Theories of Personality (Free Review)

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August 07, 2022


-Someone who solves a problem you didn’t know had, in a way that you don’t understand
-we don’t read minds the reason why there’s psychological assessment

Why there is Psychological Assessment?

- to know the pattern to understand people

-model of reality that help us to understand, explain, predict, and control that reality
-it’s not fit in every situation

Personality is understood in terms of

- What?
- How?
- Why?

Humanist and Existentialists Theory – For understanding

Behaviorist and Freudians Theory – Prediction and control
Trait Theory – Measures and predict
-does not explained

-nearly all have been highly creative!
-most outstanding literary skills
-superior intelligence
-unusually romantic
-lonely at least at one time or another
-the fervent belief that they were scientists and were making observations and constructing theories
within the framework of sciences

Maslow, Adler, Horney, Fromm – friends
Horney & Fromm – ex lovers
Anna Frued and Melanie Klein – naging okay sila sa huli and nagka business
Jung – He experience everything “It is not what happen to you, it is not what you become”
Melanie Klein – Father : Neglectful; Mother: Suffocating;
Maslow – He didn’t forgive her mother
Erik Erickson – never met his father; jew with the gentile community;
Karen Horney – “Moving toward, moving against, moving away”
George Kelly -
Wilhelm Wundt – father of psychology
Sigmund Freud – father of psychoanalysis
Evaluation of Personality Theories
 generate research
 organize knowledge
 parsimony - simplicity
 internal consistency
 guide action – practical(adler);
 falsifiable

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity

-how different person perceived to humanity
 free choice over determinism
 optimism over pessimism (optimistic- positive; pessimism-negative)
 teleology over causality (causality- there always doubt in everything you do)
 conscious over unconscious
 equal emphasis on culture and biology (culture is nurture; biology is nature)
 uniqueness over similarity

anal retentive & anal expulsive

They all believe in BALANCE but presented in different way:

 Sigmund Frued
A balancing act : id, ego, superego
Id- tara! Tara!
Ego- is the balancing act, ex; im
Superego- Wag na! Wag na!

 Carl Jung
Balancing act : Mandala
The circular image represents the wholeness;
Self – anima, animus, shadow need to balance for self archaetype
1. Persona – is like a mask
2. Anima – feminine side
3. Animus – masculine side
4. Shadow – can express something bad in a good way
Middle Age
“You can’t process self in

 Karen Horney
Three ways to combat basic anxiety
1. Moving away from people – for personal growth (need growth)
2. Moving toward people – submissive (need genuiness)
3. Moving against people – you can’t show love because you are scared
you need to have this 3 way of combat because when you have 1 it’s call neurotic!
Neurotic people do rigidly on one
 Erich Fromm (same sa Horney)
Balancing Act:
3 Psychic Escape Mechanism
 Authoritarianism (hanggat hindi sigurado hindi ako gagalaw)
-seeking to be controlled; wanting an absoulute
 Destructiveness
-seeking to eliminate objects or person perceived as dangerous
 Automaton Conformity (alam mong mali pero susunod ka)( hindi mo kayang magisa)
-surrendering to rules and norms (even when disagreeing) in order to be safe

Human Needs
Relatedness but also Identity
-need to be connected, caring and cared for but also need to develop one’s uniqueness
Transcendence but also Rootedness
(transcendence – be who you are but don’t forget where you came from)
(rootedness- when there is manipulation)
-need to rise above our animal nature (creatively and destructively)
Excitation but also Frame-of-orientation
(Excitation- is i
(Frame-of-orientation- values, morality, spirituality)
-stimulating and changing environment but also a consistent view of the world and an object of

If a person loves only one other person and is indifferent to the rest of his fellowmen, his
love is not love but a symbiotic attachment or an enlarged egotism
– Erick Fromm

The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm

 in love you should have care not just your partner, you should look for the welfare of others
 Responsibility
 Respect
 Knowledge
There is no love at first sight!

Swim in the river of affectivity but always bring with your rational lifesaver
– Fr. Jaime Bulatao

 Ethnocentrism – pertains to the effect of the era to the culture
 Egocentrism- pertains to self (if you believe in one theory)
 Dogmatism – sticking and forcing to apply a theory in a situation without concrete analysis of
actual situation
 Misunderstanding
social interest, self-actualization, biophilia

- center of personality that means control

-center of consciousness

ego for klien in means

how are they connected?

Conscious and unconscious


Superego – sigmund freud

fiction- alfred adler
social unconscious – erich fromm

Subception – Carl Rogers

Experiences – George Kelly

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