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Current Biology Vol 22 No 24


The baculum urethra from compression during

copulation. Consistent with a role
mechanical support or influence on
penile morphology). Interestingly,
in mechanical support, certain complementary female structures
Paula Stockley primates and carnivore species have been discovered in ground
that have prolonged copulation squirrels (Spermophilus spp.), where
What is a baculum? The baculum also have a longer baculum. A role the protruding teeth of the baculum
(os penis) is a bone found within the in female stimulation also seems apparently interdigitate with folds in
penis of certain mammals, including likely, particularly in species where the vagina during copulation.
many primates, rodents, bats, copulation is prolonged with multiple
carnivores, and some insectivores. intromissions, thrusting or multiple Why are bacula so diverse? The
It is an isolated bone, derived from ejaculations. Copulatory stimulation baculum has long been a bone of
connective tissue and located at the can have important consequences contention, not least because such
distal end of the penis, above the for reproduction as it may facilitate diversity of form has proved difficult to
urethra. Lower mineral density and sperm transport and affect female explain. One now largely discounted
reduced stiffness of the baculum sexual receptivity, as well as stimulate hypothesis was that the diversity of
compared to skeletal bones may help ovulation or initiate pregnancy. bacula is a non-adaptive by-product
reduce the risk of fracture under strain The baculum may help stimulate of selection on other traits. Nowadays
during copulation, although breakage such responses, either directly it is believed that the baculum and
can sometimes occur. (where it extrudes from the tip of penis are subject to direct selection
the glans penis) or indirectly (via as a result of their role in copulation.
You mentioned primates, do we
humans have such a bone? No,
human males don’t have a baculum!
This is surprising because all other
apes and Old World monkeys have
one, despite a trend towards reduced
size of the baculum among the great
apes. As fossil primate bacula are
extremely rare, it is unknown when
the baculum was lost within the
hominid lineage. And despite some
speculation relating to upright posture
and changing mating strategies, why
human males lack a baculum remains

What does it look like? A particularly

striking characteristic of the baculum
is its extreme anatomical diversity.
Bacula of different species come in a
multitude of forms, with variation in
their length, thickness, curvature and
complexity of shape (Figure 1). The
baculum can also be small or large
relative to body size, reaching more
than 60 cm in the walrus, Odobenus
rosmarus. More complex forms
may feature bizarre looking teeth
or digit-like projections, including
components that protrude from the
glans penis in certain rodents. Such
diversity of form makes the baculum a
particularly useful feature for species
identification and taxonomy.

What is it for? Although the

baculum was first identified in
the seventeenth century, its exact
functional significance is still Figure 1. Diversity of bacula.
unclear. Multiple functions seem Examples of bacula of North American mammals. Top left: bacula of ground squirrels (Sper-
mophilus sp.) with spoon-shaped distal ends and tooth-like projections. Top right: trident
plausible: for example, a baculum
shaped bacula of rice rats (Oryzomys sp.) and voles (Microtus sp.); illustrations demonstrate
may provide mechanical support complexity of bacula shape from different perspectives. Bottom: relatively simple bacula of
for the penis, assist in overcoming some large carnivores (two bear species (Ursus) illustrated above a sea lion (Zalophus)). Illus-
vaginal resistance or protect the trated by William L. Brudon, reproduced with permission from Burt (1960).

Historically, much interest focused primates. Also, sexually selected

on the potential role of mammalian traits may show high phenotypic Primer
genitalia in promoting reproductive variance relative to non-sexual traits
isolation of species. The ‘lock and key and scale positively in relation to
hypothesis’, for instance, proposed body size. Indeed, in the muskrat Behavioral
that genitalia are radically different
between species in order to prevent
(Ondatra zibethicus) large males
have relatively larger bacula than
architecture of the
interspecific mating and hybridization. small males and baculum traits cortical sheet
A variant of this hypothesis is that (especially width) are particularly
bacula of different shapes elicit variable between males. However,
different responses from females high levels of variation and positive Rodney J. Douglas
during copulation, and that only allometry are not necessarily a and Kevan A.C. Martin
species-specific stimulation will lead consequence of sexual selection.
to successful reproduction. Baculum morphology has also The effortless ability of vertebrates to
been linked to male social status in explore and exploit their environment
How did the diverse bacula evolve the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). is strongly correlated with the
then? Most recent attention has Dominant males have wider bacula evolution of the most anterior part of
focused on the idea that rapid and than subordinates relative to their their nervous system, the forebrain,
divergent evolution of male genital body size, which might at least where data from autonomic (visceral),
morphology, including the baculum, partly explain the superior success limbic (emotive), and internal and
is driven by sexual selection. This of dominant males in sperm peripheral sensors of the external
applies particularly to species where competition. world are combined to develop,
females mate with multiple males, as decide, and deploy advantageous
is very common among mammals. Do females have something similar behaviors. The correlation of
There are ways in which the baculum to the baculum? Females do indeed behavioral performance with forebrain
could influence sexual selection: have a homologous bone, the expansion suggests that evolution
for example, females might bias baubellum or os clitoridis, which is has discovered the developmental
fertilisation in favour of males whose present in the clitoris of most if not all means of building vertebrate brains
baculum (and penis) stimulates them species with a baculum. It is usually to produce a scalable, special-
most during copulation, a process a small bone with the appearance of purpose architecture for efficiently
known as ‘cryptic female choice’. an underdeveloped baculum, but it processing and expressing behavior.
Also, females may reliably assess can sometimes be relatively large, as In mammals, the exuberant expansion
male size or quality based on the in the ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) of this forebrain is dominated by the
baculum. Being able to assess where the baubellum is nearly half the growth of their cortex — the two-
male quality during copulation length of the baculum. Unfortunately, dimensional sheet that is the major
could be of particular benefit when even less is known about the source of their intelligent behavior,
opportunities for quality assessments baubellum than about the baculum... especially for primates.
before mating are limited, such The complexity of the brain is so
as when copulation takes place Where can I find out more? overwhelming that at every level
underwater or underground. Burt, W.H. (1960). Bacula of North American investigators have been forced to
mammals. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool., Univ.
Baculum evolution could also be Michigan 113, 1–75. focus only on particular aspects of
influenced by sperm competition. Dixson, A.F. (2012). Primate Sexuality: Comparative its evolution and development, or
Studies of the Prosimians, Monkeys, Apes and
For example, the baculum might help Human Beings, Second Edition (Oxford: Oxford its structure and function, or the
deliver sperm optimally or displace University Press). behavior it generates. However,
the ejaculates of rival males. By Eberhard, W.G. (1985). Sexual Selection and over decades all these individual
Animal Genitalia, (London: Harvard University
supporting prolonged intromission Press). brushstrokes have accumulated
after ejaculation, a baculum might Hosken, D.J., and Stockley, P. (2004). Sexual to produce a surprisingly coherent
selection and genital evolution. Trends Ecol.
also help males to reduce the risk Evol. 19, 87–93. and conceptually simple picture of
that females will mate again with Lemaitre, J.-F., Ramm, S.A., Jennings, N., and the interrelationships of evolution,
others. Stockley, P. (2012). Genital morphology linked development, and brain organization
to social status in the bank vole (Myodes
glareolus). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 66, 97–105. to produce what we call here, the
Is there evidence for these ideas? Leonard, J. and Cordoba-Aguilar, A. (2010). The ‘behavioral architecture’ of the
Evolution of Primary Sexual Characters in
There are some indications. For Animals, (Oxford: Oxford University Press). cortical sheet. In this primer we
instance, if a larger baculum is Ramm, S.A. (2007). Sexual selection and genital locate our current state of knowledge
advantageous in sperm competition, evolution in mammals: A phylogenetic analysis in a single conceptual framework
of baculum length. Am. Nat. 169, 360-369.
baculum size should be greater Tasikas, D.E., Fairn, E.R., Laurence, S., and that unifies these seemingly
among species with more intense Schulte-Hostedde, A.I. (2009). Baculum disparate fields of investigation.
variation and allometry in the muskrat (Ondatra
sperm competition. The correlation zibethicus): a case for sexual selection. Evol. We show that while the relations
varies between groups, as might be Ecol. 23, 223–232. between different parts of the
expected if the baculum functions sheet may be complex, they are
Mammalian Behaviour and Evolution Group,
differently across taxa: more intense not arbitrary, not least because
Department of Evolution, Ecology and
competition appears to favour a Behaviour, University of Liverpool, Leahurst the actual physical organisation of
longer baculum among rodents and Campus, Neston, CH64 7TE, UK. the cortical sheet itself defines a
carnivores, but not among bats and E-mail: coherent logic by which effective

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