1.Sampling with replacement- maraming chances
2.Sampling without replacement- one chance lang

Probability Distribution- u(x)= a1+a2+an/n- population mean

Sampling Distribution- o^2(x)= a1^2+a2^2+an^2/n -u^2 -population variance

a1= sample size

a2= sample size
n= total no. of sample sizes
6+8+10/3 = 8 population mean
population variance nasa camera roll.

9th Day:

Sample Size- specific no.

Population Size- all/total no.

population mean: no.+no./ no included is two no. only so 2.

pag without replacement walang uulit na no. meaning walang 2,2 4,4, 6,6, 1,1,.... etc sa sample table
probability distribution table: kung ilan ung group na nakuha un yung denominator example: merong
combination of 6 people sa sample table form therefore ung denominator is 6 then after that check
kung gaano karami lumabas sa sample data ung specific ayon ung magiging numerator.

sample mean-
sample variance-

10th Day:

CHI square Goodness of fit test: ( not inclded in periodical ) use in practical researc 2.
i used to test wether a frequency distribution fits an expected distribution, also if it includes top 5's.
x squared= summation (0-E) raise 2 / E
e- expected value = to mean
x squared- chi squared
0-observed value - matataas ang frequency ( total population )

e= asub1+asub2+asubn/n

degree of (freedom?)- df=k-1

k & n- is the same value. stnads for the no. of samples.

0.05- default no if di given ang level of significance (x na pa cursive)

tabular value- ung may sqr at sub2

1ST Page 87
tabular value- ung may sqr at sub2
Ho- null hypothesis
Ha- alternative hypothesis

11th Day:

round off to the nearest whole number. ang expected value is laging whole number.

4th Quarter:

2nd Day:

CHi square goodness of it.

x square is greater than tabular value reject.

3rd Day:
T-test- statistical treatment. comparing 2 groups.

n=total number of respondents
d= difference
sd= standard deviation

interpretation-reject h sub0 since l T l > l t tabular l

t= d/n / sd/sqroot of n.

t-test: ued in hypothesis testing to determine whether a process or treatment actually has an effect
on the population of interest , or whether two groups are different from one another.

t table same as chi square.


before ung equation sa baba mag miminus muna depende ung ano mauuna sa table.... na ibibigay..
sd^2= n (summation d^2)- (summation d)^2/ n (n-1)

4th Day:

computed value > tabular reject

4 decimal places sa t-test sa chi square hanggang 2 decimal

5th Day:
anova- 3 or more gorups.
-analysis of variance
- means of 2 groups, mean between and mean inside.
- 5 tlaga nagsisimula.

FOrmula na SS ko!!

define k
k- no. of columns.

1ST Page 88
k- no. of columns.
n- column multiply row.

complete the table na ss ko na

summation of a b c and a^2 b^2 c^2

6th Day:

7th Day:

Quiz tom: t-test.

Correlational Analysis: Checking the relationship of two variables/variance

Piercing ShrunkProduct momentum analysis
Spearman shrunk Correlation

Bivariate Data: (Inferential Statistics)

-test the hypothesis
-study of 2 variables
-independent and dependent

Descriptive Statistics: Mean ,Perentage, Tabular, etc.

8th Day:

Bivariate Data:

Correlational Analyis:
-all variables are positive.
Scatterplot/Diagram: 1 quadrant
-provides a visual representation of the correlation or reationship between two variables.
Cartesian Coordinate Plane:4 quadrants

Positive Correlation:
1 variable increase , other variable also increase.

negative- decrease of one variable and the other variable increase.

no correlation= scatter....

9th Day:

sa graph pag up ang graph tas dikit dikit ung dots strong positive and pag medyo layo layo pero kita
ung increase then weak positive also same sa negaative...
sa no correlation is scattered sa graph..
remember ung graph is one quadrant lang.

Pearson R: have two variables. x and y

1ST Page 89
Formula na ss ko.

na ss ko rin ung determine the strenght of R:

null- the research prediction is not true. pag walang no.

alternative- the research predicted difference is true.oag may no. I mean ( nooo) not number.

na ss ko ung solving table tignan mo.

n= no. of samples.

9th Day:

chi squeared
pearson r
correlation analysis (scatterplot- 1 quadrant lang)
no t-test and analysis of variance
table substitute and final answer na lang d na papakita process.

1ST Page 90
Thursday, September 30, 2021 8:54 AM

Probability and Statistic:

Probability- Branch of Mathematics how likely an event will occur or how likely the proposition of
event to happen.
Fathers of Probability- Blaise Pascal, Pierre de fermat.
Statistcs- Branch of math and science. collecting,analyzing,presenting and interpreting data.
Sir Ronald Fischer- farther or modern statistics and experemental design.

Random Variables- numerical and non numerical (descrete). Rule that assigns a number to each
outcome of a chance experiment.
Two types of random variable
Continues Variables- endless possible outcome (infinity)
Discrete Probability- countable. (The number)
Written works check laturrrr!!!

3rd Day:

The normal Distribution- the probability distribution of a normal random variable. The most
important distributions in statistics.
Properties of Normal Distribution:
1. the curve of the distribution is a bell-shaped. parabola

2. the curve is symmetrical about the mean.

3. The mean median and mode are of equal values and when sketched, they councide at the center
of the graph. Measures of central tendencies.
mean- average. Equivalent to median mode
median- middle point if balanced, if not balanced, then it will be ascending or descending. Equivalent
to mean mode
mode- the most frequent, common number. Location center- zero. equal to mean median

4. The width of the curve is determined by the standard deviation of the distribution. Measures of

5. The curve extends infidelity approaching the x-axis but never touching it. Thus, the curve is
asymptotic to the line.

6. The area under the region, shaded region under the curve =1. It represents the probability or
percentage or proportion associated
sketch a normal curve for each distribution. Label the x-axis at one two three standard deviations
from the mean.
1. mean=30 standard deviation=5
2. mean=95 standard deviation= 12

Thesis Paper Group:


1ST Page 91

4th Day:

Areas Under the Normal Curve:

Steps in Finsiding the normal curve:
1. Express the given z-value into a three digit number.
2. Using the z-table. find the first 2 digits on the first column.
3. Find the third digit in the first row in the right.
4. Read the are for probability at the intersection of the row (first 2 digit number) and column ( third
digit number ). The value observed at the intersection indicates the area of the z-value

5th Day:

Areas under the normal curve:

nag cchange lang ng sign ung z value pero ung area is the same.

6th Day:

Understanding the z-scores:

x=raw score
looks like a u cursive= population mean
x may tuldok sa taas= sample mean
o na parang cursive= population standard deviation
s= sample standard deviation

steps in finding the z scores given the mean(u) standard deviation( o ) and the measurement (X):
1. use the formula z= X-u/o for finding the z-score.
2. check the given values; mean (u, standard deviation (o) and the measurements (X).
3. Substitute the given values in the formula.
4. Compute for the z-value.

7th Day:

Statistical Interference:

Sample Data: a chosen portion of the whole population

Population Data: a collection of all possible observations under a particular study

Qualitative Research needs only 15 to become population.

Sample Size: Provides number. partners.

Sampling units: provides members. enumerate
Sampling Frame: Listing of all possible sampling units. table form
Sampling: tools to obtain information on a larger group.

Population Parameter: numerical measures that describe certain characteristics of a population.

using greek letter.
Sample Statistics: numerical measures calculated from the sample.

8th Day:

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8th Day:

Sampling Distribution:
Sampling can be done in two ways:
1.Sampling with replacement- maraming chances
2.Sampling without replacement- one chance lang

Probability Distribution- u(x)= a1+a2+an/n- population mean

Sampling Distribution- o^2(x)= a1^2+a2^2+an^2/n -u^2 -population variance

a1= sample size

a2= sample size
n= total no. of sample sizes
6+8+10/3 = 8 population mean
population variance nasa camera roll.

9th Day:

Sample Size- specific no.

Population Size- all/total no.

population mean: no.+no./ no included is two no. only so 2.

pag without replacement walang uulit na no. meaning walang 2,2 4,4, 6,6, 1,1,.... etc sa sample table
probability distribution table: kung ilan ung group na nakuha un yung denominator example: merong
combination of 6 people sa sample table form therefore ung denominator is 6 then after that check
kung gaano karami lumabas sa sample data ung specific ayon ung magiging numerator.

sample mean-
sample variance-

10th Day:

CHI square Goodness of fit test: ( not inclded in periodical ) use in practical researc 2.
i used to test wether a frequency distribution fits an expected distribution, also if it includes top 5's.
x squared= summation (0-E) raise 2 / E
e- expected value = to mean
x squared- chi squared
0-observed value - matataas ang frequency ( total population )

e= asub1+asub2+asubn/n

degree of (freedom?)- df=k-1

k & n- is the same value. stnads for the no. of samples.

0.05- default no if di given ang level of significance (x na pa cursive)

tabular value- ung may sqr at sub2
Ho- null hypothesis
Ha- alternative hypothesis

11th Day:

1ST Page 93
round off to the nearest whole number. ang expected value is laging whole number.

4th Quarter:

2nd Day:

CHi square goodness of it.

x square is greater than tabular value reject.

3rd Day:
T-test- statistical treatment. comparing 2 groups.

n=total number of respondents
d= difference
sd= standard deviation

interpretation-reject h sub0 since l T l > l t tabular l

t= d/n / sd/sqroot of n.

t-test: ued in hypothesis testing to determine whether a process or treatment actually has an effect
on the population of interest , or whether two groups are different from one another.

t table same as chi square.


before ung equation sa baba mag miminus muna depende ung ano mauuna sa table.... na ibibigay..
sd^2= n (summation d^2)- (summation d)^2/ n (n-1)

4th Day:

computed value > tabular reject

4 decimal places sa t-test sa chi square hanggang 2 decimal

5th Day:
anova- 3 or more gorups.
-analysis of variance
- means of 2 groups, mean between and mean inside.
- 5 tlaga nagsisimula.

FOrmula na SS ko!!

define k
k- no. of columns.
n- column multiply row.

complete the table na ss ko na

summation of a b c and a^2 b^2 c^2

1ST Page 94
6th Day:

7th Day:

Quiz tom: t-test.

Correlational Analysis: Checking the relationship of two variables/variance

Piercing ShrunkProduct momentum analysis
Spearman shrunk Correlation

Bivariate Data: (Inferential Statistics)

-test the hypothesis
-study of 2 variables
-independent and dependent

Descriptive Statistics: Mean ,Perentage, Tabular, etc.

8th Day:

Bivariate Data:

Correlational Analyis:
-all variables are positive.
Scatterplot/Diagram: 1 quadrant
-provides a visual representation of the correlation or reationship between two variables.
Cartesian Coordinate Plane:4 quadrants

Positive Correlation:
1 variable increase , other variable also increase.

negative- decrease of one variable and the other variable increase.

no correlation= scatter....

9th Day:

sa graph pag up ang graph tas dikit dikit ung dots strong positive and pag medyo layo layo pero kita
ung increase then weak positive also same sa negaative...
sa no correlation is scattered sa graph..
remember ung graph is one quadrant lang.

Pearson R: have two variables. x and y

Formula na ss ko.

na ss ko rin ung determine the strenght of R:

null- the research prediction is not true. pag walang no.

1ST Page 95
null- the research prediction is not true. pag walang no.
alternative- the research predicted difference is true.oag may no. I mean ( nooo) not number.

na ss ko ung solving table tignan mo.

n= no. of samples.

9th Day:

chi squeared
pearson r
correlation analysis (scatterplot- 1 quadrant lang)
no t-test and analysis of variance
table substitute and final answer na lang d na papakita process.

1ST Page 96
Thursday, September 30, 2021 8:56 AM

Probability and Statistic:

Probability- Branch of Mathematics how likely an event will occur or how likely the proposition of
event to happen.
Fathers of Probability- Blaise Pascal, Pierre de fermat.
Statistcs- Branch of math and science. collecting,analyzing,presenting and interpreting data.
Sir Ronald Fischer- farther or modern statistics and experemental design.

Random Variables- numerical and non numerical (descrete). Rule that assigns a number to each
outcome of a chance experiment.
Two types of random variable
Continues Variables- endless possible outcome (infinity)
Discrete Probability- countable. (The number)
Written works check laturrrr!!!

3rd Day:

The normal Distribution- the probability distribution of a normal random variable. The most
important distributions in statistics.
Properties of Normal Distribution:
1. the curve of the distribution is a bell-shaped. parabola

2. the curve is symmetrical about the mean.

3. The mean median and mode are of equal values and when sketched, they councide at the center
of the graph. Measures of central tendencies.
mean- average. Equivalent to median mode
median- middle point if balanced, if not balanced, then it will be ascending or descending. Equivalent
to mean mode
mode- the most frequent, common number. Location center- zero. equal to mean median

4. The width of the curve is determined by the standard deviation of the distribution. Measures of

5. The curve extends infidelity approaching the x-axis but never touching it. Thus, the curve is
asymptotic to the line.

6. The area under the region, shaded region under the curve =1. It represents the probability or
percentage or proportion associated
sketch a normal curve for each distribution. Label the x-axis at one two three standard deviations
from the mean.
1. mean=30 standard deviation=5
2. mean=95 standard deviation= 12

Thesis Paper Group:


1ST Page 97

4th Day:

Areas Under the Normal Curve:

Steps in Finsiding the normal curve:
1. Express the given z-value into a three digit number.
2. Using the z-table. find the first 2 digits on the first column.
3. Find the third digit in the first row in the right.
4. Read the are for probability at the intersection of the row (first 2 digit number) and column ( third
digit number ). The value observed at the intersection indicates the area of the z-value

5th Day:

Areas under the normal curve:

nag cchange lang ng sign ung z value pero ung area is the same.

6th Day:

Understanding the z-scores:

x=raw score
looks like a u cursive= population mean
x may tuldok sa taas= sample mean
o na parang cursive= population standard deviation
s= sample standard deviation

steps in finding the z scores given the mean(u) standard deviation( o ) and the measurement (X):
1. use the formula z= X-u/o for finding the z-score.
2. check the given values; mean (u, standard deviation (o) and the measurements (X).
3. Substitute the given values in the formula.
4. Compute for the z-value.

7th Day:

Statistical Interference:

Sample Data: a chosen portion of the whole population

Population Data: a collection of all possible observations under a particular study

Qualitative Research needs only 15 to become population.

Sample Size: Provides number. partners.

Sampling units: provides members. enumerate
Sampling Frame: Listing of all possible sampling units. table form
Sampling: tools to obtain information on a larger group.

Population Parameter: numerical measures that describe certain characteristics of a population.

using greek letter.
Sample Statistics: numerical measures calculated from the sample.

8th Day:

1ST Page 98
8th Day:

Sampling Distribution:
Sampling can be done in two ways:
1.Sampling with replacement- maraming chances
2.Sampling without replacement- one chance lang

Probability Distribution- u(x)= a1+a2+an/n- population mean

Sampling Distribution- o^2(x)= a1^2+a2^2+an^2/n -u^2 -population variance

a1= sample size

a2= sample size
n= total no. of sample sizes
6+8+10/3 = 8 population mean
population variance nasa camera roll.

9th Day:

Sample Size- specific no.

Population Size- all/total no.

population mean: no.+no./ no included is two no. only so 2.

pag without replacement walang uulit na no. meaning walang 2,2 4,4, 6,6, 1,1,.... etc sa sample table
probability distribution table: kung ilan ung group na nakuha un yung denominator example: merong
combination of 6 people sa sample table form therefore ung denominator is 6 then after that check
kung gaano karami lumabas sa sample data ung specific ayon ung magiging numerator.

sample mean-
sample variance-

10th Day:

CHI square Goodness of fit test: ( not inclded in periodical ) use in practical researc 2.
i used to test wether a frequency distribution fits an expected distribution, also if it includes top 5's.
x squared= summation (0-E) raise 2 / E
e- expected value = to mean
x squared- chi squared
0-observed value - matataas ang frequency ( total population )

e= asub1+asub2+asubn/n

degree of (freedom?)- df=k-1

k & n- is the same value. stnads for the no. of samples.

0.05- default no if di given ang level of significance (x na pa cursive)

tabular value- ung may sqr at sub2
Ho- null hypothesis
Ha- alternative hypothesis

11th Day:

1ST Page 99
round off to the nearest whole number. ang expected value is laging whole number.

4th Quarter:

2nd Day:

CHi square goodness of it.

x square is greater than tabular value reject.

3rd Day:
T-test- statistical treatment. comparing 2 groups.

n=total number of respondents
d= difference
sd= standard deviation

interpretation-reject h sub0 since l T l > l t tabular l

t= d/n / sd/sqroot of n.

t-test: ued in hypothesis testing to determine whether a process or treatment actually has an effect
on the population of interest , or whether two groups are different from one another.

t table same as chi square.


before ung equation sa baba mag miminus muna depende ung ano mauuna sa table.... na ibibigay..
sd^2= n (summation d^2)- (summation d)^2/ n (n-1)

4th Day:

computed value > tabular reject

4 decimal places sa t-test sa chi square hanggang 2 decimal

5th Day:
anova- 3 or more gorups.
-analysis of variance
- means of 2 groups, mean between and mean inside.
- 5 tlaga nagsisimula.

FOrmula na SS ko!!

define k
k- no. of columns.
n- column multiply row.

complete the table na ss ko na

summation of a b c and a^2 b^2 c^2

1ST Page 100

6th Day:

7th Day:

Quiz tom: t-test.

Correlational Analysis: Checking the relationship of two variables/variance

Piercing ShrunkProduct momentum analysis
Spearman shrunk Correlation

Bivariate Data: (Inferential Statistics)

-test the hypothesis
-study of 2 variables
-independent and dependent

Descriptive Statistics: Mean ,Perentage, Tabular, etc.

8th Day:

Bivariate Data:

Correlational Analyis:
-all variables are positive.
Scatterplot/Diagram: 1 quadrant
-provides a visual representation of the correlation or reationship between two variables.
Cartesian Coordinate Plane:4 quadrants

Positive Correlation:
1 variable increase , other variable also increase.

negative- decrease of one variable and the other variable increase.

no correlation= scatter....

9th Day:

sa graph pag up ang graph tas dikit dikit ung dots strong positive and pag medyo layo layo pero kita
ung increase then weak positive also same sa negaative...
sa no correlation is scattered sa graph..
remember ung graph is one quadrant lang.

Pearson R: have two variables. x and y

Formula na ss ko.

na ss ko rin ung determine the strenght of R:

null- the research prediction is not true. pag walang no.

1ST Page 101

null- the research prediction is not true. pag walang no.
alternative- the research predicted difference is true.oag may no. I mean ( nooo) not number.

na ss ko ung solving table tignan mo.

n= no. of samples.

9th Day:

chi squeared
pearson r
correlation analysis (scatterplot- 1 quadrant lang)
no t-test and analysis of variance
table substitute and final answer na lang d na papakita process.

1ST Page 102

Reviewer in ABM:
Thursday, 19 August 2021 10:13 am

Assets= Liabilities + O.E
Assets - Liabilities= O.E

Rules of Debit and Credits: you can use arrows up and down
Statement of Financial Position or Balance Sheet :
Debit Increase Credit Decrease The Heading
Asset 1. Name of the Business
Expense 2. Title of the Report
3. Date of the Report ( Specific Date )
Debit Decrease Credit Increase 4. Currency ( Philippine Peso
Owner's Equity The Asset Section
Income Liability Section
Liabilities The Owner's Equity Section

Financial Statements:
Bookkeeper: analysis of business transactions. Recording in the general ledgers. Classifying the General Ledger.
General Ledger Accounts - incld. Assets, Liabilities, Owner's Equity, Revenue, Cost and Expenses.

Balance sheets - ( aka Statements of Financial Position)

- Results of cash flows
- Usually calendar year- starts at jan 1st
- Fiscal Year- starts janended before December
- Two forms:
Report form and account form- contents are the same
Report form- vertical form - top to bottom
Account form- horizontal form - hiwalay, left assets then right side is liabilities

Difference Between Salary and Wage :

Salary- permanent employee
Wage- on-call employee

Permanent Accounts: aka real accounts do not close its balance at the end of accounting period. Important like , assets, liabilities, stock holders.
Temporary Accounts: can be closed at the end of the accounting period. Starts with a new period with zero balance. Don’t mix the account before and this year. Examples are Revenues,
expenses and income
- Bakit need na mag start to zero . Maiipon and mag aapear sa accounting statemnt


• Elements of Cashflows
1. Operating activities- directly related to earning the net income or suffering or net loss
2. Investing- for the acquisition or disposition of plant, equipment and investment
3. Financing- financing entity through cash receipts from and cash payments to investors or creditors

Income Statement- aka profit and lost statement

- Presents entity results of operations period of time.
= name of reporting - name of the business
Elements of Income Statements:
Revenues- these revenues or gross income from sale of company products and services.
= one account sales/ service income
• Sales about product service about the service
Cost of Sales and Expenses: Expenses- two way of explenation, first is paglabas ng pera, nag bayad ng needs, second is it's not literally paglabas ng pera or nagbabayad.
- Cost of Sales/ Cost of Services- direct cost of the products sold or the services rendered (being given).
- Salaries Expense- includes salaries of employees for services rendered (being given) . 15th and 30th Day of Month. Weekly. 5th and 20
- Utilities Expense- this includes telephone, water and electricity used.
- Rent Expenses- Includes rentals for the use of equipment, office, building and land spaces owned by others
- Supplies Expense- includes laboratory, medical and office supplies used.
- Transportation Expense- includes fare for trips and travels cost of gasoline and oil used for company vehicles.
- Depreciation Expense- includes portion of the cost of building and equipment allocated to one accounting period. Bumababa ang Value ng assets. Ex is 3 mil na asset is bumaba ….
- Representation Expense- includes the amount paid to restaurants and hotels for treating customers and others.
- Interest Expense- debt on monetary obligations

R Page 103
Reviewer in Business
Friday, 20 August 2021 8:22 am

General Journal- book of original entry

Finance: General Ledger- book of final entry
- providing fund ( for person or enterprise ) .
Treasury Notes/ Bonds and Bills:
- Main point is to maximize profit.
- Bonds - more than 10 yrs
- deals with the study of investment.
-Notes- a year or 9 year
- Management of large amount of money, esp. by large government or companies
-Bill- less than 1 yr, don’t have interest
Financial Management:
- Plan and control the finance of the company.
- Efficient and effective way of managing money. Treasury Notes/ Bonds and Bills:
- Dr. S. N. Maheshwari: ( financial management is concerned with raising financial resources and their effective -Bonds - more than 10 yrs
utilization towards achieving the org. goals.) -Notes- a year or 9 year
- Richard A. Brealey: process of putting the available funds to the best advantage from long term point of view of -Bill- less than 1 yr, don’t have interest
business objectives. )
Stocks: investment
Important Role of Financial Institutions: Dividends: nag pasok ng pera sa investment at kumita tyo ung kita
Depositor > Borrower > Business Project > Return of Investment > Pays Interest is dividends
Prefered- walang voting rights
Depositor- person who has the money Common- may voting rights bibigyan sila dividends.
- A person who keeps money in a bank account
- A person or company that places money in a bank account
Borrower- person who needs money
- Takes out loan from a bank under an agreement to pay it back later, typically with interest Income statement: shows performance of the business for a given
- Person or organization that takes and use something's belonging to someone else with the intention of returning period of time.
it. Commercial Papers: borrowings of corporations with good credit
standing .
Financial Intermediary: Financial Instruments: tools that help a business daily operations
- Is an entity that acts as the middleman between two parties in financial transaction, such as a commercial bank, and eventually make it grow.
investment banks, mutual funds and pension funds.

Financial Instruments and Financial Markets:

• Examples of Banks: walang masyadong pinoproseso
• Examples of Non-Banks: Insurance, Investments offer a lot.
- Philam Life and Gen
- Sunlife
- Phil Axa
- Pru Life (originated at UK)
- Insular Life
- Manulife
- Grepalife
- United Cocolife
- Generali Pilipinas

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Friday, 3 September 2021 2:23 pm

Vocabulary: Then stories, characters and Authors: nasa book

Glee- delight Habeas Corpus- protection for the person who are being imprisoned.
Slivered- cake Galman - ninoy aquino's gunman
Pudgy- fat Snap election- sudden election
Tittered- giggle Yellow revelution:
Jerky-stops and starts
Lopped-off-cut away Feb 25 1986- leave and go in hawaii 1989- sept 28 kidney heart and lung
Éclair-long soft pastry illness die.
Glistened- shine Snap election is february 2, 1986
Cuffed-separate band sew on Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr.
Grins-smile broadly Desaparisidos- missing people
Sterling- excellent Sandra Nicole Roldan:
Stoic- hard-work without showing feeling - She is an assistant professor at the department of english and
Detritus- waste or debris comparative literature, University of the Philippines-Diliman
Wistfully- with a feeling of vague or regretful longing
Tirade- a long angry speech of accusation or criticism Literary Approaches/Criticims:
Eschewed- deliberately avoiding' abstain from - Historical Approach- background, history
Coax- gently or persistently persuade (someone) to do something - Biographical Approach- life of the author.
HorseTail- plant, used to make medicine ( not proven yet) - Sociological Approach- cliches. Standard and movement of the
Prospect- looking ahead, anticipation, viewpoint society
Scythe- long curve blade for cutting grass - Formalist Approach- after the structure.
Wager- act of betting - Reader's Response Approach- reviews?. To deliver ,give, come up
Trunks- wide central part of tree, which branches grow. with responses and feedbacks. All of approach is included.
Uninitiated- without special knowledge or exp - Gender Approach- femininity or masculinity
Despedida- social event to mark a person's departure - Constructionist Approach- style of the author
Slump- undergo a severe or sudden prolonged fall in price - Mythological Approach- myth. Gods, goddesses
Pang- a sudden shar pain or painful emotion
Reformat- give a new format; revise or represent in another format Regional Literature:
Fragmentation- process or state of being broken or breaking - Limited in the country's local.
Diskette- flexible removable magnetic disk for storing data 21st Century Literature:
Humdrum- lacking excitement or variety;dull - Considered other counties masterpieces or famous literature.
Obliterated- wipe out; destroy utterly - Liberated / Exposed
Mac Khach- a person who is in love with literature and appreciates it's beauty
Bibliophilia/ Bibliophilism- it is the love of books and a bibliophile or bookworms is an individual who loves and
frequently reads books.

Cyan Abad-Jugo: Sweet Summer:

Frederick- man who's with sara
Dolby- doberman
Sara- with felix.
Camilla- with faye bullying fred.
Faye- with camilla
Felix- "kuya" brother of fred
A Perfect Season: Jose Miguel Argualles
Lemon Tree: Lawrence Lacambra Ypil
Master of the Fragfest: Carljoe Javier
- With brother, fix the computer because his sister broke it or replaced it's hdd with other. Floppy disk
The Safe House: Sandra Nicole Roldan

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Friday, 3 September 2021 2:25 pm

Ano ang Pagsulat?: Benefits ng pagsusulat:

Cecilia Austeria: - Masasanay mag organisa ng mga kaisipan at maisulat ito sa
- Paghahatid ng mensahe gamit ang wika pamamagitan ng obhetibong paraan.
- Gamitin ang sariling wika - Malilinang ang kasanayan sa pagsusuri ng mga datos na
kakailanganin sa isinasagawang imbestigasyon o pananaliksik.
Edwin Mabilin: - Mahuhubog ang kaisipan ng mga mag-aaral sa mapanuring
- Isang pambihirang gawaing mental at pisikal pagbabasa sa pamamagitan ng pagiging obhetibo sa paglalatag ng
- Pagpapahayag ng kaalaman na kahit kailan ay hindi mawawala mga kaisipan
- Lahat ng uri ng Pagsulat ay produkto lamang ng akademikong pagsulat - Mahihikayat at mapauunlad ang kakayahan sa matalinong paggamit
ng mga aklatan sa paghahanap ng mga materyales at mahahalagang
Carmelito Alejo, et al: datos.
- May sinusunod na partikular na kumbensyon - Magdudulot ito ng kasiyahan at pagkakaroon ng pagkakataong
- Layuning maipakita ang resulta ng pagsisiyasat makapag-ambag ng kaalaman sa lipunan
- Mahuhubog ang pagpapahalaga sa paggalang at pagkilala sa mga
Layunin at Kahalagahan ng Pagsulat: gawa at akda ng kanilang pag-aaral ata akademikong pagsisikap
- Malilinang ang kasanayan sa pangalap ng mga impormasyon mulsa
Royo: - Malaki ang natutulong sa paghibog ng damdamin at isipan sa iba't ibang batis ng kaalaman para sa akademikong pagsusulat
Mabilin: Nahati sa 2 layunin
• Personal/Ekspresibo: batay sa sariling pananaw Dapat isaalang-alang sa pagsulat:
• Panlipunan/Sosyal: makipagugnayan sa ibang tao. - partikular sa waston paggamit ng malaki at maliit na titik
- wastong baybay
- paggamit ng bantas
WIKA, PAKSA AT PAGULAT: LAYUNIN - pagbuo ng makanbuluhang pangungusap
WIKA- magisilbing behikulo upang maisatitik ang kaisipan - pagbuo ng talata
PAKSA- magsisilbing pangkalahatang pagiikutan ng ideya - masining
LAYUNIN- magsisilbing giya mo sa paghabi ng mga datos o nilalaman ng iyong isusulat. - Obhetibong paghabi ng mga kaisipan upang makabuo ng isang
mahusay na sulatin
PARAANG IMPORMATIBO- magbigay impormasyon Mga katangiang dapat taglayin ng akademikong pagsulat:
PARAANG EKSPRESIBO- magbigay ng sariling opinyon o saloobin o karanasan 1. Obhetibo
PARAANG NARATIBO- mag salaysay 2. Pormal
3. Maliwanag at Organisado
Kasanyang Pampagiisip: 4. May panininindigan
Pagiging Lohikal 5. May pananagutan
Iba't Ibang uri ng Akademikong Sulatin:
- Abstract
URI NG PAGSULAT: - Sintesis or buod
AKADEMIKONG PAGSULAT: ginagamit sa paaralan kolehiyo at iba pang antas ng pag -aaral - Bionote
MALIKHAING PAGSULAT: magbigay aliw, makapukaw damdamin - Panukalang proyekto
TEKNIKAL NA PAGSULAT:pag-aralan o pagbuo ng isang proyekto o upang ito ay lutasin - Agenda
DYORNALISTIK NA PAGSULAT: may kinalaman sa paghahayag - Katitikan ng Pulong
REPERENSYAL NA PAGSULAT: bigyang pagkialala o pagrecognize sa isang sulat - Posisyong Papel
- Replektibong Sanaysay
SINOPSIS: - Pictorial- Essay
- Isang uri ng lagom - Lakbay-sanaysay
- Kalimitang ginagamit sa tekstong naratibo
- Sa pagsulat nito mahalagang maibuod ang nilalaman ng binasang akda gamit ang sariling salita
Dapat paka tandaan na ito ay masagot sa pagkuha ng mahahalagang detalye - Nakasaad ang layunin o pakay ng gagawing meeting.
- Ang binubuo ay isang akda
- Sino?, ano?, kailan?, saan?, bakit?, paano? Puti- pangkalahatang direktiba, kautusan o impormasyon.
Pink o rosas- ginagamit para sa request o order na galing sa
PAGSULAT NG SINOPSIS: purchasing department
Mga dapat tandaan: Dilaw o luntian- galing sa marketing at accounting department.
1. Gumamit ng ikatlong panauhan sa pagsulat nito
2. Isulat ito batay sa tono ng orihinal na sipi Layunin- ayon kay Dr.Darwin Bargo
3. Kailangan mailahad o maisama ang pangunahing tauhan at ang kanilang mga gampanin at suliranin = memorandum para sa kahilingan
4. Gumamit ng mga angkop na pang-ugnay = para kabatiran
5. Tiyaking wasto ang mga baybay, gramatika at bantas = para sa pagtugon
6. Isulat ang sangguniang ginamit kung saan hinango o kinuha ang orihinal na sipi
Mga Hakbang: Dapat tandaan sa pagsulat ng memorandum:
1. Basahin at unawaing mabuti ang buong seleksyon hanggang makuha ang buong kaisipan = dapat makita ang letterhead, kompanya at institusyon o
2. Suriin at hanapin ang pangunahin at d pangunahing kaisipan organisasyon.
3. Magtala at mag balangkas = bahaging para sa/para kay/kina, ay naglalaman ng pangalan
4. Isulat sa sariling pangungusap ngunit wag lagyan ng sariling opinyon o kuro-kuro = ang bahaging mula kay ay naglalaman ng pangalan o memo.
5. Ihanay ang ideyang sangayon sa orihinal = lagyan ng buwan at huwag numero
6. Basahin ang sinopsis na ginawa, kung mapapaikli pa ng di mababawasan ang kaisipan ay paikliin = kadalasan ang mensahe ay maikli lamang ngunit kung kailangan na
detalye marapat na meron itong
• Sitwasyon
ABSTRAK: • Problema
- Isang uri ng lagom • Solusyon
- Karaniwang ginnagamit sa pagsulat ng tesis, report, lektyur at papel na siyentipiko • lagda
- Kadalasang nakikikita sa unahan ng pananaliksik na papel pagtapos ng title page
• Philip Koopman: - Maaring maisulat sa taong naglalathala bg isang aklat o
- Bagamat ang abstrak ay maikli lamang tinataglay nito ang mahalagang elemento o bahagi ng sulating akademiko artikulo
tulad ng introduksyon mga kaugnay na literatura. - Kadalasang ginagamit sa paggawa ng biodata, resume
- Isang lagom sa pagsulat ng personal na buhay ng isang tao
MGA HAKBANG SA PAGSULAT NG ABSTRAK: - Mas maikli sa autobiography o biography
- BUUIN GAMIT ANG MGA TALATA, ANG MGA PANGUNAHING IDEYA O KAISIPAN NG BAWAT BAHAGI NG SULATIN - Maipakilala ang sarili sa madla sa pamamgitan ng pag bangit

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Ito ang magiging motibo sa pag hahabi ng isinulat; layunin


1-5 abstrak
6-10 sinopsis
5 test 5 kahit d capslock

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Friday, 3 September 2021 2:24 pm

Dance: Benefits:
- Barbara Metler: dance is art the art of body movement Physical benefits
- Myers: dance focuses on aesthetic or entertaining experiences - Develops cardiovascular and muscular endurance
- Improves coordination , balance, flexibility and body composition
HISTORY OF DANCE: - Lowers Risk of cardio diseases
Pre-Historic Past: - Lower Body mass index
- Social forces: started as a medium - Lowers resting Heart
- Religious - Improves lipid metabolism
- Artistic Reasons - Enables joint mobility
• Dance is only recorded in pre christian era recorded in egypt and hieroglyphs - Helps recover coordination neuromuscular skills after injury
• In Sparta and Athens dance is for military boys Mental / Emotional Benefits
• Greek used dance to aid Education - Helps keep the brain sharp
• Ancient Rome give less importance to dance - Decreases dimentia and alzheimer
• For higher people dance is entertainment - Decrease depressive symtomps
ELEMENTS OF DANCE: - Gives sense of togetherness in group
SPACE- are that performers occupy Cultural Values
SPACIAL ELEMENTS: - Promotes Cultural Values
DIRECTIONS- can travel in any direction
LEVEL- varied high and low
SIZE- varied by larger or smaller actions SIX QUALITIES OF DANCE ENERGY
FOCUS- by looking at different directions Sustained- movements are done smoothly
TEMPO- speed of movements Percussive-movements are explosive and sharp
TIMING- executed in varying tempo Swinging- movements have curved line
BEAT- tempo is based on beat Suspended- movements are perched in air or hanging
BODILY SHAPE- shape of the body Collapsing- movements are released in tension
GROUP SHAPE- shape of the group Vibratory- has a vibrative movements
ENERGY-movements either sharp, etc.
Dance Appreciation and Composition:
• A good dance must have a form A GOOD DANCE:
- Instrument by which ideas and elements are arranged or combined into a logical Beginning- may come in pose, shape or entrance
Theme Middle- consists of development or the exploration of the main idea
- Main idea and core message End/Conclusion- should be clear and may be in a form of a shape pose or exit
- single movement or a short phrase of movement that embodies the style and intention of the dance

Evaluating a good dance:

depend on who the evaluators are
evaluators- analyze and understand the performance)
3 types of evaluators:
1. Choreographers- evaluate a part of the ongoing process of developing a personal style when is both spontaneous and organized
2. Dancers- evaluate according to the specific demands that the performance places on them
3. Audiences- evaluate according to the particular context of the dance

3 types of critiques:
Description- close observation and elements of a dance
Interpretation- appreciation of a dance
Evaluations- how effectively the features of elements, maganda and d magandang nagawa


Unity -flow smoothly
Continuity and Development- continues, transition
Variety and contrast- making one or several steps, srves as highlights
Transition- links movements phases and sections of the dance
Repetition- emphasizes the movements , and repeat the movements, motif
Climax- rise or blast of energy

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Friday, 3 September 2021 2:24 pm

Ppt's Mass Media: large amount of people can be reached.

- T.V
- Radio
Media: - Newspapers
- Plural form of medium. - Social Media
- Tool to use to deliver information - Magazines
- Latin word medius means middle - Internet
- Technical and artistic creation and delivery of information. - Poster
- Media is trying to influence us all the time. - Movie

Shanon Weaver Model of Communication: Information:

- Linear type of communication - Broad term that covered processed data
- Source > Message > Channel > Receiver
David Berlo developed the SMCR Model: Media Literacy:
- Added the feedback ( called feedback mechanism ) - Ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media
Information Literacy:
What is?: - Ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate and effectively communicate info in its various
Message formats.
Source Technology Literacy:
Channel - Ability of an individual either working with group or not to responsibly, appropriately and effectively use technological tools.
Receiver History of Media:
Pan Cryers: shouting info, oldest media
Examples of Media:
- Books Print Media: earliest of media types
- Letters - Johannes Gutenberg ( creator of printing press)
- Cellphone ( old model NOKIA ) Motion Picture Media: another term for movie.
- Pertains to movie wherein they carry audio visual messages
- Example of a mass media.
Broadcast Media: anything that uses electricity and technology to deliver information. - 170,000 picture is 2 hour movies
New Media's: - Mickey Mouse first motion picture walt disney
- Application of Computer, also covers ICT products or system.
- Different or new way of processing and transmitting information. Philippine Media:
Old Media: Pre-colonial traces:
- Anything that the new media doesn't have - Alibata or baybayin
- Example newspaper, pan cryers - Umalokohan or town crier - appointed by datu
Spanish Colonial Period: Print Industry and Filipino freedom
GLOBAL VILLAGE AND VIRTUAL COMMUNITIES: The world has been shrunk by television - Del superior govierno- first newspaper in the philippines (1811)- written in spanish
McLuhan- first person to use the term GLOBAL VILLAGE - 1889 La solidaridad- most popular nationalistic newspaper
Charles Babbage: - Jose Rizal- El filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere- proved that pen could also be mightier than the sword
Innovation computer American Period:
Analytical Engine- mechanically solved computing problems - The Manila Times (1898)
Alan Turing: - Manila Bulletin (1900)
Universal Machine- could perform any conceivable mathematical computation Japanese Period:
- Electronic Calculator/ Computer- use of electricity - Media Censorship- selected newspapers were allowed to run under tight content control
John von Neumann Postwar:
- Stored program computer - Watchdog
Vannevar Bush:
- Memex- hypothesized memex which would technologize the capacity of human FILM:motion picture media
mind store memories and index them Spanish Period
Ted Nelson: - Lumiere Brothers invented the cinematography
- Realized bush's idea of the hypertext is linked to other text. - Carlo Naquera - cause of him the film made its way to us
Douglas Englebart: - Purpose- entertainment
- Invented the computer mouse - 1900's- american period
Tim Berners Lee - Manila Escolta and Intramuros
- Idea of WWW.
Darry DiNucci American Period:
- Web 2.0 can do social interaction Dalagang Bukid- first filipino film, stage play adaptation
- -interaction with user and web itself Jose Nepomuceno- Father of Philippine Cinema
Apple Purpose- entertainment
- Iphone and ipod
Harri and Henry Oines Kukkonen Japanese Period:
- Social web- place where you can put out your innovations and creativity, virtual. Purpose- propaganda- advocate or persuade people
Cloud Computting: Media Censorship- they suppress and filter the information in media
- Enabling people to access the shared computing resources like virtual storge or Dawn of Freedom (1994):
third party services. 1952: Manuel Conde
Venice Italy
Artcile 3 Bill of Rights section 7 : Cannes, France
-Right of people to inform on matters shall be recognized. Genghis Khan - film title (first asian film to participate in international film festival)
Copyright- the creator has the sole right to publish a work.
Infringement- the violation of copright Some of the Bold Luminaries:
RA no.9329 Optical Media Act: Jose Burgos – WE FORUM
-Protection of media or product to piracy Felix Bautista and Melinda Q. De Jesus – Veritas
RA no.10088 Anti-Camcording Law: Raul and Leticia Locsin – Business World
-illegal use of camera video recording Eugenia Apostol and Letty Jimenez Magsanoc – Philippine Daily Inquirer
RA no.10175 Anti-Cybercrime prevention Act Joaquin “Chino” Roces – The Manila Times
-Identity Theft, Child Porno, Data Misuse
Plagiarism- using/imitating other author's thoughts 1978 Philippine Constitution
Cyberbullying- bully thru online means Art. 3 Bill of Rights
Media should be protected and remain free
Freedom of Press

Studios that Produced Classic Films: MAGAZINES:

LVN Studios, Premiere Production, Lebran and Sampaguita's Pictures Liwayway Magazine (1900s) – most notable magazine empire
Jingle Chordbook (1970-1980) – it featured musical lyrics and chords
Martial Law - media censorship Cosmopolitan – foreign magazine
After 1986 Edsa Revolution - film industry became free again
Lily Monteverde's Film Jose Rizal – first published cartoonist, “ Matsing at Pagong” – first local comic strip
Viva Film Tony Velasquez – Father of Filipino Komiks - “Kenkoy”
1900's - ABS-CBN STAR CINEMA Mars Ravelo – Darna, Dyesebel, Capt Barbell
2000's- GMA, GMA FILMS Francisco Coching – latest National Artist for the Visual Arts

Broadcast Industry: use of telephone, radio and television

1890- First telephone system 3 classification of Information Sources:
Henry Herman, American Businessman- first operated a small radio station in 1922 (KZKZ, Primary- first hand documents, example: person and local government unit near the eruption. Created or written during the time
1924) of event. Person who write must be present on the event.
DZRH/KZRH- oldest radio station that still exists today 1939 (starts of broadcasting Secondary- interpretations and evaluations of primary source, dependent and interprets the primary source. May sariling opinion
changed into KZRH) -News

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Broadcast Industry: use of telephone, radio and television
1890- First telephone system 3 classification of Information Sources:
Henry Herman, American Businessman- first operated a small radio station in 1922 (KZKZ, Primary- first hand documents, example: person and local government unit near the eruption. Created or written during the time
1924) of event. Person who write must be present on the event.
DZRH/KZRH- oldest radio station that still exists today 1939 (starts of broadcasting Secondary- interpretations and evaluations of primary source, dependent and interprets the primary source. May sariling opinion
changed into KZRH) -News
-Biography- d ikaw nag sulat ibang tao, may opinion na ng nagsulat
Hong Kong cables being place in submarine and goes to manila Tertiary-presents summaries or condensed versions of material, usually with references back to the primary and/or secondary
sources. Dependent on primary and secondary, summary of both
American Period: -Almanac- book of facts
- Comedy skits -Abstracts
- Radio drama shows -Dictionaries
- Advertisements Media Sources - any resource of info, accessible to the public
= Indigenous Source
Japanese Period: Characteristics of Indigenous Knowledge (IK)
Propaganda *knowledge that is unique to a given culture or society
Philippine Broadcast System: (PBS) *local knowledge
- Educate farmers =- Information Delayed thru: people media, Community media
- Practice of oral tradition of communication
- Information stored in memories of people
March 1996 - Information contained within the border of the community
Francisco KOKO Trinidad =Library
- Father of phil. Radio Storehouse of knowledge , books become possible because of the printing press
- DZAQ- TV Channel 3 Types of Library:
= Academic
Robert Uncle bob Stewart = Public
- Established DZBB AM Radio station in 1950 = School
- GMA-7 (greater manila area radio television arts) during marcos = Special - serves particular group of people

Father James Reuter, Jesuit Teacher -skills in determining the reliability of information
- Locally made stage play and aired it live on television =check the author
- Tawag ng tanghalan and kuwentong kutsero =check the date of publication or of update
=check for citation
1886 EDSA REVOLUTION =check the domain or owner of the site or page
= Cardinal Sin went live air at Radio Waves = check the site design and the writing style

Local Online Media: -skills Determining accurate information:

March 1994- philippines offically connected to the internet = Look for facts
PHNET- phil. Network foundation = Cross- reference with other sources
=Determine the reason for writing and publishing the information
Aug 1994- first commercial internet service provider was launched by mosaic
communication or MosCom Human Source:
Alternative Source:
Late 1990's - email communication - Other alternative forms of communication and distribution have become popular
- = social media, blogs, flash mob performances
FidoNet- people also began email exchanges - Downside= inaccurate
Internet café
- Philippines was named as the social media capital of the world as 2011 the
facebook users is 93.9%

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Society and Culture:
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Anthropology: Sociology

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Friday, 3 September 2021 2:23 pm

Steps in doing a literature review:

1. Idntify key terms to use
2. Locate literatue about the topic by consulting different information,sources and databases.
3. Evaluate and select lit critically for your review
4. Organize the lit you have selected
5. Write the lit review

APA used in psychology, social sci, nat sci. have intext citation.
MLA used in language research and lit studies. Intext citation is summarized
Chicago manual of style used in humanities like philosophy and theology. Used bibliography instead of work cited or reference s.

Up to pg 57

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Wednesday, 1 September 2021 9:12 am

Pagsulat ng katitikan ng pulong

Minute taker:- sya magsusukat mag nnotes ng mangyayari sa meeting
Katitikan- documentong nagtatalaga ng mahahalgang iskusyong at desisyon

Kahalagahan ng katitikan ng pulong

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Lagda d ko na ss:

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PT 2

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-formal kahit na walang pag hahanda

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skipped ko ung isang slide

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- Sining ng Paglalahad

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Sining ng Paglalahad

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Tuesday, 14 September 2021 7:45 am

-sunset prayer

- Story I dunno what is being said.

➢ Characters:
- Chief paramedic Dr. Lazo
- Maryam- daughter of Yusuf
- Yusuf
- Brother
- Yusuf Zuraiba- main character
- Mother of Yusuf
- Grace- mother of Maryam
- Wilma- aunt of maryam
Muslim In Sulu
Maghrib- prayer before sunsets

Summary: Of the Story

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Sidharta Gautama- founder of Buddhism
Five Pillars of Islam:

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Five Pillars of Islam:

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Biboy- former drug pusher former friend
Oliver- other gay na nag sabi nasalitsahan sya ng davao death squad one of kalaban ni ronnie
Ronnie- mc of the sotry
Armor- of king artuher ( represent in emotional "straints?")

Marcela POEM:

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We talk about death

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Static-crakling or hearing noises on a telephonw.
Shrouded- a wrap of cloth in which a dead person is being wrapped or cover.
Reverence - noun, honor or show a gesture of respect
Inkling -
Sasquatch -
Paring -
Muffling -sound that is not loud because it is being obstructed or muted .
Heaves -
Couch -
Nestle- settle or lie comfortably within or against something
Pare- trim something by cutting away it's outer edges .

5 Stages of Grief:
Denial and Isolation

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Consternation- feeling anxiety or dimary at somethiong unexpected

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Mom/ Margo
Jake- 8 yr old disease
Sales man- doctor- reyes
Lucky the terrier-

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Monday, 13 September 2021 11:07 am

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Center work exercises

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ABM: Accounting
Tuesday, 14 September 2021 7:44 am


Cash Basis of Accounting VS Accrual Basis of Accounting

- Cash basis- when the income or revenue is recorded if paid. INCLD expense
➢ Accrual Basis- when the income or revenue is recorded even it is not received. INCLD expense

When goods or supplies are bought , and the entity does not pay cash at the time of purchase, the entity makes a promise to p ay at a future date. The transaction, called a purchase on account or on
credit, is recorded as follows:

Bad ddebt is recorded as an expense.

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Allowance for bad debt- estimated amount ng amount na d nabayaran ng isang client.
Mag riright of lang dependes sa utang case to case basis , bdesisyon right before the calendar year ends.
Recognition of depreciation of plant property and equipment:

Allocating is = to reducing

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Salvage value aka scrap value

850,000 - amount of car

then 600,000-amount of car this year
Then 850,000- 600,000=250,000/10=25,000 so therefore every year there is a depreciation of 25k what if per month?
25,000/12=2,083.3333 and mltiply by 10 ( 10 is whe nyou will sell it BY MONTH) so 2,083.333 * 10=20,833.33 and less 850k that will be the amount of the car depreciated.

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- Counting period mag tatapos every year.

- Expense use when we lost something or used something!!!!

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- Investors: to assess the investees investment to the company, this can help to give them the exact value or dividends to pay return to them.
- Employees- to assess the employers if they can pay you with the amount being promised
- Lenders- to check the ability of borrowers if they can pay the money on time
- Suppliers- to determin the ablity of th customer to pay the debts at due determine if they can be a remaining customer.
- Management- to determine the activities of the enterpirse for planning, organising, leading and controling
- Customers- to determine the ability of the enterpise to be a continuing source of supply
- Public- to determine the ability of the enterprise;
- Government agencies- to determine the capacity of the enterprise to pay taxes and its tax compliance

Horizontal and Vertical Analyses:

Current assets/total current liabilities = current ratio

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- .50 is good

-financial health

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Not percentage
-stability of the company, if the equity is highger than liabilities

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Ratio is greater than 1 nanganganib na , lower safer

Standard- 0.5

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Leverage- use of debt or borrowed capital indoer to take an investment or project
Highlt Leverage- mas mataas ang utang kesa sa equaty
- .67:1 -

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Iba iba meaning ng petty cash fund ( case to case basis) panguna, mismopng amount na hawak mo is gamit mo para pang change
CHANGE FUND- on the process na kapag ka may bumili na na petty cash is un na gagagmitin and that will be change fund


Nasa check- currnt accont
Time deposit- deposit in bank account that cannot be deposited withiin the set date

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Time deposit- deposit in bank account that cannot be deposited withiin the set date

sAvings account- dunno searcj

Owner - check's tab/book balance

Bank reconcilation- process
Bank balance- banko's balance

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Bank balance- banko's balance

Cheque- aka check

Drawee bank- ginawang pera ung cheque

Drawer - person who create the cheque
Payee- binigay na pera ni drawer na pina transfer mo as a pera in drawee bank

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Payee- binigay na pera ni drawer na pina transfer mo as a pera in drawee bank

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DT- deposit in transit - nag rereflect sa depositor pero d pa nag rerefelect sa banko
Outstanding cheques- OC - natitira pang cheque sainyo
INT- Interest-
SC- service charge

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Society and Culture
Tuesday, 14 September 2021 7:44 am


• Political Research: increases the knowledge on the system of government and of political activities and behavior.
- Political phenomena. Problem na gusto ma solve.
• Political Research Approaches:
- Positivism- deals primarily with observation and experience in a political society.
➢ Inclds decision making of the officials
- Behavioralism- seeks to understand human behavior within the political institutions.
➢ Abt the behavior and emphasizing the rule determining the behavior of the society.
- Structural Functionalism- identifies the political structures that performs it's function to maintain political stability.
➢ Has group, (the core and center)
- Political Economy- facilitates the study of the relationship between the government and economics to come up with better public policy
➢ Creating policy and implementing policy. Under is government and economics. Suitability. Checking the past records
- Institutionalism-gives emphasis on the role of the institution in the political system.

Lesson 5: The Ascent of Man: Human Evolution in Focus.

Average of Homo sapien brains is 82 cb

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Defining the culture:

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- Wala ka paki sa ibang groups since meron kang center HAHAHAHA
- superior

- Inferior to one another, embarssing your own culture but lifting the other

- Viewing other culture, not assessing them not evaluating

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Components of culture- shared material and non-material things

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- Prescriptive- act in specific situation
- Proscriptive-what not to do

Analyzing culture:

- Custom or belief that we share

- Golbally meron lahat ng countries

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Value of every family and lern it from them

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- More on social group, communicate to gather info or acceptinace,

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Tuesday, 14 September 2021 7:44 am

Current trends in media information:

- Some futuristic mirror with cellphone like features , weight fat, heart rate, specifications for make up
- Some good refrigirator which automatically set a good temp for a supply or appliances
- Voice mode kitchen type
- Projector like t.v
- Monitors body temperature and physical condittion
- Automatically lights off in set time.

Massive Open Online Course: MOOC

- Access a course or information
- Open information
- Distributed information

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2 slides d ko na ss

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1 slides not ss

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Memory card reader- dun sinasaksak memory card,
High level- inferior
Extreme wide shot- wide shot seeing the background and not seeing the actor
Wide shot- seeing a wide view of the person and the location
Full shot- seeing the full body of the person
Medium shot- waisty shot
Medium close-shot- mid torso up to fore head
Close-up- seeing the face of a person
Extreme close-up- seeing the person really colse that almost seeing the micro parts of the object
Camera angle:
Bird's Eye view- seeing the scenery, seeing the head
High angle- seeing the emtions of the person but the camera is elevated, need tumingala ng pinipicturan
Eye Level- where the point of view is eye level ,neutral d need na tumingasla or yumuko
Low Level- need yumuko ng person na kinukuhanan
Worm's Eye View- all are big
Over the shoulder shot- ginagamit sa conversation. Makikita pov of naguusap

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Tuesday, 14 September 2021 7:44 am

Research Paper:

- Statement of the Problem

- Theoretical Framework- tested theories

Inductive and deductive- theoretical framework


Two types of Conceptual Mapp: INPUT- Statement of the Problem
IVDV- independent Variable and Dependent Variable Process- how are you going to answer this.
IPO Mode- input process output model ( Same as IPP- input output product Output- Hypothesis


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- Probability and NON probability:

-Population- totlaity
-Sample- only one or certain part of the population

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0.05- pinaka ginagamit na marin of error

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-cluster sampling- big population
Stratefied- only chosens

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-providing adjectives

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When are you going to use frequency and percentage:
Finding the demographic profile
Type of Statistics:
Descriptive Statistics- simple mathematics, mean median mode.
Inferential Statistics- in hypothesis, regect and null hypothesis

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Inferential Statistics- in hypothesis, regect and null hypothesis

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1-2.49- not at all like me , 2.50-3.49- alittle bit like m,e, 3.50-3.99- somewhat like me, 4.00-4.49- verymuch like me,4.50-5.00- extremely like me

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N-total given numbers

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Null hypothesis

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Tuesday, 14 September 2021 7:45 am

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Lawig umbilical Cord

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-subtraction- technique used by him

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10 sentences min of 5

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ABM: Finance SS
Friday, 17 September 2021 8:09 am

Marketable Securities: Common Stocks, Treasury Bills ,Banker's Acceptances, Commercial Paper.

Age of receivables:gaano kabilis mo makukuha ang pera.

Receivables turn-over: gaano kabilis ang pagkuha ng pera.
Inventory: no times, not gaano katagal.

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Credit is approved credit is denied

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ABM: Finance
Tuesday, 14 September 2021 7:44 am

Search the main purpose of doing ratios

Look at the meaning/ definition of the ff:

Current ratio- The current ratio is a liquidity ratio that measures a company's ability to pay short-term obligations or those due within one year. It tells investors and analysts how a company can maximize the current assets on its balance sheet to
satisfy its current debt and other payables.
The current ratio compares all of a company’s current assets to its current liabilities.
Current Ratio= Current Assets/ Current Liabilities

Acid test ratio/Quick ratio-The acid-test ratio is more useful in certain situations than the current ratio, also known as the working capital ratio, since it ignores assets such as inventory, which may be difficult to quickly liquidate.
The acid-test, or quick ratio, compares a company's most short-term assets to its most short-term liabilities to see if a company has enough cash to pay its immediate liabilities, such as short-term debt.

Acid Test= Cash +Marketable securities+ Accounts Receivable/Current Liabilities

➢ Acid test= Cash + Marketable Securities/ Current Liabilities
Marketable Securities- Common Stocks, Commercial Paper, Banker's Acceptance, Treasury Bills, Inventories,acc. Receivables,

Receivables Turn-over and Age of Receivable-Companies that maintain accounts receivables are indirectly extending interest-free loans to their clients since accounts receivable is money owed without interest. If a company generates a sale to a
client, it could extend terms of 30 or 60 days, meaning the client has 30 to 60 days to pay for the product.
A company’s receivables turnover ratio should be monitored and tracked to any trends or patterns.
Accounts Receivable Turnover= Net Credit Sales/ beginning balance + ending balance/2
• Aging of Accounts Receivables = 365/ receivables turnonver

Inventory turn-over and Age of Inventory-Inventory turnover measures how fast a company sells inventory. A low turnover implies weak sales and possibly excess inventory, also known as overstocking. It may indicate a problem with the goods
being offered for sale or be a result of too little marketing.
Inventory turnover measures how many times in a given period a company is able to replace the inventories that it has sold.
Inventory Turnover Formula and Calculation
Inventory Turnover = COGS/ beginning inventory+ending inventory/ 2
COGS=Cost of goods sold
Average Inventory = (Beginning Inventory + Ending Inventory) / 2
➢ The average age of inventory is the average number of days it takes for a firm to sell off inventory.
➢ Age of inventory: 365/Inventory Turn -over

Time interest earned-However, the TIE ratio is an indication of a company's relative freedom from the constraints of debt.
A company's TIE indicates its ability to pay its debts.
A better TIE number means a company has enough cash after paying its debts to continue to invest in the business.
The formula for TIE is calculated as earnings before interest and taxes divided by total interest payable on debt.
➢ Times Interest Earned: Operating Income/ Interest Expense

Debt ratio-The higher the debt ratio, the more leveraged a company is, implying greater financial risk. At the same time, leverage is an important tool that companies use to grow, and many businesses find sustainable uses for debt.
The debt ratio measures the amount of leverage used by a company in terms of total debt to total assets.
A debt ratio greater than 1.0 (100%) tells you that a company has more debt than assets.
Meanwhile, a debt ratio of less than 100% indicates that a company has more assets than debt.
Debt ratios vary widely across industries, with capital-intensive businesses such as utilities and pipelines having much higher debt ratios than other industries such as the technology or services sector.
➢ Debt Ratio= Total Liabilities/ Total Assests

Equity ratio-Any company with an equity ratio value that is .50 or below is considered a leveraged company. The higher the value, the less leveraged the company is. Conversely, a company with an equity ratio value that is .50 or above is
considered a conservative company because they access more funding from shareholder equity than they do from debt.

Equity ratio uses a company’s total assets (current and non-current) and total equity to help indicate how leveraged the company is: how effectively they fund asset requirements without using debt.
The formula is simple: Total Equity / Total Assets
Equity ratios that are .50 or below are considered leveraged companies; those with ratios of .50 and above are considered conservative, as they own more funding from equity than debt.

Gross Profit Margin-If a company's gross profit margin wildly fluctuates, this may signal poor management practices and/or inferior products. On the other hand, such fluctuations may be justified in cases where a company makes sweeping
operational changes to its business model, in which case temporary volatility should be no cause for alarm.
Gross profit margin is an analytical metric expressed as a company's net sales minus the cost of goods sold (COGS).
Gross profit margin is often shown as the gross profit as a percentage of net sales.
The gross profit margin shows the amount of profit made before deducting selling, general, and administrative costs, which is the firm's net profit margin.
➢ Gross Profit Margin= gross profit/ net sales

Operating Profit Margin-The operating margin is an important measure of a company's overall profitability from operations. It is the ratio of operating profits to revenues for a company or business segment.
The operating margin represents how efficiently a company is able to generate profit through its core operations.
It is expressed on a per-sale basis after accounting for variable costs but before paying any interest or taxes (EBIT).
Higher margins are considered better than lower margins, and can be compared between similar competitors but not across different industries.
To calculate the operating margin, divide operating income (earnings) by sales (revenues).
➢ Operating Margin= Operating profit/ net sales

Net profit margin or return of sales- Net profit margin measures how much net income is generated as a percentage of revenues received.
Net profit margin helps investors assess if a company's management is generating enough profit from its sales and whether operating costs and overhead costs are being contained.
Net profit margin is one of the most important indicators of a company's overall financial health.
➢ Net profit margin= net income/net sales
➢ Net prrofit Margin= R- COGS- E- I - T / R * 100
R= Revenue
E=Operating and Other Expenses
The net profit margin factors in all business activities including:

Total revenue
All outgoing cash flow
Additional income streams
COGS and other operational expenses
Debt payments including interest paid
Investment income and income from secondary operations
One-time payments for unusual events such as lawsuits and taxes
Net profit margin is one of the most important indicators of a company's financial health. By tracking increases and decreases in its net profit margin, a company can assess whether current practices are working and forecast profits based on
revenues. Because companies express net profit margin as a percentage rather than a dollar amount, it is possible to compare the profitability of two or more businesses regardless of size.
Collateral- kapalit na pwqede ibayad sa pinagutangan
Credit committee- higher
After 6- months pwede na ulit mag take ng loan


-boys can live up to 67 years old, and girls can live 69 years old
Loan Requirements
Copy of valid identification
Bureau of Internal Revenue Registration Certificate
Department of Trade and Industry Certificate
Business permit or mayor's permit- undergoing to renewal, a clear copy of the business permit application form for renewal, hinihintay ng lang release is receipt, kapg updated ung isusubmit is business permit
Settlement Procedures and Details

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- Passport ID
- Any Government issued ID
- School's ID
- Voter's ID
- Picture in the ID must be clear
- The ID must have a recent signature

Bad Credit- low sales high expenses (sales<expenses)

Forecast- gives the SWOT- Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats of the company

Business Owner and Creditor as Partners in Growing a Business

- Continuous submission of financial reports to assure regular and prompt payments of his obligations
- Yearly walk through of business operations to review, assess and improve the business
- Annual strategic planning to determine what need to be don’t to increase sales
- Annual Strategic planning to identify to growth areas in the business and to assess where innovation can help business effici ency
- Regular discussions on cost and operating controls
- Financial Management in identifying where to source funds, how to raise cheap funds, how to keep costs down and paying debts in time
- Managing debts, avoiding delayed payments, avoiding bankruptcy and during bankruptcy, the orderly liquidations of assets and payments to creditors

Uses of Funds
For working capital- used for the business day-to0day activities and this refers to the current assets and current liabilities of the company
Current assets- cash accounts, receivables, inventory and accounts payable are resources of a business that can work to be able to generate sales and revenues
Inside the company
STRENGTHS- competitive advantage, what resources we have, what products are performing well
WEAKNESSES- where can we improve, what products are underperforming, where are we lacking resources
THREATS- what new regulations threaten the organizations, changes on the taste of the people
OPPORTUNITIES- can we expand our core relations, what new market segments can we explore


Future value= present Value (1+i)^n

Interest earned for 1 year= principal x annual interest rate x time
U can also use:
Year 1=10,000 (0.03)=0.03 300+10,000=10,300 10,300
Year 2=10,300 (0,03)= 309+10,300=10,609
Year 3=10,609 (0.03)=318.27+10,609=10,927.27

PV= FV/(1+i)^n
PV=10,609/ (1+0.03)^2
= 10,609/ (1.03)^2

Group: batisatic
Alvarado aldeza

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Monday, 20 September 2021 10:10 am

Movie trailer media and info


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Primordial wisdom:CROCODILE:a large semiaquatic reptile
Spiritual and divine:LIGHT: bright form of energy
Great source of information and comfort :FATHER: a man inrelation to his child/ren
Potential to open up yourself :PENCIL: an instrument for writing and drawing
A call to order something in a restaurant :BELLS: a hollow object typically made of metal

Accounting activity- about ratio groupings 10/7/2021- Topic (operating ratio -pg 69 , ratio of net income to owner's equity, ratio of net income to total asset
If affected ung first and second decimal point tsak lang mag erround off, ex is.99 then ->1.00
Oct 30 is musical presentation by section? Deadline PROD TEAM AKOOOO!!!
NOvember 5 first day of exam, November 8 2nd day 25-29 no synchornus class october… november 1 and 2 no classses resume 3 and 4 (review time)
November 9 to november 19 november 22 resume
November 4 submitting of proj.
format ng pag send is , chapter start ng defense 18
Wednesday- recitation and retake quiz Finance
Presentation nov.11 Literature
wed and fri graded recitation- current trends, text, video, audio.
proposal letter to address the compay of that particular market, mission and vision, 5 objective minimum be specific when it comes to budget , service ( run for a cost) Beneficiary lalagay sa product services and budget october 25-29 Saturday oct.30 deadline until 3:30 pm

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Wednesday, 6 October 2021 10:55 am

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Weftgf sj fasdf asdsad fjk1asdv kghsdfag hasd jasdfvjhasdfjh asdfhfg asdhfg ffig asjhdb vjh ugfuy
gjchv uygfu guhascv guy reghdf vuyg qlag788qeregei eruger o

Whole number percentage

Mean 2 decimal

2ND Page 352

Monday, 11 October 2021 1:46 pm


Paper mswords print lang
Mga text ilagay na lang dun
Specific outfits
Cubicle or corridor
Deadline Monday next week


2ND Page 353

Friday, 15 October 2021 8:50 am

Edukayon: Sumpa o Biyaya

Isang napakahabang proseso sa mga bata. Isang piitan sa mga dalaga't binata at parte ng magandang
buhay sa mga nakakatanda. Edukasyon sumpa ka ba o biyaya maraming mga perspektibo ang
maibibigay ng mga tao ngunit iisalamang ang totoo, ito ay hindi matatapos kahit na mawala ka sa

Napakaraming tanong ang lumalabas sa aking isipan kapag ka edukasyon ang pinag-uusapan, sa
kadahilanang ito ay kailangan ay napapaisip tayo para saatin ba ito? O para magkaroon lang tayo
halaga sa mundo. Mga ideyang tatatak sa iyong isipan kapag ikaw ay nagdadalagat binata pa lamang.
Ngunit habang tumatagal ay napapansin mo na lang na ito ay hindi na maiiwasan. Isang sumpa na
habang buhay nating maririnig, makikita at parati nating mararanasan. Hindi tayo iniiwan kahit na
tayo ay nakapag tapos na sa kolehiyo at naka kuha na ng ating diploma. Loyal man kung isipin sumpa
parin kung ituring, sino ba naman ang mag iisip na ito ay biyaya kung ipipilit lamang sa iyo ang mga
salita. Isang sumpa kahit tayo ay tumanda na ay hindi natin na mamalayan na parte parin pala ng
iyong buhay kahit na tapos ka na mag aral.Ito ang dukasyon, isang importanteng sumpa ng ating
buhay, isang napakahabang proseso sa buhay nating tao, na kahit ang henerasyong ito ay mawala sa
mundo ay magpapatuloy ito.

Edukasyong biyaya ang taglay, maraming tao ang ibinigay para lamang ito ay magawa. Daan daang
mga ideya na ping-aralan, ituturo ng mga taong may kaalaman. Isang kumpol ng mga ideyang
naisulat sa libro, libre o may bayad kailangan ito. Kung ating titignan sa isang perspektibo, tambak ng
ideya na binigay ng mga tao noon, para sa kaligtasan ng mga henerasyon ngayon. Ito ay hindi na
maiiwasan ngunit ano naman? Marahil sa iba ay iisipin nilang ito ay responsibilidad lamang ngunit
darating ang panahong maiisip nila na hindi lamang to isang responsibilidad ngunit isang gawaing
nararapat gawin. Edukasyon, mapa sumpa ka man na hanggang sa pagtanda ay atin paring
mararanasan, ikaw ay isang biyaya kung gagamitin sa tamang paraan. Mawalan man kami ay isa na
ang sigurado ikaw ay mag papatuloy hanggang may nabubuhay sa mundo.

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Wednesday, 20 October 2021 8:25 pm

Research Framework- structure and blueprint of the research 2 Types of Concept Map: Formulas: When are you going to use frequency and percentage:
Theoretical Framework- commonly used in studies, in words, has Inductive and Deductive Framework • IVDV- Independent and Dependent Variable Slovin's Formula
Conceptual Framework- supporting theories, studies, beliefs and ideas of your research/study • IPO- AKA IPP ( Input, Process, Output) n= N/ 1+Ne^2 Finding the demographic profile
Concept Map- visual representation of information Sampling in the Quantitative Research: • N= population size
Conceptual Definition- refers to dictionary Probability • n= sample size Describing
Operational Definition- meaning of the concept as used in a study • Simple Random Sampling- all members are given an equal chance • E= desired margin of error
Research Design- logical and coherent overall strategy that the researcher uses, for the components of the study • Stratified Random Sampling- the groups is divided into strata/groups same as SRS Percentage Type of Statistics:
Descriptive Research- used when the main objective is observe and report a phenomenon • Systematic Random Sampling- selection is based on predetermined interval, "every nth term" P= part/whole x 100
Correlational Research- to determine if the variable increases or decreases Non-Probability Mean Descriptive Statistics- simple mathematics, mean median mode.
Experimental Research- manipulating the Independent Variable • Convenience Sampling- used if out of budget, Participants is sampled according to what is avail. m= sum of the terms/ number of terms
Quasi Experimental- to measure the relationship between variables, conclusion is limited • Purposive Sampling- participants are chosen not randomized Mean Rating Inferential Statistics- in hypothesis, regect and null hypothesis
Ex Post-Facto- measure a cause from pre-existing effects, researcher has no control to the variables • Snowball Sampling- this is used to get a deeper understanding to the topic, used if the topic is for rare participants MR= f(1)+f(2)+f(3)……/ N
Sampling- process of obtaining the respondents of a study Common Instruments in Quantitative Research: • N= total number
Population- entire group that you want to draw conclusions about • Performance Test • f= no in the table
Sample- specific groups that you will collect data from • Questionaries • (1),(2),(3)….= multiply to the f
Instrumentation- used in collecting data ,instruments is the tool used to collect data Characteristics of a good research: Median
Frequency- number of times an event is happened. • Concise- can elicit the needed data M= N + 1 / 2
Percentage- telling the proportion out of 100, a unitless expression • Sequential- questions or items is arranged properly, simplest>complex Method 2 = when N is even find the average of the 2 numbers in the middle
Measures of Central Tendencies- has mean median and mode, describes how data is sets are grouped around a cental val. • Valid and Reliable
Mean- average - Valid- it measures what needs to be measured
Mean Rating- for summarizing results from rating scales - Reliable- consistency of the measures or results
Median- middle number in a list of numbers • Easily Tabulated- variable and research questions is established before crafting the instruments
Mode- most reported case or incident Common Scales Used in Quantitative Research:
Likert Scale- common scale used in research, rate or rank based on what is provided
PG.67 QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGN Semantic Differential- used adjective, more advantageous because it's more flexible and easy to construct

Kinds of Quantitative Research Design

- Experimental Research- measure the cost and effect (dependent effect, independent cause) using simple random sampling.
• Quasi-experimental Research Design-providing lesser validity due to the absence of random sampline. Using purposive sampling. Sino nasa survey nung first is same in second survey (purposive
• True Experimental research Design- rigid manipulation of variables. Use of control selection, and random assignment of participant. Sino nasa first survey hindina sa second survey ( random
• Survey Research Design- most widely used research design in the social sciences.

- Non- experimental Research- NOT measuring the cause and effect, but describing and determining their relationship and connection. According to purpose and according to time.
• According to Purpose:
Correlational Analysis- relationship
Predictive- designed to predict or forecast some event or phenomenon in the future without necessarily establishing cause -and-effect relationship.
Explanatory Research Design- a certain theory and explain. Example is stress disorder.
Descriptive- seeks to describe the current status of an identified variables. Survey research is belonged to this category. Survey researc h- most widely used quantitative research. Incld census, polling on
political issues etc.

• According to Time:
Cross sectional- 1 year inayos
Retrospective Research design- comparing past and present. Comparing 2
Longitudinal- data are collected in present and some-time in the future. Two or more years

R2 Page 355
Thursday, 21 October 2021 5:44 pm

Financial Statement: are prepared for these accounts. Statement of Financial Position aka Balance Sheet, Statement of Income/ Statement of Results of Operations, Statement of cash flows Liquidity ratios- Quick ratio /Acid test:
Bookkeeper- analysis of business transactions; recording the general journal; classifying in the general ledgers Cash+Marketable Securities/ Current Liabilities
General Ledger Accounts: Accounting equation: Cash+Temprary Advancement+Short-Term Receivables/ Current Liabilities
• Assets Assets + Liabilities= Owner's Equity
• Liabilities Current Ratio:
• Owner's Equity Accounting Process: Current Ratio = Current assets/ Current Liabilities
• Revenue Input- Transaction
• Cost Process-analyzing ,recording, classifying, Summarizing, Liquidity ratio Current Ratio:
• Expense Output-Income Statement, balancesheet, cash flows, Statement, interpretations Total Current Assets/ Total Current Liabilities
Calendar Year- January 1 - December 31
Fiscal Year- a period of 12 months Rules of Debit and Credits: you can use arrows up and down Operating Profit Margin:
Statement of Financial Position- aka balance sheet, reports at the end of accounting period, Debit Increase Credit Decrease Operating Income/ Net Sales
Owner's Equity- one of three main components of a sole proprietor. balance sheet and accounting equation Asset
Permanent account- real accounts, accounts in the balance sheet Expense Operating ratio:
Income Statement- aka profit and loss statement present's entity's result over time Debit Decrease Credit Increase Cost of sales+Operating Expenses/Net sales
Article of partnership: 1767 Owner's Equity Cost of Sales/ Net Sales
Ra 9298 for phil acts Income
Cash basis- when the income or revenue is recorded if paid. INCLD expense Liabilities Equity ratio:
Accrual Basis- when the income or revenue is recorded even it is not received. INCLD expense Total Equity/ Total Assets
Merchandise Inventory- goods that have been acquired by a distributor, wholesaler Elements of Financial Statements:
Bad Debt Expense- Recognized when a receivable is no longer collectible because a customer is unable to fulfill their obligation to pay debt. Assets- resource controlled by the enterprise as a results of a pass events and future benefit Net Profit/Net profit Margin:
Depreciation Accounting- process of allocating the cost of property, plant equipment to the years or period expected Liabilities- present obligation of the enterprise arising from past events Net Income/Net sales
Investors: to assess the investees investment to the company, this can help to give them the exact value or dividends to pay return to them. Equity- residual interest or remainder
Employees- to assess the employers if they can pay you with the amount being promised Income- increase in economic benefits during the accounting period Gross Profit ratio/ Gros Profit Margin:
Lenders- to check the ability of borrowers if they can pay the money on time Expense- decrease in economic benefits during accounting period Gross Profit/Net sales
Suppliers- to determin the ablity of th customer to pay the debts at due determine if they can be a remaining customer.
Management- to determine the activities of the enterpirse for planning, organising, leading and controling Forms of Statement of Financial Position: Net Income to Owner's equity:
Customers- to determine the ability of the enterpise to be a continuing source of supply Vertical Form/ Report Form Net Income for the period/ Average Owner's Equity
Public- to determine the ability of the enterprise; Account Form/ Horizontal Form
Government agencies- to determine the capacity of the enterprise to pay taxes and its tax compliance Net Income to total Assets
Cash- coins and currency, cash or currency on hand Elements of Income Statements: Net Income/ Total Assets
Band Drafts- order from bank to another branch of a bank Revenues- these revenues or gross income from sale of company products and services.
Postal Money Orders- financial instruments issued by and payable at post office as an alternative to sending cash = one account sales/ service income Ratio of Net sales to total assets:
Petty Cash Fund- cash at hand, starting cash, amount in coins and currency held by custodian for small cash payment • Sales about product service about the service Net sales/ total assets
Change Fund- on the process na kapag ka may bumili na na petty cash is un na gagagmitin and that will be change fund Cost of Sales and Expenses: Expenses- two way of explenation, first is paglabas ng pera, nag bayad ng
Revolving Fund PINAIKOT NA PERA REMOVE NA INCOME needs, second is it's not literally paglabas ng pera or nagbabayad. Ratio of Net Sales to Total Assets:
Check- aka cheque, bank instrument used to withdraw cash from checking account - Cost of Sales/ Cost of Services- direct cost of the products sold or the services rendered (being Net Sales/ Total Assets
SAVINGS ACCOUNT - HINDI TUMUTUBO, passbook is presented for cash deposit and withdrawals given).
Checking/ Current Account- drawings are done by writing checks - Salaries Expense- includes salaries of employees for services rendered (being given) . 15th and Debt to Equity ratio:
Time deposit- deposit in bank account that cannot be deposited within the set date 30th Day of Month. Weekly. 5th and 20 Total Liabilities/ Total owner's equity ( not in percentage form )
Combo Account- combination of savings and current account - Utilities Expense- this includes telephone, water and electricity used.
Bank Reconciliation- bringing into agreement the bank balance/ bank and bank balance/ depositor - Rent Expenses- Includes rentals for the use of equipment, office, building and land spaces owned Debt to total assets/ Debt Ratio:
Bank Balance- balance reported as of date by others Total Liabilities/ Total Assets
Book Balance/ Check Stub Balance- balance reported by the depositor as of specified date - Supplies Expense- includes laboratory, medical and office supplies used.
Endorsement- process of transferring the right to withdraw a cash from someone, in favor of endorsee signed by the endorser - Transportation Expense- includes fare for trips and travels cost of gasoline and oil used for Proprietary or equity Ratio
Drawee Bank- bank against which check withdrawal is addressed company vehicles. Total owner's equity/ total assets
Payee- person or entity whom payments is to be made - Depreciation Expense- includes portion of the cost of building and equipment allocated to one
- Drawee bank- ginawang pera ung cheque accounting period. Bumababa ang Value ng assets. Ex is 3 mil na asset is bumaba …. Vertical Analysis:
- Drawer - person who create the cheque - Representation Expense- includes the amount paid to restaurants and hotels for treating Items or Accounts/Total Assets or Total liabilities
- Payee- binigay na pera ni drawer na pina transfer mo as a pera in drawee bank customers and others.
Automated teller Machine (ATM)- off-site equipment enables the bank client to deposit and withdraw cash - Interest Expense- debt on monetary obligations Horizontal Analysis:
ATM Card- ID sized card used to activate ATM - Accumulated depreciation- contra account of depreciation expense Latest Year - Past Year= Change in Amount
Electronic Payment System (EPS)- with the use of ATM card payment is made without using physical money - merchandise invetory- re selling Percentage= Change in amount/ Past year
Signature Plate- metal gadget attached to an equipment to stamp the signature of checks
Bank Debit Memo (DM)- bank form and entry for bank balance deduction Forms of Business Organization: Receivables Turn-over & Age of Receivables:
Bank Credit Memo (CM)- bank form entity for bank balance additional initiated by the banks other than deposits by the client Sole Proprietorship RT= Net Credit Sales/ (Beginning Balance+ Ending Balance)/2
Deposit in Transit- is bank deposits reflected in the record of the depositor, but not reflected on bank Partnership AR= 365/ RT
Bank Statements- are reports from the bank to the client, showing addition to and deduction from bank balance for a period of time Corporation
Cash Book- record of the bank depositor or bank client showing deposits and withdrawals and the end of period balance for a certain period of time Inventory Turn-over :& Age of Inventory
Drawer- is the signed of a withdrawal check or the party giving the order to pay Elements of Cashflows IT= Cost of Goods Sold/ (Beginning Inventory+ Ending Inverntory) /2
Bank Signature Card- bank record showing the specimen signature of the bank depositor 1. Operating activities- directly related to earning the net income or suffering or net loss AI= 365/ IT
Check Writer- machine use to write info in disbursement checks 2. Investing- for the acquisition or disposition of plant, equipment and investment
- DT- deposit in transit - nag rereflect sa depositor pero d pa nag rerefelect sa banko 3. Financing- financing entity through cash receipts from and cash payments to investors or creditors Times Interest Earned:
- Outstanding cheques- OC - natitira pang cheque sainyo TE= operating Income/ Interest Expense
- INT- Interest-
- SC- service charge Depreciation /year:
Cost of PPE - Scrap Value (estimated selling price)/ estimated life in years
Depreciation per year/12 months

General Journal
General Ledger
Trial Balance

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Finance- provide funding for a person or enterprise, maximize profit, study of investment, Quick ratio /Acid test: The Important Role of Financial Institutions:
Financial Management- plan and control the finance of the company, efficient and effective management of money or funds Cash+Marketable Securities/ Current Liabilities Depositor> Borrower> Business Project> Borrower> Depositor
Dr. S. N. Maheshwari - Financial management is concerned with raising financial resources and their effective utilization towards achieving the orga nizational goals. Cash+Temprary Advancement+Short-Term Receivables/ Current Liabilities
Richard A. Brealey- Financial management is the process of putting the available funds to the best advantage from the long term point of view of business objectives. Financial Institutions : Banks
-Depositor- person who has the money, a company/person that places money to a bank account, a person/company who keeps money in a bank ac count Current Ratio: BDO- Banko de Oro MetroBank
-Borrower- person or organization that takes out a loan from a bank under an agreement to pay it back later, a person who takes and uses something with intention of returning Current Ratio = Current assets/ Current Liabilities Land Bank BPI- Bank of the Phil Island
Financial Intermediary- entity that acts as the middleman between two parties n a financial transaction; financial bank, investment bank, mutual bank , pension banks DBP- Development Bank of the Phil. RCBC- Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation
-Lenders- give funds to an intermediary institutions and those institution give it to borrowers Liquidity ratio Current Ratio: Non-bank:
Commercial Papers- type of financial instrument, a person who is looking for short term funding to finance. Matures after 270 days ( meaning mag kakainterest na sya in 271 days) Total Current Assets/ Total Current Liabilities PNB- Philippine National Bank Security Bank
-Bonds - more than 10 yrs Union Bank ChinaBank
-Notes- a year or 9 year Operating Profit Margin: Philam Life and Gen (Philippine America Life and General Insurance Company
-Bill- less than 1 yr, don’t have interest Operating Income/ Net Sales Phil Axa Pru Life (Prudencial Life) Insular Life
-Municipal Bonds- mature at 30 years Manulife (Phils) Grepalife Financial (Great Pacific Life Insurance)
Financial Statements- formal records of the financial activities and position of a business , person or other entity Operating ratio: United CocoLife Generali Pilipinas
>Sole Proprietorship- 1 person, simplest form of business organization, owner keeps all the profits Cost of sales+Operating Expenses/Net sales
>Partnership- general partnership, limiited partnership, 2 person Cost of Sales/ Net Sales Evaluation of the Busines:
>Corporation- most complicated, involves articles and legal matters, stockholders is separate groups Measuring Liquidity
>Service Type- intangible products, no physical form like skills and field expertise Equity ratio: Identifying Capital Structure
>Merchandising Type- buy and sell Total Equity/ Total Assets Asset Management Efficiency
>Manufacturing Type- making from raw to a product, this type has a process from raw to a product Measuring Profitability
Income Statement- performance of the business for a given period of time, ,measuring the income earned Net Profit/Net profit Margin:
Balance Sheet- financial position of the company Net Income/Net sales Forms of Business Organization:
Performance Measurement- Financial Statement Analysis- assessment of the company’s past performance and future potentials , determining company's SWOT Sole Proprietorship- life of business is limited to the life of the owner, income is taxed as personal income, capital is limited
Liquidity- ability of the business to pay loan its current maturing liabilities as they fall its date due Gross Profit ratio/ Gros Profit Margin: Partnership- easier to set-up, life of business lies on partners, if general partnership leave, partnership dies, partnership income> personal income ofthe partners
Solvency- ability to pay long term debts Gross Profit/Net sales Corporation
Financial Stability - measures how a business can survive in the long run
Profitability- basic goal of any business: earn profit or return of investment Net Income to Owner's equity: Types of Business Activities:
Financial Ratios- used for comparison and decision-making purposes, relationship from financial statement, tools used for financial statement analysis Net Income for the period/ Average Owner's Equity Service Type- laundry shops, schools, salons, law firms, hotels, banks, consultancy
Ratio- mathematical relationship between 2 numbers Merchandising Type- convenience store, grocery store, hardware store
Vertical Analysis- AKA common size, comparing amounts in the financial statement at the same accounting period Net Income to total Assets Manufacturing Type- car manufacturers, factory, food manufacturing companies
Horizontal Analysis- AKA trend analysis, comparing financial statement of two or more consecutive periods. Net Income/ Total Assets
Current Ratio- working capital ratio, assessing the company's overall liquidity Basic Financial Statements
Quick Ratio- more conservative, it does not include all current assets Ratio of Net sales to total assets: Balance Sheet
Receivables Turn-over & Age of Receivables- tells how many times a collection cycle is completed or done within one year or one operating cycle. Net sales/ total assets Income Statement
Credit Cycles- the product has been sold but the customer didn't pay In cash
>Income Statement Items- for a period of time Ratio of Net Sales to Total Assets: Vertical Analysis- finding the total of current assets and assets itself, finding the total of libilities and capital (seperatey) and libilitiescapiltal total (combined)
>Balance Sheet Items- for a point in time Net Sales/ Total Assets - Accounts or items/ Total assets/Libilities and Capital (combined) x 100
Inventory Turn-over- measures the number of times the inventory is replaced during accounting period Horizontal Analysis- finding the change in amount
Age of Inventory Turn-over- measures the average number of days before inventory is replaced Debt to Equity ratio: - Latest year- past year= change in amount
Times Interest Earned- measures the extent to which company's operations cover the interest expense, if they can pay interest in its debt Total Liabilities/ Total owner's equity ( not in percentage form ) - Percentage= change in amount/ past year x 100
Debt Ratio- measures the percentage of assets funded by creditors
Equity Ratio- assets funded by the owners Debt to total assets/ Debt Ratio: What Affect Credit Rating:
Gross Profit Margin- average mark-up on the products sold Total Liabilities/ Total Assets Ability to Pay loan- focuses on the security of person's job
Operating Profit Margin- deducting the operating expenses to gross profit Character of the Borrower- trustworthy
Net Profit Margin/ Return on sales- net income is used as numerator and dividend net sales Proprietary or equity Ratio Capacity to pay loan- have stable job
Interest- payment for the use of property or money Total owner's equity/ total assets Capital and Person Assets- if the value of the property can pay debts
Debt- obligation to pay back to a property or cash borrowed Collateral and size of the business assets- if not payed properly the assets of the borrower is reduced
Credit Analyst- evaluates statistics and analyzes corporate records, critical thinking, judgement, decision -making Vertical Analysis:
Credit Bureau- agency that gathers information about the history of the borrowers Items or Accounts/Total Assets or Total liabilities Bank's people:
Insolvency- the inability to pay loan/debt at date due Loan Officer- company that collects information relating to the credit ratings of individual and makes it avail to credit card company
Bankruptcy- company or you suffer from debt problems , last resort of a company Horizontal Analysis: Manager- person responsible for controlling or administering all or part a company or similar organization
Personal Net worth- value of your assets, cash, saving, real estate, cars, jewelry. Deducted from debts including credit card debts Latest Year - Past Year= Change in Amount Credit Officer- person who is responsible for collecting info
Lending- Commercial bank's bread and butter Percentage= Change in amount/ Past year Credit Committee- Group of people responsible for assessing the credit standing and ability to repay debt of an individual
Personal Loan- assessed based of his financial capacity
Business Loan- capacity of the business to pay loan Receivables Turn-over & Age of Receivables:
Identity theft- crime by stealing other people's identity or personal information RT= Net Credit Sales/ (Beginning Balance+ Ending Balance)/2
Bad credit- happen when company sales do not grow AR= 365/ RT
Forecast- an analysis of a company's strength, weaknesses, opportunity
Opportunity Cost- anything given up after choosing an option Inventory Turn-over :& Age of Inventory
Good money Management- decision to invest IT= Cost of Goods Sold/ (Beginning Inventory+ Ending Inverntory) /2
Future Value- amount your original funds will be in the future aka Compounding AI= 365/ IT
Present Value- today's worth of future money aka Discounting
Personal Investments- Times Interest Earned:
Stocks- don’t need a monthly income, more aggressive investors TE= operating Income/ Interest Expense
Profit and Loss Statements- shows if the business is earning, it reports the revenues and cost and expenses of the business Future Value:
Conservative investors- more mature, older and have dependents or family to take care of. Future value= present Value (1+i)^n
Interest earned for 1 year= principal x annual interest rate x time
U can also use:
Year 1=10,000 (0.03)=0.03 300+10,000=10,300 10,300
Year 2=10,300 (0,03)= 309+10,300=10,609
Year 3=10,609 (0.03)=318.27+10,609=10,927.27

Present Value:
PV= FV/(1+i)^n

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Thursday, 21 October 2021 5:44 pm

3 sentences ilahat ng gagamitin ng pangungusap Mga enumeration na tinamad ako I type:

➢ Kasulatang nagbibigay kabatiran tungkol sa gagawing pulong o paala tungkol sa isang mahalagang impormasyon,
gawain tungkulin o utos
➢ Dito nakasaad ang layunin o paky ng gagawing miting
➢ Ang pagsulat nito ay maituturing din na isang sining, ito ay hindi isang liham
➢ Kadalasang maikli lamang, pangunahing layunin ay pakilusin ang isang tao sa isang tiyak na alituntuning dapat
➢ Ang mga kilalang mga kompanya ay may colored stationary
• Puti- pangkalahatang kautusan, direktiba o impormasyon
• Pink o Rosas- ginagamit sa request o order na nanggaling sa purchasing dept.
• Dilaw o Luntian- ginagamit sa mga nanggaling sa marketing o accounting dept.
< Bargo- 3 uri ng memorandum
• Memorandum para sa Kahilingan
• Kabatiran
• Pagtugon
Ang detalyadong memo ay nagtataglay ng:
Sitwasyon- dito makikita ang panimula o layunin ng memo
Problema- dito nakasaad ang suliraning dapat pagtuonan ng pansin
Solusyon- nagsasaad ng inaasahang dapat gawin ng kinauukulan

< Suborasert- nagtatakda ng mga paksang tatalakayin sa pulong

Katitikan ng Pulong:
➢ Dokumentong nagtatalaga ng mahahalagang diskusyon at desisyon
➢ Opisyal na tala ng isang pulong
➢ Isinasagawa ng pormal, obhetibo, komprehensibo o nagtataglay ng mahahalagang detalye
Kahalgahan ng Katitikan:
• Ginagamit upang ipaalam sa mga sangkot sa pulong ang mga nangyari dito
• Nagsisilbing Permanenteng Record
• Sa pamamagitan nito ay mayroon hawak na kopya sa mga nangyaring komunikasyon
• Hanguan ng Impormasyon para sa susunod na pulong
• Magagamit bilang Ebidensya
• Ginagamit upang ipaalala ang mga papel o responsibilidad ng mga miyembro
Mahalagang Bahagi ng katitikan ng pulong:
- Heading- naglalaman ng pangalan ng kompanya samahan kagawaran o org. petsa ,lokasyon at oras.
- Mga kalahok- sino nanguna, pangalan ng mga dumalo at liban
Naka ss 3 and 4 and 5-7
- Lagda- pangalan ng taong kumuha ng katitikan ng pulong at kailan isinumite
3 Uri ng Estilo ng Pagsulat:
Ulat ng Katitikan- lahat ng detalye ay nakatala
Salaysay Katitikan- isinasalaysay ang mahahalagang detalye
Resolusyon ng Katitkan- nakasaad lang ang mga isyung napagusapan at napagkasunduan.

Mga dapat tandaan sa pagsulat ng katitikan ng pulong:


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Memorandum40-43Adyenda43-46Katitikan ng Pulong47-51Panukalang Proyekto59-76Posisyong

From <>

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Society and Culture
Thursday, 21 October 2021 5:44 pm

Platos and Socrtates- Idealism creator

Early homonid- africa
Example of prosimian- tarsier
First early homonid- taung child
Prosimians rely on smell on information
God created the earth and everything- creationsim
Realism- part of the body, body.
Proponent of realism- aristotle
Rationalism- reasoning
Higher primates- anthropoids
God created us for specific purpose- creationism

Idalism- tells what is right, ideas and trie realizing them

Rationalism-approach based on exposition approach
Realism-approach based on facts and reality
Extremism-approach based on what is ordinary
Arboreality- living in trees
Encephalization- changes in brain.
Homo erectus- species of animal where they believe human came from

Survey- subject responds to a series of items

Case Study- intensive description
Documentary sutdy- uses any written material that contains information
Correlational Mehtod- involves measureing two variables then detemening degree
Expeminental Design- methad uses treatment or conditions

Research Process:
Selecting Topic
Defining the probklem
Reviewing literature
Formulating hypothesis
Choosing research method
Collecting data
Presenting and analyzing the results
Formulating conclusions and reccomandation
Disseminating the result

Macro and Micro:

Robert Merton- americal sociologist, different kind of function
Manifest function
Latenr Function
Emile Durkheim- two forms of social order
Mechanial solidarity
Organiz solidarity
Social dysfunctions

Conflict or structural conflict theory by karl marx

Conflict between capitalist( owener) and proletariat ( factory workers)

Thirde theory Symbolic interactionism- society continusly recreated when humans interact

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Thursday, 21 October 2021 5:44 pm

Authors: Vocabulary Words: Daddy: Character and Settings:

Yvette Tan- most celebrated horror fiction writers Ukay- filipino version of Thrift Shop ➢ Yvette Tan/ Achie
➢ Works has won Don Carlos Palanca Banter- exchange of Teasing Remarks ➢ Daddy
➢ Written the 2017 screenplay ILAWOD Barb- strong insult or criticism ➢ Simon Webbe
➢ Author of the Story DADDY Clique- group of people who have a things, features, interest in common ➢ Mitch
➢ Agriculture Section editor of Manila Bulletin Totter- moving in a feeble or unsteady way ➢ Sister
➢ Ilawod Bayots- male homosexual; male to female trans, transvestite or transexual person ➢ Joaqui
John Bengan- teacher of Dept. of Humanities in UP Mindanao Vulgarity- state of being vulgar • Office Workstation
➢ Earned Master of Fine arts in Creative Writing in 2011 Inticrate- very complicated or detailed • ICU of Central Santos Gen.
➢ Author of the Story ARMOR Stumble- trip or momentarily lose one's balance Hospital
Charisse Fuschia A. Paderna- poems earned her ADMU loyola Couture- design and manufacture of fashionable clothes to a clients specific requirem. • Yvette's Room
schools award Avant Garde- new and unusual or experimental ideas, especially in the arts
➢ Author of the poem MARCELA Unfettered- unrestrained or uninhibited Armor:
➢ It preaches about the importance of our flag Reverence- deep respect for someone or something • Davao Death Squad- vigilante group
➢ Marcela Agoncillo with her gentle hands conceived the Muffle- wrap or cover for warmth cleaning-up the streets of Mintal
identity of us Filipino Shroud- wrap or dress (a body) mostly in funerals with Motorbikes
Pearsha Abubakar- music composer, essayist and fiction writer Static- crackling or hissing noises on a cellphone ➢ Biboy
➢ Tausug Palanca award-winning writer Nestle-settle or lie comfortably within or against something ➢ Oliver
➢ Fiction fellow at UP National Arts Workshop Pare- trim by cutting away its outer edges ➢ Ronnie
➢ Robert Quebal, her husband is a filmmaker and a photographer Labor- to work though difficulty, more specifically of physical work
➢ Author of Maghrib Banner- a long strip of cloth bearing a slogan or design Maghrib:
Isabel Yap- writes fiction and poetry, works in tech industry Red- symbolizes patriotism and valor ( in this poem ) ➢ Father- dunno name
➢ Genre of Sink is SCI-FI Embroidered- cloth decorated with patterns sewn on with thread ➢ Grace
Shield- an object/person providing protection and safety ➢ Maryam
Surreal- having the qualities of surrealism ➢ Dr. Lazo
5 Stages of Grief: Forlornly- sad and lonely because of isolation and depression ➢ Yusuf
Denial and Isolation Ablution- the act of washing oneself ➢ Wilma
Anger Vivacious- attractively lively and animated ➢ Brother
Bargaining Bewildered- perplexed and confused; puzzled • Hospital
Depression Disgruntled- angry or dissatisfied
Acceptance Compelled- force or oblige to do something Sink:
Nostalgia- something done or presented in order to evoke feelings of nostalgia ➢ Margo
Islam: Fleeting- lasting a very short time ➢ Jake
➢ Second Largest religion Twilight- a period or state of obscurity ambiguity, or gradual decline ➢ Dr. Reyes
➢ Submission to the will of God Consternation- feelings of anxiety or dismay ➢ Lucky the Terrier
➢ Followers are called Muslims Exasperation- a feeling of intense irritation or annoyance
➢ Worship Allah Blearily- dull or dimmed especially from fatigue or sleep
➢ Mecca- Holy Place Foothold- a secure position from which further progress may be made
• Shahada- there is no god but god Fuss- a display of unnecessary or excessive excitement, activity, or interest
• Salat-
• Zakat
• Sawm
• Hajj
• Qur'an- book
• Imam- priest in catholic
• Ramadan

Marriage and Divorce:

➢ Section 1 Requisites of Marriage
➢ Article 14- Nature
➢ Article 15- Essential Requisites
➢ Article 16- Capacity to contract Marriage
➢ Article 17- Marriage Ceremony
➢ Article 18- Authority to solemnize marriage
➢ Article 19- Place to solemnization
➢ Article 20- Specification of dower
➢ Article 21- Payment of dower
➢ Article 22- Breach of Contract
• Section 2- Prohibited Marriages
• Article- Bases of Prohibition
• Article 24- Prohibition of consanguinity

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Thursday, 21 October 2021 5:44 pm

Rodel Tapaya - category is painting

Ronald Rial Haramillo Hilario- sculpture
Dexter Sy- Painting
Clifford Espinosa- social artist
John Paul Antonido- painter
Aze Ong- designs
Peter james fantinalgo moreen austria _ lawig sculpturer
Nunelucio Lavarado- painting
Manuel Pañares- painting
Martino Abellana- painting

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Media and Info
Thursday, 21 October 2021 5:44 pm

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Physical Educ.
Thursday, 21 October 2021 5:44 pm

Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are not great because of their technique, History of Ballet:
they are great because of their passion - Martha Graham - Grecian- costume before
- Limited Movements
Folk Dance- indigenous dances of any specific folk, traditional dances found in a certain country Inclds:
National Dances- aka traditional folk dances but have a national scope Sandals, Diaphanous Skirt, Low-Necked Body, Hair in the form of a Wreath
Ethnic Dances- ethnological dances are those performed in primitive tribes - In Philippines
• Religious beliefs 1915- Paul Nijinsky performed classical ballet at the Manila hotel roof garden
• Stemming from emotions 1927- Luva Adameit come to phil and started a ballet school
• Superstitions
• Festivals Classical Ballet and Contemporary Ballet:
• Ceremonies of Birth - Classical Ballet- traditional, formal styles of ballet
• Courtsh - Contemporary Ballet- combination of classic ballet and modern dancing
• Marriage Mime Movements used in Classical Ballets:
• Death Love, Anger, Crying, Death
• War Basic Dance Position in Ballet:
• Different themes
Excessive Behavior
Simple Basic Rhythm, Establish Different Pattern
Crearted by Unknown Choreographer or Communal efforts
Performs a function in the life of folk people

Phil Major Classifications of Folk Dances :

Tribal Dances from Cordilleras- non-christian dances from cordilleras
Lowland Christian Dances- influenced by hispanic and european cultures
Muslim Dances- influenced by arabic and indo-malayan cultures

Folk Dances may be categorized by:

Arnold Haskell- combination of arts of dancing, poetry, music and painting. The essential
Life Cycle Dances- serve as a ritual
quality of ballet dancer is grace that is phrasing, fluidity, harmony, making words into a poetic
- Manmanok, Daling-Daling, Himog, Pangalay Pangantin
Festival Dances- celebration of recurring events of significant others
K.V Burian- Ballet is artistic, programmatic, scenic dance accompanied with music.
- Ati-Atihan, Dinagyang, Sinulog, Pinagbenga
Occupational Dances- depicts the livelihood of the filipino people
Composition of Ballet Class:
- Tudak and Tauti
Warm-up- limbering and stretching exercises, warm the muscles before doing difficult moves
Ritual and Ceremonial Dances- part of ritual and ceremonial dances of a tribe or groups
Barre Exercises- To maintain balance and correct placement of the Body
- Pagdiwata, Dugso, Sohten, Bendian, Tahing Baila
• Plié, Relevé, Développés, Battlement Tendu, Battlement Dégagé, Grand Battement
Game Dances- local folk games
Center Work Exercises- after barre exercises is moved to the middle to do more exercises
- Pukol
• Port De Bras, Arabesque, Sauté Arabesque, Attitude, Pa de Bourrée, Glissade
Joke and Trickster Dances- render individual into a physical or mental indignity or discomfort
Corner Drills- consist of steps combining big jumps, leaps and turns w/c cover large areas
- Pandango sa Sambalilo
• Ballet Walks, Chassé, Sautés, Jeté, Grand Jeté, Assemblé
Mimetic or drama Dances- mimic animals, objects or other people
- Saayaw Tu Baud, Pinuhag, Inamo-amo, Ninanog
Modern Dance and its History:
War Dances- express feud and enmity
- This style began to develop in 19th Century
- Maglalatik
- Rebellion- European American Dancers
Social Amenities Dances- express social grace, hospitality offerings of gift to friends
- Limitless Combination, Limitless Option, More on Freedom
- Sakuting
- Teaches the dancers to control its body and making it instrumental
Fundamental Steps in Folk Dance:
- Provides skills of dance movement to make the body move efficiently and with precision
Waltz, Gallop, Change- Step, Polka, Sway Balance, Mazurka, Close-step, Leap, Touch step, Waltz Turn
Famous Technique in Modern Dance:
• Graham Technique, Humphery-Weidman Technique, Limón Technique, Cunningham
Technique, Hawkins Technique, Norton Technique, Nikolais/Louis Technique
- Event consist of cheers and organized routines for sport teams motivation audience entertainment or competition
- Purpose is to encourage spectators, of events cheer sports team at games
• Refers to the spontaneous movement performed by dancers in response to the
- Yellers, Dancers, and athletes are called cheeleaders, as one they are called squads
- Cheers, Jumps, Dance, Gymnastics, Stunting
• Various images, ideas, feeling or other simulating events may be used as motivation
History of Cheerleading:
1898- Founded
• Modern Dance Allow choreographic Freedom
University of Minnesota- Rah, Rah, Rah! Ski-U-Mah, Hoo-rah! Hoo-rah! Varsity! Varsity! Varsity! Minn-e-so-tah!
• The perform in this dance mostly consist of emotional and personal experiences
• The intent and style is not limited to certain areas and subject.
Dance Techniques:
Basic Modern Dance Skills:
Contemporary Dance, Jazz, Hip-hop, Contemporary Ballet, Ethnic Dance, Folk Dance
Dance Walk, Run, Triplet (Plié,Relevé,Relevé), Waltz, Gallop, Chassé /Slide, Jumps, Leap,
Falling, Rolls, Turns
Element of Cheers:
- Cheer motion are also used to lead the crowd and emphasize words for crowd response

Segments of Cheerdance Routine: Basic Hand Postion: Basic Arm Position:

Music Section- sets the tone and pace as well as adds to creativity of the choreography, motivates cheerleaders and
Cheer Section- shows support for the school or program that the cheerleader represent

Elements of Cheer dance Routine:

Basic Gymnastic Skills- to add thrill > Jumps, Approach, Lift, Execution, Landing

R2 Page 377
Basic Body Position:


Basic formations:

R2 Page 378
R2 Page 379
Monday, 7 February 2022 8:34 pm

Informal Formal
Set up Establish
Put off Postpone
Seem Appear
Want Desire
Say no Reject
Sight Vision
Worse Inferior
Dim Indistinct
Tell Inform
Use Consume
Shorten Decrease
Mainly Principally
Lack Deficiency
Mad Insane
Empty Vacant
Clear Transparent
Cheap Inexpensive
Lucky Fortunate
Give Provide
Buy Purchase
Informal Formal
Live Reside
Whole Entire
Blow up Explode
Thanks Gratitude
Worse Inferior
Keep Preserve
Dim Indistinct
Death Demise
Job Occupation
Dad Father
Hopeless Futile
Call on Visit
Whole Complete
Free Liberate
Get Obtain

3RD Page 380

Let Permit
Anyway Nevertheless
I think In my opinion
All right Acceptable
Put up Tolerate
Informal Formal
Ask Enquire
Tell Inform
But However
Get Receive
Bad Negative
Seem Appear
Also Moreover
Buy Purchase
Have to Must
End Finish
Lack Deficiency
Live Reside
Lively Energetic
Hurt Damage
Put in Insert
Check Verify
Sorry Apologize
Help Assist
Chance Opportunity
Use Utilize
Informal Formal
Ask for Request
Look into Investigate
Refer to Consult
Hungry Famished
But However
Wrong Incorrect
Mad Insane
Let Allow
Eager Avid
Dare Challenge
Hurt Damage
Show Demonstrate
Avoid Evade
Sick ill
Give up Quit

3RD Page 381

Empty Vacant
Mend Repair
Idea Notion
See Observe
Need Require

3RD Page 382

English- Updated
Wednesday, 22 December 2021 9:07 pm

Nature of Academic Text: Nature of Academic Texts:

Academic Writing- Process that start with posing a question, problematizing a concept, evaluating an opinions, ends in answering the question, clarifying the problem, and/or arguing for a stand. 1. Formality- needs to be formal, instead of the present writing- use the presents study/this study my essay'll
Academic Articles: make it clear- use the present paper will clarify
- Language very formal, not just formal
- Written by professionals • Take heed of the words use
- Take years to publish
- Edited by author's peers 2. Objective-(impersonality) instead of many of my friends use that- use it is commonly said that, I, you, my
- Uses words typical on the fields friend richard- use the present study/author, one Professor Roberton (1992)
Academic Texts:
- Textbooks 3. Precision- be specific , pets like dogs- pets such as cats and dogs, ec around half of the ground- approximately
- Shorter student texts 50% of the group
- Longer student texts 4. Caution-need to avoid- our study proves that - use the study shows, Im sure this is is so- there is reason to
- Research Articles believe that this is so. We really couldn't make anything of the results- use there were difficulties in analyzing
- Case Studies the results.
- Batikan 5. Lack of Emotion- ( an objective unemotional stance) - I think that this idea sucks- I think that this idea may not
- Dictionaries- categorized as reference be accurate. In my opinion this is a wonderful topic- this topic is worth investigating because….
Non Academic Articles:
- Written for mass public Writing:
- Written by anyone - Steps and methods used to generate a finished piece of writing.
- Published quickly • Expository Writing- writing that expresses facts, explains and educates its readers, rather than entertaining or
- Language is informal, casual and contain slang attempting to persuade them.
- Author don't have a credentials, or their name isn't in the article • Descriptive Writing- help the readers visualize, in detail, a character, event, place, or all of these things at
Non-Academic Texts: once. Describing the scene with all 5 senses, more artistic freedom than expository writing.
- Resolutions • Persuasive Writing- or argumentation, is to influence the reader to assume the author's point of view, the
- Contracts author will give personal opinions in the piece and arm he/her with evidence so the reader will agree.
- Application Papers • Narrative Writing- to tell a story, whether it is real or imaginary, can include dialogue, the leader learns what
- Business Documents happen to them, has characters.
- Oath/Pledges
- Journalistic Articles Pre-Writing Process:
- Editorials/Cartoons Choosing a topic: Brainstorming, Freewriting, Clustering
- Science Feature Focus on one topic- focus on one idea and narrow it down later
- Text or Email Messages Knowing your purpose in writing the paper- reasons
- Unsolicited Invitations Identifying your readers or audiences: Knowledge, Interests, Attitude, Needs

Plagiarism: Writing Process:

- Use of another's original words or ideas as though they were your own. Anything that you have borrowed something develop or created by someone and you didn't give the person a credit Drafting: Get your ideas on paper, Use sentences and paragraphs, Follow the basic structure of the genre you have
you have committed plagiarism chosen
• Plagiarism of Ideas- credit for work is ascribed to oneself untruthfully Revision: Add details, examples, and illustrations, Rewrite awkward or unclear sentences or paragraphs, Cut any
Proper Citations: To avoid Plagiarism of Ideas word, sentence or paragraphs that are off-topic, distracting or unnecessary
➢ Author oriented citation- Pulidio (1955 ) - verbs of statements such as argues, posits and emphasizes at the start of the paragraph or sentence may be used. Editing: Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation Mark/s, Style
➢ Text Oriented Citation- Paragraph or sentence from a source followed by the surname and year of publication: unless educators realize… ( Juan 2010 ) Publishing: Turn it in, Post it in a blog, Submit it to a publication
➢ Another way of Citation- Start with the phrase according to, followed by surname and at parenthesis is year of publication: According to Juan (2010)
➢ Movies, Images and Music should be cited from your paper. Formal words that can be used:
• Plagiarism of Language- happens when author uses language of another writer and claims it to be his or her own
Effective Note-Taking Techniques: to avoid Plagiarism of Language
➢ Using Direct Quotations
➢ Summarizing
➢ Paraphrasing

3RD Page 383

English for Academics
Monday, 22 November 2021 7:12 am

Wednesday topic.
Prep: short bond paper
daily dairy in English, learning from this subject, progress from this subject - creative colorful diary
Giving question (on the spot) activity, final from this subject
Business Proposals

Nature of Academic Texts:

Read the Content (Academic text is talking about school, academics, no other things, you can check the writing)
Editorial column- using a pronoun

Academic Writing:
- Processs that start with posing a question, problematizing a concept, evaluating an opinions, ends in answering the question, clarifying the problem, and/or arguing for a stand.
Academic Articles:
- Language very formal, not just formal
- Written by professionals
- Take years to publish
- Edited by author's peers
- Uses words typical on the fields

Definition of layman's terms

: simple language that anyone can understand The process was explained to us in layman's terms.

Examples of academic texts:

Dictionaries- categorized as references
Journals- Batikan

Non Academic Articles:

- Written for mass public
- Written by anyone
- Published quickly
- Language is informal, casual and contain slang
- Author don't have a credentials, or their name isn't in the article

3RD Page 384

Text or email messages
Unsolicited invitations

Nature of Academic Texts:

1. Formality- needs to be formal, instead of the present writing- use the presents study/this study my essay'll make it clear - use the present paper will clarify
• Take heed of the words use
2. Objective-(impersonality) instead of many of my friends use that - use it is commonly said that, I, you, my friend richard- use the present study/author, one Professor Roberton (1992)
3. Precision- be specific , pets like dogs- pets such as cats and dogs, ec around half of the ground- approximately 50% of the group

End of the first day diary 11-24-2021

May gagawin kaming activity may bondpaper and marker.

My group is no.2 aldeza

4. Caution-need to avoid- our study proves that - use the study shows, Im sure this is is so- there is reason to believe that this is so. We really couldn't make anything of the results - use there were difficulties in analyzing the results.
5. Lack of Emotion- ( an objective unemotional stance) - I think that this idea sucks- I think that this idea may not be accurate. In my opinion this is a wonderful topic - this topic is worth investigating because….

We play kahoot about the academic writings etc.

End of the second day diary 11-26-2021

This test isn't good enough.

If there is no suitable word then use the same…
The pronoun I MUST not be in the academic text

Assignment have an overview of writing an academic text/research paper.

End of the Third day diary 11-29-2021

3RD Page 385

Writing academic Texts:

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Types of Writing:

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Feature Articl is descriptive article
Novels, childrens book

Editorial Column
Talks about sino boboto sa election

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Narrow down

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Narrow down

The writing Process:

3RD Page 391

In tagalog (burador) Bura- to remove

3RD Page 392

2nd PT: Project
Come-up with a research paper (tig 2 per group)

3RD Page 393

3 objectives
RRL both foreign and Local
Roman numerals no.6 bibliography
Kahit tig 2 or tig-isa - RRL

Deadline for research english:Tentativre, handing papers via online on January 13,2022
Periodical Exan: January 3rd Week
1 What is Plagiarism
2 What the different ways in order for you to avoid plagiarism?
4th diary

3RD Page 394

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3RD Page 399
1. Gye Fernandez age 17, is one of more than 1,000 children who received vaccination said," For me, I'm looking forward to getti ng back to face-to-face classes in the future."
2. The Philippines will start vaccinating ages 12 -17 on Friday. They hope that this will enable a safe environment for reopening face -to-face classes. Some other countries also started their vaccination to minors.
QUIZZZ Wednesday,15 dec.
5th diary

Submit hard copy of the papers

Ate tina

End of 6th diary

3RD Page 400

Nothing can replace our parents. They give support and they are a great role model for you. They protect you from any harm th at can possibly happen. They are your true guardians and the sole reason for your success and happiness.

Day something: jan 31 ,2022

3RD Page 401

Generic topic. ( general ) (common)

Important to highlight the topic.
Declarative Statement should always end in a period. BE specific about the citation. Not interrogative. More expository but bound to give more explanation

3RD Page 402

Refrain from using modals. (should have). Used to support but not all the time. ( are indicators ) the best modal to use.
Parallylisim Still (balancing the information) started with adjective.
Avoid redundancy
You need to be focused (wag paligoy-ligoy)

Scope and Limitations. Where and what is you limitations.

Not unless it is badly needed you must not include other people, things and topc.
Unconditional Statement ( don't use statement )
Verbal Deadwoods ( pag mahaba paikliin )

3RD Page 403

Recyclable Bags will increase in cost when there is a problem in production and added resources needed.
Due to difficulty in production and added resources needed, there will be an increased cost for the Recyclable Bags.

Political Dynasties must not be uphold due to they can monopolize the resources, limit People's choices and delay the develop ment of a country.

The political dynasty

- Review lesson feb 2

- Have and Has

3RD Page 404

Principle of Marketing-updated
Wednesday, 5 January 2022 8:25 pm

Chapter 1: Market- made up of consumer with similar needs and wants.

Marketing: ➢ Captured Market- consumers who have purchased the product or places we have already established.
• Definds as activity or set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that value for customers, clients partners and ➢ Untapped Market- part of total market who have not purchased the product, area we have not established.
society at large.
Market Segmentation- marketing strategy that segregates a market into a smaller groups of market with common needs and wants and then designing and
Adam Smith (1776): implementing strategies to target one or more or all of the smaller groups of markets.
Stated in the wealth of nations ➢ Geographic Segmentation- dividing market based on location of countries. It is generally observed that people's needs vary depending on where they li ve
• Consumption us the sole end and purpose of all production and the interest of the product and the interest of the product ought to be attended only so far as it may ➢ Demographic Segmentation- people with different personal characteristics have different needs and interests. Personal characteristics incld gender, age ,
necessary for promoting those of the customers. income, family, size and life cycle.
• Matatapos na ang business kung wala na mag cconsume ➢ Psychographic Segmentation- people in this segment spend money differently. LIFE STYLE, SOCIAL CLASS
Philip Kotler (1980): ➢ Behavioral Segmentation- enables marketers to identify behavioral characteristics that influences shopping pattern, usage frequency among others. thi s
• Marketing is satisfying needs and wants through an exchange process. incld conative (usage) affective (like/dislikes) cognitive (involve/not involve)
• Exchange process
Chartered Institute of Marketing: Consumer Behavior- consumer's behavior in buying, etc etc
• Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitability.
<> It is suggested that you use more than one segmentation variables. After doing market segmentation this will result in smaller groups of consumer called
Satisfaction: condition wherein expectations are met. market segment.
Unsatisfied need: condition that motivates consumer to satisfy the unmet need. <> When marketing segment it is necessary to consider the usage of technologies

Need- something that is essential Hedonist- pleasure seekers, interested in adventure and fun. They consider the price and quality and prefer brands that reflect stains and reputation.
Want-desire or wish for something Traditionalist- they care more about the society and nature
Demand- strong need for something Performers- they value aesthetics and like high-tech products Brands with high rep. are what they patronize.
Minimalist- stick to the basic care about health and have limited income
Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of needs: including the transcendence
Physiological Needs- first level, food, clothing, sex, shelter. rest Behavioral Segmentation:
Safety Need- second level, safety within the environment, emotional and physical safety Another way for dividing a market
Need for self-esteem- fourth level, self-respect, status, recognition for others, accomplishment • AFFECTIVE DIMENSIONS-
Need for self-actualization- highest level, excelling in life, attaining personal achievement, reaching person's highest potential facts • COGNITIVE DIMENSIONS-
Transcendence- go beyond their limits to experience the unusual feeling • MAKE MORE THAN 1 SEGMENTATION VARIABLES

McClelland's Acquired needs Theory: Characteristics of good markket segmentation: By Perrault (2011)
- American psychologist 1. Homogenous within a market segment- group of people with similar consumption patterns or marketing behavior.
- ACHIEVEMENT, AFFILIATION AND POWER 2. Heterogenous within a market segment- distinctions among other market segments in terms of consumption patterns/behavior, need generational
Alderfer's ERG Theory: profile. Matures/ Boomers/ Genzers/ Years/ Philosophy and viewpoints.
- American psychologist ➢ Matures - 1945 and earlier- about 33 mil- uncertainty and conformity - practical
- EXISTENCE, RELATEDNESS AND GROWTH ➢ Boomers- 1946-1964- about 75 mil- prosperity counter culture- optimistic
➢ Genxers- 1965-1977- about 50 mil- lack of expectation information- skeptical
Buying Roles: associated with purchasing a product ➢ Millennials- 1978-1995- about 80 mil- globalization social responsibility - hopeful
Initiator- person who decide the buying process 3. Substantial or Profitable Market Segment- indicates sufficiency to justify the resources required to target them. The bigger the size the more substantial
Influencer- person who tries to convince others why they need this product it is.
Decider- person who makes the final decision to purchase 4. Measurable or Operational Characteristics- defines as relevant segmentation variables that must be identifiable and accessible.
Buyer- person who writes you the check • Identifiable- clearly distinguish one market segment to other.
User- person who ends up using your product whether he/she had a say in buying process • Accessible- should available. Can be from public or private.
Gatekeeper- person who control on the flow of information and facilities the decision-making process
Profiling- is defined as describing market segments using relevant segmentation variables.
Consumer and Market Business: Profiling can Be done by: Ways of Profiling
Consumer Market - market that buys products and use them • Describe the identified market segments using relevant segmentation variables.
Business Market- market that merchandise your product. (buy and resell) • Give a name for the different market segment.
Consumer Behavior- study of consumers and the processes they use to choose, use or consume and dispose products and services. • Describe the market size of the marker segments.

Factor Influencing Consumer Behavior: Profiling Models:

Culture- ideas, belief, values and knowledge _ Roberto's Segment Profiling by Priority Consumer Values- his model suggest that consumer values do not refer exclusively to products.
Social- social factor, group, family, role and status ➢ Consumer Values- to describe preference/ highly preference certain evaluated products, hotels, restaurants
Personal- age, life stage, occupation, economic situation, personality, lifestyle. _ Sec for Filipino Households (Socio Economic) - this includes socio clusters based on expenditure pattern of the households from 2009 Family Income
Psychological- motivation, perception, learning, beliefs and attitudes. Expenditure Survey.
_ Myers- Briggs Type Indicator MBTI- measures psychological preferences based on how people perceive the world and make decisions.
Adopter Categories By ROGERS: _ Usages Status- this consist of 5 usage status segments.
Innovator- risk-taker, high social status, financial stable. ➢ Substantial or Profitable Market - It indicates sufficiency to justify the resources required to target them. Measurable or Operational Characteristics - Is defined
Early Adopter- opinion leader, high social status, financial liquid, advanced education. as relevant segmentation variables that must be identifiable and accessible.
Early Majority- takes longer to adopt and above average social status ➢ Market Segmentation- marketing strategy that segregates a market into a smaller groups of market with common needs and wants and then designing and
Late Majority- skeptical about the innovation, below average social status implementing strategies to target one or more or all of the smaller groups of markets.
Laggards- last to adopt, have aversion to change agents, has lowest financial stability ➢ Active Users- current customers and the bulk of your email list.
➢ Lapsed Users- users who have made a purchase or transaction but not recently
➢ Abandoned (Inactive) Users- people who abandon or don't buy to you anymore.
Consumer analysis is the process where information about the consumer is found out from market research like the needs of the consumer, the target market and the
relevant demographics so that this information can be used in market segmentation for further steps of market research. It is very useful in predicting consumer Targeting:
behavior. - Segmenting and profiling the market/ you will choose which among the marker segment you will target. By taking into consideration your resources,
competition and consumers
Steps in consumer analysis - 3 Targeting Strategies:
Step1: Overview of the industry ➢ Undifferentiated Marketing Strategy- considers the entire market as the target market doesn’t need to go to profiling
Step2: Identifying and describing demographics of the customers ➢ Differentiated Marketing Strategy- consider the different segments of the market.
Step3: Project future changes ➢ Concentrated Marketing Strategy- they develop products for one segment of the market.
Step4: Determine and describe consumer buying behavior
Step5: Competitive analysis Positioning:
Step6: Use information about industry, customer and competitors determined above to identify gaps in the market - Defines as owning a distinctive characteristics for your produced product category.
- Perceptual Mapping- display the mental image that the target market has on a product relative to its competitors. Perceptual maps are also referred to
Phenominology-repondents experience the certain topic/scenario. asposition maps and market maps.Putting Price Examples include:
Case Study- doesn't experience the topic being given. Analysis ➢ Perceptual mapping helps managers to
Ethnography- experience the scenario systematic study of individual cultures. of people in their own environment through the use of methods such as participant - QualityvsPrice
observation and face-to-face interviewing. study of certain group. - FunctionalityvsPrice
Discorse Analysis- effect and impact of modern tech to communication skills. Face to Face - HealthinessvsTastiness
Content Analysis- mode of communication (medium) either paper, cellphone. ( Grammar analization ). - PricevsPerformance
Historical Analysis- study of the history. - PricevsSafety & Reliability

33 mil- silent gen and Greatest Generation- uncertainty conformity - clueless and gaya-gaya - practical, kung mahal they will not buy,
75 mil - baby boomers - prosperity and counter smthn - success and values - optimistic
50 mil - gen x - lack of expectation and information - not putting standards for everything - skeptical
80 mil- millennials - globalization social and responsibility - hopeful
Generation z - adventurous information and lack of expectation

Marketing Research: Philip Kotler

- Systematic problem analysis, model finding and fact finding
- For the purpose of improved decision making and control in marketing goods and services.

Marketing Research: Richard Crisp

- Marketing research is systematic, objective and exhaustive search for and study of the facts relevant to any problem in the field of marketing.

Marketing Research: American Marketing Association

- Systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of data about problems relating to marketing goods and services.

Marketing Research: Clark and Clark

- Careful and objective study of product design, markets and such transfer activities as physical distribution and warehousing, advertising and sales management
- Marketing Research: The function that links the consumers, customers, and public to the marketer through information. This information is used to identify and
define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding
of marketing as a process.
- secondary data: information collected by someone other than the user of the data
- Qualitative research: A method of inquiry employed in many different academic disciplines, traditionally in the social sciences but also in market research and
further contexts.
- Secondary Research: This process involves the summary, collation, and synthesis of existing research rather than primary research, where data is collected from
subjects or experiments.
- survey research: information from a predetermined set of questions that is given to a sample and is used to assess thoughts, opinions, and feelings

Focused Groups: consist of 8 members

The Marketing Research Process is comprised of the following steps:

1. define the problem and objectives
2. obtain data
3. analyze data
4. recommend solutions
5. apply the results

If there is a question that has hypothesis the right answer MIGHT be experiments

3RD Page 405

Principle of Marketing
Wednesday, 24 November 2021 8:00 am

Chapter 1:
- Definds as activity or set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings tha t value for customers, clients partners and society at large.

Adam Smith (1776):

Stated in the welth of nations
- Consumption us the sole end and purpose of all production and the interest of the product and the interest of the product oug ht to be attended only so far as it may necessary for promoting those of
the customers.
- Matatapos na ang business kung wala na mag cconsume
Philip Kotler (1980):
- Marketing is satisfying needs and wants through an exchange process.
- Exchange process
Chartered Institute of Marketing:
- Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitabi lity.

Demand- gumagawa ng ibang paraan para makuha ung gusto mo.

3RD Page 406

Sleep one example of physiological need
Rest, energy,

Trancendence- they have to go beyond their limits to experience the unusual feeling.

Affiliation- bonding, connecting, uniting.
Power- authority, confidence

3RD Page 407

Power- authority, confidence


Classified sa maslow's hierarchy of needs into 3
Group 3 : role play make a marketing map
Business to marketing consumer to marketing.

3RD Page 408

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Traditionalist- d nakaka-abala sa hayop….

Behavioral Segmentation:
Another way for dividing a market
Characteristics of good markket segmentation
Homogenous within a market segment- group of people with similar pattern or marketing behavior.
Heterogenous within a market segment- distinctions among the market segments interms of the market, need generational profile.
Example sa book:

3RD Page 412

Example ni sir na tama daw:

33 mil- silent gen and Greatest Generation- uncertainty conformity - clueless and gaya-gaya - practical, kung mahal they will not buy,
75 mil - baby boomers - prosperity and counter smthn - success and values - optimistic
50 mil - gen x - lack of expectation and information - not putting standards for everything - skeptical
80 mil- millennials - globalization social and responsibility - hopeful
Generation z -

Substantial or Profitable Market Segment:

3RD Page 413

3. Look for the geographic variables
Sub-urban- boundaries before the city and the province- Bulacan, Cavite and Pampanga


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Naka focus sa mayayaman

3RD Page 419


Quality and Price.

Perceptual maps are also referred to as position maps and market maps. Examples include:
• Quality vs Price
• Functionality vs Price
• Healthiness vs Tastiness
• Price vs Performance
• Price vs Safety & Reliability

Segmentation Variable: targeting specific markets, can be process suggested use more than one segmentation variable, to get t his specific target market or people( pagpipiliian )
Positioning- we already have the product

Chose 2 diff business that have same offerings

Using image map illustrate
Do a right up
Compare the 2

3RD Page 420

Map illustration 2
Explnation 3
Total 5

Chapter 3:

3RD Page 421

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Quiz unit 3 friday!!!

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3RD PT and Project

Buying Roles, Influence of Consumer Behavior ( Video Presentation ) Group #2

Creativity 5 points
Concept 5 Points

Jan 31 nag review sa lesson lang

Feb 2

3RD Page 424

Entrepreneurship- Updated
Friday, 7 January 2022 7:30 pm

Entrepreneur- a person who creates unique ideas that will be useful for starting a business, person who organize Lesson 2
Entrepreneurship- creates a business with new idea, they focus on essence rather than a profit, a market leader. Famous Entrepreneurs:
Jaime Zobel de Ayala
Usefulness of the course for students: • Ayala mall
• Develops skills that will be needed in starting a business Alfredo Yao
• Enhances knowledge on how to operate business • Zest-o
• Demonstrates on how to manage business Mariano Que
• Learner consider becoming an employer rather than employee • Mercury drug
• Learners change their attitude towards the course as a means of living Corazon D. Ong
• Learners change their career and personal attitudes such as communication, prob.-solving, collaboration, motivation, creativity, teamwork • CDO food square
Edgar Sia
Importance of Entrepreneurship Education: • Mang Inasal
➢ Key economic driver Henry Sy
➢ Increase level of knowledge, competence and improve quality of life • SM
➢ Alternative career path Atty. Felipe L. Gozon
Entrepreneurship Common Competencies: Lucio tan
- Considered as capability, capacity and ability of a learner in handling a situation in various areas such as marketing, management, production and finance. • Phil. Air lines
➢ Common Entrepreneurial Competencies Tony Tan Caktiong
• Specific Goal Setting • Jollibee Foods Corporation
• Self-Efficacy (Albert Bandura- proponent) Socorro C. Ramos
• Need of Achievement • National books story
• Ambition
• Willingness to learn Lesson 3
• Adaptability and Flexibility Business Plan:
• Willingness to take risk - Written description of the business that you will establish in the future
• Interpersonal Skills - To test the feasibility of your business Idea
➢ SWANS, AWI - To give your new business the best chance of success
- To secure funding
Competencies for Entrepreneurial Success: - To make business planning more effective
Integrity- honest and strong principles - To attract investors
Conceptual Thinking- connecting abstract and using the past mistakes or events reflect to create new ideas
Strategic Thinking- Three Factors of a good business plan:
Decisiveness- taking actions quickly Realistic
Customer Relations Service- Specific
Other Competencies: Follow through
Risk-Taking ➢ SP,RE,FO
Commercial Aptitude Identifying Customer Needs:
Optimism ➢ Gather raw data
People-Centered ➢ Interpreting data
➢ CROCO, DIPS, CC ➢ Organizing the data
Chapter 1 at the other side ➢ Reflecting the process
Chapter 2 End of chapter 1
Sources of Ideas from entrepreneurial ventures:

From the Product- can source their ideas from existing products/services, different product by changing its shape, size, color and contents, Other entrepreneurs introduce new products because Another topic added:
of their dissatisfaction with those existing products, Karl Ulrich (called annoyance-driven innovation), changing size shape color and contents Recognizing, Assessing and Exploiting Opportunities
From the Process- Business Ideas can arise from the process of distribution and production , ideas arise from process and production 5 stages of opportunity recognition: Hills, Shrader and Lumpkin
From the Person- Examines his/her interests, hobbies, skills, dreams and travels. Precondition • Acquiring knowledge
From the Relationship- Filipino-Chinese individuals sourced their ideas from families and relatives, it can also be from friends and classmates Concepting • Connect the ideas to make a creative product. Concept
➢ PRPP Visioning • Connected to cenception
Assessment • Assessing, jinajudge, kinicriticize
Methods for Generating or Testing New Ideas: Realization • Realization, outcome,
Logical Thinking - systematic thinking
Creative Thinking -
Factors in Opportunity Recognition: Hisrich, Peters and Shephered (2010)
Generating Business Ideas though Logical Thinking: ➢ Market Awareness • Trends, competitors dat aware ka kung sino threats sa company mo
Statistical Analysis -describe trend in the demand in the particular product, collection of data. Same as brainstorming ➢ Entrepreneurial Readiness • Connected to competenncies of entreprenuer,
Market Analysis- ➢ Connections • Connections, boost the company or yourself, suppliers and etc.
SWOT Analysis ( Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats )- competition within an industry
Delphi Technique- systematic Opportunity Assessment: Elements in Opportunity Assessment
➢ Product/ Services
Generating Business Idea through Creative Thinking: ➢ Market Opportunity
Brainstorming - group of an unstructured to elicit ideas. ➢ Costing and Pricing
Problem Inventory Analysis- NAG ELLICIT NG IDEAS IS SI PARTICIPANTS. ➢ Profitability
Free Association method - Sigmund Freud, psychology terms and unconscious thoughts ➢ Resource Requirements/ Capital Requirements
➢ Risks
Scamper aka for specific checklist method- Developed by Alex Osborn, this is a specific checklist method ➢ Entrepreneurial Commitment
➢ Substitute
➢ Combine Opportunity Pathways:
➢ Adapt Rational Approach/ Traditional- tried and proven
➢ Magnify Intuitive Approach- risk / opposite of rational
➢ Put to other use
➢ Eliminate Hisrich, Peters and Shepherd (2010)
➢ Rearrange - Indentified the two stages that a product or services undergoes.
Pre-commercialization Phase Consist of Four stages
Generating Ides through Trends in Business Environment:
Trends Idea Stage Business Ideas
Competitors Logic and Creativity
Lower Selling Price ➢
Concept Stage Refinement of ideas and visualization of an idea
Differentiate Product from existing product
Product Development Stage Concretized with the product of a prototype
Factors that Influence Creativity: (Lagyan ng factors sa huli) Test Marketing Stage Introduced to the market after a series of evaluation and feedback from potential customers
Problem Solving
Commercialization Phase Consist of four stage
Organizational Introduction Formally introduced to the market
➢ Growth Successful marketing campaign the product is recognized by the market
Creative Problem Solving:
Maturity The product is widely accepted
2 Important Stages in CPS from Parnes and Alex Osborn (1950)
➢ Convergent Thinking- Factual have concrete solution, may critique, close ended based on books and logical researches. Decline Lose its market.
➢ Divergent Thinking - using imagination, no critique, open ended thinking outside the box. Creative thinking

Parnes and Alex Osborn Six Steps:

Setting the Objective
Revisiting the problem
Identifying the Problem
Looking for a solution
Selecting a solution
Accepting the Solution

Creative problem solving- answer a problem creatively

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Monday, 22 November 2021 7:13 am

Entrepreneurship- creates a business with new idea, they focus on essence rather than a profit, a market leader.

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Entrepreneurship- creates a business with new idea, they focus on essence rather than a profit, a market leader.

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Proponent- Albert Bandura ( self efficacy)

Competencies for Entrepreneurial Success:

Integrity- honest and strong principles
Conceptual Thinking- connecting abstract and using the past mistakes or events reflect to create new ideas
Strategic Thinking-
Decisiveness- taking actions quickly
Customer Relations Service-
Other Competencies:
Commercial Aptitude

Activity Next Meeting

Jaime zobel de ayala

- Ayala mall
Alfredo Yao
- Zest-o
Mariano Que

3RD Page 430

Mariano Que
- Mercury drug
Corazon D. ong
- CDO food square
Edgar Sia
- Mang inasal
Henry Sy
- SM
Atty. Felipe L Gozon
Lucio tan
- Phil. Air lines
Tony Tan Caktiong
- Jollibee Foods Corporation
Socorro C. ramos
- nAtional books story

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Sigmund Freud- free association method

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Divergent Thinking- multiple choices about the solutions, using imagination , walang critique na mangyayari, tnaggap lang ng tanggap
Convergent Thinking- kabaliktaran, simple create a concrete solution, critique na mangyayari

Sunod sunod may process

BOOK Pg.29 no.3

3RD Page 442

Weaved clothes rereport ko!!!!!

Jolibee angkas shopee gcash lalamove coloroutte paypal

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33 mil

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Notebook learning

Quiz Friday (contents pointers)

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- Acquiring knowledge
- Connect the ideas to make a creative product. Concept
- Connected to cenception
- Assessing, jinajudge, kinicriticize
- Realization, outcome,

- Trends, competitors dat aware ka kung sino threats sa company mo

- Connected to competenncies of entreprenuer,
- Connections, boost the company or yourself, suppliers and etc.

3RD Page 453

- Tried and proven.
- Kabaliktaran ng rational

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1. Prior knowledge
2 non
3 non
4 non

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4 non

4th quarter. Feb 14 2022


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Sasali sa dance is d na gagawa reflection

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Applied Economics- updated
Tuesday, 11 January 2022 1:40 pm

Economics: study of allocation of scarce resources to satisfy the commerce of men and women Opportunity Cost:
Scarce- insufficient for the demand, shortage - Cost of lost alternative
Scarcity- having unlimited wants with limited resources, in short in supply - One was given up

Father of Economics: The Goods:

Adam Smith- founder of modern economics Economic Goods: bring general process and commerce in a country
- Advocated for Laissez Faire policies - Exchange of one Property to another
- Wealth of the Nations Author - Swapping properties and ownership
- GDP concept creator The Bads:
Economic Bad: negative externalities and market imperfection
Concept of Scarce Resources: - Pollution
• Land- used as space to create the products or services (Lot or Land literal meaning), inputs for productive use - Monopolistic Competition
• Labor- mental or physical effort, wages and salaries (compensation) - Free Rider Phenomenon
- Karl Marx- consider labor as ultimate production factor
• Capital- same as land (has 2main categories) 2 Main Branches of Economics:
- Physical Capital- machines, equipment, human capital Macroeconomics- focused on the short term fluctuation of the economy and long
- Financial Capital- financial resources term economic growth. Entire economy national income, aggregate savings, aggregate
• Entrepreneurial Ability- necessary skill to mix the other 3 factors, to explain the creation and allocation savings
• Profit- serves as a compensation of entrepreneurial skill Microeconomics- decision making of a single economic variables, demand consumer,
• Entrepreneur (person)- in charge of Gap Analysis SWOT narrow scope

➢ Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak- founder of Apple Computer (April 1, 1976 founded) with Ronald Wayne Other major segment of economics:
10 Successful Entrepreneurs in the Phil: Econometrics- use to explain theories mathematically, used null hypothesis.
Henry Sy- SM Developmental Economics- one of the helpers of the philippines is japan and USA
Tony Tan Caktiong- Jollibee Political Economics-the study of production and trade and their relations with law,
John Gokongwei Jr/ JG Holdings custom and government; and with the distribution of national income and wealth.
Socoro C. Ramos- national bookstore Behavioral Economics
Dr.Cecilio K Pedro- Lamoyan Corp, hapee, Dazz dishwashing liquid
Mariano Que- Mercury Drugstores Positive Analysis:
Alfredo M. Yao- Zest-O -higher compensation cause people to save more
Corazon D. Ong- CDD Foodsphere -high taxes on cigarettes discourage smoking
Gregorio G. Sanchez Jr.- Lacto Pafi -if the price if gas rises the people will buy less
Diosdado Banatao- Computer Chips
Normative Analysis:
-people should save more
Production: -smoking should be discourage
Model building- an essential tool of economics -so we should not allow the price to go up

Joseph Schumpeter- well-known philosopher Basic Economic Problems and the socioeconomic development of the Phil
- Economist Upper echelon- in position or higher position in the society
- Adopted the idea of model building Exclusive growth- only the wealthy and upper echelon benefit from economic growth
- Process of building and deconstructing to extract the possible learnings from the model building exercise Inclusive Growth- all members of the society are benefited
Ceteris Paribus- all things being equal
Total Production- to explain the situation of a firm increasing production in the short-run when the land, capital GDP- total income earned domestically
and entrepreneurial skills are fixed and labor is only varied Domestically- regions of a certain country
Production- affected and decreases looking at 4 factor and studying the factors of production that can be increased
Education- considered as an important output to the factors of production, can improve expand the capacity GDP/Population= economic growth/ capita
beyond the limit - Interpret mo ano ibig sabihin nyan sa words.
Production Possibility Frontier- illustrates limits that the community can produce from its avail resources
Total Output- measuring the country's growth and progress
3 Kinds of Expansion of PPF: GNP- total income of all residents in the nation
Constant Savings- always equals to investments, important and crucial development of a
Decreasing country

Capital Goods: intermediate goods used for production of consumer goods. Raw Materials Equilibrium Price: intention of suppliers is in-line with the buyers where the amount of
Consumer Goods: products or services for personal use. goods provided is equal to the amount provided.

"Production of Consumer Goods can increase by reducing the production capital goods" Price Regulation: imposition of either minimum or maximum price by government
decree law.
Types of Economies: ➢ Price Ceiling- maximum price set by imposition
Planned Economy- prevalent(widespread) in communist and socialist aka command economy ➢ Price Floor- minimum price set by imposition
Market Economy- consumers choose wisely they exercise virtual autonomy answers the questions what they will
buy what quantities and what price Shifts in Demand Curve:
Mixed Economy- state dictates and exercise. (if your private your independent but still need to follow the state). - A shift to right means increase in the demand at any given price
Government has a plan and the consumer has the freedom. - A shift to left means decrease in the demand for that good at any given price.

Imposition- It means demand or creating something in an official way. 4 Factors that can shift the demand curve:
➢ Consumer Income- increase in consumer income increase in quantity demanded.
➢ Population- increase in population means increase in quantity at any given price.
➢ Consumer Preference- shifts in taste is increase in the demand of that good.
➢ Price Availability of Related Goods- the demand will be based in the prices of
• Complementary Goods- increase in butter (main ingredient) less demand.
• Substitute Goods- increase in margarine (substitute in butter) demand.

- Elasticity- measure of extent to which quantity of good is demanded.

- Quantity- responds to the changes in the price of product, competitive goods,

5 Kinds of Elasticity of Demands and their affects in its expenditures:

Perfectly Inelastic- (E= 0) price go up, quantity remain and expenditures (expense) up.
Inelastic- (E < 1) price up, quantity and expenditures down.
Unitary Elastic- (E= 1) price up, quantity down expenditure constant.
Elastic- (E > 1) price up, quantity and expenditure down
Perfectly Elastic- (E= infinite) when due to very small changes the demand become 0 o
infinite the change will vary in what is the of direction price.

Supply Curve - shows the relationship of quantity supplied of a good at different


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Applied Economics
Monday, 22 November 2021 7:12 am


Scarce- insufficient for the demand, shortage

Scarcity- having unlimited wants with limited resources, in short in supply

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Improve profit of the enterprise, highest paid is from the positions of marketing.

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SWOT analysis

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Bill Gates- man behind the mixrofost
Mark Zuckerberg- man behind the FB

Henry Sy- SM
Tony Tan Caktiong- Jolibee
John Gokongwei Jr/ JG Holdings
Socoro C. Ramos- national bookstore
Dr.Cecilio K Pedro- Lamoyan Corp, hapee, Dazz dishwashing liquid

3RD Page 462

Nasa baba nung names

Kapag may 50 php ka and ung bibilhin mo is 53 php wala kang pera so bibili ka ng alternatvie, that is the opportunity cost

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2 Main Branches of Economics:

Micro Economics and Macro Economics:

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SME's- Small Medium Enterprise
3 Million-15 million - Small Enterprise
15-100 million - Medium Enterprise
Micro Enterprise -X < 3 million less than

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Micro Enterprise -X < 3 million less than


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AGRIGATE- one of the example

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Type of economy in the Philippines-

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IM GROUP 2!!!!

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Chapter 3

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Upper echelon- in position or higher position in the society

Inclusive- all

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GDP/Population= economic growth/ capita

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Domestically- regions of a certain country

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Ww or quiz #2 at 1 P.M.
Supply and Demand Dynamics:

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Mag pass na notebook today up to Friday

Examination all capital letters, essay is sentence form

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P.E. Health- Updated
Friday, 7 January 2022

1st Lesson: 2nd

Outdoor Recreation- organized activities done during one's free time for their personal reasons, interaction between man and nature happens. The Leave No Trace Principle:
Other reasons: why they want to engage in recreational activities Principle #1 : Plan ahead and Prepare
Personal Satisfaction and Enjoyment Principle #2 : Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
To be touch with nature Principle #3 : Dispose of Waste Properly
Many do it for personal pursuit such as photography, collecting sea shells, reaching the top of mount apo Principle #4 : Leave What you find
Environmental Education such as bird Watching, plant naming Principle #5 : Minimize campfire impacts
Principle #6 : Respect wildlife
Some Popular Outdoor Recreational Activities: Principle #7 : Be considerate of other visitors
Land: Water: Air: End of 2nd
Mountain Biking Swimming Parasailing
Mountaineering Snorkeling Skydiving Start of 3rd
Orienteering Diving Paragliding Snorkeling Timeline:
Camping Surfing • Animal Skin were filled with air (9,000 BC)
Trekking/Hiking Canoeing • Hallow Reed (3,000 BC)
Picnic Kayaking • Diving Bell (300 BC)
Bird Watching Whitewater Rafting • Eye Goggles from (1,300)
Canyoneering Sailing • Hallowed Tube and Swimming Gloves (1,400)
Rock Climbing Fishing • Wooden Paddles (1717)
Bamboo Rafting • Modern Fins (1912) (Benjamin Franklin's contribution)
• Development of Snorkel (Leonardo Da Vinci's contribution)
Benefits of Outdoor Recreation:
Physical Benefits- preventing sedentary lifestyle Basic Equipment in Snorkeling:
Psycho-Emotional Benefits- engaging in outdoor activities helps people to relax, unwind, rest, and feel revitalized Mask:2 things to remember in choosing is fit and comfort, see
Social benefits- ways for family to become closer through family -bonding activities. underwater clearly
Economic Benefits- people who have relaxed body and mind tend to be more productive at work, can be more proficient at work
Spiritual Benefits- can stir up spiritual values

Question that can help to assess your physical fitness:(dapat positive lahat)
Are you able to carry out your day-to-day tasks as a student with alertness and vigor without undue fatigue?
Have you been spending too much time with your gadgets? Snorkel:
Has your body been getting enough rests and sleep?
What about nutrition and eating habits, have you been dependent on fast food, chips and sodas?
Are you eating on time?
Have you been heavily stressed with school work?

Considerations in Assessing How one has been eating:

Time-when do you eat?, is it done at a certain time?, Do you skip meals?, You eat even if you are not hungry?
Snorkeling fins: conserve more energy.
Amount and Kind of food-are you conscious of the amount of food that you eat? Do you follow a balanced diet? Do you lose control when your fav. Food is on the table?
Place-Where do you eat meals? Do you have preferred place such as your study area, computer table, or family room or sofa?
Feelings or Emotions-do you associate eating with certain moods or feelings such as eating when bored, angry?
Activities-Do you associate eating while doing else such as watching television?
End of 1st

Start of 4th
Kayaking and Canoeing: Basic Parts of Kayak: Snorkel Vest: provide buoyancy while floating underwater
Wider blades gives you more acceleration

Basic Parts of Canoe:

Snorkel/Skin Protection: protection against jellyfish sting and sun

Swimming Cap: prevent scalp burn and keeping hair out of snorkel and
Position: face:

Mask Defogger: prevents mask from fogging up

Some Activities using kayak or canoe:
Whitewater kayaking/canoeing: padding down whitewater rivers Safety Tips while Snorkeling:
Flatwater Recreation: relacing while paddling in river, ocean or lake, sightseeing
Sailing: where canoe or kayak is fitted with a sail
Surf Kayaking: kayak is typically fitted with a fin
Marathon Racing: Lengthy race down a river
End of 4th

Start of 5th
Under Water Diving:
Free Diving Scuba Diving-
without the use of breathing apparatus with the use of breathing apparatus
breath-hoding self-contained underwater breathing apparatus meaning of the acronym.
8 yr old- can start learning in shallow waters 10 yr old- can be trained and certified as a Junior open water diver
15 yr old- can apply for the open water diver certificate Health:
Important for a diver to be physically fit to be able to cope with the physical task
Disabilities: for those with colds, flu, injured, pregnant temporary restrictions End of 3rd
= do not hinder anyone from scuba diving
• They need to pass special training Lesson 6:
Swimming skill:
• The basic requirement is being comfortable in the water even to the deep end of the swimming pool Hiking: less intense - shorter in distance - a day or two
Trekking: intense - takes longer time - more days -
Basic Scuba Diving Equipment:
Other Countries:
Dive Mask- to have clear view underwater
Snorkel- allow the diver to breath while under the water
Regulators- delivers air to your mouth, delivers steady supply of air with right amount of pressure
BCD/Buoyancy Control Device- helps control the position in water column
Octopus- back-up regulator
Term in the Philippines:
Weight Belt- used to counteract buoyancy
Organized Climb
Submersible Pressure Gauge/SPG- shows how much of air is left in the tank
Scuba Tank- contains the pressurized air to allow diver to breath underwater
Preparing for Hike or Trek:
Fins- provide propulsion to make it possible to swim with less effort
Clearance from your doctors - Nutrition - Minimum of 2 weeks
Wet Suit- provides protection from the coldness of the water and from other elements
(recommended months) - physical conditioning
Trip Planning:
• Know the facts about the mountains
• Advisable go in small group
Hand signals: • Minimize imopact in the nature
• Check the Environmental Condition

Essential Things in Hiking and trekking:

• Backpack - Becareful not to overload your bacpack ( should not exceed
25% - 30% of the ideal body weight ) example ( weight 73. height 5'3=
73 x .30 (or 25%) = 21.9 lbs)
• Hiking Boots/Shoes ( shoes load of backpack is not heavy, weather
condition sunny day, lighter than boots ) ( boots full load weather
condition rainy, boots heavier than shoes )
• Trekking Boots- tough and can cope with all kinds of weather
condition. They are taller, stiffer and have thicker outsoles with an all-
around protection.
• Trekking Poles - stability

Nutritional Considerations for hiking and trekking

• Calorie Requirements- Recommended calories should be 15% proteins,
50%-65% carbs, 20%-35% fats

• Hydrating the Body- water requirement is 1-2 liters a day

Safety Reminder in Hiking and Trekking:

Hike with a group and never alone. Hike within your skills. Hike within
the trails and be aware of surroundings.

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50%-65% carbs, 20%-35% fats

• Hydrating the Body- water requirement is 1-2 liters a day

Safety Reminder in Hiking and Trekking:

Hike with a group and never alone. Hike within your skills. Hike within
the trails and be aware of surroundings.
Instructions from guides, facilitators or leaders should be given utmost
attention. Rules and Regulation must be followed strictly
Keep in mind and heart the Leave no Trace Seven Principles
Ensure Safety of self and others. Learn how to apply first aid. Learn
where to go and what to do during emergency

Lesson 7:
Camping- an outdoor activity involving overnight stays away home in
shelter such as tent or recreational vehicle

Types of Camping:
• Frontcountry Camping:planned campground, near anything that is
important such as amenities aka car camping
• Backcountry Camping: no amenities and no motorized vehicles cannot
reach camping sites

Preparing for a camping trip:

Identifying the participants in the activity--:
• Names
• Contact Info
• Health info
Routes of a Journey Campsite
Safety Reminders in Scuba Diving:
Essentials for a camping trip:
Clothes- first line of defense so that the body can maintain an
appropriate core temperature.
• Layer 1: Base Layer or Skin Layer - next to skin
• Layer 2: Insulating Layer- worn over the base layer
• Layer 3: Wind and/or Rain barrier Layer- protection from wind or rain
or snow. Warm comfort and sense of security
Sleeping Bag
Sleeping Pad
Tent- warm comfort and protection against rain and wind
Cooking Utensils

Water Source:
Campsite must be near a water source
Sanitation in Campsite:
Cat Hole- a cat hole is a mud dug to serve as a toilet

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P.E. Health
Monday, 22 November 2021 7:13 am

Outdoor Recreation:

Other reasons: why they want to engage in recreational activities

Personal Satisfaction and Enjoyment
To be touch with nature
Many do it for personal pursuit such as photography, collecting sea shells, reaching the top of mount apo
Environmental Education such as bird Watching, plant naming

Some Popular Outdoor Recreational Activities:

Mountain Biking
Bird Watching
Rock Climbing

Benefits of Outdoor Recreation:

3RD Page 495

Benefits of Outdoor Recreation:
Physical Benefits- preventing sedentary lifestyle
Psycho-Emotional Benefits- engaging in outdoor activities helps people to relax, unwind, rest, and feel revitalized
Social benefits- ways for family to become closer through family-bonding activities.
Economic Benefits- people who have relaxed body and mind tend to be more productive at work, can be more proficient at work
Spiritual Benefits- can stir up spiritual values

Question that can help to assess your physical fitness:(dapat positive lahat)
Are you able to carry out your day-to-day tasks as a student with alertness and vigor without undue fatigue?
Have you been spending too much time with your gadgets?
Has your body been getting enough rests and sleep?
What about nutrition and eating habits, have you been dependent on fast food, chips and sodas?
Are you eating on time?
Have you been heavily stressed with school work?

Is football and soccer an outdoor recreation activites? Why or why not?

Universal ethics of outdoor recreational activities

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Bejamin Franklin- creator of wooden paddles

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Kayak- red
Canoe- blue

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Kayak- red
Canoe- blue

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8 yr old- can start learning in shallow waters

10 yr old- can be trained and certified as a Junior open water diver
15 yr old- can apply for the open water diver certificate

3RD Page 504

= do not hinder anyone from scuba diving
○ They need to pass special training
Swimming skill:
○ The basic requirement is being comfortable in the water even to the deep end of the swimming pool

Basic Scuba Diving:

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Place with a cold air

such beautiful sight they give
refreshing to see.

Gagawa ng dance step sa signals ng scuba dancing

Hiking: less intense - shorter in distance - a day or two

Trekking: intense - takes longer time - more days -

Other Countries:

Term in the Philippines:

Organized Climb

Preparing for Hike or Trek:

3RD Page 510

Preparing for Hike or Trek:
Clearance from your doctors - Nutrition - Minimum of 2 weeks (recommended months) - physical conditioning
Trip Planning:
▪ Know the facts about the mountains
▪ Advisable go in small group
▪ Minimize imopact in the nature
▪ Check the Environmental Condition

Essential Things in Hiking and trekking:

▪ Backpack - Becareful not to overload your bacpack ( should not exceed 25% - 30% of the ideal body weight ) example ( weight 73. height 5'3= 73 x .30 (or 25%) = 21.9 lbs)
▪ Hiking Boots/Shoes ( shoes load of backpack is not heavy, weather condition sunny day, lighter than boots ) ( boots full load weather condition rainy, boots heavier than shoes )
▪ Trekking Poles - stability

Nutritional Considerations for hiking and trekking

▪ Calorie Requirements- Recommended calories should be 15% proteins, 50%-60% carbs, 20%-35% fats

▪ Hydrating the Body- water requirement is 1-2 liters a day

PT#2 or 3? List of 5 things to put in your backpack

1. Extra Clothes ( 5 pcs Dri-fit )- to prevent diseases caused by dry sweat
2. Protection Against mosquito bites - to prevent diseases caused by mosquito bites
3. Sleeping Bag/ Backpacking Pillows- this is optional depending on the place if there is no sleeping place then sleeping bag for controlling your temp at night and pillows for stable sleep
4. Water Jug - it's important to have a clean drinkable water whenever you go
5. Identification cards - if ever there is unavoidable accidents at least there is ID that can help to contact you and your relatives.

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Tent, boy and girl scouts, nature

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Business Simulation-updated
Tuesday, 11 January 2022 1:40 pm

Business- process of producing goods and services, selling them to those who desires or need them. Business Plan:
Enterprise- refers to for-profit business started or run by individual/group. - A tool that focuses in the future of a business in a logical and organized manner.
Simulation- action, execution - A documents that guides entrepreneur on what, how and when to do or implement
Start-ups- companies or ventures that start with one product or service enterprise goals and objectives.
Simulation- Business Simulation Enterprise is intended for Service and Merchandising industry sectors only. - Essential written document that provides a description and overview of the company's future.

Types of Business: • Wholesale- large quantity hindi direct nag sesell sa consumer
• Retail- small quantity direct nag sesell sa consumers
Service Purpose of Business Plan:
Manufacturing - It prepares the business for uncertainties
- It outlines all the costs and the downfalls of each decision a company makes
Product Supply Chain: - It presents an overview of the industry of which the business will be a part, and how it will
distinguish itself from its potential competitors.
Raw Materials - Essential roadmap for business success.
Manufacturer Vision
Distributor/Wholesale Supplier - Is a bigger picture and future-oriented
Retailer - What you want to achieve through your efforts
Functional Scope- talks about which business functions are covered by the Business Enterprise - Provide better customer service
Geographic Scope- where your target is located - Improve employee training
Period Scope- the duration of the product - Reduce carbon emissions

Role of each Business Function: Mission statement

- To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s
Planning - Generating plans of action for immediate, short term, medium term and long term periods. transition to electric vehicles.
Organizing - Organizing the resources, particularly human resources, in the best possible manner. - Is a general statement of how you will achieve your vision
Staffing - Positioning right people right jobs at right time.
Directing - ( includes leading, motivating, communicating and coordinating.) Communicate and coordinate Objectives
with people to lead and enthuse them to work effectively together to achieve the plans of the organization. - Are the specific steps you and your company need to take in order to reach each of your
Controlling - ( includes review and monitoring) Evaluating the progress against the plans and making corrections either in plans or goals. They specify what you must do and when.
in execution. - Once a core goal is set, setting business objectives is the next step towards fostering a clear
understanding of how to reach the desired outcome.
• Role of Business Enterprise is to produce goods and services, to solve economic problem, to meet customer needs, creating
new business opportunities.

10 Industry in the Philippines right now:

Real Estate Industry - It is a property consisting of land and the buildings on it.
Construction Industry - Branch of commercial enterprise concerned with the construction of buildings, bridges, etc.
E-Commerce Industry - It is the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet
Tourism Industry - Consisting of companies and organization (transportation, accommodation, entertainment, shopping, etc.)
Retail Industry - Includes all those activities that involve the sale of goods or services by a company directly to the consumer that
are usually purchased for personal or family use.
Energy Industry - Rge exploration and development of oil or gas reserves, oil and gas drilling, and refining
Agriculture Industry - Methods that are used to raise and look after crops and animals.
IT, BDO, and Business Services - Is a business practice in which an organization contracts with an external service provider to
perform an essential business task.
Manufacturing Industry - Refers to the processing of raw materials or parts into finished goods through the use of tools, human
labor, machinery, and chemical processing.

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Business Simulation
Monday, 22 November 2021 7:13 am

• Itabi ung Simulation activities need sa end ng semester

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• Itabi ung Simulation activities need sa end ng semester

Business every start from scratch


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online assistant:

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Target market explai na lang
Studnets juior and senior hjigh
Merchandising sector kahit sinong target market


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Real Estate industry: about property, land, building
E-Commerce: pag benta ng mga product over the internet

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Make logo of it, message, name

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Justify reason why you choose the product

Under what kind of sector

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WHOLESALE- large quantity ( d direct I sesell sa consumer )

Retail- direct sila nag sesell sa consumer

Principal Role of Business in Economic Development: for creation of jobs

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Jargon- ikaw lang nakakaintindi

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Flow chart

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Wednesday 3:00

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Ethics- updated
Tuesday, 11 January 2022 1:40 pm

Ethics- identification of rules that should direct people's behavior, set of moral principles or values may be general or professiona l Bill of Duties Citizeship 1987 Phil. Constitution:
General Ethics: system of moral principles defines whats good for the individuals or society Section 1: Fathers and Mothers who are born in the philippines are neutralized by Law.
Ethical Principles- a guide, direct performance and conduct of business leaders and their org Section 2: Natural born-citzen are those people who are born in the philippines and don't need
to perfect or perform the act of being a citizen of philippines
Personal Behavior- guided by general ethics imposed by society and moral duties Section 3: A citizenship can lost or reacquired
Professional Ethics- selected by the professional, practice of ethics Section 4: People who married aliens can still have the citizenship but if they omission or act on
they'll be considered Persona Non Grata (Persona non Grata- binobond sa isang tao if you made
Code of ethics: smthing bad. Not to be accepted or not welcome to a particular locality.)
• A formal document that states an organizations primary values and ethical rules that are expected to follow
The Filipino Value System:
Minor Offense: ➢ Strong Religious Beliefs
- Failure to wear uniform and ID ➢ Respect for Authorities - honor elders or with those higher positions
- One day absence without notice in a month ➢ High Regard for Amor Proprio (self-esteem)- sensitive to attacks on their self-esteem
- Playing games in office Smooth Interpersonal Skills:
- Sleeping during working hours ➢ Unity
- Making/Receiving non-emergency personal calls ➢ Filipino's Loyalty - family companion
Serious offense: ➢ Mutual Kinship- godparenthood, sponsorship, friendship
- Punching someone else's timecard ➢ Dept of Gratitude- utang na loob
- Misuse of company funds ➢ Suki Relationship
- Dishonesty in prep. Of reports and documents
- Carelessness in the use of company property
- Taking part on a betting or gambling in company premises Corporate Governance: set of procedures designed to ensure that the company is managed by
- Spreading false rumors the interest of shareholders, ensures compliance with the corp. law of the phil. It guarantee
Major Offense: that enterprise is managed in the interest of its stockholders.
- Serious misconduct or willful disobedience Shareholders/Investors: supplier of capital
- Gross and Habitual neglect by the employee of their duties Public Companies: corporations whose shares of stocks are traded or listed in the stock market
Grave Offense: Stock Market: has high volatility
- Violation of Republic Act 7877 Sexual Harassment
- Disrespect to company officials or employee or client Essential Infos:
Principles of Conduct Death of any stockholders does not dissolve a corporation
➢ Honesty is first
➢ Integrity is the second Expiration of corporation is 50 years

Moral Philosophies as a Guide: Corporate Governance Manual: adheres transparency, accountability and fairness
Universalism- explaining a decision making wisely- (states all people should uphold certain value such as honesty and other values that society needs to function). Accountability: employees will perform a job, take corrective actions and report upward on the
Egoism- defined satisfactory behavior which takes full advantage of consequences for the individual. status and quality of their performance.
Relativism- ethical behavior on the opinions and behaviors of relevant other people. Fairness: principle and best practice measure by equity theory
Utilitarianism- looking for the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

Decision-Making Process for Business and its leaders:

Understand all moral standards /- Recognize all Moral impacts
Define Complete Moral problem
Determine the economic outcomes, Consider the legal requirements, Evaluate the ethical Issues
Propose Convincing moral Solution

Kohlberg's Model of Cognitive Moral Development:

Pre-Conventional- they make decision based on rewards, punishments and self -interest
Conventional- observe rules, according to potential of ethical behavior held by groups or civilizations
Post-Conventional- people see beyond authority, law and norms and follow their ethical beliefs

Ethical Principles from Classical Philosophies and Belief System:

Socrates -profound influence western philosophy
Plato- Athenian Philosopher, student of scrates and teacher of aristotle
Aristotle- founder of lyeum

All Business must comply with a country's law and regulations

Essential Laws:
➢ Corporate Code ( Batas Pambansa Bilang 68)- stakeholders of an enterprise -Investors, Owners, Customers, Suppliers, employees, Community
➢ Consumer act of the Philippines ( R.A. 7894)- responsibilites of enterprise in their buyers, suppliers, tradesmen and distributors
➢ Minimum Wage Law- administered by DOLE, compliance of the org with the minimum wage
➢ Migrant workers and overseas filipino act of 1995 (R.A. 8042)- philippines looks at their employees overseas OWWA,POAE
➢ Environmental Legislation (P.D. 1586, R.A. 6969, R.A.8749, R.A.9003, R.A.9275 and R.A.1512)-
Implementing Agencies:

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Monday, 22 November 2021 7:12 am


The ethics environment:

3RD Page 537

Honesty is the first important most conduct
Integrity is the second most conduct

Universalism- explaining a decision making wisely- (states all people should uphold certain value such as honesty and other values that society needs to function)
Egoism- defined satisfactory behavior which takes full advantage of consequences for the individual
Relativism- ethical behavior on the opinions and behaviors of relevant other people
Utilitarianism- looking for the greatest good for the greatest number of people

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Utilitarianism- looking for the greatest good for the greatest number of people

Level of Moral Reasoning: Kohlnerg;s Model of Cognitive Moral Development

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Amor propio- self esteem filipino values

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Amor propio- self esteem filipino values

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1. Minor
2. Grave
3. Minor
4. Serious
5. Major

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Serious offense no.1
Connected or added sa grave offenses na pinagusapan


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How are you gonna defend yourself

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Part of the stakeholders are the shareholders
Shareholders- owners of the corporation

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-work at home
-contribute employment

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Send via pm typed word ms teams

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Monday, 22 November 2021 7:56 pm

1st Day: 11/24/2021

This is the first day that I will record my daily thoughts about our topic in English Academics. For this day it's quite fun, I enjoyed learning different terms especially the Leyman's Term in which means
simple language that anyone can understand, a lot of topic is bought to my brain so I need to recheck this subject later. But all is fun and I enjoyed it.

2nd Day: 11/26/2021

This is the second day that I will record in this journal. This day we play on kahoot, we also has an activity which is challenging because it is a bit hard and I'm still learning how to understand the
Academic Texts. The activity itself is fun I liked it and I enjoyed participating in the activity even though we lost its okay.

3rd Day:11/29/2021
This is the third day of my diary. Nothing really happens on this day, we just continue the game we have been playing in the last meeting and I also learned things to consider and understand on how to
write academic writing. It so hard if you don’t have enough vocabulary when it comes to formal words.

4th Day:12/3/2021
The fourth day is the busiest day, we have a meeting for mental health, there is a lot of PhD's and people for mental health,I learned a few things to consider and know if you have mental problems.
We also talked about the stress, different type and how to take control and relieve stress. There's a lot to learn. That day also we discussed different topic, it is Writing, we give different examples and
we also discussed the different types of writing. Also ma'am give informal to formal example for academic writing, this is helpful especially for me who is having a hard time in academic writing.

5th Day: 12/6/2021

The fifth day was pretty short for me since all we did was review and take a test about the writing academic texts. It a short but learning day since I recalled what I have understood from the topic
writing academic texts. We also discussed is the topics that can be allowed in the topics and the sizes of for the research paper.

6th Diary:12/13/2021
The sixth day is pretty normal, there isn't a thing that can be recorded other than the things if have learned in this subject. We discussed the plagiarism. The different type of plagiarism and examples
that can be given for them. For me this topic is interesting because the word copyrights and infringement is being used always but in the wrong place, some used it to say they are not plagiarizing but
the way they used it is out of the message they want to give. At least in my case I know what it is and in case there is a things that I don't understand I can just search for it.

7th Day: 1/3/2022

The seventh day nothing happens just a normal day. Ma'am Ramos said that this is just a simple rest day since our mind is still in the vacation mode. So we just have a light discussions.

8th Day: 1/5/2022

This is a busy day there's a lot of things I did, one of them is the written works. We also review the last year's lesson the Plagiarism. The content of our test was Paraphrasing, one of the types of note-
taking techniques. It's fun I reviewed and relearned the topic.

9th Day: 1/31/2022

This isn't the first day but the first meeting we have after a long week of no classes. In this subject we talked and tackled about the Thesis Statement, in which it is the overall argument of your work.
An argument that presents essential points that leads the reader to the right direction. It's hard to understand due to its nature ( argument ) but I can at least try my best to read and understand this

10th Day: 2/2/2022

We have the same topic as the last entry. We talked and I expand my knowledge about this topic. It's interesting and I learned a lot of things. I can now at least have an understanding on how I can
answer the activity provided.

11th Day: 2/7/2022

We reviewed the different topics and create a five line poem. It's hard but still I enjoyed the activity/recitation that we do.

12th Day:2/9/2022 (if kasama exam)

Examination day

13th Day: 2/11/2022

We reviewed the thesis statement and it isn't a busy day just a normal and casual day after an exam.

14th Day: 2/14/2022

We present our group activity that has been given to us. It is the group presentation activity on the topic thesis statement. We create statement in a topic that has been given to us.

15th Day:2/18/2022
We continued our activity last time and this time we presented ours and I learned a lot of things since it has been critic very well and I understood a lot about thesis statement.

16th Day: 2/21/2022

We discussed about writing an essay outline. It's interesting it's like writing a thesis paper with the table of contents since it needs outline of all the topic. I liked it and it's challenging in my part to
understand and learn it. Ma'am created a group activity and it will be presented next day

17th Day:2/23/2022
We report our activity even though it is now recorded I learned a lot of things. She also praises our group since we are growing to understand more the topic thesis statement.

18th Day: 2/28/2022

We have ab activity about outlining and it's traumatic experience for me but still I learned more about outlining, the thing I learned is that there is different perspective in every outlining and we need
to choose the best and effective outlined point of view. In the end I scored 3/10 a sad experience but I learned a lot.

19th Day:3/2/22
We rateke the written works that we have in the last meeting I can't believe that almost all of us are in the score of 4-3 only but that;s okay I learned al ot from it. After the quiz we discussed the
reaction paper, since there isn't a lot of time we only ended in the early part of the topic and will be back at the topic next Monday

20th Day:3/4/22 or 3/7/22 (pag walang record for the day 3/4/22)
We have a video that has been watched and it is a bit cut since there is no time.

21st Day: 3/7/22

We continued the movie since ma'am isn't there since she is busy.

22nd Day: 3/8/22

We discussed and continued the reaction paper and have an activity that will be presented next week. This day is Tuesday but for some reason there is a little exchange that happened the english
becomes our schedule since ma'am said that he will not be around in the next few days including the Friday. She discussed the reaction paper and usual aspect of films.

23rd Day: 3/11/22

Ma'am isn't around and she leaves an activity for us which is the reporting that must be reported on Monday next week. It's alittle busy day for ma'am and I'm glad that they are all behave and
followed her instruction.

24th Day: 3/14/22

We continued discussing the structure of the reaction paper. It’s a simple discussion about how to make, create and have a good reaction paper for a specific movie or paper.

3RD S Page 573

25th Day: 3/18/22
Today was an active day there's a lot of topic that has been discussed about the concept paper. It's fast that I need to re-review this topic for the sake of understanding it, but it was pretty fun
experiencing a little bit of fat pace for the first time in this year. About the concept paer it has a structure or a way to do it, There is title, Introduction, Purpose, Project Description and Contact

26th Day: 3/21/22

We created a concept paper. To me It's hard especially if you don't have knowledge about what you really want to achieve and no self-actualization to know what you want, but other than that,
planning, creating the bigger picture is easy enough. There is a lot of learning especially the thought of how hard it really is to create a concept paper that can be approved by the higher-ups.

27th Day:3/28/22
Ma'am Gena is not around but the quiz still continued. It's a little bit easy to understand now since it's the first basic part of concept paper, I got a good score and It's enough to me, it helped me to
understand more about the formal, informal and extended words.

28th Day: 4/01/22

Ma'am isn't around so we just continue our concept paper and at the very least we have progress and now will go under the final steps necessary for our work.

29th Day:4/04/22
We discussed a lot even though ma'am isn't around. The topics are Position Paper and Editorial Writing. It's hard to consume all of the information that has been given but at least I have a time to
review all of them later especially at the words taking a stand and your position in an arguments and many more stuff about them.

3RD S Page 574

Principles of Marketing assignment:
Monday, 22 November 2021 6:36 am

Assignment for next meeting: Late in his life Maslow described the sixth level of motivation as being ‘intrinsic values’. For example, it Originally, Maslow considered that the sixth level was
Research marketing, and how it works consists of truth, goodness, perfection, excellence, fairness and justice. spiritual in nature and so not everyone would be
Satisfaction Biological and physiological – food, drink, sleep. These are the most basic needs: a person is motivated in this way. As this was not universal,
Definition and example of unsatisfied needs first motivated to do what is needed to get food and water for themselves and family. Maslow limited his original model to five levels.
Differentiate the needs, wants and demands- Safety – protection from elements, security, stability, freedom from fear. In western society However, later in his life he came to believe that the
Study the Maslows hierarchy of needs- satisfaction of the need for safety typically comes from having somewhere safe to live in a good area. sixth level was in fact a part of every human and so
Look for the added one for the maslow hierarchy - But in other parts of the world, safety is not guaranteed, and we see refugees driven to seek freedom legitimately a part of his hierarchy. But his sixth level
from fear and become immigrants to western countries. is not widely known as it was published in the little-
Love and belonging – friendship, intimacy, affection and love. Once our basic needs of food and known Journal of Humanistic Psychology shortly
Marketing is the management process responsible for safety are satisfied, we desire the sense of belonging with family and friends. Isolation and loneliness are before he died.
identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements known to be significant causes of mental illness.
profitably. Esteem – achievement, mastery, prestige, self-respect, and respect from others. This is the
recognition from others and the respect derived from being an expert.
The marketing process is central to the business performance Self-actualisation – realisation of personal potential, self-fulfilment, seeking personal growth and
of companies, both large and small, because it addresses the peak experiences.
most important aspects of the market. Transcendence- sense of meaning, seeking for improvement or exploring

What is marketing? The management process responsible for

identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements

Customer satisfaction is defined as a measurement that

determines how happy customers are with a company’s
products, services, and capabilities. Customer satisfaction
information, including surveys and ratings, can help a
company determine how to best improve or changes its
products and services.
An organization’s main focus must be to satisfy its
customers. This applies to industrial firms, retail and
wholesale businesses, government bodies, service
companies, nonprofit organizations, and every subgroup
within an organization.

Organizations should not assume they know what the

customer wants. Instead, it is important to understand
the voice of the customer, using tools such as
customer surveys, focus groups, and polling. Using these
tools, organizations can gain detailed insights as to what
their customers want and better tailor their services or
products to meet or exceed customer expectations.

Customer Satisfaction Process Improvement

Unsatisfied means you have needs that are not being met; you
need more; you are unfulfilled.
Dissatisfied means you are unhappy or disappointed with
what you received; you are not pleased.

1. Food security
2. Affordable and adequate housing
3. Clothing and footwear for seasons and occasions
4. Education for literacy, numeracy and social
5. Relationships with significant others to ensure healthy
6. Community of people to share common interests
7. Mental health and addiction recovery programs
8. Safe and secure environments where they can gather to
make friends
9. Dental and medical care without loss of all their
10. Ways and means to express themselves in loss, in
exploring, and in celebration of stages of human life and
11. Healthy environments.

needs are things that satisfy the basic requirement.

Wants are requests directed to specific types of items.
Demands are requests for specific products that the buyer is
willing to and able to pay for.

Need - necessity. Something that is required to survive

or to sustain. For example, food, water, shelter etc.
Want - desires. Things without which we can survive,
but we need them for higher satisfaction. For example, i
want iphone 6S, though I can do without it.
(Human wants are unlimited! As one want is satisfied, a
new one is created.)
Demand - willing and able to buy. Things that you want
to buy/consume and your pocket allows its
consumption, i.e you can afford it, thus you demand that
thing. For example, I have Rs. 1000 in my pocket and I
want to see a movie whose ticket is worth Rs 500, since
I want it and I can afford it, I demand a movie ticket.

3RD S Page 575

Need- It is a basic state of depriviation. Basic necesseties like
food, clothing and shelter are needs.
Want- A desire for a particular product or service which is NOT
required for basic existence. Example- Water is a need but
cold drink is a want. Thirst can be quenched by drinking water
but if a person asks for cold drink in particular, than it turns
into a want.
Demand- Want backed by ability and willingness to pay for a
product or service. Thus, demand comprises of three things-
1) Desire to buy a product
2) Ability to buy
3) Willingness to buy. For example- A person wants to
purschase a cold drink. He has a desire. He has money with
him, this means he has an ability to pay for cold drink. Now,
he is willing to pay to shopkeeper and get cold drink in return.
Thus, here customer has a DEMAND for a cold drink.

Human wants are unlimited but means are limited. So

there is a problem of choice. Which wants are to be
fulfilled first and which are to be postponed are to be
decided. It is said mind is faster than wind. So we
contemplate innumerable wants although a few are
On the contrary needs are basic to human existence
just like food, shelter and clothing. Without basic
amenities of life human existence becomes unbearable.
Last comes demand. Demand is nothing but desire
backed by willingness and ability to purchase.

3RD S Page 576

Monday, 29 November 2021 10:13 am

2 sentences each

Examine how creativity was used in the design

- The role of creativity in weaving clothes is that this can help to make your own original
product a unique product than other brands

Deduction 3-4 mins na hindi sumagot

- This weaving inabel is ilocos, its called Inabel, or abel.

- This is native to the cordilleran people of the northern luzon
- They use power loom or loom to create this product

3RD S Page 577

Friday, 3 December 2021 3:50 pm

Hinga- to inform people to take a break and to infrorm those people who have a hard time in their
Agustine A Marivel

First Speaker:

Mental Health:

3RD S Page 578

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Less than 30 days
Comes and goes
More than 30 days

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Simulation Activities:
Thursday, 9 December 2021 10:21 am

#1: 15/15 score, Introduction, deciding which products to use, 2 sector merchant and service
#2: Enterprise business plan

3RD S Page 599

Friday, 10 December 2021 8:52 pm

In this slide they give simple ways to balance out their demand, supplies , one of them Is this…. In
simple words if in a certain store the product x isn't that trendy that store can use high demand
products to market that least marketable product, or they can reduce that product x so that other
people can buy it.
in the next sample… in simple words they motivate the Officer In Charge or front liner so that the
product x will be known to the public.

This will show the growth of vivo, this is based form their ist quarter assesment in 2020 and it is
compared to the last year first quarter assesment…
as we can see ther vivio product is top 2 in all the brands that is available in market, the reason for
that is they innovate and every may bago phone naglalagay sila ng mga masconvinient apps or
feature sa phone ganun

3RD S Page 600

Monday, 3 January 2022 8:34 am

Submit hard copy of the papers

Ate tina

3RD S Page 601

Project Days
Monday, 3 January 2022 10:08 am

January 10 - January 14

3RD S Page 602

Monday, 3 January 2022 10:12 am

The next product we choose is the weaved clothes (basahin)

Weaving clothes uses a power loom rather than a machine looms, this is the major differences of the
traditional and modern designs, the power loom gives this traditional and unique and origin local
design only a certain place can make just like the 3 example pictures given while the machine looms
is automatic and fixed designs you need computer in order to change it or other machine that can
help to let the machine loom interpret your design.
Basahin next dot
In here we describe how they use the power loom and how they create a unique design. Just like an
old sewing machine wherein you use your feet in order for it to work power loom works the same
but at the top part is what made the sewing machine and power loom different. Also the fabric they
use is cotton.
One of the example of shop is the Inabel.
The inabel is one of the many prides of the Ilocos region in the Philippines. Abel is the Ilocano word
for weave, and inabel can be interpreted to mean any kind of woven fabric. In the world of weaving
however, inabel is particularly used to refer to textile that is distinctly Ilocano in origin.

3RD S Page 603

Thursday, 6 January 2022 9:50 am

On the first year. Since we are a starting business, to make it profitable for us we will give vouchers
and memebership card to every person who can complete our card task

On the first year we will have a voucher and memebership card give away
How to get this? Simply by buying coffee from us, we will give you card and stickers of coffee you
will by, you need to mark the card with stickers and if you get the quota of 6 purchases of different
coffee you can get the free voucher and membership card. Take note in every coffee we have there
a sticker that has name of the coffee you buy.
If you have membership card, you can have privilege when buying on us, example is you have 20%
off if there is a holiday with free 1 pc pastry that you like.

]asf; a
Sdf asdof ah
Stoopid dio
Fqing stupid
This is the reason why u stoopid
U not listeniong
You fqing stpid
U geniius but stoopid at the same time
Fqing stupid
Fqing idiot
U idiotttt
Whyu u did dat
Everything can happen so not do somthn layk that
^_^^^^^^^^^^T)^^^^wrtfhil uaers ;o9;I ughdf sdvjb zdv90 sd,zndhxnv. B jvg afjsif asdpguhdn
lk.jadbv ;adjh ndclk.vb ;o uo

3RD S Page 604

Monday, 10 January 2022 10:03 am

1. Due to problematic production of Recyclable bags,

3RD S Page 605

Dance step
Monday, 10 January 2022 5:16 pm

So what is the difference between customer service and customer satisfation. It is one is a cause
while the other is the effect…
The cause of improve customer service is the customer satisfaction but how?
Example is asking for reviews, surveys and many more.

3RD S Page 606

Wednesday, 2 February 2022 7:46 pm

Hello so here is the prepared simulation activity of group 3. next slide.

Basahin fashion gal, gen z ( the ages of gen z are. 10- 25 years old so it's basically us and all ages
between 10 and 25.) nature of the project ( the title we think of is actually connected to the nature
of our project and I think you can guess what is it). Duration is 3 months and tha platform that we
have chosen is online. Since we are in a pandemic it's better to have a distance between the seller
and the buyer. Next slide (ung isang mag rereport)

And here is the mission statement that we believe will help our business be on track. Basahin next
slide (ung isang mag rereport)

We prepared a 5 objective of our business these are basahin. This objective will both help the
business and maintain a friendly environment in both workers and product quality. Next slide ( ung
isang mag rereport)

As for the day to day goals we use a time table so that you can actually see what will be the day to
day schedule of our business basahin. Next slide ( ung isang mag rereport) take note this day to day
schedule will help us maintain our networking and every week we will always have an advertisement
and we will also be updated in at the trend because we have time to communicate with the partners
in our business.

Basahin. So in here we are think of a ways to develop more our product and the problem that we
will be facing to reach our goal. Next slide (ung isang mag rereport)

Basahin. Of course we never forget that part of the reason we create this business is to earn profit so
those bullets explain how we can expand our knowledge on clothing and gen z's so that we can earn

3RD S Page 607

Applied Economics
Thursday, 3 February 2022 8:03 am

Opportunity Cost
Model Building
2 Classes of Goods
Capital Goods
Consumers Goods
Types of Economy
Supply and Demand-
Needs and Wants-
Demand Curve-
Supply Curve-

R3 Page 608
Feb 16 deadline sayaw
Friday, 4 February 2022 8:21 am

R3 Page 609
English Summary:
Friday, 4 February 2022 8:39 am

This 3rd Quarter we have discussed 3 different topics. Those are Academic text, Plagiarism and
Writing. Academic text is the first that we have discussed it is, process that start with posing a
question, problematizing a concept, evaluating an opinions, ends in answering the question,
clarifying the problem, and/or arguing for a stand. There are different example that has been given
both Academic and Non-academic. In academic there are Case studies and Research Articles. In non-
academic there are Contracts and Application Papers. We also discussed the Nature of Academic
Text. Next is Writing. Under writing there is Pre writing process, Writing Process and different steps
and methods examples are expository writing and narrative writing. The last topic is the Plagiarism
which consist of different types of Plagiarism like the Plagiarism of Ideas and Plagiarism of Language,
Ma'am Ramos also discussed how to avoid Plagiarized work.

We have learned three different topics,

Plagiarism, Writing and Non and Academic texts,
One that will help you to speak and write with formality and logics,
The other has an effective note taking technique to use, and next
A process to construct a writing that is clean and non-chaotic.

R3 Page 610
Monday, 7 February 2022 9:30 am

➢ Write kung ano nagpamali sa statement (modified true or false) ( principles of marketing )
Example. Aaron isreal delacruz lagao (answer false delacruz) izon d ni sir.
➢ Messenger I send pag d ma send ung image sa test. (dapat on time pag natapos d na iaaccept
ni sir)
➢ Kuung ano nasa form un ung format na sagot
➢ Do not forget to write the correct nuymber.
➢ Identitfication type the correct answer in the statements , if two words needs space ( pag
hypen hypen pero wpedeng space) basta space (not less than 5 sentences answers.

R3 Page 611
Thursday, 10 February 2022 8:39 am

Acording to the (basahin link)

• High-IQ people often experience social isolation, which can lead to depression or make them act
more introverted than is their nature. From <

So in other words High Iq people will be more in the introverted side due to the reason that they
experience social isolation, how can a high iq people be successful in an entrepreneur where an
entrepreneur needed an interpersonal skills and ambition. Also their counter part the low iq people,
they are more confident, more ambitious and more positive rather than doubtful, just like the
dunning-kruger effect in which it states that
type of cognitive bias in which people believe that they are smarter and more capable than they
really are. Essentially, low ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own
incompetence. The combination of poor self-awareness and low cognitive ability leads them to
overestimate their own capabilities.1
From <> . Even though it sounded bad,
but based on our subject one of the common competencies for entrepreneurial success is being optimistic? So I

R3 Page 612
Thursday, 10 February 2022 7:52 am

Tony Gonzaga issue:

A thesis statement lessen the problem make your statement more positive, has a support, has a clear and direct to the point.

Refrain from using modals. (should have). Used to support but not all the time. ( are indicators ) the best modal to use.
Parallylisim Still (balancing the information) started with adjective. Consistent.
Avoid redundancy
You need to be focused (wag paligoy-ligoy)

Scope and Limitations. Where and what is you limitations.

Not unless it is badly needed you must not include other people, things and topc.
Unconditional Statement ( don't use statement )
Verbal Deadwoods ( pag mahaba paikliin )

- Main point and sub point

- No case for lower case letters. First use capital letters and if there is a subtopic in a an already subtopic then you need to use the lower case

4TH Page 613

- No case for lower case letters. First use capital letters and if there is a subtopic in a an already subtopic then you need to use the lower case

- First one is always the right one (Parallelism)

- Coherence is a must (coordination) coherence- connected or somewhat logically connected (unified, united)

- Thesis statement
- Climate change has become a concerning problem the world is facing. Engineering is creating new ideas and innovations to addr ess this threat and growing phenomenon.

4TH Page 614

Climate change has become a concerning problem the world is facing. Engineering is creating new ideas and innovations to addr ess this threat and growing phenomenon.

1.0 Introduction
1.1 History
1.2 Previous Climate Shifts
1.1 The Present Phenomenon of Global Warming
1.2 The current effects and climate change
1.3 Past Occurences of Climate Change

4TH Page 615

Best friend from heaven movie title
Dog got in to the accident , Dog died

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March 14 reaction paper

Reaction Paper AKA response paper


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- Formal sentence- lliteral meaning
- Formal - denotative - found in dictionary

- Conotative - smthn to do with the inner features.

- Usage of figurative languages- coloquial meaning

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- U can add the roots of the words (etimology)
- Mixed of formal and informal definition

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- Professional paper - Proposal Paper - Business Proposal Paper
- Objective is to be approved

- In depth discussion
- Provide smthn that make them amuse or surprise

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- Formal letters left lahat - justified

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- Important part
- Make sure its real you give them hint what is your stance to the smthn
- Next is NEWSPEG pag wala ung intro- news article that is aligned with your viewpoint.

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Principles of Marketing:
Thursday, 10 March 2022 4:11 pm

Marketing Opportunity Analysis: ROI

Marketing Planning Process- involves reference to strategic plans and the subsequent development of marketing plan. - AKA return on Investment
- The averge is 7-10%
1. Identifying the company's mission and vision: this will define business goals. - ROI= return of invested - investment / investment x 100
Marketing Objectives: the specific targets or refined goals that a business
Company Orientation: focus of a business and this guides a company's general direction. Different company would like to achieve
orientation include product orientation, sales orientation, market orientation and societal market orientation.
Production orientation: focused on producing more units to achieve economies of scale. Help with the acquisition of SMART:
equipment for the efficiency of production. SPECIFIC
Sales Orientation: business make a product that they think will sales on the market. Focus on the profit MEASURABLE
Product Orientation: focused on creating a high quality products. One with high quality, performance, or innovative is ATTAINABLE
what they believe will sell. Dun sila makikilala REALISTIC
Market Orientation: focused on the customer. They believe that if they know what the consumer want and align their TIME-BOUND
products to that they will sale to them. Demographic and Generational Profile
Societal Marketing Orientation: the business applies marketing principles and techniques to create, communicate and Market Share
deliver value to influence target market behavior. Focus sa interest ng mga tao. - Represents the percentage of an industry or a market's total sales
Strategic Planning (long term could cover 3-5 yrs): designing a way to business to achieve its objectives. Done by that is earned by a particular company over a specuified period of
matching resources with opportunity in the environment. Senior Management Responsibility time.
- Marketshare= Company sales / Total Market Shares x 100
Environmental Assessment:
Macro environment : external factor that affects the business ( wala silang magagawa dito ) Objectives Related to marketing Goals
Micro """"""""""""": internal factor may magagawa pa sila para maayos ito and internal factor that directly impact the - Provide right direction to meet goals
business but not the environment outside it.
Corporate Social Responsibility- based on the premise that a firm should
Micro Environment: seek additional prosocial aims in addition to profit maximization
Consumers- needs and wants should be met by the company.
Employees- they are the one who is responsible for creating the product. Strategic Opportunity Matrix:
Competitors- businesses that offers product that can satisfy the needs and wants of the customer. = a framework to help business develop and decide upon strategies for
Suppliers- provide the business with raw materials/ giving what we need their growth
Share-holders- investors whose interest should be satisfied by the business ➢ Market Penetration- strategy to reduce price and promote heavily
Relevant public- the medias and public ➢ Market Development- develop new markets in existing products
➢ Product Development- develop new products in existing market
Macro Environment: ➢ Diversification- strategy to develop new products on new market
Economical AIDA( attention interest desire action )
Technical Marketing Mix / Strategy contains ff:
Environmental Product- tangible and non-tangible
Legal Price- precented of monetary value
Place- where we can find the building or the quosqe of the business, para
Business Direction: it answers the question where should the business go? madali makuha ng tao (availability of the product )
Market Objectives: refer to market leadership, marker spread and/or customer service Promotion- important
Performance Objectives: related to growth and/or profitability Cutomer service popular
External Objectives: related with social responsibility Marketing Mixed: Edmund Gerome McCarty 1948
- Focuses on identifying the right customer and understanding their
Porter's Generic Strategies: attitude and emotions
Michael Porter 1980 - Defines as a set of marketing tools such as 4P's
- Porter's industry- independent generic strategies consider a company's competitive advantage - Perceptual mapping
- Competition Edge Broad Target - cost leadership , Differentation : Narrow Target- cost focus, differentitation focus
- Competition Advantage Lower Cost- Cost lead, Cost Focus : Differentiation- differentitation, differentation focus 4C's by Kar? Car? - explanatiuon of the 4C's Lauterborn 1993
Product is the customers need - customer wants and needs
Cost Leadership Strat: Price is the cutomers cost - cost to satisfy
- Covers a broad market, company that is capable of economic scale production and marketing Place is the customers convenience - convenience to buy
- Aligned with strong production orientation with business direction leading toward market spread. Promotion is the Communication of the customer- communication

Cost Focus Strat: Roberto - Base is the product and the 4 P's
- Relevant to companies that are low-cost providers to the segment There is a base 4P's and the 7P's
- Aligned with companies with strong production and marketing orientation and with a business direction leading 7P's Booms and Bitner- redefined the 4P's to the 7P's
toward marker leadership and efficiency in processes Process- pag gawa ng product, pag promote and pag benta
Physical Environment- infrastructure, what we can see when you enter in
Differentitation Focus Strategy: the shop. Business permit, Evidence, Brochures, Sanitary Division.
- Relevant to companies that have distinct procuts and covers a narrower segment People- buyers.
- Aligned with companies with strong product and market orientation and with a business direction leading toward
market spread Business Permit- important part of the business, serve as an evidence na
nakahang sa wall and laminated.
Implementation Planning:
- Identify relevant derivative plans to achieve your goals Product Levels:
Core- inner part of the circle, benefits offering that satisfy a need and a
Goals of Marketing want, people have a need to one place to another to satisfy it you need a
- Can be monetary, marketing related or social depending on the company's mission and vision, business direction product to satisfy the need. Quality of the product. Benefits. Masasatisfy
and company strategy. ka sa makina (example is the car)
Actual Product- example is car.
Monetary Goals Augmented Product- additional benefit that we can get from the product
- Performance
- Indicators of performance are growth and profitability Finance- availabiklity of creditors with the purchase of the produt
- Can be expressed in ROI, Net profit, Market share ( credit )

Social- Related Goals Brand/Line extensions:

- External Objectives PEnsion
- Expressed in Social Responsibility Multi branding
Executive Summary Design
- Provides overview of the marketing plan including strategies and cost involve in implementing the plan
2 kinds of service:
Situation Analysis Professional
- Include brief summary of company background, mission, vision and strategic decision Non-professional

Market Analysis Product Attributes:

- By David A, Aaker Quality- refers to durability of the product and performance at acceptable
- Covers the Market Size, Market Growth Rate, Market Profitability, Industry Cost Structure, Distribution Channels, price
Market Trends Brand- indicator of quality, identification of maker or seller can appear as a
symbol, word or combination
➢ Market Size- current and future number of customers and the number of units sold. Expressed in terms of Brand Equity- brand that has a value or worth , build through brand
Population. Get info from Government, Trade Association, Customer Survey awareness, brand loyalty and brand associations
➢ Market Growth Rate- projected increase of the market size. Based on past data. Get info from commercial
publication. Line Extension:
➢ Market Profitability- profit potential of the market. Porters 5 forces - Defined as the creation of new variants to existing products
• Buyer power power to change the price, Strength of costumers to drive down your forces - Example Milk Q-> Milk q Adult
• Supplier power - the more supplier the easier to switch - Extension in existing product
• Threat of Substitute Products-availability of other product other than your industry. Brand Extension
• Rivalry among firms in the industry- level of competition among player in the industry, look for the strength of - Expansion of the brand to a new products or markets
your competitors. - Example Colgate toothpaste => Colgate toothbrush
• Threat of new entrance- change the competitive environment. As more entries the price is slower. Multi Branding
➢ Industry Cost Structure- types of relative proportions of fixed and variable cost that business incurs - Introducing more brands in an existing product category
➢ Distribution Channels- existing emerging channels - Example Tresemme shampoo for strong hair=> for silky smooth hair
➢ Market Trends- Predict trends, Take advantage of the market, Business should keep up with the trends, find the etc.
right timing for product offering
Customer Analysis - Physical characteristics of your products that contribute to the
- Gaps and opportunity related to customer analysis will be addressed benefits it offers
- Result should update the SpTP Design
- Combination of how a product looks and how it performs
Competitive Analysis
- Gaps and opportunity related to compe analysis will be addressed Consumer Goods and Household Goods Classification:
- Used in updating the positioning of the product ➢ Convenience Goods- products that involves frequent purchase
- Kim and Mauborgne (2004) Harvard Business Review Article red and blue ocean strat where buyers exert little efforts , example - fast foods , grocery items
Red Ocean- competing in the existing market space ➢ Shopping Goods- products that are not frequently purchased ,
Blue Ocean- uncontested and not the way to look example, big appliances, clothes, furnitures
➢ Specialty Goods- products with unique features or branding ,
example designer clothes, antiques
➢ Unsought Goods- products not usually searched for , example

Product Mix
- Total assortment of products that company sells

4 Dimensions of Product Mix:

Width- defines as product lines

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Width- defines as product lines
Length- number of different products in product line
Depth- different variation of product
Consistency- how closely related the products are in terms of production ,
pricing and distribution.

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Principles of Marketing
Thursday, 10 February 2022 7:53 am

Pg. 54
Pg. 61
4 and 5

Minimum of 4 and max of 5

Image mapWord or written.

- A guide,

- Producing the product,

- production of the product, focus nila

4TH Page 645

- production of the product, focus nila
- Nag poproduce sila para mapantayan ang economy
- Need ng maraming tao to produce the product

- The advertisement
- Focus on the profit

- Making high quality products.

- Consider the word quality.
- Binabayaran tyo kaqya need natin mag bigay ng magandang quality

- Demographic data
- Generational profile.

- Nag fofocus sa interest ng mga tao.

4TH Page 646

Macro Environement- external factor that impact the business. We can't control anything about it.
Micro Environment- internal factor that directly impact the business but not the environment outside it. We can control (I guess)

Consumers- needs and wants should be met by the company.

Employees- they are the one who is reponsible for creating the product.
Competitors- businesses that offers product that can satisfy the needs and wants of the customer.
Suppliears- provide the business with raw materials/ giving what we need
Share-holders- investors whose interest should be satisfied by the business
Relevant public- the medias and public




Social/ Sociological- woman and man

Technological-provides decision and support system.

Environment-weather, waste management.

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Environment-weather, waste management.
Consentrification- magdadagdag or mag papalit ng product if there is changes in the weather etc.

Legal- laws, discrimination law.

Unequal unfair treatment ,age disability, gender, national originality, race, religion sexual orientation, personal characteristics.
Health and Safety

- Achievable and realistic.

- Customer Service Popular.

4TH Page 648

- Capable of producing competitive advantage.

Product Orientation:
- Dun sila makikilala.

Marketing Plan:
- Product Price, Place Promotion
- 3 phases:
- Implementation phase 4 p's
- SWOT Analysis
- Planning Implementation Evaluate
- Segmenting Targeting Positioning.

4TH Page 649

- Monetary, marketing related or social

4TH Page 650

- Aiming to make impact outside of team

- 1 year road map

- Have to improve your plan every year and you need to cope with that change

- 1 -2 page synopsis

- Business situation in the market

4TH Page 651

- Market size ( get from government data )

- Based on past data

- Commercial publication

- Buyer power power to change the price, Strength of costumers to drive down your forces
- Supplier power - the more supplier the easier to switch
- Threat of Substitute Products-availability of other product other than your industry.
- Rivalry among firms in the industry- level of competition among player in the industry, look for the strength of your competitors.
- Threat of new entrance- change the competitive environment. As more entries the price is slower.

4TH Page 652

Threat of new entrance- change the competitive environment. As more entries the price is slower.


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4TH Page 654


Nag reporting kami
Group namin number 3

4P's :
Product- tangible and non-tangible
Price- precented of monetary value
Place- where we can find the building or the quosqe of the business, para madali makuha ng tao (availability of the product )
Promotion- important

Marketing Mixed: Edmund Gerome McCarty 1948

- Focuses on identifying the right customer and understanding their attitude and emotions
- Defines as a set of marketing tools such as 4P's
- Perceptual mapping

4TH Page 655

4C's by Kar? Car? - explanatiuon of the 4C's luther borne 1993
Product is the customers need
Price is the cutomers cost to satisfy
Place is the customers convenience to buy
Promotion customers communication

Roberto - Base is the product and the 4 P's

There is a base 4P's and the 7P's

7P's Booms and Bitner- redefined the 4P's to the 7P's

Process- pag gawa ng product, pag promote and pag benta
Physical Environment- infrastructure, what we can see when you enter in the shop. Business permit, Evidence, Brochures, Sanitary Division.
People- buyers.

Business Permit- important part of the business, serve as an evidence na nakahang sa wall and laminated.
In swot statement or word


A kiosk is a small shop in a public place such as a street or station.

Product Levels:
Core- inner part of the circle, benefits offering that satisfy a need and a want, people have a need to one place to another to satisfy it you need a product to satisfy the need. Quality of the product. Benefits. Masasatisfy ka sa makina (example is the car)
Actual Product- example is car.
Augmented Product- additional benefit that we can get from the product

Finance- availabiklity of creditors with the purchase of the produt ( credit )

Brand/Line extensions:
Multi branding

2 kinds of service:

Customer care- positive and negative

Positive- you can ask them
Negative- sobra sobra sila d ka hinahayaan to choose without something beside you

Product can appear as a symbol word or combination

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- Pag madami na ang nakalagay ng line extension

4TH Page 658

- Essential kailangan bilhin

- D kailangan d essential.

- Pang sosyal

4TH Page 659

Pang sosyal

- Kailangan pero hindi na hinahanap

- Land for death, insurances, savings, coffin,

Distribution- pamahal ng pamahal

4TH Page 660

Distribution- pamahal ng pamahal
- Dti ( help para d malugi ) they will implement retail prices. SRP

4TH Page 661

Monday, 14 February 2022 8:07 pm

Marketing Plan: Unique Selling Proposition

- A document containing marketing objectives, marketing strategies and activities that will under -taken to execute - Marketing strategy that focuses on special features of a product
this strategies
Competitor Analysis: Purpose of Unique Selling Proposition
- Based on intelligent assessment of the business environment 1. Sympathize with customer needs
4P's of Decision containing Marketing: 2. Motivate the customer
Product 3. Uncover the reason why the customer buy the product
Place (distribution) Advantage of Unique Selling Proposition
Promotion (marketing mix) 1. Clear Differentiation
2. Improved Revenue
Important component of Industry Analysis: 3. Loyal Customers
➢ Documentation of the current strategies of the competitors 4. Simpler Selling
➢ Competitors product ad target market. 5. Sales Strategy
➢ This prevent competition
➢ Can be in a table form. Steps in writing Unique Selling Proposition
➢ Contains: Target Market, Product/Service Strategies, Pricing Strategies, Distribution Strategies, Promotion 1. Review the planning process
Strategies. 2. Identify the target audience's problem
3. Focus on the solution
Strength and Weaknesses of Major Competitors: 4. Combine it into a concise statement
- Can be in a table
- Showcase the strength and weaknesses of their company Customer Profiling
- Strength ( benchmark ), Weakness ( Execution Gaps ) - Process of gathering detailed (important) information about
MADI question by Dr.Nad Roberto:
- Provide a useful way to identify unmet or unsatisfied customer needs and expectation. < The first step of profiling the target market is identify who are the
➢ M- Missing potential customers
➢ A- Annoying ➢ Demographic Information- information includes certain variables
➢ D- Disappointing such as age, sex, race, civil status
➢ I- Irritating ➢ Geographic Information- information includes location so that
products and services can be better served in a particular area
Step in Preparing the Market Plan ➢ Socio-Economic Information- pertains to the income, education,
1. Assessing the business situation occupation and household description of the market
2. Defining the target market ➢ Psychographic Information- the hobbies, interests, and lifestyles
3. Setting the goals and objectives
4. Developing the strategies and action program Step in Creating a target market Profile
5. Preparing the budget for the action plan 1. Identify the scope of messaging- determine what business needs to
• Decide what general market you wish to enter ( 1 ) communicate or transit to the intended audience
• Divide the market into smaller groups ( 2 ) Segmentation 2. Research on the target market- help in identifying the four critical
• Goals and Objectives. Dapat ang ggrow. information needed in target market profiling
• Marketing Price Preparing ( 4 ) Application 3. Build Realistic Persona- involves identification of individuals that
• Place (location) business would like to reach
4. Incorporate Important Characteristics- it must determine the key
Observation Technique factors that trigger the customers in buying the product or service.
- Process of gathering data in their natural setting without having to interact with them
Consideration in Conducting an Observation Technique: - Face-to-face communication between two person where questions
1. The information must be observable are asked and answers are given
2. The subject matter contains sensitivity
3. The behavior interest must be repetitive Kinds of Interview
4. The behavior of interest must have a short duration ➢ Customer Interview: communication with customer designed to
gather information, the information are ideas for products, services
Advantage of Observation technique: and customer experience
➢ Allows the researches to see what the customers actually do rather than rely on what they say ➢ Job Interview: formal discussion for assessing the qualifications of an
➢ It allows the researcher to observe them in their natural setting interviewee for a specific job position
➢ Some pieces of information are gathered quickly in observing
Considerations in Conducting an Interview:
Disadvantage of Observation technique: 1. Determine the objectives
➢ The researcher cannot get the reason for behind the behavior 2. Outline the areas to be covered
➢ The researcher an only focus on current happenings, which do not cover the past experience 3. Pick the Location
➢ The observation must be unethical in some extent because the respondents may not agree to be observed 4. Observe standards of etiquette
5. Open with standard rapport or small talk
Branding 6. Distinguish open-ended and close-ended questions
- Is the process of creating name symbol or design that identifies and differentiates….. 7. Use notation to record impressions
Advantage of Branding 8. Hide a notepad and a pen
Awareness 9. Be tactful when exploring sensitive issues
- Can be increase though advertisements on televisions, radio, newspaper, or social media 10. Contradict with caution
- Branding of the product should be planned in relation to the target market Types of Brand Name
Loyalty ➢ Descriptive
- Is an achievement for a business ➢ Evocative
Consistency ➢ Lexical
- It must be consistent ➢ Acronym
Customer Recognition ➢ Geographical
Competitive Edge on the Market ➢ Founder
Easy Introduction of new products
Enhanced credibility and ease of purchase Brand Elements:
Brand Logo
Recognizing, Assessing and Exploiting Opportunities Brand Symbol
5 stages of opportunity recognition: Hills, Shrader and Lumpkin Brand Character
Precondition Acquiring Knowledge Brand Slogan

Concepting Connect Ideas to make creative product

- Visioning Connected to conception
Assessment Assessing, checking, judging
Realization Realization Outcome

Factors in Opportunity Recognition: Hisrich, Peters and Shephered (2010)

4TH Page 662

Factors in Opportunity Recognition: Hisrich, Peters and Shephered (2010)
Market Awareness Trends competitors, awareness of them
➢ Entrepreneurial Readiness Competencies of Entrepreneur
Connections Boost company and yourself

Opportunity Assessment: Elements in Opportunity Assessment

➢ Product/ Services
➢ Market Opportunity
➢ Costing and Pricing
➢ Profitability
➢ Resource Requirements/ Capital Requirements
➢ Risks
➢ Entrepreneurial Commitment

Opportunity Pathways:
Rational Approach/ Traditional- tried and proven
Intuitive Approach- risk / opposite of rational

Hisrich, Peters and Shepherd (2010)

- Indentified the two stages that a product or services undergoes.
Pre-commercialization Consist of Four stages
Idea Stage Business Ideas
Logic and Creativity

Concept Stage Refinement of ideas and visualization of an idea
Product Development Stage Concretized with the product of a prototype
Test Marketing Stage Introduced to the market after a series of evaluation and feedback from potential

Commercialization Phase Consist of four stage

Introduction Formally introduced to the market
➢ Growth Successful marketing campaign the product is recognized by the market
Maturity The product is widely accepted
Decline Lose its market.

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Thursday, 10 February 2022 7:53 am

-promote the product, execution

- Ginagamit ng mga entrep.

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4TH Page 665

- Decide what general market you wish to enter ( 1 )
- Divide the market into smaller groups ( 2 ) Segmentation
- Goals and Objectives. Dapat ang ggrow.
- Marketing Price Preparing ( 4 ) Application
- Place (location)


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- Gather information
- Conversation between 2 people.
- Through oral responses you can gain infromation

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Fear of consumer kapag ka may note na nakalagay or nakikita. (8)

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⚫ Are you satisfied with the service/product?
⚫ What are/is your suggestion in their product/services?
⚫ What do you think is/are the most disiked product/services you experienced?
⚫ What is/are the most liked product/services you experience?
⚫ If you have an alternative product/services that you know other than this brand, what is it?

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Important motivation for venturing to business (profitability)

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- Acquiring knowledge
- Connect the ideas to make a creative product. Concept
- Connected to cenception
- Assessing, jinajudge, kinicriticize
- Realization, outcome,

- Trends, competitors dat aware ka kung sino threats sa company mo

- Connected to competenncies of entreprenuer,
- Connections, boost the company or yourself, suppliers and etc.

4TH Page 685

- Tried and proven.
- Kabaliktaran ng rational

1. Prior knowledge
2 non
3 non
4 non

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Unique selling propossition is the uniqueness of product in the competuitors

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Applied Economics
Thursday, 10 February 2022 7:53 am


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- Slow of change of salary (slow ang pag taas or increase)
- Based from evaluation report or contract.
- Ma stock sa isang particular salary or wages.

- Willingness of the employee to have a cut in wages, (not receiving the salary you earned.

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- Unwillingness to have a cut unless they know that all other company or workers has a similar

- Connected in the sticky wages.

- There is also no demotion.

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- Pag madami ang demand, at kokonti ang nag ttrabaho, there will be a shortage in labor.

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- Has a stable inverse relatinship
- Pag bumababa ang inflation tumataas ang unemployment rate.

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Mutual funds- d agad agad na wiwithdraw.

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-2 only presented examples.

-long term- to clients.

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-long term- to clients.

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- Possible mag reduce into 5%.
- Example:

- It should not be altered

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Motives: nasa last lesson last slide.

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Chapter 7:
Market Structures

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A homogeneous product is one that cannot be distinguished from competing products from
different suppliers. In other words, the product has essentially the same physical characteristics and
quality as similar products from other suppliers.

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Informal Settlers- hindi sakanaila ung bahay/ illegally constructed

Camella: private/ bank financing loan. Thru PAGIBIG is meron din

4TH Page 720

Reference is important in references.

4TH Page 721

- Symbolized with letter "i" investment

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4TH Page 723
- Scrap materials- not functioning products

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Supply Shock- unexpected changes in the supply of a product and will change the price of a product.

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- Epekto sa business owners na mararamdaman ng mga consumers

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- 5points history
- Effects of supply sshock 5

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- Transfers- made by the government, SSS,GSIS

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- Conditional Cash Transfer- CCT ( Macapagal Arroyo )

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Not Included in 4th Examination:

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4TH Page 738

How to get the 10% and 90%

4TH Page 739

Give na rin ng examples:

Under Understanding: (Essay)

4TH Page 740

Basta mabuo ang 5 sentences ok na daw sabi ni ma'am.

4TH Page 741

Ultra magnetic PE
Thursday, 7 April 2022 7:57 pm

Common Injury Outdoor: Common Illness First Aid: DRSABCD action Plan:
Cuts • Clean with soap and water, apply betadine or antibiotic cream Fever - Temp is 37.6 and 38.7 degrees Celsius (low grade fever) Danger
Scrapes • Wound Dressing (Rest, Drink paracetamol, Drink fluids) Responsiveness
Puncture • Bleeding= apply pressure, elevation (above the heart) torniquet - 38.8 Above fever Send
(Oral Medication, Sponge Bath, Increase fluid intake, Airway
Call an Ambulance if: Breathing
Severe Bleeding and Abdomen and Chest Wounds Lightweight clothes, if chills cover with blankets)
CPR- Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
Seek Help if: Defibrillation- electric shock
Sprain • Grade 1- minor tears of ligaments or muscle Unresponsive
Strain • Grade 2- partial tears of ligaments or muscle Difficulty Breathing or Wheezing CPR- involves CAB process
Fractures • Grade 3- complete tears of ligaments or muscle Lip Color Changed 30 Compression 2 rescue breaths
Grade 1 P- protect , aggravation will lead to inflammation Convulsion and Seizures
Grade 2 R- rest, the injured or painful part Rashes Appears
Grade 3 I- ice, apply ice Headache Causes: Aquatic Hazards:
C- compress, aka wrapping with bandage or athletic tape Sunrays Jellyfish Sting - Portuguese Man of War- Fire Coral
E- elevate, above heart level (minimizes swelling) Tension in neck - Use vinegar, baking soda, salt water
Fracture Immediately call help Dehydration - Soak 20 mins
> First aids: Excessive Sweating - Oral antihistamine, mild hydrocortisone cream if itching
Immobilize the injured area - Use tweezers to remove stings
Clean and dress cuts Rest Sea Urchin or Weever Fish
Over the Counter Medicine - Hot water
Concussion - Traumatic Brain Injury - Use tweezers to remove spines
Apply ice if none rest until the symptoms disappear Mountain Hape - High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (lungs) - Soap and water to the wound
Symptoms: Sickness/ Altitude > trouble reathing - Don’t cover with tape
Vomiting Sickness > cough w/blood Stingray Venom
Pupils Unequal > Grayish or Blueish finger nails and lips - Hot water to manage pain
Agitated or Confuse >Drowsiness - Spines removed carefully with tweezers
Unconscious or Passes out Hace- High Altitude cerebral Edema (brain) - Soap and Water for the wound
Drowsy > Confusion - Don’t cover the wound
Pain in neck > Having trouble keeping up with group
Speech is slurred > Impaired Walking and coordination
Seizures >Lethargy (lack energy) Risk Management Plan
Blisters - Water inside the skin
Planned Site of act.
Place adhesive on the affected area First Aid:
Symptoms Severe Descend until disappear Hazards- factors from human, environments, equipment
Donut Shaped moleskin help if blister on foot Risk- same
Drain by using sterilized needle Mild, not go any higher until no symptoms
Give oxygen Risk assessment- same
If popped wash with soap and water, apply antibiotic cream Risk reduction strat- same
Plenty Liquid
Burns If on fire, STOP, DROP and ROLL (ung music) LMAO
Scalds take off unnecessary things except clothes Hyperthermia - Absorb or generate more heat than normal
Massage, Stretch
Environmental Hazard:
Different Kinds of Burns: Add Burn in the end of After "degree" Poison Ivy/ Poison oak/ Poison Sumak/ Wood nettle
1st Degree- put affected area with running water until pain subsides, no water apply compress Seek Medical:
- Loss Consciousness - Don’t rub
- Cover with non-adhesive bandage or clean cloth - Remove contaminated clothing
- No butter? Why use Butter? LMAO - Disoriented
- High pulse - Remove stings with tweezers, duck tape
2nd Degree- (2 layers of skin is affected) - immerse in water 10-15 minutes, apply compress if no water - Wash the area with soap and water
- Don't apply ice - Seizures
- Red dry skin - Apply cool compression 15-30 mins
- Don't break blister. No butter - Avoid ointment, antihistamine
- put non-stick bandage and secure with gauze and tape - High temp (39.4)
- Reduce sweating - Put calamine lotion
- lie flat elevate feet 12 inches, elevate the affected area above the heart (to prevent shock) - Give oral antihistamine
- wait emergency Leech
Hypothermia - Lose Heat than normal person
- Tweezers remove
Seek help if: - Alcohol
Burn affected all areas - Flame
Skin is charred looking - Wash the wound
Blister (from burn) is larger than 2inches - Enters mouth throat, nose:
Hands, Feet,Face and genitals are burned - Gargle with alcohol base
- Tweezers
- Let the leech leave
- Emergency if:
- Itching, rashes, sweat, dizziness, fever, difficult breathing
- Venomous snake has; triangular shape head, elliptical eye, color pattern
- Remember how snake look like (first thing to do)

4TH Page 742

P.E. Health
Thursday, 10 February 2022 7:54 am

Sprain- ligaments.
Strain- muscle and tendon

4TH Page 743

-wounds and cuts d tyo nag lalagay alcohol

4TH Page 744

Price Principle:

Compression- to minimize the swelling

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Mas mabilis mamaga or swell ang katawan if may mga tight clothing. Like belt, etc.

4TH Page 746

Mas mabilis mamaga or swell ang katawan if may mga tight clothing. Like belt, etc.

4TH Page 747

Worst enemy of emergency situation is panic.
First step is calm yourself

-D- victim is ilayo sa danger, make sure that the surrounding is safe
-R- check for responsiveness,
-S- call for help shout for help SEND FOR HELP.
-A- check their airway
-B- check by using a plastic or glass if there is moist that means it is breathing
-C- Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation , chest compression, airway, breathing
-D- Electric shock

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-D- Electric shock

- Pag tapos ng 1 cycle check breathing

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Hape- hirap huminga
Hace- brain.

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- Box jellyfish has the deadliest among marine creature

- Avoid using needles

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Poisonous Plants, Leeches and Snakes.

4TH Page 757

- Tandaan itsura ng snake

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Outdoor activity, 3 examples of hazards, pipili ng act then connected dun ung hazards

Risk Management Plan
Planned Site of the Activity:


Worst enemy during med emergency is panic.

4TH Page 759

Bus si
Thursday, 7 April 2022 9:42 pm

Pestel: Macroenvironment

Porters 5 forces: Microenvironment

Buyer Power
Supplier Power
Threat of New Entrants
Competitive Rivalry
Threat of Substitute

Brand Name: identity of the business

Brand Elements:
Brand Identity
➢ Jingle- theme song
➢ Tagline- also known as slogan
➢ Business Name, Brand Name- brand is called
➢ Packaging- conveys descriptive persuasive information
➢ Color Schemes- making brand more recognizable
➢ Logo- symbol that represent your brand
Brand Positioning
➢ Process of setting in the minds of the consumers
➢ Positioning Statement- declaration of brands unique value
Brand Equity
➢ Value attached by the consumers
➢ Perception of the consumers
Brand Experience
➢ The overall expression evoked by the brand for the consumers
➢ Acts as a subset brand image
➢ Sensory Affective Intellectual Behavioral
Brand Extension
➢ Brand name for new products
➢ Helpful in introducing a new product to the existing market
Monitor your Brand to maintain its brand identity
➢ Gives opportunity to implement changes

4TH Page 760

Business Simulation
Thursday, 10 February 2022 7:53 am

Environmental Analysis:
-internal and external aspects.

4TH Page 761

Environmental- resources, raw maerials, coporate social responsibility.
Legal- employment labor law, triburial, practices, upto date in changes in safety regulations

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- Use carefully
- Competitions

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- New entrants ( new competitors )
- If you are a new one anong gagawin ninyo?

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- Competition- how intense is the competition, threat fully established industry,
- New Entrants- increase investment in product development- in order to stay ahead of the game

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Analogous Color Scheme

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Packaging - optional

Brand Positioning- it's about your customers,

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- Brand positioning- they focus on the customer, like jollibee- they feel at home, they feel nostalgic.
- Brands from left to right - apple, intel, starbucks, rolex. Ung nasa taaas na pic.

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Thursday, 10 February 2022 7:54 am

- Obligation to be sensitive to the needs of all the stakeholders

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Rapport meaning a good relationship

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Bangui Wind Mills
Rizal Wind Farm

Illac/Angelo Diaz - founder of liter light 2011 adopted the Moser method
Alfredo Moser- inventor

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Alfredo Moser- inventor

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4TH Page 796
Ecology- science that study relationship of lie on earth
Ecosystem- it's how different organisms balances and create life

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4TH Page 804
- Make your negative still in the positive
- Share your true strenghts
- Give specific about your target job.

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- Disregard 10 and 13.

Consumerism- belief that the consumer must spend money to the goods and services.

In understanding is normal sentnece format.

4TH Page 806

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4TH Page 808
Monday, 14 February 2022 7:33 am

Fiscal Policy- the use of government policy to influence economic conditions. Such as spending and
tax policies.
Monetary Policy- actions or set of action that the nation's central bank undertaken to achieve
sustainable economic growth and control of the overall money.

Fiscal Policy was created by John Maynard Keynes, this policy use the government policy to influence
economic conditions. Such as spending tax and policies to influence the economic conditions. This
theory was created to respond to the Great Depression which happened back in the 1930's-1941 in
which there is a huge economic downturn. Monetary Policy on the other hand is about a set of
actions that can be undertaken by the nation's central bank to achieve a sustainable economic
growth and control of the overall money. The goal of this policy is to create an equilibrium in the
interests rate being given to people who borrowed or borrowing money. This is mainly focus in the
inflation, economic growth and overall liquidity, this policy has a long lasting impact in the overall

To differentiate the two, Fiscal Policy is a theory made by Mr. Keynes in which it approached the
idea of preventing the casualty if ever there is an economic downturn, it is a theory that can save
and help a country or a business. The monetary policy on the other hand is a more helpful way to
balance the economic status since it mainly focuses in loaning at the banks, but this can't help them
in the economic downturn that may happen.

In conclusion I believe that the Fiscal Policy is the most important when it comes to unstable
economy of a country, this helps to increase demand and growth of the economy and creates a lot
of opportunity for economic growth, while the monetary is only focusing on the loans and interest
rates and if there will be an economic downturn they will just lower their interest rates to create a
long lasting impact in economic growth. I think that Fiscal Policy is important because they don't
focus on the money, but demand in work forces.

Some Page 809

Principles of Marketing
Wednesday, 23 February 2022 9:21 am

ROI - Return of Investment

- To know how much is the return of your investment.
ROI tries to directly measure the amount of return on a particular investment, relative to the
investment’s cost.
- Since in the book it says that return on peso investment ( the return in peso investment just
simply means that the currency of return is pesos. It can be called return in dollars or return in
euros if you follow that logic. )
- It is represented by a percentage format or ratio ( means all answers must be in a percentage
format or it can also be in ratio though based on Investopedia ROI is a ratio it is represented as
a percentage for easy understanding ).
- Look at other perspective. If you have a 1000 investment and the return is 1,500 the profit you
gained is 500 how much is the return of investment. It can be simplified as 1000investment +
1000 return is =100% ROI and if ever that there is a 1000 investment and 250 return there is
25% ROI.
- Lastly the good ROI can be at the percentage of 7% or greater in stocks according to
Conventional Wisdom. Take note when I say conventional wisdom it is the general belief or
theory that is accepted by the masses or public and as of this moment there is no real research
that can say whether it is good to invest at a low ROI or High ROI since it can be different in
where you invest example in stock which is 7% or average 10% per year based on the S&P 500
or standard and poor 500 index.
- Or it can be 1/4 if represented as a ratio.
- Gross income refers to the total earnings a person receives before paying for taxes and other
- Gains after a year
- Used to gauge of an investment's profitability.

Some Page 810

Tuesday, 1 March 2022 1:37 pm

Filinvest one of the trusted real estate in the Philippines has a latest news to report in their official
website. Last January 5th 2022 they Provides a free potable water to typhoon odette victims in cebu.
The distribution was done in coordination to the Disaster Risk Reduction of Lapu-Lapu City, Talisay
City and Cebu City. The Lapu-Lapu City Major also state that, "We are grateful to Filinvest for helping
Lapu Lapu City during these challenging times. Water is essential, and we are relieved that our
people were given potable water for free. Daghang Salamat Pusong FIlinvest,"

In the Next one National Housing Authority has shared in their site last March 1,2022 that they have
released the guidelines for disposition of OFW Housing Program. This is under the TBB or Tahanan
ng Bagong Bayani or Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2022-017 on February 14, 2022. This article
state that they approved the allocation of remaining housing units under the Government
Employees Housing Program (GEHP) to qualified Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs). For some people
who are interested they has stated that "Interested applicants may pass their requirements checklist
which are made available online to the district/regional office having territorial jurisdiction over the
chosen housing project. The receiving office shall ensure the completeness and accuracy of the
documents submitted by the applicants and undertake proper evaluation."

Some Page 811

Thursday, 10 March 2022 3:04 pm

According to there are 5 founding members of the OPEC, these are the Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela later some
other countries joined this and have like Qatar, Libya, UAE, Nigeria, Indonesia but some of them terminated their contract la ter years. "The objective of
OPEC's objective is to co-ordinate and unify petroleum policies among Member Countries, in order to secure fair and stable prices for petroleum produce rs; an efficient, economic and
regular supply of petroleum to consuming nations; and a fair return on capital to those investing in the industry." From

Effects of Supply Shocks:

There are a lot of machinations that happen every time in the oil industry and one of the most that give an effect is a macro economic war, or battle of different countries, this affect the
equilibrium of the oil and causes Supply Shocks. Examples are according to
opec/ "There is two sets of factors pushing the oil price in opposite directions. On the one hand, supply outages from Iran and Ven ezuela and the rising geopolitical risks in the Middle
East as US-Iran tensions escalate are keeping an upward pressure on the oil price. On the other hand, the US -China trade war and a general deterioration in global macroeconomic
indicators are preventing prices from moving higher." Since the OPEC takes priority of their members it's also a problem for the other non-members to know where to get oils that makes
it one of the reason why there is a supply shocks in the markets since there is a lot of reserve for them but not int the oth er big oil industry.


Some Page 812

Monday, 14 March 2022 10:04 am

1. Jollibee

2. The reason I choose this fast food is that because they are only the things that I eat often
sometimes or seldom. I personally like them since they are famous and easy to find. They are
also delicious and famous for what they have like the KFC for their chicken and gravies or
jollibee for spaghetti, etc. I prefer the basic eat and go of these fast food too, and lastly it's
because they are near my place. That's all my reasons why I choose those fastfood.

3. I think only in the mcdo and KFC. Some of their foods isn't actually my taste. It's not that I
dislike all of their food but some food I don't like it. Example are the KFC they only have a
chicken and I don't like the other things they have. It's like choosing what they are famous for
is what I prefer. The next one is the long line, this is based on how popular they are in their
respective fields. Like the jollibee having a long line and now I prefer eating in chowking or
mcdo with a short line.

Some Page 813

Tuesday, 15 March 2022 8:14 am

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Some Page 818

Some Page 819

- Design Thinking. Approaches

Some Page 820

Some Page 821
Design thinking- gives clarity to our thoughts

Some Page 822

Some Page 823
- Design thinking meaningful project to solve problems.
- Empathize- conduct interview to give idea to what they care about.
- Define- understand the acutall need to fullfill the activity, a line the verbs and activity. Problem Statemtn
- Ideate- fgocus on problem statement and come up with many ideas to solve the problem
- Prototype- refelct on what you have learned
- Test- test your prototype with actual uses. Learn what works and what didn't
- Repeat the process until you have prototype that works or solve the problem

Some Page 824

Repeat the process until you have prototype that works or solve the problem

Some Page 825

Some Page 826
Iterative - design thinking

- Collaboration is important
- Marshmello challenege

Some Page 827

Some Page 828
- Turned oh-oh moment in to tada moment
- Important aspect of design thinking

- Embrace -develop affordable healthcare technologies.

- Embrace warmer.

Some Page 829

Embrace warmer.

- Make in mechanical eng. Maintain temp of a system.

- Lucky fish- made of iron for iron deficiency(anemic). Help the other Cambodian people

Some Page 830

Some Page 831
Disruptive Innovation- company outperforming the established players, or transforming the market and consumers itself

Identfying the ignored things.

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Some Page 834
Some Page 835
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Some Page 840
Some Page 841

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Some Page 852
- Small scaled way or version of ideas. (Prototype)
- Lo-fi is low quality prototype , Hi-fi is high quality prototype

Air BnB- AirBed and Breakfast

Some Page 853

Air BnB- AirBed and Breakfast

Some Page 854

Some Page 855
Paper- mobile apps, websites. (suggestion: lead from 1 to another)
Story- film industry, visualize the journey of the users. (for services and products)
Lego- to represent and exhibit.
Wizard of Oz- mimic aspects of our product for time and resources.( use of deceiving factors )
Physical- for your-self ( tangible devices )

- Leading design thinkers ( tim brown )

Some Page 856

Some Page 857
Reaction Paper:
Saturday, 19 March 2022 9:43 pm

Average Award: The Movie.

The Movie Best Friend From Heaven directed by Justine G. Dyck. It's a story about a dog who
unfortunately died in a car accident, in which it lead to a series of events such as the cancel of
wedding and the person who owned the car held liable helps in order to repay the ample amount of
money wasted. This is a simple clichè movies that we are seeing at this times and some people
might find it boring, uninteresting or pretty much meaningless, but it’s not all negative that has a say
about this movie. The movie also has good sides such as being generous, optimism, and forgiving.
This story gives this genre vide of a slice of life in which a person who is growing or still has a side
that hasn't developed yet has given an opportunity to create and have a good personality to carry
for his life. To conclude this the movie plot is pretty average, the cinematic is below average, all in all
it's a good reminder for us to be responsible for what we have done either accident or not, and have
the ability to forgive a person.

Some Page 858

Thursday, 10 February 2022 7:54 am

Presentation of yourself (english)

Issue of tony gonzaga and BBM (abscbn) make a simple one statement thesis.
Damit na ipapacheck kay justine. (Cheerdance)
Quiz on Wednesday
Make a video how will you explain the activity. Thursday morning (principles of marketing)
For celeridad's
Notes for English
Saturday deadline 1 P.M.( business )
Diary (english) (every meeting)
Graded Assessment (Business Beyond Profit)
Thursday ( 1/5/22 )
Next week pt in ethics (Date recorded 2/22/22)
Monday Quiz (english)(Date Recorded 2/23/22)
Next Meeting Presentation (Principles of Marketing) (date recorded 02/23/22 DEADLINE NEXT WEEK MONDAY) Member of Team: 3 -Gerardo. PG:82 marketing obj. - 86 evaluation and control.
march 15 orientation march 16 1st session march 23 2nd session march 30 3rd session april 7 4th session april 13 5th session april 20 6th session tentative
Grad Pic. w/ Parents
March 7-11 Toga deliver
Recitation PE (Date Recorded 2/24/22) Next week.
Deadline Marketing 2/24/22
2/25/22 (Marketing meeting)
Notebook Project in Economics. (HANDWRITTEN) Saturday Deadline April 2
PT#3 econ Deadline later ( 3:30 pm )
Sample Resume (ethics) (Thursday deadline) Date Recorded (1/3/22) WW#3
Video presentation (entrep) (date recorded 3/4/22)deadline 1 week March 11,2022 Friday 1pm kayo na bahala kung ilang minutes tagline and step1-4
LONG QUIEZES ( in marketing ) 3/9/22 in Wednesday PG 75 -103, 87-96 act d kasma
Reaction paper march 14 ( by group sa Monday ) ( sa english )
Assignment in the Economics
APRIL 6,7,8 final exams. May 18 graduation, April 11,12,13,14,15 holy week
Reaction paper sa Movie sa english march 21 deadline
No rubber shoes in the grad pic. Semi-formal needed. Left hand- right to left ung tassle, then bow, unahin ung sache then ung sa diploma, pag hawaak sa holder is baba ng bewang? Pic then smthn, tatawgain parents mo then pic
and pics. Pwede sila mag jeans and rubber shoes kami lang hindi mas better kung may kuwelyo sa tatay.
Project week next week. (recorded this is 3/18/2022)
Next next or next week long test/exam (recorded 3/18/22)
By group ( come up with concept paper) (Date recorded 3/18/2022)
Project kay sir lagao.
Interpolation Speech March 31.
Friday in Principles of Accounting ( recorded in 3/28/22)
Recitation ( Monday ) Date recorded 3/28/22

Remind Page 859

Friday, 11 February 2022 9:13 am

Questio 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Case Reflection:

ns 1. I believe that the type of Data she is gathering right now is in
teen segments the data is demographic type of data and her
1 Drei or Noli Or Mia Iran Bekah Pearl Alex Shane/ Pie Earl or Budoy Nyang or Niña research method is survey.
Maxi Joseph 2. I think for me is that, what type of dress do teenagers like and
2 19 18 16 17 18 18 16 16 18 17 the reason why they like that type or kind of dress.
1. Yes to me I think it is complete. It ask the demographic data, like
and who is the person who buy their product for them. But I
4 Table Table tennis Table None None Table Tennis Table Table Tennis Table Tennis None think they should add what type of dress does your mother likes
tennis Club Tennis Club Tennis Club Club since there are some respondents in mine whom their mother is
Club Club Club the one choosing their clothes.
5 Me Me or Me My Myself Myself Me Myself Me Me and My mother 2. My initial findings is that most them are the one who buy their
Myself Mother own clothes. Most of them are occasionally buying or seldom
buying clothes. The styles they all like is in teenager styles due to
6 0 Once a year Occasion Once or 10-20 Less Than 10 5-7 times When I have 20 times and 8 Times
the reason that it is more suitable in their age. Lastly all of them
ally Twice a times a items a year a chance to above
has Facebook.
(5times a Year year buy
3. Step 1:I choose based on the standard that I can get
Step 2: I choose based on how popular they are based on the
7 0 1-2 clothes More Few 2-5 pieces 2-3 3-5 5 maximum 3 piece 1 or 2 strand and job I will choose
than one pairs minimum Step 3: I choose based on the quality of learning.
8 Teenage Teenager Teenage Teenage Teenage Teenage, it is Teenage I prefer Teenage Since children's cognitive Step 4: I based my decision based on the history and changes
looks design, design design, attractive design teenage design capacities are still developing, that happened
more formal, match my and has a because design because it is in they have lesser reasoning ability Step 5: I based my it at my financial state.
mature suitable in age and variety of I'm a because I'm a my era and I than adults. To assist them in
any kind of preference styles than teenager teenager like the using an interface successfully,
occasion kids design designs that designs should include clear,
are made from explicit instructions that take
it advantage of children's mental
models and past knowledge.

9 0 It depends Approxim Below 300-500 200-700 php 100-500 It depends on 500-1000 php 1,000 php
on my ately 100 400 Php php php the product if
mother pesos I like it then
(50-500 no matter the
php) price I will
buy it
10 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Friend Friend Family Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Family Member

Remind Page 860

Friday, 11 February 2022 10:56 am

Remind Page 861

Friday, 11 February 2022 12:53 pm

Remind Page 862

Friday, 11 February 2022 1:21 pm

Remind Page 863

Thesis Statement ( Presidential Election )
Saturday, 12 February 2022 9:40 am

Main Idea/ Point/ Stand: Duterte's Endorsement

Credible Sources:

The Presidential Campaign has started and the two stars of this campaign are Marcos Jr. and Leni

Who are running for president?

The ten presidential candidates are Ernesto Abella, Leodegario de Guzman, Francisco “Isko Moreno”
Domagoso, Norberto Gonzales, Panfilo Lacson, Faisal Mangondato, Ferdinand Marcos Jr, Jose
Montemayor Jr, Emmanuel Pacquiao, and Maria Leonor Robredo.

How many will Participate in Voting?

There are 65.7 million domestic voters and around 1.8 million overseas voters. The national and
local elections are scheduled for May 9.


Duterte's Endorsement - Covid-19 - Ping Lacson, Manny Pacquiao, Isko Moreno, BongBong Marcos,
Leni Robredo

The presidential campaign has started already since February 8 and the huge problem that our
president will face is the covid-19, they must avoid spreading the virus. One of the famous topic is
the Ms. Leni Robredo and Mr. Bongbong Marcos.

The Philippine Presidential campaign has started. There will be a campaign period of 90 days. There
will be 10 people who will be running as a president and 5 of them are the prominent topic of the
news. The covid-19 is the major problem that they might face in campaigning. Who do you think will
Mr. President Duterte endorse in the campaign?

The Presidential campaign has started and end next 3 months, the huge hindrance the running
president has is the covid-19. There are 10 people who will be running as a president this year 2022
and 5 of the are the most prominent in the media.

Everyone is now proclaiming who will be the President for the year 2022-2028, the two prominent
amongst the 10 running presidents are Mr. Marcos Jr. and Mrs. Robredo, but there is a person who
might break the pendulum of the two running president, that is the person the current president
choose to support.

67.5 million domestic and national voters are now selecting one amongst the 10 running president
this year and one of them will held strong in the voting at the May 9th of 2022. The most well-known
that they take their eyes on are Messrs. & Mrs. Ping Lacson, Manny Pacquiao, Isko Moreno,
BongBong Marcos, Leni Robredo.

The most well-known that the take their eyes on are Messrs. & Mrs. Ping Lacson, Manny Pacquiao,
Isko Moreno, BongBong Marcos, Leni Robredo that both 67.5 million domestic and national voters
The campaign has started and close at May of 2022.

Remind Page 864

Job Interview:
Friday, 25 February 2022 2:02 pm

Can you Tell me a little about yourself?

- Name, Age, Education, Major Subject.
- Present experience in your past 2-3 jobs.
- Demonstrate the skills that meet the requirements of employers.
- Reason why you are applying.
Why are you leaving you last job?
- Don't talk about money.
- Don't talk negatively.
What is your greatest weakness?
- Be honest with positive note.
- Show how your weaknesses turned into strengths. ( to reduce impact )
- Pick a weakness that you are working to overcome
What is your Greatest Strength?
- Back up your strengths with examples.
- Compare your skills, experience, abilities and personality with job attributes.
- Choose strengths that are targeted to the job.
Where do you see yourself in 3 to 5 years from now? - chief financial officer.
- Ambitions
- Position is aligned with your growth and goals
- Avoid General or Vague answers
- Talk about the interest in the company
Why should we hire you?
- You can’t only do the work
- Deliver amazing result
- Fit in the culture
- Explain why you would make a great employee
- Focus on you not other candidate
What do you know about this organization?
- Background work news about them
- Research the company, products, firm size, value, history
Why do you want this job?
- Same as why do you want to work here.
- Those who are passionate.
- Try to find the feature of the company such as: individuality, training, client base, public image
- Their need and ow you can help them ( don't talk about what you want )
- Connect you knowledge to the applied job
What are you looking for? (salary)
- Talk about the low to high salary of your job. ( research )
- Base your answer at the experience, education and skills
- Let them know you are open for negotiations
- Don’t be too specific, be flexible
Do you have any questions for us? - disregard
Are you a team player?
- Ability to communicate with coworkers
- Ability to understand viewpoints of others
- Appreciation of your contribution
What is the biggest mistake you have ever made? - Personal Question only si ma'am mag aask ( eliminated sa interview namin ni tine )
- They want to see how you react
- Tell that there is no growth in other company.
Why is there a gap in your work history? - Disregard
Tell me about a problem you have solved? - work related problem
- Resourceful, Good Decision Making Skills
- Short and Simple
- Explain how you approach the issue
What do you dislike about your last job? -
What is/are your greatest achievement? -
Tell me about any issues you have had with the previous boss? -
Tell me a suggestion you have made that was implemented? - within the work
Would you rather work for money job satisfaction? Why? -
Has anything ever irritated you about people you have worked with? -

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Has anything ever irritated you about people you have worked with? -
What relevant experience do you have? - on the position you are applying for
How are you working under pressure? -
What is your biggest failure? - as a person or as an employee
How would your boss, supervisors and co-workers describe you? - disregard
What sort of person do you not like to work with? -

3-5-17 kay tine!

17-20-22 akin!

J.I_ Page 866

Important information about Job Interview:
Friday, 25 February 2022 2:21 pm

They don't care who you are or what you are. They just check whether you are beneficial or not.
You are a slave, a worker not a boss of your own mind.
You work for them not work for you.
You only need the money not the company but still choose to be humble and say you work for the
Give them the skills of a Genius ( you will automatically hired )

J.I_ Page 867

Top 22 Questions:
Tuesday, 1 March 2022 11:01 am

- No.1 will be always asked in the interview

- Select 3 question in total of 4 questions.
- End of first round mag eexchange

J.I_ Page 868

Thursday, 3 March 2022 7:37 am

Would you work for money or job atisfaction? Money is important and one of the reason that I work
is to gain a decent amount of money to live and to help my family but I prioritize the thought that
I'm happy doing my job since an unhappy employee due to unhealthy environment can lead to an
internal or external problems. So to answer your question who I am working for, It is both but if you
want me to choose between the two, a healthy environment with an experience, growth that is
happening in other employers and employee may it be a personality growth, is the one I will choose.

Work under pressure?

I'm fine working underpressure, to be honest It's one of the experience I get doing extracurricular
activities, I am calm attentive and cold headed in a time of urgency, I also like and prefer the
pressure since this company as the one I serve will know how I really am as an employee is doing if
there is a threat or problem arising in the company.

What sort of person you don't like?

I honestly prefer having experience with different kinds of people and personality. I would love to
know how I am doing in different kinds of people and when it comes to the question who I don't like
none, but when it comes to personality mindset and habits of a person I have a say to that, like
example a toxic person with a lazy habit is the person I prefer not having since it's hard to get work
done if there is a person who isn't working and dragging everyone down, but I don't really said that I
hate that person because there is a reason why they do those things it's just that I prefer not having
them but if I do have one I will do my best to make him change his personality and mindset.

Can you Tell me a little about yourself?

- Name, Age, Education, Major Subject.
- Present experience in your past 2-3 jobs.
- Demonstrate the skills that meet the requirements of employers.
- Reason why you are applying.
- I want to hagve a stepping stone to learn and experience serving different kinds of people in
the business world, expereincing the regret the downside and stranding up to fight again.

Hello I'm Edcadio Jose E. Batisatic 18 years old and a graduating student of st.joseph college of
novaliches I have no prior experience in the accounting diistrict BUT Im enthusiastic and curious
about this job. the reason I am applying for this job is to gain enough experience to understand,
relearn my past knowledge,create a path in the business world while at the same time serving
different kinds of people. I also want to experience the downside and learn how to stand up and
fight again.

J.I_ Page 869

Thursday, 3 March 2022 11:28 am


J.I_ Page 870

Tuesday, 22 March 2022 1:17 pm


Basic Needs sa problem nila

If need pa additional or complec situation, dun tyo mag ccharge ng fee

SMTHN Page 871

Wednesday, 23 March 2022 3:13 pm


1- 18 yrs old , graduated at UES, BRNGY 172 Garden St Merry hOMEs, hobby table tennis,
nakikinig sa sci subject
2- Ganun parin hindi sya katulad nung g 11 na nakaka adjust, mas mahirap ung g11 mas maganda
paring f-2-f
3- Mas maganda f-2-f mahirap mag tanong sa online classs, mahirap sa groupings and proj.
4- Culinary pero STEM, penge ng notes salamat mag sesend late nya na narealize mga nakaraang
buwan d nya alam decisicion or eto lang after licensure. Nakakarinig sya sa paligid na eto ung
in or famous ngayun so un na ung pinioli mo
5- Sabado- simbahan minsan, paglalaro ng cp or manood ng fb kumain, pag lalabas kwarto ibig
sabihin kakain
6- Iisipin walang tao sa mundo ako lang magpapatugtog ng nature
7- Hobby kumain 5 times a day, kasi d nya alam para lang malibang
8- D ko alam pano ihandle, d naman need na ma pressure sa pagiging graduate, pipigilan kalang
pag na pressure ka.
9- Follow up registered voter- undecided

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