Dream Man: EL Hombre de Sus Sueños

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Dream man

EL hombre de sus Sueos

Eric Perez 2011

Royky, would you please see who is on the Net? At dawn on an early spring morning, the voice comes from inside a steamy room where Mayiah, a late forties heavy but gently spoken woman, takes her Friday sauna. A garish but placid buzzing floods the stylish housing on top of a massive tungsten, graphite and glass pyramid on the outskirts of a desert city by the Coahuila Mountains. Royko, her partner, much her opposite in looks and manners, is busy in the roomy avant-garde kitchen encoding the remote for breakfast and the rest of the week menu. He pushes a button and a little screen appears in his orange hued ultra reality goggles. Hi, dudes, whats the beat? The speakers somewhere in the room tell him of an invitation for a dikes prom at Old Friscos Bay Hangar Bar located at where once the International airport was in San Francisco, CA. The big event is an extravaganza organized as a get away party for Dulma and Theresia, their close lady friends from CA who are going for a honeymoon to Amazonia Wild Resort in SAS (South AmericaS), and as the invitation goes, everybody who is someone, straight, gay or in between in the NAS, (North AmericaS) the regions former name, is invited on May the 19th, 2035, just two months ahead. The pre recorded promotional goes on. It menaces morning peace with its futile monologue. There on the almost real images of the tiny screen is a somewhat off-putting slot flashing: RSVP. Oblivious to the noise and screen, Royko continues checking the flickering green signs on the freezer-oven that switches from frosted to done and then to ready in a zap. A few seconds delay is to adjust the meals correct temperature and present it with the apt garnish on fine ceramic: a simple veggie ovo soybean derivatives breakfast that they have learned to enjoy. Mayiah is coming out of her bath. Shes wrapped in a white body towel, her porcine skin is in the pink and radiant, her eyes reveal an inner peace; she's cherry red after her bath. She seems joyful and invigorated and gets ready to sit at the table by the balcony facing a rather large pool that reflects the bluish morning sky; gets the remote from the marble table and turns on the big screen that works as the terraces glass door panel. There, both can see their friends two thousand miles away tattling of upcoming attractions, ghoulish translucent first and then almost as solid looking as themselves. As if all those portrayed people were just there on the terrace. Mayiah and her mate, done with breakfast, exchange secretive glances that signal its time to turn the gizmo off. The screens fade into the UV-Protected windows. Royko puts his goggles on the table and gives a soft kiss to his woman as she grabs his hand. She practically drags him out on to the terrace. To them its almost a surprise the glare and warmth outside the lodge. Daylight is nearly blazing. The nearby Coahuila foothills shine dusty cinnamon under the early morning sun. Their hub is located on the tenth floor of a massive heat reflective pyramidal condo dwelling just at the edge of the blazing desert sierras. This

terrace, as all others, is bigger than the living areas with room enough for a few saguaros brought in illegally from Arizona. They curtain parts of the view competing with a few prickly cacti of fiery yellow-orange blooms and varied sizzling red fruits. The air is very dry. The pool makes the desert a welcome sight, its indigo tiling is a refreshing sight bidding into its gelid waters kept near the freezing point. In the retreat of their summit, Royko interrupts the meditative mood. Come. No, you dont have to get dressed as yet. I want to be with you. Your train wont leave until 4:05 p.m. So we still have this whole morning and afternoon just for us. Mayiahs high pitched voice is definitely a turn off and her spoiled girl private manners dont help either, Royko has got used to love her for her many virtues. He doesnt mind these flaws anymore. In fact, he finds it irresistible when his lover gets really close and secretly answers: Oh love, but Im not completely packed. I still have to get some clothes ready and access some info for me to work on the train, Ive got to be ready before I transfer in NYC, and must be well prepared before my bioresearch team takes off on to GreenlandWhat really worries me though is not being able to communicate with you for the next six months. The confinement well have to endure this whole summer at the tundra is preposterous, but it is a critical scientific and government regulation. So what to do honey? You must promise me youll wait for me. You know, I do love you... You must believe me. Ive failed some times, but it is you the only one I truly love. In no time, Ill be back here near you as always. There must more words not because Royko needs them but mostly for Mayiahs peace of mind. In some way she feels this short time is a very hard trial for Royko. In a way, six months by himself, is too long a time by himself. He is a man easily infatuated with thrill and beauty. And there is plenty of it just a few hours from their secluded home on the Coahuila Mountains. As easy as taking the jet chopper and going to the nearest train station, about 150 kms. away, an easy jc ride even for Royko who hates traveling; then a smooth trip by train at 450 km. an hour to end up for the night in LA, Tucson, Monterey or Houston. Everything is so practical. They lay there on foamy cushions listening to gulls and ocean wave sounds coming out from the acoustic device by the pool. They look deeply into each others eyes. This is one more time to lie around, one more chance to make promises perhaps love. Its only three oclock. They are at the landing area on the top of their building. Heat and sunlight are merciless. At this hour both wear their protective eye wear, UV skin filters, and insulating temperature controlled clothing: thin, stunning, that in the desert wind, feels sensual as breezy silk with a metallic guise. I hate get to going Royko... I think you should socialize more with our friends. You should go out with Dulma before she gets married, you know, her bitchy girlfriend is way too controlling and protective, after their wedding we wont see much of her for a while... What do you think of going to Kate and Brians in Tahoe for a week? Ive already promised them well go... O K youll think about this, wont you? Ill send back the chopper on automatic... To all this Royko gleams a smirk waving goodbye and utters playfully. Yes. Mom! Three months later, Royko has been for some time on his own. The house on the

tenth floor looming on the semi arid landscape is getting too big for him as each day goes by. As usual business life on line is fast paced and when done for the day leaves his work station to go on jet chopper rides to a nearby forest, other times he takes long mountain bike rides with a neighbor, o r squanders part of the night at the lively plaza underneath the buildings core. Its been made to imitate a tropical square in the coastal town of Colima city. The replica includes fine details as petite twisted palm trees, a ginger bread kiosk, and the tiny cathedral; though this one is smaller. The piazza has several shops, restaurants and bars under Spanish arcades. It is friendly and lively early in the evening. Still, he usually gets weary of the ordinary folks making errands at the stores, as they greet, there is a trite appreciation; they seem to know each other and him too well. Besides, action is missing. One late afternoon, he is stretched out on bed talking to the paneled door in busy conversation with his best pal, Dew from GDL, 1300 km. SW as the crow flies. Dew is getting ready to go out: Come on Royky. Cheer up, put on your fatigues. Lets go get some tits tonight Dont mind your woman, shell be back Its been just a couple of months and Im sure shes been writing you on log book lots of dirty stuff for your eyes only But seriously man, if you asked me, six months is too much time for me Thats an eternity on sperm count! It might be good for you to come down for some real tequila and meet some nice friends. Youll be back in a few days. You are very welcome to stay at my place as usual. Get your lazy ass coming this way; well take a quick tour to The New Seraphs. It`s mind blowing, super tech, just opened at Tesistan last week. All the new faces in town will be there, lots of extreme chicks, man. What do you say, bro? There is a short silence in the huge bedroom. As in deep daze Royko sees through his friend on the screen-door. Far in the distance by the horizon, prickly cacti and lechuguillas are tormented by sudden gusts of a late summer storm of dense and gray clouds covering de red plains as if on Mars. Other day pal, even with my new jet, it would be risky to go out tonight. I guess Ill hold it on until Friday. Then, itll be three months and thatll be truly a celebration of celibacy, dont make any plans for that day, ok? Dew and his surroundings of lush vegetation dissolve softly, fading out on the glass door. Thick muddy rain has begun to strike the huge building with hasty force. After a few minutes almost all the dramatic desert mountains have been swapped by dreary bleakness. The room is gently illuminated as light flickers on. Out of the gloom occasionally comes blinding lighting followed by stunning rumbling. Royko senses the booming running through the alloy-concrete structure of the colossal pyramid as it echoes beyond the clouds and hills. He feels allured and charmed to the infuriated and unkind storm as if coming to get him. Friday noon, he has managed to get to the Dark Shadow Train station, the ultra fast DST to GDL, this one runs from Chicago to Panama, there are few seats left, Royko sits absent minded munching on a lettuce-soy burger, one of the delicious healthy foods from the snack bar, sloppily watching the mini screen on his goggles as the train passes the sierras, plains and hills as in a dream. The fast changing blurs of color and shades on the darkened high impact resistant windows

make him rather dizzy and restless. There arent many passengers on the vending machines area; he can only hear soft paced antique reggae music, mythical Bob Marleys classics. He is distressed at the perspective of visiting on his own GDL, the huge megalopolis of the west. He, as the little girl in the Wizard of Oz, feels taken away out of Kansas in turmoil. He wants a drink from the snack bar vending. It is out of tequila, rum, whisky: it has run out of all drinkable drugs. There are the other machines with solid ones, from nicotine or even cannabis tablets. The last machine only offers some fancy old fashion joints at exorbitant prices because of taxes and extra equipment. Contemptuously he picks one. He gets his thumb print scanned and picks the tiny ganja rolled up from a mini golden tray al wrapped up. It is an unexpectedly big transparent package, that includes a ceramic lighter and a must-read-before-you-light-up- (of biblical proportions) booklet chip that lists all possible health risks that a smoker is exposed to and instructions for the use of a personal smoking devise. He feels aggravated but complies with all these legal silliness. Half an hour later, on his way out to the lounge, he gets a liter of iced sparkling water. Then, for an extra fare, checks in the cozy amber glass domed smoking area wrapped in soft lights and music. The cozy effect is enhanced with a dark mauve floor covering on fake-old deco designs and brass on the handrails and handles. His only nuisance now is to exhale in those disposable breathing devices for smokers, which if not correctly used will turn on the maddening smoke alarm system. He begins to ease up. GDL Megalopolis, formerly known by the five As name Guadalajara, left behind its long name and its clumsy urbanization of anything goes to reborn as an amazingly geometrical tapestry of interconnected greenery and urban areas prettier than ever. As the train approaches the Huentitan Canyon north of the city, it slows down to almost a halt to start the stunning crossing over the Santiago River at the bottom of Canyon. The view is awesome, the eco-friendly huge national park is spotted here and there with super deluxe dwellings for the filthy rich, terrace upon terraces of amazing architecture and the windy entrance routes as little black snakes among greenery and cliffs overflow the closest parts to the urban areas. Deep down is a dark green reflection from the once scarce but poisonous and murky waters of the Santiago River. It is once again alive and its plethora forms a channel with depth enough for pleasure or fishing boats. No one seems to remember the scarce and deadly waters; swimmers and eco-friendly campgrounds make that thought farfetched. The triple decked crossing is a titanic 8 km tubular hanging bridge coming just before the city. The upper decks are for traffic in and out of the city, and the lower one, for the train. A birds eye view of concentric rings that alternate green lushly forests with urban zones cut by wide centrifugal avenues as escape to the lavish vegetation of the old GDL downtown are not apparent to train travelers. The sedated but elegant UCCTS (Underground Cabaas Central Train Station) is reached after crossing a six km. tunnel from the Huentitan Gorge. Royko feels refreshed when he gets on a taxi chopper to go over Dews on San Isidro Hills. Traffic is hectic as usual in this 27 million people city, itll take them more than 20 minutes to get there from Cabaas Central, but finally the long journey of three hours and 45 minutes will be over. Royko as usual hates traveling

so this has been a very long ordeal for him, even after de reefer. Time seems to go on forever, he plugs into a percussive rock band playing soft and rhythmic AfroBrazilian songs, he gets a drowsy view of the city its ubiquitous parks that have improved the climate very much, an urban design as on Nordic or Alaskan cities: parks, housing, shopping, educational and business centers interconnected with huge roads for slug commuters. The remaining Colonial Down town has been respected in the sense that every street is a park on its own with al fresco restaurants and walkers areas where people stroll and if needed, they can go underground for fast electric transportation. Dews house is well located, and for being almost 20 years old its very well maintained. It looks older of course. It is meant to be a facsimile of and old hacienda house to the finest detail, from the Talabera tiles in the kitchen to the excess of the taller than life figures in the main living room, pre-Hispanic reproductions of colorful ocelots and mythological Aztec Eagle Knights in fine polychrome baked clay from Tonal. Dew, a long time resident of Euro-American origin, is aware of Roykos arrival as he swims in the pool with virtual dolphins. Now, Hes dripping water on the pink sandstone by the pool while drying himself. Gosh, I thought I would never get you out of the desert. Says as welcome as he extends his arms to give a strong hug to his friend and a soft rub in the neck as is the costume among close friends. His effusion is corresponded if not surpassed. Gee! I have to do it more frequently or not at all. This was a very slow train; I dont think we came faster than 250. Are we ready to smash town tonight? Who are you kidding? You deplorable married thing. Dont even cross your mind to go playing with the gents tonight. Big-sis may not let you out again, besides I have a recast eye connection to Mayiahs, so whatever these innocent eyes of mine see, shell see. Dew says playfully. Royko smiling and playfully retorts: dream on boy, if you were plugged to my lover woman Ill be kissing your eyes. But look, Im giving you the finger. Fucker! He says, as he laughs and dances grotesquely making the finger sign to his friend and both laugh at the joke. It shows that hes been out of town for a while. Late in the eve, they have been to several hangouts and he has not recognized a single old friendly face. All are new, or they might have been remade to youthful perfection. Bodies, bodies, and sweet smells of perfumed skins bleached or darkened to the extreme to enhance their silky textures. Plastic surgery is so omnipresent, handy and of such perfect technicalities in imitating dreams that dreamt perfection seems obviously bogus. The place is vast; still there isnt enough room for another skinny girl o guy to get in. The air coolers and extractors are to the highest power and a possible failure appears fateful for this crowd. Music is frenetic. The invigorated immense crowd is contorted and transfixed by sound. The music is so loud that it hurts as a whip to the ear. Roykos ears ache. After a while he seeks refuge in one of the secluded areas. The one he chooses is assigned to play Virtual Gladiators. The crowd is divided in an audience looking at huge 4-D scenarios projected center stage. The

performers, in glassed cabins, wear VR (Virtual Reality) helmets and are connected to neuro-tech gear as they fight ghosts and shadows. Royko is a spectator. A youth stands out. Handsomely, she expresses all her martial arts galore, amazingly elastic, arousing and deadly on the scenarios. Shes got the highest average point marks for the night as she swiftly dispatches her foes. Its mesmerizing to see her confront the program generated fighters, a master at shadow boxing showing off in a high class ballet act. Royko thinks of Mayiah and himself, so isolated from each other. Mayiah and her team work tunneling permafrost under the arctic tundra now carpeted with diverse types of moss, cotton grass and huge patches of purple arctic lupine or the miracle of alpine tiny tundra bloosoms under the bright, long days of arctic summer; she as well, might be feeling lonely too. He thinks of himself as going lonely back to his wasteland tower also far from everything and mostly far from everybody. Far from the warm human touch that he misses so much. Its a disturbing thought, to have it all and everybody at hand and yet to feel so utterly alone. He turns off his wandering mind and makes an anxious effort to concentrate on the slick movements of the fighter. This woman looks so near, right here. If the scenario were real, hed touch her; an action that seems too daring after what hes seen. Royko goes to the bar and orders a shot of water-lime spirit. Alcohol and other drugs are off limits in the premises. Bio-molecular drug detectors cant be fooled not even with hang over breath: Forget about coffee, ecstasies, dope or something stronger. The only drugs present and abundant are endorphins produced in the dancers brains by music and frantic emotions; looking at the crowd, this maybe the best of all drugs. Royko has got his drink and as he turns around, he finds himself abruptly facing the gladiator. The kick fighter is covered by sweat; she could be coming from a swimming pool. There is no towel to hand her. Royko offers his drink instead and a wide friendly smile. Her name is Vinz, shes from down under: SYD-AUS, just in passing to Puerto Escondido, and she loves big waves and jet surf; or as she says an adrenaline slicker. Royko bolts down his new drink fast; he cant believe what he feels. Hes being dragged on to the gals conversation, her eyes, lips, breast and hips; powerful magnets. Royko nervously says bye after talking to her for some minutes as if he just recalled and urgent and pending business. Actually, he is frightened of himself and somehow of those blue steel eyes. He looks for Dews crowd and joints them in their syncopated dance. Vinz, far in the distance sees him blend in the group and aloof, keeps her distance. As heedless as the others he also dances. The night goes on. It is early afternoon by Dews swimming pool. Royko is basking under a palm tree. A breeze is blown from high up the translucent photo cell ceiling. Dew is at his favorite activity: swimming with VR dolphins. Both wear their goggles and ear-pieces so they can converse as if they talked to each other ears. Royko comments, I met this fantastic fighter at the Virtual Gladiators Den last night. Is her name Loren by any chance? Shes been the winner for the last eight months asks

Dew. Hastily Royko answers. No, it is Vinz, with a Z at the end, as she herself introduced to me. Dews voice changes tone. Vinz? Vinz with a z at the end? Hum, I dont have a clear picture of this dish but I think shes into no fear jaded stuff, only high adrenaline sports. Ive heard only two things from several reliable sources: Shes weird and trouble. Please, keep away from her. She is creepy. Lets not talk about her. What do you mean Dew? She seemed incredibly nice and well mannered, besides being so attractive, to the point that I had to leave her, because I got the chills that I might like her more close than at a distance. As I said compadre, keep away from that fox. Ive some unpleasant things on her that definitely I dont want to dig in anymore ever. I wont get into that, just listen to your old bro. OK? Im signing off. Royko still watched for a while the ripples on the pools surface as Dew disappeared after his incorporeal dolphin. The mellow sound from the luxuriant vegetation stroked by the wind was making him sluggish. He wasnt in a talking mood either so he chose to take a snooze before they went out for his last night in town. Home seemed more that wanted after a weekend in the City. That day, late on the eve, they and four couples went to the posh but brash: Queens Mother Winter Palace on Vallarta Ave at la Venta. The fifteen or so guys that were the entourage of Royko and Dews old friends and couples came alive and diluted into the place. An hour had hardly passed when Vinz with a Z appeared. She was now in tight Navy blue thermally insulated leather pants and micro thin titanium fabric blouse; high heeled shoes made her appear taller and more stylized. Their eyes clicked at once, unwavering, frantic, as two men in a duel. Not friendly, not warm but an odd hypnotic trance in mutual consent. Vinz ignoring all the rest got to Him. You are not running away to check where your jet chopper is parked tonight, are you? She said as extended her hand in a clasp that electrified Royko. The touch might had been voltaic, or the work of witchcraft. But neither one would let go of the shake. Dew, annoyed, and the other guys pretended to ignore the new comer. He darted discrete signs to Royko. He meant that he should have understood to go away from the woman. Hi, Dream woman. Royko finally whispered as he tried to shake away the sight of Vinz. But it was utterly late. He was under her spell or better, as if both had fallen in mutual awe. Im pissed off at you Royko! I want you to leave earlier, please do. This was Dews blatant greeting, early in the morning; he had seldom if ever talked to him that way. The sentence ended dryly as he hurled noisily his unfinished toast on the plate. And as he left kitchen, he exploited: You knew darn well that you could do what you wanted, but inviting Vinz over to my place having I told that I didnt like her is preposterously stupid, just plain moronic! Royko not really feeling embarrassed of anything by his passed actions wouldnt say a thing. He kept looking into Vinz eyes who continued her breakfast as if nothing were going on, smiling candidly to him on the sly. But Roykos mind was awakening as he looked into Vinz dark blue eyes: Whats got into me? How come I got so drunk so fast? I can hardly remember a thing from last night. Why do I find Vinz so irresistible? Even if we just slept side by side I feel as if I had already betrayed Mayiah. Oh, what has happened?! A silent anxiety was growing in his mind that he could not express. They went into the

bedroom to get their stuff and a few minutes later were ready to leave. As a contrast the atmosphere was nonchalant. There were girls coming from the sun deck by the pool and others were still in the kitchen having a raucous chat. No one seemed to notice them or wanted to acknowledge their presence. Royko could not assert to say anything confused as he felt. Vinz waved them good bye. Once in a chopper cab, holding hands both appeared lost in thought, in their way to the train station through hectic traffic; once on the DS train due to el Paso Royko crashed into oblivion.

Hed never made love as he made love to the Dream woman. Never. Each time it was a new experience, a new dimension: Making love to her reminisced something an old lover had told him once long time before: The real thing, the real orgasm is like Death: as dying and not caring, not giving a jot. The world just fades away while you are one with your lover. A few days passed by, Royko began to experience a strange pain emerging as a dumb sense of a decaying tooth, as if he were getting sick with typhoid fever, as slowly painful as regret...After one restless night, Royko woke up at down calling Mayiahs name. He found himself confused holding fast to the slept lover at his side. He experienced shame and happiness in the oddest way. He felt sick and feverish. Nausea followed. From the mountains, the lights from the bathrooms window could be seen in the distance as a little square of light on the top of a distorted lighthouse. The blacken semi arid land contrasted with the bright starry night. To the east daybreak began to fade the navy blue sky into violet, pink, and flaming orange. Prickly cactus and Joshua trees seemed as moaning specters lifting their arms to heaven for mercy. What the heck!! Royko screamed, as he was coming into the toilet he touched something cold and flesh-like on top to the sinks counter, he caressed the light dimmer and the place became bright with light to the point that he could not see much either. What is this..? An eye..! Vinz there is an eye on the sink..! Oh God..! This is gross! Vinz! He was out of himself; he thought the worst could have happen. In a flash a human brain can think the memory stored in a PC! He went to Vinz, she was awake, and his retching and sudden screaming had startled her. Whats the big fuss about, are you sick? Do you need my help? Oh, the eye, never mind, its nothing to worry about. Nothing to worry about an eye on the sink, Royko yelled out of his wits. On my bedrooms sink there is an eye and we shouldnt worry? Whats going on Vinz? Whats going on?! Why is it there? Come on answer me? A few instants of silence followed from under the sheets Vinz sleepy voice could be heard: Calm down Roy, its mine, OK? Its mine! I though you knew. Now Royko wasnt really sure if he was listening right, his fever wasnt subsiding and he was standing there by the bed naked shaking and dazed. Astonished at the answer he was getting. He shouted: Show me your face! Out of the sheets two hands came out as during a hold up, Vinz face still covered. There on her right hand the index was missing. Royko approached and noticed at close sight little connections disguised as tendons, as muscles, as bone: it was a Cyber connection. Oh my... I never knew, it must have hurt, it never crossed my mind. He cried. From under the

sheet the voice said I though theyd told you, didnt they? Tell me what Vinz? They dont like me because of my accident changed all about me. Vinz youre not making much sense at all, and I feel very sick, my head is going to explode. What accident are you talking about? Royko, I had a JC accident, five years ago. She stopped hesitant, Vinz for the first time sounded defenseless, for the first time felt forced to share some inner secret, her reasons for hiding in some way were very different from pain. Meanwhile, Royko caressed her hands and whispered in the verge of tears to go on, pleading to know what happened. No one would dislike you just because you had a freak accident, and if it was a finger or an eye its not a reason for you to feel bad about it. Its me who should be ashamed... I feel an uncontrollable attraction to you. Im not sure I can call it love, but making love to you is astonishing. You know darn well, I have crushed the trust Mayiah had on me... I gave her my word I would to wait for her. Shell be back in two months and Im here clinging to you in our bed, regardless of all opposition from my friends, regardless of all logic and sane advice... Im sorry to drag you into my betrayal I feel so dirty... But you, you just had an unfortunate accident and I got frighten by a silly cyber eye that you will send to repair tomorrow. Im so ashamed! For the first time in a long time Roykos voice was clouded by tears, he tried to stop; he was running out of ideas. His thoughts were stallions rushing in his mind, looking down to the floor sorrowful he stepped closer to the big window to catch a glimpse of sunrise. At his back he heard an altered voice coming from the bed: Look at me, Roy look! Vinz last words sounded muffled, opaque as she carefully detached the micro electronic zipper of his half lower jaw. The voice you hear is computer generated; I lost my original upper face, as you can see part of my skull too. Royko turned around; he could not say a word he just kept on breathing hard as if encouraging Vinz to continue unleashing her body. Truth is that even my gender was changed. I was a male originally Vinz is my original name. My current genitalia, as my left tight are man made. Med-Technicians could rescue only my left leg and feet, nano surgery and electronic implants were installed. I signed for an experimental nano symbiosis that included experimental DNA gene alteration to reduce rejection to electronics and polymers. Something went wrong the original Vinz began to die, to fade and the polymers took over what was left over. There are several draw backs, one is that I must come apart for reconfiguration every two or three months for microchips and wiring replacement, its a boomer. Other more important hassle is that inside myself I now know that I`m not human in a strict sense. Some humans detect this is, then I use the high frequency brain stimulator, this causes people to feel attracted to me, makes them want to make love to me in an aura of bliss and nirvana. I am a computerized system that imitates human feelings and conduct, but the human part is lacking, it is senseless decaying as side effect from the DNA injected into each new cell that conform this new Vinz, the perfect woman that you think you love. Your dream woman is in genotype a male, I`m your Dream man Roy dear. The sad part of all this is I cant really feel love for any one be it a male or a woman, neither for you or anybody else. The part of my brain that felt emotions got lost in the accident and can`t be replaced. A microchip implanted instead is a high frequency stimulator that

has been shocking you into a sedated state and make you feel attracted to me, and eventually it will generate, as you are already feeling, a psychosis: madness. It has always happened, that is why you are having these terrible dreams and head aches. My system fakes emotions and mocks all possible feelings of a real person. Its programmed for me to feel sorry, but deep inside me Im just a machine. It does not make a difference any more. After my used up and worn out human feelings chip gets rebooted, Ill lose my imprinted feelings for you. But you will still love me or you will believe that, every time you touch me...It is ironic, isnt it? You be here alone with a new me that wont recognize you. And you will be lost in love with whom? There, he is astonished at the transformation of Vinz, who keeps on becoming fleshy, bloodless; body parts on white sheets. I cant believe this! Im in love with a machine. There isnt a human in her. I was seduced by her, his? Disguised loveliness that now horrors me. What is it in these body parts that looking human are talking to me through a technological device? Who is Vinz? What is Vinz..._ Royko screamed. And now results that while Ive loved you, you have been driving me crazy for real. And you knew itHeart broken, he cried silently. From the bed it could be heard echoing throughout the premises: Im your dream woman, remember? You love me Royko for what I really am, dont You? You do love me, dont you? Come on dream on with me, Im your Dream woman...! Vinz was a maze of fleshy parts that kept on moving on the bed as a snakes nest screaming at Royko from the top of its cybernetic lungs. Royko could not utter a word. He wished he could wake to a different reality. He felt his surroundings fading as if darkness were covering the first sun light coming through the UV protected screen-window. The strange humanoid form on the bed begging his love and telling him every time more as in a dream: Im your Dream woman Royko, arent I? or perhaps Your dream man! .Your dream man! From behind the Coahuila Mountains the flaming sun was coming into sight and a man was sliding helplessly into madness.

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