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Heaven's Lightis Our Guide Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology Department of Mechatronics Engineering B.Sc. Engineering 3" Year ODD Semester Examination 2019 Course No: Math 3127 Course Title: ‘omplex Variables and Harmonic Analysis Full Marks: 72 Time: Three Hours N.B. i) Answer any Six questions, taking Three from each section, ii) Figures in the margin indicate full marks. iii) Use separate answer script for each section. SECTION-A Q.1(a) Express the complex number 2 + 2V3i in polar form. 03 (b) Express the equation 2x + y = 5 in terms of complex conjugate coordinate. B €©) evaluate img. 22222-2855, 6 (® Discuss whether lims.. exist or doesnot exist 03 2(8) What is the analytic function? Prove that w = f(2) = a F are satisfied. (b) Prove that, u = e-*(xsiny — yeosy) is harm + tv beanalytic in a region R if 24 = z, ee 06 Find v such that (2) = + ivis analytic 06 Q3(@) state green’s Theorem in the plane. Verify Green's Theorem in the plane for §, (x? -2xy)dx 4+ 96 (? — x*y)dy where c is a square with vertices at (0,0), (2,0), (2,2), (02) (b) State Laurent’s Theorem. Expand f(z) = eae in a Laurent series valid for 1 < |z| <2. 06 QA) Evaluate (P25, (ip fo ED 2 SECTION-B Qsta) - fewhen O O using the Transform result. Show that 06 Sy Bard = Fe, p>0, p> 0. 0 v?+p? 2B Q.6(@) show that, Jae) = V2nxES - cosx) 06 (©) Using the Fourier transform solve 222 = 729 (0, ) = u(4,¢) = 0,u(x,0) = 2x,whereo < 0 x<4t>0 Q7@) Prove that P(x) = 22" (a? — 1)". - (b). For degendre polynomial show that (3) (2n + 1)B,(2) = Pnei(2) ~ P’n-a(e)s 06 (Gi) Py (x) = xP 'n(X) — P’n-1 (2). ~ Q8(2) “Using the method of Frobenius, find the solutions of 2x? 22 — x4. (e—S)y = 0, 2 Full Marks: 72 Course Title: Digital Systems N.B-i) Answer any Six questions, taking Three from ‘Time: Three Hours i) Figures in the margin indicate fall marks, {if) Use separate answer script for each section, ‘cach segtion, SECTION-A Q1(@) What is Digital Systems? What is the epplicai iit i Engineering? Explain with areal life example," ° D'8H4! Systems on Mechatronics 04 (©) Define Fan-out, Power dissipation, Propagation delay and Noise Margin 04 (©). Classify Digital Logie family. : ie (Design universal gate using CMOS g Design unlversal gate using CMOs Q3(@) What are the basic differences between basi gate and universal ge? Design an X-OR gate by 04 + using any universal gate, (b) Implement the expression (A+ BYC using CMOS logic. 8 (8) Design a Full-subtractor using blfsubtaetorand mention ome aplication, 05 (@) Define K-map. Using K-map technique, implement the expression 04 ¥ = 5.m(6,7,8,9,11)+d(12,13) —"(b) Explain-"“At the same time in computer's keyboard when we press ‘7" and ‘3° keys, the monitor 02 shows only ‘7'-why? 48 mf . (©) Why does the multiplexer use as logte function generator? B (@ The currency calculator machine of Dhaka Stock Exchange was analog and shows many of ‘errors in the ealeulatfon of consumer's rccount. The authority wants to solve it digitally. What 03 = is the soluti Fo" Q.4(a)- Show how a full-adder can be converted to a full-subtractor with the addition of one inverter 04 circuit. qf) plement the Boolean function using base gate ony. : F = AB'CD’ + A’BCD' + A'BC'D r 03 (© Construct a 5x32 decoder with four 3x8 decoder and a 2x4 decoder, of (@ Is there any possibility to use DeMUX to Decoder? a1 - v7 SECTION-B Qe Q.5(a) What do you mean by Sequential logic circuits? How is it differentiated from combinational 03, ett oe ‘ip‘op isa refinement ofthe RS fip-fop”.Proveit, Zee ™-7 Clesate | o4) © Apply the waveform of Fig. Q. 5(c) 19 the SR flip flop and determine the wave form at Q. “Assume Q-0 initially.- i 03 4 ‘What is the inain ©) A Dest Problem of Ripple counter? _ : fom beat evieh creates spark when i's arm goes from high to low ot low to high’ (©) Drawithe mewn be overame? = anticlockwise drente realty if we, want to control stepper motor rotating clockwise end” Slockwise direction with 15° deflection using ree : O18) A sequent . ‘ : Tee) Pana a Jogie circuit with two J-K flip ops and B and one input are given in Fis. Qo State equations, state table and state diagram. ett La oP Fig. Q. 718) (©) Design a counter which counts according 0 the following sequence shown in Fig. Q. 70) of eg —O—-@ —® Fig. Q. 7() Jy —Dreor the verparsiming Disprens ET ‘ane TOUDving Sequeatl logis clreat sho © ADS, X tps 6 MIBK) oS 2 PEEP EF ann Fig. Q. %¢) ® I © oe Q8(@) Whetis FPGA? Give some advantages of FPGA, = oo @ e) Design an RTL NOR gate and explain its operation i trie et uw . Define () Mesnory cell (i) Memory word (Ii) Memory capacity, oO é Combine two 324 RAMS to expand its capacity to 64ns RAMs, a ‘Heovene ye Department of yuo Ou Gute 3 of Méchatroniee ste. SI 3 Rejshahi University ae stronics Engineéring ~ a gineering Ind Year pr eerie & Technology ‘car Even Semester: Examination, 2015 Course Title: Sens id ‘Kaswer any Six . i sors and Instrumentation : questions, taking Three-4., ‘Time: Three Hours i) Fees in the titrgin indvene tale from each section, Separate answer sctipt for each section, - ~ ew SECTION-A ~ + 1G) * What : \ : ‘Se measurement system errors? Mentioa the sources and regstGles of these errors. 06 ) ae {Sresolution of instrument? A digital thermonf€ter is used to measure the temperature in 04 Tange of 35-40°C. If the A/D converter equipped in the thermometer provides 8 bits output and the relation between temperature input to the thermometer and the voltage output before the A/D converter is linear, find the resolution of this digital thermometer both in terms of absolute value and percentage of full scale. (©) _Whatare the basic components of capacitive proximity sensor? 202 ‘2(a) How projected capacitive sensor works? Mention its advantages and disadvantages, 04 i () Draw the Resistance-Temperature relationship for some RTD materials, 03 | (©) Write down the working principle of rotameter. Ens Oo. 1 (@) A platinum thermomster bas a resistance of 1009 and 25°C. (j) Find its resistance at 65°C ifthe 02 platinum hag a resistance temperature co-efficient of 0.00392/°C. (ji) If the thermometer has a resistance of 150 O, calculate the temperature. hia sensor's weapomsibl6 Yor changing the OreATaOT 6 happens? (&)_ Define Bio-sensor. What are the elements of Bio-sensors? (©) What are the three segments of GPS and what are their functions? = 03. ) ~The output of an LVDT is connected to a SV voltmeter through an amplifier whose 03 a amplification factor is 250. An output of 2mV appears actoss the terminals of LVDT when the . Core moves through a distance of 0.50 mm, Calculate the sensitivity of the LVDT and that of the whole setup. The millivoltmeter scale has 100 divisions and the scale can be read to 1/5 of a vision. Calculate the resolution of the instrument in mm, a ‘Mention Some industrial application area of sraart sensors, ay While ‘peed of steunfutbine with strobéscope, single line images were obseived: 03 \/~ ng of 3000, 4000 and 5230 spm. Calculate the speed ofthe turbine : ee ++ SECTION-B Mah’ Define igal cdnaioning, Des awoke ibe intemal structure of Operational Amplifier. 204 ference Amplifier Vee (% Prove that out (BV) were a 7 the symbols have their usual meanings. ©. Whitis instrumentati : t entati i * i ‘on amplifier? What are the fundamental problems with normal operational 04 (@) Describe relati 5 : ’) ‘ibe relative advantages and disadvantages of Analog filters with their circuit diagram. 02 (©) Draw block diagrams of Digital Signal Processing system and describe its parts briefly. 03 © For first order low pass filters, prove that the cut off frequency ae ood Fe = qq» Where symbols have their usual meanings. A second order low pass filter is to be designed around a non-inverting op-amp with equal 03 resistor and capacitor values in its cut-off frequency determining circuit. If the filter characteristics are given as: Q=5 and £,=159 Hz. Design a suitable low pass filter with R=Ray Ci=Ce, Q=5 and £=159 Hz, _ ‘ Q.7(@) Define data transmission. Briefly describe its fundamental characteristics. (®) Briefly describe Serial data transmission method. - 04 (©) Consider the D/A converter shown in Fig. Q. 7(¢). Assuming the resistances R are all 1 KO, the 04 feedback resistance Reis.also_1kQ, and the seference voltage. V..r= =16V.. determine the output jdltage produced by the digital input 10112. eterence 4, By PRrease oa Most: = Sennett - Semon hs. a ae 9 8(a) Deserbe Satelite Radio Telemetry. Sys fay 4b -Frequency-Modulated AC Signal with advantage and disadvantage. describe Single-channel Digital Telensetry System. if : 03 4 05 Ral yet ca ornate & Techiology eee | trontes Engh , Ve ; igincerin, ‘ar Even, Semester, Exarinain, 2015 Course Tite: Numerical Analysis & Stasles a re from y "Tine: Three Hours rg indicate fill mane om ete Sesion, ere ee = BSc Bp, i de No: Math 2303 aineeting 2, ‘Full Marks: 72 wa : Lit Detiv ; ; tive the Newton's forward interpolation formula. Find the va i ‘slue Of y when x=1.1 where x and | y satisfy the results 96 x! 1 2 3 4 ¥i 0.84147 1.60244 1.23973 0.62949 ©» Q2(@) Derive Lagrange’s interpolation formula, Ota ©) Determine which formula is useful to find sin(0.197) from the following table and hence 04 evaluate it x sine. ous 0.14944 O17 0.16918. OJ A). 0.18886 0.20846 0.22798 (0) Applying Lagrange’s formula, find a cubic polynomial which approximates the following data: 04 A 12 ee a = aT = 8 3 “ ? 5 The table below gives the temperatures T (in °C) and lengths / (in mm) of a heated rod. If 04 JeagtayT, find the values of ag and a; using linear least squares; T I 40 00S - 30 600.6 : 60, 600.8 7 70 600.9 80 601.0 (Find the value of 6 and eso that ya br¥e is the best ito the data: o4 & Tine i; an Me . a nln 4 Velocii; iu kee) wa: 2 22 4 30. Q a 27 i 7 12 0 Find the distance covered by the car,» (b) A tiver is 80 A wi A wide. The depth (in feet) of the river ata distance x from one bank is given BY 5 the following tables ¥ xy ‘ - a: 4 » oy 30° 40. 250 60 7 80 04 i + 9 12 1S 14 8 x Find approximately the area of the cross-section of the river. o © Fo te Sling table, find x comrect to two decimal places, for which y is maximum and ! 04 Xeoe 1.2 13, 14 1S 16 x ve 0.9320 0.9636" 0.9855 0.9975 0.9996 ) SECTION-B Q5(@) Using Taylors series for (2, find 0.1) comréct to four decimal places ify(x) satisfies 04 —y? and y (0)=1. i + b) D ue of 0,1 using. modified Foler's methnd , giv y yO) al. : 6) Use Runge-Kutta 2" order method to'solve 04+ 102 = x? + y%, AO)M1 forthe interval 0S x $ 0-4 with 0. (a) ./A boundary value problem is defined by 06 7 ytyti=0 Osxst where y (0) 70 and y (1) =0. Use the finiteiference method to determine the value ofy (0 5) with 21/4, ia = (&) Find the solution, to three deoimals, of the system . B3rilly 425 95 TetS2yH3z=104 Sat By +292= 71 Using Gauss-Seidel method. Q.7la) Derive the binomial distribution. Find its variance, : (6) Ifthe probability that an individual wil suffer a bad reaction fiom injection of a given serum is eine Prmrarmine the probability that out of 1000 individual, (exactly 1, (8) more than 1° 06 individuals will sutfer a bed reaction. f S ‘Gratis the standard normal eurve? The mean inside diameter of a sample of 100 washers produced by a machine is 0.501 mm and S.D is 0.002 mm.’The purpase for which these. .06 frashers are intended allows a meximumn tolerance in the diameter of 0 96 min 10 0.506 mm, J ednsidered defective: Determine the deféctive washer, = ‘mean grade of the students in an exert GA, Find the minimum matks for obtaining A. Next 20% students will receive B, Find the for obtaining B- i 06 ion is 75% and SD. 8%, Top 10% students will 06... 1) Answer any Skx questions, taki » ures {n the margin indicate fo ech eon, ) Use separate answer SeriPt for cach seen, . ; ection, joie : a SEcTION.4 Define and Classify signal wie exany (>) What js linearit ineart pecformanesy WY M4 non-tincarty ples, a? Of a-system? How nonlinearity affects on system: 5 © Consider the circuit given in Fig. Q 1 (©), where the input signal ¥,(¢ = VqStnwt. Determine 04 — the expression OF current (9) of this circu,“ HP stenal Ye) mm ‘ wm) . Fig.Q.1() i ")=10A and the 04 it i ). id x(t) and vi(1) fort >0 given that 40 ‘}: i aie ai 0 2 Te ae Mo a cheray dissipated in the 5-0 resist over the time interval (0.4, oo} - ee : : ind ig(t) for 1> 0. 04 ©) For the circuit given in the Fig. Q. 2(c), vu(t)= -18u(-)+9u(f) V. Find ty(0) for te 7 ‘ 4 l titi . 2 aa Ee Vai 4 ig. 3) Fig. 03) Fig. 4 0) . i able qnd state equation. How they are important for linear system analysis? 1¢ State variable an: : : i ircuit of Fig.Q.3(b). 1 ion for the circuit of Fig.Q.3(b)- ‘ind the state equation 7 . ie Jse given in Fig, Q. 3(c) in terms of unit step and find its integral () Exp éurrent pul @ Express the curren nit its in it i id 04 Define Response’ of a circuit. Write down its importance in a signals and fa)” the ferm ‘requenc) i (a). f Rrequency “es Define and explain 7th) Avani is zed od litlon frequency, lvston muliptetng find, lation? Exp lain amplitude modula Vdm20%(0 << - _—, Hoe Pane wt «eva oe Oe ; {ime division multiplexing. © Pind vay nr the eiteult given in Fj .Q. 50 fs for way Fig. Q.5(0) Fig. Q. 6 (b) Fig. Q. 6 (6) a so — (a) Define |) Critically damped it) Under damped ii) Over damped oe (b) What is Laplace Transform? Find the Laplacé transform of Fig, Q.6(b). | bd (©) What is Transfer function? Determine the ‘Transfer function of the Fig. Q. 6(¢) using Laplace 0S ‘Transform. paar Q.Y@) Find the inverse Laplace Transform of 04 sl s+13 YO) = rast iD (8)... Consider a system having state space representation of % = Ax + Bu, y = Cx-+Du where the 04 _ symbols haye their usual meaning. Find the trgusfer function ofthe system, /Asylo(8) of the circuit given in Fig.Q. 7(¢). a) ah & Fig. .7(0) eae! neon om. 4 ~ ea ‘Write down ile name. se af prooesass to determine the stability of a system. ind the wale ofK for “04 @ ee 8(¢) so that th ate — What is f-v analogy? Write down the rules-to-draw.f-v analogous Electrical _circi ‘Mechanical system. ~ 3, 04 ¥ bas ““YSHANL Universipn, apis lo. 3 eae Bo enty of Engineering & Technology B So, nga TtMeUt Of Mechatronies Engineering Ing 2" Year BVEN Semester Examinatlon-2016 s Bape Oe ed Course No: y 7 * MTE 2205 5+ Fall Manes : ; ‘ull Markee oy Course ts: Sonora tstrumentaton ne 5 an : Time: Three Hours ii) Figures 9 aeestions, taking Three thom each section Fi) Deets the margin naa all mare, : *parate answer Script for each section, SECTION-A 2G) _Detine the following term, 03 {) Measurement and Instrumentation a Accuracy and Precision iil) Sensor and Transducer . () poet ‘is modular instrumentation? Write at least five points about the necessity of Modular 03 Instrumentation. (©) What is Virtual Instrumentation? Why is it so importation now a days? Defing, PXI and VXI 04 with real life example, s (@) What is JOT? Why is it called the Future of Tomorrow? \ 06 (2(a) What is load cell? Draw-a typical load cell and describe how it works? E vee Four strain gages each with gage factor of 3 and nominal resistance of 200 © are ts dt 04 determine torque in a 10 om diameter cicular shaft with modula of elasticity of 810) NI » and Poisson's ratio of 0.3 as shown in Fig. Q.2 (b). Assume only one strain ges inert 4450 to the shaft axis, the other thee stain guges are connected to construct « bridge celle ‘Without attachment t0 the shaft. Determine the foraue in the shaft when voltage output is at 0.2 V when 5 V power supply is provided. “ . Fig.0.2c6) (©) What is LVDT? What type of sensor is it? 0 : she the working principle of any type of humidity sensor. Mention some applications. 04 NE oe aa aoe ne Miturentiypes of gas sensor? How H gas is detected? What isthe function of 04 . 4 4 receptor in chemical sensor? “sunmes. “Wh wine: 64 (o). Draw a schematic diagram ‘of UV-VIS and Inftared spestophotometer is Thermal k Imaging sensor? oat i ro-Sensor Works. Write some applications of it. < 4 wo Oe co, ‘What ae the elements of bio-sensors? a oa Whet is MEMS? Why MEMS are preferted for making of sensor? ee 03 Bigs 8 How does the smartphone touch screen work? / a SECTION-B (Q.5(). Explain “The Input | See of astrumentation Amplifier ake it poplar? 0 . § Design circuit that gives the following frequency characteristics, of Impedance of Non-liverting Configuration of OP-AMP is More”-with 02 ag. the at (d@).. Dy ' @ 14, the output wave shapes ofthe following circuit when vi and va inputs are glven, 2 © i t t ¥ ‘ Gala { ' [> Bee, %. — : on | 0, 5) \ AG) Wat ace te re ~ A 4 : HEE functions of signal conditioning? Mention the stages of siga , 0 Describe briefly. ()_ Mention different isolation device? types of filters. Why isolation is needed? What are the different types of 04 (©) What is Nyquist Theorem? Write a Matin coe to éonvert analog o Designa circuit that gives the following output « of Vout 04 ’ 02 (@__ What is voltage to current converter? - 02 ) Draw a block'schematic of basic telemetry system. Classify telometry system. 03 (b) _ Describe briefly the Satellite Radio Telemetry system. 03 (©). What is transmission (he mezits of FM telemetry system? 03, Cy How evemroteuise i potidow senses? with circuit diagram, Draw it along 03 ajshahi Uni Nesses's Lani ie Gud, Bac versity of Eas : Y of Enyineeri Be, Bog ePEEMEH OF Neg eects & Technology gineering ineering 2°, ‘car BVEN Semester Examtination-2016 ‘Course No: CSE 223 Rul Maske Course le: Dightal Systems je: Three Hours ue oY 4 ii : ay as & oe “ye ct ayiten, SECTION-A s . \- Drinw a block diagranh ofa typical digital system and explain each of its 04 é ®) Find Mera, of in the following conversvn: *. _ i) (110)=8, ii) (452),=12A_ (©) 1A=1910100 and B=1000100 then find A-# and B-A using 2's complements. ad @ What do you mean by Gray Code? 200) 4 ; : ; ; 2.219) -“CMOS device ae prefered in swing purpose besa of thee Wigh Shot See But of a, Besmsembocome stoves, when te fem ial IO" Jest be statement with example. Implement the expression (4+B-+C> DYE using CMOS logic. (©) _ Describe the importance if Hamming code, parity checker- in ‘the Digital Data Communi systems, ; jon 04 What are the eriteri's of simplifiing a Boolean funetion? Why Quine-MeCluskey method is 03 the best way ia simplifying Boolean finetions? en ‘Simplify the following Boolean function by :ncans of tabulation method. 05 | Fo Nomsasay 21,25,29) | ‘Verify your result with Knap method. (©) Design a these i ifatiocal loge eget whose ovtpat wil be “High” Wak lesst wo. OF 4 —Hnpets re “Reis manent, ; vallagie cheat (@ “Waste ihe main difference between a combinational logic cireult and sequential logic circuit? 01 7 fy LRA@) ‘The currency converter and calculator ms: shine of Dhaka stock exchange was analog and 05 shows many of errors in the calculation o! ‘consumer's account. The authority wants to solve it 1 digitally. What is the solution of this proble (@) Design a “Digital Watch” using seven segment display. 04 (¢)__ Describe the security of ATM Machine, = ag . SECFION-B ee What do you mean by “Latch” and’“Flip-flop”? Is there any difference between Latch and 04 Flip-flop? Explain. Tes . Typ fop is caled “Date flip-Nop"? Derive the characteristics equation of -K Mip-ep, 04 Why P a He se now by flip-flop excitation able? How T flip-flop are used a5 a replacement of 04 JK flip-Llop. “How is synchronous logie circuit diatngushed with asynchronous loge circuit? 02 ; 2.05 ‘Derive dhe site ble and state diagram ofabe following sequential ciruit Of6 Fig. d.6(@) ) Caleiilate the output frequent “ the output frequenty of the fe he input vis F Hzi) Ripple 04 C wath frequenty of the followin the input frequency is F Ha.i) Rip! ® Dee Shit Repistes il Wight Shall Register, iv) MOD-60 Counter, v) Johnson Counter IBA 8 Counter that shows the following counting signal Ln Fg. #06) {e} Design a counter which counts the following sequence 3 oO 3 Fig- 4:3 fe) bia} What is FPGA? Design a NOT gate using FPGA technique. 8 ou gee thoy cinglea? Cotnbine two 16% ¢ RAMs to expand its capacity 32x 4 RAMs, 03 Gy What is ASIC device? Drow the circuit of ene ASIC device: 0 Whar ig APT? Wiry is if so iexportant in Humanald Robot? n Q.3¢a) Rajshahi Universi Weayen's Lehi or Gate ity of Engineer ‘: Depai fF Eenginecring & * a BSc. Engineering pee gcatranes pit dt ail a £* Course No: Math 22 EVEN Semester Bxamination-2016 Full Marks; 73.703 } Course Tithe: Nurmerteal At ste & Siatiatlon NB.1) Answer y rere vere TOUTE ve Wing . SRCTION-A Paces Perenie emor in mun computation? Flot «rel foot of the exis Oe gy EEE cote tee deci pec sig Ui ©) Derive Newion-Raphson method tin rel tof compute VT3 correct to three decimal places. un guetiaod, the equation f(x)~0, Using this method 06 yeh Derive modified Euler's met et 06 ey a yextyQ) a1 (©) Use the Runge-Kutta method to solve Sho find the absolute eros in each e236 For the interval 1

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